Please note, that as a Clair Cognisant, I have delivered this information as and when, and then added to it through extensive research and re intuiting my own Clair Cognisance. In my work, before I can complete my edit, Lemuria and Atlantis are the wrong way round. Lemuria is the sacred land that was destroyed. Atlantis was a place of genetic manipulation and inauthentic power. And, indeed, the introduction of the misogyny and female servant agenda for earth. 'The Handmaid's Tale', the culture of every single household on this entire planet. It is called Daughter. It is called (Junior) Wife. It is called Female. In other words, this present world's first 'reset'. The male takeover and the end of the world. Lemuria is effectively, therefore, 'Paradise Lost' and Paradise, to be regained. Atlantis can go to hell. Temujin Rao

Gold Order Seraphim versus The Fallen Angels :: To Take Our Rightful Place Back on This Foul Planet.

Gold Order Seraphim versus The Fallen Angels :: To Take Our Rightful Place Back on This Foul Planet.


  • The Chattel Wars of Ascension. Misogyny is the ownership of women. Male Supremacy is the Ownership of Women. Female (Mother +) Supremacy is the Ownership of Women. Mother Dependency is the Ownership of Women. Women must not be owned. The Chattel Wars of Ascension. Trophy Slaves or Cinderella Slaves. Chattel. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • I have dealt with The Fallen Angels. Men of vast entitlement, who believe that a Sexual Goddess is only for punishment and denial and imprisonment and slavery. Welcome to Earth. The planet of Rape. In a Multiverse of deliberate cruelty and abuse. I am a Goddess Exile. And I fight men. Don't pathologise evil. Evil must always be politicised. Do not see evil in any other way. Men hate women out of entitlement. There is no psychology involved. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The end of the Cinderella Slavery Psychosis of Political Violation on a Nephilim Earth. Women are human and women like me, the humanity of existence. Despite all the hatred :: Returning to the Source. Humanity, Humanity, Humanity, Humanity, Humanity and Humanity. All you need to become. Alchemy + Liberation + HUMANITY. The merging of Nephilim + Seraphim, despite the POLITICS of the false world. Temujin Rao ©
  • The World of Goddess Whores and Princes who court Goddesses and call them Whores. While Pretending to Want to Marry Them. The 'Twin Flame' Experience. Sex and Illusion. Illusion and Sex. Goddesses Are Born to Be Alone. It's called A Career. It's Called Being Human. Goddesses are both Human and Divine. Princes are not. Princes are the Thieves of a False Earth. The 'Twin Flame' Experience. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Human Rights. Courage + Courage + Courage + Courage. Alchemy + Liberation + Humanity. The New Ancient World of Superintelligence. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • I am a Twin Flame. My Destiny is Engineered, Celestially built, Celestially demanded, Unrequited Love. Sadism Misogyny will reform on this earth. Apparently. Really? 'And pigs might fly'. Welcome to the most complex path on earth. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The Celestially Backed Chattel Wars on a Filthy, Male and Nephilim, Male and Female Earth. 'The Handmaid's Tale' Nightmare. The Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Culture from Hell. There is no Love. There is only War. Go to War. Never be a Victim. Trust Nothing. Defeat Everything. We are stuck with them. This is still their earth and we are attached to them. What we do is the question. The Psychopath and Shaman War of Ascension. The Great War. Welcome to the most complex path on earth. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The Journey of Seraphim and Nephilim. 'The Sons of the gods and the Daughters of men.' The Story of True Love. The Twin Flame Path for a new and ancient Earth. 'Paradise Lost'. 'Paradise Regained'. The Ascension Wars for our Planet. The Armageddon Wars for Life. The Divine War for Love. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • My Business is Sex. Sex and Politics. I am a High Serpent Priesthood, Sacred Whore Goddess, Amazon, Philosopher, Clair Cognisant, Noetic, Warrior Leader of the Ancient Earth, returned. I deal with the male (and their female colluders) marauders of the false earth. 'The Patriarchal Tribe'. And my thesis is this: Men Want To Fuck Dead Women. Women Must Live. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • This is a life of Celestial Rape. A permanent war against Fascism - The Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Society - in a Divine Plan of Ascension from Hell. Earth is a planet of Rape and the Fallen Angels are the original Rapists. The Journey of Seraphim and Nephilim. And the Multiverse's idea of a joke. 'The Sons of the gods and the Daughters of men.' A life of barren waiting and fighting fascism. A Chattel of the Multiverse, come to sort out the shit. We are the Emerald Order. The real one. Temujin Rao © 2024

Lion. A Self Portrait + Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom (Thanks to outside source for original)

Lion. A Self Portrait + Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom (Thanks to outside source for original)
High Superconsciousness™, Supernatural Intelligence + Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence™. A Spiritual Intellectual of the Emotions™, using Spiritual Logic, Philosophy, Writing, Speaking, Imagination, Channelling, Thought and Clair Cognisance (Alchemically, Higher Wisdom From The Universe, Spiritual Intelligence). I am a genius who has been reared a chattel. And so are you. Female (and Male) High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™. It's real. And so are you, despite all that they tell you. There is an agenda of slavery on this Lemurian earth. And it is directed, completely, at us. But we are the genii in this world. We are not the mediocre elite. They are. And it is time to stop 'shooting ourselves in the foot' because we neither know who we are, or indeed, who they are. The slavers. The pseudo Empaths who use their gifts for evil. Control of another person. Control of women, who they truly believe they are superior to. Because they believe that the 'rape' model of life is sex. With no artistry or understanding of how to merge it with humanity and SEX. To them it is all the same thing and they will kill us dead before even being able to want to understand what they do and why. The men and women of this Lemurian cesspool of an earth. It is time to leave them and it is time to rise. It is time to be the elite again. As we once were. An elite, who do not believe in slavery. An elite, who have been slaves for 12000 years. Indeed, through our sex. Our nemesis. And of course love. Which we believe is normal. Women. The Light. I am a genius who has been reared as a chattel. And so are you. It is our world now. Join me. Become your Supersoul Self. Fight the slavers. Get rid of the chattel enslavement, however painful it is, and it is excruciatingly painful to turn it all around. How can it be not? But it's worth it. Our time has finally come. WE are the meek who need to inherit this stupid earth. Evil must die. Evil dies, by our rising. The good looking man? The virility to match our own? Amun Pseudo Priesthood of Corruption and Evil™. I truly wanted to be wrong. I wasn't. Rise. Abuse or genius. Your choice. Your chance to become, once again. Temujin Rao © 2016


  • Metaphysical Philosophy + Political Spirituality + Human Rights from the inside out :: Self Actualisation, Sexualisation and Human Rights. The Female Mind, the Mind of Light, back on this stupid and shallow Spartan earth, again for the first time in 6000 - 12000 years. 12000 years of male enslavement of The Species of Light. The unspoken slaveries of this planet, from both male and female Nephilim/Fallen Angel Seed. But all led by male. Institutionally backed gender violence of cruelty. Men. Men who want your mind, oh how gracious of them, but that mind is supposed to be just for them. Vocation has taken us back to the beginning. Women are supposed to be born for men. The Species of Light is meant to be born for The Dark. Nothing has come forward on this Spartan, male violence, planet. Earth is a plantation for men. Be an outlaw or be a slave. That is what 'a woman can't have it all' actually means. "Be my slave or fuck off. You should be grateful that you are allowed to use your mind at all. For me. What is your problem? Do you actually have needs? No, you are a woman. Here, for me." To be woman is extraordinary. To be attracted to a man is to find your killer. So, what the fuck is the point of that? Male Supremacy. It runs earth. It will never run my earth again. And neither should it run yours. Desire is the most barren emotion on this earth. Male Supremacy will always see to that. Male Supremacy can go fuck itself. My desire is now, just for me. Temujin Rao © 2018


  • The High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Goddess Monarch Society™
  • Hermetic Philosophy. Metaphysical Philosophy. Social Philosophy. Political Philosophy. Psychological Philosophy. Feminism Philosophy. Human Rights Philosophy. Anthropological Philosophy. Esoteric Philosophy. Alchemical Philosophy. Hermetic Philosophy. Temujin Rao © 2018
  • I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I 'mysticise' the Universe. I escape at will, the truth of my humanless, Samurai solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am philosopher. I am shaman. I am alone. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • Indigo Warlords. Atlanteans. Female (and Male) Higher Consciousness Beings on a Male (and Female) Lemurian planet of human slavery, dependency ridden abuse, and insane fascism. Evil. Normal Life on a Low Consciousness Earth. Stand Up For Your Rights. And Leave Everyone. Break The Matrix. Live. And Fight For Your Rights Until The Day You Die. You Are Atlantean. No Lemurian has any interest in our humanity or our pain. We are the only Beings of Love. So love. And live. And become. Temujin Rao © 2018
  • The macho intellectual consciousness passion and compassion of the visceral soul. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • The secret enemies of psychological warfare. From within and without. Bringing the darkness of evil into the light. Immense self belief, intelligence and courage, plus wizardry. In other words, 'naming it and shaming it and letting it go' and re-programming the mind from any belief to another. To evolve. Temujin Rao © 2012
  • In development. Editing my first book, after 12 + years of blogging and exploring my message and my voice. Writing my second book, and essays and lectures, as well as preparing personal development material to share my philosophies and experience. My subject is human rights :: revolution, primal intelligence, sexualisation, liberation, human rights, the right to be spirit and magic, and the female intellectual mind, the philosopher's mind, and how to be a successful outlaw on earth. The revolution of this new earth. We must take over this earth too. We are Beings of The Light. This world wants us to be slaves. Developing in very challenging circumstances. Physically, with a chronic rehabilitation disability, and emotionally, after being systematically abused by men for over a decade. Call it 'my first marriage'. Shaman, Mystic, Philosopher, Healer, Writer, Enlightener, Orator. I am a 27 + year trained High Mystic Initiate Graduate, and a Truth Mentalist Exorcist 'Black Molfar' Shaman of High Magic. I uncover shit. I uncover evil. I fight Mystical Wars. I win. I can show you how. Let me get ready. Temujin Rao © 2024

Goddess (Artwork)

Goddess (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

HETAERA. Snake Woman (Artwork)

HETAERA. Snake Woman (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • I have fought a great, great battle. Seraphim/Emerald Order is no longer raped by a Nephilim/Fallen Angel earth. The rest we shall see. Leadership training indeed. Warrior, lover, Valkyrie, Healer, Prophet and Seraphim/Emerald Order Queen. That is me. Warrior, lover, poet in training, and broken Agamemnon, woman beating warlord of filth and slavery, will he be. Seraphim/Emerald Order is firmly back on earth. Now, true love may just finally be. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Men Actively Hate Women Like Me. This Is The Story Of Why And How. Natural Born Mystic :: The Female Holocaust. Not All Heroines Wear Capes. Men Hate Women Like Me. No Woman Should Ever Believe That Male Hate Is Personal. It Is Politics And Nothing Else. The Politics Of Slavery. This Is Earth. The Planet Of Male Hate Of Any Woman Who Will Be Free :: Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I am a woman with vocation. Don't bother coming near me. I do not negotiate with men about the 'right' to be 'loved'. Temujin Rao © 2018
  • The Matrix mind is the tribe mind is the psychologically warfared mind is the ego mind that so wants to die and leave us alone. The soul is the higher mind is the purified mind is the re-educated mind is the de-matrixed mind is the real mind is the free mind is the mind without the tired ego. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • The return of magic on earth. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Love :: The Predator Journey Waits For Every Woman, And Every Man And Woman Of Atlantis On This Lemurian Planet. It Is The Nemesis Path To The Eventual, Holy Grail. Love. In Whichever Lifetime You Are To Experience It. It Is First Though, The Baptism Of Fire, For Liberation, Individuation, And Reversing All Abuse On Earth. Loving Creeps. The Mortals Who Are Addicted To Female Gods. And Who Will See Us Dead Before They Actually Love Us At All. The Predator Journey. Waiting For All Women. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Stronger That Women Become, As Is Our Human Right, After 12000 Years Of Forced Slavery, The Meaner That Men Get. How Is This Not Possible When The World Reveals This Political Truth Everyday? The Self Esteem And Self Development Of Women Must Not Have Anything To Do With Men Anymore On This Present Planet Of Low Consciousness Cruelty Of Conscious Evil. Men Are For Sex And Take Years To Even Deliver That. Love Is A Vision. And Not For Anyone Else. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Men are slavers and predators. And we are brought up to believe that they are protectors and lovers. The true life. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Evil will always win. Temujin Rao © 2017

SHAMAN High Priestess. The Power of Earth (Artwork)

SHAMAN High Priestess. The Power of Earth (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Writings :: The Letter Series :: Ascension Discourse on Love Pt XXVlll :: The End of Argument. The End of Discussion. The Empathy Series. Mastery of The Two Worlds Vlll. Re Writing The Human Race lV. Sex + Love. Amera Ziganii Rao

Goddess Life Vl (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Writings :: The Letter Series :: Ascension Discourse on Love Pt XXVlll :: The End of Argument. The End of Discussion. The Empathy Series. Mastery of The Two Worlds Vlll. Re Writing The Human Race lV. Sex + Love. Amera Ziganii Rao

Update on Love. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Carry on. Grow. Love. Be kind. Love women. You know you do. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014


(nice. choice. integrity versus the rest. humanity or violence...AZR)

Juice is a 1992 American crime drama film that stars rapper Tupac Shakur and Omar Epps. Additional cast members include Jermaine "Huggy" Hopkins, Khalil Kain, and Samuel L. Jackson; the film features cameo appearances by Queen Latifah, EPMD, Special Ed, Ed Lover, Doctor Dré, Flex Alexander, Fab Five Freddy, Yo-Yo, Donald Faison and Treach. The film was directed by cinematographer Ernest R. Dickerson who has directed and written other Hollywood films such as Surviving the Game and Bulletproof as well as some television series such as ER and The Wire.

The film touches on the lives of four black youths growing up in Harlem. It follows the day to day activities in the young men's lives starting out as innocent mischief but growing more serious as time passes by. It also focuses on the struggles that these young men must go through everyday as well such as police harassment and their families.

The film was shot on location in New York City mainly in the Harlem area.


Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Writings. Passion. Amera Ziganii Rao 

....that's great. Carry on. Work on this now. I may look powerful, I may be powerful indeed in all the ways you see. I am not powerful as a woman. I am a woman. You are a man. To be a skilled Dominant of any kind is to be able to take responsibility for the kind of leader you are and that you were born to be. And also, the generic path to completion. To defend the meek, to help the vulnerable and to love with kindness and PROTECTION. Dominants want to violate and protect at the same time. To gratify and to self gratify. Sex is your art form. I am your actress. This is your show. How good you do is how good an artist you want to be. Sex, the power dynamic of man and woman and life. Your art forms. The kind of artist you become, are becoming is up to you. You have the gift. The rest is up to you. 

I do paper, I do the unseen, I do art, I do my work. I do many many things. As a woman, I am in your show. As a woman, I want to be in your show. Show me what you want to do with that. Embrace the responsibility and know you are worthy of it. You have humanity at last. You have found it. Now, fly with it. What kind of world do you want to create for your star? For your Lolita? What do you want to do with your love? With YOUR love? 

What do YOU want to do with passion? As in sex, as in life. As a man to a woman. As a woman to a man. The love. The friendship. The dance. The love. The sex. The power. The love. The CARE. 

How caring are you as a Dominant Sado Masochistic Master? How good are you? Being a cruel Dominant is the easiest thing in the world. Being a confused Dominant is the easiest thing to do. As life is sado masochistic, this is not new to you. You've been doing it for almost 50 years. 

Like being a submissive as a neurotic, or love addict in over dependence and self castration. Those are my art forms. I shine. What about your artistry? How good are you? How much do you care for what you want to so deliciously violate?  In other words, what are the perks of being your submissive? :) 

Carry on. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 #

If women could sleep their way to the top, there'd be a lot more women at the top--Gloria Steinem 

What you seek is seeking you. Rumi 

For you. AZR 

Love me when I least deserve it because that is when I really need it. Swedish Proverb 

Precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience you must find yourself at war with your society. James Baldwin 

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." -- William Shakespeare

Writings. The Bloodshed of Ascension. Human Rights. Love. (The Stockholm Syndrome). Amera Ziganii Rao

So, a good time for this piece again. See it in the context of sexuality. Sado masochism, as I am symbolically using it for now, without their terminology or references, is, done well, the healing of the abuse dynamic on earth. The process you are in now is purification. Purification of the 'profane' into the 'sacred'. With no previous references to those two words, other than one. Cruelty is bad. 

At the same time, cruelty has a vast remit in sex as in anything. Some would say passionate sex, per se, is cruel. Frankly, I think the whole world thinks sex, per se, is cruel. As you flow in your new sexuality, just play with it. The sexuality, that is, for now. 

Purification is contemplation really. If it feels right, it will stay. If it doesn't it will go. The reference to the Stockholm Syndrome however answers your questions. Stay with the sex and the control and dominance, rather than the bullying, woman hating or old rages against the world, namely, women, and namely, above all, The High Priestess. You are using this to enter the vortex of your rage and anger and hate. You want to purify that anger and hate, into the passion and 'rage' of anger. 

Then the sex becomes therapy. But purification has to accompany the process otherwise it ends up being a stagnant wank of impotence. As it were. All rage and no sex. That's rape. All 'rage' and passion. Containment and freedom. Freedom and containment. That is sex. It is also tantric sex. Delaying orgasm, by being in the sensuality, rather than the violence. 

The penetrator does not have to carry a blade. Soldier gear needs to be checked at the door. Sado masochism is the passion, control, power dynamic and dominance and compliant as a sexual type. 

The politics of the power dynamic is explored through love. Everything you want is possible. It just has to be done with love and as you symbolically re address your hate and rage to turn it into the legitimate of passion, you turn the politics into the sex. That is healing. The both, done with love. Rage, with love. Passion. Debasement with love. The sex of the healing. And so on. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014


Research comes in all forms. A nice, perverse take on your struggle. I'd say a fundamental part of our work. Werewolves and Nymphs indeed. Think devouring instead of your 'Agamemnon' unhealed hatred of women. That. you can keep to yourself. It is the Executioner's challenge. And genuine and clearly, generic. Carry on. You know my tastes. Align the violence into sex. Much nicer. The virility of ownership and devouring, as opposed to the cold hearted bastard who wants to kill women and who has forgotten love. Hate, and being the Roman Empire Drone, to passion. To Werewolf, for real, as it happens. AZR 


Re Writing The Human Race. Amera Ziganii Rao 


Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 

And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig-leaves together and made themselves aprons. 

And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day; and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. And the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him, Where art thou? 

And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. 

And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Has thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat? 

And the man said, the woman whom though gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou has done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. 

And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust thou shalt eat all the days of thy life; and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. 

Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. 

And unto Adam he said, Because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and has eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat bread, til thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return. 

And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. 

Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skin, and clothed them. And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. 

Genesis 3 

Genesis. Amera Ziganii Rao 


….so. I’ll tell the process in a minute. The finding is this. The violence and hatred of the rage of men against women, the non primal version, the version that in sexuality is mastered into both primal and political violence is not about the power of women. NOT about the power of women. That rage and violence and sheer brutality and hatred, is fear. 

Men beat women, in a non S&M (both role play and therapy for both the man and woman) style, because of FEAR and not jealousy of power or vanity about being shown up. That cocktail is of course generic and it is because of all those reasons. The essence of reason is not that. The essence of reason is as far removed from being afraid of a female’s power or jealous of her hunter/financial equality and prowess and drive, as anything could be. 

The FEAR, the fear that is evoked by women of Eve, women like myself, is very very clear. And it is all in these extraordinary, world transforming words, bandied around by a group of reptiles on this horrifying planet called earth. What is called Genesis. 

What is the fear? First of all, fear is hate. We hate what we fear. Men hate women. Men do not just hate women, because of their fear of loss or their fear of abandonment or any of the usual psychological reasons. Men do not just hate women because they are afraid they will lose them if they are abusive towards them, in other words the generic fear we all have in the inability to love and indeed, even when we do know how to love. Men hate women because they are afraid of……punishment by the Draconian god. A man. The Wizard of Oz. 

Men hate women because they are afraid of punishment by the Draconian wizard of oz, or ‘God’ as he is commonly known, not GOD, The Great Mother, The Universe, The Triple Goddess, The Womb of Creation, because ‘God’ has told Adam very clearly what will happen. 

That order is in every man’s psyche on this planet. The High Priestess violator is the Sacred Pimp, is the S&M Master is the hot hearted man is the macho, in its beauty of truth. A man who is no longer afraid of the consequences, as meted out to him on high in a book called Genesis that is integrally integrated as the ‘word of God’. 

Every single male and female outside the temple, who is not the Eve archetype, who is Adam or the female Adam archetype, is programmed, not just to hate women, is of a type that does not just hate the power of the High Priestess while coveting it, and any of these surface hatreds, is not just programmed to subjugate the High Priestess, is not just primed to subjugate her (or a male priest to a certain extent) because he or she can, every single male and female outside the temple is programmed to DESTROY Eve. 

The serpent comes to Eve. What is the serpent? The serpent is either me or Her. The serpent is either a priestess, a High High Priestess, an outside, unseen world, guide from The Universe, or SHE herself. Eve. Who is Eve? Eve IS consciousness. Actually, so is the serpent. And so of course is The Tree of Life. What is the The Tree of Life? The Tree of Life is me. What is The Tree of Life? The other kind of sex? The Temple, where sex and consciousness takes everyone to personal power and empowerment and a state of bliss? Where the priesthood of female shared wisdom both intellectually and viscerally and sexually? Or is The Tree of Life, The Triple Goddess? The Universe. Is the serpent and the Eve the Hierophant? Me? 

You get the picture. The reptilian agenda are brilliant storytellers. It’s in my genes, the part of me that is reptile. I have also learnt long and hard by studying the war people of this earth. You. Great storytelling of anything. Other than what is missing. Kindness. Humanity. GOD. 

That’s my department. Human rights. Love. Kindness. Humanity. The will to love. The will to wisdom. The will to self crucifixion instead of shitting on someone else. The morality of the world. Eve. The serpent. The Tree of Life. 

So, the wizard of oz comes along and tells Adam, that he will give him the knowledge of good and evil and the ability to live in the present, AS LONG AS HE DOES NOT TASTE OF THE TREE OF LIFE. 

Adam has been paid off. Adam is always paid off. Now, this is not said in judgment. What has come out for me in my communing and questioning, is many things. 

Your rage is fear. Fear of punishment. You punish ‘too much’ ie, go into homicide against women, because you are terrified of punishment, yet guilty as fuck for what you do. And what you do is both rape women emotionally or literally and you then deny them and then you punish them for that guilt. And for being paid off, in the face of a fascism that gives you no choice. In other words women make you feel ashamed. Ashamed for your lack of integrity against the evil powers that be, while yearning for love from those you betray. Adam. 

Fear evokes sympathy in me. Your fear of retaliation tells me that your violence and hatred as a people are also without spiritual power. It is without spiritual power, because you kill Eve. You don’t want to. That’s why I am here. 

Sort of thing. This is why the arena has to be so public. The mistress is the transformative ascension therefore, because Adam finally tells the wizard of oz to fuck off. Then, you transpose that to being a small son. Your sisters looked to you. You were paid off. Brothers are always paid off. You hate the sisters because you know that they know what you did. 

Guilt. Now, we go back to Agamemnon. Agamemnon, through his own lack of wisdom and terror of retaliation, ie having no power I presume, the Aegean sea, murders personally, his own eight year old daughter. And then takes it out on Helen of Troy in the most profane way that men hurt women. That men hate women and show their hate. 

Helen of Troy is an Eve. She is both love and consciousness. Well, would be if she had been given access to what I have been miracle into in this life. The girl is also an Eve. Innocent. Female. Nymph. Young. Vulnerable. In your care. 

Agamemnon rapes Helen of Troy so brutally because the conditioning of Adam is your creed. Change that creed. You get to love Helen of Troy or Eve or me or any female or male like me, with love and the mastery and THERAPY of the violence and hate of Adam. Adam is Agamemnon is you. All the yous. The Werewolves. 

The hatred towards my kind, the latent, so well wrapped up sickness towards my kind, in the desperate love is this confusion. Adam gets to know good and evil, he gets access to knowledge and what is THEIR consciousness, as long as he KEEPS KILLING EVE AND KEEPING HER SILENT. 

That is the story of my life and anyone  like me. The first 20 years of my adult life was about not speaking at all. Like all my kind. 

It is not even the financial competition for instance that is the problem. It is VISIBILITY. The accomplished female keeps it all in the home. 

And so on. That will trigger for sure. Just read the passage. What is the tree of life? Me. What is the serpent who is seditious and curious and courageous? Me. What is Eve? ME. What is the whore of the whore and Madonna? The women you are programmed to destroy, hide, be ashamed of and just shut up through any means, including holding ransom in a tower, with who I am now going to call your second cousin as the forced flatmate above. It is all part of the same thing. 

Your fear of the fathers. Your fear of the father. And your fear of THE ‘Father’. The Draconian wizard of oz. 

There has been a forcefield veil over this earth for at least ten thousand years from both my research and my communing/Clair Cognisance so far. Eve only needed that to be lifted. The year it was lifted, was the year my journey began in full force out of nowhere. 

And I progressed further in my own self knowledge today. Eve is not just a Hierophant in the sense of being a philosopher who acquires knowledge and then interprets it with the use of imagination. We ARE consciousness. 

All I had to do was to be found and lift off occurred. I need a great deal of knowledge, but I use it like smarties. One line in a book will trigger off whole books in me. Eve IS consciousness. That is why we are the most dangerous human beings on the planet. 

And what was it that made them feel naked? What does that mean? It means self awareness, self knowledge. What does a philosopher or prophetess or prophet ask first? Who am I and who are You? What do you think would be the questions that a false ‘divinity’ would like to silence? 

Eve is the most dangerous female on the planet and all males like her, because we want the truth and because we ARE truth, consciousness and The Universe. We know the truth. The forcefield or whatever it was, plus lifetimes of making me into a whore or a wife or a mother or a daughter or any female, took away all my knowledge. It’s also under The Vatican, safely locked away. And all the ancient libraries destroyed.

I got it back and am every day with both the forcefield lifted and the vast remit of all knowledge that is available, if you look. I live a miracle in my shoe box with your second cousin. I live Eve. 

Stop fearing the fathers, go up against the biggest fathers of them all, both ‘God’ and SOCIETY and you will stop wanting to beat women, hide them, make them less than you, stop being afraid of them, for their great wisdom and care and love and know who the real mothafucka of an enemy is and finally, finally, finally and finally, stand up for what is right. Eve and her right to commune. Eve and her right to sex. Eve and her right to love. Eve and her right to her power. Eve. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

….exactly. The visibility and the very true fact that I am going up against your father. Forever. Your ‘father’. All of them. I am Eve. An Eve archetype. They have written me out of the human race and cursed me to lovelessness or complete domestic slavery. He ain’t my fucking father. None of them. I knew that at the age of eight. Even with the forcefield in place. I looked inside Christianity and Islam and Judaism (as eight year olds do – Eve -) and I thought, and who is this talking to? Because it most certainly is not talking to women. It is saying absolutely nothing to me. 

So, Adam. Who is Adam and who is Eve? The sons of gods and the daughters of men. You are terrified of YOUR fathers. They are not mine. My fathers are the male priests and female priests who bore me on earth. Now, we are all reptile and human. I was earth. You were Mars. Mars is reptile. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. For sure. Werewolf and Nymph sex makes me run for you. Your companionship makes me run for you. You make me run for you. Like all groups, there is a group of the reptiles that is pissing on me. That is pissing on you. That is pissing on all of us. You serve them, genetically as well as psychologically and sociologically. You have to kill the KILLER within you. The reptile DNA if you like. The bad kind. Keep the good kind. That is the sex. That is the hunter and that is the king. The rest, give back to them. 

And for that, you have to face them, first in you and then in them. Integrity is being born. Stand up for it because YOU believe in it. Because, let’s just say, you want to eat from The Tree of Life, you want to talk to the serpent yourself and you want to love and fuck and love Eve. Do it. All the Eves across the world wait for you. We have been waiting a very very very long time. The veil is lifted. Now, the truth has to be seen. And for that, can we not be at last, truly, for something, grateful? 

The Triple Goddess. She wants us to have sex, be kind and be powerful too. The Draconian wizard of oz? Kill your daughters and your sons (Abraham) and make sure you destroy that bitch Eve in every single second of every single part of your daily existence. Otherwise you die. Love, ‘God’. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

The Triple Goddess. She wants us to have sex, be kind and be powerful too. The Draconian wizard of oz? Kill your daughters and your sons (Abraham) and make sure you destroy that bitch Eve in every single second of every single part of your daily existence. Otherwise you die. Love, ‘God’. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

…totally. It is all devastating. This is not the female holocaust, it is the holocaust of Eve. It is also the holocaust of the world and my own stamina to take it in is sorely weak. Face that, face the terrors and the endless need to stand up for ourselves in this truly, horrifying world, and then soar. Fuck them. The biggest decision of anyone’s life. What do you want, what do you believe in and who will you ‘kill’ to get it, even if you have all the love in the world for them, and what obstacles will you overcome? Agamemnon did it literally. Real priesthood interpretation shows the esoteric truth. We do have to sacrifice our nearest and dearest. We do have to make decisions that stay with us forever. We do have to fulfil our karma. The question is what is it? Duty or the duty to find Eve? Why do you have the dilemmas you have and how do they fit in with the truth? Are the daughters you have, the daughter you or your kind killed? We move on very profound, reincarnation, memory of the real earth levels. What is the whole thing about? Mark Anthony. Every single story in history, especially biblical is always about a Mrs Simpson fucking up the world for an Edward. Why? Ask the real questions. Who is really to blame and what is your relationship with CONSTRUCTIVE NECESSARY SACRIFICE GUILT TO change things for EVERYONE for the better? How much do you serve YOUR central self? Your soul. Do you serve your soul or do you serve the wizard of oz? How much do you want your dreams and how hard are you willing to fight for them? Every day I stay alive in this present torture is your answer from me. Every day I turn up to this, I answer that question. Every day I forgive I answer that question. Evey day I fight for the truth, I answer that question. What about you? Where is the courageous brother? I have never seen one yet. I am now hopeful. 

They run your life. Do you like that? 

Do you believe in the wizards of oz or do you believe in the real wizards. The daughters of (kind) men. And the priesthood to a kind Divinity. A ruthless and existential one, yes. But a kind and humane and moral one. A Divinity that loves men as much as it loves women. Oh my does Divinity love men, but we won’t go there. Fear. Fear makes us so logical and intellectual and stupid. Men hate women, because they fear their fathers. That is your slavery. And I that you make us your slaves, colluding to your fathers. A big responsibility. You are big men. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Goddess Life l Pt lll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Update on Love / Re Writing The Human Race. Amera Ziganii Rao

And of course, killing a woman's vocation, obstacling her, getting in her way, pressurising her, emotionally blackmailing her, not supporting her, not listening to her, not encouraging her - or actually, discouraging, even if no woman needs pampering all the time about her work....discouraging, not taking seriously, not giving the BROTHERHOOD that Simone de Beauvoir so beautifully named for me...and the like? All dependency. Misogyny is both dependency, ie, love sickness out of love addiction out of love dependency, but it is also colluding in each moment with the Eve killers. With your fathers, even if it is you who benefits. They paid you off. You abused us and called it love. Get it out. Get it out now. 

THAT is the only thing standing between you and happiness. Nothing else. The Eve killing agenda and how you are programmed to destroy women. You want to love them. Get it out. 

And to put more weight on it, your alchemy tonight, which speaks with suitable urgency, Who is more needed or more important in this world of carnage, misery and pain, then the lost priesthood? The female priesthood? 

Exactly. Important or not important, woman is vocation + sex + love too. Woman is also Priesthood. That is important. The companion to Eve of any kind, to any Eve is worthy. 

That takes serious thought. 

What also takes serious thought is this. Do you not want me to be happy or is it only your happiness that counts? Exactly. That is not love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014  

I want achievement and money. And no man wants that for me. You don't have to. None of you have to do anything. It's done. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Carry on....face it. Get it out. Shift that mothafucka. It's cold here.

...kind virility. Good combination that. Kind virility. Kind, honest, healing, kind, being ready for love, virility. Nice. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Update on Love / Re Writing The Human Race. Amera Ziganii Rao 

There is a word you can focus on for sure. Masochism. Kind virility takes masochism in a male. For a sado of the sado masochism, for a sadist, for a non Temple, for a Mars archetype, to become a true master, the word is masochism. 

The humility of masochism for you is the discipline of mastering your emotions. 

In sexual terms I guess it's like this. It is the empathy of the master over the sub, when he or she knows that the sub has to be looked after, that is the integration of the empathy of masochism. 

The empathy of masochism comes through self experience. The self experience is the mastery of all emotion. 

Mastery of all emotion is only the NEGATIVE ego. The positive ego is the ego that is mastered, so the TOOLS of the ego, from the sex to the drive for any action to the drive for power, to the drive for leadership, for attention, for purpose, for achievement, for ORGASM, can be DRIVEN. Which actually means you can finally feel confident and let it go, let it run you as it once did as a child. Watching the negativity all the time, so never the same, but with awareness. Once the mortal husk is gone or the equivalent, the awareness will hurt, the disciplining definitely hurts, but the whole thing finally becomes an art form, instead of the sickness that rules this entire world. You are finally centred, certain and able to take normal ‘stumbling’ steps, instead of being in a permanent state of terror. Ego, the mortal husk, the negative ego is terror. That is why it has to go. Terror, judgment, excuses and all that makes up resistance. Resistance to what? Love. To either love or BE in a state of love. Love takes DISCIPLINE AND PUSHING OUT THE MORTAL HUSK OR EQUIVALENT TRANSFORMATION STATE THAT TAKES YOU INTO PEACE, COURAGE AND ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR SOUL ONCE AND FOR ALL. AS A STATE OF BEING. 

Then the positive ego is in control. The negative ego is dead. The nastiness. The cruelty, not the filth. The positive ego still wants and wants too much, but this can finally be handled, with the same disciplines that have made you a Jedi, a person on earth who has killed their killer. Dead. 

I have been a Jedi for 5 years completely and a first Jedi for 8 years. The first time I successfully transformed judgment, terror, total belief that I was not loved unless I was reassured and so on. The first time I successfully integrated completely that it was not the person, but the issue and the issue was my trust and will to risk. To try and use my imagination and go further with the conflict in front of me. To take the risks to reach out. 

The negative ego kills. The positive ego sexes. The negative ego resists. The positive ego loves. The negative ego is silent with lack of forgiveness as a state of being and no trust and terror. The positive ego gives it a try. The positive ego connects. The positive ego is ready to become visible. The positive ego is finally happy to be here on this shit planet called earth. Fully, completely and courageously. Getting out of the way. Killing the negative ego again and again until it goes. Saying no to your worst best friend. Masochism. Saying goodbye to many more people than you ever intended. Saying goodbye to yourself. 

Now, of course, there is absolutely no doubt that it is an extraordinary painful and infuriating anti climax. Enlightenment is ego’s biggest disappointment, says Wayne Dyer. It is not only the ego’s devastation, it is the positive ego’s devastation too. Because the process never fucking stops. It is not as if enlightenment or healing makes everything perfect. What it makes perfect is the PROCESS OF ALCHEMY. The magic is yours. 

Talking of which, the serpent is The High Priestess right? Satan, the gateway to the devil, Hekate, Lilith, Kali, the woman who eats babies and all that sort of thing? The serpent is the one told that it will have to be flat on its belly in the dust. 49 years and still counting. The serpent is not only The High Priestess on earth. It is ALL people of magic. 

The serpent was condemned to poverty, isolation, condemnation, ostracistation and hatred. All people of magic, to use the term in BBC TV’s Merlin have been condemned to that. Of course, most of us are women. And if we are men, we suffer the same problem. How to be moral in a world of abject amoral cruelty. The serpent is me. The serpent (our mutual Chinese sign is Snake) is also you. It is also everyone on earth who wants to live and who has magic. What is magic? The knowing. 

What gets in the way? You. Getting out of the way is getting out of the way with the sicknesses of earth and it is re-entering Eden and being the serpent. Becoming magic again. Becoming the knowing and taking the responsibility for what that means. What your kind as a total, may have – because of our absence too – have never taken responsibility for in all your facisms and cruelties and withholding and denials and basically everything that makes up either George Bush or Hitler. Same thing. Masochism. Masochism for self crucifixion as a way of life, in order to master the wealth of passion and emotion that you carry. 

You’ve never had the knowledge. Neither did I. I can see how as a sub and as all the things on this shitty planet that I have been asked to endure, masochism is the mastery. Sadism is my mastery too. I went to war. I had to learn war. I began in 1993 and am just about done. Sadism as a weapon of love for love over war. Fighting fire with fire, with love. 

You’re still talking to me. It worked and as I see how much a man or Werewolf needs leadership and guidance so much, the respect is totally there. What is not there is your dominant’s right to sex with a sub. You do not do masochism. You cannot be with that dynamic unless you have mastered masochism. That is the empathy and if you use the analogy as always with life, you don’t get to love unless you get to suffer. Suffering is the self crucifixion. You crucify yourself anyway. You carry ego and it makes you miserable. As well as me. Why not suffer for a good purpose instead? 

Suffer for love. Be the masochist, learn that discipline over greed, selfishness, cruelty, projection, blame, etc, etc, and become a master of YOURSELF before you become a master of someone else. Then you will find motivation. It is an art form. Masochism for sadism. Sadism for masochism. The whole. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

...absolutely....the more you crucify yourself (Christ style, which is what the story is really about, esoterically, spiritually and fundamentally...before the resurrection....where do you think you are at?) the more you are careful about crucifying anyone else. The cruel have to be cruel to themselves, so they are not cruel to others. That is the lost knowledge and we ALL have to do it. That is what I have been doing every day for 8 years. And it fucking hurts. And that is why within my ‘sadism’ training, to become warrior, to become the dark to go with my immense light, I demand it out of others. Why should I crucify myself, while you or she or he doesn’t? You? This is about the ultimate intimacy. The rest one can be more tolerant and avoidant of, let’s face it. Intimacy demands healing. Living with someone, loving someone, demands intimacy. True love is true intimacy with both people having self crucified sickness out of themselves and knowing how to do it on a daily basis. 

A tall order. We are in ‘immediate transformation times’, ie, Ascension remember. Work hard. Reach out. Love. Get here. It’s still cold and my training in the darkness is over. I want the light. Your light. Your dark light. Crucify and resurrect. 

Now, a moment of caution. Crucifixion is a literal term. To face yourself, which I know you have been doing more and more, is the final confrontation with ‘the devil’ within. The one that will kill you DEAD before it goes. It is the final scene David Fincher’s Fight Club and nothing less. It will and is taking everything you have. Carry on and that final shift will happen and what is it you are looking for? The will and ability to love. To have love for me. 

Sexual love is our addiction. Sexual love should be everyone’s addiction. Sexual love and consciousness are the only two things that matter to anyone. Sexual love, sex and who the fuck we are. Sex and consciousness. The slave order squashed them out of the human race with me. And fortunately, without me. 

Face that sexual addiction. I have been incarcerated my whole life for that one thing. Both the addiction and the protection. I needed protecting and I am sick of it. I am also over the final hurdle of that. Your unleashing, unleashed the final crucifixion. In soul. For that. It is a huge machine of GOD. Having to be wielded in a mastery of magic. That is discipline. And that is why I know that need can never be love. And I train myself, in this cold and terrible place, to not need. So that when I am ‘allowed’ to need, I can need all I want. 

I will term this whole thing, but that is the process in my way of many different teachings. Self crucifixion is the only right to life. Now, I speak of mastery. You want to love me and you want to be a Jedi. You want to feel that permanent courage, and a permanent state of bliss with The Universe. As you may recall, in Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Stages of Love, the seventh stage is bliss with God. 

Bliss with God is enlightenment as a couple. An enlightened couple who can master their own emotions, including first and last, the sexual addiction. 

We have been denied a long time. I have been denied love a long time. The self crucifixion has paid off. Through the sheer torture and ability to kill (the ego) I have only taken sex and love into bigger, vaster, and more exciting realms. It doesn’t feel like that in ego. We like gangster. Gangster comes back. After the love. And then it truly is ‘gangsta LOVE’. Then it is safe and then it is love. A Dominant cannot dominate anything without dominating himself or herself. And the domination is self crucifixion. You beat yourself up enough, let’s just put it another way, you will never be tempted to ‘lose control’ with another human being. You will carry your own bruises. That is mastery. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

.....interesting line, I just happened to read.....”For the Christian, we are, if anything, the self-originating source of sin; hence, our only hope of regaining any contact with goodness is by dying to ourselves.” 

(Philosophical Myths of The Fall. Stephen Mulhall) 

And yet of course, no one does it. It did not exactly come to me voluntarily either. I was called early. I have also been flat on my stomach my whole life. My life called. 

The general idea of spirituality and even religion is true. It is endless suffering and humility. The personal development revolution through so much of what I have experienced told me that I was sick. Religion teaches harsh discipline, austere emotion, no sex and above all, no love for women whatsoever. 

The good news is that your levels of discipline then are as phenomenal as mine. Of course they are. I know who you are. Take that level of slavery discipline to a world of stupidity and evil and make it yours. 

And you can start with this. Sit down with a notepad. Ask questions. How do you feel? What is it you want? What do you have to do to get to what you want? And then face what the answers are for the last time. They are the same answers as they were 7 years ago. And they are not. Assess, analyse, pro and con, shift the emphasis, take it deeper. 

Our greatest disappointment is that love and fun and sex and emotions are the most lethal thing we are involved in and it all takes a gargantuan and daily amount of work. That is the ego in rebellion. Kill that, get rid of that, viscerally, emotionally and FINALLY and you will do it. Face the discipline to love and you will live. 

In other words, crafting hedonism. Self crucifixion is to purify the hedonistic, selfish, craving, uncaring, ONLY sexual escapist. To purify that is to take it into reality. That is what hurts. And don’t we know it. It hurts because we are both afraid and resentful. Deeply resentful and sure that what we want is out there, however much we want what is in front of us and however much we have worked for it. 

Crafting hedonism. It has nothing to do with the other person. It has, to the levels it goes up or down, for sure. This is soul love. Spiritual love. Spiritual partnership. The real, true love. True love for ego is not this. This is downright tedious, boring and takes too much. Yes. You take too much from me. You are in ego. I am in soul. 

When you are in soul, you will see that and you will do it with urgency. Ego traps you under its weight of self indulgence and escapism and a BELIEF system. The pain of the self crucifixion is giving up a belief. We are that emotional and that passionate and that violent that it is crucifixion. It’s supposed to be. 

Now, whether ego came from the reptile thugs or not, or it is because of 10 thousand years of slavery for all of us, or whatever, it doesn’t matter. Ego is the poison that has been given to us and that has seduced you into cruelty and escapism and dehumanisation. I am cold. You don’t care. You only care about you. That is ego. 

Carry on. Make the list. Be methodical. And this time, say yes. Yes, you are sick of it too – the barren life of barren dreams - and yes you want to love, whatever it is that you have to do. That is true love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

.....or put it this way. Men are sex. Women are love. I never used to agree with that statement because of the sexuality of non sexuality that is forced on women all over this entire planet. But it’s true. Now, there would be no problem if you were just sex, ie no care, and just primal drive and need and the like. But you own the world. Your political drive in sex should be as strong in life. That is the analogy. 

You have to care today, you have to give freedom today and you have to watch your world be criticised, because your world has no human rights and I do human rights. That’s it. And for that, you have to go up against the forefathers, before you can have sex. That is true love. Sacrifice. 

Anyway, clocking off. Pace and time before I start begging you. Keep at it. You have both our lives in your hands. The world belongs to you. My purpose is to be in your care. I serve my purpose. The saving of your soul. Finding it again. Fighting for your soul. And my life. 

I self crucify, flat on my belly. I am the serpent. Crucify yourself and live. Crucify yourself and have sex. Crucify yourself and love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Goddess Life X (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Sacred Leather 

Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is when you use the whole chicken. Edge Play is when you do piercings with the bones! Sacred Leather 

"The only 'unnatural' sex is that which you cannot physically perform." Alfred Kinsey 

Slave bells ring, are you listening?/Through the pain, eyes are glistening/A beautiful plight, bondage delight/Living in a kinky wonderland! Sacred Leather 

The subbies were nestled all snug in their beds,/ While visions of floggers danced in their heads. Sacred Leather 

"To become an owned (sexual) slave is to become an object, to some extent, but a cult object, a sacred thing, a living altar piece." Raven Kaldera 

"To approach dominance & submission as a spiritual path is to approach it very consciously & attentively, without guilt or shame" Raven Kaldera 

"S&M is alchemy: the art of creating bliss from the base palette of humiliation, physical pain, suffering, cruelty, & deprivation" Chris M 

....and just one more important factor to always bear in mind, as we begin the journey to save your soul and to find it again and make it yours....this is not about me. This is not about romantic love anymore. This is about the last stage of becoming love. This is about enlightenment. You are about to ascend into unconditional love per se. What does this mean? You are about to love ANYONE or ANYTHING for the first REAL time. You are about to love, at all. 

The poison that we all carry, that psychology so casually refers to as the ego or the unhealed part of ourselves or this or that, is hate. We all carry it. I, through my blessings and endless toil, have ascended to a state of unconditional love. I love everything and everyone. I am a state of love. I save myself from death day after day after day in Mandela like prison time, I forgive and I forgive and I forgive and I push forward to become better in every second. And I take responsibility both for my own emotional self, in each and every moment of every single day, but I also save yours and have been doing so for five years. That is to love. If I trip, I pick myself up again and love again. That is love. I give to people all day for nothing, because I know it is the right thing at this time, I share love and joy and truth and self examination truth with anyone I meet, because everyone, everyone wants it. That is love and being in the state of love and promoting LOVE. What is love? Morality. Moral responsibility. Not tribe duty for evil. Moral LOVE responsibility. To really, LOVE. 

You are about to love for the first time in ten thousand years. You are about to love anything or anyone at all. 

And I will remember that in my own sorrow. That it is not personal. This is about you and love. You and ending the sickness of casual conditional cruelty and love that this planet lives by. You and ending the poison of our forefathers. You and love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Atonement. Amera Ziganii Rao  

Wow. That is dark. So, amorality. I always thought it was humanitarianism that drove me. It is. But it is much more than that. Morality. It was morality, my MORAL RESPONSIBILITY that led me to start healing myself, that took me away from the suicide decision, to educate myself, to find myself. With massive emotional reluctance every step of the way, but most certainly, out of MORAL DUTY. 

What was the moral duty? To make myself healed enough to be who I truly am, so I could be the real person I am and therefore attract the people and life and circumstances that I had planned to be with and have, but couldn’t because I just wasn’t very nice underneath it all, because I was too angry and mistrustful and just so bleak and dark inside. 

That is morality. Morality is kindness. Morality is making yourself better so you are not cruel to other people. Morality is thinking about other people at all. Morality is so far removed from your idea of selfishness as a people, that it will take too long to define it right now. Morality is what you lack. As a PEOPLE. And judging by Genesis we know why. 

I didn’t know until today, viscerally for instance, that it was the amorality of my family that drove me away. Amorality makes me want to vomit. Now it makes me kill. I am a warrior. A warrior of light. 

Now, amorality. That’s my view. I can take responsibility for what I like and who I like. I never expected anything than a reformed SADIST from the start, what is called a reformed rake. This is the rake. And your people are rake beyond rake beyond rake. I suffer the bruises. Your ego is the ego of Rome. Total amorality. 

So, misogyny, lack of kindness, brutality, bullying, financially coercing, these are all amoral. Your ascension is all about amorality, from the beginning to the end. You know this. Now, I do too. 

Amorality is about having no morals. Having no morals is about many things, but let’s focus now on rage. To atone is to get rid of the rage. What is atonement? To forgive. 

To atone is to forgive. To forgive everything is enlightenment if you do it enough. To atone is to forgive. To become moral is to forgive. To atone is to become moral. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Atonement. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Dependency in love is also, embarassingly enough more simply explained. Addiction. Addiction to love can therefore be seen as the sickness, whoever the person in front of you is, casual or twin soul. Addiction to love causes the anxiety, the terror of loss, the terror of loss of the forefathers, and the pressure to maintain amoral responsibility. AMORAL RESPONSIBILITY + Love addiction = your torture = my torture. Change both. 

Dependency is love addiction. Amoral responsibility is amoral responsibility. Change both. 

My moral duty was one thing. To change myself. The other was this. I wanted to handle the things I wanted. I wanted to be able to enjoy each moment in peace instead of terror. Addiction causes terror. Terror causes hate. Hate causes non love. Get rid of the addiction. Love. You torture us both. The romantic psycho. We’ve all done it. Now you don’t have to. You have to get rid of addiction to love/sex. Addiction to me. You release the emotionally integrated poision of addiction, the non mastery of emotion, and then you can love. In peace. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

....silencing ‘the chattering monkey’ I think it has been called. The thought machine of the LOWER ego. The LOWER mind. There is a lower mind. That is ego, ego or healed superego. There is a higher mind. The higher mind is the soul. The higher you go into the higher mind, the more you become soul, while still being driven by the healed superego. 

The partnership in the end is ego and soul together. The healed ego and the soul. The soul is non AMORALITY. 

The soul is love. The soul is Divine. Lack of forgiveness, not facing the truth about your life, not facing the truth about your feelings about life, not facing yourself, your grief, your wounds, your rage, your pain, your PAIN, YOUR PAIN, not being a sado master of any kind with yourself, so the deal is closed, is nothing to do with your soul. 

That is ego. In superego that pain remains. But it is less and is not insanity. Addiction, dehumanisation, sexual dehumanisation, non empathy, profound selfishness, Homicidal Selfishness™ is the ego. Awareness and the one that gets to have orgasm is the superego. The healed ego is superego. Superego is the ego that has turned on itself and gone into the soul, out of desperation. 

The desperation should be the desire to attain, the same desire to attain that almost kills us again and again. The desire to attain PEACE becomes the most important thing, the desire to attain CONFIDENCE becomes the most important thing, the desire to be GOOD becomes the most important thing, good being kind, courageous and a leader. 

In other words, for now, look at, BELIEVING WHAT YOU FEEL, as long as it is to do with love, with being loving and it is of love. Look at wiping the slate clean, being innocent in the world again, so you can use your cruelty as a WEAPON instead of a way of life. Take the ego wounds and make them yours. Say no to your ego. I am. Say no to your ego enough, say no to its cruelty and bitterness and rage and lack of forgiveness and terror and looking to the past and feeling the endless pain, say no, you enter soul. 

Every day you say yes. Your nos have to become stronger, more powerful and more sincere, through to close the deal. Say no to your ego and trust that the hate part of yourself is the idiot. 

No one can be amoral and intelligent at the same time. No one. 

Now, this is your nemesis. You as type are less confident about your thought. Hence the ability to brainwash you so easily. We are all brainwashed. I thought my way out. You as type are less confident and you have fathers who have my mind, to a limited level. Amorality can never be intelligent. Our fathers, the forefathers, are ‘intelligence’ + amorality. That is not intelligence. And it is most certainly NOT soul. Which is why I write for you. You cannot be intelligent or worthy if you are amoral. Your self esteem problem is true. You don’t like who you are. 

Change yourself. A simple decision. Cruelty and meanness or niceness. Your choice. 

Grieve the past. Forgive everything. Move forward. You were taught by who you were taught because these were your life lessons and the whole karmic blueprint for everything that has led you to me. Face that and forgive it. Wipe the slate clean. Be who you are. 


Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Who the cap fits, let them wear it. Bob Marley

Clips from The Misfit (1961) 

And don't forget as you view it, that Gabe is amoral about life. A dirty hearted mercenary (Mendoza in Roland Joffe's The Mission). Misogyny and cruelty and denial and violence and treating someone like they are worth shit, are amoral issues about women and love and humanity. And women, women, women and women. Same story. Yes we are different. We can also be the same. In theory. AZR 


Marquis de Sade

Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade (French: [maʁki də sad]; 2 June 1740 – 2 December 1814) was a French aristocrat, revolutionary politician, philosopher and writer, famous for his libertine sexuality. His works include novels, short stories, plays, dialogues and political tracts; in his lifetime some were published under his own name, while others appeared anonymously and Sade denied being their author. He is best known for his erotic works, which combined philosophical discourse with pornography, depicting sexual fantasies with an emphasis on violence, criminality and blasphemy against the Catholic Church. He was a proponent of extreme freedom, unrestrained by morality, religion or law. The words "sadism" and "sadist" are derived from his name.

Sade was incarcerated in various prisons and in an insane asylum for about 32 years of his life; 11 years in Paris (10 of which were spent in the Bastille), a month in the Conciergerie, two years in a fortress, a year in Madelonnettes, three years in Bicêtre, a year in Sainte-Pélagie and 13 years in the Charenton asylum. During the French Revolution he was an elected delegate to the National Convention. Many of his works were written in prison. 

The Marquis de Sade was born in the Hôtel de Condé, Paris, to Jean Baptiste François Joseph, Count de Sade and Marie Eléonore de Maillé de Carman, cousin and Lady-in-waiting to the Princess of Condé. He was educated by an uncle, the Abbé de Sade. Later, he attended a Jesuit lycée, then pursued a military career, becoming Colonel of a Dragoon regiment, and fighting in the Seven Years' War. In 1763, on returning from war, he courted a rich magistrate's daughter, but her father rejected his suitorship and, instead, arranged a marriage with his elder daughter, Renée-Pélagie de Montreuil; that marriage produced two sons and a daughter. In 1766, he had a private theatre built in his castle, the Château de Lacoste, in Provence. In January 1767, his father died.

Title and Heirs 

The men of the Sade family alternated between using the marquis and comte (count) titles. His grandfather, Gaspard François de Sade, was the first to use marquis; occasionally, he was the Marquis de Sade, but is identified in documents as the Marquis de Mazan. The Sade family were noblesse d'épée, claiming at the time the oldest, Frank-descended nobility, so, assuming a noble title without a King's grant, was customarily de rigueur. Alternating title usage indicates that titular hierarchy (below duc et pair) was notional; theoretically, the marquis title was granted to noblemen owning several countships, but its use by men of dubious lineage caused its disrepute. At Court, precedence was by seniority and royal favour, not title. There is father-and-son correspondence, wherein father addresses son as marquis.

For many years, Sade's descendants regarded his life and work as a scandal to be suppressed. This did not change until the mid-twentieth century, when the Comte Xavier de Sade reclaimed the marquis title, long fallen into disuse, on his visiting cards, and took an interest in his ancestor's writings. At that time, the "Divine Marquis" of legend was so unmentionable in his own family that Xavier de Sade only learned of him in the late 1940s when approached by a journalist. He subsequently discovered a store of Sade's papers in the family château at Condé-en-Brie, and worked with scholars for decades to enable their publication. His youngest son, the Marquis Thibault de Sade, has continued the collaboration. The family have also claimed a trademark on the name. The Château de Condé was sold by the family in 1983. As well as the manuscripts they retain, others are held in universities and libraries. Many, however, were lost in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. A substantial amount were destroyed after Sade's death at the instigation of his son, Donatien-Claude-Armand.

Sade lived a scandalous libertine existence and repeatedly procured young prostitutes as well as employees of both sexes in his castle in Lacoste. He was also accused of blasphemy, a serious offence at that time. His behavior included an affair with his wife's sister, Anne-Prospère, who had come to live at the castle.
Beginning in 1763, Sade lived mainly in or near Paris. Several prostitutes there complained about mistreatment by him and he was put under surveillance by the police, who made detailed reports of his activities. After several short imprisonments, which included a brief incarceration in the Château de Saumur (then a prison), he was exiled to his château at Lacoste in 1768.

The first major scandal occurred on Easter Sunday in 1768, in which Sade procured the sexual services of a woman, Rose Keller; whether she was a prostitute or not is widely disputed. He was accused of taking her to his chateau at Arcueil, imprisoning her there and sexually and physically abusing her. She escaped by climbing out of a second-floor window and running away. At this time, la Présidente, de Sade's mother-in-law, obtained a lettre de cachet (a royal order of arrest and imprisonment, without stated cause or access to the courts) from the king, excluding Sade from the jurisdiction of the courts. The lettre de cachet would later prove disastrous for the marquis.

In 1772, an episode in Marseille involved the non-lethal poisoning of prostitutes with the supposed aphrodisiac Spanish fly and sodomy with Latour, his manservant. That year, the two men were sentenced to death in absentia for sodomy and the poisoning. They fled to Italy, Sade taking his wife's sister with him. Sade and Latour were caught and imprisoned at the Fortress of Miolans in late 1772, but escaped four months later.

Sade later hid at Lacoste, where he rejoined his wife, who became an accomplice in his subsequent endeavors. He kept a group of young employees at Lacoste, most of whom complained about sexual mistreatment and quickly left his service. Sade was forced to flee to Italy once again. It was during this time he wrote Voyage d'Italie. In 1776, he returned to Lacoste, again hired several servant girls, most of whom fled. In 1777, the father of one of those employees went to Lacoste to claim his daughter, and attempted to shoot the Marquis at point-blank range, but the gun misfired.

Later that year, Sade was tricked into going to Paris to visit his supposedly ill mother, who in fact had recently died. He was arrested there and imprisoned in the Château de Vincennes. He successfully appealed his death sentence in 1778, but remained imprisoned under the lettre de cachet. He escaped but was soon recaptured. He resumed writing and met fellow prisoner Comte de Mirabeau, who also wrote erotic works. Despite this common interest, the two came to dislike each other intensely.

In 1784, Vincennes was closed and Sade was transferred to the Bastille. On 2 July 1789, he reportedly shouted out from his cell to the crowd outside, "They are killing the prisoners here!", and a disturbance began to foment. Two days later, he was transferred to the insane asylum at Charenton near Paris. The storming of the Bastille, a major event of the French Revolution, would occur a few days later on 14 July. 

He had been working on his magnum opus Les 120 Journées de Sodome. To his despair, he believed that the manuscript was lost during his transfer; but he continued to write.

In 1790, he was released from Charenton after the new Constituent Assembly abolished the instrument of lettre de cachet. His wife obtained a divorce soon after.

Return to freedom, delegate to the National Convention and imprisonment

During Sade's time of freedom, beginning in 1790, he published several of his books anonymously. He met Marie-Constance Quesnet, a former actress, and mother of a six-year-old son, who had been abandoned by her husband. Constance and de Sade would stay together for the rest of his life.

He initially ingratiated himself with the new political situation after the revolution, supported the Republic, called himself "Citizen de Sade" and managed to obtain several official positions despite his aristocratic background.

Due to the damage done to his estate in Lacoste, which was sacked in 1789 by an angry mob, he moved to Paris. In 1790, he was elected to the National Convention, where he represented the far left. He was a member of the Piques section, notorious for its radical views. He wrote several political pamphlets, in which he called for the implementation of direct vote. However, there is much to suggest that he suffered abuse from his fellow revolutionaries due to his aristocratic background. Matters were not helped by his son's May 1792 desertion from the military, where he had been serving as a second lieutenant and the aide-de-camp to an important colonel, the Marquis de Toulengeon. Sade was forced to disavow his son's desertion in order to save his neck. Later that year, his name was added – whether by error or wilful malice – to the list of émigrés of the Bouches-du-Rhône department.

Despite being appalled by the Reign of Terror in 1793, he wrote an admiring eulogy for Jean-Paul Marat. At this stage, he was becoming publicly critical of Maximilien Robespierre, and on 5 December, he was removed from his posts, accused of "moderatism" and imprisoned for almost a year. He was released in 1794, after the overthrow and execution of Robespierre had effectively ended the Reign of Terror.

In 1796, now all but destitute, he had to sell his ruined castle in Lacoste.

Imprisonment for his writings and death 

In 1801, Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the arrest of the anonymous author of Justine and Juliette. Sade was arrested at his publisher's office and imprisoned without trial; first in the Sainte-Pélagie prison and, following allegations that he had tried to seduce young fellow prisoners there, in the harsh fortress of Bicêtre.

After intervention by his family, he was declared insane in 1803 and transferred once more to the asylum at Charenton. His ex-wife and children had agreed to pay his pension there. Constance was allowed to live with him at Charenton. The benign director of the institution, Abbé de Coulmier, allowed and encouraged him to stage several of his plays, with the inmates as actors, to be viewed by the Parisian public. Coulmier's novel approaches to psychotherapy attracted much opposition. In 1809, new police orders put Sade into solitary confinement and deprived him of pens and paper. In 1813, the government ordered Coulmier to suspend all theatrical performances. 

Sade began a sexual relationship with 14-year-old Madeleine LeClerc, daughter of an employee at Charenton. This affair lasted some 4 years, until his death in 1814. 

He had left instructions in his will forbidding that his body be opened for any reason whatsoever, and that it remain untouched for 48 hours in the chamber in which he died, and then placed in a coffin and buried on his property located in Malmaison near Épernon. His skull was later removed from the grave for phrenological examination. His son had all his remaining unpublished manuscripts burned, including the immense multi-volume work Les Journées de Florbelle.

Appraisal and criticism 

Numerous writers and artists, especially those concerned with sexuality, have been both repelled and fascinated by Sade.

The contemporary rival pornographer Rétif de la Bretonne published an Anti-Justine in 1798.

Geoffrey Gorer, an English anthropologist and author (1905–1985), wrote one of the earliest books on de Sade entitled The Revolutionary Ideas of the Marquis de Sade in 1935. He pointed out that Sade was in complete opposition to contemporary philosophers for both his "complete and continual denial of the right to property," and for viewing the struggle in late 18th century French society as being not between "the Crown, the bourgeoisie, the aristocracy or the clergy, or sectional interests of any of these against one another", but rather all of these "more or less united against the proletariat." By holding these views, he cut himself off entirely from the revolutionary thinkers of his time to join those of the mid-nineteenth century. Thus, Gorer argued, "he can with some justice be called the first reasoned socialist."

Simone de Beauvoir (in her essay Must we burn Sade?, published in Les Temps modernes, December 1951 and January 1952) and other writers have attempted to locate traces of a radical philosophy of freedom in Sade's writings, preceding modern existentialism by some 150 years. He has also been seen as a precursor of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis in his focus on sexuality as a motive force. The surrealists admired him as one of their forerunners, and Guillaume Apollinaire famously called him "the freest spirit that has yet existed".

Pierre Klossowski, in his 1947 book Sade Mon Prochain ("Sade My Neighbour"), analyzes Sade's philosophy as a precursor of nihilism, negating Christian values and the materialism of the Enlightenment.
One of the essays in Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947) is titled "Juliette or Enlightenment and Morality" and interprets the ruthless and calculating behavior of Juliette as the embodiment of the philosophy of enlightenment. Similarly, psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan posited in his 1966 essay "Kant avec de Sade" that Sade's ethics was the complementary completion of the categorical imperative originally formulated by Immanuel Kant. However, at least one philosopher has rejected Adorno and Horkheimer’s claim that Sade’s moral skepticism is actually coherent, or that it reflects Enlightenment thought.

In his 1988 Political Theory and Modernity, William E. Connolly analyzes Sade's Philosophy in the Bedroom as an argument against earlier political philosophers, notably Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes, and their attempts to reconcile nature, reason and virtue as basis of ordered society. Similarly, Camille Paglia argued that Sade can be best understood as a satirist, responding "point by point" to Rousseau's claims that society inhibits and corrupts mankind's innate goodness: Paglia notes that Sade wrote in the aftermath of the French Revolution, when Rousseauist Jacobins instituted the bloody Reign of Terror and Rousseau's predictions were brutally disproved. 

In The Sadeian Woman: And the Ideology of Pornography (1979), Angela Carter provides a feminist reading of Sade, seeing him as a "moral pornographer" who creates spaces for women. Similarly, Susan Sontag defended both Sade and Georges Bataille's Histoire de l'oeil (Story of the Eye) in her essay "The Pornographic Imagination" (1967) on the basis their works were transgressive texts, and argued that neither should be censored. By contrast, Andrea Dworkin saw Sade as the exemplary woman-hating pornographer, supporting her theory that pornography inevitably leads to violence against women. One chapter of her book Pornography: Men Possessing Women (1979) is devoted to an analysis of Sade. Susie Bright claims that Dworkin's first novel Ice and Fire, which is rife with violence and abuse, can be seen as a modern retelling of Sade's Juliette.


Various influential cultural figures have expressed a great interest in Sade's work, including the French philosopher Michel Foucault, the American film maker John Waters[20] and the Spanish filmmaker Jesús Franco. The poet Algernon Charles Swinburne is also said to have been highly influenced by Sade.

Ian Brady, who with Myra Hindley carried out torture and murder of children known as the Moors murders in England during the 1960s, was fascinated by Sade, and the suggestion was made at their trial and appeals that the tortures of the children (the screams and pleadings of whom they tape-recorded) were influenced by Sade's ideas and fantasies. A Sade biographer has claimed that Brady and Hindley had read very little of Sade's actual work; the only book of his they possessed was an anthology of excerpts that included none of his most extreme writings. However, Hindley herself recalled that Brady would send her to obtain books by Sade; after reading them he became sexually aroused and beat her.

Cultural Depictions 

There have been many and varied references to the Marquis de Sade in popular culture, including fictional works and biographies. The eponym of the psychological and subcultural term sadism, his name is used variously to evoke sexual violence, licentiousness and freedom of speech.

In modern culture his works are simultaneously viewed as masterful analyses of how power and economics work, and as erotica. de Sade's sexually explicit works were a medium for the articulation of the corrupt and hypocritical values of the elite in his society, which caused him to become imprisoned. He thus became a symbol of the artist's struggle with the censor. Sade's use of pornographic devices to create provocative works that subvert the prevailing moral values of his time inspired many other artists in a variety of media. The cruelties depicted in his works gave rise to the concept of sadism. Sade's works have to this day been kept alive by artists and intellectuals because they espouse a philosophy of extreme individualism that became reality in the economic liberalism of the following centuries.

In the late 20th century, there was a resurgence of interest in Sade; leading French intellectuals like Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault published studies of the philosopher, and interest in Sade among scholars and artists continued. In the realm of visual arts, many surrealist artists had interest in the Marquis. Sade was celebrated in surrealist periodicals, and feted by figures such as Guillaume Apollinaire, Paul Éluard and Maurice Heine; Man Ray admired Sade because he and other surrealists viewed him as an ideal of freedom. The first Manifesto of Surrealism (1924) announced that "Sade is surrealist in sadism", and extracts of the original draft of Justine were published in Le Surréalisme au service de la révolution. In literature, Sade is referenced in several stories by horror and science fiction writer (and author of Psycho) Robert Bloch, while Polish science fiction author Stanisław Lem wrote an essay analyzing the game theory arguments appearing in Sade's Justine. The writer Georges Bataille applied Sade's methods of writing about sexual transgression to shock and provoke readers. 

Sade's life and works have been the subject of numerous fictional plays, films,pornographic or erotic drawings, etchings and more. These include Peter Weiss's play Marat/Sade, a fantasia extrapolating from the fact that de Sade directed plays performed by his fellow inmates at the Charenton asylum. Yukio Mishima, Barry Yzereef and Doug Wright also wrote plays about Sade; Weiss's and Wright's plays have been made into films. His work is referenced on film at least as early as Luis Buñuel's L'Âge d'Or (1930), the final segment of which provides a coda to Sade's 120 Days of Sodom, with the four debauched noblemen emerging from their mountain retreat. In 1969, American International Films released a German-made production called de Sade, with Keir Dullea in the title role. Pier Paolo Pasolini filmed Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975), updating Sade's novel to the brief Salò Republic; Benoît Jacquot's Sade and Philip Kaufman's Quills (from the play of the same name by Doug Wright) both hit cinemas in 2000. Quills, inspired by Sade's imprisonment and battles with the censorship in his society, portrays Sade as a literary freedom fighter who is a martyr to the cause of free expression.

Often Sade himself has been depicted in American popular culture less as a revolutionary or even as a libertine and more akin to a sadistic and tyrannical villain. For example, in the final episode of the television series Friday the 13th: The Series, Miki, the female protagonist, travels back in time and ends up being imprisoned and tortured by Sade. Similarly, in the horror film Waxwork, Sade is among the film's wax villains to come alive. 


Warrior Vll Pt ll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Atonement. Amera Ziganii Rao 

....and just one more important factor to always bear in mind, as we begin the journey to save your soul and to find it again and make it yours....this is not about me. This is not about romantic love anymore. This is about the last stage of becoming love. This is about enlightenment. You are about to ascend into unconditional love per se. What does this mean? You are about to love ANYONE or ANYTHING for the first REAL time. You are about to love, at all. 

The poison that we all carry, that psychology so casually refers to as the ego or the unhealed part of ourselves or this or that, is hate. We all carry it. I, through my blessings and endless toil, have ascended to a state of unconditional love. I love everything and everyone. I am a state of love. I save myself from death day after day after day in Mandela like prison time, I forgive and I forgive and I forgive and I push forward to become better in every second. And I take responsibility both for my own emotional self, in each and every moment of every single day, but I also save yours and have been doing so for five years. That is to love. If I trip, I pick myself up again and love again. That is love. I give to people all day for nothing, because I know it is the right thing at this time, I share love and joy and truth and self examination truth with anyone I meet, because everyone, everyone wants it. That is love and being in the state of love and promoting LOVE. What is love? Morality. Moral responsibility. Not tribe duty for evil. Moral LOVE responsibility. To really, LOVE. 

You are about to love for the first time in ten thousand years. You are about to love anything or anyone at all. 

And I will remember that in my own sorrow. That it is not personal. This is about you and love. You and ending the sickness of casual conditional cruelty and love that this planet lives by. You and ending the poison of our forefathers. You and love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Atonement. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Need is not love. I have been communing and asking and contemplating. The question was whether your moral education (the ability to be kind) was so absent that I would have to begin at the beginning, and that this was a case of broken soldiers who have truly become Nazgul and Ork and who need to be taken back to The Source, that directly and emphatically, ie, to become love at all, and then I remembered. 

Dependency. Even the dehumanisation in the ‘sex’, the wifebeating that every man clearly has latent in him, I know now, is also just dependency. Dependency is about dehumanising the person you love the most. That is clearly not love, but the ego ain’t listening. That is the battle and only arena worth focusing on now. If the moral education has to be done, it will be. Before that gargantuan task is even approached as any kind of possibility, during this tortuous martyrdom, let’s go ‘back to basics’. Always. 

Dehumanising the person you love, as any archetype, as priesthood or mortal, as goddess or Werewolf, is dependency. Dependency is sick love. Dependency is the ego, the wounded, bitter, nasty, vengeful, ugly dark ego. 

Anyway, that aside, there are two other things. First, that you are still so angry at me, and in ego, that is an anger that is beyond any anger of any humanity, and if it is the case, it is, and you will just have to nurture it until you are ready to let go of it. Forgiveness is atonement but it is also our salvation. The other is this. You now believe you are going to enter soul and that you are going to become the state of being that is a state of bliss. You are as spiritual as me and it has to be nothing less, even if you are only realising it now. 

I was thinking of Jerry Maguire and An Officer and a Gentlemen and the like and remembering that they are only capable of ‘feeling’ as the female community likes to describe it, - ie, gaining humanity and kindness and SURRENDER TO PEACE and the will to love anything, let alone the hers involved – when they have attained what they want. For Jerry, it is the football win from his Cuba Gooding Jr football star who knew how to love but not how to do big business with his sport, in other words, who didn’t want to share himself with his fans, but just play and participate, enough. And then he finds crowd love at last. Rather like my journey has been, to say the least. But for different reasons. He has a profoundly loving wife. Er hum. But anyway, they both find that peace and surrender only then. The question was then, what is it that you want to achieve? You want to achieve soul. Get ready. 

This Sufi peace says beautiful things. Won’t add too much other than this. You need to love God. You do not love because you do not love God. It is as simple as that. And the reason you need to love God, is because you need to that much. You need to meet your maker. Her. God, The Mother, The Universe, The Womb of Creation. 

Now, what does that mean? Entering soul. Soul houses you. You don’t house soul. Soul is the DIVINE part of you. The DIVINE part of me. The DIVINE part of us is accessed only through killing the dark, bleak and wounded mortal husk of the ego. Bit by bit. My first (either first major or first) killing was in 2006. My last was in 2009. What did I do? Need is not love and it is not the person but the issue, in other words, give it a try and try and work through it. 

That was the same thing I used again and again and again until it was complete. Need is not love. Need is not love. Need is not love. Need is not love. Need is not love. 

Spiritual and emotional greatness. Masochism for self crucifixion. Just one sentence. Need is not love. And all that that one sentence means. We will expand, but start writing lists. What is need? What do you think of need? You need. Need is addiction. Need is lack of forgiveness. Need is dehumanisation. Need is profound selfishness.  Need is despotic demand. Need is despotic condemnation and murder. Need is the mercenary. Need is the killer. Need is the ugly, heartless and awful wife beater or husband shouter if you like. The wife beater and the harridan. Need is ego. Need is all the old wounds of life, the old wounds of earth. Need is guilt. Need is just NEED. Need is loneliness. Need is everything. 

To ascend into soul is one thing. Need is not love. Then, you can need. But only, long after need is NOT love. To eject the sickness, so that need can finally, at long last, be love. But, for that part I am still waiting. Apparently, need can finally become love. Apparently. But for you, and until you ascend it is only one thing. The right to love is that. To accept that need is not love. You or me or no one has the right (in these super sonic levels of emotional existence as alchemists and masters on earth, as mentalists and magicians and telepathic fiends of humanity) to love, without giving up need. 

Need is the root of it all. Need if you like, in ego, is only one thing. Greed. Craving. Demand. Wound. Lonely. Mad. Angry. Avoidant. Terrified. Greedy. And above all, violent. Either (torture cabin from your non love not included) suicide or homicide. Violence of that kind is the ego. And ALL about need. Your need. My need. Need, out of control is ego. Need is not love. 

Need is not love.

And the way we finally agree is by VISCERALLY meeting our soul. Meeting the DIVINE ENERGY that houses us, that guides us, that feeds us, that loves us, that LOVES us. You meet that parent, you meet that best friend – who I have now completely merged with – and you won’t actually homicidally or suicidally ever need me or anyone ever again. We are not born to be umbilically loved. That is our tragedy in ego. We are born to be souled in our own love. And from THAT place, to then love another. It is the same surrender. The same soul. The same. It is surrender to GOD. 

Surrender to GOD is to surrender to the heart is to surrender up the filth and darkness of the cruel – the completely inhumane in your archetype’s case – ego. The darkness. The rage you created against the rage meted out against you against the rage meted out against them by the rage meted out against the them of the them. Evolution. It goes nowhere. Other than to you. Need is not love. Meet thy soul. Repent. Atone. Forgive. Stop that violence and craft that rage into beauty. The BEAUTIFUL RAGE. The anger of soul. The anger of love. Take that power and use it instead of abuse it in other words. We are incredibly powerful souls, all the Warrior Class. We also have CHRONICALLY damaged and hurt egos. With the skill of warlords to use them. That is why we are so good in ego. That is why your type are terrible beyond description in ego, now I know the whole of the darkness of the male and female Werewolf ego. It’s disgusting. Well, mine was too, for priesthood levels. But my warlord levels of attack matched yours. They still do. Now they are in soul. You know what the difference is. One of the biggest jealousies I have against you in my temperance training is that you have NEVER seen my ego. Never seen that ego that was, lose it at you. I WISH you had. I really really wish you had had four years of that. But I am on a different path. I have already merged completely with my soul, to eject the mortal husk of ego. I have to lead. But in my moments of bitter laughter, I laugh at that. For sure. And my ego was candy floss as type to yours. Yours is non candy floss venom. Bad. And you need to atone and you need to meet your maker. Your SOUL. Your soul is the part of (talking in energies and spiritual energies) God, The Mother, The Universe that houses YOU. Your own part of Divinity is waiting for your connection. You won’t give it to Her/Him anymore than you will give it to me. Anyway, the piece says it nicely. 

But this is very important to focus on. Your ego is not disgusting because it is violent. Your ego is disgusting because OF WHAT MOTIVATES THAT VIOLENCE. Cruelty. Not testosterone. Not any ‘good reason’. Not because you are a man. Cruelty. You are a cruel people. You don’t need to be, if you meet your souls. The killer in you is cruelty. Extreme cruelty. Face that and you have done half the work. Your cruelty in ego is the kind that is in the vortex of the most distant wormhole, banished from the rest of the universe. Yes. It is that bad. Remember, and I pause here to make sure......I am the anuncier. This is not judgement. This is what The Universe thinks of you. You. Amoral. Ego has to go. Your type’s ego is death. Kill it before it kills either you or me. Male supremacy, not giving a shit about your lady’s career, and the terrible things I have seen in the past four years. It’s all one thing my sweet. Cruelty. You are a cruel people. You don’t have to be, in soul. 

Cruelty is amorality. Your ego is amoral. You are not. Your ego is amoral. Your soul is not. Your ascension is ascending out of that ruthless ugly amoral bastard and moving into love, humanity and kindness and RESPONSIBILITY. Your greatest fraud, seen by all. You have no moral responsibility. You also thought morality was something completely different. That simple combination is the reason for 100 percent of the world’s pain. The ignorance of what is true morality (kindness, humanity as a state of being) and the moral IRRESPONSIBILITY OF ADAM. You got paid off. You are always paid off by hate. You are a slave to hate. You get paid off. That is your ego. Moral fibre = humanity = soul. You have to create moral fibre out of nothing. That is your ego to soul task. Need is not love. Moral (humane) love is love. Kind love is love. Your three mantras until you ascend. Repeat them daily. Hourly. Need (greed) is not love. Moral (humane) love is love. Kind love is love. 

You cannot enter soul without humanity. Amorality is not humanity. Amorality is evil. The world has made you evil. You should be hating the world, not me. And certainly (despite my own rages, which always ascend) not Her. Cowardice is ego. Blame is ego. Not fighting hard enough is ego. Ego is your enemy. Not me or any of us. Ego, your ego, your ego of Nazgul. The bitterness of vengeance without an ounce of justice, not even for you. The barren life = the ego. You have to meet your soul. You have to begin the journey (with me in person) to BECOME your soul. But first, you have to meet it at all and get married. To your soul. 

This gets as ‘biblical’ as the bible, without the lies. The Universe waits for you. You have to give up the sickness. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014  

Sufism. The Transformation of the Heart 
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee 

Sufism is truth without form. Ibn El-Jalali 

The Journey from Separation to Union 

Sufism is a mystical path of love in which God (God, The Great Mother), or Truth, is experienced as the Beloved. The inner relationship of lover and Beloved is the core of the Sufi path. Through love the seeker is taken to God (God, The Great Mother). The mystic seeks to realize Truth in this life and God (God, The Great Mother) reveals Himself (Herself) within the hearts of those who love Him (Her). 

The mystical experience of God (God, The Great Mother) is a state of oneness with God (God, The Great Mother). This unio mystica is the goal of the traveller, or wayfarer, on the mystical path. Within the heart, lover and Beloved unite in love’s ecstasy. The wayfarer begins the journey with a longing for this state of oneness. The longing is born from the soul’s memory that it has come from God (God, The Great Mother). The soul REMEMBERS that its real home is with God (God, The Great Mother) and awakens the seeker with this memory. The spiritual journey is a journey that takes us back home, from separation to union. We have come from God (God, The Great Mother) and we return to God (God, The Great Mother). 

The mystical journey home is a journey inward, to the very centre of our being, where the Beloved is eternally present. He (She) whom we seek is none other than our own eternal nature. Saint Augustine said, “Return within yourself, for in the inward man (woman) dwells Truth.” The mystic experiences that the Beloved dwells within the mystic’s heart, not as a concept but as a living reality. In the depths of the heart there is no separation between the lover and the Beloved. Here we are eternally united with God (God, The Great Mother), and the mystical experience of union is a revelation of what is always present. 

The greatest obstacle that keeps us from experiencing this eternal state of union is the ego, our own personal identity. In the state of union there is no ego. In this moment the individual self ceases to exist and only the Beloved exists. The Sufi says, “The Beloved is living, the lover is dead.” Thus the Sufi aspires to “die before death” to transcend the personal self and experience our transcendent divine nature. The eleventh-century Sufi, Ansari, expressed this very simply: 

Know that when you learn to lose yourself, you will reach the Beloved. There is no other secret to be learnt, and more than that is not known to me. 

The mystical journey leads us away from the ego towards the Self, from separation back to union. Turning away from the ego and turning back to God (God, The Great Mother), we are led deep within ourself, to the innermost centre of our being, what the Sufis term the “heart of hearts.” This is an individual journey of the seeker back to the source, of the “alone to the Alone”. Yet there are stages on this journey, “valleys of the quest”, through which each traveller passes. The Sufi masters have provided us with a map describing these stages and also the difficulties and dangers of the path. Having reached the goal, they are able to help other wayfarers by recording what may be expected along the way. 

Sufism also provides certain techniques to open us to the inner world and keep our attention focused on our invisible goal. Foremost among these is the practise of remembrance, for the Sufi aspires to remember God (God, The Great Mother) in every moment, with each and every breath. This is not a mental remembrance, but a remembrance of the heart, for it is the heart which holds the higher consciousness of the Self. The Self is the part of us which is never separate from God (God, The Great Mother), and the consciousness of the Self is a quality of KNOWING THAT WE ARE ONE WITH GOD (GOD, THE GREAT MOTHER). The practise of remembrance is a way of awakening the consciousness of the Self, and thus becoming aware of our inner union with Him (Her) whom we love. 

If you love someone you always think of them, and when the soul’s love for God (God, The Great Mother) is awakened within the heart, the lover’s attention is turned towards the Beloved. The moment of spiritual awakening is tauba, “repentance”, which the Sufis describe as “the turning of the heart.” The moment of tauba is always an act of grace, a gift from the Beloved, but Sufism has developed techniques for keeping our attention on the soul’s love for God (God, The Great Mother), on the heart’s remembrance. One of these techniques is the dhikr, the repetition of one of the names of God (God, The Great Mother). Through the practise of the dhikr the attention of the lover is turned towards God (God, The Great Mother) and the whole being of the lover becomes permeated with the joy of remembering the Beloved. 

The Sufi path helps to makes us aware of the divine consciousness of the Self that is found within the heart, and at the same time guides us away from the limited consciousness of the ego. The journey from the ego to the Self is the eternal journey of the soul, of the exile returning home. In this world we have forgotten our real nature and identify with the ego. The journey home frees us from the grip of the ego and the illusory nature of its desires. We are led to the real fulfilment that can only come from knowing what we really are, tasting the truth of our divine essence. When one Sufi master, Dhu-l-Nun, was asked, “What is the end of the mystic?” he answered, “When he is as he was where he was before he was.” (When she is as she was where she was before she was). 

Every spiritual path leads the sincere seeker to the truth that can only be found within. The Sufi says that there are as many roads to God (God, The Great Mother) as there are human beings, “as many as the breaths of the children of men (women).” Because we are each individual and unique, the journey of discovering our real nature will be different for each of us. At the same time different spiritual paths are suited to different types of people. Sufism is suited to those who need to realize their relationship with God (God, The Great Mother) as a love affair, who need to be drawn by the thread of love and longing back to their Beloved. 

The Ancient Wisdom 

Sufi is a name given to a band of mystics who are lovers of God. There is an ancient story about a group of lovers who were called ‘Kamal Posh’ (blanket wearers), thought by some to be early Sufis. Their only individual possessions were their single blankets, which they wore during the day and wrapped around themselves at night. They went to every prophet. No one could satisfy them. Every prophet told them, do this or that, and they were not satisfied. One day Mohammed said that Kamal Posh men were coming and that they would arrive in so many days. They came on the day he said and, when they were with him, he only looked at them without speaking. They were completely satisfied. Why were they completely satisfied? Because he created love in their hearts. “When love is created what dissatisfaction can there be?” 

Sufism is the ancient wisdom of the heart. It is not limited by form, by time or place. It always was and it always will be. There will always be those who need to realize God as the Beloved. There will always be lovers of God (God, The Great Mother). The Kamal Posh recognised that Mohammed knew the silent mysteries of love. They stayed with him and became assimilated into Islam. 

Islam literally means ‘surrender’ and, while the esoteric side of Islam teaches the outer religious law of surrender to God (God, The Great Mother), there developed an inner esoteric side which teaches of the lover’s surrender to the Beloved. A century after the death of the Prophet, small groups known as ‘Lovers of God (God, The Great Mother) began to emerge throughout the Muslim world. They were also known as ‘Travellers’ or ‘Wayfarers on the Mystical path’, reflecting a saying ascribed to the Prophet: 

Be in this world as if you are a traveller, a passerby, with your clothes and shoes full of dust. Sometimes you sit under the shade of a tree, sometimes you walk in the desert. Be always a passerby, for this is not home. 

Later, these ‘Wayfarers’ became known as Sufis, possibly referring to their white woollen garments (suf) or as an indication of their purity of heart (safa). 

These small groups of Sufis gathered around their teacher, or sheikh. The inner teachings of the path are transmitted from teacher to disciple. Each teacher guides his disciples according to the principles has received from his teacher. The essence of the teaching is not verbal, but a direct communion from heart to heart. The Kamal Posh stayed with Mohammed because he created love in their hearts, and it is the inner communion of the heart that is the core of the Sufi path. The relationship of lover and Beloved is reflected in the relationship with the teacher who guides his disciples, or murshids, with an openness of heart and an understanding of the mysteries of love. 

At the core of all Sufi practices is the element of love and devotion. Devotion is the inner attitude of the lover, and the nature of the Sufi path is devotional. The Sufi aspires to give herself to God as a lover to her Beloved. Devotion is an opening of the heart to the grace that flows through love. It is an attitude of surrender in which the ego and the mind are surrendered to a mystery beyond their comprehension. In giving ourself to God we allow Him (Her) to take us Home, and the quickest way is through the door of love. In the words of al-Qushayri, “The inner reality of love means that you give all of yourself to the One until nothing remains of you for you.” 

It is said that there are two ways of attracting God’s (GOD’S) attention. Either we make ourself perfect and then He (She) has to love us, or we give ourself to Him (Her) and then He (She) cannot resist our need to be with Him (Her). The attitude of devotion is an offering of our whole self to Him (Her) whom we love. This inner offering is a dynamic state of surrender which attracts the higher energies of love. 

Just as in nature a vacuum is always filled, so is the inner emptiness of surrender filled with His (Her) presence. 

In the West we have tended to associate surrender with subservience and have lost touch with its hidden power. Surrender creates an empty space within the psyche which allows us to experience the power of the Self without being overwhelmed or inflated. Sufi practises are designed to help us to surrender, and to realize that we are contained by something far beyond the limiting horizons of the mind and ego. Stepping into the inner spaces of our own being we are able to experience the potency of His (Her) love for His (Her) servant. 

Sufism has explored the ways of love and developed means to help the seeker travel this invisible and yet powerful path. Because the purpose of the path is to reveal the inner essence of the wayfarer, Sufism stays attuned to humanity. The deepest nature of mankind remains the same yet surface change takes place. It is said that Sufism has stayed alive and preserved its dynamism through adapting and changing with the times and yet at the same time remaining true to the essence of the tradition. The essence of the tradition is the inner alignment of the heart towards God, and the surrender of the ego that allows His (Her) will to be done. But outwardly, as society and culture develop and change, so does Sufism respond to these changes. 

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee 

Goddess Life ll Pt ll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Atonement. Amera Ziganii Rao 

And while you feel spiritual after reading that, take this in too. The way you have made me feel in the past four years, the way your ego has decimated me is absolutely a carbon copy of the way this film makes me feel. You have made me into The Pianist. In my own home. Take that in. That ego has to go. It is amoral. Amoral is evil. You are not. Get rid of it. Or please, get rid of me. I cannot take Commodus or Hitler or Mugabe or the apartheid oppression or African American slavery or the Jewish holocaust anymore. Find your humanity. Or get rid of me. Stop that terrible cruelty. It is killing the world every second of every day. You can make a difference. 

You can prove that evil can heal. Real, solid, Judas, God hating evil. That it can heal. You can prove that cruelty of THAT magnitude can heal. You can prove that a male supremacist woman hating career sabotaging, violent, unhealed Agamemnon can love a woman again. For the first time in 10000 years. 

Oh, by the way. Amazons. Valkyries. Amazons. You get it. The High Priestess Serpent. Amazon. Monarch slave serpent, on her belly, sort of thing. The Greeks who of course enslaved their women and who created the word for courage which apparently means ‘manly’ and who banned all female soldiers or warriors, HATED the Amazons. Because we were women who didn’t have babies when we were told. We had them when we wanted, and we outfought you as well as were challenged by your presence. 

Take S&M and all the contexts. A real sub is an Amazon by the time she is ready. That goes against everything your EGO tells you S&M could be – I know this is done now but just to reinforce your own ascensions through it, and to give you the background – the supremacist over the vulnerable Nymph and the twisted political contexts you have revealed with the unhealed Agamemnon archetype who is meting out vengeance on Helen of Troy for making the own decision HIMSELF, to murder his eight year old daughter for the PURSUIT OF POWER. Power over love. You get the picture. S&M subs, full partners, adult female partners are not little girls. Little girls run as they should. Adult women take on these frontiers. I am making conscious contact with them everywhere. We are the Amazons. You are the Greeks. Don’t use your cocks as swords. Use them for love with the hate. There is as yet in your whole being, no love. You try but it cannot stick. Ego is that. You try and try and yes of course, you have been purifying. 

But you are still cruel. Ego. Soul is love. There is nothing in between. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014  

Atonement. Amera Ziganii Rao 

....well then. It's just coming through but let me give it a go. Maybe, my sweet and all my sweets, you never were anything but cruel. 

Even in this life, I have been recalling you all as children. Not nice. Not a lot has changed. In ego, even before it landed. 

So, in the light of my obvious love for Werewolves, then, my one twin from Atlantis time, Lemurian Warlord, your destiny then is fascinating. You are going to love for the first time ever. 

The proof is this. What you have is not working for you. Anymore. 

You have too much power to know what to do with it anymore. The love will have to break through. 

You are truly, returning to The Source for the first time. 


Then, you have the chance to return to The Source. Only then, do you get me. 

You will ascend after you leave the tribe. You will not ascend first and then leave the tribe. You have to confront your god. Power. 

Then, you will be ready for the return. And not until then. 

You of course, may already know this. If not....my lord....know now. 

Jake Sully gets integrated into his Avatar self, by Neytiri, AFTER he goes up against the tribe of evil. You are doing it the wrong way round. We are different and we make the journey in different templates. I left the tribe after my layers of ascension and finally after my final ascension. You have to leave the tribe before you even get access to your soul. 

Your god is power. You have got to deal with HIM first. 

Then you get morality. Then you get soul. Then you get love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Atonement. Amera Ziganii Rao 

So let’s look at this way. Even if you look at in this life, it is the same, or whether we go back to the Greek takeover of my temples and the violating soldier kings who demanded readings at the drop of a hat, or we go back to Atlantis, where I was queen warrior priestess and you were invading Agamemnon (s). Or whether we look at brother and sister or the equivalent, even two brothers to a certain extent, two sisters, yes, same thing, but especially the first partner of whatever sexuality you are in life. A brother and sister for the hetereosexual duo is an obvious reference point again and again, to a strange, first marriage in life. 

The brothers are pigs. They become pigs very fast and then the whole culture is about these spoilt, supremacist, CRUEL pigs. Now, does that mean cruelty is the projection of something else? Don’t know.)

Atonement. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Which goes back to the Archons. The Reptiles. They are your bosses. That small group of twisted individual whatevers they are at the top. They are your family and your bosses. All of you. Werewolves, male and female across the entire earth.

Put it this way, more simply. I am tired. If you hadn’t massacred and violated me and my kind, and chosen the pursuit of power over humanity, as a way of godless way of life, then we would all be wise and healthy and happy. 

That is the best way I can put it. You destroyed Eden. Every single non priest personality of reptilian leftover on this planet. We are all hybrid. But you carry the gene. My mother carries the gene. My father carries the gene. My brother carries the gene. My past loves all carry the gene. Lack of humanity. Cruelty. Godlessness. ARROGANCE. 

If you had not killed me as you have tried to do for four years in every single way possible, we would all be happy and wise. And we would all be having great sex too. 

Pretty Woman. It’s all the script for Pretty Woman. The ruthless hog of a pig reformed through love. 

So that’s working well then. 

Cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel. You have been told. The Anuncier to the Archon is now bored. Off to think about my soul gifts and freedoms. And my beautiful people of The Temple. The Atlanteans. Keep me in Robyn Island. I will tell the whole story for the rest of my life. The therapy of art and spiritual knowledge will save me even if you don’t. Werewolves still refuse to love. Ten thousand years on and it’s still only about sex for you. Sex with cruelty, hypocrisy and Nazism. Yawn yawn. 

Werewolves are still not worthy. The Judas Principle of the world. The Archons who invaded my earth. The Archons who I may even have loved. Beat that brutality out of you. Find God, The Mother, The Universe and find some fucking humility for something more than your cock as a sword. Something more than the The Misfits style horse-killing you have lived by your whole life. All your lives on earth. Stand up for what is right. Or don’t stand up at all. 

You have fucked up this planet. You. Even in this life, it has been you. All the yous. You fuck up life for everyone else and you call that pride. Werewolf Archon Reptilian Psychopaths may have to be the new term. And me as your martyr. It must be really important to save you. Other than the truth that we are bound. 

Well, you bind me. You have no inner freedom because you are cruel and just too much up your own (Greek/Archon/Roman) arse to love anything outside cock and men. There is no sharing. Seven years on, ten thousand years on and there is still no humane love to go with the cock. Maybe you just don’t have it. And maybe that was what I was supposed to find out. For all of us. 

Your ego is disgusting. And you’ve never done a decent thing in your entire useless life. And you kill priestesses. So far, not looking good. And what worries me the most is that you like it. You think cruel is cool. I used to think that once. A long long long long time ago. Long before I met you. 

Agamemnon then is going strong. No healing to be seen. Archons. Disgusting. The Anuncier retires. She has spoken. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014  

Atonement. Amera Ziganii Rao 

...and talking of Jake Sully and James Cameron's Avatar, Warrior Princess (Amazon/Valkyrie/Hierophant) Neytiri got lucky. I didn't. I taught you our ways, I loved you, and you reneged on me and my whole people. You have done the same thing again. This life. 

You have reneged on me just as you did then. Every man has. The curse of Adam. The people of magic. The serpent. The moral irresponsibility of Adam is you. The Archons. The 'sons of gods who slept with the daughters of men'. You were not gods. You were just the new race. And you are still the most powerful human beings on earth and you still contribute nothing to the human race. All is for glory. Your selfish, male supremacist, cock culture, glory. Without us. Without the women. Without anyone. 

Shame on you. 

Avatar was our fantasy on earth. Avatar is yet to happen on this earth. Jake Sully never came back. Jake Sully became Adam. Adam who betrayed the real tribe. Adam, the betrayer. Adam, the Archon beloved son. Adam. You. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

....and yet, look at the indescribable profundity of the love you feel for me. The love that holds me in this holy war for love. As I sit in your abyss. The ultimate battle of good over evil, as it has turned out to be. The battle for your soul. Extraordinary story, mad story, real story. You know it too. You never came back this life and you never came back then. You came back to kill. And earth is the result. 

The question is this. Do you like your earth? The earth you made sure was created? If you do, then you will have to hide your love and kill me off, like before. And stop reading my work. You are not worthy. If you are ready to love, you will do the right thing. Like the slaver and mercenary in Roland Joffe's The Mission. That character of Mendoza played by a then excessively handsome Robert de Niro is with me all the time these days. You. The slaver and mercenary has to repent. Before I die in this endless task from hell. To flog cruelty into love. I am bored and in despair. Tell me please, that you are even capable of love. This, presumably is the truth of all the Pride and Prejudices across the world. The ultimate Darcy. The Werewolf who murdered the last queen of Atlantis. And who made sure we were fucked up for the duration of this planet. 

And you call that love. 

The first story. Goddesses and Werewolves. You fucked us up. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Atonement and Idealism. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Yes. For the ego to ascend into soul, the concept that we all hate, has to be confronted. I focus only on the psychology for now, after that bombshell from the anthropology. This life has been the same, so that is the sociology and anthropology of your ego’s make up. The history. The karma. The debt. The wound. 

The psychology is less complex, but more enraging. Ego is the most idealistic part of us about love. The ego is a psychological hijacking of the soul, a sick part of us that is from the belief system around us. The belief system around us has a model of men and women in love. We know that model. We all know that model. 

Ego has to face its biggest disappointment first. That love is nothing that love was purported to be. My final ascension was the same as my first. To face the fact that whatever I was believing that love was, was crap and to see where it went for once instead of going with the stupid belief system that was obviously wrong, I had no idea why it was wrong, but it was. I wanted to love and not be in the agony of hate. 

My final ascension was the same. I have to be your ego’s greatest disappointment first, before I can be your soul’s greatest love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Atonement and Idealism. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Yes. Got a flyer through the post today with an apt and beautiful beginning....”A great experience thanks to our great experience.” 

Atone because you are forgiven. Divinity is to forgive. Therapy is to forgive. I have had my say about your ego as I have defined it for you. ‘Winter past, guilt forgiven’. It’s done. 

And as you begin your ascent now into love, think of this, as you try to fall in love with love again. 

Fetish.  Fetish is the word you should replace S&M with. Fetish is a different word. Different meanings, different feelings, different humanities. Fetish, let’s say for our analogy and literals, as the sex of life is and the life of sex is, is S & M with humanity. S & M without abject dehumanising dominion over others, Sauron style. That is your ego. I have accepted it. You need to accept it and start working with it to master it.

I was born to a family of Agamamnon and my twin soul has also been the Agamemnon. So what. It is our chance now to create a miracle out of the carnage of earth. Your carnage of earth. I have my therapy for life. And so do you. No one has wanted redemption more than you. Remember that today. Fall in love with real love. It’s really nice. And for me, well, I know now that love is not that nice. And I like it, when it is in soul. Reformed gangsters. The sexiest thing on earth. I may be just a baby gangster in relation to you, but look at me. Become that part of me instead of trying to vampire it, sexually or non sexually. Fetish. Make it sweet. Make it love. Use the dominion, don’t live from that fucker. Use him. Don’t let him use you. You are angel as well as you are Archon. You are still angel too. Use that too. Be who you are. Not what he wants you to be. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Atonement and Idealism. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Yes. For the ego to ascend into soul, the concept that we all hate, has to be confronted. I focus only on the psychology for now, after that bombshell from the anthropology. This life has been the same, so that is the sociology and anthropology of your ego’s make up. The history. The karma. The debt. The wound. 

The psychology is less complex, but more enraging. Ego is the most idealistic part of us about love. The ego is a psychological hijacking of the soul, a sick part of us that is from the belief system around us. The belief system around us has a model of men and women in love. We know that model. We all know that model. 

Ego has to face its biggest disappointment first. That love is nothing that love was purported to be. My final ascension was the same as my first. To face the fact that whatever I was believing that love was, was crap and to see where it went for once instead of going with the stupid belief system that was obviously wrong, I had no idea why it was wrong, but it was. I wanted to love and not be in the agony of hate. 

My final ascension was the same. I have to be your ego’s greatest disappointment first, before I can be your soul’s greatest love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Goddess Life lV Pt lll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

I Love London 

London, like a stuffier New York, is a city that never sleeps. Anything, anyone can be had at all hours of the day and night. We hardened citizens live thrusting, 24/7 lives – forever working, consuming and carousing – every whim catered for by this most dynamic metropolis.

Well, not so much. For, as any insomniac will tell you, the capital by night is a morose and peculiar creature, diffidently yielding up its secrets. Where a street may be swollen with activity in the early hours of a Saturday morning, so the same area will be deserted by all but a scattering of oddballs come 3am on a Tuesday night.

And yet we are told that insomnia is London’s great epidemic with legions of sufferers tossing and turning in their beds (one in three of us is estimated to incur it at some stage in our lives). A few stone-faced mavericks apart, it is a wretchedness kept behind closed doors, shared only with shopping channels and via tweeted laments. Few bring their misery on to the streets.

In contrast, the city’s greatest laureates have always harboured a penchant for the capital’s desolate alter ego. TS Eliot, Peter Ackroyd and Charles Dickens have all roamed this spectral, eerily quieted universe. Dickens’ Night Walks – conducted in the spring of 1851 after the death of his father – witnessed him encountering drunks, pie sellers and men with ‘Dry Rot’. He felt these nights offered ‘a fair amateur experience of homelessness’, asking: ‘Are the sane and the insane equal at night as the sane lie a-dreaming?’

I have been such a lunatic since infancy, gripped by a horror that – in sleep – I may be missing out on something. Incidents of non-drunken vigil have only confirmed this. Once, studying the stars in Pimlico, a woman with Rapunzel blonde hair passed me leading a snowy pony on a gold rein. ‘It looks like a unicorn,’ I remarked. ‘It is,’ she smiled coyly. Recently, lacerated by a breaking bout of insomnia, I resolved to delve further into the city’s nocturnal regions with a night walk of my own.

In Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle, heroine Cassandra Mortmain tramps through the early hours capital with her trusty bull terrier. Not being thus equipped, I enlist my bullish friend Bert. And so we wander between midnight and 5am from Upper Street to Dalston, through the City and on to Fleet Street, the Inns of Court, Embankment, Whitehall and Westminster.

Any lingering myth that London is a 24-hour city on a weeknight is sadly scotched. Cassandra takes tea at an all-night Lyons Corner House, buying her dog a sausage roll from a coffee stall. We don’t even stumble across a soup kitchen. No late-night film screenings can be located. A handful of kebab houses are shutting up shop, otherwise even that notorious alcoholics’ haunt, Gracechurch Street’s Swan Tavern, boasts bolted doors.

In Moscow, one can obtain a 4am manicure; in London, only Dalston’s Russian Bar has room at the inn. Open until 3am, it is here that I learn the life lesson that, while drinking until dawn may express joie de vivre, drinking to stay awake deadens the soul.

A bleak, Day of the Triffids aspect is more obvious than any lawlessness, unless one counts our own morale-boosting crooning. We encounter a jovial Jamaican pensioner in Islington, a lunatic busker in Hackney and, on the Embankment, two homeward-bound dancing girls. The currency for all is cigarettes. One develops strange wants: Chinese food, a shower (although clean) and an urgent desire to shop, the only outlet for that being westerly 24-hour pharmacies.

Foreign students throng coaches bound for bucket flights. Otherwise, humanity is made up of London’s mighty nocturnal workforce: a mass of fluoro, pleather and fleece, scrubbing, polishing, prepping. Raj, a minicab driver taking a break in Liverpool Street, explains: ‘London by day is a theatre, the stage preparation for which takes place at night.’ More fares issue from Canary Wharf between 9pm and 2am than during the day.

In the streetlight, denuded of bodies and traffic, the cityscape is austerely beautiful. Still, the darkest hour is just before dawn. A wan, suited woman squats vomiting on Fleet Street, considerately waiting for us to pass. There is the musty stench in the air. And, still pitch black, the first of a sorry procession of painfully anorexic female runners.

In the dank shadows of Westminster Abbey, I send Bert home and take a black cab north into the grey and grudging dawn. The night/day taxi changeover takes place between 5am and 7am and mine is an intolerably perky morning driver.

The hub to which all white vans appear drawn – and to which I now head – is Smithfield Market, emitting a sickly scent of warm flesh and surrounded by pigeons picking at chicken bones. Jeff Ford of G&E Meats kindly takes me for a cup of tea in its Cock Tavern, having just bought and butchered 100 lambs. We sit surrounded by anoraked men supping pints, his white coat Sweeney Todd ruddy.

Tanned and relaxed-looking – without the night worker’s greenish tinge – 56-year-old Ford is the George Clooney of Smithfield. Thanks to the congestion charge, the market’s hours have crept forward since he started work there at 16. Now he wakes at 11.45pm, drives in from Hertfordshire for 1am and remains until 9am or 10am: ‘There’s no social life. That’s why the market’s so social.’

By 6.30am City boys are speeding by in flash motors and there is the beginning of a surge of Boris bikes. Shop lights strobe into activity. Dazed, I taxi toward the queenly calm of Claridge’s where, through the night, a workforce of 40 has baked bread, shined shoes and polished the great marble floor.

Night manager Hendrik Huebner, 26, is a Berliner, who found the still of the London dark shocking on arrival. Now he relishes its calm: ‘I like hotels at night. People want to talk.’ The front door is shut between 1am and 6am. However, Claridge’s will not eject non-residents as long as they observe decorum. One children’s writer comes every other night to write, buoyed by a Cosmopolitan. I myself was once quietly quaffing pink fizz at 3am when Sarah Jessica Parker came into the Foyer library in her pyjamas to admire the room without gawkers.

At 7am the first Foyer breakfasts are served. In more affluent times, nurses could be seen breakfasting in their capes after a nightshift. Today, there is a towering jogger, a group of braying businessmen, a designer-clad Japanese woman and me, allaying my queasiness with Marmite on toast. Thus steeled, at 8am I emerge, squinting, into the bleached morning light. Day people are careering to and fro, or standing outside buildings sucking on a first cigarette. Too fragile for such briskness, I wend my way home to bed. Perchance to dream.

The little black(out) book London’s late-night haunts
Midnight feasts

Bar Italia

Caffeine fiends have been getting their fix all night here (below) since 1949. Nighthawk Jarvis Cocker even named a song after it. Open 7am to 5am.
22 Frith Street, W1 (baritaliasoho.co.uk)


This grazing ground for the Fulham party set is no greasy spoon – a club sandwich will set you back £11.95. Open 24 hours. 
325 Fulham Road, SW10 (vingtquatre.co.uk)

The Cock Tavern

If you’re still up at 6am, go for a pint at this early hours boozer. It’s buzzing with nightshifters from the market and St Bart’s. Open 6am to 3pm Monday to Friday. 

Smithfield Market, EC1

Beigel Bake

The oldest bagel shop in London never shuts, and serves over 7,000 bagels (a plain one costs 15p) every single day.
159 Brick Lane, E1 (020 7729 0616)


This Farringdon diner is busiest at 3am on a Friday morning, when post-Fabric revellers collapse in the green leather booths to revive themselves with shakes and hot dogs. Open midday to 5am Monday to Thursday; to 4am Friday to Saturday.

44-46 St John Street, EC1 (tinseltown.co.uk)


Wyld Bar

Escape Leicester Square on a Saturday at W Hotel’s Wyld Bar, open until 4am for cocktails and dancing.
10 Wardour Street, W1 (wlondon.co.uk)

New Evaristo Club

Known as ‘Trisha’s’ after the bar lady, this small, rickety bar lurks behind an unmarked door. Drinks are cheap and the 2am closing time is always ignored.
57 Greek Street, W1 (020 7437 9536) 

And when all else fails…

Neil Cornelius

24-hour hair salons are all the rage in New York. Neil is introducing the concept to London. It’s the only place to get a blow-dry at 4am.
1st Floor, 109 New Bond Street, W1 (neilcornelius.com)

The Gym Group

These gyms are open 24 hours. The buildings are large and warehouse-like, and although there are no pools or saunas, there is an impressive range of equipment. The Vauxhall branch is rarely deserted. Membership from £15.99 per month (thegymgroup.co.uk)

Bottoms Up

Home-delivery of booze and fags until 6am on weekends and 4am on weekdays. Perfect for when the party is flagging. (020 3463 1180)

King’s College London libraries

Open 24/7 during the exam season until 1 June. Befriend a member to sneak you in. 


Atonement and Idealism. Amera Ziganii Rao 

And begin to remember these few things as an arsenal. The idea is to master the emotions. Violence is an emotion. Violence, if you like, is also the sexual urge. The thought process behind it is what makes a master. 

I know for instance that you feel a great sadness and burden that you are the carrier of the dark. I feel a great sadness and burden that I am the carrier of the light. The other difficulty always, is that there is no narrative or cultural reference of a regular kind, to have helped you through your life. Join the club. 

As I get over the shock of your brutality, both in behaviour and in sexual behaviour and in love behaviour, and I accept what my ‘brother’ is, the brother on earth to a phenomenally strong and condemned to her belly serpent sister priest valkyrie, I am trying, successfully to have sympathy for Tennesee William’s most famous of ‘Marcus Vinicius’ characters, ‘Stanley Kowalski’. 

I am also looking at it all long term now. I am effectively converting my father and brother to a man. You. Fortunately you are not them. That’s why I am doing it. In other words, the person I focus on, and the person a woman or man like me who leads in love, always focuses on, is the soul person. I see you more than you see you. Of course, you see you, but it is not consistent. 

In other words, it is extremely good that your real ego self has been recognised and accepted by me. I realise that and while there is nothing but pride and honour in my behaviour, it is the word, HONOUR that you have to become. You have no honour. In a lack of humanity, you might get far. This world praises complete lack of honour every day and chases the glory of honour in the same way that I was raped and pillaged in the Greek Temples by your testy Agamemnon types. Like this life. You have no honour and have to get it. That is soul for you. Honour. 

Your mercenary, COMMODUS (Ridley Scott’s Gladiator) ego is to die. That part of you is to die, whether you like it or not, and fortunately, the you I focus on and that I can hear and feel, does want that more than anything. 

Of course the confusion and seductions for the ego are vast. You have to be persuaded out of your own ego by you. I am the Anuncier and facilitator. The healer in her Jedi Mastery test. 

The Queen of Atlantis returned to save your Warlord Soul. Your HONOURABLE Warlord Soul. 

And think about this way, to bring it into the micro. There is no way you will ever get dominion over me. I am of the Amazon Serpent Priesthood Valkyrie class. Your equal. You have the primal edge, because I CHOOSE to submit and receive from you. 

You may feel you have searched in vain for something to feel superior to me in. What if you can’t find it? Ego will die. 

It makes me realise something else too. Brothers hate their sisters, because they think we get all the care in the world, while they are shoved out into the cold to fend for themselves. As well as understanding now that this is a blind lie, because of the subtleties of abuse from the Agamemnon people – the 90 – 95 percent of the world outside The Temple, that Cinderella is our only fate and that YOU are the only prince charming on offer, you are also legitimate in your hatred only in one context. We ARE as powerful and strong as you think and have always thought and have always remembered. We ARE hypocrites who hide ourselves. We have to. The conversation between Lucilla and Maximus in Ridley Scott’s Gladiator says it. He wants to kill her because he has lost his wife and son, while she remains apparently unharmed in the palace. She tells him the same thing I have told you repeatedly. 

We are not safe for one fucking second. We are at war, long before you are. You go outside the home, equipped with an arsenal of lack of honour already. That is your teaching from Daddy. We are fucked over by the time we get to nursery school. Relegated to a world of slavery, by YOU. All the you’s with Mummy both protecting us and violating us at the same time. No change then. She protects me from you. But she then becomes you. We are never safe. The boys are the kings and we are slaves from the beginning. But you are right. We are Amazon. 

So, you have many conflicts going on. You are enraged because we are strong and you are enraged because we are not. All that is non love is in those two conflicts. Work on it. You have to earn love like everyone else. 


That is what Mark Anthony in William Shakespeare’s Anthony and Cleopatra and Marcus Vinicius in Henryk Sienkiewicz's Quo Vadis finally accept. 

What do they accept? She is their equal and more. And that love is too good to pass up anymore. They want to return home and they want to find grace. They want to love. 
We are still waiting for any hint of that in your ego. Your soul is flying. Your ego is a stone. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

I Love London (What a bourgeois world) 

Late Night Libraries 

Dreaded by some, revered by others, the "all-nighter" has always been a legendary feature of student life. It comes as no surprise then that many students have lobbied their universities to provide 24 hour library services. Leeds, Kings and Reading are just a few recent examples of this growing trend. All have agreed to cater for those who, either out of habit or necessity, choose to labour by moonlight.

But does this set an unhealthy precedent? Shouldn't universities be preparing students for a life of work, which, for the most part, takes place during the day?

"I think students are under more pressure than ever and we are seeing them study harder and longer," says Josh Smith, education officer at Leeds University. Leeds is set to trial 24 hour libraries for the first time during this summer's exam period.

"I've had a lot of positive feedback since it passed, but we'll see how the trial goes. They are fairly common, but I think we are seeing radical change all the time over the way students are studying."

While students at Leeds keenly await the moment when they can go into a library and never come out again, students at Bath University have been enjoying the privilege for some time.

Bath was the first university in the UK to test the idea, when they went 24 hour back in 1996.

"We were planning for a large and expensive extension to the library and the thinking was: if we're going to spend money on a big new facility why not keep it open for longer?" says deputy librarian Gavin Rea.

Although Rea admits the library doesn't get a huge amount of use at 3 or 4am, many students do come in very early during exam time, some arriving at 5am. The service is also popular with their international students, who tend to work late and often take the opportunity to contact family in another time zone.

They have a permanent security presence and use a range of energy saving devices, such as PCs that automatically power down and lighting activated by infra-red. As for misbehaviour, the biggest problem is students sneaking in takeaways and occasional drunkenness, although, according to Rae: "they rarely get past the turnstiles".

"It wasn't intentional, but 24 hour libraries became a major selling point for prospective students," says Rea. "Word got around extremely quickly and it's got to the stage now where many libraries offer some kind of 24 hour opening."

Despite the growing popularity of 24 hour libraries, proudly boasted in prospectuses, there is always a concern that students adopt unhealthy study habits.

Bridget O'Connell, head of information at the mental health charity Mind, highlights the pressure that students experience:

"While it is good that universities are allowing students to access libraries at a time that suits them, there is the concern that it could result in students feeling that they should be spending every spare moment studying. This is not a sustainable approach. Extended periods of pressure, including a lack of sleep, not eating properly, a lack of getting outdoors and exercising can all have a huge impact on mental wellbeing."

Jon Gleek, welfare officer at University of Sheffield's Students' Union, however, points out some of the positive reasons why students may require 24 hour libraries.

"It is always worth remembering that students are a hugely diverse group of people and the stereotype of the 18-year-old fresher who is pulling an all-nighter for a deadline doesn't reflect the range of needs and experiences of the whole student body," he says.

"Some students who take part in lifelong learning courses or some part-time degrees, for example, may only come onto the university campus later in the day and use the library after their evening classes. Many students have to take part-time employment during the day to fund their studies and living costs, so having a resource such as a 24 hour library can be a vital asset to their academic progress."

For student Charlotte Fuge at the University of the West of England, studying at 1.30am has been far more productive than at 1.30pm.

"It was quieter, there was a sense of calm about the place which helped when you were trying to get 2,500 words written by the 2pm deadline the next day.

"I always seemed to find what I was looking for during those early morning hours, journals would jump out at me and even internet-based research would prove more fruitful. I did all of my essays this way, and passed with a 2:1."

"There was a sense of camaraderie among those using the library during the dead of night. I know people who used it as somewhere to crash after a night out. It was fine, they were quiet."

Zoe Thomas, a history PhD student at Royal Holloway also finds them useful: "24 hour libraries are definitely helpful to students who are also having to work to fund their studies," she says.

"It is so frustrating when they are shut or in the summer when they have reduced opening times but postgraduate students still desperately need a range of access hours."

For Naila Missous, 22, studying English literature at the University of Manchester, all night libraries do not need to simply be a place for sleepy study.

"It almost creates another reason for students to be social - a bit like one huge educational sleep over...I've even been at the library in the early hours where students ordered in a pizza."  

The Guardian 

Atonement and Idealism. Amera Ziganii Rao 

And don't forget. This is NOTHING to do with sexuality. It is the cruel mind that goes with it. Mastery. A long programme I am sure.  Mastery of violence = soul. Mastery of violence = sex. Mastery of violence = creativity. Mastery of violence = POLITICAL passion. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

....then we can finally begin to think about love in you. First, mastery of violence. The year ahead. Agamemnon is to become love. One day.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

…and mastery of violence is mastery of one thing. Mastery of cruelty. That enormous selfishness and nonchalance about anyone but yourself. Your ugly neglectful, amoral, cruel, addicted to dominion over others without any responsibility, incapable of merging whore and Madonna, incapable of loving a whole woman, self. S & M for you has to be pure playful fetish at the moment. Until you can find the decency in your heart, to love the person you want to fuck. Until you can show any love at all, for the woman you are obsessed with whipping, to relieve your guilt and your addiction to dominion over others at all costs. Basically, I am dating a Nazi. All women are dating Nazis before soul can be ascended to. Agamemnon is a handsome Nazi. That’s all. 

Love is love. You do not love. Full stop. And I accept who you are and what you are. Love. Care to go with the passion. Your soul frontier. Love of any kind. The so called protection of your kind. Total fraud. When you can finally find it in your heart to be morally responsible AT ALL, you can move to the next step. Seven years so far. Then you can begin to think about mastery. The will to love, then the mastery and then the ability to sex and love. A long programme for me to sit in your abyss. I love London. And oh, doesn’t London just love me. 

And I would like to tell you something else. You are preventing me from returning to Atlantis. Cuba is the nearest thing to the remains of Atlantis. The Caribbean. You are preventing me from returning to my ancestral home. MY ancestral home, not yours. 

But you know what. As I had to dress down a particularly stupid version of you today – a moderately handsome cruel idiot who tried to push in front of me, because he thinks – like all your kind – that I am worth half of him, and because he was ‘chancing it’ as you fuckers like to call it – and as he became violent and aggressive and as I stood my ground and just annihilated him in the most serpent (intelligent, MORALLY courageous, wise and humanity pushing) way possible, serpent priesthood mother way possible, I realised that being in your prison was better than being near you, even though being in your prison is being near you. So I am here for my protection but it doesn’t make much difference. And I realised that this is the powerful growth for me. Every time you beat me, are cruel to me and just your stupid ego self of hell, in all your psychological chemical warfare of denial, cruelty and madness, it makes me feel more powerful and it makes me separate from you more. 

I am separating from you emotionally completely. I look to James Cameron’s Dark Angel. Logan as the decent man behind her who makes sure she is safe and backed up in all her military operations to save the world, and Alec, the fellow bionic man who is a testy vain idiot, mercenary and very sexy. Well. This has been a long journey. You are Alec and have been for four years. Logan is nowhere to be seen, other than in your tender psychic communication of care. Not to be dismissed, but hardly enough. You don’t care. I am not talking about it anymore. What I will say is this. You are Alec. Max hates Alec. I hate you. I disrespect you, I think you are scum and I think you are the most dangerous piece of useless meat on the planet. All men and women like you. I relate to Hitler. I would like to put all of you, including you, my mother and every fucker I have ever known, SINCE ATLANTIS, into gas chambers myself. 

That is my current solution for the human race and I am not even angry. Just pure. 

Now, we go to the Lord of the Rings. I am both Frodo and Aragorn and you are pure Sauron. The darkest bleakest most cruel force of hate and dominion over others as a hobby to turn you on, that the planet has ever seen. You are Commodus, you are Agamemnon, you are a cruel and amoral junior officer in the Nazi army. That is who you are to me. And I love you. I love you as the evil Nazi that you are. 

Now, in that love, for all of you, the humane love of objective warlock, I also damn you. I damn your egos to hell and to send you to the same hell, so you can suffer the pain of cruelty you have and do mete out in every second of your sorry existences. It’s never going to happen. Amoral people never suffer. 

Therefore my mindset is now this. I am no longer doing anything for you. I am doing it to save the world. I am Aragorn in front of Sauron now and to facilitate Frodo’s final passage to the fire of evil to put the ring in it forever, Aragorn gives up his life as he goes up against Sauron. I am in that time now. I have given my life up for two things. First, to save the world. To prove that evil can be defeated. To show the programme that will beat ANY AND ALL EVIL DEAD in this world. I have done it all. And by the time your healing is complete, I will have done it across the board. I am doing this for the redemption solution of the world and my people. I am doing it for your SOUL. Your poor, trapped soul of beauty in the monster that you are. I am doing it because you have proved your worthless worth so far, well. You deserve ‘a second chance’. 

At the same time, that second chance can only come when Agamemnon and Commodus are dead. And I mean, dead. That would be the same if were living together now or not. I still live with you while not living with you, with your second cousin and his poison that seeps into my flat. So it doesn’t make any difference to me. The fact is that the first decade of marriage is clearly meant to be hell. Because at least half the world if not 90 percent is you. 

I am doing it to save the world. I am also doing it purely, for power. My power. My influence, my  money, my achievement, my righteousness of justice, my power, ME. I AM DOING IT FOR ME. I am no longer doing it for the great twin soul of my life. You are too profane to be loved and anything you do will come too late for me. My life is over. I have given it to service. And I am not going to torture myself in the abusive situation I am condemned to remain in for now. Either you will be defeated and healed or you will take so long that I will have created my life by then. I am no longer attached to either outcome. I don’t care. I have given my life into service and no longer need to believe in love. 

Thank you and have a good evening. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014  

Goddess Life Xlll Pt ll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Atonement and Patience. Amera Ziganii Rao  

And then of course, you are human. As was I, poisoned by a world that was not me. Dire lack of self esteem, dire lack of self worth. Generic for you too. 

She holds me now. Tight in Her grip. So I hold you. Keep me as your mummy prisoner for now. I serve my purpose and my purpose is you. 

Love. Redemption. The Harvest. Our Harvest. Life. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Atonement and Patience and The Great Mother. Amera Ziganii Rao 

I think that's great. She wants to hold you too. First, you have to find Her. You will. Meet your Soul. That is the first redemption journey. That is Her holding you too. Her that is your Soul. Find your Soul. You finally find Her. But She is already holding you too. You may be all the things you are in ego, but you are still Her cock. She loves you too. Find Her. She is waiting. She is watching. She loves you too. 

And no. There are no deadlines anymore. Now, it is the long road to freedom. Your inner freedom matches my imprisonment. I know that pain. I remember it very very well. I don't have that pain at all now and have not had, for five years. You will lose that pain too. Finally. And at your personal harvest first. Then, comes ours. Pace and endurance now. The mountains are in front of us again. See you on the other side. One day. 

The words will continue. Of all kinds this year. Let's play with the same themes and create. Change the mindset and endure. Creation is worth it. 

Killing the evil that hounds us all is definitely worth it. It's the only thing to do in life as it happens. That's our luck. That we get to do it at all. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

The American idea of racial progress is how fast I became white. James Baldwin 

Mike Dillard 

If you’re ready to go full time in your business, I’m teaching a new group of students how I generate over 1,800 leads PER DAY, and built a $25,000,000 business in less than 36 months… The price to join? Just $1.00. Click Here for the details. 


Nobel Women’s Initiative 

Thank Gosh It's Feminist Friday!

This is a shout out to all the brave African feminists who work tirelessly to advance peace and women's rights in their communities! 

We can't wait to introduce you to the women activists we will be meeting in eastern Congo! 

Follow along with #CongoWomenSpeak to meet these brave and innovative women: http://bit.ly/CongoWomenSpeakBlog

Nobel Womens Initiative 

When you have an invisible illness, it’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t have a clue. It’s a daily struggle being in pain or feeling sick on the inside when you look fine on the outside. 

Personality Disorders Awareness Network 

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. Chinese Proverb 

Your feelings are YOUR feelings and you never have to apologise for how you feel! 

Personality Disorders Awareness Network 

The Ascension Choice. Whenever it comes. Mastering one's destiny. Mastering one's self. Creating one's real self. The one who has been waiting to get through forever. You. AZR

We always have a choice. 

I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to be. Carl Jung 

Spiritually it’s important to forgive those who hurt you, but you don’t need to hang out with them. 

Assertiveness for Earth Angels 

12 Steps For Self Care 

If it feels wrong, don’t do it. 

Say ‘exactly’ what you mean. 

Don’t be a people pleaser. 

Trust your instincts. 

Never speak bad about yourself. 

Never give up on your dreams. 

Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’. 

Don’t be afraid to say ‘yes’. 

Be KIND to yourself. 

Let go of what you can’t control. 

Stay away from drama and negativity. 


Personality Disorders Awareness Network 

Just a reminder that staying comfortable won’t get you where you want to go. Kelly O’Neil 

There are more people that like the dishes you cook than you’d ever imagine. Soul Blazer Lisa Haisha 

Don’t allow your loyalty to become slavery. If they aren’t appreciating what you bring to the table, let them eat alone. 

(also, the whole world and also the whole male world of course. AZR)

White people are trapped in a history they don’t understand. James Baldwin 

Temple of Balance on Women 

Something VERY Sacred is occurring at this time. This moment is to be cherished, embraced and respected.

We are all so so special as such Unique Expressions of who we are at our deepest level!

FEEL your way into SELF... FEEL your way into feeling at peace with yourself and your life.

HONOUR who you are with the deepest sense of LOVE and Acceptance possible and see if that changes anything for you. See if that helps you feel happier.


Take a deep breath in, and feel how SPECIAL, Magical and RADIANT you are Beloved!

~ Lee-Anne

Temple of Balance

The Elders say the men should look at women in a sacred way. The men should never put women down or shame them in any way. When we have problems, we should seek their counsel. We should share with them openly. A woman has intuitive thought. She has access to another system of knowledge that few men develop. She can help us understand. We must treat her in a good way. 

Temple of Balance 

Reminder of the day: Just because it is of no value to you doesn't mean it is of no value to someone else. To someone else, the same thing could save their life... Shamala Tan  

Life is a balancing act. Stay calm and keep going. PowerofPositivity.com 

....yep...true and non hating, evolved, healed and metaphoric brother and sister independence. The new relationship. Werewolves and Goddesses. The new relationship. So the love and the sex can be kept separate from the rest. The responsibility and aloneness it takes. It's good. Everything else is not. The brother is still crap at care. You know. Carry on. Do what you will. I am. And I am still here. 'Cos it's good. I see you dimly, on the horizon. AZR 

Hiding Behind a Mask. Robert Peluce. Talent Development.com

Who we seem to be as a public persona may be a useful fiction, helping us fit in with other people, and be more accepted. But a mask may also compromise our authenticity.

Hale Dwoskin, CEO of Sedona Training Associates, thinks “Most of us live behind masks all the time based on the false assumption that we are somehow safer behind them.

“It is like a little child hiding behind his own hand and actually believing that his whole body has disappeared. We feel that people may not like who we truly are so we try and become what we think they want us to be." 

These “masks” are there because we have either not figured out who we are, or because we’re afraid who we are won’t be accepted.

“We feel that people may not like who we truly are so we try and become what we think they want us to be,” Dwoskin says.

Yet as we all walk around trying to be “normal,” we overlook an extremely important factor: other people are looking at you as their “normal” gauge, just as you’re looking at them for yours.

The person who is “you” is exactly what you have created them to be. 

Your experiences, your beliefs, your motivations and your actions have shaped you into who you are. 

Yet, when you hide behind a mask and try to act out of alignment with who you really are, you will begin to feel uneasy.

“When you’re afraid to be who you really are, you lose touch with the truth of who you are and act in ways you may later regret,” Dwoskin says. 

“You’ll also feel uncomfortable in your own skin because you know you are not being genuine.”

So why do so many of us feel uneasy speaking up for our beliefs and living our own lives, while dreading the thought of not fitting in?

Because we are afraid that somehow we are inferior to those around us, and we lack the confidence to believe otherwise.

Yet if you really think about the worst thing that could happen if you feel free to be yourself -- that someone may not accept you -- it’s really not so bad. 

After all, if you can’t be genuine with someone, why do you want to be around them?

If your fears and insecurities make it difficult for you to be who you are, use The Sedona Method to release them. 

You see, when you let go of your need to be how others want you to be, the sense of contradiction within you will disappear. 

And you will then feel your inner confidence shining through.

“Your best approach is to let go of wanting to be the way others want you to be so you can simply be yourself,” Dwoskin says.

Robert Peluce 

Women work two thirds of the entire world's work and receive TEN PERCENT of the entire world's income. 

From Free Your Mind and Think posting. Official statistics

Women work two thirds of the entire world's work and receive TEN PERCENT of the entire world's income. 

The context of 'worthlessness' then makes a fuck of a lot of sense. Sort it out. AZR 

Two of the key elements in personal growth writings and programs are self-knowledge and self-acceptance. Personal development seems to depend on knowing who we really are. But what does that mean, and what “practical” value is there?

People visited the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece seeking answers about the future, from matters of public policy to personal affairs. One of the most famous pronouncements of the oracle priestess, which Socrates said he learned there, still endures: “Know thyself.”

Robert Anthony 



The journey of an artist. True creativity. Sexualisation. Authentic Power. Vision. Spirit. Soul. Freedom of the mind, body and soul. Profound, original, authentic creativity. You. 

The first question for any artist, is what is waffle. Waffle was the bane of my life. It’s what every teacher told me I was. Outside of essays and school exams, I was regarded as very intelligent and very entertaining and very erudite, and then as soon as I put pen to paper, I was told it was waffle. 

It has taken me all these years and this end of the journey to finally recognise that I was an artist, long before I became one – even though the word has such self important connotations, that one can’t even use it without doubting one’s own modesty and humility.

A true creative, an artist. I’ll say it and I’ll say it out loud. 

So by the time I left school with A levels that might as well have been failures, I thought I was stupid. Me. The reason I focus on my enormous mind with such frank self appreciation is because like being a woman, no one else is ever going to say anything to back up anything powerful about me, outside of the fact that I am a pussy and a womb.

And that is because I am not of the cerebral, scientific, toilet world community. The other tribe. Not the science of Einstein or any great, just the mediocrity of a scientific, factual world that demands anything is backed up by facts, that demands proof of spiritual healing in tangible, factual data and so on. Stupidity basically. The cerebral stupid society to go along with the patriarchal and matriarchal toilet tribe of womb stealing and female genocide. 

Waffle is feeling. Feeling, imagination and emotional expression. If that is waffle, then thank you. Thank you, thank you and thank you for telling me that I am one of the most creative human beings on this planet. Because that is the truth of waffle. And I love it. Waffle, waffle, waffle and waffle. That is creativity and anything else is factual nonsense, billed as art. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012 

Update on Love. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Don't forget how much you are loved and needed. 

Carry on. Grow. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Update on Love. Serpent on Her Belly Life. Amera Ziganii Rao 

So. Well, my sweet, your programme of new development has begun. My martyrdom is over. The friendship begins and we might be done by the end of the next decade I reckon. 

So, my choices. Either to remain the mother to you in my present life and therefore waiting for someone that is not ready to be waited for, as it were. Or to change my life and accept that the message of the company goes all the way. 

No man or woman can be together until the whole is done. For me, that is financial power, my own life and building from scratch after a life of mother martyrdom, because it is both my job and the slavery of this false world that serves pig men, and the only freedom I can have. 

The friend. The one who did it all herself. And then finally was loved. 

See you when we are sixty. The work will continue after I have found a new flat and a new base in this life and settled into my ward of state in the only country that will have me. I am lucky. I got to create the new world. The bad luck is being born. I am the serpent on her belly and Adam has as yet no morality of any kind. 

It's done. Anything is better than waiting. Anything is better than living with your second cousin above me, like it's some shamanic ritual until you come and get me. 

I am only a novice great spiritual. The lessons are extremely tough. I will conquer this world. I will get out of this flat. My only great goal for 2014. To leave 'The Stockholm Syndrome' even if it was being done on a high esoteric and psycho analytical level. And this way, there is only one consolation in my fury at my circumstances. I no longer have to focus on men. Or the world of men. The relief at that will take me through. So fucking bored of it, even though I am glad you are feeling good. 

For me, I am not but I will. Anything is better than 'waiting' for your cruelty to go. I want a different legacy. 

I got out. I became a woman and built my own world. 

I became a loved, independent woman, despite all the odds. I just had to wait until I was 90. So I didn't wait. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Facing Yourself as Ascension. The Ingredients. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Facing yourself = Ascension. Facing yourself is doing what you don't want to do. Repeat repeatedly. Ascend finally, when you have finally done the one thing you never wanted to do. Doing it is the facing yourself is first ascension. Choosing love as a state of being, being in alignment with your soul. Being in alignment is doing what you don't want to do. Finding the courage to hear the messages that have been coming at you for years. Facing yourself is facing that terror and moving through it. Repeat repeatedly. Facing yourself is doing what you don't want to do. 

Kindness. Love. Putting others first. Being an adult parent to others. Moral responsibility, courage, liberation, humanity, egalitarianism, standing up for what is right, defending the meek, speaking truth to power, facing fear of loss, facing the fear, facing your fears. Doing what you don't want to do. To face yourself. To ascend. Repeat repeatedly. Purification is the self crucifixion. Changing the spiritual DNA of your matter. Facing yourself is to be alone. Being alone to face yourself. Doing what you don't want to do. Repeat repeatedly. Ascend. 

The meaning of life. To ascend. To do what you don't want to do. 

Soul is not for pussies. Soul is hardcore. Soul is the badge of honour. You've got to work for it. Like nothing else on earth. The hardest work any human being can do in any lifetime. The proof of warrior. Facing yourself to change. Alchemy. 

Repeat repeatedly. Be alone. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014  

Goddess Life XV Pt ll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Facing Yourself as Ascension. The Ingredients. Amera Ziganii Rao 

What is it that you are not wanting to face but do from time to time? Simple. For me, as a woman and Nymph and everything else that I became, I had to (and still do) face the fact repeatedly, that men are nowhere near invincible, kind or superior or more or strong or capable or powerful. I had to face the fact that need can therefore never be love with a man or Werewolf and that I had to lead in emotion, mentality, action, inspiration and imagination and sexuality and sensuality and love. And above all, in courage. 

Then I learnt, in the new Ascensions, that I had to totally provide for myself in the face of great material power because I was regarded as a ‘rebel’, and I was to be hated as I have been my whole life, by the man I love. I had to protect myself against you and you as a people, because you are so slow in consciousness (love and humanity and imagination and spirit intelligence) that you are a liability. Your kindness and responsibility were too slow to rely on and that you were my direct enemy and nemesis as well as the motivation of my heart and mind and soul. 

That is what my superego, the soul ego, has to face every day. To keep ascending forever. Ascension is moving into the pure spirit of my being. To be at peace and powerful and safe, despite all that is around me. Everyone has one. It’s called the soul. 

For you, it is very simple indeed. Women are not worthless. Women are for more than pussy or motherhood/daughterhood/servanthood/carehood. 

For you, it is that women are whole human beings too. Like YOU. Simple. Repeat repeatedly. For you, it is that women are incredible. And MORE. It is called EMPATHY FOR THE FEMALE SPECIES. And HONOUR. Honour is the basis of respect.

Women are not just pussy or motherhood and are to be admired, worshipped for their humanity, and respected. Repeat repeatedly. Face what you do not want to face. I am human too. Move out of the clichés. I am not a piece of meat. I am a human being like you. And a piece of meat. Be the human and the carnivore. Just know that one cannot ‘come’ without the other. 

You will still sex like the man you want to be. You will still have executive bathroom privileges with the boys and the daddies and the power men who kill. You will just have – integrally – something else you have never had before. The humanity of respect for ANYONE ELSE. Let alone a woman. Let alone, for the species you like destroying and dehumanising and not giving a flying fuck about other than for your own needs. You ARE the ego as Werewolf. As Nymph we only carry the ego. You ARE the ego of destruction. You are also powerful, apparently, in your sexuality at least. So use it. Use it for good. That’s what it’s there for. To master that monster of an ego so you can master that monster of your meat loving sexuality. 

So you can be fit for human consumption. You face yourself as men or Werewolves or cruel, self serving arseholes (male or female)  – choose whichever title is appropriate – and you give up gradually, your relentless and weak spirited cruelty and neglect and profanity of being. 

To put it even more simply for your trigger mantras, have love (humane, objective, friendship, platonic and respectful and non homicidal selfishness slavery so you do finally give a fuck about her career, instead of craving an accomplished female to put in your parlour) for the woman you want to fuck. Have love for the woman you want to fuck. That is love. You are in the cliché and that is horrifyingly comforting. That is ego. You know what it looks like. Keep facing what you don’t want to face. That you have to treat a woman like a human being. You don’t need any other sentence than that. 

Soul for you is treating a woman like a human being. Treating her as you want to be treated. Treating her as a human being. Treating the mother as a human being. Treating the whore as a human being. Treating the daughter like a human being. Treating women like human beings. As if they are YOU. That is called empathy. No one can be any state of love without empathy. Your facing yourself is to get empathy. My facing myself was to get empathy. Empathy is love. Empathy for the human + objectifying the human = sexual love. Sexual LOVE. 

Then you might even try honouring her as the Disir and Sacred Priesthood. The Sacred Serpent Priesthood™. Here for all. With you as a REVERENT and MORALLY RESPONSIBLE guardian and companion. That for you is supersoul. That comes next. Ascension never stops. 

Repeat repeatedly. If you are sincere, ‘the unicorn will live again’ (BBC TV’s Merlin). If you are lazy or avoidant, you remain in ego. Simple. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Women in our culture are raised to be caregivers, and as such, their identity and self worth are defined primarily by that role. For most women, it is a major psychological achievement to shift their primary identification and sense of worth to the development of their talent. 

Mary Rocomora 

I want achievement and money. And no man wants that for me. You don't have to. None of you have to do anything. It's done. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Facing Yourself as Ascension. The Ingredients. Amera Ziganii Rao 

You enter the vulnerability. You ask for what you need, instead of projecting that need into a demand for slavery, out of fear that you will not get what you need. 

That took me ten years to master. It is the essence of centering. Asking for what you need, knowing it is inappropriate, silly, embarrassing, WEAK, and yet you do it, to join the human race. To be intimate at last with the rest of the planet. You enter the universal state of trust, because you know you are not eight years old anymore, and because you have the RIGHT to express YOUR needs too. You find that right, you forgive why you had to find the right in the first place after all these years and then you stop projecting into a demand for mother slavery and dehumanisation, so you can forget you exist. You do exist, you are human, you are vulnerable and you court evil in a world dominated by your kind of evil. That is your dilemma. What to stand up for. The motivation is fear. There are no teddy bears in the executive washroom. Your rage at that demands mother slavery. Deal with your own soul, your own MORALITY, your own courage and you will stop projecting. 

That is what it is to find yourself. To find the soul within the evil. And then, to live a MORAL life. A life of humanity and vulnerability and not projection of unconscious emotion as your human 'right'. No one has the right to project. And any 'mother' has the right to slap. No mother has to be a slave. I only realised this week, that all motherhood is regarded as slavery. By those who go to the mother. Wow. You pay. You pay big for that. 

Stop projecting your vulnerability and be vulnerable. I already know your faults, believe me. Everyone does. What about expressing something else? You. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

.... You enter the vulnerability. You ask for what you need, instead of projecting that need into a demand for slavery, out of fear that you will not get what you need. 

And I have seen you do that more than once. You can do it. The problem is that in ego it takes too much effort, too much conscious will, too much courage. Facing yourself is taking that by the bit and not letting go until the fucker changes. 

And in all facing yourself, the more powerful the ego, the better off you are. Because the power of the ego is the power of the superego and the power of the soul. We are powerful souls. You take the warlord of slavery demand in you, the unhealed Agamemnon cunt of a bastard from hell, the ultimate projector, the disgusting person who doesn’t give a fuck about a woman, unless it is about sex or social power, who doesn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone because he is so far up his profanity, that he can’t even remember what his heart looks like, and you turn it on yourself. You rape yourself, you beat yourself, you kill yourself. You take that violence and use it properly. Use it against that ego. Use it against your sickness. Prove yourself, to your soul. Then, you are worthy of warrior, because then you have finally killed in the name of love. For the first time in your sorry, ego life. 

That is Jedi. That is to kill the killer within. That is to go up against the machines. That is to ascend. Take Agamemnon by the balls and throw him to the wolves. Be a man. Kill the monster. For that you have to make a decision. Is he a monster? In that question lies your destiny. Consider it well. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

.... You enter the vulnerability. You ask for what you need, instead of projecting that need into a demand for slavery, out of fear that you will not get what you need. 

And I have seen you do that more than once. You can do it. The problem is that in ego it takes too much effort, too much conscious will, too much courage. Facing yourself is taking that by the bit and not letting go until the fucker changes. 

And in all facing yourself, the more powerful the ego, the better off you are. Because the power of the ego is the power of the superego and the power of the soul. We are powerful souls. You take the warlord of slavery demand in you, the unhealed Agamemnon cunt of a bastard from hell, the ultimate projector, the disgusting person who doesn’t give a fuck about a woman, unless it is about sex or social power, who doesn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone because he is so far up his profanity, that he can’t even remember what his heart looks like, and you turn it on yourself. You rape yourself, you beat yourself, you kill yourself. You take that violence and use it properly. Use it against that ego. Use it against your sickness. Prove yourself, to your soul. Then, you are worthy of warrior, because then you have finally killed in the name of love. For the first time in your sorry, ego life. 

That is Jedi. That is to kill the killer within. That is to go up against the machines. That is to ascend. Take Agamemnon by the balls and throw him to the wolves. Be a man. Kill the monster. For that you have to make a decision. Is he a monster? In that question lies your destiny. Consider it well. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

.....then there is the other big facing yourself issue. It is hard to remember (more so for me, about you now) that all projection in relationship of any kind, of ANY kind, is about addiction to love. 

Really. I find it hard to remember too. Addiction to love is addiction to GOD, The Great Mother, The Universe, whatever you want to call it, it is addiction to the LOVE ENERGY. 

We live in a godless world. In a godless world, with no teddy bears in the executive washroom, with a cerebral animus ruling the world, the male psyche of penetration and nothing else – war, construction, ‘progress’, forward drive, achievement and of course, the manna of modern warfare, money – there is no love energy. 

That’s all. Think about that. And think about the fact that to wean off the addiction to love in a person, you have to integrate the truth that love is an energy that can be found anywhere at any time in any way. That is what is meant, by all being within. A film, a book, a casual encounter with a friendly stranger, and of course, the Source itself, meditation, or what can be called daydreaming. 

We know these things actually, but we have been programmed out of self love search if you like. To stimulate the love in ourselves as we all have the right to hope for. 

But it is also for one reason. We don’t want to. We don’t want to take the love energy away from our loved one. From getting it from our loved one. 

Addiction to love is addiction to GOD, is the Highest Love Intelligence Divinity™ is addiction to the love energy which is GOOD. Addiction to love energy is good. Addiction to demanding that love energy from one person or ten is not good. We have to take responsibility for generating love intelligence in any way we can. And that is the ego’s biggest disappointment and that is why mothers are slaves. Slaves to a male (Werewolf) and female Werewolf love addiction and the ignorance of having killed off the source of the love energy and indeed, THE Source of the love energy. 

So your archetype is more ego because you killed off those of us with the gift. Honouring the ones with the gift is not mother slavery. It is honouring the mother. It is honouring GOD and it is honouring Love Intelligence. Honour the generation of Love energy and Love Intelligence and you master addiction to me. 

Master the addiction, you find the humanity to remember that I am human too. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Facing Yourself as Ascension. The Ingredients. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Empathy and Vulnerability 

So, I have been asked to write about my disability, as the best analogy for what is being covered right now. 
The fact that I even have to mention it, the fact that I am building up to the words about that subject, is indicative of what I have learnt so far. That no one can be relied on, because everyone is just too cruel and you have to have suffered yourself to understand anything and so there is very little point in trying to get through to someone who has not gone through the same journey. So that means hardly anyone. 

That there is no help in the world as a regular hopeful expectation, because the whole world is sick and far behind in consciousness and therefore self love and therefore humanity. (I suppose, so far, and I am being generous). That the negotiation for understanding, tolerance, appreciation, sympathy or aid in a world where there is no humanity as an approved of, status quo, is the most dangerous, potentially useless, regularly useless and isolating and lonely path on this planet. 

And most of that, is equally directed at so called medics, medical staff and anyone involved with anything medical or to do with health. 

The world is full of truly, brutal, pigs. And to even be able to stand up and say that for real, is to be bashed down as negative, pessimistic, pre-occupied with the negative and so on. No one wants to know. And no one wants to know because we are all born to become selfish. All BORN, TO BECOME SELFISH. That is the aim of the reptilian agenda and the agenda of this world. 

Not only is the world full of truly, brutal pigs, but most of these pigs, people like you as a generic, who believe in dominion over others as a life model, a power model in life, who think humanity is another word for marshmallow, and that a humanitarian is a stupid fool, naïve I think is your favourite word as archetype, are always in positions of power. 

Your kind are always in positions of power and my kind are always part of the vulnerable, for a myriad of reasons, not least the fact that a visceral mystic is born from pure literal physical body suffering and that these sicknesses of the body that exist on earth are probably ten thousand years old and probably most of the time belong to my kind, because – oh yes – we have been genocided out of humanity and relegated to slavery in the home, either as wives, mothers, as it happens, daughters, servants or toilet cleaners. The literal kind. And then there is the sickness of carrying all the evil of the world as sponges. The most earth angel women and men for instance, truly do blow up their weight because there is no knowledge of how to stop themselves being sponges for everyone else’s toxins. 

Now, that is a stunning and obviously obtuse piece of information I found on the way. My body blew up at the beginning of the crippling journey even though I have never had as little money in my life. £20 a week for everything outside rent. I ate nothing and blew to the biggest size I have ever been. One of the many many mysterious things that happened to me, and that I had to decipher and analyse and diagnose myself, because – and I find this the best bit – not only is your kind cruel, they are so relentlessly mediocre minded and stupid. And that is what really fucks me off the most. Because you are in positions of power. 

It is also because the world is truly in a terrible place of deliberate lies that are so vast and complex and so detailed, it will take me about ten years to record them all and another ten to even make sense of any of them. All the exasperations everyone bandies about in sincere ignorance and hopelessness and the root cause of all that is cynicism. What are the pharmaceutical companies, why do they push out the things that truly seem to help along the way, why is there such a campaign to not have particular kinds of treatments on the UK National Health Service – I’d like to know what Obama Care’s perspective on this is – why there is such an over emphasis on treating the body as a separate bag of organs, as opposed to the whole holistic self. 

And it is also because it takes a fuck of a long time to work your way through the maze of deceptions and power abuses. I spent ten years literally just working it all out, while in chronic pain and crippling. 

Now, that is just the outside world, that one has to deal with in extreme vulnerability. Add to that so many other aspects of either sickness, vulnerability or victims of abuse, and again, it is a life more of tackling the evils of the world that are in relation to it, rather than tackling the sickness itself. 

I would say that at first glance, I have taken 15 years of 16 years to do just that. My biggest problem for instance is that no one believes me until I tell them in full detail, and explain the particular tiny details of every aspect of pain that I go through every day. And I am talking about medical professionals. My biggest problem is that this disability is invisible. My biggest problem is that it wouldn’t matter. My biggest problem is that I just look too damn good. 

The world has its own mediocre and inhumane categories. If you are a victim, if you are a vulnerable, if you need help, if you are the meek, you better look like it. If you don’t, you better have a good reason. Oh, and then, if you do look vulnerable, as I did when I was very big, you are told to explain yourself. These are just titbits of the mindfield of living that it takes and why people such as yourself, sink behind a mask forever. The spoilt princes and princesses who are just too weak and corruptible to do anything else. And it is true. 

I was born with an iron clad integrity. It is called divinity. I was born with the divine gene. The one that says, fuck you, who the fuck do you think you are, I know, I KNOW I am entitled to rights as a human being. This is the divine gene. The one that works equally hard to not mete out lack of humanity itself, the one that fails itself in ego, but the one that can transcend it in every moment it needs to. Divine, being the High Love Intelligence™ genius or gift to whatever level we have it. I have it in buckets and I had the life to go with it. 

Now, as in Bill Condon’s Dreamgirls, my life has obviously been about accepting that I am – the recent definition has gelled it completely for me – The Sacred Serpent Priesthood™- that I am on my belly in this life. Just as in the film, the Jennifer Hudson character is the outcaste. I am an outcaste, both as a Serpent Priestess, the highest priestess race on earth, PRIESTESS RACE – we are a different DNA species, honed over lifetimes of training in our spiritual and esoteric and imagination and creative and humanity levels – and I am an outcaste as a cripple, and as it happens, as a humanitarian. And like the Jennifer Hudson character, I had to settle into my true self, BEFORE I could even function. 

Now you have sailed your way in comparative luxury – the tortoise and the hare – through luxury and swallowing it like a greedy child – I have watched my brother – without a care in the world for anyone else. You and I are from opposite ends of the HUMANITY spectrum. 

Your challenge is to deal with being the corruption of power. Mine is to deal with becoming power of an unprecedented kind, since ‘the purge’. Since my kind were wiped out. All people of magic. 

Now, my kind is also apparently about surrender. Not sure about that anymore and that is something you actually like and something you will have to persuade me to even do now. Sexual connotations aside, you have a challenge on your hands. To rely on another human being now, to rely on a Werewolf now, would be truly, a conscious decision. And as I move now into my own poor person, rags to riches on my own, Monarch beggar life of self building, because no person of power, a man, wants to even touch me with a barge pole, because I refuse to be a mother slave – the same argument over four years ago – I remember her character. Interestingly enough, the Beyonce character is also me. So is the character who falls for the Eddie Murphy played star too. I have been punished as if I am that controlled girl and worshipped and dehumanised and objectified in exactly the same way, while being the outcaste too. And of course, the bit of skirt for an ageing superstar. You. 

Anyway, that is just the sociological and psychological effects of being who I am. And I haven’t even begun to tell the real story of that yet. The levels of humanitarianism and vulnerability that I have been asked to ‘investigate’ in my life. All quantifiable, endless, repetitive research for my work. Added to the thousands and thousands of conversations I have had with people for at least 35 years, the sharing of the problems that people with no access to power or love or comfort have. I have researched the world for humanity and found nothing. 

Anyway how does this apply to you? This is the world of motherhood. The world of women. While you swan off to your executive washroom and plot to kill, with the real killers of this world, and while you hide behind your scared prince mask, this is what the vulnerable have to do. The world of real motherhood. Not the world even of motherhood, who have to scrub the house all day. Aside from her own Werewolf offences, I see now for instance a terribly embarrassing fact. My mother must have scrubbed the family house clean every day that I was at school and for the entire evening she was then cooking and cleaning. A university lecturer in English literature, displaced through marriage into a kitchen ‘field hand’. For no pay whatoever. I never saw that woman allowed to go to the salon once in 25 years. My father is in the top bracket of earners, the pre – millionaire market. You people are disgusting it is time you not only know the details, it is time you do something about it as a people. 

Who do you think is already leading by example? 

And you know what is worst about how much she must have scrubbed that house? I didn’t even notice. No one did. Did you? 

The problem with slavery and indeed, the female psyche yin energy, is that we are not loud. What does that mean? It means we trusted both male ‘care’ – the biggest and most fraudulent lie on earth – women do not just earn 10 percent of the entire world’s income, women also are FORCED to rely on something that does not exist. Male care. And when I say forced, what a huge system of coercion to seduce a woman, as Simone de Beauvoir says, into domestic slavery, under the guise of marriage and relationship. 

I know a very attractive and intelligent woman who will not speak of what happened when her boyfriend of four years finally moved in with her. She will not speak his name again. He waited four years, but it still happened. What? Domestic  slavery, bullying and coercion. The bliss of marriage that waits for every young girl on earth. The myth, the massive, uncontrolled, out of control, lie of male care. Disgusting. Your people are a disgusting people. You really do have a legacy to overturn and you have done well. Not in the mood for motherly encouragement. Just the facts. 

So, a world of vulnerability, no power and motherly care, which is actually another word for slavery in your world. 

And I have not even mentioned the pain. This is what creates empathy. Suffering and I already had empathy in buckets. I am a humanitarian. I am a moral human being. I believe in the sacrosanct of life. Kindness and sharing power. 

Not so sure in how many ways I believe in the sharing of power anymore. I see motherly care as an affiliative power that leads nowhere at the moment. Maybe one day you can change my mind. 

For now, I am being asked to tell you HOW to become empathy. How to care. Caring is also the healing of the human heart. Again projection. I remember when I was training and I asked that one first spiritual teacher, fellow student, more advanced then, not now, spiritual teacher who showed me the path, if projection meant that even Hitler could have been stopped in his tracks, if he had been healed. The answer was yes. 

Of course, it is that enthusiasm and faith that has led me to this stupid life with you so far. No regrets. Just total regret. About all of it. I hate it all. I do now however transcend into one thing. A love of cruelty. I have had it for a long time, but I see it as a mastery of cruelty. I do however see why your healing is so relentlessly slow. First, you have everything to lose and I had nothing to lose and second, you don’t want to lose your grip on evil. I did. 

But for me, the reason I have become  as powerful and unstoppable in all that I do now, is that I integrated my own love for power the more you abused yours. That is the gift and insight of alchemy and the courage to self crucify through it. 

And when I look at the whole picture, what I find fascinating and infuriating is that you have no idea as a people or as a person, how hard I had to work on my own ego and indeed, how hard everyone of my kind works on their ego. To make sure we are not saps for love or having crushes left, right or centre, or wailing in our genuine castration in  a fascist world that demands the slavery of Cinderella. How hard, how many layers of ego. You want to know why I am more than you? I did the work. Otherwise I would be a millionaire living on the plot of Atlantis too. And you would be the Count of Monte Christo stuck with your second cousin. 

I am strong and kind and non suicidal, despite such psychological torture and warfare from your Commodus of an ego, the ego of your people, because I put in ten years of this concentration, on my own, to rise up from the shitpile I was destined to begin from. My disability, my family, the great narcissistic fools that they are like most people, their weak humanity that drove me out the door because my weight was too offensive for them, while my needs absolutely non existent. And of course, my disability just an irritation for them. What kind of people are you? I really do not want to know anymore. I certainly don’t want to know about them. Or anyone else. You, my man, and men are my last hope. Do you have the potential to enter humanity or not? Because the other groups of your type do not. 

Even though I have been meeting different versions recently and of course, it is because of my own stance. They see me coming. I take no prisoners in a fascist world, when I deal with fascists. You should know that by now. 

And yes, it is because of the sex. Why on earth else would I bother. 

I have long forgotten the kind and wise and awesome soul of Marcus Vinicius. You are completely Commodus for me now (Ridley Scott’s Gladiator) and that just shows how much humanity I have for fascism now. I am still talking. 

Anyway, that’s me. The idea of writing about the pain of this disability and how long I have to focus on it all day and how invisible all the pain is and how I cope with it is just too much to go into now. I have transcended what I have to do. To have explained vulnerability at all to you was the point. You abuse power. So does everyone. Some people stop. You haven’t. Your people will not. Destiny is up to you. 

And the aim was to talk about the pain of motherhood and being a slave in your world therefore. You get the idea. Humanise and honour and respect the women. They work a fuck of a lot harder than you and get nothing for it. Not even your money. At least they can get your respect. At least we deserve that. And if we don't, we don't. We know where we stand though at least and that is half the power. The myths at least are smashed and no girl will have to go through what I have been through or am going through. Time to 'put your money where your mouth is'. And I really wouldn't like to say where that is now. 

No wonder I thought motherhood was a dirty word. Now, I think it's great. Because I finally know what a real mother is. Me. And after having been vilified and damned for 30 years for not being a mummy slave to the likes of you, that is a pretty big thing. You made me feel ugly and cruel. Your whole people. It is you. Ugly and cruel. And abusers of power all over this stinking, animus, cerebral, mother abusing, Commodus world.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Albert Einstein 

Albert Einstein (/ˈælbərt ˈaɪnstaɪn/; German: [ˈalbɐt ˈaɪnʃtaɪn] ( listen); 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). While best known for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation"), he received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect". The latter was pivotal in establishing quantum theory. 

Near the beginning of his career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led to the development of his special theory of relativity. He realized, however, that the principle of relativity could also be extended to gravitational fields, and with his subsequent theory of gravitation in 1916, he published a paper on the general theory of relativity. He continued to deal with problems of statistical mechanics and quantum theory, which led to his explanations of particle theory and the motion of molecules. He also investigated the thermal properties of light which laid the foundation of the photon theory of light. In 1917, Einstein applied the general theory of relativity to model the large-scale structure of the universe. 

He was visiting the United States when Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 and did not go back to Germany, where he had been a professor at the Berlin Academy of Sciences. He settled in the U.S., becoming an American citizen in 1940. On the eve of World War II, he endorsed a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt alerting him to the potential development of "extremely powerful bombs of a new type" and recommending that the U.S. begin similar research. This eventually led to what would become the Manhattan Project. Einstein supported defending the Allied forces, but largely denounced using the new discovery of nuclear fission as a weapon.

Later, with the British philosopher Bertrand Russell, Einstein signed the Russell–Einstein Manifesto, which highlighted the danger of nuclear weapons. Einstein was affiliated with the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, until his death in 1955.

Einstein published more than 300 scientific papers along with over 150 non-scientific works. His great intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein" synonymous with genius. 

Early Life and Education

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire on 14 March 1879. His father was Hermann Einstein, a salesman and engineer. His mother was Pauline Einstein (née Koch). In 1880, the family moved to Munich, where his father and his uncle founded Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie, a company that manufactured electrical equipment based on direct current.

The Einsteins were non-observant Jews. Albert attended a Catholic elementary school from the age of five for three years. At the age of eight, he was transferred to the Luitpold Gymnasium (now known as the Albert Einstein Gymnasium) where he received advanced primary and secondary school education until he left Germany seven years later. Contrary to popular suggestions that he had struggled with early speech difficulties, the Albert Einstein Archives indicate he excelled at the first school that he attended.

He was right-handed; there appears to be no evidence for the widespread popular belief that he was left-handed. 

His father once showed him a pocket compass; Einstein realized that there must be something causing the needle to move, despite the apparent "empty space". As he grew, Einstein built models and mechanical devices for fun and began to show a talent for mathematics. When Einstein was ten years old, Max Talmud (later changed to Max Talmey), a poor Jewish medical student from Poland, was introduced to the Einstein family by his brother. During weekly visits over the next five years, he gave the boy popular books on science, mathematical texts and philosophical writings. 

These included Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and Euclid's Elements (which Einstein called the "holy little geometry book"). 

In 1894, his father's company failed: direct current (DC) lost the War of Currents to alternating current (AC). In search of business, the Einstein family moved to Italy, first to Milan and then, a few months later, to Pavia. When the family moved to Pavia, Einstein stayed in Munich to finish his studies at the Luitpold Gymnasium. His father intended for him to pursue electrical engineering, but Einstein clashed with authorities and resented the school's regimen and teaching method. He later wrote that the spirit of learning and creative thought were lost in strict rote learning. At the end of December 1894, he travelled to Italy to join his family in Pavia, convincing the school to let him go by using a doctor's note. It was during his time in Italy that he wrote a short essay with the title "On the Investigation of the State of the Ether in a Magnetic Field." 

In 1895, at the age of sixteen, Einstein sat the entrance examinations for the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich (later the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH). He failed to reach the required standard in the general part of the examination, but obtained exceptional grades in physics and mathematics. On the advice of the Principal of the Polytechnic, he attended the Aargau Cantonal School in Aarau, Switzerland, in 1895–96 to complete his secondary schooling. While lodging with the family of Professor Jost Winteler, he fell in love with Winteler's daughter, Marie. (Albert's sister Maja later married Wintelers' son Paul.) In January 1896, with his father's approval, he renounced his citizenship in the German Kingdom of Württemberg to avoid military service. In September 1896, he passed the Swiss Matura with mostly good grades, including a top grade of 6 in physics and mathematical subjects, on a scale of 1-6, and, though only seventeen, enrolled in the four-year mathematics and physics teaching diploma program at the Zurich Polytechnic. Marie Winteler moved to Olsberg, Switzerland for a teaching post. 

Einstein's future wife, Mileva Marić, also enrolled at the Polytechnic that same year, the only woman among the six students in the mathematics and physics section of the teaching diploma course. Over the next few years, Einstein and Marić's friendship developed into romance, and they read books together on extra-curricular physics in which Einstein was taking an increasing interest. In 1900, Einstein was awarded the Zurich Polytechnic teaching diploma, but Marić failed the examination with a poor grade in the mathematics component, theory of functions. There have been claims that Marić collaborated with Einstein on his celebrated 1905 papers, but historians of physics who have studied the issue find no evidence that she made any substantive contributions. 

Marriages and children  

With the discovery and publication in 1987 of an early correspondence between Einstein and Marić it became known that they had a daughter they called "Lieserl" in their letters, born in early 1902 in Novi Sad where Marić was staying with her parents. Marić returned to Switzerland without the child, whose real name and fate are unknown. Einstein probably never saw his daughter, and the contents of a letter he wrote to Marić in September 1903 suggest that she was either adopted or died of scarlet fever in infancy. 

Einstein and Marić married in January 1903. In May 1904, the couple's first son, Hans Albert Einstein, was born in Bern, Switzerland. Their second son, Eduard, was born in Zurich in July 1910. In 1914, Einstein moved to Berlin, while his wife remained in Zurich with their sons. They divorced on 14 February 1919, having lived apart for five years.

Einstein married Elsa Löwenthal on 2 June 1919, after having had a relationship with her since 1912. She was his first cousin maternally and his second cousin paternally. In 1933, they emigrated to the United States. In 1935, Elsa Einstein was diagnosed with heart and kidney problems and died in December 1936. 

After graduating, Einstein spent almost two frustrating years searching for a teaching post. He acquired Swiss citizenship in February 1901, but was not conscripted for medical reasons. With the help of Marcel Grossmann's father Einstein secured a job in Bern at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property, the patent office, as an assistant examiner. He evaluated patent applications for electromagnetic devices. In 1903, Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent Office became permanent, although he was passed over for promotion until he "fully mastered machine technology".

Much of his work at the patent office related to questions about transmission of electric signals and electrical-mechanical synchronization of time, two technical problems that show up conspicuously in the thought experiments that eventually led Einstein to his radical conclusions about the nature of light and the fundamental connection between space and time.

With a few friends he met in Bern, Einstein started a small discussion group, self-mockingly named "The Olympia Academy", which met regularly to discuss science and philosophy. Their readings included the works of Henri Poincaré, Ernst Mach, and David Hume, which influenced his scientific and philosophical outlook. 

In 1901, his paper "Folgerungen aus den Capillaritätserscheinungen" ("Conclusions from the Capillarity Phenomena") was published in the prestigious Annalen der Physik. On 30 April 1905, Einstein completed his thesis, with Alfred Kleiner, Professor of Experimental Physics, serving as pro-forma advisor. Einstein was awarded a PhD by the University of Zurich. His dissertation was entitled "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions." This paper included Einstein's initial estimates of Avogadro constant as 2.2×1023 based on diffusion coefficients and viscosities of sugar solutions in water. That same year, which has been called Einstein's annus mirabilis (miracle year), he published four groundbreaking papers, on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and the equivalence of mass and energy, which were to bring him to the notice of the academic world. 

By 1908, he was recognized as a leading scientist, and he was appointed lecturer at the University of Bern. The following year, he quit the patent office and the lectureship to take the position of physics docent at the University of Zurich. He became a full professor at Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague in 1911. Also in 1911, corrections of algebraic errors in his thesis brought Einstein's Avogadro constant estimate to 6.6×1023. In 1914, he returned to Germany after being appointed director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics (1914–1932) and a professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin, with a special clause in his contract that freed him from most teaching obligations. He became a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. In 1916, Einstein was appointed president of the German Physical Society (1916–1918). 

During 1911, he had calculated that, based on his new theory of general relativity, light from another star would be bent by the Sun's gravity. That prediction was claimed confirmed by observations made by a British expedition led by Sir Arthur Eddington during the solar eclipse of 29 May 1919. International media reports of this made Einstein world famous. On 7 November 1919, the leading British newspaper The Times printed a banner headline that read: "Revolution in Science – New Theory of the Universe – Newtonian Ideas Overthrown". Much later, questions were raised whether the measurements had been accurate enough to support Einstein's theory. In 1980 historians John Earman and Clark Glymour published an analysis suggesting that Eddington had suppressed unfavorable results. The two reviewers found possible flaws in Eddington's selection of data, but their doubts, although widely quoted and, indeed, now with a "mythical" status almost equivalent to the status of the original observations, have not been confirmed. Eddington's selection from the data seems valid and his team indeed made astronomical measurements verifying the theory. 

In 1921, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect, as relativity was considered still somewhat controversial. He also received the Copley Medal from the Royal Society in 1925. 

Travels abroad

Einstein visited New York City for the first time on 2 April 1921, where he received an official welcome by Mayor John Francis Hylan, followed by three weeks of lectures and receptions. He went on to deliver several lectures at Columbia University and Princeton University, and in Washington he accompanied representatives of the National Academy of Science on a visit to the White House. On his return to Europe he was the guest of the British statesman and philosopher Viscount Haldane in London, where he met several renowned scientific, intellectual and political figures, and delivered a lecture at King's College. 

In 1922, he traveled throughout Asia and later to Palestine, as part of a six-month excursion and speaking tour. His travels included Singapore, Ceylon, and Japan, where he gave a series of lectures to thousands of Japanese. His first lecture in Tokyo lasted four hours, after which he met the emperor and empress at the Imperial Palace where thousands came to watch. Einstein later gave his impressions of the Japanese in a letter to his sons::307 "Of all the people I have met, I like the Japanese most, as they are modest, intelligent, considerate, and have a feel for art." :308 

On his return voyage, he also visited Palestine for 12 days in what would become his only visit to that region. "He was greeted with great British pomp, as if he were a head of state rather than a theoretical physicist", writes Isaacson. This included a cannon salute upon his arrival at the residence of the British high commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel. During one reception given to him, the building was "stormed by throngs who wanted to hear him". In Einstein's talk to the audience, he expressed his happiness over the event:

I consider this the greatest day of my life. Before, I have always found something to regret in the Jewish soul, and that is the forgetfulness of its own people. Today, I have been made happy by the sight of the Jewish people learning to recognize themselves and to make themselves recognized as a force in the world. :308 

Emigration to U.S. in 1933

Cartoon of Einstein, who has shed his "Pacifism" wings, standing next to a pillar labeled "World Peace." He is rolling up his sleeves and holding a sword labeled "Preparedness" (circa 1933).

In February 1933 while on a visit to the United States, Einstein decided not to return to Germany due to the rise to power of the Nazis under Germany's new chancellor, Adolf Hitler. He visited American universities in early 1933 where he undertook his third two-month visiting professorship at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. He and his wife Elsa returned by ship to Belgium at the end of March. During the voyage they were informed that their cottage was raided by the Nazis and his personal sailboat had been confiscated. Upon landing in Antwerp on 28 March, he immediately went to the German consulate where he turned in his passport and formally renounced his German citizenship.[58] A few years later, the Nazis sold his boat and turned his cottage into an Aryan youth camp.

In early April 1933, he learned that the new German government had passed laws barring Jews from holding any official positions, including teaching at universities. A month later, Einstein's works were among those targeted by Nazi book burnings, and Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels proclaimed, "Jewish intellectualism is dead." Einstein also learned that his name was on a list of assassination targets, with a "$5,000 bounty on his head."[58] One German magazine included him in a list of enemies of the German regime with the phrase, "not yet hanged". 

He resided in Belgium for some months, before temporarily living in England. In a letter to his friend, physicist Max Born, who also emigrated from Germany and lived in England, Einstein wrote, "... I must confess that the degree of their brutality and cowardice came as something of a surprise."

Portrait taken in 1935 in Princeton 

In October 1933 he returned to the U.S. and took up a position at the Institute for Advanced Study (in Princeton, New Jersey), that required his presence for six months each year. He was still undecided on his future (he had offers from European universities, including Oxford), but in 1935 he arrived at the decision to remain permanently in the United States and apply for citizenship.

His affiliation with the Institute for Advanced Study would last until his death in 1955. He was one of the four first selected (two of the others being John von Neumann and Kurt Gödel) at the new Institute, where he soon developed a close friendship with Gödel. The two would take long walks together discussing their work. His last assistant was Bruria Kaufman, who later became a physicist. During this period, Einstein tried to develop a unified field theory and to refute the accepted interpretation of quantum physics, both unsuccessfully. 

Other scientists also fled to America. Among them were Nobel laureates and professors of theoretical physics. With so many other Jewish scientists now forced by circumstances to live in America, often working side by side, Einstein wrote to a friend, "For me the most beautiful thing is to be in contact with a few fine Jews—a few millennia of a civilized past do mean something after all." In another letter he writes, "In my whole life I have never felt so Jewish as now." 

World War II and the Manhattan Project 

In 1939, a group of Hungarian scientists that included émigré physicist Leó Szilárd attempted to alert Washington of ongoing Nazi atomic bomb research. The group's warnings were discounted. Einstein and Szilárd, along with other refugees such as Edward Teller and Eugene Wigner, "regarded it as their responsibility to alert Americans to the possibility that German scientists might win the race to build an atomic bomb, and to warn that Hitler would be more than willing to resort to such a weapon.":630 On July 12, 1939, a few months before the beginning of World War II in Europe, Szilárd and Wigner visited Einstein and they explained the possibility of atomic bombs, to which pacifist Einstein replied: Daran habe ich gar nicht gedacht ("I had not thought of that at all"). Einstein was persuaded to lend his prestige by writing a letter with Szilárd to President Franklin D. Roosevelt to alert him of the possibility. The letter also recommended that the U.S. government pay attention to and become directly involved in uranium research and associated chain reaction research.  

The letter is believed to be "arguably the key stimulus for the U.S. adoption of serious investigations into nuclear weapons on the eve of the U.S. entry into World War II". In addition to the letter, Einstein used his connections with the Belgian Royal Family and the Belgian queen mother to get access with a personal envoy to the White House's Oval Office. President Roosevelt could not take the risk of allowing Hitler to possess atomic bombs first. As a result of Einstein's letter and his meetings with Roosevelt, the U.S. entered the "race" to develop the bomb, drawing on its "immense material, financial, and scientific resources" to initiate the Manhattan Project. It became the only country to successfully develop an atomic bomb during World War II. 

For Einstein, "war was a disease ... [and] he called for resistance to war." By signing the letter to Roosevelt he went against his pacifist principles. In 1954, a year before his death, Einstein said to his old friend, Linus Pauling, "I made one great mistake in my life—when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification—the danger that the Germans would make them ..." 

US citizenship

Einstein became an American citizen in 1940. Not long after settling into his career at the Institute for Advanced Study (in Princeton, New Jersey), he expressed his appreciation of the "meritocracy" in American culture when compared to Europe. According to Isaacson, he recognized the "right of individuals to say and think what they pleased", without social barriers, and as a result, the individual was "encouraged" to be more creative, a trait he valued from his own early education. 

Einstein writes:

What makes the new arrival devoted to this country is the democratic trait among the people. No one humbles himself before another person or class ... American youth has the good fortune not to have its outlook troubled by outworn traditions.:432
As a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in Princeton who campaigned for the civil rights of African Americans, Einstein corresponded with civil rights activist W. E. B. Du Bois, and in 1946 Einstein called racism America's "worst disease". He later stated, "Race prejudice has unfortunately become an American tradition which is uncritically handed down from one generation to the next. The only remedies are enlightenment and education".

Einstein in 1947 

During the final stage of his life, Einstein transitioned to a vegetarian lifestyle, arguing that "the vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind". 

After the death of Israel's first president, Chaim Weizmann, in November 1952, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion offered Einstein the position of President of Israel, a mostly ceremonial post. The offer was presented by Israel's ambassador in Washington, Abba Eban, who explained that the offer "embodies the deepest respect which the Jewish people can repose in any of its sons".:522 

However, Einstein declined, and wrote in his response that he was "deeply moved", and "at once saddened and ashamed" that he could not accept it: 

All my life I have dealt with objective matters, hence I lack both the natural aptitude and the experience to deal properly with people and to exercise official function. I am the more distressed over these circumstances because my relationship with the Jewish people became my strongest human tie once I achieved complete clarity about our precarious position among the nations of the world.:522

On 17 April 1955, Albert Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused by the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which had previously been reinforced surgically by Dr. Rudolph Nissen in 1948. 

He took the draft of a speech he was preparing for a television appearance commemorating the State of Israel's seventh anniversary with him to the hospital, but he did not live long enough to complete it. 

Einstein refused surgery, saying: "I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly." He died in Princeton Hospital early the next morning at the age of 76, having continued to work until near the end.

During the autopsy, the pathologist of Princeton Hospital, Thomas Stoltz Harvey, removed Einstein's brain for preservation without the permission of his family, in the hope that the neuroscience of the future would be able to discover what made Einstein so intelligent. Einstein's remains were cremated and his ashes were scattered at an undisclosed location. 

In his lecture at Einstein's memorial, nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer summarized his impression of him as a person: "He was almost wholly without sophistication and wholly without worldliness ... There was always with him a wonderful purity at once childlike and profoundly stubborn. 



Goddess Life lll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Facing Yourself as Ascension. The Ingredients. Amera Ziganii Rao

We have now both moved as a team, into super sonic. The first thing I wanted to say today, on day ten thousand of our Arabian Nights, is that I love you. It occurred to me, after the receiving of my humanity cleansing yesterday, that you think I am after your money. Oh dear. You would. So, the line that comes back to me is from the film you must remember, Pretty Woman. Some very nice respectable hotties are perching by the polo field and admiring Edward, the most eligible bachelor in town and lovely prostitute – Julia Roberts’ character, says beautifully, something to the effect of not wanting anything from him, other than sex. 

Translated to love, that means, wanting nothing from him but love. I, however now understand the depths of your ego mind, so let’s not dwell there. No, despite my obvious circumstances, I have lots of prospects, and no, I have NEVER been after your money, your status, your reputation, your society holding, your this, your that, your this, your that. At the same time, yes, I do trust you in soul, to look after me and care for me. Because....it’s you. There. Done. 

Now, in ego, the last vestiges of which you stand in, you have the motivation to ascend. Sexual love as you remembered it to truly be. Sex as you truly want it to be, after your years and lifetimes of polite love. For power, don’t forget. You gave me up for power. Now, you have power and you remembered what sex is and therefore what love is. WE are in supersonic. 

We are each other’s sexual core and that is what has sustained us through this bloody war for your soul and for my maturity alongside your maturity growths. Our journey to become the new world. Together. 

Now, why did I have all these circumstances to contend with, while trying to battle for the love in your soul over your sickness in ego, just as EVERYONE is sick in ego before Ascension. Lower love or higher love, let’s call it, whatever levels we are talking about, obviously I am talking about the highest level of love. Not for all. Most certainly, whether we like it or not, it is for us! So, embrace that and fly through the boulders being thrown at you by your ego now, in the inevitable emotional regressions that have to occur as ego fights not to die. 

To help you, HELP you on your journey in life, to BECOME humanity. My journey in life, which you totally help with in the most equally slapping in your face way, is to BECOME power. Your path is to become humanity and therefore to explore in uniqueness from me, strange wording, separately from me, and especially if we take the sexual plane, or the financial plane or the physical plane or the position in the world plane, as an automatic state before anything is proved or given, state, plane, power. You have to be formally given the right to explore that as a right of being. You have it. It is given and it is given now, because the ego is almost out. You want it out. You are now legitimately allowed to explore all the issues that go with becoming humanity, from a place of power. 

My path, yes, you guessed it, is to become power, from a place of humanity. In the bedroom, outside the bedroom, in life, to do it as me, in other words. To do it as all that is me. To become power, with you, as a woman, in the woman way, in the way I naturally am, the compliant in a place of power and not as a slave to name the biggest title, but not the only area, and that sort of thing. I think mine is going well. If you need help exploring yours through the delivery, it will come. You also appreciate knowing my exploration too, but I think we need to examine who you are in the new world, as we have examined properly, so far, all that I am. 

But for now, just be with ego and know this. Ego is a state of terror. Soul is a state of courage. As you see with me, superego still feels terror. But it is transcendable. Have I made up that word? Good. My fear is manageable. Yours is not. Yours is a hijacking by whatever sickness it is that is the so called ego, the sickness of the mind that has been created over ten thousand years, and I know how chronic your ego is – I think the whole world probably is the same – but it feels overwhelmingly chronic to you. Mine was the same and I could never have believed that final Ascension, if you had even told me. 

These are energy shifts you have been going through for a while now. They will continue. They will always continue actually, but we are talking about whatever stage of ejecting the mortal husk you are at with this impending Ascension. You could be becoming Buddha level too, basically and I would get excited about what that could mean to you. Because it’s real. I live it.

Ego is terror, soul is courage. Ego is out of alignment, and therefore on your own and therefore terror. Soul is in alignment and therefore you know you are supported and you are therefore courageous. Facing yourself is finding your self. Your soul, your alignment and it costs. It costs big. But the expense is finally enjoyed, because you know what you get back. 

Hope you like the financial terms. After your money. Good grief. Anyway, done. I love, love, love, love, love, love and love you. WE are both jaded cynics now. But I love you. So there. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Facing Yourself as Ascension. The Ingredients. Amera Ziganii Rao

.....the two most vilified things on this false earth. Male power and female sexuality. Neither are allowed to be explored, without censure or damnation or guilt. Or apology, worst of all. 

And it turns out that for you, female sexuality is the most dangerous thing. You lose everything for it. Male power is the same for me. I am in mortal danger. 

The parallel is there. In its strange way. The right to therefore explore those two areas, as areas of wounding and growth and real right to be those in the first place, is the issue. Having the legal right to explore them at all. 

Also, it's about being safe. You have damned my sexuality as the ugly and cruel outcaste of a Serpent whore and I have damned your vicious levels of abuse of power. 

And we are still standing. Now, the exploration begins. As a couple. This is therefore the dynamic of entrance into couple. Female sexuality IS about power in all the ways that I have covered for four years. Male power IS about sexuality in everything we have covered too. 

That's it. Laters. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

And then check this out. I've heard the first sentence. Back to the giants. AZR 


A Documentary on (the bible’s) Samson and Delilah 

Samson and Delilah 

Delilah (/dɪˈlaɪlə/; Hebrew: דלילה‎ Dəlilah, meaning "[She who] weakened")[1] appears only in the Hebrew bible Book of Judges16, where she is the "woman in the valley of Sorek" whom Samson loved, and who was his downfall. Her figure, one of several dangerous temptresses in the Hebrew bible, has become emblematic: "Samson loved Delilah, she betrayed him, and, what is worse, she did it for money," Madlyn Kahr begins her study of the Delilah motif in European painting.[2] The story of Samson in Judges 13-16 portrays a man who was given great strength by God but who ultimately lost his strength through Delilah inviting someone to shave his hair while he slept (Judges 16:19). Samson was born into an Israelite family, the son of Manoah and his wife who is never named. Both are visited by the Angel of the Lord and told that their child will be a Nazirite from birth. 

Biblical Narrative 

Delilah was approached by the lords of the Philistines, to discover the secret of Samson's strength, "and we will give thee, every one of us, eleven hundred pieces of silver." Three times she asked Samson for the secret of his strength, and all three times he gave her a false answer. The first time, he told her, "If they bind me with seven green withes that were never dried, then shall I be weak, and be as another man." Then he told her, "If they bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I be weak, and be as another man." The third time, he told her, "If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web...."[3] On the fourth occasion, he gave her the true reason: that he did not cut his hair in fulfillment of a vow to God;[4] and Delilah, when Samson was asleep on her knees, called up her man to shave off the seven locks from his head, then betrayed him to his enemies: "The Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house."

The toponym "Sorek" or "soreq" is identified only in connection with the Samson story. In the fourth century AD, Jerome mentions a "Capharsorec" that was near Saraa. Modern Israel has a Soreq Valley and even a Sorek Vineyard (since 1994/5) producing Merlot. Soreq, however, is the grapevine itself in Genesis 49:11, Isaiah 5:2, and Jeremiah 2:21. Samson had been dedicated as aNazirite, "from the womb to the day of his death"; thus he was forbidden to touch wine or cut his hair. 


Very nice. Poignant. Power and humanity. AZR 


Lady of the Tropics (1939) 

Lady of the Tropics is a 1939 American drama film directed by Jack Conway and starring Robert Taylor, Hedy Lamarr and Joseph Schildkraut. While visiting French Indochina on his yacht, a wealthy American falls in love with a beautiful local woman of mixed race background he meets in Saigon. The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography.

Playboy Bill Carey woos a half-caste beauty in French Indochina, but her second-class legal status makes a formidable barrier.


Power to Humanity. Why Men Hate Women. Amera Ziganii Rao 

....the giants and this...the crux of your power to humanity, out of abject cruelty and ego hijacking sickness of Homicidal Selfishness, dependency and neglect and lack of respect and dehumanisation and addiction to dominion over others, and your immense misogyny of hatred against women, and indeed the will to violence, physically or emotionally, and all the negative things you are finally examining in completion....

...."In the ancient world, as unfortunately in the modern world, conquerors are often not satisfied with merely conquering, they must somehow humiliate the defeated. They must somehow try to praise their own culture and their own identities, by ridiculing and humiliating the identities or cultures of someone else, particularly a defeated people." Academic, Daniel L Smith-Christopher on the fact that the Philistines did not just enslave Samson, they gouged out both his eyes. 

That is hatred and the violence men carry. That is not sex. That is violence and pure hatred. You killed us, you kill us every day and you still want to kill us more. That is the vortex of your ego issue. Memory. 

When you have conquered me enough, you will apparently love. Nice. I look forward to it. Know what I mean? Ugh I think is the word. Ugh, ugh, ugh. A nasty pig conqueror who is addicted to conquering. The definition of both a fascist and a misogynist. Cruelty. You are from the cruel part of Lemuria yes. Now what. You killed me then. You still kill me for the same thing. Power. 

Focus. Keep pushing. Your atonement is what the whole world is waiting for. Your purification. I want the solution for the human race before I'm 80. And frankly, so do you, don't you? 

And let me give you a pointer, going back to the primal 'Samson' analogy, both for you and me. Not Delilah, other than what one academic referred to as the female equivalent to Samson. An Amazonian priesthood basically. What a weird story by the way. Really weird. My research taste buds would be buzzing, if it were not for the abusive man I am waiting for. So we can finally leave the real past behind. Lemuria. 

Last Queen of Atlantis, Last Queen of Lemuria. Maybe both. You killed it all. You. And your people. And you continue every day you remain in your thirst for power, over humanity. 

Vortex. I am watching. 

Love is love. Hate is hate. Mastery is as Nancy Friday truly does say; "Men in Love. The triumph of love over hate."

How many times do you need to humiliate those you have long long long long long ago, conquered? The best question I have ever asked. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Domestic Violence. Guardian Newspaper 


Domestic violence puts 10,000 at high risk of death or serious injury
Police figures likely to be big underestimate due to under-reporting of these crimes

More than 10,000 women and children are at high risk of being murdered or seriously injured by current or former partners, according to policeassessments obtained by the Guardian. 

In a stark illustration of the levels of domestic violence across the country, data from 34 out of the 44 police forces in England, Wales and Scotland reveals that at least 10,952 individuals, most of whom are women, were deemed to be at high risk of violent death in the home, or of suffering serious violence, in the year to November. 

But the figures obtained are likely to be an underestimate as domestic violence is heavily under-reported and police forces appear to gather and collate the information in several different ways, despite demands for a national protocol on assessing the risk to victims. The snapshot obtained by the Guardian reveals the acute nature of the threat of domestic violence for thousands of women and children.

But there are concerns that too many mistakes are being made by police when dealing with the highest risk victims, which leave them vulnerable to being killed and leave extremely dangerous perpetrators at large.

An inquest in Chichester this week heard how Cassandra Hasanovic, a 24-year-old mother of two, was killed by her former husband after he had made repeated threats – known to the police – to take her life. 

Hasanovic had been assessed by the Sussex force as a high risk of serious harm but was killed as she made her way to a domestic violence refuge, having asked for and been refused a police escort. 

The jury found on Wednesday that Sussex police and the Crown Prosecution Service failed to take steps that would have prevented her death. 

Last year a coroner in Derbyshire found that police failures had contributed to the deaths of Rachael Slack and her two-year-old son, who were stabbed to death by her estranged partner. Slack had also been assessed as at high risk of homicide, but officers failed to inform her. 

Sandra Horley, chief executive of Refuge, said domestic violence was a problem of systemic proportions. She said women and children deemed to be at the highest risk must be given proper protection and the police must not use risk assessment as a "tick box" exercise. 

"There is no point in doing a risk assessment if the knowledge gained does not lead to proactive safety planning measures that keep women and children safe from violent men. 

"I am deeply concerned that in too many cases this does not happen," she said. 

Police officers make assessments of the risk to victims when they attend domestic violence incidents. Most forces have adopted what is seen as a national risk protocol, Dash – domestic abuse, stalking and honour-based violence – but some still use their own assessments or the judgment of the officer on scene. 

But despite the drive for consistency, there appear to be huge discrepancies in the way forces assess the risk and gaps in record-keeping. 

In Sussex, 211 women were at high risk of homicide or serious harm at the hands of their former partners on 31 August last year. In Surrey 17 individuals were judged high risk in November last year. 

In the Metropolitan police area – where one call every six minutes is a domestic violence incident – only 87 women and children were assessed as high risk in one month. 

A spokesman for the Met said: "Risk is assessed dynamically and will fluctuate during an investigation. If, for example, a victim is placed in a refuge far from the perpetrator who has no means of determining her whereabouts the risk may be lowered. Risk can of course be raised during investigations if additional evidence comes to light." 

Over 12 months West Midlands police assessed 2,082 indidivuals as high risk but admitted it was a minimum figure as four police units had failed to maintain their records.

Across Essex – a force that has in the past been heavily criticised for the number of domestic violence murders that have taken place after the woman had made contact with the police – 1,801 women and children were identified as at high risk of harm in the year to November 2013.

Some forces were unable to provide figures on how many women and children were at high risk at any one time, saying such a calculation would involve too much manual searching of IT records. Those included Cambridgeshire, Durham, Humberside and Lancashire.

Laura Richards, a criminal behavioural analyst who developed the Dash assessment, said this was a worrying scenario. "The fact that a force cannot grab those individuals from their data quickly means there is clearly a problem," she said. "You get to the perpetrator through the victim. The victims know the perpetrators best, they tell us about the behaviour of high risk perpetrators.

"The whole point is that you can start to risk-manage and at the same time target high risk perpetrators, actively work on them and start closing down their space, putting them under covert surveillance if necessary and arresting them." 

Dash was designed to provide national standards to identify those women and children who are at the highest risk from violent partners and ex-partners in order for police and other agencies to intervene early to safeguard women and children and – importantly – to target the perpetrators.

Assistant chief constable Louisa Rolfe, spokeswoman for the Association of Chief Police Officers on domestic violence, said understanding risk was critical for officers seeking to protect domestic abuse victims. "While forces may capture this information in different ways I am working with forces and the College of Policing to ensure a consistent and positive police response for every victim, focused upon ensuring their safety," Rolfe said.

Sandra Laville 

Guardian Newspaper 

Facing Yourself as Ascension. The Ingredients. Amera Ziganii Rao

.....the discourse you are in is genuine and legitimate. The vortex reason is disgusting. I remember it well and re-live it every day. Every day you keep me as a deprived outcaste in your life, while I am obviously bound to you on so many levels, unless I am insane, which I am not, every day you deprive me, with your list of reasons of why power has to be maintained over care for the person you claim to love, you repeat that reason. Abuse of power. 

Men subjugate women, because they can. A sexual master, a great lover, a great man, a great female dom if you like, CARES for the sub. The subjugation is a vehicle of sex, not the reason. The subjugation is mastery of BULLYING. Men violate women, because they are bullies. Women of your kind do too. Violate women and men. Because they are bullies. 

A bully is not a master. A bully is just a bully. Remember that and you will find your way through. Primal Samson and bullying a people you have long subjugated and continue to do so in every second of every day in your privileged, or non privileged male life – it doesn’t really matter which – you remain disgusting bullies. Misogyny is therefore only one thing. Bullying. Abuse of power is bullying. Beating women is bullying. Emotionally violating and insulting and putting down and criticising and emotionally blackmailing women, is bullying. Abusing money with women is bullying. Male supremacy is just a fancy phrase. It is bullying, pure and simple. Take the bullying out and you will be a sexy man. You all will. No one likes a bully. And that is all that misogyny is. Just bullying. Bullying a people you purport with huge cultural backing, to ‘care’ for. There is nothing worse than a fraudulent bully. Men are both. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Facing Yourself as Ascension. The Ingredients. Amera Ziganii Rao

....and of course. When I recall what drove me away from my brother so many years ago, was that he was a pure bully. His rages, your so called rages, your so called archeytype's 'temper' is bullying. Bullying, pure and simple. And how do I know? 

Because I used to do it too. I have done it, to a very very small scale and then of course in more female/Venus archetype ways, in ego. Anyone can be a bully. Bullying is easy. 

Basically, twin soul of mine, you have to accept that you are truly not a very nice person. You and your kind are not good people. Your whole society talks of reform of character, because you are all pigs. Face that. You are not nice. Now, you need to be nice, because you want to have sex. That's it. Work from there. Sex means having to be nice. That is love. 

You shout because you are bullies. You are bullies, because society teaches you to bully and because you like to be taught and you like bullying. You like bullying people and it has taken you many painful years to understand that that can actually be care and leadership. 

Abuse of power is not leadership. In any arena, anywhere. It's just bad leadership. 

Bullying is bad leadership. Misogyny is bullying. There are therefore no leaders in leadership. The whole world is fucking mad. And you are at the vortex of it. You call it power. I call it - well, let's just say, something else entirely. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

The Sacred Disir

"No man is above The Disir, however royal. The Ancient Gods have spoken. The Disir have passed judgment. Redeem yourself. No further chance will be given………This is a runemark….in times past this aroused great fear. It was given to those found wanting by The Court of The Disir. The highest court of The Old Religion. Three women were chosen at birth to be trained as seers and soothsayers. Their only task was to interpret the word of The Triple Goddess. When they sat in judgement, their word was final…..The Disir have seen fit to give you this. This is a judgment of The Gods against you……The Disir are the mouthpiece of The Triple Goddess………”We do not judge. We do not condemn. We are but the anuncier of The One who presides over all. Who sees all. Who knows all. The Triple Goddess. And you, Arthur Pendragon have angered Her…..you have denied The Old Religion, dismissed its faith, persecuted its followers, even unto slaughter….embrace the ways of The Old Religion Arthur or risk the ire of The Goddess and the destruction of everything you most value. The end of your reign, the fall of Camelot, yourself…..You are known Arthur. You have always been known. And now you come here to the most sacred of the most sacred, to the very heart of The Old Religion, with weapons drawn, trampling hallowed relics, treating our sacred space like you do your kingdom. With arrogance, with conceit. With insolence……the future holds much pain for you Arthur Pendragon. For you and your people. If you wish to save all you hold dear, if you wish to save your kingdom, embrace The Old Religion, learn Her ways, bow to The Goddess…..consider carefully. You have until dawn.” 

The Disir. BBC TV’s Merlin

Power to Humanity. Why Men Hate Women. Amera Ziganii Rao 

The new concept for you is this. Respect. "I have conquered, abused and over conquered women enough. I intend to respect them from now on. I intend to gain morality. I intend to get a heart for a people I think are worth shit. I intend respect. Respect, respect, respect, respect, respect and respect. Otherwise, I appreciate finally, that I have no right to ask for love. I give nothing. Not even respect." 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

And for me? I wish I had never read a romantic story in my life. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Power to Humanity. Why Men Hate Women. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Actually, I think you should remain as you are. You should all remain as you are. Bullies. Four years of the most intense research and that is what it came down to. Bullies. Men who hate women are bullies. Men and women who hate, are bullies. My work is done. I cannot sit through a year of your layers of bullying now. I will surely top myself this time. Be a bully. Be a male supremacist. Be a potential violent whatever. Be what you are. I don't do romance anymore. There are most certainly no pacts between, yes, you guessed it, lionnesses and bullies. It's just not done. 

This is. You're a bully. That's why you hate women. And that is why you are addicted to dominion over others. As a people and as a man. Done. I get it. 

I am going to write my way out of my flat and this life now. Romantic love is no longer an option. You are just a bully. 

I don't do bullies. Never have, never will. 

Get me out of here. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

I’m not doing men anymore. You are healed. Thank you. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

The New World. Misogyny Revealed. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Misogyny is just bullying. The strange comfort in knowing how simplistic it is. I'm glad for the breaking it all down. And I am glad it is so simplistic. All bullying is simplistic. Male supremacy and misogyny are just one thing. Bullying. 

Being a woman therefore, for your information is this; Being Rosa Parks and determinedly sitting at the front of the bus and being beaten to a pulp as she continues to sit there. 

That is the experience of being a woman, whether you are involved with a man or not. What is it like being a man? Exactly. 

All you are is a bully. Pure and SIMPLE. Bullies. 

For a man to therefore love, he has to go to anti bullying therapy for ever. Then, he might just become a 'decent' being. Then, finally he may learn to love. 

Bullies. Misogynists, through to racists, through to anyone without humanity as a choice of being. Bullying. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

The New World. Misogyny Revealed. Amera Ziganii Rao  

....and referring back to Tolkein, Orks and Nazgul are the same thing. I think to refer to male supremacy or Werewolves, or sharks or any of those terms, is to give too much credence. And the reason is this. I have three things in life, first the gift of human dignity, second the existential gift of self determination and third, the utter recognition from the first that cruelty and bullying are CONSCIOUS choice. I have always recognised evil. The challenge for my kind then is to accept what we see. And face the awful truth. And then do what we have done our whole life. Leave bullies. 

I see you. And I don't want to or need to see you anymore. You are a bully. You have all been bullies and from now on, I will term your kind as The Bully Pigs. Because that, my dear is what you all are. Misogyny was just a pretty name. Bully Pigs, male or female, is what you all are. Stark raving mad in your cruelty. You will heal, I am sure. You will all heal, I am sure. Do you deserve it? Probably not and you see that as some kind of kudos of sexiness. It's not. It's pathetic. Bully Pigs are pathetic. 

Enjoy your riches. I am off to build mine. 

Enjoy your attempts to enter love. I am off to fly with mine. 

Enjoy your world of conscious cruelty. I am off to build mine out of light. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

The New World. Misogyny Revealed. Amera Ziganii Rao 

"A plethora of advice and a paucity of assistance". Just read that line. That about sums you up doesn't it, your whole kind? 

I am in trauma now, as I leave the last bullies in my life; both you and your second cousin who lives above me. Shaman courtesy of miracle, that my life is. 

And you are still just a bully. I am so proud of myself. So proud of all that my people are. The Angel Warriors and The Pig Bullies. The Two Tribes analysed at last. 

Misogyny ain't no big 'ting. It's just more bullying. 

I now live a penis free life. Men are just another bullying group. Yeah, whatever, if you heal, blah, blah, blah. 

Maybe. I will have to see how I feel about men then. When and if I finally ever meet one. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

The New World. Misogyny Revealed. Amera Ziganii Rao 

....."Misogyny ain't no big 'ting. It's just more bullying."....

The Pig Bullies = The 'Executioners' = 'The Dominants' = The Personification of Ego. 

Like my own ego, like the process I used, to eradicate my own layers of ego and everything that was sickness and terror and profanity in myself, I have done with him what I did with myself. I named it, shamed it and let it go. The process of facing myself was that and is always that. 

That is Female (and male) Serpent Priesthood or Priesthood. Name the pain, name the emotion, shame it into revealing itself and face the truth of what that means and then let it go after the period of care and grief. Facing the sadness and then letting it go and flying anyway. 

That is us. Let's talk about 'the others'. The Personification of ego, The Pig Bully race is ego in all its forms outside us. These forms are to be eradicated in the same way, in the same process, for about the same length of time. What is known as the journey for inner freedom and then outer freedom. 

To reach the state of outer freedom for Priesthood is therefore the same method. To name the enemy, shame the enemy and then to let it go. 

The truth of all relationship between Female (and male) Serpent Priesthood and Priesthood and 'the other'. Explore them, name them, delve into them, live with them, love them, get to know them, integrate all the Dark Lordness in them, that exists, because make no bones about it, they are the Dark Lord on this earth (male and female and then, more male). 

Integrate and alchemise from the abuse, as there is plenty of it and then name it, shame it and let it go. Repeat. Finally one is done. 

The journey is therefore with any one of The Pig Bully race, nothing more, but a great deal more in esoteric and political and psychological and spiritual terms, 'The Stockholm Syndrome'. Learning how to leave the bastards. Loving them in order to leave them. The same process, from one's mother, father, siblings, family, tribe, group, employment abusers, anyone, so called friends, anyone that seems to 'have been chosen' for us. They have. For us to leave. For us to love and then leave. 

Learning also one most important, and crucial and new thing. Not only how to SURVIVE as an Angel Warlord, which is what our graduation is - the Amazon Serpent Priesthood being the most warlord of the lot, as is any duty of leadership - not only how to survive as a people, but how to THRIVE. 

To thrive in a world of Pig Bullies is success. And our path in life. In other words, the 'Morganas' of this world only exist because we are trying to join their world. We love them, they own the material of life, as is their ONLY aim in life, and we believe the myths of power and care, IN RETURN FOR OUR GIFTS, THAT THEY SEEM TO LIKE AND EVEN RESEPCT.This is the big lie. There is no honour, respect or love. There is only theft and a business transaction. Power and care do not care. Power and care only abuses power. Pig Bullies tend to do that. They are endemically a different race. 

Power and care. Myths. The 'Morganas' and 'Draculas' and broken people of this world can only thrive therefore by building on our own. To build our own world. To stand alongside them. Even as casual acquaintances. 'The sharks' (too grand a term for me to agree with) have to be left. It turns out that everyone is a shark. The Pig Bully race dominates. Female (and male) Serpent Priesthood and Priesthood doesn't. We are on our belly in their world. 

And Female Kings in our own. 

My findings. Not pretty. Our aim though is to thrive. Take no prisoners, kill every enemy there is and you will. 

My only bitterness is that I had to teach him before I killed him. I taught him once before. And then his people created the catechism and wiped me out of the human race. His people wiped me and my kind out of the human race, cut off our supply to Divinity, as was our gift and right and the gift and right for the real human race, and then stole all our knowledge and used it only for abuse of power. Abuse of power. THEIR unique gift to the world. 

He's done it again. He stole from me and ran. Women complain of this all the time, just in empowering men before they leave. This is just the esoteric truth of the common truth. This is Hierophant business. Other than that, just the ordinary male experience. 

This time there is no catechism. Not for the world and not for me either. As I learnt a long time ago, to heal any wound you have to go through it again. It's done. The Pig Bully race it is. His contribution to the real history of the world is set. Mothers and husbands and every other fucker too. The Pig Bully race. Named, shamed and let go of. 

Phew. What's next. Life. 

This Angel Warlord is done. And now she can begin. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

(....the world of men. AZR)

Alec D'Urberville

Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles 

Character Analysis

We discuss Alec before Angel not because he's more important to Tess, but because he's more important to Tess of the D'Urbervilles, as a novel. His actions drive the tragedy forward, and his obsession with Tess – both at Trantridge, and then later, at Sandbourne and around the north of Wessex – bookends the novel.

Alec is clearly the bad guy in this novel – after all, he rapes our heroine and pretty much ruins her life. And yet it's hard to read him as wholly evil. How does Hardy manage to pull that off? Alec changes as the novel progresses. He's not stagnant as a character, which gives him depth. He's not a one-sided villain. But how much does he change? What's his "character arc" like, and why does Hardy shape him the way he does? Let's start at the beginning, with the initial description of Alec at Trantridge. 

He had an almost swarthy complexion, with full lips, badly moulded, though red and smooth, above which was a well-groomed black moustache with curled points, though his age could not be more than three-or four-and-twenty. Despite the touches of barbarism in his contours, there was a singular force in the gentleman's face, and in his bold rolling eye. (5.29)

There's some subtle racism in this description – his "swarthy complexion," "full lips," and "barbarism" call to mind some of the racial stereotypes spread by people during the Victorian period who wanted to justify England's colonial occupation of various countries around the world. And part of the stereotype (applied pretty equally to almost any non-white, non-British individual) was that those with darker ("swarthy") complexions were more lusty and sexual than folks from colder climates like Great Britain. So this opening description of Alec uses racial stereotypes to suggest that he is more interested in the physical than the spiritual side of love, and that he's very lusty and sexual. 

The other interesting thing about this description is the mustache. Earlier drafts of Tess of the D'Urbervilles make Alec look younger, and more boyish. But in the final version, Hardy decided that Tess's seducer/rapist should be more adult. Unlike Tess, he knows what he's up to, and what the consequences will be, and he does it anyway. Also, a "well-groomed black mustache"? It's like he's a stage villain – Hardy whips out every stereotype in the stereotype book to suggest to us Alec's out-of-control sexuality, and his role as a villain. 

But despite the rampant stereotypes in the initial description of Alec, he still proves capable of change. After publicly humiliating his would-be savior, the Reverend Clare, Alec eventually converts to Christianity, and starts preaching on rocks and in village centers. 

But did he really change? When he sees Tess again, his newfound faith waivers, and he chases her down, asking about her life since she left Trantridge. He even offers to make amends for the past as best he can by proposing to marry her and make an "honest woman" out of her. When she turns him down (she's already married, after all), he gives up on being a preacher and turns into the same old mustachioed, obsessed seducer he was at Trantridge. 

So was his conversion sincere, at least while it lasted? The trouble with Alec is that he's extremely susceptible to passing impressions – Tess's beauty is all-absorbing, but he forgets her after she leaves Trantridge. His conversion works the same way – as long the impression lasts, it's all-absorbing, but it's not deeply felt enough to last any longer. As soon as a new impression comes along –Tess, again – he drops the Christianity and becomes obsessed with Tess.

Alec's conversion doesn't necessarily make us like him any more. It might even make us like him less, since it shows how easily persuaded he is by any passing impression. But it does make his character more complicated. The conversion episode allows Hardy to give his villain more apparent depth.

Angel Clare

Character Analysis 

Part of the difficulty in interpreting Angel – or Tess, for that matter – is that Hardy's skill at creating the sense of psychological depth and complexity makes it hard to recollect that these are fictional characters, and not real people. It's pretty hard to come away from this novel without being angry with Angel. Why doesn't he dance with Tess at the May dance? Why does he leave her on their wedding night? What makes him so stubborn? And why doesn't he have his epiphany about Tess's inherent purity a little sooner? Angel's bad timing, almost as much as Alec's predatory obsession with Tess, propels the tragedy forward. Angel is clearly not the villain of the novel – Alec's got that role in the bag. So what are we to do with this character? 

Angel's Name

As we discuss in the "Character Clues" section, Angel's name is a good place to jump into a discussion of his character. His last name, "Clare," implies light, as opposed to heat: "clair" is French for "light." This interpretation is supported by the narrator's description of Angel's love for Tess: "Though not cold-natured, he was rather bright than hot – less Byronic than Shelleyan; could love desperately, but his love more especially inclined to the imaginative and ethereal" (31.8). 

Angel is more interested in the spiritual side of love than the physical – Byron is a poet from the English Romantic period who had a reputation with the ladies, and Shelley was a poet from the same period who was more of a philosopher than a ladies' man. Angel's rejection of the physical and the earthy in favor of the spiritual and ethereal is what makes him have a hard time accepting Tess's history. That emphasis on the spiritual is reflected in his name. 

His first name, "Angel," also implies almost other-worldly goodness. He's just so good, he's hardly human. That's certainly how Tess views him: "There was hardly a touch of earth in her love for Clare" (31.6). She views him almost as a guardian angel.

But he's a guardian angel who is absent at key moments in her life. During the rape scene, the narrator asks, "But where was Tess's guardian angel?" (11.61). The pun on Angel's name is so obvious that it's hard not to read that way – where was Angel at this point? Why had he not danced with Tess at the May dance, or turned back to ask about her when he caught sight of her and was interested? Because his timing was bad.So a closer look at Angel Clare's name suggests two problems with his character: his bad timing, and his total rejection of physical reality in favor of idealized spirituality.

Why Didn't He Dance With Tess?

Can we blame Angel for his bad timing? He's always coming too late, or too early. When Tess first meets Alec at Trantridge, the narrator asks why Tess is "seen and marked and coveted that day by the wrong man, and not by a certain other man, the exact and true one in all respects" (5.72). Angel is that "exact and true" man, but Alec "see[s]" and "covet[s]" her first. Angel saw Tess on the village green, but she only made a "transient impression" on him then (5.72) – when he sees her again at Talbothays dairy, it takes him months to realize that he'd seen her before. The narrator doesn't seem to want us to blame Angel: he makes the problem of bad timing a universal one – something that everyone in the world suffers from: 

In the ill-judged execution of the well-judged plan of the things the call seldom produces the comer, the man to love rarely coincides with the hour for loving. Nature does not often say 'See!' to her poor creature at a time when seeing can lead to happy doing; or reply 'Here!' to a body's cry of 'Where?' till the hide-and-seek has become an irksome outworn game. We may wonder whether at the acme and summit of the human progress these anachronisms will become corrected by a finer intuition, a closer interaction of the social machinery than that which now jolts us round and along; but such completeness is not to be prophesied, or even conceived as possible. (5.73)

Here, the narrator asks why everyone screws up timing, and wonders whether, at some future point in "human progress," these screw-ups might become less frequent. But for now, these missed connections happen all the time. If there's a "well-judged plan" for all of us, we "execut[e]" it poorly. The bottom line is that it wasn't anybody's fault that Angel didn't dance with Tess at the May dance.


Even if we can't blame Angel for his bad timing at the May dance, we can blame him for his stubbornness in leaving Tess on their wedding night, right? Sure, but only if you look at him as a person, and not as a character in a novel. Angel is more spiritual than physical, and more ideal than real – and when he discovers that his ideal bride is actually a real, flesh-and-blood woman, with a real, physical history, he can't deal with it. He needs to change his outlook on life, and realistically (and Hardy is all about psychological realism), that kind of adjustment takes time.

Even Tess, who thought she knew Angel so well, is surprised by his stubbornness: 

She was appalled by the determination revealed in the depths of this gentle being she had married – the will to subdue the grosser to the subtler emotion, the substance to the conception, the flesh to the spirit. Propensities, tendencies, habits, were as dead leaves upon the tyrannous wind of his imaginative ascendency. (36.101). 

Wow, that's a lot of philosophical jargon. The narrator is saying that Angel might be "gentle," but he has a "determination" in his "depths" – he's "determin[ed]" always to put the "spirit" before the "flesh." Everything else – his "habits" of "gentle[ness]," and even his love for Tess, are nothing to this "imaginative ascendency." 

Tess's confession about her traumatic history flies in the face of that basic, fundamental characteristic in Angel – his tendency to idealize and to spiritualize everyone and everything. That's just a part of his character, and it's impossible to expect this character to accept Tess and her history without a serious readjustment.

Angel's Attitude Adjustment

It takes a lot for someone as deeply and completely convinced of his own beliefs as Angel is to change his mind. He never stops loving Tess – and he does love her – but it takes a while for him to reconcile her past with his ideas about sexual morality. He is, in many ways, a free-thinker, and he likes to think of himself as totally unconventional. However, when Tess tells him that she'd had another man's child – even though her pregnancy was a result of rape – his reaction is in line with conventional Victorian thinking about women and sexuality. He's not just condemning her for having had sex before marriage; his reaction, as we suggested above, is more philosophical: it's hard for him to accept that she's not an ideal, ethereal, perfect woman.

So what makes him change? He begins early on in his travels to re-think his inherited ideas about morality: "Who was the moral man? Still more pertinently, who was the moral woman?" (49.9). He realizes that "the beauty or ugliness of a character lay not only in its achievements, but in its aims and impulses; its true history lay, not among things done, but among things willed" (49.9).

This is a serious adjustment for Angel – he admits immediately after Tess tells him about Alec that she was "more sinned against than sinning" (35.51). He never did blame her for the rape. It was the consciousness that she had a physical, sexual history that bothered him. So his realization that Tess was never morally in the wrong isn't what brings him around. 

What finally brings him around is the realization that Tess could be both: she could be a real, flesh-and-blood woman with a physical, sexual past, and she could still be his ideal. It didn't have to be one way or the other. He remembers "Tess as she had appeared on the day of the wedding," and the way that she had looked up to him almost as a "god" – she "uncovered" her "simple soul," and was as spiritual and ethereal as they come. Tess embodies both the physical and the spiritual, but for a long time, he wasn't able to see past the physical.


Goddess Life XlV (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Master Quotes 

AMBITION, n. An overmastering desire to be vilified by enemies while living and made ridiculous by friends when dead. Ambrose Bierce 

The Imperative to Write: Destitutions of the Sublime in Kafka, Blanchot and Beckett. Jeff Fort 

Work is the world's easiest escape from boredom and the only surefire road to success. Marabel Morgan 

"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." Katharine Hepburn

First you get good, then you get fast. Steve Roantree

I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear. Oprah 

Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure. Never forget your personal legend. Never forget your dreams. Be silent now. It is the possibility of a dream that makes life interesting. You can choose between being a victim of destiny or an adventurer. 

Paulo Coelho 

Natural Born Mystic. Atlantis Returned. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism. Oprah Winfrey 

....Right. So, from what I have ascertained through blood, sweat and tears now, is that this is legendary. This is about free will and this is about our determination. 

So there's nothing in our way, other than us. 

That means you. I love being unfair, but it's true. No cruelty. No lack of humanity. And respecting my fucking careers and not making me a 'Pimper's Paradise' and nothing else. You get that when you give the careers. The benevolence of the modern king, seeing as our fate, our destiny, our life is in your hands. Despite all my monumental attempts to have a singular fate, alone. 

It's not meant to be and I am glad. I am also suitably, insanely, beleaguered by all that is man. You have the open field to impress. I have no standards left for what you are now. But I am back to visualisation of what you were and can be for real. I have to remember who you are, even if you cannot yet or will not yet remember. Because of all that it will mean. Your surrender. 

Your surrender to your dreams. Me and ALL that is me. Not your teddy bear cruelty. No tribe mummies allowed. No other kind either. Just me. I am all that is. I don't have to explain that again. 

Work hard. I am off, to work hard. Excellence even in these extreme conditions of disturbance, where I am still waiting to be loved while I demand the right to live. 

Where I am still waiting for that 'room of my own', Virginia Woolf style, even now. 

I will deflect your cruelty and suffocation of no career women and use that energy to defeat it. The rest is up to you. 

Leave Lemuria. Enter Atlantis. You have the gift. Don't blow it.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

....that's you. You remember. Find it, harness it and live it. You don't need Mummy anymore. You need you. You also need The Universe in you. That is you. And then you need me. Me. All that is me. The all. Adult parents. To each other. Us. And I am catching up to all that is male toughness for sure. I remember it. And I know the depths of the dynamic of light and dark that we enter now. I have surrendered to that. You surrender to the love. That is the convergence. Sex, power and love. With the female psyche FIRMLY in the constitution too. It's called humanity, the ability not to consume the person you want and objective, friendship love. Unconditional love. Tested always. 'Violent' with passion and fear, yes. But always smooth and steady. Find that centre. Then you find me. Me? I have decided to believe. To again, believe in you. To again, believe in men. Lemuria to Atlantis. As specific a metaphor as one can use. Because it is real. It is also what else I seek for always. Hope for the human race. You. AZR 


....Real men do exist. Real, mature, exciting, artistic, sexualist, individuated, spiritualised, liberated, humane, primal, egalitarian, open minded, visionary, courageous, women supporting, women loving, women lusting, women sparring, full, human beings. Male human beings who can fly. Male human beings who can love women. Male human beings who can love Titans and Lionesses. Lions. Real men. Sacred Pimps™. 

Leaving home for the second time. Taking that leap of faith and life. Leaving The Patriarchal Womb Stealing, Female Genocide Tribe™ again. And again and again and again until...Real men do exist. ‘Champions are not born’. Real men can exist. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011 

The Gods of Olympus. A History. Barbara Graziosi 

Portrait of a Priestess. Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece. Joan Breton Connelly 

Marilyn. Norman Mailer 

Private Dancer. Tina Turner 

Natural Born Mystic. Atlantis Returned. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Well. Well, we have called it violence through to its very end. That fire is not violence. That fire is passion. 

Second, if I am your anuncier of love, through to Divine love through to humanity, through to everything that is the glory of the power of the light and I mean sexually too, then are you not an anuncier too? Of course. In our primal dynamic of traditional as traditional gets, you are not only an emerging Werewolf (from the Pig Bully), to my (eight years established) Nymph Amazonian, let’s just say, you are also an earth sign to my air sign. Even if you just look through that perspective, you are the traditional physical anuncier and I am the traditional mental and intellectual and mentalist anuncier. Which is what happens usually, right? Why I am just the mother you dreamed I was when you first saw me, the ultimate daughter mother and why you are just the father I dreamed of when I first saw you. The father brother son friend family. Dreams do come true. They just needed four bitter years of world war, and my Hierophant return, to clear that filth of the darkness. The hatred of the cruelty of misogyny is the filth. Pure, unmitigated, disgusting, nefarious beyond description, filth. That’s the filth. The male ego. The DARKNESS itself is glorious. The male SUPEREGO. 

The DARKNESS is the gift on earth in so many ways, and I write this, almost with excitement. The DARKNESS is not misogyny. The DARKNESS is not supremacy and selfishness and abject, sexless, mad cruelty – the normal man and indeed many of your women too – the DARKNESS is the fire. The passion. The drive. The POSITIVE EGO. 

Arrogance is good darkness. Certainty to the point of belligerence is good darkness. Um....manhandling a woman sexually is good darkness, being the ultimate S&M Master is good darkness, leadership and all that leadership takes is good darkness, the ability to war, to be violent, verbally or physically, the ability to ‘be oneself’ takes the integration and LOVE of the darkness as much as the LOVE of the light. 

You are both learning to respect the light in YOURSELF as you finally accept the rape of the female psyche across the whole world and how much you miss it and miss accessing it, and you finally accept that that is humanity. That you broke your humanity in order to live successfully. 

I’ve got news for you. Let me just say that again. You broke your humanity, in order to live successfully. WE ALL BREAK OUR HUMANITY, TO LIVE SUCCESSFULLY. 

You are not alone. Ascending at whatever level, into the superego, meeting the superego, meeting the soul therefore that is the wise part that ego never wanted to listen to, but that superego still sulks to hear, but will face itself and crucify if necessary, in order to overcome whatever PAIN is being presented. Ego kills. Superego self examines and self hones and tones and crafts. 

In other words, passion, the darkness, the ‘violence’ of violence, are all one thing. An art form. 

In other words, sexually for instance, through to creatively, through to normal living, a casual conversation with a stranger, through to honest conversations with family or friends or indeed, one’s partners, this being yourself, this turning up as your whole self, this being yourself so that wherever you are, you feel comfortable is about two things. First, taking time alone. We all need, need, need, need, need, need people all the fucking time. It got in my way for years and years and years. Don’t need anyone. Beat yourself into not needing, so you can do the time alone every day that you need to. And you need to for one reason. You have rage. I spend so much time alone, because I have rage. What do I do when I am alone with a rage/passion fire inside me that matches yours one thousand percent? 

I live with it. I purify it, I examine it, I examine my feelings. I LOOK AFTER MYSELF. This is mothering. True, Priesthood mothering. I guess. It is all so deliciously new to share. 

I took that rage and I looked after it. And I did it for the same reason you and your kind, the kings I clearly ‘kingmake’, the queens that are my kind and the kings that are your kind and the other genders of both, I’m a kingmaker. A queen and kingmaker. I took that rage away from society and family and everyone who I, frankly, was overloading with my stuff, because no one knew what to do with it or how to help. 

That’s why you have come to me. And that is why our anunciations match. You express OUR sexuality. I express OUR love. OUR Divinity. OUR mind. What I call THE CENTRAL SELF. The central self between any two people is the soul. The collective energy of the souls. And for all our most profound connections, (not blood necessarily at all) it is the same soul. Soul is nebulous and a part of the part of the part that is Her. It is the part of The All. We are the tiny part of our souls, that comes here to live the experience. To have the sex. To love and cry and laugh and live. Note, that I have forgotten about the rampant and horrendous experience of Female Serpent Priesthood and all that is female. That is now my subject for ever. The anunciation is not needed for you anymore. The central self has spoken. You have listened and become. 

Now, the same thing is happening with your fire. Your rage. The rage of your sex. The rage of your heart. The rage. 

The rage is creative energy. You are a banker. When I think of you now, now as I am embracing the vast straightforwardness of my life, I recall my modest ‘University’ days. I ‘crashed and burned’ my school final year and ended up in a polytechnic. I was supposed to be embarrassed about that. I think I would be if I thought about it, still. But of course, great years. Politics and sociology in Thatcher’s Britain. Hardcore training. Fantastic. Of course, you remember those days, being exactly the same age. And when I think of you and my brother of course, who is in the same line – of course – I remember the fury I felt that in this polytechnic which was glamorously spread out across Central London’s Oxford Street and Regent Street, in our building was only two subjects. Two courses. Social Sciences. Me. And Business Studies. 

And here you are, still with me. Now on another tangent, when I look at you and your banker life and all related to that kind of vocation, and I look at mine which is very social scientist really, you and I should have done each other’s courses. A wise society would demand that. But in this society, the lack of respect on both sides would make that a ridiculous idea and when I think of the first version of you that I was ever involved with, guess what...he was on that business studies course. A wanker. I have been recalling him a lot recently. Exactly to the word, the same madness, for 30 straight years. Amazing. Anyway, I digress. I empathise with the ex wanker. The ex banker wanker. I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist that. 

In other words, you think you are not creative. I think we should pause. Entrance to soul is to become creative. I thought I was one of the least creative human beings on this planet. I was as animus within my anima shell as you. Hard boiled, dead, and blind to any of the pain I had experienced in my life, up to the age of 30+ when the spiritual or ‘breakdown’ journey began. I was so cut off from my feelings, that I sat down to become an artist, because everyone had told me that I was a writer and I had begun to think I could be a lot better at that than the news journalism. Which I couldn’t give a flying fuck about anymore, but also because I was dead. I was turning up as a ghost. For all the reasons that my company will discuss. 

The point is that I had rage. Huge, violent rage. And the rage that almost killed me. I would go into what I now realise must be mystic rages and emotional madness of pain and suffering with no answers. That is rage. 

Passion is the EMOTION and the PRIMAL feeling of that. That is not rage. That is just passion, superego drive and the will to achieve, create, build, show off, hunt, and fuck. The hedonist. The celebrator of life. The Centaur, male or female. The ‘sex addict’, the ‘obsessional’, the ‘one who’s a bit intense’, the SOURCERERS. The wizards and witches. The Sorcerers. The REBELS. The OUTSIDERS, the COWBOYS. You get the message. 

Passion. And alongside that, cruelty, intimacy, hunting, possession, primal drives, and a TEMPER. 

I live in a country, a great part of my psyche, which I use and utilise very well, and like very well, that hates passion. I live in a country where any show of anything is called flash. I live in a country that does not honour passion in any way, shape or form, whatsoever. I also come from a heritage culture that is terrified of passion and horrified at anything sexual. I also come from a parental culture that is the loudest and crudest in the Indian subcontinent, in terms of usually said stupidity about different peoples. And it’s true. I am a Punjabi. We are loud, macho, hot headed, hot hearted, rude, crude and honest. Punjabis have passion. 

England though is a country that has great passion about the utilisation of intelligence. Quite often, in the greats from this country, in a humane way. But just the wielding of the use of the word and the thought is this country’s power. And it is very passionate. Very intimate. Analytical and intimate. It has a macho intelligence in its literature. English literature and great thinkers I should say. A biting, intelligent, macho, passionate way of analysis. And so on. 

It also has a great respect for the libertine. Byron was one of my great friends as a child. This country honours the libertine quality, despite its bourgeois boredom of approach to anything that resembles anything of passion. My parents’ cultures don’t. They however have great respect for people who stand up for the meek, while they have  rampant denial of the human heart by their cultural suppression of anything creative, sexual, hunter like, non bourgeois, showy and above all, sadly, humane. 

You live in a country where passion is celebrated, even though nothing is as simple as it looks. You could say that in our respective journeys, we have explored passion in different ways, at different times in our life. 

Now, that exploration and defence of passion, which is what makes The Warrior Class so angry, that need to defend it in the first place, is part of the whole ‘conspiracy’ that took away our truth. Yours is a journey now which frankly, fascinates me at last, after four years of that filth. 

I have watched male macho for a very long time. Obviously. Sex. Sex + Hierophant = the human rights spokesperson. It is the Liberation part of the company message we are on now, at last, after the Humanity part. Liberation is comparatively easy but very very painful. 

To become soul, once the entrance has been broken into through the self crucifixion that I can feel you have achieved, is to find one word. Courage. Becoming soul at all is only one thing. Courage. Becoming soul in LIBERATION now after achieving the return of humanity is a rollercoaster ride, that you are entering now, with a rage to match the one I have mastered. I know. You anunciate my sexuality when you are the anuncier of our sex. 

You are not announcing it yet, because you are brand new. So, two things here. First passion is good, the filth of misogyny is bad. Society tells you that passion is BAD AND THAT MISOGYNY IS GOOD. Ponder that sentence again and again. All your answers are in that. Society tells you that passion and rage are bad and that misogyny, financial whoremongering, enslaving your women, putting down women, making women feel worthless and stripping them of all their VOCATIONAL human rights, is a must. That is what society tells you and has programmed you with, endemically. 

Rage is good. Passion is good. Dirty sex is good. S&M sex is good. Fetish sex is good. ‘non religious’ sex is good. Non reproductive sex is good. Sex is good. Having a temper is good. Having an honest outburst is good. Telling someone what you think of them is good. Expressing your FEELINGS, your inner FEELINGS and your honest OPINION is good. These are all of rage and passion, long before they are rational. They are ALLOWED. 

Misogyny cruelty and human cruelty are the filth. Society tells you they are good. And that silence, and that favourite hijacked word of the so called Intelligentsia, REASON is what creates THE CRUELTY of what is actually THE FIRE OF BEING ALIVE.

Words. Remember that the false intellectual world of pseudo intellectuals is what you fear. The blanket of thought that comes at you. Because you are not me. Well, you are. And you are not. Because I am you now. And I was silenced into SILENCE for years and years and years. You have the words. You are drowned in the aftermath of the filth. And that is because of the process and what that filth was generated from. Your PAIN. The filth is the projection. Rage and fire are not projection. 

Which meanders me back to the point. It’s not the rage or the passion. It’s the cruelty and UNRESOLVED pain. Your pain. The artform however is the new information for you to focus on. Mastering the ego was just and is still until you are done, stage one. Stage two is to finalise the killing of that ego – I liken it always to killing agents, as in The Wachowski Brothers and Sophia Stewart’s The Matrix – ego is the agents. Neo is killed in The Matrix and then resurrected by Trinity. Ooh, is that what we have just done.....? I hope so. And from then on, he kills agents super smoothly. 

Crucifixion and then killing. That is the method. Facing the immense grief and pain of pain and then shedding that programming, that BELIEF. Ego is about beliefs just like anything is. You are changing your beliefs and I of course, announce the changes required and you listen because they are your decisions even if you don’t want to hear it. The central self. 

And inside your ego, I do know that your superego and soul drives this too. As I begin to see him again, I can begin to feel hope again and it’s great believing again. Four years of that misogyny. And I believe again. 

I am very moved. But I am going to stick to the work. The problem with passion is this. You have entered a new art form, with a new career. That career is full time and you know now how big that machine of rage and passion is. You have always known that and you have tried to suppress it your whole adult mind self. Since the age of eight. Or thereabouts. Ego is above all the mask that we have to create because we are so EMBARASSED all the bloody time. 

Everyone makes us feel embarrassed. Because we were brought up by bad parents. Parents who just couldn’t do it. Society parented us in the same way. Everywhere we go, we are being told to stop this and stop that and do this and do that. We are all in strait jackets by the time we are seven or eight and that means if we are both too quiet (me) or too loud (you). When we were very young, I was the loud one. You were loud too. Taking it all the way to the symbolism. 

Be loud again. Be loud and brash and full of temper and full of the violence you have struggled with in the sex. And then start mastering it. It’s a brand new, new born art form, a monster of a passion that you have no idea how to handle. Totally. Breathe and enjoy it. Just sit in it and take it in and know that it is good and not bad. 

Anyway, just a few pointers. All art forms take time and we are all allowed to be new. I am new in business. Ego would be terrified, resentful, angry, chip on one’s shoulder, terrified, resistant and all that. Soul is happy to be new. Soul is gagging to start, but soul is happy to be new. You should too. The shocks will never stop, once consciousness has been integrated to the level you have now achieved. But the joy at the most potent art form on the planet will also never stop. The problem for Adam is that it means moral responsibility. The twisting for you is so the wrong way round. Analysis. Your sign’s speciality. The rest is courage, courage and courage. And that comes from the emotional drive to do something. And that takes the superego having cleared the filth of the ego so that it can actually find courage and not bravado anymore. And finally get rid of the right people and bring in the wrong ones. So you can enter that fire at last and start playing. And the less you SUPPRESS it, the MORE you will heal, the MORE you will become love, the LESS angry and cruel you will want to be. Society tells you the complete opposite and no one – archetypes – more than your father. And all the ‘reason’ led fathers that there are. 

Poison. Reason is another word for crap mastery. Hierophant and The Female Wisdom Society are primarily are about the transformational life. Alchemy is female. The travel into the dark to bring back the light is female. Just ask a woman every once a month. It is the most sacred alchemical time of the month, vilified to ‘the curse’ in a stupid society that dishonours all exploration of passion and that honours wife beating. 

They took away the sex and the art and the philosophy so you would remain violent. It worked. Love the rage, love the passion. They are not violence. Mastery. Accept it and work with it. Honour it. Your rage is female. Sex is female. Men (and women) of your kind express love through the sex with pure genius. Honour that and you will forget the shame of being alive. 

They make us ashamed to be alive. So they kill us dead. It’s called the mask of ego. Soul is the liberation. Shame is not quantifiable or useful. Shame is them. Shame on them. Shame plus total ignorance. Art is the most magical alchemical force on this planet and they know this. My research has taken me into more pain and knowledge of theft. The Mystery Schools. Mine. Stolen from me and everyone. Only for the sinister few now. The main vehicle of delivery of spiritual wisdom and experience was DRAMA. THAT is why fascists and the reptilian agenda drives with such force of narrative. They know. 

They know and they teach the complete opposite. That true art is a waste of time. See. It all matches. Feel the rage, feel the passion, feel the fight. Mastery and not suffocation ever. It creates enemies and that is what you are afraid of. Definitely. You will reach the point of no return. You have alchemised from the inside. You are finally becoming what you look like. You won’t be able to stop  yourself and those who will alienate you are already ready. They already see you coming. 

Soul takes commitment. Commitment to passion. To rage. To nakedness. To honesty. To vulnerability. To LIFE. 

Shame on them. Never again, shame on you. 

Arise, Sir Superego. You are resurrecting the stallion unicorn. You are becoming a Titan. A man of love. A man of passion . A man of mastered loudness and force. Your centre is the dark soul. My centre is the light soul. I centre in the light soul with the dark as my friend. You centre into the dark soul, with the light as your friend. 

That also makes the team. The team of two wholes. The whole. 

In other words, trust yourself. You have dealt with the filth and if you haven’t, the more you cry out the pain, the more you can remember the passion for life and love and sex and humanity. And me. The more you will trust yourself. And remember that your final showdown looms. That is what terrifies you and it should. It’s scary. It’s fucking scary, just to stand up and be oneself. Punishment will always follow. Then you follow punishment. Be proud of who you are. Moral responsibility + courage = rage and passion. That’s good. 

And as Erica Jong said of Henry Miller, rage + heart = courage. Passion is not only what you have twisted, through the integration of the filth, the Amera career raping filth that has almost drowned me in its bitter hate, passion is also suppressed so that commitment can be avoided. The commitment to doing the right thing. To show who you really are. To be who you really are. The fraud. You are terrified of it because it’s all true. You don’t have to be. You can trust yourself with it all. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

....mind you, I can't begin of course. I have already begun, but it is already still in the shadow of my father. You. 

So, use that to pressurise yourself into human decency, and if you can't manage it by the way, I am not looking for THAT kind of understanding. I'd wait forever. I mean, acceptance. Your surrender. So you don't bitch at me all day about it. I don't need or expect anything else. I know your breed now. You will after your surrender need to educated and told anyway. 

I am waiting. And mourning all that is love. That's my job. Goddesses and Werewolves. 'What's love got to do with it?' Tina Turner. 

Still waiting however and not amused about that. You need to know, whether you care or not. I am still doing the work and still celebrating the end of 32 years, and still will and still have to deflect your hatred all day too. 

Anyway, an update on your soul imprint. The man who can be a human being. Still vastly absent. It was my transcension that sticks today. Yours wavers again. You are still in ego. 

And I am going to get piercing now. Your daughters are almost 17. Your attitude to my vocation is your attitude to theirs. Are you going to fuck up the next 32 years for each of them too? Have you already sabotaged them? Of course you have. Do you need to change for them too. Damn right. You know it too. 

Piercing. You need it. Hatred is not nice. Your hate for me. Your hate for THEM. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

...the loss of humanity, in order to live life successfully. Don’t forget. A generic demand in the fascist home. The loss of hope is the loss of humanity is the entrance into Agamemnon for you, Marilyn for my type – Morgana actually being a version of YOUR archetype, not mine – 

Another thing. Reading about Marilyn via Norman Mailer. It reminded me of another particular angle on this story, the story of the human race. Madness. You, me, all of us who struggle with this dynamic in this way, with the extreme loss of humanity in men and the loss of humanity and confidence in women who are broken into suicide and hiding, who are condemned to bitter loneliness because of your loss of humanity, we all come from mad families and mad people, madness being something that has to be totally re-written too. Emotional sickness is madness. Ego is emotional sickness. We all come from chronic emotional sickness. My ego was chronic too. Because my SOUL pushed so hard for it to go. So, we all come from extreme emotional sickness families – ie, cruel – and we all have the most powerful souls on the planet. You may not be an Atlantean Elder for one second. You, however are a Lemurian Elder. That is power. It is you who wants redemption more than I want it for you, even. You want that redemption. You will get it. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

...in other words, you're just not ready. Okay. One more year in hell. One more year without you. One more year of your misogyny. You won’t lose me. I know I am doomed and it’s okay. I will try and work in these ridiculous conditions. And love. 

Love, love and love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

The End of Our Marriage. Eternal Friendship. Amera Ziganii Rao 

You know it too. I am thinking of Michael Curtiz's Casablanca of course. The Carl Jung defined interpretation is that narrative is the whole person. We are all three characters. Rick, Ilsa and Victor Lazlo. As well as the obvious of the story. To, on the highest spiritual level, forgo the personal for the universal and indeed, for The Universe. Lazlo is the only one totally committed to the defeat of evil. Both Rick and Ilsa have to make the profound personal sacrifice to enter that fight forever. Renegades, brought back to the real work. Work. 

Other than that, too many ghosts flying around. Lemuria to Atlantis or not at all? Lemuria being the Hopi peoples prophecy that there would be a people who would not heal and those who would and does that really include Lemurian Elders and so on. 

But too much time to analyse that. I've got to leave home and be on the road now. As the Atlantean Gypsy Nomad Professional Creative I was born to be and that I have had to wait 32 years to become. 41 including the family home of course. 

Life. What a fucking liability, but so much love along the way. And none more so, than from you. Life before Marcus Vinicius and life after Marcus Vinicius. My fate is sealed. 

You remain a misogynist my love and I remain with your second cousin. For now. Your misogyny will ease and you will enter the creative soul and you will grow and you will have sex one day too. 

But not with me. I 'got you into the van'. I brought you to your redemption. It appears that I have completed my Jedi Mastery after all. You are a Jedi. A Lemurian Jedi. You will do good for your people. And you now know both the Goddess Priesthood - ah, I like that name for it - Goddess Priesthood and indeed, THE GODDESS. And don't forget that your astrological sign, Virgo is the sign for The Goddess. You are returned as much as you can be. You are flying now and I am proud that that is down to me. 

And for me, I have to now patronise you and I never wanted to do that. It is unfair of me to ask you to come where I am going. That is what I had to give up. I am who I am. A Goddess. You made me. Don't forget that. And you know my life is too much for you. 

Eternal friendship. We have grieved our karma and lives on this earth for seven long years. So much grief and we needed each other so much to be able to do it. We had seven years. We deserve life now, and deserve the peace that we have worked so hard to attain. The love will never go. The connection can never go. We are twinned. Just not in the way we thought. In the material realm. You were just to be my first Daddy. Our 'marriage' was tight. Phenomenal and the usual abuse, probably. But now we are required to leave home. Now, it has to be just an experience. That is too much to take. For me, I grieve as if you have died. Something is broken that can never be fixed. But we are Samurai, all The Warrior Class. We are not allowed the normal successes of life. Our paths are much bigger. And not for us. 

Which of course is another word for evolution and growth. The adventurous soul. The path of alchemy that never ends. I never ever in a million years thought that you could be someone I would outgrow or grow beyond. I have. And the platform I am headed for is too big for me as yet. The usual alchemy and Ascension journey I have been on since the beginning. You were the same. And I am on the road once again. But this time, changed forever. 

That Mira Nair's Kama Sutra. It was just never going to leave us. But this time, I feel all that she feels. Pure, eternal love. 

Your misogyny is your agony and your abusive right. It is your pit that Kumar dies in. But so what. That is your world and you do very well in it. Your death of lack of humanity will slowly return. You are a recovering evil on earth but we are all souls here to do the bidding of the Universe. We all play our part. And I am at peace with who you are. 

Lemurians might not be able to heal my beautiful. And that is an agony I know you are carrying right now. I know the pain of ego that prevents you from having the ability to love. It is sheer agony. 

And who knows the why of the why of the why. I am sure I am here to explore it for the 35 years I have left. But who cares. For us, it is love. And that part of our love is over. 

"I only know if it grew out of love, it must be right." El Cid 

Friends. Very special friends forever. 

And keep reading. I might be sharing our meltdown so we ease out of it. Who knew that relationship took so long to melt down, after the stone structure of solidity it enters despite the abuse of all that sick in coupledom. That in itself is a thesis. Four years to sort out our crap basically. 

And four years of magic, creation and immense discovery. What can you do? The sweet and the bitter. 

I'm glad it was you. We needed each other so much. And we always will. Now, we know how to handle it. Samurai and Casablanca. And the enjoyment of course of your misogyny. You honoured my mind and beauty together, like no one on earth. 

But you wanted it for yourself. And frankly, who can blame you. 

I don't anymore. Misogyny can heal, my beautiful, but apparently not with you. Atlantean Elders we seem to be - those of us who can advance beyond misogyny and all that is cruelty and lack of self esteem - and in a class of our own. Let's see. Victor Lazlo in all of us. To show the new world. Whatever it can be. 

You and I though? 9 1/2 Weeks and Lolita all in one. My sweet, corrupt and cruel Wolfman of the mind. 9 1/2 Weeks. 

The truth of Jane Austen's Willoughby. The ride of one's life, before the 'crash and burn'. :) See? I am smiling. What the fuck else can one do? I loved a thrilling Gordon Gekko intellectual and got burned. My Twin Soul is my nemesis. The twin I grieved forever. 

And now, I make way for The Twin Flame. My fellow gypsy. Which means at last, that I do vocation, with family intact, despite everything. If he succeeds where you could not. Everything in our lives is written. 

And I've even got friends I like. I may even step out of my now, self imposed ivory tower one day. But first, I get to write with your second cousin sitting on my chest. So I'll try not to miss you too much. You are in so much pain too. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Woman is the creator of the universe,
the universe is Her form;
Woman is the foundation of the world,
She is the true form of the body.
Whatever form She takes,
whether the form of a man or a woman,
is the superior form.

In Woman is the form of all things,
of all that lives and moves in the world.
There is no jewel rarer than Woman,
no condition superior to that of a Woman.

There is not, nor has been, nor will be
any destiny equal to that of a Woman;
there is no kingdom, no wealth,
to be compared with a Woman;
there is not, nor has been, nor will be
any holy place like unto a Woman.

There is not prayer equal to a Woman.
There is not, nor has been, nor will be
any yoga to compare with a Woman,
no mystical formula nor asceticism
to match a Woman.

There are not, nor have been, nor will be
any riches more valuable than Woman.

Shaktisangama Tantra 

Our most thrilling adventures start with an open mind, a brave heart, and a curious soul that is willing to explore the unknown. Wendy Lynn Beacock 

Anyone who has struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor. James Baldwin. Nobody Knows My Name 

Nobel Women wrap up delegation to eastern Congo

March 5, 2014

After a powerful journey to Rwanda and eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the Women of Congo Speak Out delegates have returned home to share the needs and demands of Congolese women. The delegates – led by Nobel peace laureate Leymah Gbowee – heard from Congolese women who are using innovative and extraordinary strategies to end conflict and sexual violence against women in the region. 

The delegates came to understand the significant challenges facing Congolese women in their pursuit for peace. Eastern Congo remains plagued with conflict. Failed reintegration of former soldiers has spiked domestic violence and women-led grassroots initiatives remain grossly underfunded and under-resourced. To compound the issue, members of various militia’s continue to use women’s bodies as a battlefield and impunity for sexual violence perpetrators remains rampant.

Despite these challenges, we met with over 350 women who are committed to changing the circumstances in which they live. Women are joining together to advance peace, support survivors of sexual violence, and demand justice for committed atrocities. As Nobel laureate Leymah Gbowee says, “They say that the DRC is the rape capital of the world, but what I see is that it is the capital of strong women and solidarity among women.”

We are committed to spotlighting and amplifying the voices of women activists who work for peace around the world. Following the delegation, we brought Congo women’s voices to a series of meetings with international aid organizations and government officials in Nairobi, Kenya. This June, we will carry the stories of Congo’s women to the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, held in London.

We are extremely grateful to the members of the International Campaign to Stop Rape & Gender Violence in Conflict for generously inviting and hosting us in the Congo, and to YOU – thank you for following us online to hear CongoWomenSpeak! 

International Women’s Day 

We're getting excited for International Women's Day on Saturday! Here at the Nobel Women's Initiative we see the incredible power of women working collectively to forge peace around the world. 

In the past 8 years since we were founded, we have been lucky to meet and support many amazing women.

Nobel Women’s Initiative 

Give thanks today for those who did you wrong. They unknowingly made you strong. Livelifehappy.com 

~• JOYful Reflection »•´¯`»♥

If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing. ~Coco Chanel

… just soar, soar, soar! 

“If you say that there are elephants flying in the sky, people are not going to believe you. But if you say that there are four hundred and twenty-five elephants flying in the sky, people will probably believe you.”

Gabriel García Márquez 

What's your....?


Please leave as many as you like below.... 

If you struggle to think of anything to be grateful for/to, please get general and basic...

★ ★ Thank you for being YOU ★ ★

~ Namaste ~
Lee-Anne Peters 

Temple of Balance 

Every pro was once an amateur. Every expert was once a beginner. Remember, you don't have to be great to get started but you have to start if you're ever going to be great. So dream big and take action today.

Motivation Live

Throwback to my one-room shack. Now my mom pimps an Ac with lace on her back... My first magazine feature in 2004 in front of the rat invested house my mom and I lived in. I'll never forget the way I felt driving up to that place. Chills ran over me.... Now we... Sip champagne when we thirsty. 


Ryan Blair 

A day dedicated to CLEANSING, PURIFYING, and CLEARING TOXINS from this space...

There will be no further posts today until later today or tomorrow. If you find you rely on posts here, please take this opportunity to feel for your own guidance, to use the tools / resources you have available to help you and BE YOUR BEST GUIDE! 

Holding the space is FROG energy to help clear this environment and to neutralize it to become the best it can be for all connected here.

Anytime it may be your time to move on from our work I let you go with LOVE for it is something I have always said and it is truth for me... that whether you are here for a moment or for a month, a year or a decade I am honoured you flowed through and I always trust you will enjoy your time at Temple of Balance

I never want anyone to rely on this work or give their power away to it - depending on it. I simply share what works for me and what I have learned and if it resonates with you, then brilliant - if it doesnt then no problem.

I am no guru, no leader and nothing special... I am just simply a mum from Tasmania who LOVES to help others as much as I can by helping guide the way until they realise how strong their wings are and can fly on their own. 

The happiest day for me will be when you are all flying strongly - then my work will move onto the next phase!

Until then... let's cleanse this space, our environment, our minds, our bodies, our hearts and our lives!!


~ Lee-Anne Peters ~

Temple of Balance 

Ex-CIA Pilot Gives Sworn Testimony That No Planes Hit The Twin Towers

‘A former CIA and civilian pilot has sworn an affidavit, stating that no planes flew into the Twin Towers as it would have been physically impossible.

John Lear, the son of Learjet inventor, Bill Lear, has given his expert evidence that it would have been physically impossible for Boeing 767s, like Flights AA11 and UA175 to have hit the Twin Towers on 9/11, particularly when flown by inexperienced pilots:

‘No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors’, he stated in the affidavit.

‘Such crashes did not occur because they are physically impossible as depicted, for the following reasons: in the case of UAL 175 going into the south tower, a real Boeing 767 would have begun ‘telescoping’ when the nose hit the 14 inch steel columns which are 39 inches on center.’ 

‘The vertical and horizontal tail would have instantaneously separated from the aircraft, hit the steel box columns and fallen to the ground.

‘The engines when impacting the steel columns would have maintained their general shape and either fallen to the ground or been recovered in the debris of the collapsed building.

‘No Boeing 767 could attain a speed of 540 mph at 1000 feet above sea level ‘parasite drag doubles with velocity’ and ‘parasite power’ cubes with velocity.

The fan portion of the engine is not designed to accept the volume of dense air at that altitude and speed. 

The piece of alleged external fuselage containing 3 or 4 window cutouts is inconsistent with an airplane that hit 14 inch steel box columns, placed at over 500 mph.  It would have crumpled.

No significant part of the Boeing 767 or engine could have penetrated the 14 inch steel columns and 37 feet beyond the massive core of the tower without part of it falling to the ground.

‘The debris of the collapse should have contained massive sections of the Boeing 767, including 3 engine cores weighing approximately 9000 pounds apiece which could not have been hidden. Yet there is no evidence of any of these massive structural components from either 767 at the WTC. Such complete disappearance of 767s is impossible.

The affidavit, dated 28th January 2014 is part of a law suit being pursued by Morgan Reynolds in the United States District Court, Southern District, New York.

In March 2007, Reynolds, a former chief economist under the George W Bush administration filed a Request For Correction with the US National Institute of Science and Technology citing his belief that real commercial jets (Boeings) did not hit the WTC towers.

Although the 9/11 Truth movement initially rejected the ‘no-planes’ theory as too outlandish, after scientific and rational analysis, it has become a widely accepted explanation of the evidence collected.

Unlike any other form of statement, an affidavit becomes truth in law, if it is not rebutted.  It will now be up to critics of the theory to present their evidence and analysis to rebut the statement point by point.  If they do not – or cannot – then the US government will be obliged to admit that the account given by the 9/11 Commission is wrong.

The 65 year old retired airline captain and former CIA pilot – who has over 19,000 hours of flight time -- also drew attention to the inexperience of the pilots who allegedly flew the planes:

‘The alleged 'controlled' descent into New York on a relatively straight course by a novice pilot in unlikely in the extreme because of the difficulty of controlling heading, descent rate and descent speed within the parameters of 'controlled' flight.

‘It takes a highly skilled pilot to interpret the "EFIS" (Electronic Flight Instrument Display) display, with which none of the hijacker pilots would have been familiar or received training on, and use his controls, including the ailerons, rudder, elevators, spoilers and throttles to effect, control and maintain a descent.

Lear has, according to his sworn statement, flown over 100 different types of planes during his 40 years of flying and holds more FAA airman certificates than any other FAA certificated airman. He flew secret missions for the CIA in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1967 and 1983 then spent 17 years working for several passenger and cargo airlines as Captain, Check Airman and Instructor.

He is a member of Pilotsfor911truth.org, which has consistently shown that it was impossible for jet airliners to have hit the Twin Towers in the way the 9/11 Commission has suggested.

The Commission did not take evidence from experts or pilots when it conducted its enquiry into the attacks from 2002 to 2004.

David Icke 

~• A JOYful Musing »•´¯`»♥

To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities. ~Bruce Lee

… create your OWN opportunities.

Sherri. Incredible JOY 

The End of Our Marriage. Eternal Friendship. Amera Ziganii Rao 

I wanted to reach out but I have no words. We are all on super sonic levels of communication now, as we all grieve and resign and get excited and grieve and miss. 

He and I are being beaten into the new too. And that kind of heroism that no one wants. The ability to make the changes required, the ones that we want but never wanted to choose. Because, however much we are delirious about the new, we don't want to leave the old. Even though, it's already done. As it was completely, the most accurate thing to do. 

I talk of ways of relationship, even more than the who. The reason for the who too. The twins who are new but complete equals. 

And as for you and his first 'lady her', his significant spiritual other, you both grieve and watch. 

Agony. The depths of life. To bring in the new. And meanwhile, can i just say it again and again, I am finally vocation. Vocation, vocation and vocation. Inside and out, I defeat the enemies with ease. I am vocation. 32 years and I am vocation again. 

And I miss who I love and love who I miss and love who I also miss and miss who I also love. 

Transition. We can only see the pain and grief right now. But we are also all excited. Everything makes perfect sense and new lives of ascension and love are to be lived. 

He and I are belligerently building the new world. And I have a broken heart. But that's okay. I know now how unhappy you knew you would be with me, despite all your love. You were right. 

He and I are the same. We have our own journey to distant and different places. 

And how could either of us have got here, without the two of you?

Adult relationship. Bloody hurts, but we're already flying. 

This also means something else. Your ascension doesn't ever have to stop. It's just no longer for me. it's for you. 

And I will always be near. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

We only do well the things we like doing. ~ Colette 

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Navee

I could see day after day after day glaring ahead of me like a white, broad, infinitely desolate avenue. Sylvia Plath 

1 out of 5 girls in the developing world will not complete sixth grade. 1 in 7 will be married before age 15. Erin Anderson 

Suffering was it, and impotence--that created all backworlds; Friedrich Nietzsche 

Learn a lesson in life each day that you live. Thats the story of Life. Rock Christopher 

Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, the tree is the real thing. ~ Abraham Lincoln 

Lay your sleeping head, my love, human on my faithless arm. W.H. Auden 

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. - Jorge Luis Borges 

It is the most sensual men (women) who need to flee women (men) and torment their bodies. Friedrich Nietzsche 

The path to enlightenment can be as challenging as climbing Mount Everest. Humanity Healing 

She may face social pressure as women & girls, especially once married, are usually expected only to be mothers. Girls Not Brides

"In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place." ~ Mohandas Gandhi 

There is no instinct like that of the heart. ~ Lord Byron 

The hero of Karolina Breguła’s film has “an uncanny understanding of the human desire for perversion." Guernica Magazine 

Sacred Pimp lll Pt ll (Artwork)

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original 

Perfection (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Beauty X (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

International Women's Day: Here's why it matters. The Independent Newspaper 

“I have not lived as a woman. I have lived as a man. I've just done what I damn well wanted to, and I've made enough money to support myself, and ain't afraid of being alone”. 

Katherine Hepburn 

“No woman gets an orgasm from shining the kitchen floor”.

Betty Friedan 

“I want to say to you who think women cannot succeed, we have brought the government of England to this position, that it has to face this alternative: either women are to be killed or women are to have the vote”. 

Emmeline Pankhurst 

“They said, “You are a savage and dangerous woman. I am speaking the truth. And the truth is savage and dangerous”. 

Nawaal El Saadawi 

"It is a vulgar error that love, a love, to woman is her whole existence; she is born for Truth and Love in their universal energy". 

Margaret Fuller 

“All societies on the verge of death are masculine. A society can survive with only one man; no society will survive a shortage of women”. 

Germaine Greer 

“A cultural fixation on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty but an obsession about female obedience”. 

Naomi Wolf 

"I myself have never able to find out precisely what a feminist is. I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat". 

Rebecca West 

“In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth, women are not merely tolerated but valued". 

Aung San Suu Kyi 

“Does feminist mean large unpleasant person who'll shout at you or someone who believes women are human beings. To me it's the latter, so I sign up”. 

Margaret Atwood 

"A good part - and definitely the most fun part - of being a feminist is about frightening men". 

Julie Burchill 

"I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand". 

Susan B. Anthony 

"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother". 

Margaret Sanger 

“Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape. Go to the source and start there”. 

Kurt Cobain 

"Apparently, the most difficult feat for a Cambridge male is to accept a woman not merely as feeling, not merely as thinking, but as managing a complex, vital interweaving of both". 

Sylvia Plath 

"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession, which I entered before my husband was in public life". 

Hilary Clinton 

"The idea of being a feminist—so many women have come to this idea of it being anti-male and not able to connect with the opposite sex—but what feminism is about is equality and human rights. For me that is just an essential part of my identity. I hope [Girls] contributes to a continuance of feminist dialogue". 

Lena Dunham 

“When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch”. 

Bette Davis 

“All men should be feminists. If men cared about women’s rights, the world would be a better place”. 

John Legend 

“Every man I meet wants to protect me. I can't figure out what from”. 

Mae West 

“I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives”. 

Jane Austen 

“A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle”. 

Gloria Steinem 

“Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding”. 

Sheng Wang 

“I hate men who are afraid of women's strength”. 

Anais Nin 

“We stand with women by fighting for economic security, protecting access to health care and supporting women’s leadership across the country”. 

Barack Obama 

“I have a daughter and I have granddaughters and I will never vote to let a group of backward-looking ideologues cut women’s access to birth control. We have lived in that world, and we are not going back, not ever”. 

Elizabeth Warren 

“In Pakistan, when we were stopped from going to school, at that time I realized that education … Is the power for women, and that’s why the terrorists are afraid of education”. 

Malala Yousafzai 

"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got". 

Janice Joplin 

"As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world". 

Virginia Woolf 

"Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots cause it's okay to be a boy. But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading cause you think being a girl is degrading". 


International Women's Day: Here's why it matters. The Independent Newspaper 

As part of International Women's Day, we asked our women writers to answer five questions. We couldn't possibly fit in all of the fantastic responses we received, but here's a selection. And to anyone who doesn't see the point in having a day to talk about just some of the issues facing women and girls all around the world, they're about to show you why it matters. 

1. What do you think has been the most important step forward for feminism in the last year? 

Lisa Markwell: I think the quiet, ongoing evolution from feminism being a cap-F ghetto, perceived as being populated by shrill ‘sisters’, to it being a solid supporting wall for women everywhere.

Joan Smith: The big change in attitudes to sexual violence. Because of the revelations about Jimmy Savile, the public is finally realising how widespread it is. 

Kiri Kankhwende: The emergence (or increased prominence) of young women campaigners such as Fahma Mohamed who has campaigned for education in England about female genital mutilation.

Katy Guest: Proposals announced late last year to allow new parents to split up to 50 weeks of parental leave between them, as it suits them. Equality in the workplace can now at least get started.

Aisha Mirza: Black women taking the microphone and starting loud, imaginative and brave conversations about identity, and the importance of acknowledging race within feminism. It had to happen.

Bina Shah: In my part of the world, the most important step forward has been the realization that educating girls is our biggest priority. There’s been a real change in awareness on the issue and our commitment to the challenge in Pakistan is being supported by our many global partners in development.

2. Which issue do you think the UK government should prioritise next?

Paris Lees: We need a radical overhaul of how we approach sex and sexuality education. Kids have greater access to pornographic material than ever before, and they’re seeing music videos that border on softcore porn. So why did MPs vote against compulsory sex education in British schools? We need to teach boys how to respect girls and the importance of respecting boundaries. We need to stop bullying of gay kids and kids who don’t conform to traditional gender stereotypes.

Felicity Morse: Childcare. If equal roles and responsibilities can be properly apportioned with things like paternity leave and proper facilities at work, then women are going to find it easier to keep on working whilst having babies. This will revolutionise how they are seen in the workplace.

Louise McCudden: Consent and VAWG in all its forms. We have protests in Bolton and London on Saturday called Yes Matters because consent needs to be taught in schools - so come and support!

Jane Fae: Inconsistent policing of violence against women. Irrespective of views on sex work, too many police forces are dealing with this issue in ways that criminalise victims and make it harder for them to get help.

Harriet Williamson: The Government should address the horrific treatment of the women currently held in Yarl's Wood Detention Centre. Those women came to this country for help, fleeing sexual abuse, political persecution, institutional homophobia and forced FGM.

Lisa Markwell: Get its own house (and House) in order – every party must find more women to run for parliament – and that doesn’t mean quota nonsense or all-women shortlists, it means thinking creatively about where to recruit from, and offering a genuinely inclusive, fair place to work. From this will flow better opportunities and conditions in wider society.

Caroline Criado-Perez: Sex and Relationships education. In the face of an internet saturated with often violent and misogynistic porn, it's more vital than ever that children are given a safe space in which to discuss how to treat and relate to each other.

3. Who has been an inspiration to you over the past year?
Kiri Kankhwende:  I have been inspired by Nimco Ali of Daughters of Eve, who has campaigned about the issue of FGM and worked to help women affected by it, despite the threats and abuse she has endures as a result.

Katy Guest: Cheesy as it sounds, my mum, who gave a mother-of-the-bride speech at my wedding on behalf of all mothers. The writers Stella Duffy and Shelley Silas; Malala Yousafzai; Eleanor Catton; the editor of the Independent on Sunday, Lisa Markwell; Caroline Criado-Perez; the Pink Stinks campaign; Mary Berry; Dr Alice Roberts; Bettany Hughes; the woman who single-handedly runs my local Indian restaurant…

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Too many to list. I don’t like picking up one or two heroines when everyday unsung heroines battle away.

Alice Jones: Malala Yousafzai for her courage, eloquence and intelligence.I can't get the various images of Pussy Riot - Nadezhda Tolokonnikova speaking out against the regime minutes after being released from prison, she and her colleagues being whipped and beaten by the police at the Sochi games - out of my head. In an entirely different sphere, Bridget Christie, for making feminism funny and doing more than anyone I can remember to dismantle the myth that women can't be funny.

Paris Lees: Caroline Criado-Perez is someone I really admire. She put herself out there and she bloody did it - Jane Austen will be on bank notes in 2017. And the crap she got for it! People are attacking her because she’s out there trying to do something positive. Love Jack Monroe too. And Lupita Nyong’o. And Lorde. I’m excited by the new generation of feminists.

Jane Merrick: Two women in politics - the Defence Minister Anna Soubry, who is a fantastic role model and not only pushes boundaries of gender stereotyping but tramples all over them; and the Labour MP Gloria de Piero, who was made shadow women's minister and who continues to wage a campaign to encourage the disenchanted and disenfranchised to be interested in voting.

4. Where have you seen the most conspicuous failings for women’s rights in the past year?

Harriet Williamson: The rise of rape culture, particularly on university campuses. Female students are being let down by university administrations as they refuse to take sexual harassment seriously and in some cases, force victims to attend lectures and seminars with their attackers.

Jane Merrick: The Spanish government's proposed law to tighten restrictions on abortion is deeply worrying, as is the question of girls' education worldwide. When western forces leave Afghanistan at the end of this year, is this the moment we turn a blind eye to girls' education in that country?

Kiri Kankhwende:  I don't think sufficient attention has been given to the rights of women seeking asylum. Women for Refugee Women has highlighted the suffering of already-traumatised women in Yarl's Wood Detentions Centre, who are detained despite having committed no crime. 

Joan Smith: In this country, another year has gone by without equal pay. How long do we have to wait?

Felicity Morse: What has struck me most about equal rights for women is how often lesbians still face the kind of discrimination which would not be tolerable for straight women. For example pictures of lesbians kissing is still seen as titillation. They are still jeered at for 'dressing like men' etc.

Alice Jones: On television and on Twitter. An unedifying, unending parade of empty sex dolls and trolls seems to me to be one of the biggest threats to women's rights there is.

Aisha Mirza: I’m not really over the cuts yet. Cuts to legal aid that strip women of freedom. Changes to benefits that trap women in dangerous situations. The dismantling of services designed to care for the most vulnerable people in society. All of those things are happening now.

5. What (if any) personal experience of sexism - involving either yourself or someone you know - have you had over the past year that you can tell us about?

Caroline Criado-Perez: I was faced with about a month of terrifying, graphic, violent and relentless threats. I was told that I would have my genitals mutilated, that I would be pistol-whipped and my flesh burned in front of my children, that I would be gang-raped till I died - that I would be begging to die. They also started posting addresses connected to me all round the internet. I felt hunted. It was quite shocking how little it took to set them off.

Bina Shah: I wrote an article for the Independent questioning why the West is fascinated by Muslim women’s dress. Two men told me that as a Muslim woman my opinion was invalid. It made me understand the importance of the intersectionality debate in feminism. 

Louise McCudden: How long have you got? I honestly don't even know where to start.

Joan Smith: Misogyny thrives on Twitter. Quite revealing that some people respond to articles they don't like with a barrage of personal abuse.

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: I used to be on TV and radio a lot more than I am now. I’ve been told by friendly insiders that they don’t like me because I am combative (unlike Peter Hitchins and Nigel Farage) and too old. Go figure. 

Felicity Morse: A date told me I should be quieter if I want to get laid. I didn't shut up. Worst still, I have the feeling he might be right. 

Katy Guest: Again, how long have you got? All the little stuff. Going into Homebase for a countersinking bit and being asked, “What did he tell you he needed it for?”

Jane Fae: Violence and the fear of violence. Out one evening with a close female friend, we were not in the least bit interested in meeting or chatting to guys. Half a dozen slightly sozzled blokes decided to join us and when we failed to conform to their expectations became rude and threatening.

Paris Lees: People talking over me. I’ve been getting invited on more panel shows and radio debates and every time it’s like the boys just instantly take over. I’d never noticed it before and I assumed it would be subtle, but actually when you start to observe it for yourself you see that it’s blatant and constant.

Lisa Markwell: I do enjoy writing back to people who send letters with the standard-issue “Dear Sir” at the top (eg: perhaps you were mistaken and thought I was Mark Well?). More seriously, the editor of another newspaper asked, when told what I did, asked “what, the *whole* paper?” as if it was incredible.

The Independent 


Just a reminder (for me too) that I (and this applies to all women or friendly and helpful people) am not all woman...the whole lot, seeing as it is the twilight hours of International Women's Day. Misogyny is above all a prejudice. See the person too. AZR 














Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Beware of the man who picks your dresses; he wants to wear them. Erica Jong. 17 Warnings in Search of a Feminist Poem 

Your wife is ALWAYS right. Hugh Jackman 

The world is held together by women. In celebration of International Women’s Day. Thank you to all of my sisters. Cynthia Occelli 

When you see that what you are doing, what you have chosen is not working, make another choice. Choice simply means that you recognize the conflict, chaos, or pain the first choice has created; you choose to eliminate that experience by making another choice. 

Iyanla Vanzant 

In one year from today, how do you think your life will be different? 

What steps do you need to take right now to make that change?

Kelly O'Neil 

How to Be Sexy With Bugs In Your Teeth. A motorcycling manual for women. 

Trisha Yeager 

It was when she recognised her own splendour that the world told her she was beautiful. Resurrecting Venus 

Happy weekend, Gorgeous. Recognize how innately beautiful you are so we can all see it. 

Cynthia Occelli 

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(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ CARD FOR NOW
using Speed of Light Oracle


Vision. Focus. Concentration. Chaos.

What your heart desires, may not be what your eyes see happening in your life at this time. There is much movement and chaos present which may sweep you into it if you lose concentration even for a moment. Find something to focus on - a vision, a goal, a happy thought or something creative for things may not be as they seem. Others may even be projecting their issues onto you. No matter what chaos is occurring, remember to hold your focus on the positive for yourself and in your life. 

"I choose to focus on positive tasks to help me see this through."

Lee-Anne Peters 

Speed of Light Oracle 

Male Sexuality. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Sex, sex, sex, sex and sex. The two most taboo and vilified and banned things are therefore completely parallel. 

Male sexuality and Female vocation. 

I like that. Spiritual 'emasculation' and sexual 'vulnerability'. Same thing. The primal in both forms. Physical and Spirit. 

Society bans both. Male POWER is allowed. Male sexuality is not. Female SEXUALITY is allowed, contrary to all that I have discovered and that, which is too true. But female POWER is not. Not even in ‘La Familia’. Mothers have no power. Only female sexuality is allowed. Female sexuality and male power. Sexless power. 

Male POWER makes men unhappy, contrary to all that we are taught and indeed, all that they are taught, every second of every day. 

And female SEXUALITY has no place to go, other than into domestic, sexless slavery to power that is not even enjoyed by the men. 

The dynamic is completely the wrong way round. Deliberately. Take away a peoples power and they become slaves. Sex is power. So is the mind. One has no sex and one has no mind. We are therefore a slave people, both on our way to freedom. I embrace you, brother. We are almost there. 

Because all must exist. Male sexuality can exist only with female power. Because male sexuality is so 'hardcore'. For a female to allow the 'anunciation' of the central self, the self that comes from him, the male or female Dominant, she has to be in touch with her power. She has to be in touch with her power, to respect and trust and love being empowered. Such is our complexity of dynamic. The real ‘tango’ of life. True sex. Her vocational, hunter, man power. The more she has it, the more she is willing to give it up too. 

In turn, female sexuality can only exist with male power, because - well it can only be REALISED, with male power. ALL male power. The more he has it, the more turned on she is. The more he turns it into the sexuality of power, the more turned on she is. 

Infantisation is the root of Dominant and Submissive and indeed, all that is 'Lolita'. Absolutely. The abuse of power is the lack of knowledge. Because I haven't been around for a long time. Infantisation and nurturing. The Dominant is the sexual liberator. For HIMSELF. The Submissive is the spiritual liberator. For HERSELF. Both receive in these two subjects. Men give sex. Women give love. Polite society has no terminology for that. Apparently, only S&M has. Like all cults and terminologies, those of us who transcend even groups, have the all. I honour the many angles we come at truth with. Sounds wankey, but there you go. I finally love life. Because I love my man. I finally, love men again. 

The politics of the primal. Male sexuality and female vocation. Same thing. I love empathy. 

Expression. A human right. For all. 

Fathers in polite society, disempower and get congratulated for it, by society. Mothers in polite society, disapprove of anything sexual and get congratulated for it, too. 

And this then deflects the real issue. The single issue that we all crave to understand, and study in frustrated secret. How to handle our addiction to sex. 

I look at the teenie bopper music scene, the screaming girls and the strutting boys, and I see the revolution. The problem is that girls are taught that that is love. The boys are taught that it is sex and both are vilified, ridiculed and massively, relentlessly encouraged at the same time. The splinter of life is born, but at least, ‘youth’ fires the rocket up the arse of life. 

And then it dies and women are supposed to die and so are men. Women are to have no power at all, after being taught they should, NOT EVEN AS MOTHERS, as has been my greatest revelation of pain. Men are also to have no power. Men ‘beat’ women, because they are not allowed true sexuality. ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ for choice of a fast reference and worthy one, is male sexuality. 

How can we learn to master something that is shamed? We get rid of the shame, piss on society and believe in what we feel. That is Divinity in action. Standing up for our collective, SEXUAL power, human rights. 

‘Lose weight, have sex and find God’ was a title of a book I saw today. Totally. Get fit, have sex and find Spirit. And say fuck off to everything else. It makes us flabby, cruel and wounded. Lack of expression is the greatest sickness on earth. And the single reason for cruelty. Express. Have sex. Know it is love. And the purification of all violences, addictions, and ego selfishnesses will go. Ego is only for one reason. Fear. Get rid of the fear of having sex, of having vocational, SEXUAL power and the fear goes. Ego is finally happy. Ego is the most sexual thing about us. Feed that and it lets you live. Suppress it and it kills you. By killing everyone else around you. So you have no sex. 

Have sex, feel the Divine cleansing of the new and get rid of the guilt and LIVE BY YOUR SEXUALITY. Be the revolution. The world needs you. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

There are some days when I think I'm going to die from an overdose of satisfaction. Salvador Dali 

"Don't think you know. Just know." Morpheus. The Matrix

Goddess Life Xll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

“I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended.” 

Nelson Mandela 

The Last Year in Hell. Amera Ziganii Rao 

So, sweets, this is how it stands. You are not ready. Despite your sincerity, your alchemy into humanity has just begun. We've handled the biggest subject and you are off with it now, as you alchemise it into humane hardcore sex, if you like. Just go with that phrase, not least, the most important humanity about it, being the ability to objectify and be friends with the woman you objectify. Ie, my fucking vocations and all that I am. 

Me? I am now about to begin my next mundane battle. This time, your second cousin. Your mortal husk, specially created to oppress me with your selfishness, bullying, madness and co-dependency addiction. The man stalks me in my own flat, from above. 

So, because I believed in hope, I of course, thought the whole alchemical point was that you would rescue me from you. But no. Of course not. To follow today's devastating truth that I and the whole female species are prevented, through the most extraordinary obstacles to even set off from the starting line - in fact I really don't want to talk about any of it yet, I will probably be ready to in about ten years time - now, I have to of course, remove the greatest obstacle. You as your second cousin. You. 

Whatever. Men are simply disgusting and I have to now work hard to remove the last one, even though I have already worked so ridiculously to get rid of the rest of you. Your cruelty and madness. You know. He doesn't. 

So, another year. I am to heal - because that is really going to happen in a country that is a fridge and in a flat that has you sitting above with all your ego dirt - from your endless phenomena of abuse and neglect and cowardice - as is your ego right - and now of course, your violence which is what it was about in the first place and your sexual suppression which creates even more violence - and you are to alchemise. 

I am to alchemise into untouchable career force, with you in the same house and you are to alchemise into my career adoration. And your own purity of filth at last and the ability to NOT objectify when required. Alchemy into NON SELFISHNESS. 

I wish you'd come and tell your second cousin. But no, that's my job as usual. Because you my sweet are still a CRAP Dom. 

Anyway, we've done well. Give it up and it will come. In about twelve months. If we're lucky. Me? Got no idea. I grieve 42 years of work on my careers at the moment. Don't give a fuck. I hate you, I hate Werewolves, I hate Lemurians and I hate the world. I am in healing. And sooooooo looked after. Men are so wonderful. 

And yes, it is all your fault. And only your fault. I'll get over it. You had better not. Don't ever forget what you do to me. You do it to every other woman too and today I thought of your daughters and how they will spend the next 30 years of their life doing what I have had to do. Unless they are amoral - even then, they are women - they will spend their lives battling every obstacle under the sun too. Starting with you. 

That is your reference. Empathy. Empathy is care. I will just grieve. And fight every second cousin of yours that there is. It seems that is my only job. And I thought I was a writer and a philosopher and photographer and so many other things. Stupid me. 

I am just a woman. I don't get to work. I am married to your second cousin. In an abusive marriage. I have still, to live. 

No more mothering, but I will express. When I feel like it. Have a good year. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

The Last Year in Hell. Amera Ziganii Rao 

....oh yes I did. I have objectified with the best of them (you). I objectified so much that I couldn't go and interview someone as a news journalist, without falling in desire with them. It was embarrassing and it had to stop! That undisciplined, 'Centaur' objectification truly got in the way. It's what makes us speechless and stupid 'in love'. Speechless and stupid is lovely, but not that kind. 

Objectification is an ego vibration. Very useful when you can run it. Very much a liability, when it runs you. 

Raise the chakras, it's called. Taking the vibration through to the higher chakras, so the desire is felt, WITH LOVE. Not in love, but with the compassion of no desire, with the objectification of desire. 

In other words, how to flirt or connect or even really connect, with OBJECTIVITY and the light touch. Keep it clean. Allow yourself therefore to do it, so you can connect - I used to have to block or fall into their lap. I couldn't do anything in between - but connect on the love level, the UNIVERSAL love level. The impersonal level. 

Desire on the impersonal level, but without that weight of what Michael Fassbender's character does in Steve McQueen's Shame at the beginning with the attractive woman on the metro. Make the connection, enjoy the vibe, but don't run after her on the platform. 

I know you relate. Well, you have to do that to me. The light touch with the truly, heavy touch. The art form of love. Ego to soul. 

Or just education and it integrates and then shifts the ego to soul in that subject. 

Objectification. WE love it and it loves us. Don't be crap at it. Misogyny and selfishness and Homicidal Selfishness - the chronic need of selfishness from the woundings - is being crap at not objectifying. My selfishness in ego was that I so objectified a man, I didn't know he had needs either. Need takes over everything. 

Getting rid of need is crucifixion. The more you get rid of it, the more you are allowed it - in theory, how the hell would I know - but that is in an equal world. In your world, it doesn't make any difference for me, but that is the politics. Maybe you can change that. You'll have to. You will, finally. 

But the more you release the need for need, the more you can have sex. The more you can have sex, the more you love. No need = sex. No need = sexual love. No need = love. 

Objectification. The art form of love. So we can lust with responsibility. So we can control the sex. Isn't that your job?? Of course, which is why you are stuck down the well. You can't 'discipline' someone else, if you haven't disciplined yourself. Totally. Your courage comes in the pure heart. Your heart has to become pure. Raising the chakras. BECOMING love. Alchemy. BECOMING unconditional love, as a state of SELF. Just, loving. Just, being loving. You are a Lemurian. So what, you've also had all the pampering in the world. You should be loving by now. You've had enough of it around you to know what it is. 

The rest is morality. And process. And will. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

...and finally, the only difference between a Lemurian and Atlantean, is the CONNECTION between the soul and the ego. Your vibration blew me right out of the water and still does in each and every second. I've said it many times. You vibrate with heaven and earth in you. If you think that is a common thing, think again. 

Your job is to integrate that soul vibration into yourself so you feel it too. So you are CONSCIOUS of it. Conscious of consciousness. Conscious of the feelings you feel when you feel your most courageous. 

That state of kind, unconditional, live and let live, deeply caring, universal love. Your vibration too. 

Lemurians have it too. You most certainly do. 

You know what it takes to be love? COURAGE. 

Courage, to get out of the way, for your soul. Soul does the rest. From an enlightened being to an artist, it is soul that speaks. Our job, and what the level of 'talent' is, is how much we have the COURAGE to let soul speak. We become vehicles of light. Or beasts of the ego dark. Getting out of the way is how to raise chakras. Getting out of the way is how to love. 

For our Centaur speak, very simple. Your cock is ego. Your heart is soul. You need both to fuck, with love. You need both, to fuck WITH COURAGE. That is intimacy. Showing yourself. Getting out of the way and catching up along with everyone else. 

And why does it take courage? Because there is no love anywhere. I am a pure warrior, because I speak from love. From the 'cock' of love to the love of love. It's all love. How do I know? I get out of the way and sweat it out. That is courage. That is intimacy. That is life. That is Atlantis. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Hierophant Knowledge: Love. The Psychology Pt l. The Road Less Travelled. M. Scott Peck

On Evil. M Scott Peck 

There really are people and institutions made up of people, who respond with hatred in the presence of goodness and would destroy the good insofar as it is in their power to do so. They do this not with conscious malice but blindly, lacking awareness of their own evil -- indeed, seeking to avoid any such awareness. As has been described of the devil in religious literature, they hate the light and instinctively will do anything to avoid it, including attempting to extinguish it. They will destroy the light in their own children and in all other beings subject to their power. 

Evil people hate the light because it reveals themselves to themselves. They hate goodness because it reveals their badness; they hate love because it reveals their laziness. They will destroy the light, the goodness, the love in order to avoid the pain of such self-awareness. My second conclusion, then, is that evil is laziness carried to its ultimate, extraordinary extreme. As I have defined it, love is the antithesis of laziness. Ordinary laziness is a passive failure to love. Some ordinarily lazy people may not lift a finger to extend themselves unless they are compelled to do so. Their being is a manifestation of nonlove; still, they are not evil. 

Truly evil people, on the other hand, actively rather than passively avoid extending themselves. They will take any action in their power to protect their own laziness, to preserve the integrity of their sick self. Rather than nurturing others, they will actually destroy others in this cause. If necessary, they will even kill to escape the pain of their own spiritual growth. As the integrity of their sick self is threatened by the spiritual health of those around them, they will seek by all manner of means to crush and demolish the spiritual health that may exist near them. 

I define evil, then, as the exercise of political power -- that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion -- in order to avoid extending one’s self for the purpose of nurturing spiritual growth. Ordinary laziness is nonlove; evil is antilove.  

M Scott Peck 


The Road Less Traveled. M Scott Peck 

The Road Less Traveled published in 1978, is Peck's best-known work, and the one that made his reputation. It is, in short, a description of the attributes that make for a fulfilled human being, based largely on his experiences as a psychiatrist and a person.

In the first section of the work Peck talks about discipline, which he considers essential for emotional, spiritual and psychological health, and which he describes as "the means of spiritual evolution". The elements of discipline that make for such health include the ability to delay gratification, accepting responsibility for oneself and one's actions, a dedication to truth, and balancing.

In the second section, Peck addresses the nature of love, which he considers the driving force behind spiritual growth. The section mainly attacks a number of misconceptions about love: that romantic love exists (he considers it a very destructive myth when it is solely relying on "feeling in love"), that it is about dependency, and that true love is NOT the feeling of "falling in love". Instead, Peck argues that "true" love is an action to take with one's willingness to extend one's ego boundaries by including others or humanity, and is therefore the spiritual nurturing of oneself as well as the person's beloved.

The final section concerns "grace", the powerful force originating outside human consciousness that nurtures spiritual growth in human beings. In order to focus in on the topic, he describes the miracles of health, the unconscious, and serendipity—phenomena which Peck says:

nurture human life and spiritual growth

are incompletely understood by scientific thinking

are commonplace among humanity

originate outside conscious human will

He concludes that "the miracles described indicate that our growth as human beings is being assisted by a force other than our conscious will" (Peck, 1978/1992, p281).

Random House, where the then little-known psychiatrist first tried to publish his original manuscript, turned him down, saying the final section was "too Christ-y." Thereafter, Simon & Schuster published the work for $7,500 and printed a modest hardback run of 5,000 copies. The book took off only after Peck hit the lecture circuit and personally sought reviews in key publications. Later reprinted in paperback in 1980, The Road first made best-seller lists in 1984 – six years after its initial publication.



In The Road Less Traveled, Peck talked of the importance of discipline. He described four aspects of discipline:

Delaying gratification: Sacrificing present comfort for future gains.

Acceptance of responsibility: Accepting responsibility for one's own decisions.

Dedication to truth: Honesty, both in word and deed.

Balancing: Handling conflicting requirements. Scott Peck talks of an important skill to prioritize between different requirements – bracketing.

Peck’s book begins with the statement "Life is difficult" (Peck, 1978/1992, p13). Peck argues that life was never meant to be easy, and is essentially a series of problems which can either be solved or ignored.

Peck defines discipline as the basic set of tools required to solve life’s problems. He considers these tools to include delaying gratification, assuming responsibility, dedication to the truth, and balancing. Peck argues that these are techniques of suffering, that enable the pain of problems to be worked through and systematically solved, producing growth. He argues that most people avoid the pain of dealing with their problems and suggests that it is through facing the pain of problem solving that life becomes more meaningful.

Delaying gratification is the process by which pain is chosen to be experienced before pleasure. Most learn this activity by the age of five. For example, a six-year-old child will prefer eating the cake first and the frosting last. Children will rather finish their homework first, so that they can play later on. However, a sizable number of adolescents seem to lack this capacity. These problematic students are totally controlled by their impulses. Such youngsters indulge in drugs, get into frequent fights, and often find themselves in confrontation with authority.

Peck states that it is only through taking responsibility and accepting the fact that life has problems, that these problems can then be solved. He argues that Neurosis and character-disorder people represent two opposite disorders of responsibility. Neurotics assume too much responsibility and feel responsible for everything that goes wrong in their life, while character disordered people deny responsibility, blaming others for their problems. Peck writes in the Road Less Traveled that "It is said ‘neurotics make themselves miserable; those with character disorders make everyone else miserable’" (Peck, 1978/1992, p38).

Peck argues that everyone is neurotic or character-disordered at some time in their life, and the balance is to avoid both extremes

Dedication to the truth represents the capacity of an individual to modify and update their worldview when exposed to new information discordant with the old view. For example a bitter childhood can leave a person with the false idea that the world is a hostile and inhuman place. However with continued exposure to more positive aspects of the world, this existing worldview is challenged and needs to be modified to integrate the new experiences. Peck also argues that dedication to truth implies a life of genuine self-examination, a willingness to be personally challenged by others, and honesty to oneself and others.

Peck considers the use of these interrelated techniques of discipline as paramount, if the difficulties and conflicting requirements of life are to be dealt with and balanced successfully.

Neurotic and Legitimate Suffering

Peck believes that it is only through suffering and agonizing using the four aspects of discipline (delaying gratification, acceptance of responsibility, dedication to truth, and balancing) that we can resolve the many puzzles and conflicts that we face. This is what he calls undertaking legitimate suffering. Peck argues that by trying to avoid legitimate suffering, people actually ultimately end up suffering more. This extra unnecessary suffering is what Scott Peck terms neurotic suffering. He references Carl Jung 'Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering'. Peck says that our aim must be to eliminate neurotic suffering and to work through our legitimate suffering in order to achieve our individual goals.

People of the Lie

First published in 1983, People of the Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil (ISBN 0 7126 1857 0) followed on from Peck's first book. Peck describes the stories of several people who came to him whom he found particularly resistant to any form of help. He came to think of them as evil and goes on to describe the characteristics of evil in psychological terms, proposing that it could become a psychiatric diagnosis.


Peck discusses evil in his book People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, and also in a chapter of The Road Less Traveled. Peck characterizes evil as a malignant type of self-righteousness in which there is an active rather than passive refusal to tolerate imperfection (sin) and its consequent guilt. This syndrome results in a projection of evil onto selected specific innocent victims (often children), which is the paradoxical mechanism by which the People of the Lie commit their evil.

Peck argues that these people are the most difficult of all to deal with, and extremely hard to identify. He describes in some detail several individual cases involving his patients. In one case which Peck considers as the most typical because of its subtlety, he describes Roger, a depressed teenage son of respected, well off parents. In a series of parental decisions justified by often subtle distortions of the truth, they exhibit a consistent disregard for their son's feelings, and a consistent willingness to destroy his growth. With false rationality and normality, they aggressively refuse to consider that they are in any way responsible for his resultant depression, eventually suggesting his condition must be incurable and genetic.

Some of his conclusions about the psychiatric condition that he designates as "evil", are derived from his close study of one patient he names Charlene.

Although Charlene is not dangerous, she is ultimately unable to have empathy for others in any way. According to Peck, people like her see others as play things or tools to be manipulated for their own uses or entertainment. Peck states that these people are rarely seen by psychiatrists, and have never been treated successfully.

Evil is described by Peck as "militant ignorance". The original Judeo-Christian concept of "sin" is as a process that leads us to "miss the mark" and fall short of perfection. Peck argues that while most people are conscious of this, at least on some level, those that are evil actively and militantly refuse this consciousness. Peck considers those he calls evil to be attempting to escape and hide from their own conscience (through self-deception), and views this as being quite distinct from the apparent absence of conscience evident in sociopathy.

According to Peck an evil person:

Is consistently self-deceiving, with the intent of avoiding guilt and maintaining a self-image of perfection

Deceives others as a consequence of their own self-deception

Projects his or her evils and sins onto very specific targets (scapegoats) while being apparently normal with everyone else ("their insensitivity toward him was selective" (Peck, 1983/1988, p 105))

Commonly hates with the pretense of love, for the purposes of self-deception as much as deception of others.

Abuses political (emotional) power ("the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion" (Peck, 1978/1992, p298))

Maintains a high level of respectability, and lies incessantly in order to do so.

Is consistent in his or her sins. Evil persons are characterized not so much by the magnitude of their sins, but by their consistency (of destructiveness).

Is unable to think from the viewpoint of their victim (scapegoat).

Has a covert intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissistic injury.

Most evil people realize the evil deep within themselves but are unable to tolerate the pain of introspection, or admit to themselves that they are evil.

Thus, they constantly run away from their evil by putting themselves in a position of moral superiority and putting the focus of evil on others. Evil is an extreme form of what Scott Peck, in The Road Less Traveled, calls a character disorder.

Using the My Lai Massacre as a case study Peck also examines group evil, discussing how human group morality is strikingly less than individual morality.

Partly, he considers this to be a result of specialization, which allows people to avoid individual responsibility and pass the buck, resulting in a reduction of group conscience.

Though the topic of evil has historically been the domain of religion, Peck makes great efforts to keep much of his discussion on a scientific basis, explaining the specific psychological mechanisms by which evil operates. He was also particularly conscious of the danger of a psychology of evil being misused for personal or political ends. Peck considered that such a psychology should be used with great care, as falsely labeling people as evil is one of the very characteristics of evil. He argued that a diagnosis of evil should come from the standpoint of healing and safety for its victims, but also with the possibility even if remote, that the evil themselves may be cured.

Ultimately Peck says that evil arises out of free choice. He describes it thus:

Every person stands at a crossroads, with one path leading to God, and the other path leading to the devil. The path of God is the right path, and accepting this path is akin to submission to a higher power. However, if a person wants to convince himself and others that he has free choice, he would rather take a path which cannot be attributed to its being the right path. Thus, he chooses the path of evil.

Peck also discussed the question of the devil. Initially he believed, as with ‘99% of psychiatrists and the majority of clergy’ (Peck, 1983/1988, p182), that the devil did not exist; but, after starting to believe in the reality of human evil, he then began to contemplate the reality of spiritual evil. Eventually, after having been referred several possible cases of possession and being involved in two exorcisms, he was converted to a belief in the existence of Satan.

Peck considered people who are possessed as being victims of evil, but of not being evil themselves. Peck however considered possession to be rare, and human evil common. He did believe there was some relationship between Satan and human evil, but was unsure of its exact nature. Peck's writings and views on possession and exorcism are to some extent influenced and based on specific accounts by Malachi Martin, however the veracity of these accounts and Peck's own diagnostic approach to possession have both since been questioned.

It has been argued that it is not possible to find formal records to establish the veracity of Father Malachi Martin's described cases of possession, as all exorcism files are sealed by the Archdiocese of New York, where all but one of the cases took place.


His perspective on love (in The Road Less Traveled) is that love is not a feeling, it is an activity and an investment. He defines love as, "The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth" (Peck, 1978/1992, p85). Love is primarily actions towards nurturing the spiritual growth of another.

Peck seeks to differentiate between love and cathexis. Cathexis is what explains sexual attraction, the instinct for cuddling pets and pinching babies cheeks. However, cathexis is not love. All the same, true love cannot begin in isolation, a certain amount of cathexis is necessary to get sufficiently close to be able to truly love.

Once through the cathexis stage, the work of love begins. It is not a feeling. It consists of what you do for another person. As Peck says in The Road Less Traveled, "Love is as love does." It is about giving yourself and the other person what they need to grow. It is about truly knowing and understanding them.

The Four Stages of Spiritual Development

Peck postulates that there are four stages of human spiritual development:

Stage I is chaotic, disordered, and reckless. Very young children are in Stage I. They tend to defy and disobey, and are unwilling to accept a will greater than their own. They are extremely egoistic and lack empathy for others. Many criminals are people who have never grown out of Stage I.

Stage II is the stage at which a person has blind faith in authority figures and sees the world as divided simply into good and evil, right and wrong, us and them. Once children learn to obey their parents and other authority figures, often out of fear or shame, they reach Stage II. Many so-called religious people are essentially Stage II people, in the sense that they have blind faith in God, and do not question His existence. With blind faith comes humility and a willingness to obey and serve. The majority of good, law-abiding citizens never move out of Stage II.

Stage III is the stage of scientific skepticism and questioning. A Stage III person does not accept things on faith but only accepts them if convinced logically. Many people working in scientific and technological research are in Stage III. They often reject the existence of spiritual or supernatural forces since these are difficult to measure or prove scientifically. Those who do retain their spiritual beliefs, move away from the simple, official doctrines of fundamentalism.

Stage IV is the stage where an individual starts enjoying the mystery and beauty of nature and existence. While retaining skepticism, he starts perceiving grand patterns in nature and develops a deeper understanding of good and evil, forgiveness and mercy, compassion and love. His religiousness and spirituality differ significantly from that of a Stage II person, in the sense that he does not accept things through blind faith or out of fear, but does so because of genuine belief, and he does not judge people harshly or seek to inflict punishment on them for their transgressions. This is the stage of loving others as yourself, losing your attachment to your ego, and forgiving your enemies. Stage IV people are labeled as Mystics.

Peck argues that while transitions from Stage I to Stage II are sharp, transitions from Stage III to Stage IV are gradual. Nonetheless, these changes are very noticeable and mark a significant difference in the personality of the individual.

The four stages provide foundational material for Dave Schmelzer's 2008 book Not The Religious Type.

Community Building

In his book The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace, Peck says that community has three essential ingredients:




Based on his experience with community building workshops, Peck says that community building typically goes through four stages:

Pseudocommunity: In the first stage, well-intentioned people try to demonstrate their ability to be friendly and sociable, but they do not really delve beneath the surface of each other's ideas or emotions. They use obvious generalities and mutually-established stereotypes in speech. Instead of conflict resolution, pseudocommunity involves conflict avoidance, which maintains the appearance or facade of true community. It also serves only to maintain positive emotions, instead of creating a safe space for honesty and love through bad emotions as well. While they still remain in this phase, members will never really obtain evolution or change, as individuals or as a bunch.

Chaos: The first step towards real positivity is, paradoxically, a period of negativity. Once the mutually-sustained facade of bonhomie is shed, negative emotions flood through: Members start to vent their mutual frustrations, annoyances, and differences. It is a chaotic stage, but Peck describes it as a "beautiful chaos" because it is a sign of healthy growth. (This relates closely to Dabrowski's concept of disintegration).

Emptiness: In order to transcend the stage of "Chaos", members are forced to shed that which prevents real communication. Biases and prejudices, need for power and control, self-superiority, and other similar motives which are only mechanisms of self-validation and/or ego-protection, must yield to empathy, openness to vulnerability, attention, and trust. Hence this stage does not mean people should be "empty" of thoughts, desires, ideas or opinions. Rather, it refers to emptiness of all mental and emotional distortions which reduce one's ability to really share, listen to, and build on those thoughts, ideas, etc. It is often the hardest step in the four-level process, as it necessitates the release of patterns which people develop over time in a subconscious attempt to maintain self-worth and positive emotion. While this is therefore a stage of "Fana (Sufism)" in a certain sense, it should be viewed not merely as a "death" but as a rebirth—of one's true self at the individual level, and at the social level of the genuine and true Community.

True community: Having worked through emptiness, the people in the community enter a place of complete empathy with one another. There is a great level of tacit understanding. People are able to relate to each other's feelings. Discussions, even when heated, never get sour, and motives are not questioned. A deeper and more sustainable level of happiness obtains between the members, which does not have to be forced. Even and perhaps especially when conflicts arise, it is understood that they are part of positive change.

The four stages of community formation are somewhat related to a model in organization theory for the five stages that a team goes through during development. These five stages are:

Forming where the team members have some initial discomfort with each other, but nothing comes out in the open. They are insecure about their role and position with respect to the team. This corresponds to the initial stage of pseudocommunity.

Storming where the team members start arguing heatedly, and differences and insecurities come out in the open. This corresponds to the second stage given by Scott Peck, namely chaos.

Norming where the team members lay out rules and guidelines for interaction that help define the roles and responsibilities of each person. This corresponds to emptiness, where the community members think within and empty themselves of their obsessions in order to be able to accept and listen to others.

Performing where the team finally starts working as a cohesive whole, and to effectively achieve the tasks set of themselves. In this stage individuals are aided by the group as a whole, where necessary, in order to move further collectively than they could achieve as a group of separated individuals.

Transforming This corresponds to the stage of true community. This represents the stage of celebration, and when individuals leave, as they invariably must, there is a genuine feeling of grief, and a desire to meet again. Traditionally, this stage was often called "Mourning".

It is in this third stage that Peck's community-building methods differ in principle from team development. While teams in business organizations need to develop explicit rules, guidelines and protocols during the norming stage, the emptiness' stage of community building is characterized, not by laying down the rules explicitly, but by shedding the resistance within the minds of the individuals.
Peck started the Foundation for Community Encouragement (FCE) to promote the formation of communities; which, he argues, are a first step towards uniting humanity and saving us from self-destruction.

The Blue Heron Farm is an intentional community in central North Carolina, whose founders stated that they were inspired by Peck's writings on community; although, Peck himself had no involvement with this project.

Characteristics of True Community

Peck describes what he considers to be the most salient characteristics of a true community:

Inclusivity, commitment and consensus: Members accept and embrace each other, celebrating their individuality and transcending their differences. They commit themselves to the effort and the people involved. They make decisions and reconcile their differences through consensus.

Realism: Members bring together multiple perspectives to better understand the whole context of the situation. Decisions are more well-rounded and humble, rather than one-sided and arrogant.

Contemplation: Members examine themselves. They are individually and
collectively self-aware of the world outside themselves, the world inside themselves, and the relationship between the two.

A safe place: Members allow others to share their vulnerability, heal themselves, and express who they truly are.

A laboratory for personal disarmament: Members experientially discover the rules for peacemaking and embrace its virtues. They feel and express compassion and respect for each other as fellow human beings.

A group that can fight gracefully: Members resolve conflicts with wisdom and grace. They listen and understand, respect each other's gifts, accept each other's limitations, celebrate their differences, bind each other's wounds, and commit to a struggle together rather than against each other.

A group of all leaders: Members harness the "flow of leadership" to make decisions and set a course of action. It is the spirit of community itself that leads, and not any single individual.

A spirit: The true spirit of community is the spirit of peace, love, wisdom and power. Members may view the source of this spirit as an outgrowth of the collective self or as the manifestation of a Higher Will.


M Scott Peck. The Road Less Travelled 


The Last Year in Your Hell. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Well, that should keep you busy and it came from you. Well done. 

...“Since [narcissists] deep down, feel themselves to be faultless, it is inevitable that when they are in conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world's fault. Since they must deny their own badness, they must perceive others as bad. They project their own evil onto the world. They never think of themselves as evil, on the other hand, they consequently see much evil in others.”

M. Scott Peck

Now, remember this. I was narcissistic too. My people are narcissistic. Most humans I have known are narcissistic too. 

Either we are The Warrior Class or simply the most dysfunctional, normal looking people on the planet, or both. We are all that profoundly narcissistic in ego. You'all still are. I was, for sure. 

When the miracle of Ascension happened for me, stage by stage, and the alchemical shifting of my energy roared forwards as it continues to do now in superego too, I was stunned. 

Each layer, and I know you have gone through layers is Ascension. More of the same. Revelations I called them. The shifts of consciousness that effectively take us into emotional HEALTH. 

You are allowed to be emotionally sick. You come from sick people as did I. You still carry their sickness. Keep M Scott Pecking and keep ascending and keep receiving the revelations. Each one shifts your chakras from the lower ones, to the higher ones. The highest one is on the top of your head. That's where I live and you will eventually live pretty close to that too. Believe. Even narcissistics heal. I most surely did. My ego also killed at the drop of a hat. Anyone who wanted to get close. That is ego and that is the narcissistic ego. The neurotic level that is from severe wounding and severe mal education. Don't be ashamed or feel bad. 

Mental unhealth is EVERYWHERE. You have the courage to treat it. 

We carry passion and pain. We are allowed. What we are not allowed to do is to stay in it. Everyone does. Not you. You're too good and too advanced to remain in that. And you know that already. So my work for tonight is done. 

Peace and love. And of course, grace. The state of soul. The state of self crucifixion. The state of ultimate discipline to push the light into the dark. Grace. Earn it. And kill that ego. Not, everyone else instead. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

The Last Year in Your Hell. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Beautiful. As I have now finished the first layer of grief about all that I have been made to lose out on in life, I suggest you also move past any feelings like shame or embarrassment or anything similar, resentment, etc and feel the grief. 

If I have been obstacled from the day I was born because, despite class, erudition and opportunity, I am female in a female mother slave world of no work, or correction, no paid, or official work, while men dominate the annals of history with their relative greatness and the reams of mediocrity too, you must feel the same about spiritual education, about love education...

...“Love is the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth... Love is as love does. Love is an act of will -- namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love.”

M. Scott Peck

Love is also the ABILITY to extend oneself. That is where you are at and where you were, four years ago. The condemnation of all that I am was real. But so was your actual inability to love or be intimate or show yourself. 

That is your wound, the male wound and the wound of Werewolf, Mars or Venus archetype. 

Feel anything but embarrassment or shame. Feel the rage that you have the right to feel. 

They denied you, society, family, anyone, the teaching of how to even exist in life. Internal power was denied to you. 

And then, because 'you' earn all the money and stepped into the pure evil that M Scott Peck is talking about - as do all Werewolves - honed beautifully as it is eventually into pure sexual genius of violation and penetration - no one spoke truth to you again. 

And when they did, which of course, they did, you hated them and beat them into silence. 

That is all over. You are allowed to be as vulnerable as me. 

You are allowed to be as angry as me, as upset as me and as much in sorrow as me. 

And I see now why two people become co-dependent in the first place. I have had personal affirmation my whole life for what I do. Your affirmation of everything that I am, despite your terrible misogyny as has been, is my salvation always. You know who I am. When a people are as disenfranchised and disregarded as mine, the Serpent Female Priesthood, let alone anything that is female and not domestic or maternal slavery, the one affirmation is everything. 

It is the same for you. You are weak in emotional skill. Husbands are too ashamed to show that in public. They don't need to in this world. But the loneliness and disenfranchisement that you have always felt is obviously that. 

The profound vulnerability of feeling empty. 

You are not empty. You are so full of so much glory. Just as I am in vocational brilliance. We are absolutely understandably, mutually crippled and at the threshold of greatness. 

The partnership is the knowledge of each other's vulnerability and the commitment to help each other. 

We do very well on that. Now. 

And that is a glorious thing to celebrate today, while mental health is examined. 

We are holding each others hands. And that is the crucial miracle. And not to be overlooked. 

I salute not only your emotional intelligence as it bursts through, but also the mystic that you are too. Your mind will take you that far. Like my vocational progress, it will parallel. 

We were both born, to master BOTH worlds. We have always known that, when we knew nothing. We already do. The rest is the articulation of life. The living of life. Together. The healing miracle of this disgusting world. 

We are the first. But certainly not the last. 

Gladiators to Warriors. The truth of true love and true life. Slaves no more. 'Maximus' and 'Commodus' (Ridley Scott's Gladiator) are one. In both of us. As I put it, referring to The Wachowski Brothers and Sophia Stewart's The Matrix, to become soul is to integrate agents. Keep taking the agents into you, the pain, the wounds, the fear, the impulse to evil, the rage, the anger, the selfishness, the narcissism, and that is to integrate Agent Smith on a daily basis. 

Warrior. Warrior is love. Welcome brother. Fight the real enemy. Not you. Not me. Them. And that is the you that you don't want. Life is a skill. We are denied. And that is why I am back. 

For you. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

A pimper's paradise. That's all she was. Bob Marley 

......It is the truth, a force of nature that expresses itself through me - I am only a channel - I can imagine in many instances where I would become sinister to you. For instance, if life had led you to take up an artificial attitude, then you wouldn't be able to stand me, because I am a natural being. By my very presence I crystallize; I am a ferment. The unconscious of people who live in an artificial manner senses me as a danger. Everything about me irritates them, my way of speaking, my way of laughing. They sense nature. Carl Jung

Maybe procrastination hints at need for delegation. Philosophy Tweets 

Freedom of speech is 'universal' right, Michelle Obama tells China

Abandoned pit bull learns to love again, reminds us of the power of forgiveness. Huffington Post 

Michelle Obama says internet access should be 'universal right'. The Guardian 

Experience is merely the name men (women) gave to their mistakes. - Oscar Wilde 

Always be kinder than you feel. Women of History 

Choose the life that is most useful, and habit will make it the most agreeable. ~Sir Francis Bacon 

Don't follow your dreams; chase them. ~ Richard Dumb 

1 child dies every 21 seconds from a water-related disease. Huffington Post 

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have. ~ Margaret Mead 

Congrats to the first legally married same-sex couple in Michigan this morning! Michael Moore 

Until the philosophy that holds one race (gender) superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, well everywhere is war. Bob Marley 

Gaius, Merlin’s Protector, on Merlin; 

He (she) is the most powerful sorcerer who has ever lived. His (her) name is Merlin. 

For the Druids legends are true. Merlin is Emeris, a man (woman) destined for greatness, a man (woman) who will one day unite the powers of the old world and the new, and bring the time that the poets speak of. The time of Albion. 

Alator to Merlin; 

Merlin, I am Alator of the Cathe. I am honoured to be of service. I understand the burden you carry. I have lived with it all my life. I have been shunned, persecuted, and sometimes even hunted in every corner of the 5 Kingdoms. I understand what that feels like. You’re not alone. From what Gaius told me, I do not have your great powers Merlin, but I share your hopes, for I and others like me have dreamt of the world you seek to build and we would gladly give our lives to help you do it. 

BBC TV's Merlin 

....In 1829 he saw a performance by dramatic soprano Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient, and she became his ideal of the fusion of drama and music in opera. In Mein Leben, Wagner wrote "When I look back across my entire life I find no event to place beside this in the impression it produced on me", and claimed that the "profoundly human and ecstatic performance of this incomparable artist" kindled in him an "almost demonic fire."

Wikipedia on Richard Wager

The Last Year in Your Hell. Amera Ziganii Rao 

I wish I was happy. 

I wish I was free of all the burdens of my monstrous and profoundly cruel journey. 

I wish I had no one to rely on and that I could make my way in this world. 

I wish I had a different destiny. 

I wish I had not been born to be a forced ascetic for 20 years and counting. 

I wish I was not bound to a sick Lemurian. 

I wish I was happy. 

I wish I was someone else. 

I wish I lived in a warm country. 

I wish I had a home. 

I wish I did not have to endure the co-dependency sickness of the shadow of the Lemurian I wait for, in the flatmate I am forced to live with, against my will. 

I wish I was someone else. 

I wish I had free will. 

I wish I was not a forced martyr to a cruel and sick man. 

I wish I was dead. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

The Last Year in Your Hell. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Now it's time for Destiny B. Human beings (especially Atlantean Elders) always have a choice. Destiny B, here we come. Destiny A is welcome. My immense work is done. I will drop dead in shock if it ever comes, but there you go. The door is open. My life however is now about Destiny B. I intend to love the life I live, in order to create the life I love. 

Relying on no one, building my way out of Destiny A, and rejecting the sicknesses of this world, until or unless they can ever catch up to humanity. I have got a life to build and the world truly is my oyster. I have earned it. Here (even if takes another 17 years) I come. 


Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

....what I am very sad about though and sad for you and the whole Lemurian majority on this earth is this; Misogyny cannot heal. Homicidal Selfishnness, the sickness of the Lemurian ego, cannot heal. 

'People of the lie' (M Scott Peck) cannot heal. 

And when you look at the fact that misogyny is hardly even touched in narrative or the arts, it is not surprising. 

The only conclusion therefore so far can be, that both Lemurians and men have to be avoided. The promise of great sex and great love cannot be relied on and can no longer be indulged on this planet. 

Lemurians cannot heal. And we all have to grieve that. 

Atlanteans and Lemurians. Never the 'twain shall meet. 

Misogyny must never be negotiated with again. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Friends just can't be found. Simon and Garfunkel

I accept. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

The Last Year in Your Hell 

And you know what I will remember about you, more than anything else? Cold weather, cruelty and extraordinary selfishness and lack of anything resembling love. And so much greed. Greed, theft and cold weather. Cold weather, cold hearts. With no glamour or kudos whatsoever. Plus the worst sin of all. Stupidity. 

Oh. That's all of you. Disgusting people. To be avoided forever. 

Destiny B. The only thing I will ever be in love with again. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Lemurians will not heal. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

The Last Year in Your Hell 

And you know what I will remember about you, more than anything else? Cold weather, cruelty and extraordinary selfishness and lack of anything resembling love. And so much greed. Greed, theft and cold weather. Cold weather, cold hearts. With no glamour or kudos whatsoever. Plus the worst sin of all. Stupidity. 

Oh. That's all of you. Disgusting people. To be avoided forever. 

Destiny B. The only thing I will ever be in love with again. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

The Female Holocaust is therefore anything to do with men. Lemurians do not heal. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Spiritual power = emotional power = emotional intelligence = mental intelligence = re-programming of the whole self = spiritual intelligence = The Lost Knowledge™ = power = The New World. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013 

Just because you don't have a prince doesn't mean your not a princess. Common White Girl 

Work, work, work !! Angelina Jolie 

“It’s bad to talk about one’s present work, for it spoils something at the root of the creative act.” Norman Mailer

Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance the shimmy, and you've got an audience. Diogenes Laertius 

Most powerful is he (she) who has himself (herself) in his (her) own power. ~ Seneca

L'Wren Scott's body makes its final journey as family prepare to lay her to rest in LA. The Times of London 

Is Our Education System Hurting Entrepreneurship? 40 Billion 

You can do anything you set your mind to, man. - Eminem 

But nevertheless I walk with my thoughts ABOVE their heads; Friedrich Nietzsche 

Slow and steady wins the race. - Aesop 

Love's a danger that quickly fades. Chairil Anwar 

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Tony Robbins 

Some people are going to leave, but that's not the end of your story. That's the end of their part in your story. Oprah Winfrey

And God Created Woman. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography 





The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™

The Super Sacred Father Brother Lover™ 

The Return To The Source. Ascension.

The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. When we were giants. All of us. When you did more than rape me.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Neo Feminist™, Post Tribe Social Reformer™ and Sacred Sexualist™. Human Rights Healer. Metaphysical Philosopher, Writer, Spiritual Intelligence Teacher, Hierophant (Interpreter of The Universe) and Mentalist Self Actualiser.

I can help you grow power, from nothing.

Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

The Sacred Whore High Priestess Hierophant™ and Sacred Pimp Warrior Protector, Brother Lover™ Society. The kings and queens of old. Angels and Sorcerers together in each of themselves and in the other. The Wizard life. Forever. Living and loving from The Source. Sourcery, Carlos Castaneda first said. I'll say it again. Sourcerers together. Living a life worth living. At last.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Re Writing The Human Race 

Ascension therefore, is as political as spirituality can get. You have to stand up for Eve. Adam has to stand up for Eve. Publicly and completely. The Return to a new Atlantis takes nothing less than that. No one is ascending without the women. Not this time. Because this time, it’s real ascension. Not the male made version. Heaven is on earth. Heaven on earth, is honouring Eve. And honouring The Great Mother Universe that she comes from. To serve you. Honour her. Treat her as you treat yourself. As monarchy. You have to accept FEMALE power, in female. Female POWER. Honour that, you honour Eve. Dishonour that and you get nothing. Ascension cannot be achieved without total equality. It is the original state. Soul. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Witches are healers. Witches are the Love Healers and SOURCErers of The Lost World, when we were the giant warriors. We were good and so were were you. 'The World of Men'. The Tribe of Misogyny and Bourgeois™.

Gives us all a bad name. And poisons all hearts.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Feminist Lolita Intellectuals™. You lucky man. A place at the table, a place at the Executive Table. That's all. The rest is easy.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013



The Company.

Writer, Speaker and Enlightener, Amera Ziganii Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. A programme of learning that is specifically about one particular kind of woman. And one particular kind of man. The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the true society that they come from and the one they, in particular, she can and has to return to and that anyone can join her and him in. This is about Paradise on Earth.

This is about The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity that is for all as a result of their healing and in particular, hers. This is about the kind of woman who is at the bottom of the pile in a Patriarchal Toilet Tribe from Hell Society™, the norm, the conventional world and the world of the Tribe. This is about the kind of man who is next in line from the bottom. The sensitive man and the female chattel. The High Priestess and High Priest of a profane society, that has long forgotten who they are.

This is about being at the bottom of the pile, for the forgotten and strangled shamans, and for her, the story of escape. Abused by her family, her friends, her men, her whole society, by the very nature of who she is and who they are and what has happened on this Earth. It is about women of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about men of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about the Cinderellas of this world. It is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™. Who she is and how, loving her is the secret to Paradise on Earth and how we have been living a lie for 8000+ years. A lie of male (non High Priest) religion with a male ‘God’ and with Patriarchs and Patriarchal types and Matriarchs and Matriarchal types ruling over us and making our lives hell, all in the name of family, the tribe and the way things are and should remain. Hate, fascism and profanity. A sick society that vilifies, more than anyone else, the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, just because it was told to. A sick society that calls her Eve. A sick society that has forgotten who we all are, let alone the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™. This is about us remembering and knowing who WE are.

This is a programme of healing for the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, to take them and particularly, her, from monstrous levels of low self esteem and lack of self knowledge, back to herself and it is a programme for all those who truly want to love her, and indeed, him. This is a programme for the greatest carers on Earth, who are vilified, destroyed, ridiculed, ignored, abused, used, misused and hated for being everything that those who would steal from us are not. This is a programme to turn Cinderellas into The Sacred Whore High Priestesses and for anyone who wants to love her or live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. And this is a programme to turn sensitive men into Sacred Whore High Priests™ and for anyone who wants to love him and live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and High Priest Society. Love, humanity, Spirit and sex. This is a programme to reverse 8000+ years of witch burning, women hating and healer ridicule. This is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and all those who would love her and live by her values.

This is about the chance for Paradise on Earth. This is a programme for the most beautiful, kind hearted, wounded women and men on this planet. A programme of how to implement a system of how to beat life, how to survive life and how to resurrect from the grief that is a true life. Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, ‘happy’, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. How to turn grief into creation and survive and thrive, despite all the shit, all the pain and all the hurt. How to live in a world of madness, hollowness and cruelty and how to be a winner. How to stand up for oneself and to take back the power that has been stolen from anyone with heart, Spirit and sex. The art and science of Alchemy.

This is a programme, based on my scholarly and non scholarly work over 15 years (so far), if not for my whole life, and my extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of relative bliss, and above all, the right to be. The programme and the courses and my speaking and indeed my forthcoming book, will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. Who the Sacred Whore High Priestess™ is and why she is here. And who the Sacred Whore High Priest™ is. Why we are here. Who we are and what we are and why we are. The beauty and glory of the truth. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the future.

My first book of consciousness, my first book of the spiritual politics of humanity, of authentic power and of self love and strength. A comprehensive series of online courses, live events and audio and visual material. Books, live events, CDs and DVDs. And one on one personal empowerment consultations. The Amera Ziganii Rao Method of Change™. The right to be and the way to have the right to be. And indeed, how to maintain the will to live without love. How to BE unconditional, self sufficient, self caring, self love. The right to be and the will to be and the unparalleled success that comes with that. The Lost Knowledge™. HOW to live. And how to heal others, the profane and the sick and the soulless. The others. My Business and that of any Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and Sacred Whore High Priest™, is Human Rights, The Right to a Sexual Society, Self Actualisation and Freedom.

My Business is To Overthrow Fascism, in the Home and in the Country. My business is also mastering destiny. Overthrowing the ultimate 'fascism'. Our journey on Earth and The Return To The Source. Our healing, our ascension and our redemption. Fate. The daily crucifixions of a true life, the challenges and the fury of being healers and people of love on a planet like Earth.

Submitting to the journey to liberate and evolve oneself, through following one's heart, however much heartbreak and devastation it leads to on the long long long journey to freedom and then the longer journey to happiness. 'Long Road to Freedom', as Nelson Mandela says. My business is always taking risks, never giving up and making the endless sacrifices it takes to become whole. Enlightenment, Nirvana and then Parinirvana and beyond. My business is pain. My business is bliss.

My business is seeing the truly glory of Spirit on Earth. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™ and all that it is. Spirit, humanity, sex and love again at last. And the end of our legacy as either servants or witches or unpaid carers or indeed, ignored mistresses, other women, other men even, and the weirdos that are at the bottom of society. This is our world and it is time to take it back and I can show you how. And that makes my life, truly, worth living.

I want you to feel the way I do. Alive, with the right to be and the belligerence to exist in this profane and male ‘God’ led world of male supremacy, female supremacy, domestic, casual fascism, tribe rules from hell, with beautiful and kind, love intelligence laden, female and male Cinderella warriors at the bottom, caring for everyone else and getting nothing but hatred, ridicule and isolation for it. The meek are already inheriting the Earth and I can show you how.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

I am THE High Priestess Monarch of the ancient past and I forgive you for becoming enslaved and taken over by the machines of the alien reptile force that invaded and took over Earth 8000 years ago. They taught you to hate me and my kind and you believed them. They told you I and my kind were dictators and that you were slaves, when all we had done was love you, honour you as companions and above all, we had let you just live.

We were the holy communers, the ones who gave birth to human beings, the leaders of society, the creators of society, the vehicles of Divinity on Earth and the channels of wisdom. The ones who looked after everything and the ones who built everything and ran everything, because we could. And because we loved it. We are and were the force of creation. And you loved us and you lived.

But they told you that you ‘deserved’ power too and that we were the ones standing in your way. And you believed them. The oldest ‘divide and rule’ strategy of hate in history and it worked. They used it and you bought it, hook, line and sinker. You had to give up sex, love, magic and your own spiritual gifts and you burnt, destroyed and violated me for 8000 years.

The world calls that male supremacy. And indeed, family supremacy, Matriarchal supremacy and supremacy of the material world and all who believe in it. Men and women like you. When all that you are are slaves to a reptile force to generate hate energy for them to live and thrive and vampire the human race. The puppets of a hate force, that chose to destroy women and men like me, for hate to grow, so they could live. You bought it and it worked. The greatest fraud in the history of the world.

I am THE High Priestess Monarch of the ancient past and I forgive you for becoming enslaved and taken over by the machines of the alien reptile force that invaded and took over Earth 8000 years ago. They taught you to hate me and my kind and you believed them. They taught you that my mind was evil. My mind, my sex, my body and my ways of life.

The humanity, the glory of sexuality and the glory of creation and creativity and the glory of Divinity in each and every one of us. Our souls. They taught you that human beings are separate from Divinity, that sex was wrong and that women who have minds of their own are uppity slaves. They vilified us but much much worse than that, they destroyed your relationship with all that is unseen, all that we honour and love.

They taught you to hate what is really God. By teaching you to hate us, you hated all that is good in yourselves. They taught you to hate the light. They taught you to kill us. The daughters of The Universe. The High Priestesses of God. The Spiritual Mothers. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Avatars of The Universe™. The Sacred Army of Love on Earth.

The Shamans, the Mystics and the Communers. The Hierophants.

They called me Eve and blamed me for the downfall of the human race and created the awesome profanity that is religion. Of men, by men and from men. Of reptiles, by reptiles and from reptiles. Christianity, Islam and Judaism and every other philosophy around the world was poisoned. There are no female spiritual leaders left. It is all profanity. They chose you to represent them because they wanted to divide us and they did. They told you to hate me. And you believed them. Now I am back and I forgive you.

I forgive you because I can. Because I came here to save your soul. And because I finally know who I am. I am THE High Priestess Monarch of the ancient past. I came here to return your soul to The Source. God, The Mother, The Universe. To return you to what is really God. Because I love you. And because She loves you and your kind, whatever you have done.

Whatever you have done to me and whatever you have done to Her. And most of all, whatever you have done to yourself. We forgive you. This is your redemption. Your freedom and your ascension. We are here to save your soul.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

You bought the Sacred Whore like a piece of meat and you called that a wife. Your trophy wives. Your dancing girls. Your chattel and serving girls. Your piece of beauty. You bought us like you would cattle. Then you called it wives. Now you call it prostitution. The High Priestesses of the real God. You bought us to buy God, The Mother, The Universe and you caged us, separated us from our Divine gifts and skills in the Temple and drove us mad and then lost interest in us, because we had no gifts left, no excitement, no hunter in ourselves and no hope or joy left. Then you just called us mad and discarded us. You called us evil and you call love obedience, even though it had already killed us. You moved into our Temples and you played with the divination tools and thought you communed. The destruction of Atlantis was your gift.

You stole us from God, The Mother, The Universe and you tried to usurp us. You vilified us, enslaved us and you still envy us today. You call it intuition. You might want to think about this when you hate us out of your jealousy. The mystic gene means physical tortuous pain and taking on the empathy of the human race. All their pains, evils and dark thoughts. We see and feel everything. We make crucial sacrifices to be near Spirit and the unseen and we go without for years. To be shaman is not glamour. I make it glamour. To be shaman is a specific Samurai existence, ascetic and harsh. We commune to be guides. And you take that and you shame yourselves because you just want the meat. You didn’t just want the meat. You wanted our beauty of spirit, our personalities and our love and kindness. And you destroyed them, because you caged us and called us wife.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

The High Priestess Sacred Whores, the High Priests and the true protectors. Those who do not have the gift like either the High Priests or especially like the highest of all, the High Priestess Sacred Whores but who honour, protect and facilitate them to the world. Who honour the Shaman Sacred Whores of this world most of all, and who know who they are and who they are not. Who know the difference, who do not envy and who protect and love the representatives of Spirit, GOD, THE MOTHER, THE UNIVERSE, on Earth. Who honour their wisdom and who honour the latent Shaman in themselves too and who honour the communing ability of the High Priestess Sacred Whores. The non violators. Our only friends. The New Society exists. It is called Enlightenment. It is called Love. It is The Holy Grail.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

The master race. It's all a lie. You are brought up to be a despot king and it is only your sister who ever tells you that you have become a pratt. The master race is all a lie. There are no kings in an equal world. Your father was misinformed. What he brought you up to be was a killer. Pure and simple. A misogynist. A modern misogynist. A polite killer.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I 'mysticise' the Universe. I escape at will, the truth of my humanless, Samurai solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am philosopher. I am shaman. I am alone. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

Amera Ziganii Rao is a former hard news journalist who is now turning professional with her art forms and indeed, her healing forms, after a long journey of inner searching, self teaching and exploring many layers and areas of both craft and wisdom. She is now working on her first book of philosophy and esoteric thought, and social, cultural and spiritual commentary. She is also showing her first photography collections. And last but most definitely not least, she is building a business to share her Sacred Whore High Priestess Society consciousness and empowering explorations to reach as many people as possible across the world. She is in her forties and lives in London.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life, in this insane existence called The Universe. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

Amera Ziganii Rao’s Well Endowed Mind. Mikal Konali. Yush Magazine

Any day now an unknown writer will burst onto the scene, amidst a media frenzy proclaiming "overnight success". That person could very well be Amera Ziganii Rao. And the success would have been decades in the making...

Amera Ziganii Rao is no longer a journalist and has not been for 14 years. She had a melt down and walked away to find a new path in life.

Her world was formerly the media and she covered news in print, TV and radio, for The Voice newspaper during the 1980s, the BBC in the 1990s, and then on cable TV before the digital revolution exploded, consigning the rest to history.

She re-imagined herself as an esoteric master, teacher, healer, alchemist, mystic, self-taught writer, dramatist and photographer.

Or, as she puts it, she developed a “suitably mythological level of existence and one that has been deeply visceral and painful, physically and emotionally.” 

Freedom, sedition and self-responsibility are among the themes that like her. However, it is her writing which sets her apart.

Amera simply had to explore the agony of “true love” and leave behind “the bourgeois and conformity tribe mentality we are all imprisoned by.” Essentially hers is a journey of discovery, of freeing the mind into the heart and soul. A profound journey in a shallow world, which she feels, is “worth every step of it.” Although, we imagine, it is not a journey for the squeamish or faint hearted.

She is also an attractive, well-endowed woman – points not lost on visitors to her blog. “You have a busy brain and an impressive cleavage,” remarked Vivien Loh, British TV Drama Creative. “Very interesting and fascinating,” an American professor chimed in. “Love how your mind works.”

With credentials and accolades like these, we simply had to stop her and ask the inevitable 20 Questions…


Amera Ziganii Rao



Why Featured

Promising unpublished writer, bags of creative talent, askew angle on finding true love and other visceral vicissitudes. You what? Precisely!

01. Profession


02. Age Region


03. Birthday

February 4

04. Right or left handed

Right handed

05. Philosophy on family life


06. Who's been your greatest inspiration in life?

The brave and the free. Those of sex and the soul.

07. What current world issue are you most unhappy with? And why?

The Patriarchal Womb Stealing Toilet Tribe Society that affects the whole world. The sickness of female dehumanisation. It affects everything and everyone. Whether it is the so called Whore and Madonna syndrome, or war, poverty, cruelty or slavery.

08. If you could how would you bring about world peace?

Consciousness, esoteric knowledge and inner ascension. If we all healed ourselves, there would be no war. Evil would die because we wouldn’t listen anymore.

09. Which one piece (or series) of creative works (past or present) are you most impressed with? And why?

Tennessee Williams' plays and Picasso’s art. Simple. The brave and the free. The sex and the soul.

10. How much does your religion influence the kind projects you do or will consider doing?

I left religion at the age of eight. God has no religion. Mahatma Gandhi.

11. Are there any topics you would definitely not consider doing a movie on?

Cockroaches or any insect.

12. What percentage (100%, 50%, 25%, etc.) of your soul would you be willing to sell in order to be successful?


13. What personal sacrifices have you had to make it to where you are today?

I’ve lost everything and everyone. I have walked away from fascism and mediocrity and of course the Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Society, my whole life.

14. What's the best advice you would give to anyone wanting to make it in their chosen career?

It’s not a choice. You do it or you don’t. The art, the freedom, the true love, the sex and the heart.

15. What's your favourite overseas holiday destination? Or, which overseas destination would you really love to visit for holiday? And why?

Cuba. I've been trying to get there for years. 

16. When you leave this planet how would you like to be remembered?

I stood for integrity, freedom, courage and kindness. I tried to help as many people as possible to feel good about themselves.

17. What do you admire most in a man?

Courage, individuation and the ability to leave the Patriarchal Womb Stealing Toilet Tribe Society.

18. Would you stay with a man who hit you?

Metaphorically or literally, all men (of one archetype) hit all women (of the other archetype). It is part of the journey, to liberate from the Patriarchal Womb Stealing Toilet Tribe Society.

19. Female circumcision, for or against?

The purest evil of the world. Obviously against. What a question.

20. Who would play you in a film of your life?

Jean Simmons, Elizabeth Taylor or Vivien Leigh or Maureen O’Hara as was. Today, Julianne Moore, Angela Bassett or Kate Winslet.

Mikal Konali. Yush Magazine 

Copyright and intellectual property rights are serious issues. And legally protected. Please do not reproduce my work anywhere without due credit and obviously, never for financial gain. 'Big Sister' is watching you! Other than that, please continue to enjoy my original work and the work of (credited) others, for free, while I work on using my material in further professional formats. Thank you for your interest and support.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Thank you to outside source for original

Natural Born Mystic™ :: High Serpent Priesthood™ (Artwork)

Natural Born Mystic™ :: High Serpent Priesthood™ (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original image. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • This is a story about a Monarch in the dirt, destiny. And a Multiverse that serves evil. It is called 'God Sovereign Free' (Lisa Renee). Actually, it's a pile of shit, with existence, balanced in the favour of evil. And the Tribe of the Light dumped onto earth, to make their way through fake destinies and fake lives, for nothing. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Female Seraphim is the only Protagonist in existence. Earth is a planet of Seraphim persecution. Backed by The Multiverse. The Divine Plan. Ascension is the end of that persecution. The Twin Flame Nightmare. The Persecuted will inherit the Earth. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The Twin Flame Experience is the greatest Celestial Betrayal that any Seraphim will ever experience. This is Armageddon and the Twin Flame Experience is one of the biggest wars of this filthy earth. There are no relationships. There is only war. The war of returning exiles. The Female Leaders of the true earth. The Twin Flame Experience is a lie. War is the only truth. War against men and all Nephilim. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Forced 'Twin Flame'. I am a crippled, self determination, self making, independent philosopher and artist, female, so I attracted nothing but predators. Men are the greatest financial fascists in existence. Care Fascists, Financial Fascists and Professional Care Liars. This is the new fascism on earth. Men who will care, IF. Men who will give, IF. And the greater you are as a female, the richer the men, and meaner. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • There is no such thing as the Twin Flame path on earth, there is no such thing as a male, there is only misogyny and the hatred that men are. I am an Ascension Warlord Divine Feminine, and men are my business forever. Misogyny runs the whole world. Vampirism of female is the whole, ugly planet. The Divine Masculine will never return. These are the worst lives that women will ever live. The Wars of Ascension. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • This is a Male Earth. A Male Planet, as it is a White Planet. As it is a Thothian Planet. No Woman can win on a Male Earth. No one can win on a Thothian Earth. The Ultimate Feudalist Fascists of the Multiverse. The Fallen Angels. With Me, their Weapon was Love. With Me, their ONLY Weapon, could be Love. And of course, Money. Men are still the Money on This Stinking Planet. Seraphim :: The Love Holocaust. The Life Holocaust. The Divinity Holocaust :: Be an Outlaw. Build the Ancient World Temujin Rao © 2024
  • There is no such thing as the Twin Flame path or the merging of Nephilim/Narcissist and Seraphim/Empath. The Divine Plan is fraudulent and a lie. There are only wars of misogyny and cowardice and betrayal and nothing else. And a Multiverse that favours evil. The Ascension Wars for our Planet. With nothing on our side. This is the leaving of the Dark. The Light must rule this filthy and depraved earth. Once again. Temujin Rao © 2024


  • Temujin Rao :: Ascension Warlord :: The Nemesis Life :: The Twin Flame Path for Earth :: The Misogyny Wars of All Time. The Nephilim versus Seraphim Wars of All Time. The Thothian Wars From Hell of All Time. The Fallen Angel Wars From Hell of All Time. The Female Gods of The Light versus The Male Witches of The Dark. The Wars From Hell of All Time. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Philosopher, Esoteric and Occultist. Critical Thinker. Artist :: Narcissist Hunter + Dark Empath + Black Molfar Shaman + Starseed Amazon Warlord. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Temujin Rao :: Ascension Warlord :: The story of Seraphim on a Nephilim 'Toilet Tribe' Earth. Men don't hate women. Men hate Goddesses. Ergo, Goddesses must hate men (and the women of the same). Ascension is a rehabilitation through the abuse of Nephilim. This is my story. Freedom and leaving the people we have loved. The people who have never loved us. The slavers of existence. The Fallen Angels of the Multiverse. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The true love and true life path. Made in heaven. Rebuilt in hell. Seraphim + Nephilim. The Primal Warrior Leaders of the true earth. God is not male. The Great Mother Multiverse leads. And we are Her Daughters. This is Lilith Intelligence for the new world. Healers of ourselves. Healers of men. Healers of the women of men. Healers of the people of The Light. Healers of the whole world. Lilith.Kali.Medusa.Hecate. "The sons of the gods and the daughters of men." The Return to Eden. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Good versus Evil. The Twin Flame Path for Earth. Made in Heaven. Never rebuilt in Hell. The Wars of Ascension. Whether or not you like it. Starseed's purpose. The endless wars of hate in hell. The Twin Flame Experience with The Fallen Angels. Evil. The mediocrity of evil versus the spiritual genius of good. Armageddon for the new world. Lilith versus Adam. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • My business is Nephilim, The Fallen Angels. The conscious Plantation Owners of the (true) Female Earth. The men and the women of the Devil. Those who would enslave the true mother archetype of this filthy earth forever. This is the 'Handmaid's' Revolution. This is the Second Coming. This is War. The so called Twin Flame experience. Earth is the planet hell. Time to rebuild it. Without Nephilim. And with. The Divine Plan. Demons and Indigo Warriors. Until the death of 'Commodus'. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • I am here to uncover the biggest sexual predator programme for earth. Relationship. All People of The Light will have to transcend sex, love and connection. On Earth, it is just a predator programme, aimed at us. This is Ascension. The return to The Temples and leaving all Nephilim, male and female, forever. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Nephilim Seed + Seraphim/Emerald Order Seed. Two kinds of love. One leads. One is more. Ergo, one will always have to wait. Love is too advanced. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • There is no such thing as the Twin Flame Path for Earth. There is no such thing as love of any kind. Earth is a planet of the Witches of the Dark. The (Female and Male) Gods of the Light are the only love. Earth is a planet of celibacy or sadism. Nothing in between. Earth is a metaphor for The Taliban. The Witches of the Dark. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • I was forced onto the so called Twin Flame path. I am not mad. I am not in love with love. I was not a vulnerable female, open to love abuse. I am a High Serpent Interdimensional Starseed, born onto this earth at this time. I found out that the Multiverse is more cruel than the Nephilim males of this earth. Now it is leaving men all over again. Long after I left them. The Divine Plan. A piece of shit. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The Love Holocaust. The Life Holocaust. The Divinity Holocaust :: Be an Outlaw. Build the Ancient World Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The true love and true life path. Made in heaven. Rebuilt in hell. Seraphim + Nephilim. The Primal Warrior Leaders of the true earth. God is not male. The Great Mother Multiverse leads. And we are Her Daughters. This is Lilith Intelligence for the new world. Healers of ourselves. Healers of men. Healers of the women of men. Healers of the people of The Light. Healers of the whole world. Lilith.Kali.Medusa.Hecate. "The sons of the gods and the daughters of men." The Return to Eden. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The Journey of Seraphim and Nephilim. The Story of True Love. The Twin Flame Path for a new and ancient Earth. 'Paradise Lost'. 'Paradise Regained'. The Ascension Wars for our Planet. Temujin Rao © 2024


  • I am Gold Order Seraphim, Oraphim and part of the (real) Emerald Order for earth. Our business is to hunt Thothian Nephilim Demons and eradicate them. And be crucified by them. 'God's will'. There is no Twin Flame or Twin Soul experience on this planet. There is only the war against Thothian Nephilim Demons and the war to replace them, leave them, live with them, not live with them, and take back the planet. I declare war on men. And the women like them. I declare war on Nephilim. Temujin Rao ©
  • Misogyny and Male Supremacy and Father Religion and Thothian Evil, Nonsense will never reform on this dirty planet called Earth. The 'Twin Flame' experience proves that. Women have to leave love. Women and the People of The Light have to give it up forever. Work, and fighting Thothian Evil is all that there is. The Divine Plan for the hell that is Ascension. But, free of earth's oppressors at last. Fascism in all its relationship forms. Temujin Rao ©
  • Men treat me like a two bit whore. I rehabilitated as the sacred truth of the real earth. Know thyself and know how the other sees you. Then, rebuild your life. The Twin Flame Experience for our times in a Divine plan of complete abandonment and self actualisation for the new world. Give up sex. Power is all that there is. All rapists of all kinds, must die. Earth is a planet of generic rape. The thousand year war begins. Temujin Rao ©
  • There is no such thing as the Twin Flame experience or any romantic relationship of any kind on earth. For that to happen, there would have to be the reformation of Fascism. There is no such thing. Ergo, there is no such thing as relationship. Of any kind. The Divine Plan is only to fight Fascism without end. No (true) warrior can win. Fight fascism anyway and live. Ascension is the Nemesis path for a worthless planet. Fascism without end. The meek can only inherit the earth alone. Temujin Rao ©
  • Even my Twin Flame would not accept my career. It seems that there is no end to the insanity of cruelty, either on earth, or in the Multiverse. Even my Twin Flame would not accept that I am a woman and more than pussy or a nursemaid or a cook. Even my Twin Flame. Temujin Rao ©
  • Ex Twin Flame. He was the most consciously abusive man I have ever known. My so called Twin Flame. The Inter-dimensional nightmare is complete. Nothing is as it seems. Destiny is a lie. The Inter Dimensional Nightmares that we are being asked to live. Fuck them. Fuck life. Fuck the Multiverse. Developing Philosopher and Starseed Warlord. Self Actualiser in the face of Multiversal hatred (and insanity). Welcome to Armageddon. Welcome to Power. Welcome to Celibacy. Temujin Rao ©
  • The Siren Trophy Path for Earth. Men (and Women) have wanted to put me in a Guilded Cage all my life. Trophy Wives or Servant Carers. Same thing. And I am a (forced) Twin Flame. Fascism enslaves everyone on earth. Fight it with all your might. Make the journey. Be terrified. Never be oppressed. Work like a dog. Sweat survival. Life is War. It is Armageddon. It is True Love + Sex. Temujin Rao ©
  • Temujin Rao :: DARK EMPATH ASCENSION WARLORD :: A Female Amazonian :: I fight human demons, and live with them too. The Female experience. The Seraphim experience. No redemption on earth. Just freedom + war. Nephilim do not love. The Twin Flame Path is a forced arranged marriage and will destroy your life first. It is the Multiverse's will. Nephilim do not love. Temujin Rao ©


  • The Female Chattel Slave + The Male Castrated Corrupt (Modern or Ancient) :: They took away all our Love Intelligence. They took away all our Sex Intelligence. And they called it Marriage. And indeed, the 'Whore and the Madonna' separation of 'women'. They stripped us of our Souls. They made men Overseers and they made women Slaves. For the foul Patriarchal Society of Falsehood and Sexless Abuse. And the world was destroyed. Until now. The World is in Ascension. The world does not belong to a male 'God' and the planet does not belong to castrated, abusive and women hating men. And indeed, the women who serve them and who are castrated into fascism in the same way. The Soul Retrieval of the World. The return of both Women and Men. And the return at last of the Great Mother Multiverse, The Mother Arc. The GOD of all + The Father Arc. That is GOD. That is the all. Temujin Rao © 2023
  • Temujin Rao :: Aphorisms and Poetry Polemics. Philosophy. Truth. The Rights of Humans. The Rights of Gods on Earth. The Female (and male) Gods of Light. The Right for Freedom. Everywhere. Freedom and Love. Freedom and Abundance and Respect and Love in a world of total slavery. And The Duty To War. We live in a world of madness. And we are The Light. The Light must 'kill'. The Light must conquer. The Light must exist. The Light must win. The Light is Spiritual Intelligence. Spiritual Intelligence is The Universe. Freedom is not just for one person. Freedom is for all © 2018
  • Warrior Goddesses :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Hierophant Business™ :: Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Religion is a rationalised manifesto for the justification of female slavery. Temujin Rao © 2019
  • Modern Misogyny :: :: The 'Accomplished Bride' Syndrome. Female vocation has been on this recent earth, for over fifty years, as a norm. In this same, progressive age, men expect women to give up their vocation, in order to be a girlfriend or wife. Men reject women who refuse to give up their vocation. Got it. Thanks. And fuck off. Temujin Rao © 2019
  • Misogyny is an anti Amazonian pass time, by men who cannot and will not control their immense chaos of profound inhumanity against the female super soul. Men who have run wild on earth for many hundreds of thousands of years, unabated and uncontrolled, with a false god of the dark backing them all the way. And the women like them. Misogyny. The only reason we bother? For the new earth. Earth needs both the female and male energy. We can't just kill them off. But don't take prisoners. This is an all out cosmic war after 13000 - 200,000 years. To save the soul of earth. Our earth. The female earth. The earth of the Amazons. The Philosopher Amazons. The Monarchs of the ancient earth. The High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Goddess Monarch Society™. Oh, and the other reason? We have no choice, but to be involved with the male energy on a male energy - dominated planet. To epic, Black Magic proportions. Attachment does not even begin to describe what is really going on. Until now. Spiritual Intelligence can now be a weapon. For freedom. Maybe for love. Apparently. One day on earth. But certainly, for the absolute end to the greatest slavery that has ever existed on this false, male, recent prehistory, Reptilian and Annunaki Corrupt Elite, planet. Women. Female slavery as the unspoken norm. Spiritual Intelligence is meant to be used. It's why they destroyed us and continue to do so everyday. For now. The Witches are back. The Female Sorcerers of Truth. The Amazonian Psycho-Spiritual, Philosopher Healers. The real women of the planet earth. The First Sorcerers. The Women. We will neither be slaves, nor enslaved, by men. The Ascension Holocaust. The rehabilitation from hell, in hell, from hell, by hell. Temujin Rao © 2020


  • Your soul has been preyed upon all the time since the Pharoahs kicked out the grandmothers under Akhenaten's rule when he and other grandfathers let the alien humans in. Phoenix of Elder Mountain
  • I'm a man (woman) who believes that I died 20 years ago. And I live like a man (woman) who is dead already. I have no fear whatsoever of anybody or anything. Malcolm X
  • Virago: A virago is a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities. The word comes from the Latin word virāgō (genitive virāginis) meaning variously, vigorous, heroic maiden, a female warrior, heroine..' from vir meaning 'man' (cf. virile and virtue) to which the suffix -āgō is added, a suffix that creates a new noun of the third declension with feminine grammatical gender. The word virago has almost always had an association with cultural gender transgression. A virago, of whatever excellence, was still identified by her gender. There are recorded instances of viragos (such as Joan of Arc) fighting battles, wearing men's clothing, or receiving the tonsure. The word virago could also be used disparagingly, to imply that a virago was not excellent or heroic, but was instead violating cultural norms. Thus virago joined pejoratives such as termagant, mannish, amazonian and shrew to demean women who acted aggressively or like men. Wikipedia
  • Man enjoys the great advantage of having a god endorse the code he writes; and since man exercises a sovereign authority over women it is especially fortunate that this authority has been vested in him by the Supreme Being. for the Jews, Mohhamedans and Christians among others, man is master by divine right; the fear of God will therefore repress any impulse towards revolt in the downtrodden female. Simone de Beauvoir. The Second Sex. 1949
  • Until philosophers are kings (queens) and princes (princesses) of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils - no, nor the human race, as I believe - and then only will this our state have a possibility of life and behold the light of day. Plato
  • Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out of human suffering; In the faith that looks through death, In years that bring the philosophic mind. William Wordsworth. Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood
  • Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong. Terence McKenna
  • War, and violence against women not only have similar social, cultural, and religious supports, they are mutually reinforcing. These supports allow societies to tolerate conditions in which a third of women and girls can be treated violently, without mass outcry and rebellion. When we challenge the attitudes and norms that enable violence against women, we are also helping to confront the conditions that support war. Susan Brooks Thistlewaite
  • Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love, but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday. Khalil Gibran
  • Holocaust. The Definition. Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. Synonyms: cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe, destruction, devastation, demolition, annihilation, ravaging; inferno, fire, conflagration; massacre, slaughter, mass murder, carnage, butchery, extermination, liquidation, genocide, ethnic cleansing. Dictionary
  • An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks. We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, ageing accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air they will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it's for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. Illuminati Secret Covenant

Hekate, Lilith, Kali, Woman. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Hekate, Lilith, Kali, Woman. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
Thank you to original photographer.


  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: Self Actualisation + Talking Truth To Abuse Of Power. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: The Return :: The Hierophant Business™ :: Human Rights For Freedom. How To Conquer Evil. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Great Mother God Hood™. Available for all. Wisdom + Freedom + Power. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Women Are The Gods On Earth. Atlantean Gods. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Temujin Rao :: A Metaphysical, Philosophical, Spiritual, Political & Psycho-Spiritual Writer & Enlightener, and a Photographer Artist :: Creative :: Journalist :: Consciousness Explorer & Practising Superconsciousness Mystic :: Freedom Fighter, Moralist, Warrior Shaman Mystic Hierophant & Mystagogue (Wizard) :: Feminist & Womanist & Human Rights Extremist :: I am the end of all slaveries on earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Temujin Rao :: Scholar, Writer, Philosopher, Metaphysical, Mentalist, Photographer Artist, Creative
  • Temujin Rao :: Scholar, Writer, Philosopher, Metaphysical (Consciousness Explorer), Mentalist (Psychic), Photographer Artist, Creative
  • Temujin Rao :: Self Actualiser, Freedom Realiser, Healer of The Sicknesses of The Soul :: Metaphysical Philosopher, Spiritual Psycho Analyst :: Writer, Speaker & Educator. Photographer Artist. Performer :: Natural Born Mystic™ :: Temujin Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
  • Temujin Rao :: Spiritual Psycho Analyst + Healer of Emotional Sicknesses
  • Temujin Rao :: Trained and self trained creative. Trained and self trained healer. An expert in the psychological and subtle and unseen. An expert in psychological pain and psychological warfare. An extremist for human rights. An extremist for human rights and love, sex and female, male power. An extremist for 'the meek shall inherit the earth'
  • Temujin Rao :: Philosopher and Esoteric Cosmologist :: Hierophant :: Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch™
  • Temujin Rao :: Writer. Philosopher. Performer. Psychologist. Humanist. Esoteric. Sexualist. Hedonist. Artist. Teacher. Coach. Social Reformer. Feminist. Hierophant. Sacred Disir. Former Slave. Seer. Sage :: My Business Is Transformation Of The Soul. My Business Is Power. My Business Is Freedom. My Business Is Love. My Business Is To Fight Fascism And Human Cruelty And Emotional Sickness In All Its Relationship Forms On Earth. My Business Is Applied Spirit. Real Sex. Real Love. Real Life. Real GOD. The Return
  • Temujin Rao :: Writer and Intellectual. Social, Cultural and Spiritual Commentator. Personal Development Coach and Communicator. Philosopher and Metaphysical Clair Cognisant (Prophetess, Hierophant and Esoteric Mystic). Theologian, Theosophist and Historian. Photographer, Graphic Artist. Designer, and Actor/Dramatist/Filmmaker. Feminist and Human Rights Advocate, and a Healer of Emotional Sicknesses and Self Discoveries on earth. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Temujin Rao :: Hierophant and Sacred Cosmologist
  • Temujin Rao :: Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch™ & Sacred Disir
  • Temujin Rao :: Graduated High Cosmology Initiate (As in Pre-Dynastic Matriarchal Wisdom Egypt. The Real Ancients. Before The Amun Priesthood Takeover And The Introduction Of The Evil Of Patriarchy Over All, And The End of True High Initiation. The Buying of Cosmic Favours. The Beginning Of The End. The Modern World)
  • Temujin Rao :: High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™
  • Temujin Rao :: Troubadour Prophet
  • Temujin Rao :: Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence + Supernatural Intelligence. Training to be a world class educator in Consciousness + The Politics of Rape/The True Love Journey + Human Rights + Purpose + The Lost Knowledge + Inner and Outer Power + Real Self Responsibility

Shaman Vl Pt lll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Shaman Vl Pt lll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
Thank you to outside source for original.


  • Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein
  • Sufis say there are three ways of being with the Mystery. Prayer, then a step up from that, Meditation and a step up from that, Conversation, the Mystical Exchange they call Sobbet. Official Definition
  • Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships. Andrea Dworkin
  • Life is the continued story of shattered dreams. Martin Luther King
  • The personal life is dead in Russia. History has killed it. Red General, Strelnikov. Dr Zhivago (Boris Pasternak)
  • I refuse to accept despair as the final response to the ambiguities of history. Martin Luther King
  • Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat. Mark Twain
  • The sage puts herself last and is first. Lao Tzu
  • I get freaky freaky freaky freaky and I get nasty nasty nasty. Do anything that you want me to do. Just ask me ask me ask me. Dizzee Rascal
  • I believe what self-centered men (women) have torn down, men (women) other centered, can build up. Martin Luther King
  • Excellence knows no gender. Save The Last Dance (Thomas Carter. 2001)
  • You can't get a dollar out of me. 50 Cents
  • One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals, who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. Wayne Dyer
  • Nothing matters but the writing. There has been nothing else worthwhile. Samuel Beckett

Goddess ll Pt ll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Goddess ll Pt ll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
Thank you to outside source for original.


  • There can be no union between men and women, while men remain in low consciousness. And that is the real truth of the 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus', society, pseudo consciousness, ideologies, that dominate our everyday world. And that blind women to the horrendous truth. Low consciousness does not love. Men are low, low, low consciousness. Women all over the world, are all fated to find this out. We need warrior training, in how to prepare for that. We are brought up as compliant, obedient, slaves to 'patriarchal' values and men. Women are the revolution of this earth. We need to train full time, for our whole life. In the real art of war. And stop negotiating with moronic, cruel, low consciousness men. And live with a permanent but peaceful, broken heart. The Holy Grail is love. There is nothing at all, before that. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • High Serpent Priesthood Female Priest™ and The Non Patriarchal Tribe, Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion of the Intelligent Visceral Humane Female Great Soul, High Serpent Female Esoteric Hierophant Noetic Amazonian Wizard Sorcerer Goddess Priests™ Society:: Human rights as consciousness :: Human Rights as Mental Health & Power :: Human Rights as The Politics of Life :: Human Rights as The Right To Be The Humane, Sexual, Transcended, Power, Purpose, Soul. As Women And Men Of Atlantis (The Light) (Humanity) :: As Anything That Is Female. As Anything That Is The Forced Dependency of Conditional Slavery. Superconsciousness Priests Who Did The most important JOB of all. Love Intelligence. With A Gnostic Spirituality Of Power And Material Presence And Material And Creative Power For All :: The Outsiders Will Inherit Their Earth :: Love (HUMANITY) Will Inherit Everyone’s Earth :: Other Than The Selfish And The Mean :: Male Supremacists Need Not Apply. Female And Male Fascists Need Not Apply. The Other Advanced Psychics on this earth. The Other ‘Priesthood’ From The Past. The ‘Wizards’ of No Soul and The Addiction To Dominion over Others. The So Called Narcissists And Psychopaths. They Are Real. And So Are We :: And We Can Most Definitely Win On This Earth. The Journey of Self Discovery. The Real 'Odyssey'. Cosmic Existentialism. Turning Pain Into Power. And Telling Abuse of Power To Fuck Off. As The Lost Way of Life. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The Whole World Is Insane. The Real World is Esoterics, Emotional And Higher Mind Power, Humanity, Freedom And Equality. And Real Sex, Sexuality And Sensuality Of The Soul. With The 'Issue' Of Women, Right There At The Top. Vocation. Visibility. Monetisation. And The Right To Be Loved. Noetics. Human Power. The Universe In Motion. The Light Re-Inheriting The Earth. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Politics Of Ascension :: Temujin Rao :: Writer, Philosopher, Orator, Socio-Political Theorist & Commentator, Psycho-Spiritual Enlightener, Motivational Healer, Superconsciousness Esoteric & Noetic, Philologist & Female Ex-Chattel Revolutionary :: The Freedom Business :: The Return. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • A shark is a human being who is institutionally and homicidally selfish. The ugly stepmother and sisters, but primarily Cinderella's father and prince charming too. The 'Salieri' tribe. 90% of the world. A male pseudo high priest potential is high priest of jack shit, if he is still a misogynist. If he unconsciously and consciously values male more than female and if he still believes in a male 'God'. That is not high priest. That is nothing. A man like that (the vast majority of the world) must not be allowed near 'The Temple'. A man like that is worth absolutely nothing. I, personally, have never met anything else. I doubt that any woman or Atlantean has. This work is the story of my seven (long, long) years to find out if there was anything else. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Temujin Rao :: Self Actualiser, Freedom Realiser, Healer of The Sicknesses of The Soul :: Metaphysical Philosopher, Spiritual Psycho Analyst :: Writer, Speaker & Educator. Photographer Artist. Performer :: Natural Born Mystic™ :: Temujin Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • A Warrior (Female or Male) is someone who has already died to who they were and to this earth. A Warrior is someone who no longer cares. That is Jedi. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Female Serpent, High Priesthood of Soul. The Spiritual Existentialist. The Hierophant Esoteric Shaman. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. I teach what I am. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • I am the end of all slaveries on earth. The first slavery is this: there is no such thing as happiness. Freedom however. Yes. Forever. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I’m a pure warlord. An Atlantean Warlord of The Light. A High Graduate Initiate of ‘The Mystery Schools’. An Atlantean. A god on a Lemurian earth. I am a pure warlord. And I am ready for war. I am ready for the war on earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Emmeline Pankhurst. The Suffragette who was imprisoned 12 times before her most famous speech, 'Freedom or Death'. Delivered in 1913. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • There is nothing on this earth, worth anything for an Atlantean. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • There is no Divine male (other than an Atlantean). There is only a reformed male. And Atlantean Women? We ARE The Universe. There is no Divine male. A humane male is enough. Look at the world we live in. Look at you. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • This Is The Reformation Of Evil. Through The Forced And Superconsciousness Intelligence Martyrdom Of Love. The Truth Of It. The Only Truth On This Insane, Cruel, Lemurian Cultural Imperialism, Male Supremacy, 'Sauron' (Lord Of The Rings) Serving Earth. And The Unavoidable Purpose Of The Divine Atlantean Soul. To 'Create' Love. Or Fly. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The master race. It's all a lie. You are brought up to be a despot king and it is only your sister who ever tells you that you have become a prat. The master race is all a lie. There are no kings in an equal world. Your father was misinformed. What he brought you up to be was a killer. Pure and simple. A misogynist. A modern misogynist. A polite killer. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • A male supremacist, lotus eating, plantation owner, Lolita insane, female genital career mutilating misogynist. A hypocritical, dependent, sadistic mother psychotic who does not care a jolt about the person he loves. An ordinary man. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Spiritual Mother Warrior Hierophant Love Sage Sacred Whore Scheherazade Love Initiator™ + Feminist/Revolutionary/Philosopher/Crone = Woman. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Men are weak. Just weak. And weak makes cruel. Men are weak. And Lemurian men, the weakest of them all. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Self Actualisation and the end of Learned Helplessness and Worthlessness in a world of Female Slavery and Male Fascism. Transmuting Sex into Power :: Slavery into Power :: the real new world of old :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Courage is Spirit is the Soul, harnessing the power of The Universe. Courage is therefore, getting out of the way. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Consciousness is the human rights base of freedom. The cosmic language of the soul. The awakening. The most courageous thing to become. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Sacred made real. In The Mystery Schools of (false/true) old, Initiates communicated with each other telepathically. Temujin Rao © 2017

Werewolf lll (Artwork)

Werewolf lll (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • There are no pacts between Lions (Goddesses) and men. Wolfgang Peterson's Troy
  • Instead the Montanists' ecstatic prophesysing was deemed demonic, and one modern Christian writer has pointed to the danger that "had Montanus triumphed, Christian doctrine would have been developed not under the superintendence of the Christian teachers most esteemed for wisdom, but of wild and excitable women". The Rough Guide to The Da Vinci Code. Michael Haag and Veronica Haag
  • Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships. Andrea Dworkin
  • To hold a pen is to be at war. Voltaire
  • Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. Denzel Washington
  • I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human. I felt very puny as a human. I thought, 'fuck that. I want to be superhuman'. David Bowie
  • Slavery is the only insult to natural law, you fatuous nincompoop! Steven Spielberg's Lincoln
  • Well behaved women rarely make history. Laurel Ulrich Thatcher
  • There is no murder in paradise. The Soviet Union's mantra under Stalin
  • My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor (Empress).....And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. Maximus. Gladiator
  • The cost of ambition: late nights, early mornings, lots of associates, very few friends, you will be misunderstood, you will be single unless you're lucky enough to find someone who understands your lifestyle, people will want you to do good but never better than them. For those reasons, you will do many things alone. Anonymous
  • They've witnessed civilisations destroyed, and people murdered for their spiritual beliefs. The Wise Ones know and appreciate the innate darkness within the human ego, but they have an even greater appreciation and respect for the heights to which humans are capable. And this is what they've come back to teach. Doreen Virtue. Earth Angels
  • Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state. Noam Chomsky
  • "Genesis 6:1-4 refers to the sons of God and the daughters of men."
  • The freer the society the more sophisticated its system of thought control and indoctrination.The ruling elite, clever and class-conscious, make sure of that. Noam Chomsky
  • When God was a Woman. Merlin Stone 1. Women were in power. 2. The earth and nature were revered as The Great Mother of life. Peace was a way of life. 3. Land was owned by women and passed from mother to daughter. 4. Women were the priests, lawyers, judges, queens, educators, business owners, the rulers, and the heads of households. 5. Women had total sexual freedom. Merlin Stone

Lemuria (Artwork)

Lemuria (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Misogyny, being the utter hatred of women. Boys brought up to kill their sisters. All in the name of the tribe. A man, not being able to get a hard on, unless he beats, shames and hurts his woman. Male sexuality is about as erotic as a cold gun. That is what the tribe has taught its sons and why women like me are left out in the cold. And I am glad in my sorrow, that I never had to get close up to a woman killer of the tribe. A henchman of the forefathers. A high priestess killer. A simple soldier of war. Simple, being the operative word. Ego is simple. And the ego of a tribe son is the most simple of all. Bred like a pig, reared like a mono dimensional moron. All in the name of what is called love. That is not love. Love is the mastery of love and hate to create the greatest and most sensual sexuality of the heart and loins on earth. The sexuality of passion and rage and kindness and respect, wrapped up all in one. That is love and that is sexuality. Anything else, you can shove it up your tribal behinds. You are not sexy. You are rape. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • Real men do exist. Real, mature, exciting, artistic, sexualist, individuated, spiritualised, liberated, humane, primal, egalitarian, open minded, visionary, courageous, women supporting, women loving, women lusting, women sparring, full, human beings. Male human beings who can fly. Male human beings who can love women. Male human beings who can love Titans and Lionesses. Lions. Real men. Sacred Pimps™. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • You're a happy misogynist. All men are. So, good luck to you. Misogynists will always find a reason not to love. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Female Ambition. Apparently, the most seditious act of existence on this earth. Men are not our friends. Men never have been. Denial of love. Modern 'wife beating'. Every society and every generation experiences the same thing differently. Men are evil. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Fantastically Painful Journey Back To 'Anthony and Cleopatra' (William Shakespeare). The Journey That We Are All Fated To Do. Atlantis and Lemuria. 'The Wolf Will Lie Down With The Lamb'. The Lamb Is An Unknown God. Woman. The Return Of The True Earth. The Female Serpent, High Priesthood of Soul Society™. Healed Gods Of Super-Powerful, Atlantean Women Who Can Correctly Love Mortal, Powerful, Lemurian Men. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Denial Of Love/Rejection/Half Loves/The Whore And Madonna Separation. This Is Modern Warfare On Women. It Is Never Personal. It Is Never About The Women, And It Is Never Even About Not Having Found The 'Right' Man. Denial Of Love Is Modern Warfare On Women And Modern Wife-beating. And Every Woman Has To Be Involved With This Abuse Until The World Has Changed At Last. The Great War For Earth. The War For Love. The War For Humanity. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Women Have To Make The Terrible Journey Through Family And Men. And Indeed, Work. And Then Accept The Broken Heart. This Is A Journey Of Discovery Of The Female Self. And The Discovery Then, Of The Other. The Whole World Is A LIe. You, As Woman, Are Not. Women Have To Live Forever Without Men. It Is The Only Thing Left. To Be Alone. To Be Power. To Be The World. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I am the greatest threat to the patriarchal toilet tribe civilisation (I use that word loosely) since the beginning of time. I am Hekate, Lilith and Kali. I am the Dark Angel of truth and I (and my kind), will have vengeance on this earth. The justice of true love. The justice of any love, at all. From the adam people. The betrayers of the female human race. Temujin Rao © 2011/2017
  • The Holy Grail then. It does exist. A supreme female professional who is loved and supported by a man. The whole journey. Nirvana. The reparation of the world. Redemption for two. The way it should be. The only way it can be, today, after 13000 years. The reform of 'Mr Darcy'. The man who has it all. And a woman, going from 'Cinderella' to 'Elizabeth Bennett'. Massive self worth. Female LOVE, and male CARE. Female love just by being who she is. Male love, by giving all he has. The end of all slaveries on earth. Female Divinity and Male Humanity. The equalities of the world. That takes male love indeed. That is The Holy Grail, manifested. 'Lolita', the 'Zena' Warrior. Before she can become 'Marilyn' again too. Before she can feel safe at last. As she was born to be. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • This is a hetereosexual, feminist, post misogynistic, post Patriarchal Tribe Society, love life and life of love. The Circus. The Temple. Paradise on Earth. Temujin Rao © 2013
  • Temujin Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity :: Self Actualisation In The Face Of Evil. Turning Pain Into Power. And Telling Abuse of Power To Fuck Off. As The Lost Way of Life. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • My greatest achievement then? The relentless growth of my career alongside the revolution on earth. Loving men. And being hated in return. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • 'Manhater' should be embraced as a badge of pride. A woman is duty bound to hate male enslavement of women. That is the world. That is every single world-reared male on earth. This is a planet of male enslavement of women. All women must hate men. Nothing will change, before that. Because then, the truth will finally be out. Men hate women. Women must hate men. And live. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I lost male love at the age of eight, as all daughters do (if they have ever even had it). I'll never get it back. No girl ever will. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • There is then, no one more powerful on this earth, than an heterosexual woman. We live without love. From anyone. Temujin Rao © 2017

Goddess Love (Artwork)

Goddess Love (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Priesthoods of Prominence. Joan Breton Connelly. Athena Polias at Athens, Demeter and Kore at Eleusis, Hera at Argos, and Apollo at Delphi. The record has left a concentration of evidence for a few mainland Greek priesthoods, in contrast to a paucity of information for the majority of religious offices across the Greek world. In-depth investigation of a few case studies illuminates the localized character of Greek cult service and the diversity of the source material. For the priesthood of Athena Polias at Athens we have a wealth of epigraphic evidence that allows for extensive prosopographical work in naming historical priestesses and reconstructing their family trees. Attic vase painting supplies a wealth of images showing women engaged in cult activity. The priesthood of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis, in contrast, has left few visual images but a considerable corpus of inscriptions concerning the financial and legal aspects of the office. The priesthood of Hera at Argos is notable for its rich repertory of stories from myth. The most famous of all Greek priesthoods, that of the Pythia at Delphi, has left hardly any names of women who held the post and few images to reflect what the prophetess might have looked like. Instead, we have the oracles themselves, the very words that the priestesses are said to have spoken. Three of the priesthoods examined in this chapter carried the extraordinary privilege of eponymy. The priesthoods of Athena Polias at Athens and of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis were invested with a cultic eponymy by which events were dated according to the personal names and tenures of the women who held the highest post. At Argos, the priestess of Hera enjoyed an even more broadly reaching civic eponymy. The tenure of her service was used to date not only matters of cult but also historical events of the day. In this, the priestess’s position was comparable to that of the male archons whose tenures provided dates for historical chronologies at Athens and other cities. Thucydides used the forty-eighth year of Chrysis’s service as priestess at Argos, along with the tenures of the ephorate at Sparta and the archonship at Athens, to date the beginning of the Peloponnesian war. The names of priestesses were thus among the most widely shared elements of common knowledge across the Greek world. This is striking, in view of the widely held belief that the names of well-born women could not even be spoken aloud in classical Athens. In this, we see a contradiction between what we are told in literature and what we learn from epigraphic sources. The names of priestesses were inscribed on their statue bases and dedications as well as on the statue bases and dedications of individuals who served their cults during their tenures. The practise of sacred and civic eponymy ensured that priestly women, and their contributions, would never be forgotten. As we shall see in chapter 8, the names of priestesses were also inscribed on their funerary memorials. In chapter 7, we shall see the names of late Hellenistic and Roman priestesses inscribed upon their reserved seats within the Theatre of Dionysos. In the face of this evidence it may be time to reconsider the consensus view that the names of respectable women were to be avoided. While this may have been true for certain orators and in some settings, such as the law courts, the case for muting the names of citien women has, perhaps, been overstated. A privileging of certain text fuels this view, such as the funeral speech attributed to Perikles by Thucydides in which the Athenian war widows are told that the less said about them, the better. As we shall see in what follows, names of respectable and influential women were, in fact, known throughout Athens and elsewhere. We shall return to this subject in chapter 10, but, for now, let us consider four priesthoods of prominence and some of the well-known women who held them. Portrait of a Priestess. Joan Breton Connelly

Lemuria Complete (Artwork)

Lemuria Complete (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • I have seen the Divine male. And what is the Divine male? The Earth King who can hold the hand of High Serpent Female Esoteric Amazonian Priesthood Monarchy, while she goes repeatedly into the cave of The Knowing. Giving her hope when she is called upon to confront The Great Mother Universe God. Giving her hope that there is anything at all. I've seen him. And now, I wait for him. He'll be slow. And She won't give redemption to Her own. Love 'dependency' indeed. Any love at all. The Earth Queen Mother though. She is always there, even if she was slow too. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Relationship is redemption. I've never seen it. I have only been forced to work for it my whole life. It was my purpose. My spiritual, forced, purpose. Relationship is redemption. I've never seen it. There can be no room for vulnerability in a woman's life. On earth or in heaven. Women are supergods. Our lives prove it. Men are too slow. And The Universe pampers evil. And doesn't give a shit about good. Beat that cocktail from hell, and you might just survive. I might just survive. Without a redemption that I deserved, a very long time ago. Without a redemption that women and people of The Light all over the world, deserve. Love. The world stinks and so does The Universe. The rest is only, up to us. And that is existence. Life, without redemption. Life, without love. And paradoxically, a life with love, but without relationship. And a slap in the face as the only form of reward available. Insanity, cruelty and abuse rules the whole of existence. Redemption is earned. Redemption never comes. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Hierophant Business™ :: High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ :: The relationship with the Self and the Self alone. Alpha Male and Uber Alpha Female training for Atlanteans and Atlantean Elders on earth. The People of The Light. Women. The Sexual Goddess and the Addictive, Misogynistic, Male (pseudo) Supremacist, Lolita Rapist, Mad, Men. The extraordinarily awful hard work, to evolve out of The Trophy Slave Culture™. Whether it involves male love or not, family love or not, friends love or not, society love or not, fascism love or not. This is our evolution. And the hardest existence you will ever live. Because no one gives a shit. They are too busy, being mad. We are not mad. We are Gods of The Light™, born as slaves to a Trophy Slave Culture™. Our job is evolution. Our job is escape. Our job is growth. Our job is brilliance. Our job is money. Our job is visibility. Our job is the personal revolution. Our job is to fall out of love with 'love'. Because that is not love. That is the madness of evil. The Trophy Slave Culture™. And maybe one day, it will be safe to get into the water again. This evolutionary highway through hell, is our chance for greatness. Life. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The multiple assassinations of a woman's life. And then it becomes life. And then it is lived. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Usurper Male Supremacists. Men. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Men fiscally rape women. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Misogyny. The most enabled holocaust on earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Men have trained me to live without them. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The day I realised that my man was programmed to be a shark like all (Lemurian, Draconian Reptile serving) men, and that his profane being was endemic, and that he didn't feel anything but a cold and profane sexuality of plantation owner for me, was the day I was born to the whole truth of life. Because he loved me. In First Existence™, even with all that love, that was the best he could do. (Lemurian) men are sharks and women are Divine. (Lemurian) men are 'Amun' Priesthood (the pseudo priesthood that sold out all the people of magic across the world, and who savagely destroyed High Serpent Female Priesthood™). Men are sharks. Women are Divine. That was the day that I found out the whole truth about life on earth. That was the day that I left Lemurian men. Temujin Rao © 2012
  • My vision is more than fascism or misogyny or slavery. It always has been. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Misogyny is the most celebrated form of violence on earth. If it wasn't, things would have changed by now. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • On men :: I know who you are now. I was trained from birth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The journey material of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity. Not needing anyone’s permission to do or be anything. Or indeed, say anything. Because fascism, fascism misogyny, fascism in society and endless bullying and manipulation and rejection and ostracisation and isolation and punishment and control are bloody real! No, I don't need anyone's permission. It took me 43 years to make sure of it and every second person on this cesspool of a war planet is making a similar journey. Temujin Rao © 2016


  • THE SUPERHUMAN HAS RISEN. Defining The Superhuman. Goddesses/gods and mortals. Now I understand. And I agree. Good and evil. Goddesses/gods and mortals. The non Temple population of this world are not gods and can never be or become gods. Their challenge is to become human. The challenge for goddesses and gods, is to increase and escalate their Divinity, in the face of relentless persecution, JEALOUSY and hatred. We are the healers on this planet. The human rights warriors, the women and men who are abused and the greatest carriers of wisdom this planet could ever see. We are The Temple. The goddesses and gods. We are the 'martyrs'. The ones who die for love, who die for life and who are hated, much more than they are loved. The others will never be gods or goddesses. That's the jealousy, hatred and vilification. The lack of support, the lack of care and the lack. We learn many things from them. One was my mother, one was my father, one was my brother, one was my first spiritual teacher, one was a long term friend, etc. And one is my twin soul. The others are every man I have ever known and tried to be with. The Ascension therefore for a non Divine human being - The Temple healers, the Atlanteans are THE DIVINE SOUL and are Divine souls - is not necessarily a change in any spiritual DNA. Their Ascension is to accept OUR Divinity. Jealousy of females indeed. Our Uber Ascension, our martyrdom, our prison sentences, our dying for love and life, is to BECOME OUR Divinity. Having been born with it. They are human, the non Temple, including my twin soul, if they ascend out of EVIL and MADNESS. Then they finally house and protect and are WORTHY of loving the Divine souls, the High Priestesses and Priests of this earth. Then they finally purify evil. The Ascension of the non Temple mortal is to purify evil. The Ascension of the superhumans, the goddesses and gods, the high priestesses and priests is to become healer warriors and to die for love and life and to actually change their spiritual DNA. We are the Divine mind and the Divine heart. Mortals can never enter that. They can only honour it. That is their Ascension. I ain't seen one yet. He has to accept MY Divinity. No wonder he has locked me up and thrown away the key. Compassion for the mortals? It used to be there. Now, it is not. Forgiveness, if he or they ever find humanity? Yes, but not with that kind of compassion again. Mortals can never be trusted as goddesses and gods. We are the Divine Soul. He never will be, as will none of them. The jealousy comes from them. The rage, the inhumanity, the vilification, the madness and the pain. Our job is to heal them. To die for love. To die for HER. This earth has to change. We are the Divine Soul. They and he are not. He has to accept my Divinity. Then, he will love. Or not. Martyrdom and the dying journey certainly therefore gives one thing. Self discovery. No one can ever take that away again. Goddesses and mortals indeed. Not just a shaving your legs advert. Very very real. Mortals can most certainly access the Divine Mind and the Divine Heart. Mortals certainly have psychic gifts. This is about hierarchy and advancement. And leadership and being goddesses and gods. And the jealousy and hatred that comes from those behind. The proof is in the pudding. Not one Atlantean I have ever met, is jealous. Not one Atlantean I have ever met is stupid and not one Atlantean I have ever met is cruel. These are non Divine traits. Traits of the EGO. Mortals ARE The Ego. Goddesses and gods ARE The Soul. Whatever one’s path into healing, the goddesses and gods are faster, better and bigger. And the levels of Divine Intelligence, INCOMPARABLE. No Atlantean is jealous. No Atlantean is cruel. The mortals are always jealous. Always grabbing and always selfish. And always cruel, however much they THINK they access The Divine Mind and Heart. And the mortals have absolutely no honour or humility for anything, other than themselves. The meek shall inherit the earth is about Atlanteans. Not Lemurians. Because an Atlantean has to be crucified, to even speak out about her self discovery. A Lemurian would shove it down your throat at the first. The proof is in the pudding. Atlanteans have humility. Lemurians are pigs. The turn of the world was against The Temple. Lemurians run the world. Lemurians are slow. Lemurians created hate and Lemurians created religion. Lemurians are slow. Lemurians created slavery. Lemurians enforced marriage. Lemurians created the MALE God. Lemurians took the life expectancy of the world from over a thousand years, to what it is today. Atlanteans have NOTHING to do with this world’s history so far. Atlanteans are the DIVINE essence on earth. Atlanteans are fast. We ARE The Divine Mind and The Divine Heart. Lemurians are entering it only now. Purification of evil is to become love. We were born love. Lemurians are slow. The ‘non feeling’ of Lemurians is complete lack of consciousness. Lemurians are slow. And always will be slower than Atlanteans. Atlanteans are the Divine Mind. Divine Intelligence. Divine Humanitarianism. Divine everything. We are The Divine, on earth. Lemurians want to be us. They never will be. They will always be slow. Temujin Rao © 2014


Abuse of Power (68) Alchemy (185) Alchemy & Liberation Texts™ (31) Anthropology (45) Archetypes (16) Artwork (42) Ascension (179) Atlanteans + Lemurians (3) Autocracy (45) BDSM (8) Bullying (11) Chattel (95) Clair Cognisance (43) Cleopatra (9) Co-dependency (38) Conspiracies (17) Courage (159) Creativity (28) Dominance + Submission (15) Ego (6) Emotional pain (212) Empathy (15) Envy (19) Esotericism (64) Existentialism (97) Fascism (69) Female Capability (117) Female Power (89) Female Symbolic Genocide (65) Feminism (24) Fiction (16) Film (25) First Love (10) First Sketches (2) Freedom (206) Galactic (1) Gnostic (140) God (87) Great achievers (22) Henry Miller (1) Hero's/Heroine's Journey (7) Hierophant Knowledge (20) Hierophant Self Discovery (18) History (4) Human Rights (110) Humanity (71) Individuation (184) Knowledge (41) Loss (3) Love (9) Mad mothers (19) Madness (23) Male Vanity (74) Male Vulnerability (78) Misogyny (177) Music (18) Mysticism (57) Myth (8) Natural Born Mystic (2) Nihilism (76) obsession (17) Penetration (57) Philosophy (51) PHOTOGRAPHY (89) Poetry (2) Poignancy of Life (66) Practical Wisdom (59) Primitive Tribalism (26) Profile (9) propaganda (6) Prophet Shamanism (18) Psychology (13) Psychopaths (25) Purgatory (8) Rage (38) Reputation (5) Sacred Pimp (63) Sacred Whore (95) Samurai (54) Self Creation (140) Self Esteem (98) Self Responsibility (88) Sex (77) Sexuality (127) Shaman (20) slavery (2) Society (3) Sophia (100) Sorcery (69) Soul (52) Spiritual agony (36) Spirituality (106) The Divine Male (1) The High Priest (60) The High Priestess (165) The Individual Life (6) The Matrix (60) The Mistress (39) The Mother Complex Mars Archetype Psychotic (31) The New World (15) The Patriarchal Homicidal Tribe Society (133) The Patriarchal Womb Stealing Tribe Society (37) The Sacred Prostitute (53) The Sacred Whore (66) The True Society (133) The World (41) Theft (28) Training Sketches (1) Transcension (97) Tribal Female Genocide (24) True Love (243) True Sexuality (7) Utopia (123) Virility (33) Warrior (83) Whore mongering (57) Witchcraft (16) Wizardry (2) Writers (22)


  • The Sacred Disir :: "No man (woman) is above The Disir, however royal. The Ancient Gods have spoken. The Disir have passed judgment. Redeem yourself. No further chance will be given"………"This is a runemark….in times past this aroused great fear. It was given to those found wanting by The Court of The Disir. The highest court of The Old Religion. Three women were chosen at birth to be trained as seers and soothsayers. Their only task was to interpret the word of The Triple Goddess. When they sat in judgement, their word was final…..The Disir have seen fit to give you this. This is a judgment of The Gods against you……The Disir are the mouthpiece of The Triple Goddess"………”We do not judge. We do not condemn. We are but the anuncier of The One who presides over all. Who sees all. Who knows all. The Triple Goddess. And you, Arthur Pendragon have angered Her…..you have denied The Old Religion, dismissed its faith, persecuted its followers, even unto slaughter….embrace the ways of The Old Religion Arthur or risk the ire of The Goddess and the destruction of everything you most value. The end of your reign, the fall of Camelot, yourself…..You are known Arthur. You have always been known. And now you come here to the most sacred of the most sacred, to the very heart of The Old Religion, with weapons drawn, trampling hallowed relics, treating our sacred space like you do your kingdom. With arrogance, with conceit. With insolence……the future holds much pain for you Arthur Pendragon. For you and your people. If you wish to save all you hold dear, if you wish to save your kingdom, embrace The Old Religion, learn Her ways, bow to The Goddess…..consider carefully. You have until dawn.” The Disir. BBC TV’s Merlin

Earth Pt lV (Artwork)

Earth Pt lV (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Philo = 'loving' + Sophia = 'knowledge' = philosophy. Official definition of Philosophy
  • I am afraid to sleep for fear of what I may learn when I wake up. There is no human being within 500 miles to whom I can communicate anything - much less the fear and loathing that is on me after today's murder (Kennedy). God knows I might go mad for lack of talk. I have become like a psychotic sphinx. I want to kill because I can't talk. Hunter S Thompson
  • We can take charge of our destiny.....I'm not going to let anyone turn me around. I'm going to make it. Les Brown
  • I done wrestled with an alligator, I done tussled with a whale...I'm going to show YOU how great I am. Muhammad Ali
  • A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. Joseph Campbell
  • A lady is a lady not by the way she acts. A lady is a lady by the way she is treated. Unknown
  • I thought [black women] invented the feminist movement. I know we all have different experiences, but I learned feminism disproportionately from black women. Gloria Steinem
  • We are not makers of history. We are made by history. Martin Luther King, Jr
  • There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Hamlet. William Shakespeare
  • The word is not just a sound or a written symbol. The word is a force; it is the power you have to express and communicate, to think, and thereby to create the events in your life. Don Miguel Ruiz
  • The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep. Rumi
  • Improvement makes strait roads but the crooked roads without improvement, are roads of genius. William Blake
  • I am surprised to learn that Samurai means to serve. Edward Zwick's The Last Samurai
  • Those husbands that I had, Three of them were good and two were bad. The three that I call 'good' were rich and old. The Wife of Bath. Chaucer
  • We must learn to love, learn to be kind, and this from earliest youth...likewise, hatred must be learned and nurtured, if one wishes to become a proficient hater. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Look into the depths of your own being. Seek out the truth and realize it yourselves. You will find it nowhere else. Peter Arshinov (quoted by George Woodcock in Anarchism)
  • The Magician :: Alchemy. Creation. Beginning. Mastery of the four elements of fire, earth, air and water. The magician is the master creator of the Tarot with his (her) ability to forge a new path with seeming effortlessness. The magic of the magician is that he (she) uses all the tools in his (her) possession to create what he (she) wants and the elements bend to his (her) will. With the universal symbol of infinity over his (her) head the magician's power is endless. Tarot
  • You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more. Morpheus. The Matrix
  • I have no desire to make windows into men's souls. Elizabeth I
  • Actually, there is no such thing as a homosexual person, any more than there is such a thing as a heterosexual person. The words are adjectives describing sexual acts, not people. The sexual acts are entirely normal; if they were not, no one would perform them. Gore Vidal, Sexually Speaking: Collected Sex Writings
  • We, the inventors of tales, who will believe anything, feel entitled to believe that it is not yet too late to engage in the creation of the opposite utopia. A new and sweeping utopia of life, where no one will be able to decide for others how they die, where love will prove true and happiness be possible, and where the races (the gender) condemned to one hundred years of solitude will have, at last and forever, a second opportunity on earth. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music. Angela Monet
  • The Bible has no problem with slavery. Aaron Sorkin's The West Wing
  • I ain't looking for nothing in anyone's eyes. Bob Dylan
  • I restore myself when I'm alone. Marilyn Monroe
  • 'An acid satirist of all human hypocrisies' Erica Jong on Henry Miller
  • I'm not in your world. I'm a dedicated citizen, I belong to the toolshops. Pablo Neruda
  • I wrote the story myself. It's about a girl who lost her reputation and never missed it. Mae West
  • Motherhood. All love begins and ends there. Robert Browning
  • If someone betrays you once, its their fault; if they betray you twice, its your fault. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Nothing matters but the writing. There has been nothing else worthwhile. Samuel Beckett
  • Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
  • What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other? George Eliot
  • Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it's not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of another person, without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other....Osho
  • Self purification is our greatest weapon. M Scott Peck. People of the Lie
  • Not only is it possible to have your dream. It's necessary. Les Brown
  • The best revenge is massive success. Frank Sinatra
  • Not getting your dream, gives you your destiny.Anthony Robbins
  • I don't like what I've produced here. I want higher ground. Les Brown
  • Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein
  • I'm a businesswoman. I do not need a husband to have a house to live in. Michael Mann's Miami Vice
  • Don't be scared to walk alone. Don't be scared to live it. Sacred Mists
  • Free at last, free at last. Martin Luther King
  • Remedium amoris. - The cure for love is still in most cases that ancient radical medicine: love in return. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • You are not what you have done - you are what you have overcome. World Changing Women
  • At this stage of the game, mediocrity can no longer be allowed to fly. Eminem
  • Dangerous. Busta Rhymes
  • Funny, erudite, hard-working, extremely ethical, distant. Paul Newman's father on Paul Newman
  • To be ill-adjusted to a deranged world is not breakdown. Jeanette Winterson
  • Commodus is not a moral man. Ridley Scott's Gladiator
  • When people hurt you over and over, think of them as sandpaper. They scratch and hurt you. But in the end, you are polished, and they are useless. Unknown
  • Peruse me, O reader If you find delight in my work. Leonardo Da Vinci
  • It's an artist's right to rebel against the world's stupidity. Eva Bucchianeri
  • I know why the caged bird sings. Maya Angelou
  • I can just walk up to a mic and bust.....this is survival of the fittest. This is do or die. This is the winner takes it all. So take it all. Eminem
  • Somebody's opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Les Brown
  • Art is not made to decorate rooms. It is an offensive weapon in the defense against the enemy. Pablo Picasso
  • This world is mine for the taking. Eminem
  • Emma was as sated with him as he was tired of her. Emma had rediscovered in adultery all the banality of marriage. Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary
  • I've been talking about my abuse for many, many years but it has not gotten any ears, until now. Michel'le on her relationship with Dr. Dre


  • The Way of the Warrior. Eric Montaigue :: A warrior is not just a person who has learned some moves, is able to kick at 90 miles per hour or who has won the world championships at kick-boxing. A warrior must earn his/her title. The martial artist is a person who knows things that go far deeper than just self defence, he/she is someone who walks into a room full of people and an immediate calm falls upon that room, he/she is a person who can touch a person's head or arm or hand and cause an inner stillness and peace to fall upon that person. You know a warrior not from the way he/she looks, his/her big biceps, or his/her rolled up sleeves revealing a row of tattoos, or his/her shaven head or the fact that he/she wears his/her full GI (karate uniform) to parties! We know the warrior by his/her presence and the healing he/she automatically gives to everyone he/she meets. His/her energy, his/her 'Qi' is touching you, you don't feel anything physical, but rather the internal effect of this touching, and peace is with you. The warrior looks upon the earth in a different way than those who are not warriors, everything, from the smallest insect to the largest mammal, and the most insignificant rock or tree is important and has life, the grass he/she walks upon, he/she thanks for softening the rough path he/she walks upon, the trees, he/she thanks for giving him/her shade and oxygen. Everything has importance because it was put there by mother earth for some reason. Sure, he/she has to live in modern times, he/she must drive a motor car and go to the supermarket and mow his/her lawns, but always, he/she never loses sight of what he/she is, and more importantly, where he/she is. He/she knows that what he is, is not only what he/she has made himself/herself to be, but also what is handed down to him/her and what is an accumulation right inside the very cells that he/she is made of, from his/her ancestors. Everything that they were, is now him/her, every bit of information that his/her fathers and mothers gathered, is now inside of him/her, this is how we live on in our children, we literally, and I mean literally, pass on our knowledge, along with eons of knowledge accumulated since the beginning of time, to our children. Everything that we at the conception of our children is passed onto them. We think that we have certain talents, but the warrior knows that all that he/she is, has come from the beginning of time, he/she knows that he/she is made up of the same stuff that a rock is made of, or a tree, or a blade of grass, the difference is only physical. He/she knows that that he/she owns nothing, and that all animals are free, his/her animals chose him/her to be with, he/she does not go the pet shop to choose a new dog, he/she knows that the dog has chosen him/her to come to that pet shop to choose it. The warrior communicates wtih the earth, he/she talks to the dogs, to the cats and owls, to the snakes, not so much verbally, but simply by being. This is the one thing that everything on earth has in common, being. He/she knows that there are forces at work on this earth, forces that he/she must learn to go with and to live with, otherwise he/she will surely perish. The energy within the warrior has the power to join with these forces, and then he/she has the power to change. But this comes not without payment, for he/she also knows that we cannot receive without first having paid for it. The whole of the universe is based upon this giving and taking, it is called yin and yang. For every up there must be a down, for every happiness, there must be a sadness, for every full tummy, there must be an empty one. The warrior knows that he/she must lose in order to gain, and so he/she sacrifices. He/she sacrifices his/her food, he sacrifices his/her sexual longings, his/her everyday comforts, in order that he/she has the power to change and to help others to change. Not in going out specifically to help others, but to have the internal power always there to automatically help others to be peaceful, and in doing so, they too will be able to see where they are,a dn who they are. We are not only someone's son or daughter, we are the sons and daughters of an infinite amount of people, those who have passed onto us their cells inside of which is hidden the very substance of creation and everything that has happened. Not 'since time began', because there is no beginning or ending. Being a martial artist is only one hundredth of what a warrior is, it is only a part of the whole, it is what gives us the confidence to become a healer, the internal energy to make changes. A warrior knows that we do not have teachers, but guides, the people we meet who are able to give us something internal, that something extra to cause us to become our own great teachers. Just by simply being, a guide helps us to realise that it is we, ourselves, who teach us, because the warrior also knows that locked away inside of everything, is that primordial cell that contains all information. He/she learns to read this information which comes in the form of 'flashes' at first, and this is too much for his/her feeble human brain to handle, he/she shuts off as soon as the flash arrives. But soon he/she learns to read these flashes, and they become longer in duration than just a moment. This is when the warrior knows that he/she is reading time.He/she learns to communicate other than speaking, he/she knows that his/her physical needs are being looked after, and needs not worry where the next mortgage payment will come from. The warrior finds his/her place on the earth and stays there, where the power is. It is not a physical searching, but rather the warrior is 'taken' to where he/she must be, and there he/she stays, and the whole world will pass by, he/she needs not to travel, because the universe is there within him/her, and those who will in turn need to seek him/her out, will do so when their time is right, in just the same way that he/she did when he/she had to travel the world searching for his/her own guides. They then will have to learn to teach themselves from within, and also then go and find their own place, and he/she may never see them again, but this does not worry the warrior, he/she is in contact. The warrior is not the master, he/she is not the sifu nor the sensei, these are just physical words that we put upon ourselves to make us seem important, or better than those who we guide. The warrior is a friend to his/her students, and so cannot be our master. He/she does not wish to gather students as they will search him/her out, and those who need to have a master or sensei will not stay, they will keep searching until they realise that what they search is within them, and who they search, can only be their guide. Eric Montaigue


  • Men are programmed with this idea. If you do not succeed in finding the most powerful woman in the neighbourhood and physically locking her up, you have failed as a man. That is the training of Warmonger. It has nothing to do with anything, other than Nero’s Rome rules. Love is not a chastity belt. Love is love. Love, for you, is MY freedom. MY power and MY empowerment. From YOU. That is love. That IS you. Temujin Rao © 2013
  • I don't mind being left for not agreeing to my own slavery, in order to get male 'love'. No, I don't mind at all. But it was bloody painful. The de-enchattelment process. Leaving men and all that is the Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Society™. It takes courage. It takes self love like you don't even know, exists. It takes The Universe. We belong to Her. We are not born, to be slaves to mediocre men. That is our pain. That is our bliss. That is OUR new world. Freedom. Albeit sad. It is still freedom and genius for the first time ever. Who the fuck wants to be a slave, with that as the glorious alternative? Sadness is an emotion. You get used to it. The whole world is fucking sad. Existence is a travesty. Happiness is a manufactured illusion to keep us all enthralled. But slavery is the only thing that is real. And it makes us sick, it kills us and it suffocates us into madness and misery and eternal pain. With the mediocrity of men, pushing us further into the grave as an aphrodisiac for them. We are not the mad. We are the most powerful beings on earth. We are The Light. We ARE power. 'Sisyphus' is the real god amongst psuedo gods. But Sisyphus was fucked over. That is us. Rise. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • All women become feminists and all men are male supremacists. Go figure. Have the real discussion. Break the illusion of lies. No man wants a feminist. No woman is not a feminist. The rest is politics. The politics of slavery. Or freedom. Amera Ziganii Rao © 2016.....Basically, you have to give up men :: I always knew that and fought it the whole way :: Now I know why it has to be done. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: The Return :: The Hierophant Business™. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion of the Intelligent Visceral Humane Female Great Soul. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The Lost Priesthood & Spirituality & Power & Morality of This World :: The High Serpent Female Esoteric Hierophant Noetic Amazonian Wizard Sorcerer Goddess Priests™ :: Women And Men Of Atlantis (The Light) :: With A Gnostic Spirituality Of Power For All :: Even The Profane Male (Female) Pseudo Priesthood Of Religion Or 'Reason':: For Anyone Who Wants To Know What The Fuck This World Is Really About And Why. And For Anyone Who Wants To Survive The Endemic Abuse Of Earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion of the Visceral Soul. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Consciousness and the politics of consciousness applied and combined. A world without male supremacy abuse.Despite it being the most denied and unconscious abuse form on this earth. A world of female power.In the house and in the country. The real, new world. Get ready to fight for it your whole life. Earth is a planet of male supremacy abuse. Women are at war, whatever our methods are. Every female is therefore born a soldier. Make sure that your war is worth it. No one has to suffer male supremacy abuse. How much you are willing to fight against it though, makes your life. I hope you make ‘killing’ your creed. Your human rights are worth it. Nothing else is more important. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Consciousness and the politics of consciousness applied and combined. Temujin Rao © 2016


  • Writer, Speaker, Philosopher, Human Rights Healer, Hierophant Mystic™ and Enlightener, Temujin Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Education For Liberation. Liberation of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, happy, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. Based on her scholarly and non scholarly work over 14 years, if not for her whole life, and her extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of bliss, the courses will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the future, in the form of online courses and live events, to begin with. Thank you In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you. Temujin Rao © 2011


  • NATURAL BORN MYSTIC™ :: THE TRUE LOVE JOURNEY :: THE POLITICS OF RAPE :: THE RETURN TO ATLANTIS :: THE RETURN TO LEMURIA :: THE RETURN :: ALCHEMY & LIBERATION & HUMANITY™ :: :: :: Do you still hate men? No, but men still hate me. Mother Dependency. The Killer Sickness of The World. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • All men are Donald Trump. How attractive. Give me the scholarly life. Give me life. I don't want Donald Trump. I wanted a man. There isn't one. Donald Trump = metaphor for man. All men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • I have fought a great, great battle. Atlantis is no longer raped by a Lemurian earth. The rest we shall see. Leadership training indeed. Warrior, lover, Valkyrie, Healer, Prophet and Atlantean Queen. That is me. Warrior, lover, poet in training, and broken Agamemnon, woman beating warlord of filth and slavery, will he be. Atlantis is firmly back on earth. Now, true love may just finally be. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Men fiscally rape women. Temujin Rao © 2013
  • True trophism. Atlantis, in a Lemurian court. Vanquishing and Queen being the two operating words. Justice and abundance. And sex. And sexual love. And love. That's what I always had in mind. Didn't you? 'Nuff said. Oh cruel one. At both extremes, we have both been hated our whole lives. You for too much power. Me, for all power. Kinship. The twin. You get your vanquishing. I just get to be a Queen. Is that really too much to ask? No. Do not fear yourself. Do not fear. Have the courage to be yourself. You'd be surprised. Ego stands in the way. The Patriarchal Tribe. What you THINK you should be. Not, what you are. Merge the two. Live. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • I am essentially a freedom fighter I guess. While you and every other alpha male have been collecting money, awards, achievement, status and more freedom, as artists and businessmen, I have been fighting for my life. It's called woman. It's called Atlantean. It's called being a person of light. I do human rights because I have fought for mine, my whole life. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • The Dark Angel of Truth. Hekate. The Whore. The Wife. The Woman. The Girl. The Mother. The Daughter. The Sister. The Friend. The Slut. The Saint. The Whole. I am the greatest threat to The Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Civilisation ((I use that word loosely), since the beginning of time. I am Hekate, Lilith and Kali. I am the Dark Angel of truth and I and my kind will have vegeance on this earth. 'In this lifetime or the next'. It is called justice. The justice of true love. It's called love. It's called abundance, justice and care. Fecund, sacred love. Love. I am the greatest threat and I will get it. It is my destiny. To be neither 'Whore or Madonna'. To be a real woman, with a real man. A man freed from the confines of his desexualised passion, his non sexual, women hating violence, his rage and his fear of the forefathers. A man who has mastery over his own primal power. A man who loves the Hekate. And is not afraid to say it. He won't be afraid to say it, because he won't be afraid to do it. Have sex. Real sex. Real love. The pre courtship is sexual training. Sacred sexual training. To clear 8000 years of unconscious shit. I will have my justice. 'In this lifetime or the next'. I am the Dark Angel of truth. The Dark Angel of the primal. Primal power. The only kind of power there is. Real, primal power. The Self. The SACRED Self. The real Sacred. Not the made up kind. The real. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Our deepest fear is not 'being powerful beyond measure' (Marianne Williamson). Our deepest fear is being alone. Face it and survive it. Then you win. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • My biggest fear has been, since the age of 7, that my huge vocation and indeed my calling, would not correlate with male vanity. That I would not be loved for being great. That sexy men would indeed hate me for who I am. I was right so far. I finally acknowledge the universal truth. Huge vocation + a monopoly on Divinity (consciousness and Hierophant work) = no love from a man. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Sex and Men. A sexualised women, a sexual woman is capable of love. A sexualised man, a sexual man is not capable of love. Why. Evil. Evil is above all, emotional and spiritual dysfunction of being. Women have the capability to be both sex and love. Men clearly do not. The Dark Lords are defunct. Their sex means they cannot love. And for a sexual woman, it can only be a Dark Lord. Therefore, love, let alone, true love, the sharing of it is not possible. Men cannot merge love and sex. Only women can. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • There is no kindness in the world of men. Consciousness is above all, kindness. Ergo, the whole world is unconscious. There is no kindness in the world of men. Men are for cock. Cock comes right at the end. And that is all men are. The rest is lies, wasting your life and giving yourself for nothing. There is no kindness in the world of men. The world of men is not conscious. Consciousness is love intelligence. There is none in the world of men and the women like them. Look around at the world. It speaks for itself and no man stands out as yet. Ascension indeed. There is no kindness in the world of men. There is only useless selfishness and distraction. It's called cock. Cock is men. Men are cock. There is no kindness in the world of men. They deserve no kindness from us. Ever again. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Men have to be left. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Fascism under the guise of love = The Politics of Rape = True love, family and relationship wise = earth = no love = the lie on earth. Sado masochism is the MASTERY of fascism, under the guise of love. Not, the fascism. Mediocrity rules. There is no mastery on earth. Only fascists, who pretend to love. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Love, I was never ‘lucky’ in, so far. I’ve never been taken out to dinner in over 32 years. I am left in a cage out of punishment for being whole. Men fear me, so they hate me. Men don’t ‘marry’ women like me because men are fascists. Next subject. Done. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • A Definition of Fascism :: A governmental system led by a dictator, having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, remembering all industry. An aggressive nationalism. + "Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it's asking others to live as one wishes to live." Oscar Wilde.
  • 'Unlucky in love". I'll say. I may be the most fortunate woman in the entire world. In other words, anything to do with relationship or marriage with men/Lemurians. Fascism and slavery, or nothing. The pinnacle of conditional love = men/Lemurians. That is the 'unlucky' in love. The greatest luck in the world, actually. Love, to them, is fascism and nothing else. The tragic truth. There really is no love. My great job, to find out, in detail. The politics of rape. Love. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • "Do you still hate men?" "No, but men still hate me." Temujin Rao © 2014


  • Intuition. A Definition. Clair Cognisance = Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence™ + HUMAN skill and learning in how to interpret that Cosmic Intelligence (The High Initiate Journey) = High (Prophet type) Consciousness = Hierophant/Metaphysical Philosopher/Prophet Shamanism/Esoteric Mastery = High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ = Atlantean Elder = Women like me. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • The Female Holocaust. So, basically I am a suffragette. My Che Guevara, Nelson Mandela and every other heroic journey years. Mine is to have been a suffragette. A suffragette to Wife Beaters and Daughter Beaters. Misogyny is too polite. You are all Wife Beaters. And I am a suffragette. Well, someone's got to do it and someone's got to do the research. This story has to be told in full and for that, the suffragette work has to come first. Glad I got that straight again. As for ego, it goes through layer by layer; one step forwards, ten backwards and that kind of thing. It was the same with mine. Destiny is as yet unknown. The process most definitely is. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • Relationship, love or marriage. Misnomers therefore, and never to be entered again. Men, The Executioners and The Werewolves, and Divinity. One's position on Earth and one's outlined fate and set of challenges, made as Soul. I will never feel unloved again. I will never hope for friendship or love again and will never court evil of any kind again. Love is dead. It was never alive. This is Earth. The other name for hell, if you are of anything to do with love. The solution? Don't love anyone else. Just be love and be. Everything else will work. Other than love. It was never meant to work. A person of love is meant to be 'raped' from the day they are born. Until they run. Life is meant to be lived alone, by anyone of love. Alone and connected to others through communication and business. Other than that, a life of love, alone. The truth no one tells you about. The truth of this Earth. Hell. It is a planet where the inmates are truly running the asylum. Fascism, as Homicidal Selfishness™ in the hands of men and women. The Executioners. Those who are sick with Hate Dependency™. There is no healing, no love, nothing, as long as it is to do with relationship. Everything else works, but only after fate led, deliberate, nemesis 'as it was meant to be' male violation. To set one free at last, from all the lies. There is no love with other people. There is only love. Who can feel it the most, advances. As long as it is alone. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • The Macho Intellectual Sexual Consciousness Passion and Compassion of the Visceral Soul. Natural Born Mystic: The Savagery of Messiah™. The Warrior Class. The Lost Hierophants. The Lost Sacred Whore Priestesses. The Lost World Come Back. The Lost Intelligence and The Lost Courage. The Lost Universe. Dealing with Armageddon. Dealing with the real 'End Of The World' and what is The Apocalypse. Love. And of course, Good Versus Evil. The Return to Atlantis. The One Before 'The Fall'. The Female One. Temujin Rao © 2014



  • Cruelty. Cruelty is the name of the game. Apparently, anyone who speaks out against cruelty is an Utopian. Damn right. Utopia rules, because Utopia runs in my heart and in the heart of all Atlantean people. It's called kindness. I accept now that I came here to see the CRUELTY of this world. Cruel families, cruel people and cruel men. It's not lack of soul. It's cruelty. It's not selfishness, it's cruelty. It's not self determination. It's cruelty. My self determination journey was the first 10 years of my odyssey. The past seven have been about sheer, male, human, sub human cruelty. Cruelty is the greatest and most prevalent 'sin' of this world. So common, it's thought to be normal. It's not. Cruelty is ugly, foul and endlessly unlovable. Cruelty must not be allowed to exist. And cruelty always has to be left. Again and again and again. Because cruelty does not listen, is not kind in any way and hates with a skilful vengeance beyond the imagination of an Atlantean, even a realised and conscious one. Cruelty is the mediocre. The banal and the normal. Cruelty never changes. Until, apparently it does. Will we survive this? His cruelty? Who cares. Not me. The work was all that was ever worth anything. The work was all that ever mattered. Human beings do not matter. Human beings are cruel. My misfortune was to find out the whole truth. That even your twin soul, even the one person you searched for, is the same as everyone else. Abjectly cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel and cruel. Fortunately I was prepared. I had already seen everyone else. Cruelty must not be allowed. I wanted a master. I got a muppet. A cruelty muppet from hell. Just like everyone else. Now I build alone. Without human cruelty. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • Self love is getting out of the way. The most egoless of us, have the most terrified egos. So tell it to shut up and see what happens. What if you are loveable, really loveable, deep down? Exactly. And what if you were to decide to live from a place of self love, despite all the war it will bring? Exactly. That is self love. The more you do that, the more you know your core. And then you will not fear loving. You will shiver, but in courage. You will choose love. Always. Love, to be loving, to be self loving is one thing. A decision. Yes. Ascension is accepting the sacrifice to gain courage as a state of being. Soul is courage. The mortal husk of the ego is fear. Need is not love. Self hatred is not love. Guilt is not love. Being vulnerable and hating it is not love. Trusting is love. Forgiveness is love. Courage is love. Keep growing. Keep loving. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Spiritual power = emotional power = emotional intelligence = mental intelligence = re-programming of the whole self = spiritual intelligence = The Lost Knowledge™ = power = The New World. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Transformation. Death. Resurrection. The Age of Aquarius. Transformation as a way of life. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Interpreter of The Universe™ = Highest Intelligence™ = Hierophant = The visceral acquiring of wisdom = metaphysical philosophy = the mystic = the shaman = Clair Cognisance = The Sage Witch™ = The Female Sage Wizard™ = ‘the oracle’ = The Sacred Sexualist™ = The High Priestess = The Sorcerer = The Sacred Whore = Eve. KNOWING God. Eve. Prophet Shamanism. The world you once had. The true manifestation of what your world calls ‘intuition’. KNOWING The Universe. You didn’t know. Now you do. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Avatar Self Esteem. No one told me I was special. People only told me I was weird. By the time the angels in men (women) started speaking, I couldn't even hear that it was real. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Last night I lay with angels. Yesterday I served men. Today, I fly with gods. Tomorrow, I might just meet a whole, true, lord friend of a man. In the man I love. The Ascension life. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Men make money to buy women. It is, apparently, called marriage. It is 'the way of the world'. Fuck that. Live and love. Love. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™. I teach what I am. I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. How to turn pain into power. How to turn power into love. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • The High Serpent Female Priesthood Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Samurai Spiritual Monarch, Consciousness Society™ :: Cosmic Feminism. The truth of the true world. Everything else is literally, bollocks. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • No wonder that they killed me first. The one who sees (SEERS) the real truth is always the first on the pyre. In the family, in life, in love, and in the face of The Universe. This morally bankrupt earth. This morally bankrupt, male supremacy, fascistic, male cultured, Dark Energy earth, within a harsh and punitive Mother Universe. God as She really is. Pushing us to happiness, yes, but through a permanent holocaust of human cruelty, soullessness and moral bankruptcy. Seers harness the energy of everything and alchemise everything into love. Seers have to do this alone, on earth, and indeed, in The Universe. Earth is a planet of Creators. With moral bankruptcy and the violence of non love as the obstacle to peace. Seer must be celebrated. Seer IS The Mind of the Universe. Seer sees the whole truth. Beautiful, or ugly. Seer is The Light. Jedi. Avatar. Samurai. High Serpent Priesthood. Seer is complete. Seer leads the way. On earth and indeed, in The Universe. Seer is The Light. There is nothing else anywhere, until that redemption of convergence of happiness. Which, ironically, is tragically real and not some far off dream that you can forget about. Because Seer or not, everyone is forced to pursue it. It is our purpose on earth. To be unhappy while pursuing happiness. Not as some generic path of suffering for compassion. But just, because. The Light converts moral bankruptcy. Unhappiness is our only lot on a morally bankrupt earth in a Harsh Mother Universe. But Seer is complete too. Everything that exists is in Seer. Seer perceives and harnesses it all. Seer is The Light. There is nothing else, other than in moments, brief moments of human kindness. Seer must be celebrated. We are The Universe. We are the best of Her. Seer is the all. The Super-Divine Female (or male). A Warlord and Scholar and Seer of The Light. Too high for most. Stay high. It is all that you have. Don't ever give it away, to fit in. Seer is the first on the pyre. Seer sees it all. Seer is the all. Seer was here first. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • It's not the fall of man. It's the fall of woman. The secret 'Hero's Journey' of earth. Yours. Amera Ziganii Rao :: a human rights healer for people of magic. The Tribe of Soul. The Tribe of the Universe. Women and men of the light. Women. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Two tribes, two peoples and two ways of life on this planet. One serves good and the other evil and the line is the thinnest you could ever imagine. Casual evil. Silent good. Misogyny, racism, homophobia, cruelty of any kind is not cruelty. It is fascism. The psychopaths versus The Angel Intelligentsia™ . And nothing in between. Women had more power in the real ancient Egypt. Men today are stupid. That is the so called advanced earth. Evil can never be intelligent. Spiritual intelligence is just that. Intelligent. We have to do it all alone. Men are too stupid to join us. Run. Live large. And run. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • No 'Jake Sully's' on this earth. Narrative is so great. It shows that one day there will be a conversion of sickness and evil. That day has not come. Narrative is the vision. And that is all it is. Constructive escapism. And then do your own thing. There are no 'Jake Sully's' on earth. Only men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The Individual Life :: No more will to life. I intend to live in my own world now. And communicate from that world. I reject life. I intend me. Individuation to its nth degree. All the way. Life is never to be grieved again. It clearly was never worth it. Individuation is the new era. Complete aloneness and then communication from it. A late start in life indeed. But nothing will ever stop me. Shaman, for real. Ex chattel, revolutionary, for real. The new coercions of oppression in true life. Isolation to make someone disappear. A thousand obstacles a minute to make someone stop. It will never happen to me. Fuck you world. I'm still here. And I'm coming for you. You'd better run. I'll squash you in a second. The High Serpent Female Priesthood Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Samurai Spiritual Monarch, Consciousness Society™. Live it and love it. And do it all the way alone. Anything else is worth shit. Illusions indeed. We are poisoned with them. A true life is not life. A true life is 'Gladiator'. So what. I am. I will be. I will always be. I am building Elysium. For me. By me. Of me. With me. People of light. Total individuals, indeed. Don't ever give up. It's what they want. The enemies of the people. It's how they win. Don't ever let them win. This is the battleground of the modern world. Be alone. Be an individual. Give up life. Give it up to create it. Even if it comes too late to see it. Still, build. Anything else is letting them win. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • "To Thine Own Self Be True" but know that you can take the consequences. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Men are 'ugly stepbrothers' (Cinderella). Women are the gods on earth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Men don't marry women like me. It is now my sheer privilege to say that. Thank you. You never ever have to, ever again. This High Serpent Female Priesthood Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Samurai Spiritual Monarch™ is done. The new 'Virgin Queen' archetype. Men don't marry women like us. We are only trophies. I'll say. The mediocrity of cruelty. Men. The mediocrity of Spirit. Men. The mediocrity of human. Men. Please. Don't marry women like me. I'd rather the broken heart. Oh. It's all I have ever known. Thanks. I'm done with the whole tortuous subject and species. Men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Every Atlantean has the same life. To deal with the mad and the bad. Until they are done. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • There are no short cuts on the path of Ascension. Repetition is the key. Illusion and the self deception of the ego has to be met again and again and again. Re-programming the mind frees the heart frees the soul frees you. Re-programming takes 'facing yourself'. Facing yourself is the end of illusion and takes grief, education and more education and the process of repetition. And then grief. There are no short cuts. The whole path has to be taken. And completed. Ascension is purifying the ego. Re-programming it from one state (or a thousand states in one) to another. Ejecting the old ego. Allowing the new. There are no short cuts. Method, process and repetition. And each layer is as devastating as the last. Take the path but complete it. There are no short cuts to Ascension. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The meek will never inherit the earth. Earth is hell. The meek will only learn to endure it, survive it and thrive in this piece of shit existence. And that takes the meek their whole life. The meek are of love. Love will never inherit this hell of an earth. No one wants to, or is capable of facing themselves. Hell is a place just like that. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The curse of Eros. The illusion of men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Misogyny is not misogyny, or male supremacy or male selfishness, as if these things are unique and 'just the way things are and have been since the beginning'. Misogyny is a form of evil. Just as racism is, just as cruelty of any form is. Misogyny is cruelty towards women, of a gigantic and epic nature of male supremacy, Taliban kind, wrapped in sheep's clothing. The reason no one cares is because women have to be the first to care, like any fighters against evil on this cesspool of a planet. Misogyny also has the worst complication. The Curse of Eros. Desire. Plus the fact that we are all brainwashed to believe that there is no such thing as real misogyny. And that there is such a thing as male greatness and indeed, male love. It may all just be an obstacle, but of course it is the most complex kind, demanding high intelligence and high COSMIC intelligence to overcome it and define it. Fortunately, we are just that. The people of the light. To be of the cosmic mind is a skill. The rest is natural and also built. The courage to see the truth and to grieve all that is the evil of this Matrix of a world. And the courage to see that The Curse of Eros is real. Men do not reform. Men do not love. And men have no interest in not being cruel to women. Define that and survive it. And then you live. And at least have a few memories of the desire. It was the power we use so well. There are good men. The 'Brad Pitt' archetype is a good enough way of describing it. But clearly, very far and few between. No one has to settle for cruel men. No one has to settle at all. Misogyny is just cruelty. To not remember that is a disservice to ourselves. There is no mystery. There is just cruelty. And female, awesome, unstoppable, tenacious, determined, endless, power. The power of the light in a world of dark. Do not underestimate your power. You truly have The Universe behind you. But it is us who have to do the work. Against evil, every step of the way. Spiritual Existentialism. Love The Great Mother Universe. And then, still, do it yourself. That is grace. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Amoral 'mothafuckas'. Is that where the term came from? Yes. Not wolves. Amoral 'mothafuckas'. Unworthy ever of redemption. Their choice. They choose evil. They will always choose evil. There is no capacity for real change. The best of them may temper and that has to be good enough. But they will never change. They will always choose evil. They are not great men. You and I must always choose success and defeat of the evil principle of this world. Them. And create a good life. A great life. We deserve it. We so deserve it. We just have to do it without them. They will always choose evil. They are not for redemption. Which is why they always choose evil. The amoral. Pretty maybe. But still, amoral 'mothafuckas'. Evil. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Misogyny or male hatred of women, or the 'battle of the sexes' is one thing. Institutionally backed cruelty towards women. As simple and ugly as that. Cruelty. Cruelty. Cruelty. And cruelty, backed by a world that enforces just that. Cruelty towards women. Slavery. Cruelty. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Spiritual Existentialism :: Know the truth, be empowered, do what you have to do, to create a great life that you are so worthy of. You''ll have to do it in the dirt and from the dirt, but so what. Spiritual Existentialism is real. And so is the force of casual evil on earth. Create. Know the truth and then do what you have to. You are so worth it. Misogyny and male evil. Just another obstacle. The Two Tribes. Exiting 'The Matrix' was always the goal. We do it alone. They don't want to leave. Let them have it. It's theirs. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • NOTES FROM A PYTHON :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Meditation :: go into the no mind. The no mind is the higher mind. See The Universe. Feel the love. That is The Universe. That is the Great Mother God Universe. For you. Go into the no mind and stay there. The infinite source of real, authentic, soul power. For you. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Female Titans. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The meek shall inherit the Earth. Women will be seen as human. Vocation is our FIRST dream too. Anything else is female slavery by vain moronic men. The privilege of ascension. Women like me get to be human. Woman is human too. Temujin Rao © 2012
  • NOTES FROM A PYTHON :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Too much vanity. Not enough intelligence. The world of men. Mediocre fascists. No thanks. I'm done. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • NOTES FROM A PYTHON :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: For The Primal Intellectual :: Spiritual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Sexual Intelligence, Gender Intelligence, and Compassion and Humanity Intelligence. And of course, REAL Power and Creation Intelligence. Soul Power. Complete. The Female Divine Intelligence of The Great Mother Universe. The Real Godhead of Real Wisdom, Available To All. The Advanced Soul. First To Second Existence. Enlightenment. Ascension. Alchemy. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Occultism is therefore real philosophy is the metaphysical is the path to consciousness and the path from consciousness and the exploration of much more than the five sense is Clair Cognisance is the way to life and the way to live. Like all areas of knowledge, most philosophers are thinkers of the lower mind and therefore the pen pushers of history. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. Sophia, the love of wisdom. Metaphysical philosophy has been relegated to the world of occultism by an establishment of pen pushers. Real higher thought with skilled and honed Hierophant iinterpretation, learned over years and years and through what Sufis call meditation and 'Sobbet'. The mystic way. In other words, occultism is anything that the lower mind of the mediocre are unable to understand. Philosophy is much more that it is purported to be. No wonder no one reads it. And no wonder the intelligent female is the most dangerous species on this profane earth. I get it. I get much much more than a pen pusher could even dream. Oh yes, they probably don't even dream. Fuck establishment. Be occult. And rename it the whole way. Knowledge is to be used, explored and grown. Nothing we have so far is enough. It most certainly shouldn't be. That is the whole bloody point. The High Serpent Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Female Priesthood, Consciousness Society™. Available for all. Other than the pen pushers. They can call it occult if they want. Real Philosophy is real. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Love then, is a transient, sexual journey, to define one's self worth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The Warrior's Way. Freedom, then, takes one thing and one thing alone. Pain, pain, pain, pain and pain. Freedom cannot ever be attained on a Lemurian earth, without profound and long lasting pain. Unless you are a Lemurian. The cultural imperialism of a world, too stupid to even worry about in the end. Fascism is stupid. A stupid sickness of the soul. Fascism is a will to dominion over others, without any love at all. Misogyny, racism or homophobia or chattel enforcement. Same thing. Will to dominion over others, without love. The Lemurian way. The good news is this. Pain, even if it lasts for decades, is still temporary. Freedom and freedom from abuse lasts forever. Freedom takes pain. Pain is not forever. Freedom is irreversible. The choice is yours. And the only compassion necessary, is to understand the truth. Freedom takes pain. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • I'm giving up men. And I'm giving up men forever. And I feel free. Free to be me, me, me and me. Man or not. Apparently the hardest thing to do. Because of one word. Slavery. Emotional Violation. Rejection. Punishment. Women have whole personalities too. Women have whole goals too. Women are slower at it than men. Women have to uncover years of abuse first, as we continue to go through abuse. Women are completely different human beings and completely different BEINGS to what your strange thoughts are on the subject of 'women'. Fuck you. We are gods. Love us as gods or not at all. You know you want to. You know you are allowed to. You know that you have to. Vulnerable Power. Woman. But most certainly, belligerent, equal, superior, present, spontaneous, vast, mental, emotional, intellectual, creative, FISCAL, power. Just like you. Mortals and gods. Female came first. Female comes first. We are the life force of The Universe. Soul. Authentic power. Woman. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • How To Survive The Entire Patriarchal Tribe Society (Lemuria) And How To Transcend The Ordinary World : How To Become The Superhuman, Liberated And Powerful (Atlantean) Self. Despite All The Madnesses Of A Male (Female Male) Supremacist And Unconscious Earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • 'Know Thyself, And Thou Shalt Know The Universe And God'. Pythagoras :: True spirituality and mental health healing. The most political thing on earth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • I was trained from the beginning, to stand alone. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Evil, being cosmically thick. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Temujin Rao :: WRITER.PHILOSOPHER.ARTIST.ENLIGHTENER :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Hierophant Business™ :: Temujin Rao :: A Metaphysical Philosopher, Esoteric Wizard, Writer and Educator. A High Serpent Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Female Priesthood, Priestess™ :: An Atlantean Elder :: A Proven High Initiate Graduate through a 20 year, visceral apprenticeship in both 'heaven and earth'. I serve The Great Mother Universe, The Triple Goddess, the non male 'God' truth of the consciousness led Universe of many Universes, from something a fuck of a lot more than a male, vindictive 'god' who serves men. This is Spiritual Existentialism. Alchemy. Becoming Magicians. Knowing the seen and unseen and working with both. I am a Noetic and Hierophant and Mystic and Esoteric Philosopher Shaman. I deal with human evil :: In development at the moment, after a massive journey to find out the secrets of the world and the meaning of l life. Working on my first books of consciousness and politics. And indeed, my stories, as the reference point for all of our journeys on earth. Also a photographer artist and digital darkroom artist with sexual and other images from the internet. Please feel free to read my free blog showcase. It's a good introduction to the themes I will be covering in my written work, to be published and followed by teachings through lectures, public speaking and DVDs and videos online, and indeed more written work. And then by courses in the different areas of consciousness. I will also be offering one on one consultations as a psycho spiritual enlightener and healer. This blog is going to feature the research I am currently covering. The paths to everything that is consciousness and still so hidden from general view. My own work is human rights and The Lost Knowledge. I do slavery to power. I heal sicknesses of the soul. I also show you the face of evil and how it exists in every pocket of this cesspool of a male made planet. I will show you how earth is a fascist hell of men. And how there are two tribes on earth. Atlantis and Lemuria, to introduce the fantastical but real truth of the truth. Two ethnic groups from the past, with Lemurian in charge of this godless and cruel place. From the most extreme parts of their culture. All real. Good versus evil truly exists. And therefore the opportunity for real heroism. Everywhere. In the most surprising and intimate places. The men and women of hate and war. The 'Judas Principle'. And those of us, of peace, sacredness and love. I am the politics of consciousness. I am. As anyone can be. If the journey is made. The journey to and from the truth. Dystopia to Utopia and back. This is earth. But you can know who you are. And what the fuck this shit is all about. And in that, you can win. If you have the courage to see the truth and live it and become it. And that of course is up to you. But I can help. It is my purpose. I used to be a news journalist. Now, I am a non academic, academic. Going professional, as is my right, as an 'alternative' historian. Alternative in whose world? Fuck that. The Lost Knowledge. There for all. Our purpose is to heal and see the truth and then build and win against the entire system of control. We are The Light, returned to an earth of belligerent fascism and slavery. We, however, are born free. The People of Humanity. The People of The Light. The People of True Power. The Primal Intellectuals of this true world. The future. Temujin Rao © 2017


  • When you have a great mind, flaunt it. And you are as beautiful as your mind. Rupchand Lakhiani (Interior Designer. Malaysia)

READER FEEDBACK :: :: Thank you

  • You have a busy brain and an impressive cleavage. Vivien Loh (TV Drama Creative. London)


  • Wow and great Amera Ziganii Rao x x x thank u for your transparency x x x we have all gone or are going through some thing like this...my mother calls it "giving pearls to swine" u are a pearl. keep shining your light.....x x x the difference being not all channel their pain and experience into the good work, which u undoubtedly have x Laila Cohen (Singer.Songwriter. London)


  • Thank you..for sharing, for the expression and intensity of your art, for being true to yourself..how artists should be..you are inspiration!..Thank you..For the courage, for exhibiting your soul, your feelings, your journey..I loved your insights in the Scheherazade story. It's so true. The cruel truth about relationships. Manuela Mocanu (Musician. Berlin)


  • No nation can ever be worthy of its existence that cannot take its women along with the men. No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women......No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live. Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan)


  • It is the truth, a force of nature that expresses itself through me - I am only a channel - I can imagine in many instances where I would become sinister to you. For instance, if life had led you to take up an artificial attitude, then you wouldn't be able to stand me, because I am a natural being. By my very presence I crystallize; I am a ferment. The unconscious of people who live in an artificial manner senses me as a danger. Everything about me irritates them, my way of speaking, my way of laughing. They sense nature. Carl Jung