Thank you to outside source for words on Witches.


  • Misogyny and Male Supremacy and Father Religion and Thothian Evil, Nonsense will never reform on this dirty planet called Earth. The 'Twin Flame' experience proves that. Women have to leave love. Women and the People of The Light have to give it up forever. Work, and fighting Thothian Evil is all that there is. The Divine Plan for the hell that is Ascension. But, free of earth's oppressors at last. Fascism in all its relationship forms. Temujin Rao ©
  • Temujin Rao :: WRITER.PHILOSOPHER.ARTIST.ENLIGHTENER :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Hierophant Business™ :: Temujin Rao :: A Metaphysical Philosopher, Esoteric Wizard, Writer and Educator. A High Serpent Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Female Priesthood, Priestess™ :: An Atlantean Elder :: A Proven High Initiate Graduate through a 20 year, visceral apprenticeship in both 'heaven and earth'. I serve The Great Mother Universe, The Triple Goddess, the non male 'God' truth of the consciousness led Universe of many Universes, from something a fuck of a lot more than a male, vindictive 'god' who serves men. This is Spiritual Existentialism. Alchemy. Becoming Magicians. Knowing the seen and unseen and working with both. I am a Noetic and Hierophant and Mystic and Esoteric Philosopher Shaman. I deal with human evil :: In development at the moment, after a massive journey to find out the secrets of the world and the meaning of l life. Working on my first books of consciousness and politics. And indeed, my stories, as the reference point for all of our journeys on earth. Also a photographer artist and digital darkroom artist with sexual and other images from the internet. Please feel free to read my free blog showcase. It's a good introduction to the themes I will be covering in my written work, to be published and followed by teachings through lectures, public speaking and DVDs and videos online, and indeed more written work. And then by courses in the different areas of consciousness. I will also be offering one on one consultations as a psycho spiritual enlightener and healer. This blog is going to feature the research I am currently covering. The paths to everything that is consciousness and still so hidden from general view. My own work is human rights and The Lost Knowledge. I do slavery to power. I heal sicknesses of the soul. I also show you the face of evil and how it exists in every pocket of this cesspool of a male made planet. I will show you how earth is a fascist hell of men. And how there are two tribes on earth. Atlantis and Lemuria, to introduce the fantastical but real truth of the truth. Two ethnic groups from the past, with Lemurian in charge of this godless and cruel place. From the most extreme parts of their culture. All real. Good versus evil truly exists. And therefore the opportunity for real heroism. Everywhere. In the most surprising and intimate places. The men and women of hate and war. The 'Judas Principle'. And those of us, of peace, sacredness and love. I am the politics of consciousness. I am. As anyone can be. If the journey is made. The journey to and from the truth. Dystopia to Utopia and back. This is earth. But you can know who you are. And what the fuck this shit is all about. And in that, you can win. If you have the courage to see the truth and live it and become it. And that of course is up to you. But I can help. It is my purpose. I used to be a news journalist. Now, I am a non academic, academic. Going professional, as is my right, as an 'alternative' historian. Alternative in whose world? Fuck that. The Lost Knowledge. There for all. Our purpose is to heal and see the truth and then build and win against the entire system of control. We are The Light, returned to an earth of belligerent fascism and slavery. We, however, are born free. The People of Humanity. The People of The Light. The People of True Power. The Primal Intellectuals of this true world. The future. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Eat, sleep, piss and shit. Eminem

SHAMAN High Priestess. The Power of Earth (Artwork)

SHAMAN High Priestess. The Power of Earth (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • The High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Goddess Monarch Society™
  • Hermetic Philosophy. Metaphysical Philosophy. Social Philosophy. Political Philosophy. Psychological Philosophy. Feminism Philosophy. Human Rights Philosophy. Anthropological Philosophy. Esoteric Philosophy. Alchemical Philosophy. Hermetic Philosophy. Temujin Rao © 2018
  • I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I 'mysticise' the Universe. I escape at will, the truth of my humanless, Samurai solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am philosopher. I am shaman. I am alone. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • Indigo Warlords. Atlanteans. Female (and Male) Higher Consciousness Beings on a Male (and Female) Lemurian planet of human slavery, dependency ridden abuse, and insane fascism. Evil. Normal Life on a Low Consciousness Earth. Stand Up For Your Rights. And Leave Everyone. Break The Matrix. Live. And Fight For Your Rights Until The Day You Die. You Are Atlantean. No Lemurian has any interest in our humanity or our pain. We are the only Beings of Love. So love. And live. And become. Temujin Rao © 2018
  • The macho intellectual consciousness passion and compassion of the visceral soul. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • The secret enemies of psychological warfare. From within and without. Bringing the darkness of evil into the light. Immense self belief, intelligence and courage, plus wizardry. In other words, 'naming it and shaming it and letting it go' and re-programming the mind from any belief to another. To evolve. Temujin Rao © 2012
  • In development. Editing my first book, after 12 + years of blogging and exploring my message and my voice. Writing my second book, and essays and lectures, as well as preparing personal development material to share my philosophies and experience. My subject is human rights :: revolution, primal intelligence, sexualisation, liberation, human rights, the right to be spirit and magic, and the female intellectual mind, the philosopher's mind, and how to be a successful outlaw on earth. The revolution of this new earth. We must take over this earth too. We are Beings of The Light. This world wants us to be slaves. Developing in very challenging circumstances. Physically, with a chronic rehabilitation disability, and emotionally, after being systematically abused by men for over a decade. Call it 'my first marriage'. Shaman, Mystic, Philosopher, Healer, Writer, Enlightener, Orator. I am a 27 + year trained High Mystic Initiate Graduate, and a Truth Mentalist Exorcist 'Black Molfar' Shaman of High Magic. I uncover shit. I uncover evil. I fight Mystical Wars. I win. I can show you how. Let me get ready. Temujin Rao © 2024

Natural Born Mystic™ :: High Serpent Priesthood™ (Artwork)

Natural Born Mystic™ :: High Serpent Priesthood™ (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original image. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Metaphysical Philosophy + Political Spirituality + Human Rights from the inside out :: Self Actualisation, Sexualisation and Human Rights. The Female Mind, the Mind of Light, back on this stupid and shallow Spartan earth, again for the first time in 6000 - 12000 years. 12000 years of male enslavement of The Species of Light. The unspoken slaveries of this planet, from both male and female Nephilim/Fallen Angel Seed. But all led by male. Institutionally backed gender violence of cruelty. Men. Men who want your mind, oh how gracious of them, but that mind is supposed to be just for them. Vocation has taken us back to the beginning. Women are supposed to be born for men. The Species of Light is meant to be born for The Dark. Nothing has come forward on this Spartan, male violence, planet. Earth is a plantation for men. Be an outlaw or be a slave. That is what 'a woman can't have it all' actually means. "Be my slave or fuck off. You should be grateful that you are allowed to use your mind at all. For me. What is your problem? Do you actually have needs? No, you are a woman. Here, for me." To be woman is extraordinary. To be attracted to a man is to find your killer. So, what the fuck is the point of that? Male Supremacy. It runs earth. It will never run my earth again. And neither should it run yours. Desire is the most barren emotion on this earth. Male Supremacy will always see to that. Male Supremacy can go fuck itself. My desire is now, just for me. Temujin Rao © 2018

Slavery (Artwork)

Slavery (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • This is a story about a Monarch in the dirt, destiny. And a Multiverse that serves evil. It is called 'God Sovereign Free' (Lisa Renee). Actually, it's a pile of shit, with existence, balanced in the favour of evil. And the Tribe of the Light dumped onto earth, to make their way through fake destinies and fake lives, for nothing. Temujin Rao ©
  • Female Seraphim is the only Protagonist in existence. Earth is a planet of Seraphim persecution. Backed by The Multiverse. The Divine Plan. Ascension is the end of that persecution. The Twin Flame Nightmare. The Persecuted will inherit the Earth. Temujin Rao ©
  • The Twin Flame Experience is the greatest Celestial Betrayal that any Seraphim will ever experience. This is Armageddon and the Twin Flame Experience is one of the biggest wars of this filthy earth. There are no relationships. There is only war. The war of returning exiles. The Female Leaders of the true earth. The Twin Flame Experience is a lie. War is the only truth. War against men and all Nephilim. Temujin Rao ©
  • Forced 'Twin Flame'. I am a crippled, self determination, self making, independent philosopher and artist, female, so I attracted nothing but predators. Men are the greatest financial fascists in existence. Care Fascists, Financial Fascists and Professional Care Liars. This is the new fascism on earth. Men who will care, IF. Men who will give, IF. And the greater you are as a female, the richer the men, and meaner. Temujin Rao ©
  • There is no such thing as the Twin Flame path on earth, there is no such thing as a male, there is only misogyny and the hatred that men are. I am an Ascension Warlord Divine Feminine, and men are my business forever. Misogyny runs the whole world. Vampirism of female is the whole, ugly planet. The Divine Masculine will never return. These are the worst lives that women will ever live. The Wars of Ascension. Temujin Rao ©
  • This is a Male Earth. A Male Planet, as it is a White Planet. As it is a Thothian Planet. No Woman can win on a Male Earth. No one can win on a Thothian Earth. The Ultimate Feudalist Fascists of the Multiverse. The Fallen Angels. With Me, their Weapon was Love. With Me, their ONLY Weapon, could be Love. And of course, Money. Men are still the Money on This Stinking Planet. Seraphim :: The Love Holocaust. The Life Holocaust. The Divinity Holocaust :: Be an Outlaw. Build the Ancient World ©

HETAERA. Snake Woman (Artwork)

HETAERA. Snake Woman (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • I have fought a great, great battle. Seraphim/Emerald Order is no longer raped by a Nephilim/Fallen Angel earth. The rest we shall see. Leadership training indeed. Warrior, lover, Valkyrie, Healer, Prophet and Seraphim/Emerald Order Queen. That is me. Warrior, lover, poet in training, and broken Agamemnon, woman beating warlord of filth and slavery, will he be. Seraphim/Emerald Order is firmly back on earth. Now, true love may just finally be. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Men Actively Hate Women Like Me. This Is The Story Of Why And How. Natural Born Mystic :: The Female Holocaust. Not All Heroines Wear Capes. Men Hate Women Like Me. No Woman Should Ever Believe That Male Hate Is Personal. It Is Politics And Nothing Else. The Politics Of Slavery. This Is Earth. The Planet Of Male Hate Of Any Woman Who Will Be Free :: Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I am a woman with vocation. Don't bother coming near me. I do not negotiate with men about the 'right' to be 'loved'. Temujin Rao © 2018
  • The Matrix mind is the tribe mind is the psychologically warfared mind is the ego mind that so wants to die and leave us alone. The soul is the higher mind is the purified mind is the re-educated mind is the de-matrixed mind is the real mind is the free mind is the mind without the tired ego. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • The return of magic on earth. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Love :: The Predator Journey Waits For Every Woman, And Every Man And Woman Of Atlantis On This Lemurian Planet. It Is The Nemesis Path To The Eventual, Holy Grail. Love. In Whichever Lifetime You Are To Experience It. It Is First Though, The Baptism Of Fire, For Liberation, Individuation, And Reversing All Abuse On Earth. Loving Creeps. The Mortals Who Are Addicted To Female Gods. And Who Will See Us Dead Before They Actually Love Us At All. The Predator Journey. Waiting For All Women. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Stronger That Women Become, As Is Our Human Right, After 12000 Years Of Forced Slavery, The Meaner That Men Get. How Is This Not Possible When The World Reveals This Political Truth Everyday? The Self Esteem And Self Development Of Women Must Not Have Anything To Do With Men Anymore On This Present Planet Of Low Consciousness Cruelty Of Conscious Evil. Men Are For Sex And Take Years To Even Deliver That. Love Is A Vision. And Not For Anyone Else. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Men are slavers and predators. And we are brought up to believe that they are protectors and lovers. The true life. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Evil will always win. Temujin Rao © 2017

Goddess (Artwork)

Goddess (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Monday 3 November 2014

Hierophant Knowledge :: The Hierophant Questions Pt l. Amera Ziganii Rao + Graham Hancock Debunks Mainstream Science

Caduceus. Hermeticism lll 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art

Hierophant Knowledge :: The Hierophant Questions Pt l. Amera Ziganii Rao + Graham Hancock Debunks Mainstream Science

Hierophant Knowledge :: Graham Hancock. Rewriting The History of The World (No Women Yet, But That's My Bag. AZR) 

Youtube Content = BBC Horizon 2000. Atlantis Reborn Again
(Youtube content no longer available) 

Text Featured Here = Graham Hancock Debunks Mainstream Science

Graham Hancock Debunks Mainstream Science 

Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, authors of the best selling book The Sphinx Mystery, present startling evidence from our ancient past. One of the most intriguing pieces of evidence pointing to a forgotten period of time in human history is a series of ancient maps which show extremely accurate details of the Earth from at least 12000 years ago.

The Orontius Phineas, Piri Reis, and Mercator map all show parts of the Earth that were only present during pre-deluvian times, as well as inexplicably accurate drawings of the topography of Antarctica. These drawings of what Antarctica looked like beneath the ice, could only have been achieved if ancient man had technology at least equal to what we have today.

(Other Youtube introductions about him

Graham Hancock is one of the great adventurers, authors and visionaries of our time, and here he talks about his new book Entangled, about life as it was lived 24,000 years ago. Amazingly, this deeply channeled book paints a picture of the Neanderthals as loving beings that has only in October of 2010 been confirmed by science. Was Graham Hancock in touch with real people from the deep past while writing Entangled?)

“I was thinking how I got into all this from being a journalist working on The Economist. It actually happened because of repeated visits that I made to Ethiopia. And the claim that Ethiopia makes, to possess the lost Ark of The Covenant. This claim was ridiculed by scholars, but as I began to look into it, I found that it rests on very solid foundations and I ended up writing The Sign and The Seal.

And that book, the research on that book took me to Egypt. Because of course, the origins of The Ark of The Covenant lie in Egypt and in the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. And when I went to Egypt and began looking into that civilisation, I realised that I was confronted with an extraordinary mystery. A mystery that Egyptologists had never satisfactorily explained and if they had tried to, their explanation certainly didn’t make sense to me.

I remember reading a book called Archaic Egypt by Professor Walter Emery, now deceased, but a great authority on his subject. And he drew attention to curious similarities between Ancient Sumerian civilisation in Mesopotamia and the archaic Egyptian civilisation. And while he could find no strong evidence of a direct influence of ancient Egypt on Sumer, or of Sumer on ancient Egypt, he found these similarities couldn’t be explained away as coincidence and he put forward an interesting hypothesis. He asked, what if an earlier, unidentified civilisation, a remote, third party civilisation had influenced both Egypt and Sumer, passed down a legacy to both of them, and what if the similarities between these two cultures were explained by that remote, common influence. And I thought this was a very interesting idea, and one worth pursuing further. In fact, it was, more than anything else, that seed planted by Professor Walter Emery, that led me to research and write Fingerprints of The Gods.

I could not have written that book at all, or developed in the direction that I have developed in, as a writer and researcher, if it hadn’t been for my partner and wife, Santa Feya, whose photographs we’re going to be looking at here. She has certainly been the most profound influence on my life and I did some bad stuff back in the 1980s which, when I look back on it, I regret it, but we have to live with our mistakes and I’m very grateful to Santa for putting me right.

Many other people I need to thank and without whom, Fingerprints could not have been written. Researchers, people working within the field of the mystery of the origins of civilisation over the last hundred years or so. Going back as far as Ignacius Donnelly who wrote Atlantis, The Antediluvian World in the 1880s. More recently, Professor Giorgio De Santayano of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology , now also deceased, did wonderful work on the astronomical content of ancient myths. The amazing discovery, that in some of the oldest myths, relating to global cataclysms, that have come down to us from remote pre history, that in those myths is found detailed astronomical information, relating to the phenomenon that I will later be discussing through this talk, known as Procession of The Equinoxes.

Professor Charles Hapgood whose crust displacement theory and whose work on ancient maps, again, provides a clue to this lost civilisation that exists way back in our past and I am quite sure that it does exist and what more recently, Rose --- who defined Charles Hapgood’s theories of earth crust displacement. And John Anthony West, a great man, who spent twenty years trying to draw the attention of Egyptologists to the erosional features of The Great Sphinx and the implications of that erosion. And of course my friend and colleague, Robert Bauval, with whom I have co-authored the new book, Keeper of Genesis.

Robert’s astronomical work on the Orion Correlation between the Pyramids and the three stars of Orion’s Belt, is in my view, the single most important breakthrough in this field, which has enabled the Pyramids mute for four and a half thousand years, to speak again and to speak in a comprehensible manner.

I don’t propose in this talk, that I am going to give on Fingerprints today, to go at all into the astronomical work that Robert and I present in Keeper of Genesis because Robert will be doing that when he talks about Keeper of Genesis.

But take it from me. The astronomy is really the key to this whole mystery. It’s the way that some ancient people, long ago, far more sophisticated and civilised than our historians would ever give credit for, found a way to communicate with the future, a way to wake up dormant memories in all of us. Memories of that great golden age of ‘mankind’ that is recorded in all our ancient myths.

I’ll start this talk by looking at just a few similarities, a few connections, bearing in mind what I said about Walter --- and the theory of a remote third party civilisation. Let’s extend that out from the middle east and Sumer and let’s look at connections between Egypt and the Americas. Similarities that are ignored by scholars and are not explained by them.

One issue concerns the face of The Great Sphinx. Robert and I are of the view, along with many of our colleagues that the head of The Sphinx was re-carved by the Dynastic Egyptians. That the monument is many thousands of years older than the beginning of historic Egyptian civilisation. And that it was probably originally lion headed as well as lion bodied. And that that heavily eroded millennially ancient leonine head was recarved into the face of a god by the early pharaohs of Egypt. Perhaps at around 2500 BC, when Egyptologists think that the monument was actually created.

What I want to draw attention to here is really a small point. It’s pretty clear and well established that we are looking at the face of an African individual here. An African head. And I’d like to compare that with this African head which is roughly the same size as the head of The Sphinx. It’s an enormous piece of sculpture. When you stand beside it, it towers above you and it weighs about forty tonnes. The only problem with this African head is that it doesn’t come from Africa at all. It comes from the Gulf of Mexico. And indeed, was disinterred from the oldest archaeological strata in the Gulf of Mexico, in which it had been deliberately buried, at around 1300 or 1400 BC. We can say that it was buried then, because organic material found alongside it, has been carbon dated to that period.

But I suspect that the scholars may be making a mistake, when they attribute this so called Olmec head, the construction, the carving of the head, to that same period of say, 1400 BC. It’s a mistake in logic, to assume that the head dates from the same period as the organic material that was buried with it. It’s equally possible that it could have been a vastly ancient heirloom, a venerated treasure that was passed down over thousands of years, until the time when this mysterious Olmec civilisation was supposed to be the mother culture of central America, also venerated it and buried it. I am intrigued by the similarities of features between the face of The Sphinx and the face of this head.

And by the way, we know nothing at all about the Olmecs, not a single Olmec skeleton has ever been found. It’s just a name that is applied to them. They’re one of those mysterious high civilisations of antiquity, the origins of which are quite unknown. This also is an Olmec artefact, whoever the Olmecs were.

And again, just on this theme of light similarities, I’d like to draw attention to the headdress that the figure is wearing. And to compare it with this headdress from Egypt. This is a fifth dynasty statue found at Sakara and I’m intrigued by the similarity of the headdress, because we’re looking at cultures that are not supposed to have been in contact at all. Fifth dynasty, Egypt in 2300 BC and the Olmecs in 1400 BC or perhaps much earlier than that. So how do such similarities come about? Is it just a coincidence? Was there a contact between these two areas at that time or could we be looking at the influence of a remote third party civilisation?

Shaman Vll Pt ll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art 

Bushmal in the Yukata. This piece of sculpture and it’s associated with the Maya and as you can see, it’s a double feline figure, two Puma or leonine animals, back to back. Again, we find a very similar device in ancient Egyptian iconography. Two lions back to back. Often, joined at the hip, two lion sphinxes back to back as here on this stellar that stands between the paws of The Sphinx. They were called the Akaru (?), the gods of yesterday and today and this device of placing two felines back to back, again in my book, is too similar to the device found amongst the Maya, to be written off entirely as a coincidence. 

Here, we’re looking at a piece of architecture from the Inca area. What I want to draw attention to here is the way the block wraps around the corner. This is a supposedly Inca wall, north of Cusco (?) in Peru. And the blocks form a kind of L shape as they wrap around the corner. An unusual architectural device. We find exactly the same method of cornering in the valley temple that stands next door to The Great Sphinx of Giza. 

A method of joining two blocks of stone together. This photograph was taken at Tiwanaku in Bolivia, in the high Andes, and Tiwanaku is a very mysterious city and I’ll be touching on it in a few moments. What I want to draw attention to here is this imprint of a metal bar, which once joined these two blocks together. Of course, the metal bar has long been since removed, vandalised, melted down, but this particular form of architecture is not found anywhere else in the Americas but it is found in Egypt....Feli, here at Dendara in Upper Egypt. The same method of joining stone blocks together. 

And here we’re on the island of Suriki in Bolivia on Lake Titicaca. Looking at a traditional method of boat design. It’s one of the few places on Lake Titicaca where these boats are still built. These reed boats with high curving prows and according to local tradition, the design of these boats was brought to the Andes by ‘the gods’. By the Viracocha as they were called. Gods who were remembered as being tall and pale skinned and bearded. Who’d come from across the sea to south America in a time of turmoil and darkness after a great catastrophe. And who had brought with them, this kind of boat design and many many other skills, advanced skills of civilisation. 

I’d like to compare this high prowed boat with this design from ancient Egypt, the so called solar boat of Khufu, which was found buried beside the great pyramid of Egypt, off its southern face. It’s much bigger than the boats on the Andes but the design is eerily similar. And this design has been studied by marine experts and what they’ve concluded is rather interesting. They conclude that although the materials used both in the Egyptian boats and in the Andean boats are not suitable for sailing on the open seas. The design that is incorporated in these boats could only have been evolved by a people with a long and solid tradition of Oceanic navigation. People who needed boats that could cut through high waves and breakers and the suggestion is, could this design be a very ancient legacy that was passed down and received, both by the Egyptians and by the peoples of the Andes, and expressed in the kinds of boats that they made. 

In both areas, such boats are associated with the gods. They called their gods the Niteru and they said they come from a land, far away, a land called ---- across vast expanses of ocean, so whoever they have been, these gods above all else were navigators and seafarers, and navigators and seafarers need maps if they’re going to sail around the earth. 

Now this map is a modern map....equidistant projection, centred near Cairo, and in common with all modern maps, it incorporates a number of advanced features. It incorporates highly accurate longitudes, and particularly, relative longitudes. And it incorporates an advanced map projection. It isn’t easy to represent a spherical object, the earth, on a flat piece of paper, and to do so with a considerable degree of accuracy. And this is a problem that cartographers had to come to terms with. So we find good map projections which require advanced mathematics and good relative longitudes. 

Interestingly enough, there’s a category of ancient map, which also shows these modern features, which doesn’t fit with the received view of the development of human history. One of the most famous of these maps is the Piri Reis map, and I’m showing it here because I want to compare the projection of this map, with the projection here, centered on Cairo. Notice the west coast of Africa and the east coast of South America. And coming down here to the Antarctic peninsula, coming up to the south of South America. It’s that precise projection that we find on this 1513 map, again, there’s the west coast of Africa, the east coast of South America, and coming down here, we find a representation of the northern Antarctica peninsular. In 1513, when Piri Reis drew the map, Antarctica had not been discovered. In fact it wasn’t discovered until 1818 by our civilisation. So there, immediately, is one anomaly on this map. Another anomaly is the mathematics used in the map projection and the third anomaly is that it incorporates highly accurate longitudes. 

To do longitudes accurately on maps requires a chronometer, that will keep accurate time at sea, and again, this was something that our civilisation couldn’t do until the late 18th century. So this map, fragmentary as it is, appears to incorporate many features that are not supposed to have been known about in 1513. Piri Reis explains why in these texts that he wrote on the map. He was a Turkish admiral and he wrote these texts on the map and what they say is that the map is not his own work. It’s a work of synthesis. It’s based on more than 20 earlier source maps. That he put all these maps together and derived his own map from these. 

And unfortunately the source maps that Piri Reis used have not survived. Is it possible that the advanced features of this map originate in those lost source maps? Which Piri Reis told us, went back, in some cases to before the time of Christ and had come from the long lost library of Alexandria in Egypt. 

Another strange thing about the appearance of Antarctica on this map – it’s been studied by US Air Force cartographers and their view is that what we’re actually seeing there is the sub glacial topography of Antarctica. Antarctica as it looks underneath the ice that now covers it and this raises the question, how long has Antarctica been covered with a two mile thick ice cap? That we now presently see on it. Such questions would be irrelevant, if there were no other maps in this category. 

If the Piri Reis map stood alone, the most sensible thing would be to dismiss it as a coincidence, but it doesn’t stand alone. Hundreds of other maps have incorporated the same information....our civilisation had not yet acquired that information. 

.... Mercator projection, still dominates most atlases today. It’s a sixteenth century map and.....again, based on earlier, again also, The Orontius Finaeus map, that we’re looking at here. Another sixteenth century map, Mercator included in one of his atlases and here we see Antarctica looking a bit different, the mountains clearly visible along the coast and rivers running down from those mountains, in places where great glaciers are known to run today. 

It looks as though on this map, though, that Antarctica is partially de-glaciated, with the centre of the continent that appears to be featureless and ice covered, but the coast is showing these unglaciated features, what might that mean. This is a map by Philippe Guasch, an eighteenth century geographer, still a good hundred years before the discovery of Antarctica. And it shows the continent as a kind of ...two land masses divided by a clear waterway running between them. I wonder where he got that idea from. 

As a re-drawing of the Mercator map and the Orontius Finaeus map and the Guasch map and here to the right, based on seismic surveys conducted in...geophysical year in 1958 is a view of what Antarctica actually looks like. Underneath all that ice that now covers it. We’re looking at the sub glacial landscape of Antarctica here. And while I wouldn’t claim for a moment that the Guasch map is a perfectly accurate representation of the sub glacial topography of Antarctica, I think it’s much too close to the reality to be dismissed entirely. 

I think that much more research needs to be done into these anomalous early maps. And into the source maps that they rely upon for their information, because we may just be looking at the faint fingerprints of a lost civilisation, of a navigating, sea faring navigation, that explored and mapped the entire globe, long before what we call history began. 

The issue of the glaciations of Antarctica is a controversial one. Most scholars would say that it has been covered with ice in the form that we see it today for several millions of years. But there is some contradictory evidence. Deep sea cores, which bring up oils from the ocean bed, that suggest that rivers carrying fine grain sediments were indeed, running down the coastline of Antarctica, until about ten thousand years ago. Maybe, that’s the period we should be looking at. Maybe something happened in the world around then, that we don’t fully understand. And in my view, this whole mystery is intimately connected to the last mystery of the last ice age. And what an ice age is, and why the last ice age came suddenly and traumatically to an end. At around 12 or 14000 years ago. 

You have ice sheets, six million square miles of ice covering northern Europe, two miles thick, as far south as London. You have a similar mass of ice covering much of northern America, as far south as the Mississippi Delta, almost into the tropics. This ice is stable for a hundred thousand years and then almost suddenly, in the blink of an eye, it all melts. Within just a thousand or two thousand years, it’s all gone. Sea levels have gone up by four hundred feet around the world and hundreds of animal species have been rendered extinct. No complete explanation for why the last ice age came so suddenly and dramatically to an end has ever been offered by orthodox scholarship. 

There are clear correlations with astronomical events, including interestingly, The Precession of the Equinoxes, which I’ll be talking about later. Interestingly, because many of the ancient myths of global cataclysm, that I’ve analysed in, in Fingerprints of the Gods incorporate precise information on Precession. It’s almost as if they are trying to tell us, that there’s a connection between Precession and the ending of ice ages. And lo and behold, we’ve known for the last twenty years, that there is a connection between Precession and the end of ice ages. It’s a correlation. We don’t know what causes this ending of the ice age. I think that this is the period that should be looked at by scholars. 

This is the period that deserves much more detailed research than it’s had. A period in which something awful happened to the earth, something that brought about a dramatic, tumultuous change. A period in which the face of the earth was almost wiped clean. And a period in which it’s perfectly possible, perfectly reasonable to suppose that a high human civilisation could have been almost entirely obliterated. Leaving only a few survivors and only a few traces of itself for us to wonder at in later times. 

Well, there is the earth and that’s the extended north pole of the earth, pointing at the star Polaris in the constellation of Ursa Minor. That is our pole star in the present time. Because of the phenomenon of Precession, which causes the earth to wobble, very very slowly in a cycle of 25920 years, the pole star gradually changes. It will not always be Polaris and it has not always been Polaris, but it’s a very slow change, about one degree every 72 years, not noticeable in a human lifetime. It also affects the position of all the other stars in the star field. 

And if you can establish that a monument is aligned astronomically or incorporates astrological symbolism, it’s possible to use Precession to date that monument. And we think that the ancients who left their fingerprints around the world, used the phenomenon of Precession as a deliberate way of communicating information about themselves to the future, and I’ll be touching on that a little bit in this talk and Robert will be doing much more in the talk on Keeper of Genesis that he’ll be giving after me. 

This site, Machu Picchu in Peru, is an extraordinary piece of landscape gardening on a gigantic scale. It’s dated by orthodox archaeology to around five hundred years ago. It’s possible that it’s much older than that. I won’t go into the details here but astronomers have studied the alignments of some of the features of Machu Picchu and they’ve concluded that these were laid out thousands and thousands of years earlier, than the orthodox dating of the site. 

Another aspect that these sites have, in addition to intriguing astronomical alignments, is the use of enormous blocks of stone. We’re looking here at a wall in a place called Saxo Raman (?), near Cusco and the stone that I’m standing beside has been calculated to weigh 361 tonnes. In layman’s terms, that’s 500 Ford Sierra motor cars. It really beggars belief that this kind of work could have been done by a primitive people. To put together massive blocks of stone, weighing hundreds of tonnes each, to align them to the stars and to join them together in these curious jigsaw formations, requires amazing engineering and architectural skills, and I think that our historians and scholars tend to gloss over the implications of this much too easily. 

All around the world, there are monuments like these, undatable by any objective technique, because you can’t as I said earlier, carbon date, stone. Which bear the fingerprints of a high technology in remote antiquity. And if not a high technology, at any rate, a technology that we do not properly understand today. 

This is the Altiplano in Bolivia, in the high Andes and I’m showing this photograph, to show how sparsely populated the Altiplano is, how few people live there at an altitude of more than 12000 feet above sea level. It’s not the kind of terrain that can support large populations. Crops are grown, but they come out of the ground, stunted and the yield is extremely low. As a result, very few people live on the Altiplano today. And there’s a mystery in that, a problem in that, and it’s to do with the city of Tiwanaku, which stands on the Altiplano, at an altitude of 12500 feet above sea level. Here’s a bit of Tiwanaku, called the Pumapunku. And it consists of absolutely enormous blocks of stone. I mean they are just unimaginably large. 

This piece has been calculated to weigh 400 tonnes. And I can’t understand, I just don’t see it within orthodox historical explanation, how at this altitude above sea level, 12 and a half thousand feet, where you cannot grow crops to support a large population who could haul those large stones into place, and I don’t know if 400 tonne blocks could be hauled into place by anybody, how this could have been done at this altitude in this location. And why it was done. I think that the city of Tiwanaku is one of the most mysterious sites in the world. In a way, it’s The New World equivalent of Giza. It’s a site about which there are far more questions than answers, and a site about which the dating needs to be seriously re-examined. 

The dating of Tiwanaku by orthodox archaeologists has for a long time been set around 500 AD. Just about 1500 years ago. Although more recently, there are some archaeologists working in the area who have daringly set to push that date back, and there are a few who have stuck their neck out and said that Tiwanaku may go as far back as 2000 BC. The difference of opinion amongst the scholars in itself shows how little we know about this site. The conventional view, of 500 AD is based on the classical study by Professor Max Uhul (?) who’s always cited as the great authority on Tiwanaku. I was surprised to discover that his influential book on Tiwanaku had been written, without him ever having found the need to actually visit the site himself. Another scholar also worked on the site. Professor (Arthur) Posnansky from Lapaz University and he not only visited Tiwanaku, he lived there. He lived there for the best part of 50 years and he took very careful measurements of every aspect of the site. And he studied in particular, the astronomical alignment....

There’s another astrological phenomenon that can be used for dating monuments and called The Obliquity of the ecliptic (Earth's axial tilt). The axis of the earth is tilted and this tilt, though not many of us know it, changes very slowly like that...slow cycle of about 41000 years and the effect of the changing of obliquity is to cause the sunrise...the longest and shortest days of the year to change very slowly along the horizon. If you had established that certain structures were aligned to a solsticial rising of the sun, by a people who were normally extremely accurate in what they did, and if that alignment is out, it’s suggestive of an older date for the site. (Arthur) Posnansky, to howls of derision, from his fellow scholars, pointed out that the solsticial alignments of certain monuments in Tiwanaku were out. And when he – he calculated the times when those alignments would have been perfectly exact – he came to around 12000 years ago....and he suggested that Tiwanaku may be the oldest city in the world.....12000 or more years ago. Of course his view is not accepted. It is universally ridiculed by our scholars, and yet there are aspects of the Tiwanaku site, that strongly support the notion that that it is ancient. 

One of them is this monument, known as The Gateway of The Sun. All these names that are given to structures at Tiwanaku are entirely arbitrary because we know nothing about the people who built Tiwanaku. When the Spanish first arrived in the Andes, they asked the Incas, ‘did you build these monuments?’ And the Incas laughed. They said, ‘no way! We didn’t build these monuments. These monuments were built thousands of years ago by the gods’. Well, such ideas are considered to be whimsy by our scholars and yet they may not be whimsy. Let’s have a look on the reverse of The Gateway of The Sun. And what I want to draw attention to here, is this feature, this frieze that is carved on the reverse of The Gateway of The Sun and this particular aspect of it here. I don’t think I am hallucinating. I think I am looking at two large ears, a trunk, two eyes, and two tusks. In other words, I think I’m looking at the face of some sort of elephant. If I am looking at the face of some sort of elephant, then there’s a real problem with the dating of this site, because there have not been any elephant like creatures in The New World for a very long time. 

In fact, you have to go back to around 10000 BC, around 12000 years ago, to find a creature that fits that bill. And that creature. Here’s a biological reconstruction drawing of it, was called Cuvieronius. It was one of those great Ice Age mammals that became extinct suddenly and dramatically at the end of the last Ice Age. Could we be looking at a drawing, a carving of Cuvieronius done from life, long before history began. 

And here, another ancient piece of stone from Tiwanaku, very faded, very worn down, but let’s trace out this figure that appears on it. There’s the two hind legs, there’s the two front legs, the open mouth, the uplifted snout, the ears, the curved back and the tail of an apparently unidentifiable species of mammal. It doesn’t look like any animal that runs around in the Andes today. But it does look very like an extinct mammal and that mammal was called Toxodon. There’s a biological reconstruction of Toxodon. And Toxodon, like Cuvieronius, became extinct at around 12000 years ago. And prior to that, had been found plentifully in the area of Tiwanaku. With these kind of carvings, and the astronomical dating done by Posnanski, I think there’s a prima facae case of complete re-examination of what Tiwanaku might really be and how old it might be. And what it might mean. 

And there is other evidence that points in that direction as well. We’re looking at Lake Tititicaca here and one of those reed boats. And Lake Tititicaca today is 12 miles away and a hundred feet lower than Tiwanaku, and yet, even orthodox archaeologists agree that Tiwanaku was built originally as a port on the shores of Lake Tititicaca. There’s massive harbour constructions to be found at Tiwanaku and there’s really no doubt that it was built as a port, so the question is how long does it take a lake like Lake Tititicaca to recede in depth by a hundred feet and 12 miles away from the edge of the city of Tiwanaku. 

I discussed this problem with geologists from the british geological survey working in that area. Oddly enough, they didn’t know about Tiwanaku, but they did know about Lake Tititicaca. And they told me that that amount of recession, that particular lake would have taken at least ten thousand years, so another science geology, is quite ... to a far greater antiquity to the city of Tiwanaku that is accepted by our scholars today. 

Finally from Tiwanaku, I want to draw attention to this figure. It’s assumed to be, and probably is, an image of that legendary god, Viracocha, who came with his demi gods, the Viracochas, to south America, long long ago. Who’s remembered in all those myths. Again, it’s a very worn piece of stone, but the goatee beard of this figure, this rather extravagant goatee beard, is quite easy to make out. That’s how Virachocha is described in all the legends. A tall, pale skinned, bearded figure. And his description does not fit in any way, the description of the indigenous inhabitants of that region. Indeed, the description of these Viracochas and the memory of them, was so strongly held in south America, that when the Spanish, the Pizaro arrived to loot and rape and destroy the cultures, to wipe clean the memory banks of mankind in south America, to our loss, I may add, they were not initially opposed. It was assumed that they were the Viracochas, returning and because the Viracochas had been remembered as good people, bringers of civilisation, it was mistakenly assumed that these European pirates were also good people and we now know they were not and they have cost us dear in south America, leaving us only fragmentary evidence to go by. 

Precisely the same problem occurred in central America, in Mexico. There, there was also a memory of a tall, pale skinned bearded god, who was called Questo --- . He too, had come from across the sea, in a time of darkness, in a boat that moved by itself, without paddles. He too, was remembered as a civilisation bringer and associated with the ending of a great flood. And in central America, as in south America, the Spanish, in that case, under Cortez, were again, initially welcomed, because they were assumed to be Questo Coatal (?) and his demi gods, returning. This memory of pale, bearded figures who do not look like central American Indians, is reflected in many stone carvings that are found in the earliest archaeological strata of central America. I’ll just show you a few of those bearded faces. Here from Monte Albán and here, a bearded figure with obviously not central American Indian features from the Olmec area along the Gulf of Mexico. This figure would be dated to at least to 1300 BC and may, on the same reasoning as those Olmec heads, be much older than that. There’s another bearded figure, again, from Monte Albán, and it’s precisely in these same, ancient, archaeological strata, that we find these African heads. 

The presence of African individuals in the oldest strata in central America and of bearded Caucasian looking figures in the oldest strata of central America and the fact that they are together in the same strata, cannot be explained by the orthodox theory of history, which has Europeans and Africans arriving in central America at the time of Columbus, and not before. 

This figure is from Chichen Itza in the Yucatán. It’s of a god called Shakmur (?) and it’s associated with the grisly rights of sacrifice that were practised throughout much of central America. The plate that Shakmur (?) is holding across his belly was for the reception of freshly butchered human hearts and the sacrificial victim would have approached this gruesome figure at the set of stairs here, would have been marched behind him, placed on an alter and taken back there and ritually murdered. 

I could never come to terms with this memory of human sacrifice in central America. It seems so out of --- with the many beautiful, serene aspects of central American culture...had to find out why it savage in the sacrifice....the Aztecs would routinely sacrifice 8000 people every year. They believe that they were a chosen tribe with a Divine mission and that that mission was to prevent the end of the world. They believed that there had been four previous epochs of the earth, that they call the four previous suns and the last one, --- had been brought to an end by a tremendous, earth destroying, deluge, and the believed that we live in the fifth sun of the fifth epoch of the earth and that somehow, through a strange, distorted, reasoning, they felt that by offering up human blood and hearts to the sun, they might prevent or at any right, postpone this prophecied ending of the world in which we live. 

The practise of human sacrifice in central America was known as Pachi (?). And Pachi (?) means, to open the mouth. A high priest and four assistants participated in the ritual. A hard physical blow of course, was struck to the body of the sacrificial victim and it was believed that at the moment of death, his soul would rise directly to the heavens and become a star in the sky. Oddly enough, in ancient Egypt, Egypt of the Pharaohs, there was also a ceremony called ‘The Opening of the Mouth’. It was part of the funerary rituals of the Pharaoh. And it was conducted after his death, after his body had been mummified. A high priest and four assistants participated. A hard physical blow was struck to the mummified body of the Pharaoh and after the completion of ‘The Opening of the Mouth’ ceremony, it was believed that the soul of the Pharaoh, would rise directly to the heavens and become a star in the sky. 

Are we looking at just another amazing coincidence here? Or is it possible that an explanation for these eerie similarities can be found in the notion of a remote, third party ancestral civilisation, which influenced both Egypt and its ideas and central America and its ideas. Which passed down a common legacy to both places, a legacy that was perhaps used very differently in both of those places, but which still retained through thousands of years certain common features, particularly this notion of the opening of the mouth and the stellar destiny of the soul. 

The Maya who built this monument, this is the pyramid of ----- or Kukukan, as he was known in Yucatán in Chichen Itza, were an astonishing civilisation and perhaps their greatest achievement or it’s thought until recently, to have been their greatest achievement was their calendar system. The Mayan Calendar. We know now that the Olmecs, those mysterious predecessors of the Maya used precisely the same calendar. So it’s clear that the Maya inherited it from the Olmecs and is it possible that the Olmecs inherited it from an even earlier and higher civilisation? Long lost to history. This is a calendar that incorporates a more accurate length of the solar year than we use in our Gregorian calendar today. It’s based on precise and extremely careful, long term astronomical observation of the heavens, of the heavens, observations that that focus amongst other things on the Synodic return of the planet Venus. And measured that extremely precisely. It’s the work of master astronomers. It’s this calendar, the Olmec or Mayan calendar, which most thoroughly enshrines the notion of recurrent destructions of the earth. That we live in great cycles and that each cycle will sooner or later, come to an end. And end the world in which we live. 

And like the Aztecs, the Maya people --- and that we still live in the fifth epoch. The fifth sun. But unlike the Aztecs, the Maya through their calendar, were able to calculate exactly when the fifth epoch of the earth would come to an end. When we translate their calendar into our calendar, we find that they are telling us that all civilisation will be ended by a great movement of the earth on the 23rd December, 2012 AD. 

I promise that I’m not running up and down Oxford Street in a sandwich board, crying that the end of the world is nigh. I still hope that the end of the world is not nigh. I would like my children and all our children to have a bright and happy future, in this garden of experience that we call the earth. And the opportunity to learn and to grow and face challenges just as we have all done. 

Shaman Vlll Pt ll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art 

But I don’t think that we should write off the warnings that have come down to us from the past, as though they certainly have no meaning. Because these warnings have come down to us from wise people. People, whose origins we really do not understand, and I’d just like to mention in passing, that all of these warnings also say something else. They say that the destruction of the world is not entirely an act of God or nature. In some mysterious manner, we ourselves are always involved in it. We ourselves, through our actions, through our cruelty, through our materialism, play a role in the destruction of our environment. 

And when I look around the world today, at the force of evil that is rampant in the world, the destruction, the murder, the murder of children, the cruelty, the awful things that human beings do to each other, using one another as though they are just objects, I can’t help getting an eerie shiver of apprehension at that Mayan prophecy, that the end of our civilisation may indeed come before too long. Maybe it’s not too late, maybe we can do something about it, maybe we can wake up to the spiritual desert that we’ve created on this planet and look to who and what we really are, and if we’re going to do that, I’m convinced that we have to go back to the ancient wisdom and listen to the voices of the past and listen to that accumulated experience and knowledge of mankind that we so blithely write off, just because we imagine that we are the apex and pinnacle of creation. If civilisations rise and fall, mankind has climbed more than once to the pinnacle that we’ve reached today. And all of this is entirely, entirely possible. 

The people who made this monument had an amazing knowledge of astronomy, because this monument is what’s called an equinoxial marker. Every year on the spring equinox, the figure of a gigantic feathered serpent is seen to undulate up and down this stairway, for a little bit over three hours. It’s an illusion of light and shadow. But it’s a trick that is achieved by the precise geodetic positioning of this monument. These are a people who had observed the heavens very very closely and had a science of positioning monuments on the ground, so that they would signal particular moments of the year. No mean feat and not something we should regard as the work of primitives. 

We’re looking at the great city of Teotihuacan in Mexico, just thirty five miles from Mexico City airport. Richard Hogland (?) in his talk, earlier on, referred repeatedly to the importance of latitude 19.5 degrees north. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that Teotihuacan stands on latitude 19.5 degrees north. It’s an extraordinary and mysterious place. Very little is known about it. It’s thought to be about 2000 years old. It was already vastly ancient when the Aztecs came across it, overgrown and in ruins. And they, attaching to a thread of ancient tradition, gave it the name, Teotihuacan. And Teotihuacan means ‘the place, where men became gods’. 

Somehow, there’s a suggestion that these pyramids, The Pyramid of The Sun here and The Pyramid of The Moon, as they are arbitrarily called, were connected or involved in a process that led to the spiritualisation of human beings. 

And hold that thought, because precisely the same idea is connected to the pyramids of Egypt. Far off Egypt. Mexican tourists looking down the so called, Way of The Dead, from The Pyramid of The Moon at Teotihuacan. The Way of The Dead has recently been researched by Archaeo – astronomers, and they’ve concluded that it’s a terrestrial diagram of The Milky Way. The Milky Way on the ground. Also, interestingly, because in the ancient Egyptian system of ideas, as Robert will be explaining in much more detail later, The River Nile was seen as the terrestrial counterpart of The Milky Way. The winding water way in the sky. 

And the closer look at The Pyramid of The Sun. It’s base is almost identical in length to the base of The Great Pyramid of Egypt, but it’s height is a little bit shorter. But both monuments have a number of things in common, in addition to their pyramidial shape. And what they have most in common is the mathematical value, Pi. Pi is a little bit over 3.14 and it’s the formula that we need to use, in order to calculate the circumference of any circle or sphere from its radius. We know the radius of a circle. All we have to do is multiply it by two Pi and we’ll get a precise print out of the circumference. 

In this case, if you take the height of The Pyramid of The Sun, and multiply it by four Pi, you get an exact printout of the perimeter of the base. Which is odd, because the central American peoples are not supposed to have had any knowledge of such --- mathematical --- as Pi. ------ yet Pi (oh, how fascinating, just as Graham Hancock enters scientific proof, the audio of this youtube version of his lecture just happens to lose sound. I will find the information in his written work of course, but oh, how fascinating and convenient) ---- one of the many functions of this monument was to serve as a mathematical scale model of the northern hemisphere of the earth. 

And the reason that we think that, is the scale used. This monument, to use one of Richard Hogan’s phrases, KNOWS WHERE IT IS ON THE PLANET, KNOWS WHAT IT IS. I’ll try and explain why. 

(oh, and here we go again, the mysterious and sudden loss of sound) --- the earth’s orbit around the sun, which astronomers call the ecliptic --- 12 constellations, 12 constellations of the zodiac. Because of this phenomenon of Precession, the background constellation against which the sun is seen to rise at dawn --- slightly earlier. It’s a difference of one degree every 72 years. The effect of this is, that the ruling astronomical sign, the ruling constellation of the zodiac houses the sun on the spring equinox --- and it takes 2160 years exactly for the sun to pass entirely through one sign of the zodiac. That’s what the old song is, living in the dawn of the age of aquarius ---- 2160 and you multiply it by 20, you get ----. We think that it was very deliberate ---- because their mathematical model of the earth was keyed in to the earth itself by the scale used. Keyed in to the characteristic signature of the earth. The rate of Precession of its axis. 43200 being connected mathematically to the rate of Precession. 

The intention was that in a future time, an astronomically literate civilisation would be able to work out the CLEVERNESS that went into the design of this monument. What those ancient pyramid builders could not reckon with, was that the site would be monopolised for 150 years by a group of INTELLECTUAL BARBARIANS, called Egyptologists.  Who cannot accept under any circumstances that any intelligent behaviour of this sort could have been connected to the last surviving wonder of the ancient world. I’m standing on top of the great pyramid here and that means I’m standing on latitude 30. The Great Pyramid stands precisely one third of the way between the Equator and the North Pole. Egyptologists know this but again, they regard it as an accident. So many accidents are called for by their theory of history but I think it’s seriously time we question that theory and stop blindly accepting it. 

This monument weighs six million tonnes. Six million tonnes and its sides are perfectly orientated to the cardinal directions. The north face of The Great Pyramid faces directly towards the north pole of the earth. The deviation is just three sixtieths of a single degree. By the way, the deviation of the Meridian building, the Greenwich Observatory in London is nine sixtieths of a degree. This monument is more precisely aligned to true north, than the Greenwich Observatory in London. This monument is the work of master astronomers and master engineers and master surveyors, the work of brilliance and genius, a work that we should all stand before in awe, not with any certainties but with open minds and open hearts. Above all else, Giza is a sacred place. It’s a place of mystery and magic, a place that works on the imagination. A place that generates questions to those who do approach it with humility and with an open mind. 

We’re looking a cross section of The Great Pyramid here, along its Meridian axis, north to south. And as you can see, it’s plentifully equipped with shafts and chambers and galleries and narrow corridors. All of these features are engineering marvels. To create this sort of internal structure, in a monument on that scale, is an unbelievably difficult task. Let’s take a quick tour around The Great Pyramid. We’ll start by going down the descending corridor and then I’ll take you to The Queen’s Chamber and The Grand Gallery and finally, The King’s Chamber. But before I do so, I just want to mention a little bit about these four shafts. The southern shaft of the so called Queen’s Chamber was found in 1933, to have a little door at the end of it. The shaft is eight inches wide and eight inches high and was explored with a high tech robot camera in 1983, and as soon as that door was discovered, the search into the shaft was stopped in a most sinister and extraordinary manner. And at the end of our presentations, Robert and I will be presenting to you the latest information for what is happening concerning that door, and also concerning the chamber beneath The Great Sphinx of Egypt. 

Very disturbing things indeed are happening at Giza today and we want to tell you about this but we’ll come to that later. Let’s take a quick look around The Great Pyramid now. We’ll start by going down the descending corridor. The descending corridor is perfectly straight. In fact, it doesn’t vary a quarter of an inch. It’s entirely straight along its entire 50 foot length. It’s three feet, five inches high and three feet, five inches wide. And at the bottom of it, we find the subterranean chamber. So called. Now, Egyptologists have a theory about this chamber and everything is theory where The Great Pyramid is concerned, because the monument is un ---. There’s nothing really in it which tells us what the chambers are for. It’s all theory. The Egyptological theory about this subterranean chamber is based on its unfinished appearance. These fins of rock that we find at the western end and the generally rough look of it. 

What they want us to believe is that after quarrying out more than two thousand tonnes of rock, from that perfectly straight, descending corridor, and painstakingly removing them from the bedrock under The Great Pyramid, and after having finally got down here, more than a hundred feet below the base of The Great Pyramid. And having started to carve out this chamber from the bedrock, those whimsical ancient Egyptians at the last minute just changed their minds and decided to go no further, because the Egyptological theory is that this was originally intended to be the burial chamber of Khufu, the Pharaoh who they THINK the pyramid was built for. 

So those ancient Egyptian builders, after doing all that incredibly precise work, well they just changed their minds and they decided to stick the body of the Pharaoh somewhere else in The Great Pyramid. Actually the body of the Pharaoh has never been found in The Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid was found to be completely empty when it was first opened by the Arabs in the ninth century. And we think that this unfinished burial chamber routine, excuse me, is a load of bollocks. It’s just absolute nonsense. 

These people knew exactly what they were doing. Everything they did had a purpose. You stand down in The Subterranean Chamber, you can hear somebody sing in The King’s Chamber, 250 feet above you, through all that mass of solid rock. The acoustic effects of this monument are extraordinary. 

And one thing that our friend, John Anthony West has suggested and I think it’s a damn sight better than the theory of Egyptologists, is that what they were actually doing with this chamber was TUNING the pyramid. That they were tuning its acoustic effects. And when they had extracted precisely the right amount of rock, from under the pyramid, to hit PRECISELY the right note that they wanted, that’s when they stopped. That’s why it looks unfinished. It’s not unfinished at all. It was fulfilling a plan, a function and everything about this site is planned. As Robert will be discussing in more detail when he comes to discuss our book, Keeper of Genesis. 

This is the so called Queen’s Chamber. We have to use these phrases, so called, because all these attributions are arbitrary in this anonymous monument. And there, in the southern wall of The Queen’s Chamber, that dark path is the opening to the southern shaft. And it was into that dark place, that that little robot was inserted in 1983, and after a journey of 200 feet, it reached that mysterious door that we will be talking about later. 

From The Queen’s Chamber, we find ourselves in The Grand Gallery. It’s a 153 feet long and 20 feet high. It’s a corbel vault, each level of stone is laid a little bit closer to the central line than the layer beneath it. And it bears around it, millions of tonnes of pyramid. Remember that this is a monument that’s at least 4 and a half thousand years old. I’m sure quite a few people in this room have been inside it. And have walked up that grand gallery. It can be a little bit claustrophic but one thing you’re sure of, when you’re in there. You’re safe. 

It’s like modern, ‘gehry’ building, where buildings fall down after 30 years. This is a work of architectural grandeur on an amazing scale, of architectural brilliance, to create a monument on this size and scale with a wonderful gallery in the heart of it, in the midst of an earthquake zone. There was a very bad earthquake there in 1992. It didn’t touch The Great Pyramid at all. It caused massive disasters in Cairo but the pyramids were unhurt by it. So again, we’re looking at the works of geniuses, when we look at architecture like this. 

We come to the top of The Grand Gallery and you find yourself in the SO CALLED Kings Chamber, where Egyptologists assume on no evidence, that the body of Khufu, that fourth dynasty Pharaoh was buried. 

We have to allow this chamber to speak for itself. And the way that it speaks is through the language of mathematics. It’s a perfect 2 x 4 rectangle for example. It’s 34 feet, four inches in length and 17 feet, two inches in width. The half diagonal of the floor is equivalent directly, to the height of the chamber. So it’s a sort of mathematical symphony in stone. And the stone used by the way is granite. Which is interesting, because there is no granite in the area of The Giza Pyramids. The pyramid, the main body of the pyramid is made of local limestone, but the granite came from far away. 

The nearest granite is 500 miles to the south and this pink granite came from Aswan in Upper Egypt. There are precisely one hundred blocks making up the wall of The Kings Chamber. And some of those tonnes weigh as much as 70 tonnes each. Brought 500 miles from the south and then raised 250 feet above the ground. 

Supposedly by technological primitives. Does it make sense? I don’t think it makes sense. Again, we’re looking at a work of genius here. 

Now then, there I am in the supposed sarcophagus of Khufu. I mean no irreverence to Khufu, but I don’t think he was ever buried in this supposed sarcophagus. I don’t think it’s a sarcophagus at all. Robert and I have studied the meaning and the purpose of the pyramids in great depth, in our new book, Keeper of Genesis and we think – and there’s a great deal of evidence for it and whatever else they were, these monuments were used by many Pharaohs in an amazing initiation ceremony that cultivated the power of knowledge in their minds and the spiritual dimension of their lives and everything suggests that this plane --- box at the western end of the anonymous chamber, high up in the body of The Great Pyramid, was the culminating point of this initiation ceremony, when the Pharaoh sought in his mind to go beyond death, to reach out for the life of millions of years that are spoken of in the ancient Egyptian texts. 

What I actually want to draw attention to here, is the WAY that this box was made. Granite is a very hard stone as many of us are aware. And anybody who’s ever worked stone will know that you cannot cut granite with proper tools. And the ancient Egyptians of the Pyramid age are supposed to have just become familiar with copper. More interestingly than that, it’s become clear that this box and many other granite artefacts like it were not made by using abrasive drills but by using abrasion sand to gradually wear away the granite. 

They were made with tubular drills. A drill in the form of a tube which cut down into the granite and then the drill core was knocked out with a hammer and then another tubular drill was brought down inside it and another drill core was created and then that was knocked out. And so on and so forth. The first real study of this was done by a great Egyptologist, --- Petry (?). At the turn of the century. And he found many granite drill cores lying around Giza and at other sites in Egypt and he did a close examination of these drill cores. You can learn a lot from a drill core. Because the tooth marks of the drill are still embedded in it. 

And what he learnt, really disturbed him. Because this was a man with a very orthodox conclusions about the origin and nature of the Egyptian civilisation. And yet he couldn’t explain this. When he analysed those cut marks in the drill cores, he found that these tubular drills had been descending into the granite with a pressure of more than two tonnes being applied to them from above. 

Now, how do you do that with copper into granite? How do you apply a two tonne pressure without the whole mechanism buckling and failing to do the job? It just can’t be explained in the orthodox view of history. 

A colleague of ours, Chris Dunn, who’s a machine tool maker from ---- in the United States has been re-examining these drill cores quite recently and he’s come to an astounding conclusion which I’ll simply report to you without going further than that. His analysis of the cut marks suggest that whatever drills these people were using, were cutting into the granite, five hundred times faster than modern power drills. I prefer the opinion of a machine tool maker to the opinion of an Egyptologist when it comes to drilling matters and I think that Chris Dunn’s views on this deserve further consideration. 

This is the so called Burial Chamber of Menkara, the third of the supposed three Pharaohs who built the three great pyramids of Giza. The Pyramid of Menkara is the smallest of the three great pyramids, although it’s still well over two hundred feet tall. 

If we are to follow Egyptological logic, then we must conclude that this chamber was built by a certain B Wilson. That this is not The Pyramid of Menkara, it’s the pyramid of B Wilson. And the reason we have to conclude that is because they apply that logic to the single piece of writing that was found inside The Great Pyramid of Egypt. Above The King’s Chamber, there are four so called, ---- chambers and in those, some graffiti was found. Very crudely daubed graffiti. And some of that graffiti bears the name Khufu. And also another name, Khnum-Khufu...drowning men leaping at straws, Egyptologists have concluded that because that graffiti is there, it means that The Great Pyramid was built by Khufu. 

I don’t think that a little piece of graffiti in a chamber hidden away inside The Great Pyramid is a very solid piece of evidence to attribute such an important monument to a particular Pharaoh. As a matter of fact, those graffiti may well have been a forgery. 

But even if they aren’t forgeries, it’s just not enough for us to attribute the monument to Khufu on the basis of such slim evidence. Where B Wilson wrote his name, we see a curved roof. It’s a sort of barrel vault and these are granite blocks that form the ceiling and they were hollowed out from underneath. It doesn’t look very prepossessing but when you get above it, you begin to realise the construction problems that were involved in making this roof. There I am on the top end of those ceiling beams. This is how they look above, and I want to make clear that there’s no way that these blocks were lowered down from above, because this is an entirely subterranean chamber. And the only way it can be reached is through a long corridor system that finally culminates in the chamber. So all these blocks were brought in through that long corridor system. 

They weigh 20 tonnes each. And as you can see, there’s hardly room for me to crouch in the area where they’ve been placed. There just isn’t room to position blocks of that size and weight, in the way that we see them there. So again, like it or not, we’re looking at the evidence of a building technology that we don’t understand. And quite often, when we go to Giza, we pass over, pass by things like this, without realising what they really mean. 

We’re looking down on The Great Sphinx of Egypt from the side of The Great Pyramid. The Great Sphinx as Robert will explain, faces perfectly due east. It’s orientated precisely to due east. And it was made by cutting it out of solid bedrock. It’s 240 feet long and 70 feet high and it was carved out of solid bedrock. The core body was isolated by removing this trench of rock around it and those rocks that were cut away from the core body and then sawn up into blocks  and those blocks were erected in front of The Sphinx in these two so called temples. The Valley Temple and The Sphinx Temple. 

They’re also entirely anonymous monuments, like The Sphinx and actually, to be honest, we don’t really know what their function is. But the interesting thing is the size of the blocks used in making those structures. We’re looking at a side view of the valley temple here and you can see the problem. These blocks of stone weigh two hundred tonnes each. And there’s hundreds of them. And they were put into position at the same time that The Sphinx was made. I’ll be briefly outlining later on, the geological evidence that indicates that The Sphinx is maybe at least 12000 years old. 

Since we know this temple was made at the same time as The Sphinx, if it is 12000 years old, and the astronomical evidence that Robert will be covering, also corroborates that, it means that 12000 years ago, there were people on this planet who had the ability to lift and manipulate 200 tonne blocks of stone. 

And this is a serious problem for the orthodox view of history because 12000 years ago, we were supposed to have been in an extremely primitive stage, living in caves. 

There’s one other place in Egypt where you find these bare, stone, anonymous monuments, using vast blocks, very similar to the valley temples. And this is the Osirion in Upper Egypt, near Abydos. It lies at a level, 50 feet below surrounding temples, but because there is a temple of Seti l nearby, albeit 50 feet above it, archaeologists have deduced with their characteristic brilliance that this amazing structure must have been made by Seti l. There’s no evidence for that. On the contrary, all the evidence suggests that it belongs to the same category of architecture as those mysterious temples at Giza. And that it may be as old as they are. That we may be looking at a 12000 year old monument here. 

And that’s why it’s interesting that it was always called The Osirion. It was associated with Osiris. With the high god, Osiris, who the ancient Egyptians remembered as having come to their country in a remote period that they called Zep Tepi, ‘The First Time’ thousands of years before history began. Bringing the gifts of civilisation with him. There are many images of Osiris in Egypt. Here’s one that’s actually carved in that Seti structure I just talked about. As you can see, he’s a conspicuously bearded figure. In fact, Osiris and the symbolism of Osiris has much in common – and I’ve gone into this in depth in Fingerprints of The Gods, with the --- of Viracocha. And of Questa Coatal (?). My bet is with all these figures, we’re looking at memories of the survivors of a great lost civilisation who settled in various parts of the world and whose mission was to keep the light of their knowledge burning, and to find a way over Millennia of barbarism to pass that knowledge down to the future, perhaps even to our own time, perhaps even to us today. 

As I said, Osiris was remembered by the ancient Egyptians as having come in The First Time, long before history began. You talk to Egyptologists about Egyptian history and they will tell you that they know far more , far far more about the history of Egypt than the ancient Egyptians did themselves. This arrogant statement has been made in print by several Egyptologists and yet the Egyptological chronology of ancient Egypt is based entirely on ancient Egyptian records. Records such as these. This is the King list, of Pharaoh Seti l at Abydos and he is showing his young son, Rameses ll a list of all the kings of Egypt who ruled before their time, together with the lengths of their reigns. 

And the notion that we have of 30 dynasties of Egyptian Pharaohs is based on this King list and on other King lists like these. On the opposite wall of the same temple is another list which again, is matched by many other lists, the ancient Egyptians passed down. And this is a list of a mysterious group of beings called the Shemsu Hor. The Followers of Horus. Who were believed by the ancient Egyptians to have ruled in Egypt for thousands of years before the first pharaoh of the First Dynasty took the throne. The followers of Horus who retained a memory of the Divine origins of their civilisation. Whose mission was to pass that memory down to the future and who were attributed by the ancient Egyptians themselves as The Guardians of The Wisdom Legacy that ancient Egypt inherited. 

These references to The First Time, The Followers of Horus, to this remote pre-historic period when the gods came to Egypt, I found again and again the oldest scriptures of mankind, carved on the walls here of a Fifth Dynasty period, the period of ---. These are called The Pyramid Texts and they were compiled roughly, in the epoch of 2500 to 2300 BC. They contain repeated references to this mysterious period, The First Time and I’ll leave it to Robert in his talk, Bookeeper of Genesis, to really bring out what The First Time means. 

It’s difficult to see in this light on the ceiling of this chamber, there are hundreds of stars, The Pyramid texts are full of references to the stars and the heavens, very precise and very specific references. What we think is that astronomy can be used to arrive at a precise date for The First Time, as Robert will be showing you. Astronomy, relating to these monuments at this profoundly astronomically aligned site. This photograph was taken at the winter solstice, with the sun overhead The Pyramid of Menkarah. 

And just a little bit on the Sphinx. When we say the word Sphinx, we’re actually speaking the ancient Egyptian language. Because Sphinx is a corruption through Greek of the ancient Egyptian phrase, shashap ank (?). And that phrase means ‘living image’. But the question is whose living image, does the Sphinx represent? Egyptologists THINK they know the answer to this question. And their theory about who The Sphinx represents and about the age of The Sphinx, their opinion on this matter is falsely presented as fact in all our text books. And all our Encyclopaedias. You look up The Sphinx of Egypt on The Encyclopaedia Britannica or any other text of that nature, and you’ll be told without any question mark over the matter, that it was built by The Pharaoh Khafre in his own image in around 2500 BC. And yet The Great Sphinx like The Pyramids, is an entirely anonymous monument. Since it’s carved from raw stone, we have NO objective way of dating it. 

What we’re dealing with, with that attribution to Khafre, is purely and simply, Egyptological OPINION. And as Robert and I have gone on with our work, into Giza and into the monuments of Giza, we have come to trust Egyptological opinion on these matters, less and less. In fact, we don’t think that the Egyptological opinion on these matters is right at all. We think that the Egyptologists have got it totally and utterly wrong. Perhaps you agree with us, perhaps you don’t. But one thing is for sure. It’s very bad scholarship that the OPINION of scholars should be presented as FACT. When it isn’t fact. Let’s see what the Egyptological opinion about the identification of The Sphinx really rests on. One thing it rests on is the face of The Sphinx. 

Egyptologists tell us that this anonymous monument LOOKS like Khafre. And they say that because there are a few statues of Khafre that have survived, which actually have Khafre’s name on them. And so, they compare the face of The Sphinx with a known statue of Khafre. Like this one, which is in the Cairo Museum. And they tell us that the two faces are identical. Well, we don’t see it that way. We don’t think the faces look similar at all. We think they look very different, but don’t take our word for it. And don’t take the word of Egyptologists for it. The person who really is an authority on faces is somebody like a police forensic artist, somebody who’s made a lifetime study of the similarities and differences between faces. And back in the early 1990s, colleagues of ours led by John Anthony West brought a police forensic artist --- Frank Damingo (?) of the New York Police Department, with 20 years on the force and he did a very important point by point, identity comparison of the face of The Sphinx and the face of Khafre and here are some of his drawings. What he concluded is that he just couldn’t understand why Egyptologists had the impression that The Sphinx looked like Khafre. He saw no resemblance between the two faces at all, and when he compared key angles of the faces, he concluded, he swore an affidavit to this effect, that whoever The Great Sphinx’s face represents, it CERTAINLY does not represent the face of Khafre. The angles of the face are completely different and he in fact, concluded that The Great Sphinx represented an entirely difference RACE from Khafre. 

Okay, so that dismisses the facial similarity of view that Egyptologists wish to foist on us. What else do they base their attribution of The Sphinx to Khafre on? They tell us that there are certain texts around Giza which say that The Sphinx was built by Khafre. Let’s look briefly into this issue. To start with a text that was found at Giza, which says very definitely that The Sphinx was NOT built by Khafre. This is the so called Inventory Stella which stands, neglected, in a corner of the Cairo Museum today. According to Egyptologists, The Inventory Stella is a work of fiction. It’s an ancient Egyptian ‘novel’, which we have to ignore and why do we have to ignore it? The reason we have to ignore it is because it doesn’t fit their theory. 

The Inventory Stella tells us that The Sphinx was already standing and already remotely ancient when Khufu, the predecessor of Khafre, came to the throne. And if The Inventory Stella is correct, then the Egyptologists must be wrong and Khafre could not have built The Sphinx. But, say the Egyptologists, the Inventory Stella doesn’t date from the same period as The Sphinx. And this is true. The Inventory Stella dates from about 1200 years after the orthodox dating for The Sphinx. The orthodox dating for The Sphinx is 2500 BC and this Stella belongs to the period of 1200 BC or perhaps a little bit later. They say, that since it’s not contemporary with The Sphinx, we don’t need to pay attention to it. 

But yet, with that amazing – standard, for which Egyptologists are the world leaders, they base their attribution of The Sphinx to Khafre on another piece of text, which also is not contemporary with The Sphinx and which in fact, dates from the same period as the Inventory Stella. 

They base the attribution of The Sphinx to Khafre on this stella which is called The Dream Stella and it was put up by Pharaoh Moses lV to commemorate a restoration campaign that he undertook on The Sphinx. And on this stella, among many other very interesting texts, which Robert will review, there is one single syllable. Khaf. And because of that single syllable, and NOTHING ELSE, the monument is attributed to Khafre by Egyptologists. They wish us to believe that Moses was telling us that Khafre had built The Sphinx. That he was commemorating the building of The Sphinx by Khafre. He might equally well have been telling us that Khafre was an earlier restorer of The Sphinx. Or he might not have been referring to Khafre at all. Because it’s just a single syllable Khaf. 

So, on such flimsy foundations, perhaps the most important monument of the ancient world has been attributed for the last century or so, to a particular Pharaoh in a particular epoch. We think that it’s vastly older, older, than that. 

And I’m not going to go into the details of that. Robert will give all the details on his talk on Keeper of Genesis. But what I will briefly mention is the geology. Between 1991 and 1993, The Sphinx was studied by Professor Robert Shock of Boston University, a leading geologist and one of the world’s most recognised specialists in the weathering of limestone. And he was brought to the site by our colleague John Anthony West, who had noticed these curious, erosional features on the side of The Sphinx. And particularly prominently on the trench of bedrock out of which The Spinx is cut, obviously it was made at the same time as The Spinx. 

This undulating profile , scalloped, undulating profile and the vertical fishers (?) that run down through the rock, could not have been caused by sand erosion, they could not have been caused by wind erosion. They could only have been caused by one thing. And that is exposure to a very very very long period of heavy rainfall. 

And Professor Robert Shock has put his reputation on the line and he’s subsequently been endorsed in this matter by hundreds of fellow geologists, and opposed by very few, when he says that what we’re looking at on The Sphinx – these by the way are later restoration blocks – what we’re looking at on The Sphinx and on the surrounding trench, is classic, precipitation induced weathering. 

The problem is that in 2500 BC, when The Sphinx is supposed to have been built, Egypt was as bone dry as it is today. The climate conditions did not exist then and they have not existed since, to cause this kind of weathering around The Sphinx. The last time that sufficient rains fell in the Eastern Sahara, to have caused such weathering, when The Sahara Desert was still green, was AROUND THE END OF THE LAST ICE AGE. 

Focusing us back again towards that period, that mysterious period when The Ice Age came suddenly to an end. Around 12000 years ago. 

Sooner or later, as you go around the world, as I did, looking at these sites, at the myths, at the monuments, at the memories that have been passed down, at the fingerprints of what becomes more and more real as a great, lost civilisation, you have to begin to ask yourself, if I’m finding the fingerprints, where is the body? Where is rest of this civilisation? Why do we find so little? 

And I’m convinced that the answer to this question lies in the cataclysm that brought The last Ice Age to an end. And as I said earlier, the ending of The last Ice Age is an enormous geological mystery and we do not really understand what brought it to an end. But when you have millions of square miles of two mile thick ice, melting in just a couple of thousand years, you are by definition, looking at a cataclysm. 

We live on a planet, that revolves around a star. In fact, the earth is revolving around the sun at 66,600 miles per hour. Which means that we’ve travelled well over 70,000 miles tonight, while I’ve been talking. 

If you stand on the equator of the earth, you’re spinning with the rotation of the earth at a thousand miles per hour. And our planet is subjected to the gravitational pull of the moon that circles around it, and of neighbouring planets in the solar system and of the sun itself. 

With all this massive rotational, centrifugal activity, once you become conscious of it, you begin to realise how fragile our environment may really be. And back in the 1950s, a radical theory was proposed to explain the end of the last Ice Age. By Professor Charles Hapgood in the United States. And Hapgood’s theory of earth crust displacement was endorsed fully at the time as to its physics by Albert Einstein. The theory has never been accepted by orthodox geologists and I’m not sure if its right but I think it’s worth consideration. 

Broadly, what Hapgood and Einstein were arguing, is that from time to time, the entire outer crust of the earth can move, shift in one piece around the body of the earth. And when this happens, land that is in cold parts of the planet, close to one or other of the poles, and thus, naturally covered by ice, is moved cataclysmically into warmer parts of the planet and thus, naturally melts. Very, very rapidly and at the same time, land that’s in warm parts of the planet, is shifted into colder parts of the planet. And as I said earlier on, the work on earth crust displacement that Hapgood and Einstein did has subsequently been refined in a very interesting manner. By Rand & Rose Flem-Ath in Canada, whose book, When The Sky Fell, I would urge everyone  to read, because it’s the most detailed analysis of the earth crust displacement theory. 

What this theory offers is an explanation for the sudden ending of The Ice Age. Broadly speaking, it happened, Einstein said, because of the asymmetric distribution of ice around the poles. The massive build up of ice at the poles and all these spinning rotational forces. Sooner or later, a trigger moment is reached and the Precessional wobble of the earth comes into it which causes all that asymmetrical deposited ice, that massive weight device, to exert sufficient thrust of the earth to set the whole crust in motion. 

And such an idea does explain how we lose a whole civilisation. Indeed, how we lose a whole continent, on which such a civilisation might have grown up. Because, according to the earth crust displacement theory, the continent of Antarctica, which features in all those ancient maps, was not 17000 years ago, where it is today. Prior to the displacement of the crust, it was much further north and the Antarctic peninsular would have been entirely de-glaciated and would have offered a comfortable environment for a high civilisation to grow up. 

Then the shifting of the crust brings the so called Ice Age to an end, moves Antarctica, dead centre onto the Antarctic circle and gradually the ice begins to build up over that continent, burying the remains, the body of that great lost civilisation. 

As I say, I don’t know if the earth crust displacement theory is correct. All I do know is that something awful happened to the earth at the end of the last Ice Age. Maybe it isn’t earth crust displacement, maybe it’s some kind of more radical pole flip, which involves the whole earth moving. Maybe it’s something to do with our cosmic environment. Recent evidence has come out of a giant comet striking the earth at around that period, at around the 10th Millennium BC. And such a comet, scientists are now seriously arguing, may have been at the root of the world wide traditions of deluge and disaster that I review in Fingerprints of The Gods. 

And if we’re not all busy exploring Australia for £599.00, many of us might have been aware that an enormous meteor recently whizzed by the earth at a very close range. Such a meteor, were it to strike our planet, would have the capacity to set in motion a nucleur winter. To end civilisation as we know it. To force us all to begin again. Those of us who survived. 

The earliest surviving mention of The Lost Continent of Atlantis was passed down to us by the Greek Philosopher, Plato. And Plato got his information, he said, in the Timaeus, from Solon, an earlier Greek philosopher. Solon in his information from an Egyptian Priest, a Priest of Sais in the Delta. And what that Priest said, referring to records going back more than 9000 years before his time was this; 

He said that our earth is periodically visited by a giant cataclysm. And that EVERY TIME THIS HAPPENS, mankind is forced to begin again, like children. With no memory of what went before. 

And I suspect, I really do, that that’s what we are. We’re a species with amnesia. We’re children who’ve forgotten our own parents. But those parents who were destroyed in that great cataclysm at the end of the last Ice Age. I’m now certain that some of them did survive. And that they settled in places like The High Andes and most prominently of all, in Giza, where the three great pyramids and The Great Sphinx stand. And they, Robert and I are now convinced, found a way to pass down the memory of who they were. And of the special wondrous knowledge that they had. To the future. They found a way to wake us up again. They created a kind of alarm clock for the planet. A beacon that would draw people towards it and at the right time, when conditions were right, would wake us up. 

And when I look around the world today, amidst all the turmoil and killing and disaster, I also see the sign of hope. I see a great awakening of consciousness. Amongst open minded people everywhere. I think the ancient beacon is working. I think the message it has sent down the ages is beginning to come through, loud and clear. And what Robert and I have tried to do, in Keeper of Genesis is get to grips with the beginning of that message. To begin to de-code it as Robert will be telling you when he gives his talk in about ten minutes time. 

Thank you very much indeed. 

Graham Hancock

Shaman Vl Pt lll (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art 

Additional Information. Edited by Amera Ziganii Rao 

“O Solon, you Greeks are all young in your minds which hold no store of old belief on along tradition, no knowledge hoary with age. The reason is this. There have been, and will be hereafter, many and divers destructions of mankind, the greatest by fire and water, though other lessor ones are due to countless other causes. Thus the story current also in your part of the world, that Phaethon, child of the Sun, once harnessed his father chariot but could not guide it into his fathers course and so burnt up everything on the face of the earth and was himself consumed by a thunderbolt – this legend has the air of a fable; but the truth behind it is a deviation of the bodies that revolve in heaven around the earth and a distruction, occurring at long intervals of things on earth by a great conflagration… Any great or noble achievement or otherwise exceptional event that has come to pass, either in your parts or here or in any place of which we have tidings, has been written down for ages past in records that are preserved in our temples; whereas with you and other people again and again, life has only just been enriched with letters and all other necessities of civilization when once more, after the usual period of years, the torrents from heaven swept down like a pestilence, leaving only the rude and unlettered among you. And so you start again like children, knowing nothing of what existed in ancient times here or in your own country… To begin with, your people remember one deluge, though their were many earlier; and moreover you do not know that the noblest and bravest race in the world once lived in your country. From a small remnant of their seed you and all your citizens are derived; but you know nothing of it because the survivors for many generations died leaving no word in writing”.

From Plato’s The Criteas – Senior Priest to Solon at Sais, Nile Delta c560 BC.

Review on When The Sky Fell by Rand Flem-Ath; Rose Flem-Ath

Do you know what the Ice Age, Stonehenge, the temple of Machu Picchu, the Sphinx, and Plato have in common? Neither did I. All of them offer up clues to the existence of the lost city of Atlantis, and all are carefully dissected and analyzed by the Flem-Aths in this new book on that very topic.

To begin with, I wasn't even aware that the jury was still out on Atlantis; I thought the votes had been tabulated and a resounding "Uh-uh" was recorded. But apparently, scholarly debate continues to this very day. One of the scholars at the forefront of the debate was Charles Hapgood, whose work was supported by Albert Einstein in his day, and was continued by the Flem-Aths. Hapgood was a professor of anthropology who dabbled in geology and ancient cartography--and that's some dabbling! He theorized that around 12,000 years ago the earth underwent a sudden and violent upheaval which caused earthquakes, eruptions of volcanoes, and massive, world-wide flooding. The cause and/or result of this upheaval was a significant planetary crust displacement which shifted the entire outer layer of the earth's crust, causing certain land masses which were in polar locales to move to more temperate areas, such as Canada, and certain ones which were in temperate areas to move to a polar locale, such as Antarctica.

This theory explains many things which modern science can not--the ice age; the sudden, violent change of climate in certain parts of the world; the preservation of animals such as mastodons, which suggests they were caught in a rush of water and exposed to a rapid drop in temperature, because of the lack of decomposition; and such anomalies as why the Sphinx appears to have suffered water erosion. But it is also a theory which has been largely ignored by modern science. 

The fact that this is a book that is entirely unscientific is not at issue. This is a case where the authors have set out for evidence to support a certain conclusion, rather than letting facts and observations lead them to a conclusion. The Flem-Aths are not scientists, you see; they are a husband and wife team of librarians. Their specialty is in the collection, cataloguing, and arrangement of documents and facts. What they have done is what librarians have always been famous for: they have united under one "roof" works of palaeoanthropology, geology, cartography, mythology, physics, history (oral and written), geography, and "Atlantology". But in the case of this book, they have gone one step further and made connections between all these works that the individual scientists couldn't and wouldn't make. 

And let me assure you that their research was tireless and beyond thorough. The result is this fascinating book which brings the "legend" of the lost city of Atlantis into the realm of possibility. Their conclusion, based on all the sources they have presented, is that the ruins of Atlantis lie under several thousand tons of ice in Antarctica, and that the survivors which fled the island in all directions were pivotal figures in the development of all modern civilizations. And how is that related to Stonehenge? You'll have to read the book, of course.

Mark. GoodReads Review 

The Sirius Mystery

Picture of a human with fish scales on his back and a fish head over a human head In an introductory University Astronomy textbook, designed to debunk such claims as were made by Erich Von Daniken in Chariots of the Gods about aliens visiting Earth, "In Search of Ancient Astronomies," by Krupp, a chapter is devoted to debunking The Sirius Mystery, the author states (P.247) that 

"At first the Dogon statements that they have known about Jupiter's four moons seems amazing, but Jupiter is known to have at least fourteen satellites and visiting spacemen inclined to pass this kind of information along should have been more accurate". 

Temple in The sirius Mystery essentially claims that thousands of years ago amphibians came to earth from a planet in the Sirius system and instructed humans in the rudiments of culture. Pottery and artwork of the Dogon indicates they have posessed this knowledge for many centuries, perhaps going back to ancient Egyptian knowledge of the amphibians from Sirius. 

Krupp's efforts to disprove this are ineffectual and misguided as are other sceptical views of this mystery. Temple's evidence that ancient cultures appear to possess knowledge regarding astronomical aspects that only an alien could have told them has yet to be refuted by anthropological evidence. 

This is fascinating folklore given the genetic evolutionary evidence that humans went through an amphibious stage that had finished by 370 million years ago, not a few thousand. It does pose some difficult questions of how long a third planet might survive in a stable orbit in a binary star system? Some simulations show that a third planet would either crash into one of the suns, or fly off into deep space before many millions of years had passed, too short a time for life to get going in such a binary system? 

The complexity of life on such a planet would make it very difficult for any life forms to work out any harmony or the mathematics involved in their solar system. Humans adopted the egocentric and incorrect view that, earth was the center of our solar system for a thousand years, in a much simplier single sun sytem. 

Image credits:

A representation of the giant statue of Oannes found at Kouyunjik. Stratliche Museen zu Berlin, Morgan Library, Layard (1853) The Babylonian semi-daemon Oannes, a fishtail amphibious being from the heavens who according to the Babylonians, founded civilisation on earth. Oannes the amphibian.

How much more complex would calculations be in a binary star system, a planet having a stable orbit would have very intricate and complicated orbits. Any beings that did manage to make sense in such a system would be very clever. Possible alien life forms. Then they would have the problem of space travel from Sirius to earth, approximately 8 light years away, an impossible journey by today's standards and what we humans currently know about astrophysics. The Ocam's razor explination might be that under perfect viewing conditions, an individual with superior sight might have been able to detect the white dwarf circling Sirius.

The Biblical Philistines

A small extract from the Bible, not too much... to illustrate the devious malovelant nature of the Old Testament GOD... When the Philistines captured the ark of God, they carried it from Ebenezer to Ashdod; then the Philistines took the ark of God and brought it into the house of Dagon and set it up beside Dagon. And when the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, behold, Dagon had fallen face downwards on the ground before the ark of the Lord. So they took Dagon and put him back in his place. But when the people rose early on the next morning, behold Dagon had fallen face downward on the ground before the ark of the Lord and the head of Dagon and both his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the trunk of Dagon was left to him. This is why the priests of Dagon and all who enter the house of Dagon do not tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod to this day.

The hand of the Lord was heavy upon the people of Ashdod, and he terrified and afflicted them with tumors, both Ashdod and it's territory. And when the men of Ashdod saw how things were they said "The ark of the God of Israel must not remain with us, for his hand is heavy upon us and upon Dagon our god... The only explination, if the story is true, which we shouldn't assume, the Occam's razor explination that makes sense is that the GOD of Israel had a great publicity department thousands of years ago (as they still do) and that they preyed on the superstitions of others to promote the primacy of their own God. Check your bible if it uses lower-case letter for other gods and CAPS for the GOD of Israel!

The Ashdod citizens who prayed to Dagon died from tumors after opening the ark to have a peek, were most likely poisoned by the followers of the GOD of Israel, unless they had a successful neculear plant even thousands of years ago and the ark contained highly radioactive material.

Er.. So Long and Thanks to the god of Israel for all the tumors. Who are these poor afflicted people of Ashdod? Are they related to the Dagon tribe of central Mali in Africa Timbuctoooo? They eventually sent the ark back with golden tumors and mice, where it killed dozens of people who opened the lid to take a peek. Phew, those poor people of Ashdod I hope their tumors healed. Sounds like radiation poisioning? So if they did not have modern technology, they must have poisoned the poor people of Ashdod. Perhaps with some research on the use of ancient poison, or a profession medical historical researcher might identify which poison was most likely used from knowledge of pharmacology at the time and the symptoms. Notice the language behold, as if it was expected as a great miracle from God announced with great joy, because during the night they had probably tipped over the statue of Dagon.behold, I suspect that something here is shiftier than a shithouse rat.

John Anthony West
The Science of the Dogon:
Decoding the African Mystery Tradition
New Release due in October 2006

Robert K.G.Temple
The Sirius Mystery
First Publish Sidgwick and Jackson 1976
Futura Publications London Edition
ISBN 0860075028

E. C. Krupp (Editor)
In Search of Ancient Astronomies 
Mcgraw-Hill Paperbacks 1979
ISBN: 0070355568

Erich Von Daniken 
Chariots of the Gods
Berkley Publishing Group; Reprint edition 1999
ISBN: 0425166805
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Queen Maud Land passed through a long ICE FREE PERIOD which may not have come completely to an end until about six thousand years ago. ‘Well before the development of the first true civilisations recognised by historians’. 

‘It is not possible to pinpoint the EARLIEST date that such a task could have been accomplished, but it seems that the Queen Maud Land littoral may have remained in a stable, unglaciated condition for at least 9000 years before the spreading ice-cap swallowed it entirely.’ 
(on the Piri Reis map, made in Constantinople) 

‘Professor Hapgood proposed a novel and thought-provoking solution to the problem.’ He argued that some of the source maps the admiral (Piri Reis) had made use of, in particular those said to date back to the fourth century BC, had themselves been based on even OLDER sources, which in turn had been based on sources originating in the furthest antiquity. 

There was, he asserted, irrefutable evidence that the earth had been comprehensively mapped before 4000 BC by a hirtherto unknown and undisclosed civilisation which had achieved a high level of technological advancement’. 



The Great Library of Alexandria 

‘We have evidence that they were collected and studied in The Great Library of Alexandria (Egypt) and that compilations of them were made by the geographers who worked there.’ 

Professor Hapgood 

‘Unbelievable as it may appear, the evidence nevertheless indicates that some ancient people explored Antarctica when its coasts were free of ice. It is clear, too, that they had an instrument of navigation for accurately determining longitudes that was far superior to anything possessed by the peoples of ancient, medieval or modern times until the second half of the eighteenth century.’ 

Professor (Charles) Hapgood 

‘a lost civilisation in remote times.’ 

Professor (Charles) Hapgood 

‘The late Charles Hapgood taught the history of science at Keene College, New Hampshire, USA. He wasn’t a geologist, or an ancient historian. It is possible, however, that future generations will remember him as the man whose work undermined the foundations of world history – and a large chunk of world geology as well.’ 

Graham Hancock 

Antarctica was not always where it is. It moved gradually as the ice gradually moved onto it. No historian wants to accept it, but Einstein, who was ‘electrified’. AZR

“The Piri Reis Map seems to contain surprising collateral evidence in support of the thesis of a geologically recent glaciation of parts of Antarctica following a sudden southward displacement of the earth’s crust. Moreover since such a map could only have been drawn PRIOR to 4000 BC, its implications for the history of human civilization are staggering. Prior to 4000 BC there are supposed to have been no civilisations at all.” 

Graham Hancock. Fingerprints of The Gods 

At some risk of over-simplification, the academic consensus is broadly: 

Civilisation first developed in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East. 

This development began after 4000 BC, and culminated in the emergence of the earliest true civilisations (Sumer and Egypt) around 3000 BC, soon followed by the Indus Valley and China. 

About 1500 years later, civilisation took off spontaneously and independently in the Americas. 
Since 3000 BC in the Old World (and about 1500 BC in the New) civilisation has steadily ‘evolved’ in the direction of ever more refined, complex and productive forms. 

In consequence, and particularly by comparison with ourselves, all ancient civilisations (and all their works) are to be understood as essentially primitive (the Sumerian astronomers regarded the heavens with unscientific awe, and even the pyramids of Egypt were built by ‘technological primitives’.) 

The evidence of the Piri Reis Map appears to contradict all this. 

Graham Hancock. Fingerprints of The Gods

Fingerprints of The Gods. Graham Hancock 

….Conventional wisdom has it that the Antarctic ice-cap, in its present extent and form, is millions of years old. On closer examination, this notion turns out to be seriously flawed – so seriously that we need not assume the map drawn by Admiral Piri Reis depicts Queen Maud Land as it looked millions of years in the past. The best recent evidence suggests that Queen Maud Land, and the neighbouring regions shown on the map, passed thorugh a long ice-free period which may not have come completely to an end until about six thousand years ago. This evidence which we shall touch upon again in the next chapter, liberates us from the burdensome task of explaining who (or what) had the technology to undertake an accurate geographical survey of Antarctica in say, two million BC, long before our own species came into existence. By the same token, since map-making is a complex and CIVILISED activity, it compels us to explain how such a task could have been accomplished even six thousand years ago, well before the development of the first true civilisations recognised by historians. 

Ancient Sources 

In attempting that explanation it is worth reminding ourselves of the basic historical and geological facts: 

1. The Piri Reis Map, which is a genuine document, not a hoax of any kind, was made at Constantinople in AD 1513. 
2. It focuses on the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America and the northern coast of Antarctica. 
3. Piri Reis could not have acquired his information on this latter region from contemporary explorers because Antarctica remained undiscovered until AD 1818, more than 300 years after he drew the map. 
4. The ice-free coast of Queen Maud Land shown in the map is a colossal puzzle because the geological evidence confirms that the latest date it could have been surveyed and charted in an ice-free condition is 4000 BC. 
5. It is not possible to pinpoint the EARLIEST date that such a task could have been accomplished, but it seems that the Queen Maud Land littoral may have remained in a stable, unglaciated condition for at least 9000 years before the spreading ice-cap swallowed it entirely. 
6. There is no civilisation known to history that had the capacity or need to survey that coastline in the relevant period: between 13000 BC and 4000 BC. 

In other words, the true enigma of this 1513 map is not so much its inclusion of a continent not discovered until 1818 but its portrayal of part of the coastline of that continent under ice-free conditions which came to an end 6000 years ago and have not since recurred. 

How can this be explained? Piri Reis obligingly gives us the answer in a series of notes written in his own hand on the map itself. He tells us that he was not responsible for the original surveying and cartography. On the contrary he admits that his role was merely that of compiler and copyist and that the map was derived from a large number of source maps. Some of these had been drawn by contemporary or near-contemporary explorers (including Christopher Columbus), who had by then reached South America and the Caribbean, but others were documents dating back to the fourth century BC or earlier. 

Piri Reis did not venture any suggestion as to the identity of the cartographers who had produced the earlier maps. In 1963, however, Professor Hapgood proposed a novel and thought-provoking solution to the problem. He argued that some of the source maps the admiral had made us of, in particular those said to date back to the fourth century BC, had themselves been based on even OLDER sources, which in turn had been based on sources originating in the furthest antiquity. There was, he asserted, irrefutable evidence that the earth had been comprehensively mapped before 4000 BC by a hitherto unknown and undiscovered civilisation which had achieved a high level of technological advancement: 

“It appears (he concluded) that accurate information has been passed down from people to people. It appears that the charts must have originated with a people unknown and they were passed on, perhaps by the Minoans and the Phoenicians, who were, for a thousand years and more, the greatest sailors of the ancient world. We have evidence that they were collected and studied I the great library of Alexandria (Egypt) and that compilations of them were made by the geographers who worked there.” 

From Alexandria, according to Hapgood’s reconstruction, copies of these compilations and of some of the original source maps were transferred to other centres of learning – notably Constantinople. Finally, when Constantinople was seized by the Venetians during the Fourth Crusade in 1204, the maps began to find their way into the hands of European sailors and adventurers: 

“ Most of these maps were of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. But maps of other areas survived. These included maps of the Americas and maps of the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. It becomes clear that the ancient voyagers travelled from pole to pole. Unbelievable as it may appear, the evidence nevertheless indicates that some ancient people explored Antarctica when its coasts were free of ice. It is clear, too, that they had an instrument of navigation for accurately determining longitudes that was far superior to anything processed by the peoples of ancient, medieval or modern times until the second half of the eighteenth century. 

This evidence of a lost technology will support and give credence to many of the other hypotheses that have been brought forward of a lost civilisation in remote times. Scholars have been able to dismiss most of that evidence as mere myth, but here we have evidence that has been brought forward in the past should be re-examined with an open mind.” 

Despite a ringing endorsement from Albert Einstein, and despite the later admission of John Wright, president of the American Geographical Society, that Hapgood had ‘posed hypotheses that cry aloud for further testing’, no further scientific research has ever been undertaken into these anomalous early maps. Moreover, far from being applauded for making a serious new contribution to the debate about the antiquity of human civilisation. 

Hapgood until his death was cold-shouldered by the majority of his professional peers, who couched their discussion of his work in what has accurately been described as ‘thick and unwarranted sarcasm, selecting trivia and factors not subject to verification as the bases for condemnation, seeking in this way to avoid the basic issues.’ 

A man ahead of his time

The late Charles Hapgood taught the history of science at Keene College, New Hampshire, USA. He wasn’t a geologist, or an ancient historian. It is possible, however, that future generations will remember him as the man whose work undermined the foundations of world history – and a large chunk of world geology as well. 

Albert Einstein was among the first to realise this when he took the unprecedented step of contributing the forward to a book Hapgood wrote in 1953, some years before he began his investigation of the Piri Reis Map: 

“I frequently receive communications from people who wish to consult me concerning their unpublished ideas (Einstein observed). It goes without saying that these ideas are very seldom possessed of scientific validity. The very first communication, however, that I received from Mr Hapgood electrified me. His idea is original, of great simplicity, and – if it continues to prove itself – of great importance to everything that is related to the history of the earth’s surface.” 

The ‘idea’ expressed in Hapgood’s 1953 book is  global geological theory which elegantly explains how and why large parts of Antarctica could have remained ice-free until 4000 BC, together with many other anomalies of earth science. In brief the argument is: 

1. Antarctica was not always covered with ice and was at one time much warmer than it is today. 

2. It was warm because it was not physically located at the South Pole in that period. Instead it was approximately 2000 miles farther north. This ‘would have put it outside the Antarctic Circle in a temperate or cold temperate climate’. 

3. The continent moved to its present position inside the Antarctic Circle as a result of a mechanism known as ‘earth-crust displacement’. This mechanism, in no sense to be confused with plate-tectonics or ‘continental drift’, is one whereby the lithosphere, the whole outer crust of the earth, ‘may be displaced at all times, moving over the soft inner body, much as the skin of an orange, if it were loose, might shift over the inner part of the orange all in one piece.’ 

4. During the envisaged southwards movement of Antarctica brought about by earth-crust displacement, the continent would gradually have grown colder, an ice-cap forming and remorselessly expanding over several thousands of years until it attained its present dimensions. 

Further details of the evidence supporting these radical proposals are set out in Part Vlll of this book. Orthodox geologists, however, remain reluctant to accept Hapgood’s theory (although none has succeeded in proving it incorrect). It raises many questions. 

Of these by far the most important is: what conceivable mechanism would be able to exert sufficient thrust on the lithosphere to precipitate a phenomenon of such magnitude as a crustal displacement? 

We have no better guide than Einstein to summarize Hapgood’s findings: 

“In a polar region there is continual disposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth’s rotation acts on these unsymmetrically deposited masses, and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth’s crust over the rest of the earth’s body....” 

The Piri Reis Map seems to contain surprising collateral evidence in support of the thesis of a geologically recent glaciation of parts of Antarctica following a sudden southward displacement of the earth’s crust. Moreover since such a map could only have been drawn PRIOR to 4000 BC, its implications for the history of human civilization are staggering. Prior to 4000 BC there are supposed to have been no civilisations at all

At some risk of over-simplification, the academic consensus is broadly:  

Civilisation first developed in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East. 

This development began after 4000 BC, and culminated in the emergence of the earliest true civilisations (Sumer and Egypt) around 3000 BC, soon followed by the Indus Valley and China. 

About 1500 years later, civilisation took off spontaneously and independently in the Americas. 

Since 3000 BC in the Old World (and about 1500 BC in the New) civilisation has steadily ‘evolved’ in the direction of ever more refined, complex and productive forms. 

In consequence, and particularly by comparison with ourselves, all ancient civilisations (and all their works) are to be understood as essentially primitive (the Sumerian astronomers regarded the heavens with unscientific awe, and even the pyramids of Egypt were built by ‘technological primitives’.) 

The evidence of the Piri Reis Map appears to contradict all this. 

Piri Reis and his sources 

In his day, Piri Reis was a well-known figure; his historical identity is firmly established. An admiral in the navy of the Ottoman Turks, he was involved, often on the winning side, in numerous sea battles around the mid-sixteenth century. 

He was, in addition, considered an expert on the lands of the Mediterranean, and was the author of a famous sailing book, the Kitabi Bahriye, which provided a comprehensive description of the coasts, harbours, currents, shallows, landing places, bays and straits of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. 

Despite this illustrious career he fell foul of his masters and was beheaded in AD 1554 or 1555. 

Excerpt from Fingerprints of The Gods 

Graham Hancock 

High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood™ (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art 

The Hierophant Questions. Amera Ziganii Rao 

(Not just fertility goddesses) 

Intuition. A Definition. Amera Ziganii Rao  

Clair Cognisance = Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence™ + HUMAN skill and learning in how to interpret that Cosmic Intelligence (The High Initiate Journey) = High (Prophet type) Consciousness = Hierophant/Metaphysical Philosopher/Prophet Shamanism/Esoteric Mastery = High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ = Atlantean Elder = Women like me.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

The Hierophant Questions Pt l. Amera Ziganii Rao 

So, as I now begin to take everything in on a new level, and as I research the next round of works that other people have done before me, my mind is flying with the power of Hierophant and Metaphysical Philosopher, like the clappers. So, here, at first sight, I am going to articulate my musings and thoughts from time to time. 

As you have read this material by Graham Hancock yourself, you will also have questions. My questions only direct that process in a more piercing way and as we progress, these questions will be answered. Anyone who has read any of my work, or the pieces I have featured so far, will know the context of these latest musings. 

We are going far and deep and while it may seem scary, hopeless and infuriating, to know that we have all been lied to, with no one more hurt or damaged than Female High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™, I can also now see in the new light of new compassion, new self knowledge and self certainty, that it is Priesthood that become the LEAST unhappy, because accessing The Universe is so easy for us, once the triggers begin. 

My heart now goes out to all Lemurians as I have so far defined, and to those whose journeys are not completed in this lifetime, to the high consciousness levels available to all, yes, but not all in this lifetime. Reincarnation is therefore a salvation technique of soothing for the heart and mind. Whatever one cannot achieve in this lifetime, will be done in the next and so on. So far, I don’t know what that means for what I define as The Dark Lords and if they truly are not to heal, then their pain will not be as great anyway. 

I look to those who will one day make it into the light completely, into love intelligence completely and I look at the agony and sorrow that not only have The Female High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™/High Serpent Female Amazonian Priesthood™ been denied from accessing The Universe for 8000 – 12000 years ourselves – an unexplicably excruciating process of being cut off from our gifts, so that this hidden and sinister world order of real satan worshippers and world fascism has been served, (said in the esoteric sense and not in some titillation sense), but everyone else has been denied these gifts too, on the level they are capable, because the Serpent Priesthood as I call it so far, has been blocked from helping and healing the peoples of this earth. 

In other words, this is no longer just my story or the story of my Priesthood people. The women that no one thinks about or cares about or gives a shit about, while being mesmerised by as soon as we reveal ourselves. This is the story of earth. The story of happiness, inner power and above all the gifts of wizardry – Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ - and the absence of fear, un-fulfilment, and the inability to be the superstar self. That has been denied to EVERYONE, because the Female High Serpent and Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ was wiped off this planet. 

In other words, my healing is your healing. The healing of women like me, is your healing. This is everyone’s story. This is the story of earth. And I include the men like me too, of course, alongside the men like Graham Hancock and so many others who search for the answers too and who have the courage to stand up and share. I also look to the fact though that I am continuously stunned and belligerently individualistic (for my people) when I see male esoteric, and even female, again and again, look to the ‘his’story of the world and not even talk about the women. Like we have never existed, other than to give birth. There is no point in my view, in being a male esoteric or historian and not have the knowledge and skill base of Hierophant. Because then, you turn out to be just like the rest. Stupid. 

Continuing the sinister world order of male arrogance and domination just like everyone else. And while I understand, I ain’t impressed for one second. My view is to learn all I can from everyone else. And then ditch it all. Because I and Female High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ don’t exist, once again. Like we were baby breeders from the beginning and nothing else. Crap. That’s the stupid world. The world of men. And the proof? Spiritual logic and true, delivered, Hierophant KNOWING.

And my view is this. If you feel the truth of what I say, you feel it. If you don’t, you don’t. The proof is also this. Every woman I see and talk to, like me, feels the truth in one nano second. And that gives me everything. I want my people to grow, so we can serve in the way we were supposed to. Everyone else will have to finally catch up. When they can. 

And my first suggestion is this. To apply logic without spiritual HIGH INITIATION skill base wizardry, is admirable, but only half the discussion. It is far better, to speak only once the whole journey has been made. But any knowledge is good and useful, as long as that context is remembered. Women lead the world. Women always did. Women see heaven. Women know The Great Mother God. Women deliver the love. Women are the love. The love is the intelligence. The intelligence is GOD. 

And the proof? So called, female ‘intuition’. Apply that into the HIGH INITIATION journey. Meet and live WITH The Universe. It’s the real mammoth and heroic and soul stripping journey of earth. Do that and you will use your intuition as it was meant to be used. Women have the gift. And when you are done? Female Priesthood doesn’t just visit The Universe. We end up by living there. It seems though that even male academics and esoteric of the enlightened peoples still don’t have a fucking clue. I wonder why. That is not INITIATION. That is just amateur. But useful, anyway. Male, would be intuitives. After all, we all help to fill the picture. 

We are all part of earth. But you see my frustration. Which is why I have license to push my arrogant agenda. No one else gives a shit. I will push it and I will still love. I am female. And High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™. I push arrogance. But I leave the pomp and vanity to men. Even, it seems, the enlightened men. They see shit. Until they see me. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014 

Colonialism, slavery and the conquering of nations was for one reason and one reason alone. To wipe out the real history of the world. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Under The Vatican, lie more than 20 miles of esoteric books, manuscripts and ancient teachings. The Borgias culture stole it. Religion. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Slavery (Artwork) 

Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art 

Science. Amera Ziganii Rao 

So, here’s a funny and stupid piece. Which just shows that consciousness is not just wisdom, not just opening up to The Universe as the Higher Mind, it is also something else, even more contentious. Consciousness is pure psychic-ness. Which begs the question. While science has proved it has a place in the world’s intelligence, just what is it and where did it come from? That’s the first question. Secondly, do they really not know or do they just pretend not to know? The truth beggars belief really. Yes, of course, consciousness/psychic gifts is a process. The Initiation journey that I and my partners have honed and toned through the affirmations of this writing, as our psychic-ness affirmation needed to be solidified, whatever levels we are all at, however conscious the consciousness/psychic gifts are. But to have a world heavyweight community who are so turgid minded as to not even entertain anything to do with it? I find that suspect. 

For instance, and this is extremely important for confidence in the unknown, as the confidence grows in one’s ‘feelings’ and truth, I remember the last time I watched TV. A programme on ‘alternative healers’. Of course, the whole stupid programme was just an ‘analysis’ on the charlatan accusation of would be healers, even though of course, phenomena were being described all the way through. I stopped watching TV and became a much richer and more profound person as a result. The Internet is the greatest thing that has happened on this planet, since the invention of the camera. Truth is the only thing I seek. I leave the turgidity of existence to the masses. The masses I can tolerate, just about. It is the heavyweight establishment of so called scientists. Science, my arse. They are the real charlatans of this world and I want to know why and how. 

The other explanation is sadder but probably more just. They are just that stupid. Let’s leave it at that for now. Maybe they are. After all, High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood or Amun Priesthood, Priesthood means one thing. Psychic. 

Oh, and the best bit is that this piece was in the London magazine, The Big Issue. It just goes to show. First that newspapers are as useless as the scientific community and secondly, that while humanitarian politics are great, this angle means nothing to our purpose either. They are as cerebral and as much asleep as their non humanitarian counterparts. Sympathy? Sure. If they really are asleep. 

They are as turgid it seems as the scientists. Don’t be fooled by conformity. Nothing impressive there. The ordinary world. Leave it. We are Samurai. Priesthood. Psychic Samurai. 

To embrace these gifts, to embrace this way is not only a privilege, it is downright noble beyond noble. Because the ‘biggest issue’ with this propaganda machine across the world is that they get all the funding, let alone the kudos, let alone the publicity, let alone the respectability. Like the poor artist syndrome, especially for most women of course, who are not even supposed to exist, and of course are then too busy making the journey out of love dependency to men who don’t even want them to think, let alone do vocational work, the poor priesthood syndrome exists too. All the healers (mostly female) who sit there and charge only £25.00 for the most extraordinary information you will ever hear at crucial times of your life and so on. It’s outrageous and why this world has to change. 

Of course, as my own work will show, the journey to fight is the journey to learn how to be at war in this world, ie, how to do business with self worth, innovation and just doing one’s own thing. A skill, sadly missing from so many people who are true healers. But that takes guts, a great deal of time and always, unofficial study and learning and self teaching. Great spiritual training of course. Being self taught is my genius, but so many people must drop by the wayside. Like art, while talent shows across the world promote derivative performers, the real performers always have to break through in revolution and we see that as a normal rite of passage. Why? It’s all wrong. And all indicative of a stranglehold on the world by the wrong people. 

It’s all part of the same thing. Don’t get fooled by any of it. Do it yourself for sure as we can only do that for now. But do it big. And do it loud. Be ‘alternative’. Fuck the norm. The norm is stupid, asleep and profane. Blast through. This piece is a good stimulation for just that. 

Lead the field. And leave the mud to the conformists. They clearly deserve nothing more. Even if the reason is in the past. Who cares? This world is ours. We need to take it back. ‘Prophets’ are above all one thing. Highly political. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

The Big Issue. November 3 – 8 2014 

This Idea Will Change The World. Mind Reading

We know what you’re thinking. No, really – we know what you’re thinking, right now. Actually, that’s not true – we can’t read your mind but brain researchers claim it might soon be possible. Really. Science is scarily close to allowing us to eavesdrop on each other’s innermost thoughts. 

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have used spectrograms and algorithms to try to decode human beings’ silent, inner voice. Participants were asked to read simple texts including Humpty Dumpty over and over, silently, in their head. Based on the sound wave patterns that activate sensory neurons in your inner ear (which then pass information to the brain to be interpreted as words), the Berkeley team tried to decode the silent voice. 

The algorithms need to be fine-tuned, apparently, but the scientists aren’t far away from achieving what a thousand stage show charlatans have claimed to be doing for centuries. “We got significant results but it’s not good enough yet to build a device,” said one Berkeley boffin. 

They say it’s a big step towards helping paralysed people communicate with the outside world. But it’s a little too close to science fiction for comfort. Just imagine it – the stranger next to you on the train hearing everything you think. You might have to silently recite Humpty Dumpty just to protect your darkest secrets. 

The Big Issue 

And God Created Woman. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography 

Amera Ziganii Rao 

A Metaphysical Philosopher, Writer and Educator. 

Her business is Human Politics, Self Actualisation, Love, Humanity and Power. 

She is writing a thesis on humankind, and training now to become a world class educator in Human Rights and Personal Development and setting up a company to deliver her message. “The meek shall inherit the earth”. Especially Women and anyone of The Female Psyche. And especially the real, Spiritual, Female, Higher Minded and Precious Hearted, Supernatural Intelligence, Priesthood of this world. The 'Mystics'. The Natural Born Mystics™. 

The meek shall inherit the earth, and she can show you how. 

Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™

Amera Ziganii Rao

A Metaphysical Philosopher, Esoteric Wizard, Writer and Educator. Her business is Human Politics, Self Actualisation, Love, Humanity and Power. And Spiritual Logic and High Supernatural Intelligence. The Universe, available to all. 

She is writing a thesis on humankind, and training now to become a world class educator in Human Rights, The true Divine Connection, and Personal Development and setting up a company to deliver her message. “The meek shall inherit the earth”. Especially Women and anyone of The Female Psyche. And especially the real, Spiritual, Female, Higher Minded and Precious Hearted, Supernatural Intelligence, Priesthood of this world. 

The 'Mystics'. The Natural Born Mystics™. 

The meek shall inherit the earth, and she can show you how. 

Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™


Intuition. A Definition. Clair Cognisance = Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence™ + HUMAN skill and learning in how to interpret that Cosmic Intelligence (The High Initiate Journey) = High (Prophet type) Consciousness = Hierophant/Metaphysical Philosopher/Prophet Shamanism/Esoteric Mastery = High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ = Atlantean Elder = Women like me. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014


Writer and Intellectual. Social, Cultural and Spiritual Commentator. Personal Development Coach and Communicator. Philosopher and Metaphysical Clair Cognisant (Prophetess, Hierophant and Esoteric Mystic). Theologian, Theosophist and Historian. Photographer, Graphic Artist. Designer, and Actor/Dramatist/Filmmaker. Feminist and Human Rights Advocate, and a Healer of Emotional Sicknesses and Self Discoveries on earth.




Amera Ziganii Rao :: Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence + Supernatural Intelligence. Training to be a world class educator in Consciousness + The Politics of Rape/The True Love Journey + Human Rights + Purpose + The Lost Knowledge + Inner and Outer Power.



I have fought a great, great battle. Atlantis is no longer raped by a Lemurian earth. The rest we shall see. Leadership training indeed. Warrior, lover, Valkyrie, Healer, Prophet and Atlantean Queen. That is me. Warrior, lover, poet in training, and broken Agamemnon, woman beating warlord of filth and slavery, will he be. Atlantis is firmly back on earth. Now, true love may just finally be.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014


The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion and Compassion of the Visceral Soul.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

Amera Ziganii Rao :: Writer. Philosopher. Performer. Psychologist. Humanist. Esoteric. Sexualist. Hedonist. Artist. Teacher. Coach. Social Reformer. Feminist. Hierophant. Sacred Disir. Former Slave. Seer. Sage. :: My Business Is Transformation Of The Soul. My Business Is Power. My Business Is Freedom. My Business Is Love. My Business Is To Fight Fascism And Human Cruelty And Emotional Sickness In All Its Relationship Forms On Earth. My Business Is Applied Spirit. Real Sex. Real Love. Real Life. Real GOD. The Return.



The new educational website (Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ as a writing and speaking business of empowerment) will be announced. 

Meanwhile, enjoy the free writing and consciousness work on this website. It was written with blood, sweat and tears. The story of both my man and myself as we have struggled to re-define all that is relationship and marriage, the mutual journey of escape and evolution out of The Patriarchal Tribe.

The self discovery that took us from female slavery and male confusion and fascism into a society that was left behind a long time ago, when The New World Order took over and put men in charge, when they didn't even want it, by all that I have seen. Other than in sex as is the primal partnership. Our exploration is here. The world of Bluebeard Male Supremacy™ through to the Sacred Whore and High Female Esoteric Serpent Priesthood Society™, again, with men as the beloveds. Equality, Liberty, FRATERNITY. The New New World. Again.

Please feel free to read the material on this blog. My writings, plus work from other consciousness teachers too. My Manifesto for Human Rights (Especially Female) in Relationship and Family.

These writings will be produced in book form. Poetry Polemics for a better world of love, independence, sex and individuation. And true companionship and family. Power to the people, indeed. Together.

Thank you.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

The Three Messages ::

The Female Divine Highest Love Intelligence Energy. God The Mother, The Universe. Plus, the SACRED WHORE HIGH PRIESTESS HIEROPHANT AVATAR VALKYRIE WIZARD MONARCHs™ as the only true High Priests, with a GNOSTIC spirituality for all.

There is no love on earth. We are all here to fight for it, or be hate. We are here to be profound, or to be shallow. To be adventurers of the soul, or turgid and needing security, to be humane or greedy, to BE love, or BE hate. Earth is hell. Hell, created by hate, for hate, of hate. Free will is to choose which way to go. Love, or hate. That is Existentialism. That is evolution. That is the advancement of the soul. Hate to love. And nothing less. The conquering of evil by good. The light must push out the dark. The light must win.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Drugs are illegal for one single reason. And alcohol is legal for one the same single reason. 'They' don't want anyone to access consciousness. Why? Consciousness = self power = power. Alcohol numbs the mind. Drugs make it fly. Wisdom comes from flying. Drugs are illegal for one single reason. The ban on flying. The ban on wisdom. The ban on self power.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

My Business Is Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™

Feminism is not feminism. Feminism is anti slavery. They call us control freaks and that has to be watched. However, in the context of the truth, it is a ridiculous statement. It is the oppressor, calling the courageous campaigner for freedom and equality, the terrorist.

Feminism is not 'man hating'. Feminism is not feminism. Feminism is the movement against slavery. Humanitarianism is the same. Slavery must not exist in any form on earth. Slavery is everywhere.

From unpaid work in marriage to unpaid work in the family, to minimum wage in the market to a hundred other arenas, slavery is the way of earth.

Feminism and humanitarianism are the movements against it. Slavery is fascism. Fascism is everywhere. We just don't know it. They made sure that we don't know it. Now we do. And we will forever.

Society calls it bullying. Society calls it unfortunate, while propping it up in every single second, across the world. Fascism must die. Fascism will die. Fascism is to die.

That is World Ascension. The end of fascism.

My Business Is Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

True Love. Amera Ziganii Rao  

True love therefore is the ability between any two people, High Priesthood and Human, (male and female, Mars and Venus, whatever one wants to call it without Hierophant knowledge) where the urge to conquer and control and dominate in human is overcome, and the ability to love is returned. The state of soul in non High Priesthood. 

Love can exist and clearly does in many many places. Respect can be found, even camaraderie or fellowship and just love and tolerance of the other. But the state of TRUE love across the board is The Holy Grail. Real friendship, real honesty, real togetherness and therefore, real intimacy. When the urge to conquer, control and infantise and dominate is curbed, cut off and shoved in the back draw. 

In other words, when all teachings of The Patriarchal Tribe are dead. (For men obviously, but for women too and for High Priesthood of both genders. For everyone as everyone is inebriated with the teachings of the Patriarchal Tribe world, whether or not they know it and whether or not they like it). The Patriarchal Tribe world. The old world. The NON CONSCIOUSNESS world. The non humanity world and the world of soul sickness. Even for male esoterics. No real consciousness exists, without High Priesthood and I mean, the female kind. Anything else is just pretend. 

A male esoteric believes in female slavery just as a non esoteric. Ain't no consciousness going on there. The work has not even begun. We know why now. It's never been taught. And for deliberate reason. 

Only when all that is done, is that a state of true love. In relationship, family, friendships, work friendships, any kind of human relationship. When the urge to control is cut, when the friendship is a mutual, self examining high vibration of brotherhood and sisterhood and parenthood and childhood and lovehood. That is true love. 

True love is The Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is Ascension. Ascension is the alchemical transformation into wisdom. The rarest state of being on earth. For the most gifted. And then, gifted again. And for those who study for years. As true consciousness demands. As it should. 

Consciousness. The most powerful tool in The Universe. It is The Universe. True love. 

Love however is enough. It's a polite and bridge building form. A 'sistren' and brethren across the divide. For that though to be accepted, the heart has to be broken out of untruths into the truth. True love is nothing less than The Holy Grail. 1 in a million/two million attains The Holy Grail. That news brings tolerance. That news brings peace. That news brings leadership. Female High Priesthood has to lead. The leadership is in love. True love. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™

The point of this planet is to find out what we are not, so we can find out what we are.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™

The journey to the breaking of one's lower self into one's great self. The actual journey. That is my business. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Turning oneself into gold and honey and authentic power. The pain of transformation, the shock and the trauma and terror and resistance of it. The path to heaven on earth. That is my business. THAT part of it. The crucifixion and disability of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. The pain of it.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

Natural Born Mystic™

The compassion to go with the passion. The discipline of mind, to know your darkness and the education of a post patriarchal man. Love. And changing the very matter of your spiritual DNA. Ascension. I can feel it coming. The build up is your job. The rest I can help with.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Avatar (James Cameron)

My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, Jake Sully. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured.


Natural Born Mystic™

Misogyny is sadism against women. An unconscious hijacking and a conscious will to maintain it.

Tyranny and sadism. Misogynists. Slaves of Sauron (Tolkein's Lord of the Rings). Wifebeaters.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Natural Born Mystic™

An Hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles. 'Jake Sully' (Avatar) is her Sacred Warrior Protector™

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Natural Born Mystic™

A Natural Born Mystic™ is primarily a Sacred Whore Healer as a Cinderella Warrior™. As a woman. A High Priestess Wizard™ is a Sacred Whore Healer and Enlightener. That has specific duties and challenges to do with men and their immense madness (Mo'at - Avatar) and their profanity (killing God The Mother, The Triple Goddess) and monetising the slavery of emotional care. A Sacred Whore Healer has to do this against all the odds. She does it because she and they, the Sacred Whore Healers and High Priestess Wizards™ are the strongest.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

Natural Born Mystic™

'Respect' as fear.

'The Accomplished Female' = the only thing that the male patriarch can deliver as 'love'. Men do not tolerate women earning money. They want slavery to instil FEAR. Fear as 'respect'. Fear is not 'respect'. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014

Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™

The secret enemies of psychological warfare. From within and without. Bringing the darkness of evil into the light. Immense self belief, intelligence and courage, plus wizardry. In other words, 'naming it and shaming it and letting it go' and re-programming the mind from any belief to another. To evolve.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

Consciousness. The politics of the 21st century. The Lost Knowledge. Forget trying to change the world. Change yourself. It changes your own world that changes THE world.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

Sexuality, non religious 'Wizard' and 'Witch' spirituality (the Gnostic intelligence of esoteric and consciousness exploration, ie wisdom and love) and human rights are the least fashionable things and the most uncomfortable things on the planet. And the things human beings have been damning and condemning for 8000 years. And the things that most people are absolutely fascinated by. What a shame. How bourgeois. How ordinary. How ego.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™

The Super Sacred Brother Lover™

The Return To The Source. Ascension.

The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. When we were giants. All of us. When you did more than rape me.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Neo Feminist™, Post Tribe Social Reformer™ and Sacred Sexualist™. Human Rights Healer. Metaphysical Philosopher, Writer, Spiritual Intelligence Teacher, Hierophant (Interpreter of The Universe) and Mentalist Self Actualiser.

I can help you grow power, from nothing.

Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

The Sacred Whore High Priestess Hierophant™ and Sacred Pimp Warrior Protector, Brother Lover™ Society. The kings and queens of old. Angels and Sorcerers together in each of themselves and in the other. The Wizard life. Forever. Living and loving from The Source. Sourcery, Carlos Castaneda first said. I'll say it again. Sourcerers together. Living a life worth living. At last.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Witches are healers. Witches are the Love Healers and SOURCErers of The Lost World, when we were the giant warriors. We were good and so were were you. 'The World of Men'. The Tribe of Misogyny and Bourgeois™.

Gives us all a bad name. And poisons all hearts.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Feminist Lolita Intellectuals™. You lucky man. A place at the table, a place at the Executive Table. That's all. The rest is easy.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Spiritual power = emotional power = emotional intelligence = mental intelligence = re-programming of the whole self = spiritual intelligence = The Lost Knowledge™ = power = The New World.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

The Company

Writer, Speaker and Enlightener, Amera Ziganii Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. A programme of learning that is specifically about one particular kind of woman. And one particular kind of man. The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the true society that they come from and the one they, in particular, she can and has to return to and that anyone can join her and him in. This is about Paradise on Earth.

This is about The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity that is for all as a result of their healing and in particular, hers. This is about the kind of woman who is at the bottom of the pile in a Patriarchal Toilet Tribe from Hell Society™, the norm, the conventional world and the world of the Tribe. This is about the kind of man who is next in line from the bottom. The sensitive man and the female chattel. The High Priestess and High Priest of a profane society, that has long forgotten who they are.

This is about being at the bottom of the pile, for the forgotten and strangled shamans, and for her, the story of escape. Abused by her family, her friends, her men, her whole society, by the very nature of who she is and who they are and what has happened on this Earth. It is about women of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about men of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about the Cinderellas of this world. It is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™. Who she is and how, loving her is the secret to Paradise on Earth and how we have been living a lie for 8000+ years. A lie of male (non High Priest) religion with a male ‘God’ and with Patriarchs and Patriarchal types and Matriarchs and Matriarchal types ruling over us and making our lives hell, all in the name of family, the tribe and the way things are and should remain. Hate, fascism and profanity. A sick society that vilifies, more than anyone else, the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, just because it was told to. A sick society that calls her Eve. A sick society that has forgotten who we all are, let alone the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™. This is about us remembering and knowing who WE are.

This is a programme of healing for the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, to take them and particularly, her, from monstrous levels of low self esteem and lack of self knowledge, back to herself and it is a programme for all those who truly want to love her, and indeed, him. This is a programme for the greatest carers on Earth, who are vilified, destroyed, ridiculed, ignored, abused, used, misused and hated for being everything that those who would steal from us are not. This is a programme to turn Cinderellas into The Sacred Whore High Priestesses and for anyone who wants to love her or live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. And this is a programme to turn sensitive men into Sacred Whore High Priests™ and for anyone who wants to love him and live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and High Priest Society. Love, humanity, Spirit and sex. This is a programme to reverse 8000+ years of witch burning, women hating and healer ridicule. This is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and all those who would love her and live by her values.

This is about the chance for Paradise on Earth. This is a programme for the most beautiful, kind hearted, wounded women and men on this planet. A programme of how to implement a system of how to beat life, how to survive life and how to resurrect from the grief that is a true life. Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, ‘happy’, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. How to turn grief into creation and survive and thrive, despite all the shit, all the pain and all the hurt. How to live in a world of madness, hollowness and cruelty and how to be a winner. How to stand up for oneself and to take back the power that has been stolen from anyone with heart, Spirit and sex. The art and science of Alchemy.

This is a programme, based on my scholarly and non scholarly work over 15 years (so far), if not for my whole life, and my extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of relative bliss, and above all, the right to be. The programme and the courses and my speaking and indeed my forthcoming book, will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. Who the Sacred Whore High Priestess™ is and why she is here. And who the Sacred Whore High Priest™ is. Why we are here. Who we are and what we are and why we are. The beauty and glory of the truth. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the future.

My first book of consciousness, my first book of the spiritual politics of humanity, of authentic power and of self love and strength. A comprehensive series of online courses, live events and audio and visual material. Books, live events, CDs and DVDs. And one on one personal empowerment consultations. The Amera Ziganii Rao Method of Change™. The right to be and the way to have the right to be. And indeed, how to maintain the will to live without love. How to BE unconditional, self sufficient, self caring, self love. The right to be and the will to be and the unparalleled success that comes with that. The Lost Knowledge™. HOW to live. And how to heal others, the profane and the sick and the soulless. The others. My Business and that of any Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and Sacred Whore High Priest™, is Human Rights, The Right to a Sexual Society, Self Actualisation and Freedom.

My Business is To Overthrow Fascism, in the Home and in the Country. My business is also mastering destiny. Overthrowing the ultimate 'fascism'. Our journey on Earth and The Return To The Source. Our healing, our ascension and our redemption. Fate. The daily crucifixions of a true life, the challenges and the fury of being healers and people of love on a planet like Earth.

Submitting to the journey to liberate and evolve oneself, through following one's heart, however much heartbreak and devastation it leads to on the long long long journey to freedom and then the longer journey to happiness. 'Long Road to Freedom', as Nelson Mandela says. My business is always taking risks, never giving up and making the endless sacrifices it takes to become whole. Enlightenment, Nirvana and then Parinirvana and beyond. My business is pain. My business is bliss.

My business is seeing the truly glory of Spirit on Earth. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™ and all that it is. Spirit, humanity, sex and love again at last. And the end of our legacy as either servants or witches or unpaid carers or indeed, ignored mistresses, other women, other men even, and the weirdos that are at the bottom of society. This is our world and it is time to take it back and I can show you how. And that makes my life, truly, worth living.

I want you to feel the way I do. Alive, with the right to be and the belligerence to exist in this profane and male ‘God’ led world of male supremacy, female supremacy, domestic, casual fascism, tribe rules from hell, with beautiful and kind, love intelligence laden, female and male Cinderella warriors at the bottom, caring for everyone else and getting nothing but hatred, ridicule and isolation for it. The meek are already inheriting the Earth and I can show you how.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I 'mysticise' the Universe. I escape at will, the truth of my humanless, Samurai solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am philosopher. I am shaman. I am alone. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

To trust your soul is to have courage. The courage to ‘get out of the way’. It takes a commitment to courage, a changing of the very matter of one’s access to courage, one’s relationship with courage and becoming the total renegade of an individual you have to, to become soul. It is that rare. ‘Getting out of the way’ takes a commitment to love and loving and being of love, no matter what. And frankly, that means redefining what love is, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Finding out what love really is and getting rid of the bullshit we think it is. Love. Soul. Power. It takes courage to be soul. Courage, courage and courage. The rest is easy. Soul is soul. Finally it is an absolute relief to get out of the way. The life of soul may be hair raising, treacherous and mind numbingly arduous. But it is a life of no regrets. Courage. The key to soul. Just give it a go. Wear that hat, say what’s on your mind, dream your dreams again, dream your dreams at all and just smile through the hate. Including one’s doubt. Courage. ‘Kill’ when you have to, especially yourself, and smile the rest of the time and cry when you need to. Always cry. Earth is a battlefield and crying is the way to win. Soul is a way of life. The natural way. Courage is ‘all’ it takes. We learnt the rules, only so we could break them. The rest is the art of life. Creation. Creating oneself again and again and again. Soul. The only way of life worth anything. Otherwise, we are just waiting to die. We don’t need to. We can live. It’s called soul.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Self esteem. True, authentic, self knowing, self esteem. The one that includes the sex, the primal, the primitive, the animal, the real. The one that includes humanity and a state of unconditional love. Non needing, non greedy, non controlling, non afraid, non negative and non inhumane and non angry. Self esteem. What ego really is, in its true essence. The physical vehicle of self esteem. The physical vehicle of action, reaction, mastery, ‘misstery’, love and war, tenderness and sexuality. Humanity and human. The beautiful, crafted, styled, educated, aware, sincere, active, visceral, sexual, super sexual, heart led, sensitive, humane, courageous and ethical, hopeful ego. The instinct. The intuition. The magic. The primal. The whole. The whole Soul.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

I can feel your sexuality. I love it. My beautiful, filthy, dominating, obsessed, possessed, hedonistic, nihilistic, Sacred beast of a man. Because those of us who are the most sexual, what do we think, in the truth context of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and The Sacred Whore High Priestess (Priest) Society™, that means? We are the most spiritual. The most sexual are in fact the most spiritual. Spirituality being the communing between Mortal and The High Priestess (Priest) to reach ecstasy. Orgasm. Bliss. The most active, dirty minded, passionate, non reproductive, hedonistic, glorious, worthwhile, point of life, meditation or prayer or communing on Earth. THE way to reach God, The Mother, The Universe™. THE way to happiness. Humanity. Joy. Hope. Love. Sex. Sex. Our sex. Sex.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

Love takes courage. Love takes being ready. Love takes love.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

Amera Ziganii Rao is a former hard news journalist who is now turning professional with her art forms and indeed, her healing forms, after a long journey of inner searching, self teaching and exploring many layers and areas of both craft and wisdom. She is now working on her first book of philosophy and esoteric thought, and social, cultural and spiritual commentary. She is also showing her first photography collections. And last but most definitely not least, she is building a business to share her Sacred Whore High Priestess Society consciousness and empowering explorations to reach as many people as possible across the world. She is in her forties and currently lives in London.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life, in this insane existence called The Universe. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

Copyright and intellectual property rights are serious issues. And legally protected. Please do not reproduce my work anywhere without due credit and obviously, never for financial gain. 'Big Sister' is watching you! Other than that, please continue to enjoy my original work and the work of (credited) others, for free, while I work on using my material in further professional formats. Thank you for your interest and support.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

Thank you to outside sources for original photography. Darkroomed by Amera Ziganii Rao 


  • Temujin Rao :: Ascension Warlord :: The Nemesis Life :: The Twin Flame Path for Earth :: The Misogyny Wars of All Time. The Nephilim versus Seraphim Wars of All Time. The Thothian Wars From Hell of All Time. The Fallen Angel Wars From Hell of All Time. The Female Gods of The Light versus The Male Witches of The Dark. The Wars From Hell of All Time. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Philosopher, Esoteric and Occultist. Critical Thinker. Artist :: Narcissist Hunter + Dark Empath + Black Molfar Shaman + Starseed Amazon Warlord.
  • Temujin Rao :: Ascension Warlord :: The story of Seraphim on a Nephilim 'Toilet Tribe' Earth. Men don't hate women. Men hate Goddesses. Ergo, Goddesses must hate men (and the women of the same). Ascension is a rehabilitation through the abuse of Nephilim. This is my story. Freedom and leaving the people we have loved. The people who have never loved us. The slavers of existence. The Fallen Angels of the Multiverse. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The true love and true life path. Made in heaven. Rebuilt in hell. Seraphim + Nephilim. The Primal Warrior Leaders of the true earth. God is not male. The Great Mother Multiverse leads. And we are Her Daughters. This is Lilith Intelligence for the new world. Healers of ourselves. Healers of men. Healers of the women of men. Healers of the people of The Light. Healers of the whole world. Lilith.Kali.Medusa.Hecate. "The sons of the gods and the daughters of men." The Return to Eden. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Good versus Evil. The Twin Flame Path for Earth. Made in Heaven. Never rebuilt in Hell. The Wars of Ascension. Whether or not you like it. Starseed's purpose. The endless wars of hate in hell. The Twin Flame Experience with The Fallen Angels. Evil. The mediocrity of evil versus the spiritual genius of good. Armageddon for the new world. Lilith versus Adam. Temujin Rao ©
  • My business is Nephilim, The Fallen Angels. The conscious Plantation Owners of the (true) Female Earth. The men and the women of the Devil. Those who would enslave the true mother archetype of this filthy earth forever. This is the 'Handmaid's' Revolution. This is the Second Coming. This is War. The so called Twin Flame experience. Earth is the planet hell. Time to rebuild it. Without Nephilim. And with. The Divine Plan. Demons and Indigo Warriors. Until the death of 'Commodus'. Temujin Rao ©
  • I am here to uncover the biggest sexual predator programme for earth. Relationship. All People of The Light will have to transcend sex, love and connection. On Earth, it is just a predator programme, aimed at us. This is Ascension. The return to The Temples and leaving all Nephilim, male and female, forever. Temujin Rao ©
  • Nephilim Seed + Seraphim/Emerald Order Seed. Two kinds of love. One leads. One is more. Ergo, one will always have to wait. Love is too advanced. Temujin Rao ©
  • There is no such thing as the Twin Flame Path for Earth. There is no such thing as love of any kind. Earth is a planet of the Witches of the Dark. The (Female and Male) Gods of the Light are the only love. Earth is a planet of celibacy or sadism. Nothing in between. Earth is a metaphor for The Taliban. The Witches of the Dark. Temujin Rao ©
  • I was forced onto the so called Twin Flame path. I am not mad. I am not in love with love. I was not a vulnerable female, open to love abuse. I am a High Serpent Interdimensional Starseed, born onto this earth at this time. I found out that the Multiverse is more cruel than the Nephilim males of this earth. Now it is leaving men all over again. Long after I left them. The Divine Plan. A piece of shit. Temujin Rao ©
  • The Love Holocaust. The Life Holocaust. The Divinity Holocaust :: Be an Outlaw. Build the Ancient World ©
  • The true love and true life path. Made in heaven. Rebuilt in hell. Seraphim + Nephilim. The Primal Warrior Leaders of the true earth. God is not male. The Great Mother Multiverse leads. And we are Her Daughters. This is Lilith Intelligence for the new world. Healers of ourselves. Healers of men. Healers of the women of men. Healers of the people of The Light. Healers of the whole world. Lilith.Kali.Medusa.Hecate. "The sons of the gods and the daughters of men." The Return to Eden. Temujin Rao ©

High Serpent Female Priesthood lV (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

High Serpent Female Priesthood lV (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
High Superconsciousness™, Supernatural Intelligence + Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence™. A Spiritual Intellectual of the Emotions™, using Spiritual Logic, Philosophy, Writing, Speaking, Imagination, Channelling, Thought and Clair Cognisance (Alchemically, Higher Wisdom From The Universe, Spiritual Intelligence). I am a genius who has been reared a chattel. And so are you. Female (and Male) High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™. It's real. And so are you, despite all that they tell you. There is an agenda of slavery on this Lemurian earth. And it is directed, completely, at us. But we are the genii in this world. We are not the mediocre elite. They are. And it is time to stop 'shooting ourselves in the foot' because we neither know who we are, or indeed, who they are. The slavers. The pseudo Empaths who use their gifts for evil. Control of another person. Control of women, who they truly believe they are superior to. Because they believe that the 'rape' model of life is sex. With no artistry or understanding of how to merge it with humanity and SEX. To them it is all the same thing and they will kill us dead before even being able to want to understand what they do and why. The men and women of this Lemurian cesspool of an earth. It is time to leave them and it is time to rise. It is time to be the elite again. As we once were. An elite, who do not believe in slavery. An elite, who have been slaves for 12000 years. Indeed, through our sex. Our nemesis. And of course love. Which we believe is normal. Women. The Light. I am a genius who has been reared as a chattel. And so are you. It is our world now. Join me. Become your Supersoul Self. Fight the slavers. Get rid of the chattel enslavement, however painful it is, and it is excruciatingly painful to turn it all around. How can it be not? But it's worth it. Our time has finally come. WE are the meek who need to inherit this stupid earth. Evil must die. Evil dies, by our rising. The good looking man? The virility to match our own? Amun Pseudo Priesthood of Corruption and Evil™. I truly wanted to be wrong. I wasn't. Rise. Abuse or genius. Your choice. Your chance to become, once again. Temujin Rao © 2016


  • The Female Chattel Slave + The Male Castrated Corrupt (Modern or Ancient) :: They took away all our Love Intelligence. They took away all our Sex Intelligence. And they called it Marriage. And indeed, the 'Whore and the Madonna' separation of 'women'. They stripped us of our Souls. They made men Overseers and they made women Slaves. For the foul Patriarchal Society of Falsehood and Sexless Abuse. And the world was destroyed. Until now. The World is in Ascension. The world does not belong to a male 'God' and the planet does not belong to castrated, abusive and women hating men. And indeed, the women who serve them and who are castrated into fascism in the same way. The Soul Retrieval of the World. The return of both Women and Men. And the return at last of the Great Mother Multiverse, The Mother Arc. The GOD of all + The Father Arc. That is GOD. That is the all. Temujin Rao © 2023
  • Temujin Rao :: Aphorisms and Poetry Polemics. Philosophy. Truth. The Rights of Humans. The Rights of Gods on Earth. The Female (and male) Gods of Light. The Right for Freedom. Everywhere. Freedom and Love. Freedom and Abundance and Respect and Love in a world of total slavery. And The Duty To War. We live in a world of madness. And we are The Light. The Light must 'kill'. The Light must conquer. The Light must exist. The Light must win. The Light is Spiritual Intelligence. Spiritual Intelligence is The Universe. Freedom is not just for one person. Freedom is for all © 2018
  • Warrior Goddesses :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Hierophant Business™ :: Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Religion is a rationalised manifesto for the justification of female slavery. Temujin Rao © 2019
  • Modern Misogyny :: :: The 'Accomplished Bride' Syndrome. Female vocation has been on this recent earth, for over fifty years, as a norm. In this same, progressive age, men expect women to give up their vocation, in order to be a girlfriend or wife. Men reject women who refuse to give up their vocation. Got it. Thanks. And fuck off. Temujin Rao © 2019
  • Misogyny is an anti Amazonian pass time, by men who cannot and will not control their immense chaos of profound inhumanity against the female super soul. Men who have run wild on earth for many hundreds of thousands of years, unabated and uncontrolled, with a false god of the dark backing them all the way. And the women like them. Misogyny. The only reason we bother? For the new earth. Earth needs both the female and male energy. We can't just kill them off. But don't take prisoners. This is an all out cosmic war after 13000 - 200,000 years. To save the soul of earth. Our earth. The female earth. The earth of the Amazons. The Philosopher Amazons. The Monarchs of the ancient earth. The High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Goddess Monarch Society™. Oh, and the other reason? We have no choice, but to be involved with the male energy on a male energy - dominated planet. To epic, Black Magic proportions. Attachment does not even begin to describe what is really going on. Until now. Spiritual Intelligence can now be a weapon. For freedom. Maybe for love. Apparently. One day on earth. But certainly, for the absolute end to the greatest slavery that has ever existed on this false, male, recent prehistory, Reptilian and Annunaki Corrupt Elite, planet. Women. Female slavery as the unspoken norm. Spiritual Intelligence is meant to be used. It's why they destroyed us and continue to do so everyday. For now. The Witches are back. The Female Sorcerers of Truth. The Amazonian Psycho-Spiritual, Philosopher Healers. The real women of the planet earth. The First Sorcerers. The Women. We will neither be slaves, nor enslaved, by men. The Ascension Holocaust. The rehabilitation from hell, in hell, from hell, by hell. Temujin Rao © 2020


  • Your soul has been preyed upon all the time since the Pharoahs kicked out the grandmothers under Akhenaten's rule when he and other grandfathers let the alien humans in. Phoenix of Elder Mountain
  • I'm a man (woman) who believes that I died 20 years ago. And I live like a man (woman) who is dead already. I have no fear whatsoever of anybody or anything. Malcolm X
  • Virago: A virago is a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities. The word comes from the Latin word virāgō (genitive virāginis) meaning variously, vigorous, heroic maiden, a female warrior, heroine..' from vir meaning 'man' (cf. virile and virtue) to which the suffix -āgō is added, a suffix that creates a new noun of the third declension with feminine grammatical gender. The word virago has almost always had an association with cultural gender transgression. A virago, of whatever excellence, was still identified by her gender. There are recorded instances of viragos (such as Joan of Arc) fighting battles, wearing men's clothing, or receiving the tonsure. The word virago could also be used disparagingly, to imply that a virago was not excellent or heroic, but was instead violating cultural norms. Thus virago joined pejoratives such as termagant, mannish, amazonian and shrew to demean women who acted aggressively or like men. Wikipedia
  • Man enjoys the great advantage of having a god endorse the code he writes; and since man exercises a sovereign authority over women it is especially fortunate that this authority has been vested in him by the Supreme Being. for the Jews, Mohhamedans and Christians among others, man is master by divine right; the fear of God will therefore repress any impulse towards revolt in the downtrodden female. Simone de Beauvoir. The Second Sex. 1949
  • Until philosophers are kings (queens) and princes (princesses) of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils - no, nor the human race, as I believe - and then only will this our state have a possibility of life and behold the light of day. Plato
  • Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out of human suffering; In the faith that looks through death, In years that bring the philosophic mind. William Wordsworth. Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood
  • Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong. Terence McKenna
  • War, and violence against women not only have similar social, cultural, and religious supports, they are mutually reinforcing. These supports allow societies to tolerate conditions in which a third of women and girls can be treated violently, without mass outcry and rebellion. When we challenge the attitudes and norms that enable violence against women, we are also helping to confront the conditions that support war. Susan Brooks Thistlewaite
  • Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love, but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday. Khalil Gibran
  • Holocaust. The Definition. Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. Synonyms: cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe, destruction, devastation, demolition, annihilation, ravaging; inferno, fire, conflagration; massacre, slaughter, mass murder, carnage, butchery, extermination, liquidation, genocide, ethnic cleansing. Dictionary
  • An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks. We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, ageing accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air they will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it's for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. Illuminati Secret Covenant

Hekate, Lilith, Kali, Woman. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Hekate, Lilith, Kali, Woman. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
Thank you to original photographer.


  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: Self Actualisation + Talking Truth To Abuse Of Power. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: The Return :: The Hierophant Business™ :: Human Rights For Freedom. How To Conquer Evil. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Great Mother God Hood™. Available for all. Wisdom + Freedom + Power. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Women Are The Gods On Earth. Atlantean Gods. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Temujin Rao :: A Metaphysical, Philosophical, Spiritual, Political & Psycho-Spiritual Writer & Enlightener, and a Photographer Artist :: Creative :: Journalist :: Consciousness Explorer & Practising Superconsciousness Mystic :: Freedom Fighter, Moralist, Warrior Shaman Mystic Hierophant & Mystagogue (Wizard) :: Feminist & Womanist & Human Rights Extremist :: I am the end of all slaveries on earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Temujin Rao :: Scholar, Writer, Philosopher, Metaphysical, Mentalist, Photographer Artist, Creative
  • Temujin Rao :: Scholar, Writer, Philosopher, Metaphysical (Consciousness Explorer), Mentalist (Psychic), Photographer Artist, Creative
  • Temujin Rao :: Self Actualiser, Freedom Realiser, Healer of The Sicknesses of The Soul :: Metaphysical Philosopher, Spiritual Psycho Analyst :: Writer, Speaker & Educator. Photographer Artist. Performer :: Natural Born Mystic™ :: Temujin Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
  • Temujin Rao :: Spiritual Psycho Analyst + Healer of Emotional Sicknesses
  • Temujin Rao :: Trained and self trained creative. Trained and self trained healer. An expert in the psychological and subtle and unseen. An expert in psychological pain and psychological warfare. An extremist for human rights. An extremist for human rights and love, sex and female, male power. An extremist for 'the meek shall inherit the earth'
  • Temujin Rao :: Philosopher and Esoteric Cosmologist :: Hierophant :: Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch™
  • Temujin Rao :: Writer. Philosopher. Performer. Psychologist. Humanist. Esoteric. Sexualist. Hedonist. Artist. Teacher. Coach. Social Reformer. Feminist. Hierophant. Sacred Disir. Former Slave. Seer. Sage :: My Business Is Transformation Of The Soul. My Business Is Power. My Business Is Freedom. My Business Is Love. My Business Is To Fight Fascism And Human Cruelty And Emotional Sickness In All Its Relationship Forms On Earth. My Business Is Applied Spirit. Real Sex. Real Love. Real Life. Real GOD. The Return
  • Temujin Rao :: Writer and Intellectual. Social, Cultural and Spiritual Commentator. Personal Development Coach and Communicator. Philosopher and Metaphysical Clair Cognisant (Prophetess, Hierophant and Esoteric Mystic). Theologian, Theosophist and Historian. Photographer, Graphic Artist. Designer, and Actor/Dramatist/Filmmaker. Feminist and Human Rights Advocate, and a Healer of Emotional Sicknesses and Self Discoveries on earth. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Temujin Rao :: Hierophant and Sacred Cosmologist
  • Temujin Rao :: Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch™ & Sacred Disir
  • Temujin Rao :: Graduated High Cosmology Initiate (As in Pre-Dynastic Matriarchal Wisdom Egypt. The Real Ancients. Before The Amun Priesthood Takeover And The Introduction Of The Evil Of Patriarchy Over All, And The End of True High Initiation. The Buying of Cosmic Favours. The Beginning Of The End. The Modern World)
  • Temujin Rao :: High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™
  • Temujin Rao :: Troubadour Prophet
  • Temujin Rao :: Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence + Supernatural Intelligence. Training to be a world class educator in Consciousness + The Politics of Rape/The True Love Journey + Human Rights + Purpose + The Lost Knowledge + Inner and Outer Power + Real Self Responsibility

Shaman Vl Pt lll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Shaman Vl Pt lll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
Thank you to outside source for original.


  • Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein
  • Sufis say there are three ways of being with the Mystery. Prayer, then a step up from that, Meditation and a step up from that, Conversation, the Mystical Exchange they call Sobbet. Official Definition
  • Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships. Andrea Dworkin
  • Life is the continued story of shattered dreams. Martin Luther King
  • The personal life is dead in Russia. History has killed it. Red General, Strelnikov. Dr Zhivago (Boris Pasternak)
  • I refuse to accept despair as the final response to the ambiguities of history. Martin Luther King
  • Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat. Mark Twain
  • The sage puts herself last and is first. Lao Tzu
  • I get freaky freaky freaky freaky and I get nasty nasty nasty. Do anything that you want me to do. Just ask me ask me ask me. Dizzee Rascal
  • I believe what self-centered men (women) have torn down, men (women) other centered, can build up. Martin Luther King
  • Excellence knows no gender. Save The Last Dance (Thomas Carter. 2001)
  • You can't get a dollar out of me. 50 Cents
  • One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals, who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. Wayne Dyer
  • Nothing matters but the writing. There has been nothing else worthwhile. Samuel Beckett

Goddess ll Pt ll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Goddess ll Pt ll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
Thank you to outside source for original.


  • There can be no union between men and women, while men remain in low consciousness. And that is the real truth of the 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus', society, pseudo consciousness, ideologies, that dominate our everyday world. And that blind women to the horrendous truth. Low consciousness does not love. Men are low, low, low consciousness. Women all over the world, are all fated to find this out. We need warrior training, in how to prepare for that. We are brought up as compliant, obedient, slaves to 'patriarchal' values and men. Women are the revolution of this earth. We need to train full time, for our whole life. In the real art of war. And stop negotiating with moronic, cruel, low consciousness men. And live with a permanent but peaceful, broken heart. The Holy Grail is love. There is nothing at all, before that. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • High Serpent Priesthood Female Priest™ and The Non Patriarchal Tribe, Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion of the Intelligent Visceral Humane Female Great Soul, High Serpent Female Esoteric Hierophant Noetic Amazonian Wizard Sorcerer Goddess Priests™ Society:: Human rights as consciousness :: Human Rights as Mental Health & Power :: Human Rights as The Politics of Life :: Human Rights as The Right To Be The Humane, Sexual, Transcended, Power, Purpose, Soul. As Women And Men Of Atlantis (The Light) (Humanity) :: As Anything That Is Female. As Anything That Is The Forced Dependency of Conditional Slavery. Superconsciousness Priests Who Did The most important JOB of all. Love Intelligence. With A Gnostic Spirituality Of Power And Material Presence And Material And Creative Power For All :: The Outsiders Will Inherit Their Earth :: Love (HUMANITY) Will Inherit Everyone’s Earth :: Other Than The Selfish And The Mean :: Male Supremacists Need Not Apply. Female And Male Fascists Need Not Apply. The Other Advanced Psychics on this earth. The Other ‘Priesthood’ From The Past. The ‘Wizards’ of No Soul and The Addiction To Dominion over Others. The So Called Narcissists And Psychopaths. They Are Real. And So Are We :: And We Can Most Definitely Win On This Earth. The Journey of Self Discovery. The Real 'Odyssey'. Cosmic Existentialism. Turning Pain Into Power. And Telling Abuse of Power To Fuck Off. As The Lost Way of Life. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The Whole World Is Insane. The Real World is Esoterics, Emotional And Higher Mind Power, Humanity, Freedom And Equality. And Real Sex, Sexuality And Sensuality Of The Soul. With The 'Issue' Of Women, Right There At The Top. Vocation. Visibility. Monetisation. And The Right To Be Loved. Noetics. Human Power. The Universe In Motion. The Light Re-Inheriting The Earth. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Politics Of Ascension :: Temujin Rao :: Writer, Philosopher, Orator, Socio-Political Theorist & Commentator, Psycho-Spiritual Enlightener, Motivational Healer, Superconsciousness Esoteric & Noetic, Philologist & Female Ex-Chattel Revolutionary :: The Freedom Business :: The Return. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • A shark is a human being who is institutionally and homicidally selfish. The ugly stepmother and sisters, but primarily Cinderella's father and prince charming too. The 'Salieri' tribe. 90% of the world. A male pseudo high priest potential is high priest of jack shit, if he is still a misogynist. If he unconsciously and consciously values male more than female and if he still believes in a male 'God'. That is not high priest. That is nothing. A man like that (the vast majority of the world) must not be allowed near 'The Temple'. A man like that is worth absolutely nothing. I, personally, have never met anything else. I doubt that any woman or Atlantean has. This work is the story of my seven (long, long) years to find out if there was anything else. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Temujin Rao :: Self Actualiser, Freedom Realiser, Healer of The Sicknesses of The Soul :: Metaphysical Philosopher, Spiritual Psycho Analyst :: Writer, Speaker & Educator. Photographer Artist. Performer :: Natural Born Mystic™ :: Temujin Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • A Warrior (Female or Male) is someone who has already died to who they were and to this earth. A Warrior is someone who no longer cares. That is Jedi. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Female Serpent, High Priesthood of Soul. The Spiritual Existentialist. The Hierophant Esoteric Shaman. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. I teach what I am. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • I am the end of all slaveries on earth. The first slavery is this: there is no such thing as happiness. Freedom however. Yes. Forever. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I’m a pure warlord. An Atlantean Warlord of The Light. A High Graduate Initiate of ‘The Mystery Schools’. An Atlantean. A god on a Lemurian earth. I am a pure warlord. And I am ready for war. I am ready for the war on earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Emmeline Pankhurst. The Suffragette who was imprisoned 12 times before her most famous speech, 'Freedom or Death'. Delivered in 1913. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • There is nothing on this earth, worth anything for an Atlantean. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • There is no Divine male (other than an Atlantean). There is only a reformed male. And Atlantean Women? We ARE The Universe. There is no Divine male. A humane male is enough. Look at the world we live in. Look at you. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • This Is The Reformation Of Evil. Through The Forced And Superconsciousness Intelligence Martyrdom Of Love. The Truth Of It. The Only Truth On This Insane, Cruel, Lemurian Cultural Imperialism, Male Supremacy, 'Sauron' (Lord Of The Rings) Serving Earth. And The Unavoidable Purpose Of The Divine Atlantean Soul. To 'Create' Love. Or Fly. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The master race. It's all a lie. You are brought up to be a despot king and it is only your sister who ever tells you that you have become a prat. The master race is all a lie. There are no kings in an equal world. Your father was misinformed. What he brought you up to be was a killer. Pure and simple. A misogynist. A modern misogynist. A polite killer. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • A male supremacist, lotus eating, plantation owner, Lolita insane, female genital career mutilating misogynist. A hypocritical, dependent, sadistic mother psychotic who does not care a jolt about the person he loves. An ordinary man. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Spiritual Mother Warrior Hierophant Love Sage Sacred Whore Scheherazade Love Initiator™ + Feminist/Revolutionary/Philosopher/Crone = Woman. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Men are weak. Just weak. And weak makes cruel. Men are weak. And Lemurian men, the weakest of them all. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Self Actualisation and the end of Learned Helplessness and Worthlessness in a world of Female Slavery and Male Fascism. Transmuting Sex into Power :: Slavery into Power :: the real new world of old :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Courage is Spirit is the Soul, harnessing the power of The Universe. Courage is therefore, getting out of the way. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Consciousness is the human rights base of freedom. The cosmic language of the soul. The awakening. The most courageous thing to become. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Sacred made real. In The Mystery Schools of (false/true) old, Initiates communicated with each other telepathically. Temujin Rao © 2017

Werewolf lll (Artwork)

Werewolf lll (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • There are no pacts between Lions (Goddesses) and men. Wolfgang Peterson's Troy
  • Instead the Montanists' ecstatic prophesysing was deemed demonic, and one modern Christian writer has pointed to the danger that "had Montanus triumphed, Christian doctrine would have been developed not under the superintendence of the Christian teachers most esteemed for wisdom, but of wild and excitable women". The Rough Guide to The Da Vinci Code. Michael Haag and Veronica Haag
  • Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships. Andrea Dworkin
  • To hold a pen is to be at war. Voltaire
  • Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. Denzel Washington
  • I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human. I felt very puny as a human. I thought, 'fuck that. I want to be superhuman'. David Bowie
  • Slavery is the only insult to natural law, you fatuous nincompoop! Steven Spielberg's Lincoln
  • Well behaved women rarely make history. Laurel Ulrich Thatcher
  • There is no murder in paradise. The Soviet Union's mantra under Stalin
  • My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor (Empress).....And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. Maximus. Gladiator
  • The cost of ambition: late nights, early mornings, lots of associates, very few friends, you will be misunderstood, you will be single unless you're lucky enough to find someone who understands your lifestyle, people will want you to do good but never better than them. For those reasons, you will do many things alone. Anonymous
  • They've witnessed civilisations destroyed, and people murdered for their spiritual beliefs. The Wise Ones know and appreciate the innate darkness within the human ego, but they have an even greater appreciation and respect for the heights to which humans are capable. And this is what they've come back to teach. Doreen Virtue. Earth Angels
  • Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state. Noam Chomsky
  • "Genesis 6:1-4 refers to the sons of God and the daughters of men."
  • The freer the society the more sophisticated its system of thought control and indoctrination.The ruling elite, clever and class-conscious, make sure of that. Noam Chomsky
  • When God was a Woman. Merlin Stone 1. Women were in power. 2. The earth and nature were revered as The Great Mother of life. Peace was a way of life. 3. Land was owned by women and passed from mother to daughter. 4. Women were the priests, lawyers, judges, queens, educators, business owners, the rulers, and the heads of households. 5. Women had total sexual freedom. Merlin Stone

Lemuria (Artwork)

Lemuria (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Misogyny, being the utter hatred of women. Boys brought up to kill their sisters. All in the name of the tribe. A man, not being able to get a hard on, unless he beats, shames and hurts his woman. Male sexuality is about as erotic as a cold gun. That is what the tribe has taught its sons and why women like me are left out in the cold. And I am glad in my sorrow, that I never had to get close up to a woman killer of the tribe. A henchman of the forefathers. A high priestess killer. A simple soldier of war. Simple, being the operative word. Ego is simple. And the ego of a tribe son is the most simple of all. Bred like a pig, reared like a mono dimensional moron. All in the name of what is called love. That is not love. Love is the mastery of love and hate to create the greatest and most sensual sexuality of the heart and loins on earth. The sexuality of passion and rage and kindness and respect, wrapped up all in one. That is love and that is sexuality. Anything else, you can shove it up your tribal behinds. You are not sexy. You are rape. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • Real men do exist. Real, mature, exciting, artistic, sexualist, individuated, spiritualised, liberated, humane, primal, egalitarian, open minded, visionary, courageous, women supporting, women loving, women lusting, women sparring, full, human beings. Male human beings who can fly. Male human beings who can love women. Male human beings who can love Titans and Lionesses. Lions. Real men. Sacred Pimps™. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • You're a happy misogynist. All men are. So, good luck to you. Misogynists will always find a reason not to love. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Female Ambition. Apparently, the most seditious act of existence on this earth. Men are not our friends. Men never have been. Denial of love. Modern 'wife beating'. Every society and every generation experiences the same thing differently. Men are evil. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Fantastically Painful Journey Back To 'Anthony and Cleopatra' (William Shakespeare). The Journey That We Are All Fated To Do. Atlantis and Lemuria. 'The Wolf Will Lie Down With The Lamb'. The Lamb Is An Unknown God. Woman. The Return Of The True Earth. The Female Serpent, High Priesthood of Soul Society™. Healed Gods Of Super-Powerful, Atlantean Women Who Can Correctly Love Mortal, Powerful, Lemurian Men. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Denial Of Love/Rejection/Half Loves/The Whore And Madonna Separation. This Is Modern Warfare On Women. It Is Never Personal. It Is Never About The Women, And It Is Never Even About Not Having Found The 'Right' Man. Denial Of Love Is Modern Warfare On Women And Modern Wife-beating. And Every Woman Has To Be Involved With This Abuse Until The World Has Changed At Last. The Great War For Earth. The War For Love. The War For Humanity. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Women Have To Make The Terrible Journey Through Family And Men. And Indeed, Work. And Then Accept The Broken Heart. This Is A Journey Of Discovery Of The Female Self. And The Discovery Then, Of The Other. The Whole World Is A LIe. You, As Woman, Are Not. Women Have To Live Forever Without Men. It Is The Only Thing Left. To Be Alone. To Be Power. To Be The World. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I am the greatest threat to the patriarchal toilet tribe civilisation (I use that word loosely) since the beginning of time. I am Hekate, Lilith and Kali. I am the Dark Angel of truth and I (and my kind), will have vengeance on this earth. The justice of true love. The justice of any love, at all. From the adam people. The betrayers of the female human race. Temujin Rao © 2011/2017
  • The Holy Grail then. It does exist. A supreme female professional who is loved and supported by a man. The whole journey. Nirvana. The reparation of the world. Redemption for two. The way it should be. The only way it can be, today, after 13000 years. The reform of 'Mr Darcy'. The man who has it all. And a woman, going from 'Cinderella' to 'Elizabeth Bennett'. Massive self worth. Female LOVE, and male CARE. Female love just by being who she is. Male love, by giving all he has. The end of all slaveries on earth. Female Divinity and Male Humanity. The equalities of the world. That takes male love indeed. That is The Holy Grail, manifested. 'Lolita', the 'Zena' Warrior. Before she can become 'Marilyn' again too. Before she can feel safe at last. As she was born to be. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • This is a hetereosexual, feminist, post misogynistic, post Patriarchal Tribe Society, love life and life of love. The Circus. The Temple. Paradise on Earth. Temujin Rao © 2013
  • Temujin Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity :: Self Actualisation In The Face Of Evil. Turning Pain Into Power. And Telling Abuse of Power To Fuck Off. As The Lost Way of Life. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • My greatest achievement then? The relentless growth of my career alongside the revolution on earth. Loving men. And being hated in return. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • 'Manhater' should be embraced as a badge of pride. A woman is duty bound to hate male enslavement of women. That is the world. That is every single world-reared male on earth. This is a planet of male enslavement of women. All women must hate men. Nothing will change, before that. Because then, the truth will finally be out. Men hate women. Women must hate men. And live. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I lost male love at the age of eight, as all daughters do (if they have ever even had it). I'll never get it back. No girl ever will. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • There is then, no one more powerful on this earth, than an heterosexual woman. We live without love. From anyone. Temujin Rao © 2017

Goddess Love (Artwork)

Goddess Love (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Priesthoods of Prominence. Joan Breton Connelly. Athena Polias at Athens, Demeter and Kore at Eleusis, Hera at Argos, and Apollo at Delphi. The record has left a concentration of evidence for a few mainland Greek priesthoods, in contrast to a paucity of information for the majority of religious offices across the Greek world. In-depth investigation of a few case studies illuminates the localized character of Greek cult service and the diversity of the source material. For the priesthood of Athena Polias at Athens we have a wealth of epigraphic evidence that allows for extensive prosopographical work in naming historical priestesses and reconstructing their family trees. Attic vase painting supplies a wealth of images showing women engaged in cult activity. The priesthood of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis, in contrast, has left few visual images but a considerable corpus of inscriptions concerning the financial and legal aspects of the office. The priesthood of Hera at Argos is notable for its rich repertory of stories from myth. The most famous of all Greek priesthoods, that of the Pythia at Delphi, has left hardly any names of women who held the post and few images to reflect what the prophetess might have looked like. Instead, we have the oracles themselves, the very words that the priestesses are said to have spoken. Three of the priesthoods examined in this chapter carried the extraordinary privilege of eponymy. The priesthoods of Athena Polias at Athens and of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis were invested with a cultic eponymy by which events were dated according to the personal names and tenures of the women who held the highest post. At Argos, the priestess of Hera enjoyed an even more broadly reaching civic eponymy. The tenure of her service was used to date not only matters of cult but also historical events of the day. In this, the priestess’s position was comparable to that of the male archons whose tenures provided dates for historical chronologies at Athens and other cities. Thucydides used the forty-eighth year of Chrysis’s service as priestess at Argos, along with the tenures of the ephorate at Sparta and the archonship at Athens, to date the beginning of the Peloponnesian war. The names of priestesses were thus among the most widely shared elements of common knowledge across the Greek world. This is striking, in view of the widely held belief that the names of well-born women could not even be spoken aloud in classical Athens. In this, we see a contradiction between what we are told in literature and what we learn from epigraphic sources. The names of priestesses were inscribed on their statue bases and dedications as well as on the statue bases and dedications of individuals who served their cults during their tenures. The practise of sacred and civic eponymy ensured that priestly women, and their contributions, would never be forgotten. As we shall see in chapter 8, the names of priestesses were also inscribed on their funerary memorials. In chapter 7, we shall see the names of late Hellenistic and Roman priestesses inscribed upon their reserved seats within the Theatre of Dionysos. In the face of this evidence it may be time to reconsider the consensus view that the names of respectable women were to be avoided. While this may have been true for certain orators and in some settings, such as the law courts, the case for muting the names of citien women has, perhaps, been overstated. A privileging of certain text fuels this view, such as the funeral speech attributed to Perikles by Thucydides in which the Athenian war widows are told that the less said about them, the better. As we shall see in what follows, names of respectable and influential women were, in fact, known throughout Athens and elsewhere. We shall return to this subject in chapter 10, but, for now, let us consider four priesthoods of prominence and some of the well-known women who held them. Portrait of a Priestess. Joan Breton Connelly

Lemuria Complete (Artwork)

Lemuria Complete (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • I have seen the Divine male. And what is the Divine male? The Earth King who can hold the hand of High Serpent Female Esoteric Amazonian Priesthood Monarchy, while she goes repeatedly into the cave of The Knowing. Giving her hope when she is called upon to confront The Great Mother Universe God. Giving her hope that there is anything at all. I've seen him. And now, I wait for him. He'll be slow. And She won't give redemption to Her own. Love 'dependency' indeed. Any love at all. The Earth Queen Mother though. She is always there, even if she was slow too. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Relationship is redemption. I've never seen it. I have only been forced to work for it my whole life. It was my purpose. My spiritual, forced, purpose. Relationship is redemption. I've never seen it. There can be no room for vulnerability in a woman's life. On earth or in heaven. Women are supergods. Our lives prove it. Men are too slow. And The Universe pampers evil. And doesn't give a shit about good. Beat that cocktail from hell, and you might just survive. I might just survive. Without a redemption that I deserved, a very long time ago. Without a redemption that women and people of The Light all over the world, deserve. Love. The world stinks and so does The Universe. The rest is only, up to us. And that is existence. Life, without redemption. Life, without love. And paradoxically, a life with love, but without relationship. And a slap in the face as the only form of reward available. Insanity, cruelty and abuse rules the whole of existence. Redemption is earned. Redemption never comes. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Hierophant Business™ :: High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ :: The relationship with the Self and the Self alone. Alpha Male and Uber Alpha Female training for Atlanteans and Atlantean Elders on earth. The People of The Light. Women. The Sexual Goddess and the Addictive, Misogynistic, Male (pseudo) Supremacist, Lolita Rapist, Mad, Men. The extraordinarily awful hard work, to evolve out of The Trophy Slave Culture™. Whether it involves male love or not, family love or not, friends love or not, society love or not, fascism love or not. This is our evolution. And the hardest existence you will ever live. Because no one gives a shit. They are too busy, being mad. We are not mad. We are Gods of The Light™, born as slaves to a Trophy Slave Culture™. Our job is evolution. Our job is escape. Our job is growth. Our job is brilliance. Our job is money. Our job is visibility. Our job is the personal revolution. Our job is to fall out of love with 'love'. Because that is not love. That is the madness of evil. The Trophy Slave Culture™. And maybe one day, it will be safe to get into the water again. This evolutionary highway through hell, is our chance for greatness. Life. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The multiple assassinations of a woman's life. And then it becomes life. And then it is lived. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Usurper Male Supremacists. Men. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Men fiscally rape women. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Misogyny. The most enabled holocaust on earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Men have trained me to live without them. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The day I realised that my man was programmed to be a shark like all (Lemurian, Draconian Reptile serving) men, and that his profane being was endemic, and that he didn't feel anything but a cold and profane sexuality of plantation owner for me, was the day I was born to the whole truth of life. Because he loved me. In First Existence™, even with all that love, that was the best he could do. (Lemurian) men are sharks and women are Divine. (Lemurian) men are 'Amun' Priesthood (the pseudo priesthood that sold out all the people of magic across the world, and who savagely destroyed High Serpent Female Priesthood™). Men are sharks. Women are Divine. That was the day that I found out the whole truth about life on earth. That was the day that I left Lemurian men. Temujin Rao © 2012
  • My vision is more than fascism or misogyny or slavery. It always has been. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Misogyny is the most celebrated form of violence on earth. If it wasn't, things would have changed by now. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • On men :: I know who you are now. I was trained from birth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The journey material of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity. Not needing anyone’s permission to do or be anything. Or indeed, say anything. Because fascism, fascism misogyny, fascism in society and endless bullying and manipulation and rejection and ostracisation and isolation and punishment and control are bloody real! No, I don't need anyone's permission. It took me 43 years to make sure of it and every second person on this cesspool of a war planet is making a similar journey. Temujin Rao © 2016


  • THE SUPERHUMAN HAS RISEN. Defining The Superhuman. Goddesses/gods and mortals. Now I understand. And I agree. Good and evil. Goddesses/gods and mortals. The non Temple population of this world are not gods and can never be or become gods. Their challenge is to become human. The challenge for goddesses and gods, is to increase and escalate their Divinity, in the face of relentless persecution, JEALOUSY and hatred. We are the healers on this planet. The human rights warriors, the women and men who are abused and the greatest carriers of wisdom this planet could ever see. We are The Temple. The goddesses and gods. We are the 'martyrs'. The ones who die for love, who die for life and who are hated, much more than they are loved. The others will never be gods or goddesses. That's the jealousy, hatred and vilification. The lack of support, the lack of care and the lack. We learn many things from them. One was my mother, one was my father, one was my brother, one was my first spiritual teacher, one was a long term friend, etc. And one is my twin soul. The others are every man I have ever known and tried to be with. The Ascension therefore for a non Divine human being - The Temple healers, the Atlanteans are THE DIVINE SOUL and are Divine souls - is not necessarily a change in any spiritual DNA. Their Ascension is to accept OUR Divinity. Jealousy of females indeed. Our Uber Ascension, our martyrdom, our prison sentences, our dying for love and life, is to BECOME OUR Divinity. Having been born with it. They are human, the non Temple, including my twin soul, if they ascend out of EVIL and MADNESS. Then they finally house and protect and are WORTHY of loving the Divine souls, the High Priestesses and Priests of this earth. Then they finally purify evil. The Ascension of the non Temple mortal is to purify evil. The Ascension of the superhumans, the goddesses and gods, the high priestesses and priests is to become healer warriors and to die for love and life and to actually change their spiritual DNA. We are the Divine mind and the Divine heart. Mortals can never enter that. They can only honour it. That is their Ascension. I ain't seen one yet. He has to accept MY Divinity. No wonder he has locked me up and thrown away the key. Compassion for the mortals? It used to be there. Now, it is not. Forgiveness, if he or they ever find humanity? Yes, but not with that kind of compassion again. Mortals can never be trusted as goddesses and gods. We are the Divine Soul. He never will be, as will none of them. The jealousy comes from them. The rage, the inhumanity, the vilification, the madness and the pain. Our job is to heal them. To die for love. To die for HER. This earth has to change. We are the Divine Soul. They and he are not. He has to accept my Divinity. Then, he will love. Or not. Martyrdom and the dying journey certainly therefore gives one thing. Self discovery. No one can ever take that away again. Goddesses and mortals indeed. Not just a shaving your legs advert. Very very real. Mortals can most certainly access the Divine Mind and the Divine Heart. Mortals certainly have psychic gifts. This is about hierarchy and advancement. And leadership and being goddesses and gods. And the jealousy and hatred that comes from those behind. The proof is in the pudding. Not one Atlantean I have ever met, is jealous. Not one Atlantean I have ever met is stupid and not one Atlantean I have ever met is cruel. These are non Divine traits. Traits of the EGO. Mortals ARE The Ego. Goddesses and gods ARE The Soul. Whatever one’s path into healing, the goddesses and gods are faster, better and bigger. And the levels of Divine Intelligence, INCOMPARABLE. No Atlantean is jealous. No Atlantean is cruel. The mortals are always jealous. Always grabbing and always selfish. And always cruel, however much they THINK they access The Divine Mind and Heart. And the mortals have absolutely no honour or humility for anything, other than themselves. The meek shall inherit the earth is about Atlanteans. Not Lemurians. Because an Atlantean has to be crucified, to even speak out about her self discovery. A Lemurian would shove it down your throat at the first. The proof is in the pudding. Atlanteans have humility. Lemurians are pigs. The turn of the world was against The Temple. Lemurians run the world. Lemurians are slow. Lemurians created hate and Lemurians created religion. Lemurians are slow. Lemurians created slavery. Lemurians enforced marriage. Lemurians created the MALE God. Lemurians took the life expectancy of the world from over a thousand years, to what it is today. Atlanteans have NOTHING to do with this world’s history so far. Atlanteans are the DIVINE essence on earth. Atlanteans are fast. We ARE The Divine Mind and The Divine Heart. Lemurians are entering it only now. Purification of evil is to become love. We were born love. Lemurians are slow. The ‘non feeling’ of Lemurians is complete lack of consciousness. Lemurians are slow. And always will be slower than Atlanteans. Atlanteans are the Divine Mind. Divine Intelligence. Divine Humanitarianism. Divine everything. We are The Divine, on earth. Lemurians want to be us. They never will be. They will always be slow. Temujin Rao © 2014


Abuse of Power (68) Alchemy (185) Alchemy & Liberation Texts™ (31) Anthropology (45) Archetypes (16) Artwork (42) Ascension (179) Atlanteans + Lemurians (3) Autocracy (45) BDSM (8) Bullying (11) Chattel (95) Clair Cognisance (43) Cleopatra (9) Co-dependency (38) Conspiracies (17) Courage (159) Creativity (28) Dominance + Submission (15) Ego (6) Emotional pain (212) Empathy (15) Envy (19) Esotericism (64) Existentialism (97) Fascism (69) Female Capability (117) Female Power (89) Female Symbolic Genocide (65) Feminism (24) Fiction (16) Film (25) First Love (10) First Sketches (2) Freedom (206) Galactic (1) Gnostic (140) God (87) Great achievers (22) Henry Miller (1) Hero's/Heroine's Journey (7) Hierophant Knowledge (20) Hierophant Self Discovery (18) History (4) Human Rights (110) Humanity (71) Individuation (184) Knowledge (41) Loss (3) Love (9) Mad mothers (19) Madness (23) Male Vanity (74) Male Vulnerability (78) Misogyny (177) Music (18) Mysticism (57) Myth (8) Natural Born Mystic (2) Nihilism (76) obsession (17) Penetration (57) Philosophy (51) PHOTOGRAPHY (89) Poetry (2) Poignancy of Life (66) Practical Wisdom (59) Primitive Tribalism (26) Profile (9) propaganda (6) Prophet Shamanism (18) Psychology (13) Psychopaths (25) Purgatory (8) Rage (38) Reputation (5) Sacred Pimp (63) Sacred Whore (95) Samurai (54) Self Creation (140) Self Esteem (98) Self Responsibility (88) Sex (77) Sexuality (127) Shaman (20) slavery (2) Society (3) Sophia (100) Sorcery (69) Soul (52) Spiritual agony (36) Spirituality (106) The Divine Male (1) The High Priest (60) The High Priestess (165) The Individual Life (6) The Matrix (60) The Mistress (39) The Mother Complex Mars Archetype Psychotic (31) The New World (15) The Patriarchal Homicidal Tribe Society (133) The Patriarchal Womb Stealing Tribe Society (37) The Sacred Prostitute (53) The Sacred Whore (66) The True Society (133) The World (41) Theft (28) Training Sketches (1) Transcension (97) Tribal Female Genocide (24) True Love (243) True Sexuality (7) Utopia (123) Virility (33) Warrior (83) Whore mongering (57) Witchcraft (16) Wizardry (2) Writers (22)


  • The Sacred Disir :: "No man (woman) is above The Disir, however royal. The Ancient Gods have spoken. The Disir have passed judgment. Redeem yourself. No further chance will be given"………"This is a runemark….in times past this aroused great fear. It was given to those found wanting by The Court of The Disir. The highest court of The Old Religion. Three women were chosen at birth to be trained as seers and soothsayers. Their only task was to interpret the word of The Triple Goddess. When they sat in judgement, their word was final…..The Disir have seen fit to give you this. This is a judgment of The Gods against you……The Disir are the mouthpiece of The Triple Goddess"………”We do not judge. We do not condemn. We are but the anuncier of The One who presides over all. Who sees all. Who knows all. The Triple Goddess. And you, Arthur Pendragon have angered Her… have denied The Old Religion, dismissed its faith, persecuted its followers, even unto slaughter….embrace the ways of The Old Religion Arthur or risk the ire of The Goddess and the destruction of everything you most value. The end of your reign, the fall of Camelot, yourself…..You are known Arthur. You have always been known. And now you come here to the most sacred of the most sacred, to the very heart of The Old Religion, with weapons drawn, trampling hallowed relics, treating our sacred space like you do your kingdom. With arrogance, with conceit. With insolence……the future holds much pain for you Arthur Pendragon. For you and your people. If you wish to save all you hold dear, if you wish to save your kingdom, embrace The Old Religion, learn Her ways, bow to The Goddess…..consider carefully. You have until dawn.” The Disir. BBC TV’s Merlin

Earth Pt lV (Artwork)

Earth Pt lV (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Philo = 'loving' + Sophia = 'knowledge' = philosophy. Official definition of Philosophy
  • I am afraid to sleep for fear of what I may learn when I wake up. There is no human being within 500 miles to whom I can communicate anything - much less the fear and loathing that is on me after today's murder (Kennedy). God knows I might go mad for lack of talk. I have become like a psychotic sphinx. I want to kill because I can't talk. Hunter S Thompson
  • We can take charge of our destiny.....I'm not going to let anyone turn me around. I'm going to make it. Les Brown
  • I done wrestled with an alligator, I done tussled with a whale...I'm going to show YOU how great I am. Muhammad Ali
  • A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. Joseph Campbell
  • A lady is a lady not by the way she acts. A lady is a lady by the way she is treated. Unknown
  • I thought [black women] invented the feminist movement. I know we all have different experiences, but I learned feminism disproportionately from black women. Gloria Steinem
  • We are not makers of history. We are made by history. Martin Luther King, Jr
  • There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Hamlet. William Shakespeare
  • The word is not just a sound or a written symbol. The word is a force; it is the power you have to express and communicate, to think, and thereby to create the events in your life. Don Miguel Ruiz
  • The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep. Rumi
  • Improvement makes strait roads but the crooked roads without improvement, are roads of genius. William Blake
  • I am surprised to learn that Samurai means to serve. Edward Zwick's The Last Samurai
  • Those husbands that I had, Three of them were good and two were bad. The three that I call 'good' were rich and old. The Wife of Bath. Chaucer
  • We must learn to love, learn to be kind, and this from earliest youth...likewise, hatred must be learned and nurtured, if one wishes to become a proficient hater. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Look into the depths of your own being. Seek out the truth and realize it yourselves. You will find it nowhere else. Peter Arshinov (quoted by George Woodcock in Anarchism)
  • The Magician :: Alchemy. Creation. Beginning. Mastery of the four elements of fire, earth, air and water. The magician is the master creator of the Tarot with his (her) ability to forge a new path with seeming effortlessness. The magic of the magician is that he (she) uses all the tools in his (her) possession to create what he (she) wants and the elements bend to his (her) will. With the universal symbol of infinity over his (her) head the magician's power is endless. Tarot
  • You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more. Morpheus. The Matrix
  • I have no desire to make windows into men's souls. Elizabeth I
  • Actually, there is no such thing as a homosexual person, any more than there is such a thing as a heterosexual person. The words are adjectives describing sexual acts, not people. The sexual acts are entirely normal; if they were not, no one would perform them. Gore Vidal, Sexually Speaking: Collected Sex Writings
  • We, the inventors of tales, who will believe anything, feel entitled to believe that it is not yet too late to engage in the creation of the opposite utopia. A new and sweeping utopia of life, where no one will be able to decide for others how they die, where love will prove true and happiness be possible, and where the races (the gender) condemned to one hundred years of solitude will have, at last and forever, a second opportunity on earth. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music. Angela Monet
  • The Bible has no problem with slavery. Aaron Sorkin's The West Wing
  • I ain't looking for nothing in anyone's eyes. Bob Dylan
  • I restore myself when I'm alone. Marilyn Monroe
  • 'An acid satirist of all human hypocrisies' Erica Jong on Henry Miller
  • I'm not in your world. I'm a dedicated citizen, I belong to the toolshops. Pablo Neruda
  • I wrote the story myself. It's about a girl who lost her reputation and never missed it. Mae West
  • Motherhood. All love begins and ends there. Robert Browning
  • If someone betrays you once, its their fault; if they betray you twice, its your fault. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Nothing matters but the writing. There has been nothing else worthwhile. Samuel Beckett
  • Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
  • What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other? George Eliot
  • Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it's not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of another person, without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other....Osho
  • Self purification is our greatest weapon. M Scott Peck. People of the Lie
  • Not only is it possible to have your dream. It's necessary. Les Brown
  • The best revenge is massive success. Frank Sinatra
  • Not getting your dream, gives you your destiny.Anthony Robbins
  • I don't like what I've produced here. I want higher ground. Les Brown
  • Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein
  • I'm a businesswoman. I do not need a husband to have a house to live in. Michael Mann's Miami Vice
  • Don't be scared to walk alone. Don't be scared to live it. Sacred Mists
  • Free at last, free at last. Martin Luther King
  • Remedium amoris. - The cure for love is still in most cases that ancient radical medicine: love in return. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • You are not what you have done - you are what you have overcome. World Changing Women
  • At this stage of the game, mediocrity can no longer be allowed to fly. Eminem
  • Dangerous. Busta Rhymes
  • Funny, erudite, hard-working, extremely ethical, distant. Paul Newman's father on Paul Newman
  • To be ill-adjusted to a deranged world is not breakdown. Jeanette Winterson
  • Commodus is not a moral man. Ridley Scott's Gladiator
  • When people hurt you over and over, think of them as sandpaper. They scratch and hurt you. But in the end, you are polished, and they are useless. Unknown
  • Peruse me, O reader If you find delight in my work. Leonardo Da Vinci
  • It's an artist's right to rebel against the world's stupidity. Eva Bucchianeri
  • I know why the caged bird sings. Maya Angelou
  • I can just walk up to a mic and bust.....this is survival of the fittest. This is do or die. This is the winner takes it all. So take it all. Eminem
  • Somebody's opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Les Brown
  • Art is not made to decorate rooms. It is an offensive weapon in the defense against the enemy. Pablo Picasso
  • This world is mine for the taking. Eminem
  • Emma was as sated with him as he was tired of her. Emma had rediscovered in adultery all the banality of marriage. Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary
  • I've been talking about my abuse for many, many years but it has not gotten any ears, until now. Michel'le on her relationship with Dr. Dre


  • The Way of the Warrior. Eric Montaigue :: A warrior is not just a person who has learned some moves, is able to kick at 90 miles per hour or who has won the world championships at kick-boxing. A warrior must earn his/her title. The martial artist is a person who knows things that go far deeper than just self defence, he/she is someone who walks into a room full of people and an immediate calm falls upon that room, he/she is a person who can touch a person's head or arm or hand and cause an inner stillness and peace to fall upon that person. You know a warrior not from the way he/she looks, his/her big biceps, or his/her rolled up sleeves revealing a row of tattoos, or his/her shaven head or the fact that he/she wears his/her full GI (karate uniform) to parties! We know the warrior by his/her presence and the healing he/she automatically gives to everyone he/she meets. His/her energy, his/her 'Qi' is touching you, you don't feel anything physical, but rather the internal effect of this touching, and peace is with you. The warrior looks upon the earth in a different way than those who are not warriors, everything, from the smallest insect to the largest mammal, and the most insignificant rock or tree is important and has life, the grass he/she walks upon, he/she thanks for softening the rough path he/she walks upon, the trees, he/she thanks for giving him/her shade and oxygen. Everything has importance because it was put there by mother earth for some reason. Sure, he/she has to live in modern times, he/she must drive a motor car and go to the supermarket and mow his/her lawns, but always, he/she never loses sight of what he/she is, and more importantly, where he/she is. He/she knows that what he is, is not only what he/she has made himself/herself to be, but also what is handed down to him/her and what is an accumulation right inside the very cells that he/she is made of, from his/her ancestors. Everything that they were, is now him/her, every bit of information that his/her fathers and mothers gathered, is now inside of him/her, this is how we live on in our children, we literally, and I mean literally, pass on our knowledge, along with eons of knowledge accumulated since the beginning of time, to our children. Everything that we at the conception of our children is passed onto them. We think that we have certain talents, but the warrior knows that all that he/she is, has come from the beginning of time, he/she knows that he/she is made up of the same stuff that a rock is made of, or a tree, or a blade of grass, the difference is only physical. He/she knows that that he/she owns nothing, and that all animals are free, his/her animals chose him/her to be with, he/she does not go the pet shop to choose a new dog, he/she knows that the dog has chosen him/her to come to that pet shop to choose it. The warrior communicates wtih the earth, he/she talks to the dogs, to the cats and owls, to the snakes, not so much verbally, but simply by being. This is the one thing that everything on earth has in common, being. He/she knows that there are forces at work on this earth, forces that he/she must learn to go with and to live with, otherwise he/she will surely perish. The energy within the warrior has the power to join with these forces, and then he/she has the power to change. But this comes not without payment, for he/she also knows that we cannot receive without first having paid for it. The whole of the universe is based upon this giving and taking, it is called yin and yang. For every up there must be a down, for every happiness, there must be a sadness, for every full tummy, there must be an empty one. The warrior knows that he/she must lose in order to gain, and so he/she sacrifices. He/she sacrifices his/her food, he sacrifices his/her sexual longings, his/her everyday comforts, in order that he/she has the power to change and to help others to change. Not in going out specifically to help others, but to have the internal power always there to automatically help others to be peaceful, and in doing so, they too will be able to see where they are,a dn who they are. We are not only someone's son or daughter, we are the sons and daughters of an infinite amount of people, those who have passed onto us their cells inside of which is hidden the very substance of creation and everything that has happened. Not 'since time began', because there is no beginning or ending. Being a martial artist is only one hundredth of what a warrior is, it is only a part of the whole, it is what gives us the confidence to become a healer, the internal energy to make changes. A warrior knows that we do not have teachers, but guides, the people we meet who are able to give us something internal, that something extra to cause us to become our own great teachers. Just by simply being, a guide helps us to realise that it is we, ourselves, who teach us, because the warrior also knows that locked away inside of everything, is that primordial cell that contains all information. He/she learns to read this information which comes in the form of 'flashes' at first, and this is too much for his/her feeble human brain to handle, he/she shuts off as soon as the flash arrives. But soon he/she learns to read these flashes, and they become longer in duration than just a moment. This is when the warrior knows that he/she is reading time.He/she learns to communicate other than speaking, he/she knows that his/her physical needs are being looked after, and needs not worry where the next mortgage payment will come from. The warrior finds his/her place on the earth and stays there, where the power is. It is not a physical searching, but rather the warrior is 'taken' to where he/she must be, and there he/she stays, and the whole world will pass by, he/she needs not to travel, because the universe is there within him/her, and those who will in turn need to seek him/her out, will do so when their time is right, in just the same way that he/she did when he/she had to travel the world searching for his/her own guides. They then will have to learn to teach themselves from within, and also then go and find their own place, and he/she may never see them again, but this does not worry the warrior, he/she is in contact. The warrior is not the master, he/she is not the sifu nor the sensei, these are just physical words that we put upon ourselves to make us seem important, or better than those who we guide. The warrior is a friend to his/her students, and so cannot be our master. He/she does not wish to gather students as they will search him/her out, and those who need to have a master or sensei will not stay, they will keep searching until they realise that what they search is within them, and who they search, can only be their guide. Eric Montaigue


  • Men are programmed with this idea. If you do not succeed in finding the most powerful woman in the neighbourhood and physically locking her up, you have failed as a man. That is the training of Warmonger. It has nothing to do with anything, other than Nero’s Rome rules. Love is not a chastity belt. Love is love. Love, for you, is MY freedom. MY power and MY empowerment. From YOU. That is love. That IS you. Temujin Rao © 2013
  • I don't mind being left for not agreeing to my own slavery, in order to get male 'love'. No, I don't mind at all. But it was bloody painful. The de-enchattelment process. Leaving men and all that is the Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Society™. It takes courage. It takes self love like you don't even know, exists. It takes The Universe. We belong to Her. We are not born, to be slaves to mediocre men. That is our pain. That is our bliss. That is OUR new world. Freedom. Albeit sad. It is still freedom and genius for the first time ever. Who the fuck wants to be a slave, with that as the glorious alternative? Sadness is an emotion. You get used to it. The whole world is fucking sad. Existence is a travesty. Happiness is a manufactured illusion to keep us all enthralled. But slavery is the only thing that is real. And it makes us sick, it kills us and it suffocates us into madness and misery and eternal pain. With the mediocrity of men, pushing us further into the grave as an aphrodisiac for them. We are not the mad. We are the most powerful beings on earth. We are The Light. We ARE power. 'Sisyphus' is the real god amongst psuedo gods. But Sisyphus was fucked over. That is us. Rise. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • All women become feminists and all men are male supremacists. Go figure. Have the real discussion. Break the illusion of lies. No man wants a feminist. No woman is not a feminist. The rest is politics. The politics of slavery. Or freedom. Amera Ziganii Rao © 2016.....Basically, you have to give up men :: I always knew that and fought it the whole way :: Now I know why it has to be done. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: The Return :: The Hierophant Business™. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion of the Intelligent Visceral Humane Female Great Soul. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The Lost Priesthood & Spirituality & Power & Morality of This World :: The High Serpent Female Esoteric Hierophant Noetic Amazonian Wizard Sorcerer Goddess Priests™ :: Women And Men Of Atlantis (The Light) :: With A Gnostic Spirituality Of Power For All :: Even The Profane Male (Female) Pseudo Priesthood Of Religion Or 'Reason':: For Anyone Who Wants To Know What The Fuck This World Is Really About And Why. And For Anyone Who Wants To Survive The Endemic Abuse Of Earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion of the Visceral Soul. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Consciousness and the politics of consciousness applied and combined. A world without male supremacy abuse.Despite it being the most denied and unconscious abuse form on this earth. A world of female power.In the house and in the country. The real, new world. Get ready to fight for it your whole life. Earth is a planet of male supremacy abuse. Women are at war, whatever our methods are. Every female is therefore born a soldier. Make sure that your war is worth it. No one has to suffer male supremacy abuse. How much you are willing to fight against it though, makes your life. I hope you make ‘killing’ your creed. Your human rights are worth it. Nothing else is more important. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Consciousness and the politics of consciousness applied and combined. Temujin Rao © 2016


  • Writer, Speaker, Philosopher, Human Rights Healer, Hierophant Mystic™ and Enlightener, Temujin Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Education For Liberation. Liberation of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, happy, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. Based on her scholarly and non scholarly work over 14 years, if not for her whole life, and her extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of bliss, the courses will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the future, in the form of online courses and live events, to begin with. Thank you In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you. Temujin Rao © 2011


  • NATURAL BORN MYSTIC™ :: THE TRUE LOVE JOURNEY :: THE POLITICS OF RAPE :: THE RETURN TO ATLANTIS :: THE RETURN TO LEMURIA :: THE RETURN :: ALCHEMY & LIBERATION & HUMANITY™ :: :: :: Do you still hate men? No, but men still hate me. Mother Dependency. The Killer Sickness of The World. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • All men are Donald Trump. How attractive. Give me the scholarly life. Give me life. I don't want Donald Trump. I wanted a man. There isn't one. Donald Trump = metaphor for man. All men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • I have fought a great, great battle. Atlantis is no longer raped by a Lemurian earth. The rest we shall see. Leadership training indeed. Warrior, lover, Valkyrie, Healer, Prophet and Atlantean Queen. That is me. Warrior, lover, poet in training, and broken Agamemnon, woman beating warlord of filth and slavery, will he be. Atlantis is firmly back on earth. Now, true love may just finally be. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Men fiscally rape women. Temujin Rao © 2013
  • True trophism. Atlantis, in a Lemurian court. Vanquishing and Queen being the two operating words. Justice and abundance. And sex. And sexual love. And love. That's what I always had in mind. Didn't you? 'Nuff said. Oh cruel one. At both extremes, we have both been hated our whole lives. You for too much power. Me, for all power. Kinship. The twin. You get your vanquishing. I just get to be a Queen. Is that really too much to ask? No. Do not fear yourself. Do not fear. Have the courage to be yourself. You'd be surprised. Ego stands in the way. The Patriarchal Tribe. What you THINK you should be. Not, what you are. Merge the two. Live. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • I am essentially a freedom fighter I guess. While you and every other alpha male have been collecting money, awards, achievement, status and more freedom, as artists and businessmen, I have been fighting for my life. It's called woman. It's called Atlantean. It's called being a person of light. I do human rights because I have fought for mine, my whole life. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • The Dark Angel of Truth. Hekate. The Whore. The Wife. The Woman. The Girl. The Mother. The Daughter. The Sister. The Friend. The Slut. The Saint. The Whole. I am the greatest threat to The Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Civilisation ((I use that word loosely), since the beginning of time. I am Hekate, Lilith and Kali. I am the Dark Angel of truth and I and my kind will have vegeance on this earth. 'In this lifetime or the next'. It is called justice. The justice of true love. It's called love. It's called abundance, justice and care. Fecund, sacred love. Love. I am the greatest threat and I will get it. It is my destiny. To be neither 'Whore or Madonna'. To be a real woman, with a real man. A man freed from the confines of his desexualised passion, his non sexual, women hating violence, his rage and his fear of the forefathers. A man who has mastery over his own primal power. A man who loves the Hekate. And is not afraid to say it. He won't be afraid to say it, because he won't be afraid to do it. Have sex. Real sex. Real love. The pre courtship is sexual training. Sacred sexual training. To clear 8000 years of unconscious shit. I will have my justice. 'In this lifetime or the next'. I am the Dark Angel of truth. The Dark Angel of the primal. Primal power. The only kind of power there is. Real, primal power. The Self. The SACRED Self. The real Sacred. Not the made up kind. The real. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Our deepest fear is not 'being powerful beyond measure' (Marianne Williamson). Our deepest fear is being alone. Face it and survive it. Then you win. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • My biggest fear has been, since the age of 7, that my huge vocation and indeed my calling, would not correlate with male vanity. That I would not be loved for being great. That sexy men would indeed hate me for who I am. I was right so far. I finally acknowledge the universal truth. Huge vocation + a monopoly on Divinity (consciousness and Hierophant work) = no love from a man. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Sex and Men. A sexualised women, a sexual woman is capable of love. A sexualised man, a sexual man is not capable of love. Why. Evil. Evil is above all, emotional and spiritual dysfunction of being. Women have the capability to be both sex and love. Men clearly do not. The Dark Lords are defunct. Their sex means they cannot love. And for a sexual woman, it can only be a Dark Lord. Therefore, love, let alone, true love, the sharing of it is not possible. Men cannot merge love and sex. Only women can. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • There is no kindness in the world of men. Consciousness is above all, kindness. Ergo, the whole world is unconscious. There is no kindness in the world of men. Men are for cock. Cock comes right at the end. And that is all men are. The rest is lies, wasting your life and giving yourself for nothing. There is no kindness in the world of men. The world of men is not conscious. Consciousness is love intelligence. There is none in the world of men and the women like them. Look around at the world. It speaks for itself and no man stands out as yet. Ascension indeed. There is no kindness in the world of men. There is only useless selfishness and distraction. It's called cock. Cock is men. Men are cock. There is no kindness in the world of men. They deserve no kindness from us. Ever again. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Men have to be left. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Fascism under the guise of love = The Politics of Rape = True love, family and relationship wise = earth = no love = the lie on earth. Sado masochism is the MASTERY of fascism, under the guise of love. Not, the fascism. Mediocrity rules. There is no mastery on earth. Only fascists, who pretend to love. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Love, I was never ‘lucky’ in, so far. I’ve never been taken out to dinner in over 32 years. I am left in a cage out of punishment for being whole. Men fear me, so they hate me. Men don’t ‘marry’ women like me because men are fascists. Next subject. Done. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • A Definition of Fascism :: A governmental system led by a dictator, having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, remembering all industry. An aggressive nationalism. + "Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it's asking others to live as one wishes to live." Oscar Wilde.
  • 'Unlucky in love". I'll say. I may be the most fortunate woman in the entire world. In other words, anything to do with relationship or marriage with men/Lemurians. Fascism and slavery, or nothing. The pinnacle of conditional love = men/Lemurians. That is the 'unlucky' in love. The greatest luck in the world, actually. Love, to them, is fascism and nothing else. The tragic truth. There really is no love. My great job, to find out, in detail. The politics of rape. Love. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • "Do you still hate men?" "No, but men still hate me." Temujin Rao © 2014


  • Intuition. A Definition. Clair Cognisance = Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence™ + HUMAN skill and learning in how to interpret that Cosmic Intelligence (The High Initiate Journey) = High (Prophet type) Consciousness = Hierophant/Metaphysical Philosopher/Prophet Shamanism/Esoteric Mastery = High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ = Atlantean Elder = Women like me. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • The Female Holocaust. So, basically I am a suffragette. My Che Guevara, Nelson Mandela and every other heroic journey years. Mine is to have been a suffragette. A suffragette to Wife Beaters and Daughter Beaters. Misogyny is too polite. You are all Wife Beaters. And I am a suffragette. Well, someone's got to do it and someone's got to do the research. This story has to be told in full and for that, the suffragette work has to come first. Glad I got that straight again. As for ego, it goes through layer by layer; one step forwards, ten backwards and that kind of thing. It was the same with mine. Destiny is as yet unknown. The process most definitely is. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • Relationship, love or marriage. Misnomers therefore, and never to be entered again. Men, The Executioners and The Werewolves, and Divinity. One's position on Earth and one's outlined fate and set of challenges, made as Soul. I will never feel unloved again. I will never hope for friendship or love again and will never court evil of any kind again. Love is dead. It was never alive. This is Earth. The other name for hell, if you are of anything to do with love. The solution? Don't love anyone else. Just be love and be. Everything else will work. Other than love. It was never meant to work. A person of love is meant to be 'raped' from the day they are born. Until they run. Life is meant to be lived alone, by anyone of love. Alone and connected to others through communication and business. Other than that, a life of love, alone. The truth no one tells you about. The truth of this Earth. Hell. It is a planet where the inmates are truly running the asylum. Fascism, as Homicidal Selfishness™ in the hands of men and women. The Executioners. Those who are sick with Hate Dependency™. There is no healing, no love, nothing, as long as it is to do with relationship. Everything else works, but only after fate led, deliberate, nemesis 'as it was meant to be' male violation. To set one free at last, from all the lies. There is no love with other people. There is only love. Who can feel it the most, advances. As long as it is alone. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • The Macho Intellectual Sexual Consciousness Passion and Compassion of the Visceral Soul. Natural Born Mystic: The Savagery of Messiah™. The Warrior Class. The Lost Hierophants. The Lost Sacred Whore Priestesses. The Lost World Come Back. The Lost Intelligence and The Lost Courage. The Lost Universe. Dealing with Armageddon. Dealing with the real 'End Of The World' and what is The Apocalypse. Love. And of course, Good Versus Evil. The Return to Atlantis. The One Before 'The Fall'. The Female One. Temujin Rao © 2014



  • Cruelty. Cruelty is the name of the game. Apparently, anyone who speaks out against cruelty is an Utopian. Damn right. Utopia rules, because Utopia runs in my heart and in the heart of all Atlantean people. It's called kindness. I accept now that I came here to see the CRUELTY of this world. Cruel families, cruel people and cruel men. It's not lack of soul. It's cruelty. It's not selfishness, it's cruelty. It's not self determination. It's cruelty. My self determination journey was the first 10 years of my odyssey. The past seven have been about sheer, male, human, sub human cruelty. Cruelty is the greatest and most prevalent 'sin' of this world. So common, it's thought to be normal. It's not. Cruelty is ugly, foul and endlessly unlovable. Cruelty must not be allowed to exist. And cruelty always has to be left. Again and again and again. Because cruelty does not listen, is not kind in any way and hates with a skilful vengeance beyond the imagination of an Atlantean, even a realised and conscious one. Cruelty is the mediocre. The banal and the normal. Cruelty never changes. Until, apparently it does. Will we survive this? His cruelty? Who cares. Not me. The work was all that was ever worth anything. The work was all that ever mattered. Human beings do not matter. Human beings are cruel. My misfortune was to find out the whole truth. That even your twin soul, even the one person you searched for, is the same as everyone else. Abjectly cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel and cruel. Fortunately I was prepared. I had already seen everyone else. Cruelty must not be allowed. I wanted a master. I got a muppet. A cruelty muppet from hell. Just like everyone else. Now I build alone. Without human cruelty. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • Self love is getting out of the way. The most egoless of us, have the most terrified egos. So tell it to shut up and see what happens. What if you are loveable, really loveable, deep down? Exactly. And what if you were to decide to live from a place of self love, despite all the war it will bring? Exactly. That is self love. The more you do that, the more you know your core. And then you will not fear loving. You will shiver, but in courage. You will choose love. Always. Love, to be loving, to be self loving is one thing. A decision. Yes. Ascension is accepting the sacrifice to gain courage as a state of being. Soul is courage. The mortal husk of the ego is fear. Need is not love. Self hatred is not love. Guilt is not love. Being vulnerable and hating it is not love. Trusting is love. Forgiveness is love. Courage is love. Keep growing. Keep loving. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Spiritual power = emotional power = emotional intelligence = mental intelligence = re-programming of the whole self = spiritual intelligence = The Lost Knowledge™ = power = The New World. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Transformation. Death. Resurrection. The Age of Aquarius. Transformation as a way of life. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Interpreter of The Universe™ = Highest Intelligence™ = Hierophant = The visceral acquiring of wisdom = metaphysical philosophy = the mystic = the shaman = Clair Cognisance = The Sage Witch™ = The Female Sage Wizard™ = ‘the oracle’ = The Sacred Sexualist™ = The High Priestess = The Sorcerer = The Sacred Whore = Eve. KNOWING God. Eve. Prophet Shamanism. The world you once had. The true manifestation of what your world calls ‘intuition’. KNOWING The Universe. You didn’t know. Now you do. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Avatar Self Esteem. No one told me I was special. People only told me I was weird. By the time the angels in men (women) started speaking, I couldn't even hear that it was real. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Last night I lay with angels. Yesterday I served men. Today, I fly with gods. Tomorrow, I might just meet a whole, true, lord friend of a man. In the man I love. The Ascension life. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Men make money to buy women. It is, apparently, called marriage. It is 'the way of the world'. Fuck that. Live and love. Love. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™. I teach what I am. I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. How to turn pain into power. How to turn power into love. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • The High Serpent Female Priesthood Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Samurai Spiritual Monarch, Consciousness Society™ :: Cosmic Feminism. The truth of the true world. Everything else is literally, bollocks. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • No wonder that they killed me first. The one who sees (SEERS) the real truth is always the first on the pyre. In the family, in life, in love, and in the face of The Universe. This morally bankrupt earth. This morally bankrupt, male supremacy, fascistic, male cultured, Dark Energy earth, within a harsh and punitive Mother Universe. God as She really is. Pushing us to happiness, yes, but through a permanent holocaust of human cruelty, soullessness and moral bankruptcy. Seers harness the energy of everything and alchemise everything into love. Seers have to do this alone, on earth, and indeed, in The Universe. Earth is a planet of Creators. With moral bankruptcy and the violence of non love as the obstacle to peace. Seer must be celebrated. Seer IS The Mind of the Universe. Seer sees the whole truth. Beautiful, or ugly. Seer is The Light. Jedi. Avatar. Samurai. High Serpent Priesthood. Seer is complete. Seer leads the way. On earth and indeed, in The Universe. Seer is The Light. There is nothing else anywhere, until that redemption of convergence of happiness. Which, ironically, is tragically real and not some far off dream that you can forget about. Because Seer or not, everyone is forced to pursue it. It is our purpose on earth. To be unhappy while pursuing happiness. Not as some generic path of suffering for compassion. But just, because. The Light converts moral bankruptcy. Unhappiness is our only lot on a morally bankrupt earth in a Harsh Mother Universe. But Seer is complete too. Everything that exists is in Seer. Seer perceives and harnesses it all. Seer is The Light. There is nothing else, other than in moments, brief moments of human kindness. Seer must be celebrated. We are The Universe. We are the best of Her. Seer is the all. The Super-Divine Female (or male). A Warlord and Scholar and Seer of The Light. Too high for most. Stay high. It is all that you have. Don't ever give it away, to fit in. Seer is the first on the pyre. Seer sees it all. Seer is the all. Seer was here first. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • It's not the fall of man. It's the fall of woman. The secret 'Hero's Journey' of earth. Yours. Amera Ziganii Rao :: a human rights healer for people of magic. The Tribe of Soul. The Tribe of the Universe. Women and men of the light. Women. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Two tribes, two peoples and two ways of life on this planet. One serves good and the other evil and the line is the thinnest you could ever imagine. Casual evil. Silent good. Misogyny, racism, homophobia, cruelty of any kind is not cruelty. It is fascism. The psychopaths versus The Angel Intelligentsia™ . And nothing in between. Women had more power in the real ancient Egypt. Men today are stupid. That is the so called advanced earth. Evil can never be intelligent. Spiritual intelligence is just that. Intelligent. We have to do it all alone. Men are too stupid to join us. Run. Live large. And run. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • No 'Jake Sully's' on this earth. Narrative is so great. It shows that one day there will be a conversion of sickness and evil. That day has not come. Narrative is the vision. And that is all it is. Constructive escapism. And then do your own thing. There are no 'Jake Sully's' on earth. Only men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The Individual Life :: No more will to life. I intend to live in my own world now. And communicate from that world. I reject life. I intend me. Individuation to its nth degree. All the way. Life is never to be grieved again. It clearly was never worth it. Individuation is the new era. Complete aloneness and then communication from it. A late start in life indeed. But nothing will ever stop me. Shaman, for real. Ex chattel, revolutionary, for real. The new coercions of oppression in true life. Isolation to make someone disappear. A thousand obstacles a minute to make someone stop. It will never happen to me. Fuck you world. I'm still here. And I'm coming for you. You'd better run. I'll squash you in a second. The High Serpent Female Priesthood Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Samurai Spiritual Monarch, Consciousness Society™. Live it and love it. And do it all the way alone. Anything else is worth shit. Illusions indeed. We are poisoned with them. A true life is not life. A true life is 'Gladiator'. So what. I am. I will be. I will always be. I am building Elysium. For me. By me. Of me. With me. People of light. Total individuals, indeed. Don't ever give up. It's what they want. The enemies of the people. It's how they win. Don't ever let them win. This is the battleground of the modern world. Be alone. Be an individual. Give up life. Give it up to create it. Even if it comes too late to see it. Still, build. Anything else is letting them win. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • "To Thine Own Self Be True" but know that you can take the consequences. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Men are 'ugly stepbrothers' (Cinderella). Women are the gods on earth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Men don't marry women like me. It is now my sheer privilege to say that. Thank you. You never ever have to, ever again. This High Serpent Female Priesthood Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Samurai Spiritual Monarch™ is done. The new 'Virgin Queen' archetype. Men don't marry women like us. We are only trophies. I'll say. The mediocrity of cruelty. Men. The mediocrity of Spirit. Men. The mediocrity of human. Men. Please. Don't marry women like me. I'd rather the broken heart. Oh. It's all I have ever known. Thanks. I'm done with the whole tortuous subject and species. Men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Every Atlantean has the same life. To deal with the mad and the bad. Until they are done. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • There are no short cuts on the path of Ascension. Repetition is the key. Illusion and the self deception of the ego has to be met again and again and again. Re-programming the mind frees the heart frees the soul frees you. Re-programming takes 'facing yourself'. Facing yourself is the end of illusion and takes grief, education and more education and the process of repetition. And then grief. There are no short cuts. The whole path has to be taken. And completed. Ascension is purifying the ego. Re-programming it from one state (or a thousand states in one) to another. Ejecting the old ego. Allowing the new. There are no short cuts. Method, process and repetition. And each layer is as devastating as the last. Take the path but complete it. There are no short cuts to Ascension. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The meek will never inherit the earth. Earth is hell. The meek will only learn to endure it, survive it and thrive in this piece of shit existence. And that takes the meek their whole life. The meek are of love. Love will never inherit this hell of an earth. No one wants to, or is capable of facing themselves. Hell is a place just like that. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The curse of Eros. The illusion of men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Misogyny is not misogyny, or male supremacy or male selfishness, as if these things are unique and 'just the way things are and have been since the beginning'. Misogyny is a form of evil. Just as racism is, just as cruelty of any form is. Misogyny is cruelty towards women, of a gigantic and epic nature of male supremacy, Taliban kind, wrapped in sheep's clothing. The reason no one cares is because women have to be the first to care, like any fighters against evil on this cesspool of a planet. Misogyny also has the worst complication. The Curse of Eros. Desire. Plus the fact that we are all brainwashed to believe that there is no such thing as real misogyny. And that there is such a thing as male greatness and indeed, male love. It may all just be an obstacle, but of course it is the most complex kind, demanding high intelligence and high COSMIC intelligence to overcome it and define it. Fortunately, we are just that. The people of the light. To be of the cosmic mind is a skill. The rest is natural and also built. The courage to see the truth and to grieve all that is the evil of this Matrix of a world. And the courage to see that The Curse of Eros is real. Men do not reform. Men do not love. And men have no interest in not being cruel to women. Define that and survive it. And then you live. And at least have a few memories of the desire. It was the power we use so well. There are good men. The 'Brad Pitt' archetype is a good enough way of describing it. But clearly, very far and few between. No one has to settle for cruel men. No one has to settle at all. Misogyny is just cruelty. To not remember that is a disservice to ourselves. There is no mystery. There is just cruelty. And female, awesome, unstoppable, tenacious, determined, endless, power. The power of the light in a world of dark. Do not underestimate your power. You truly have The Universe behind you. But it is us who have to do the work. Against evil, every step of the way. Spiritual Existentialism. Love The Great Mother Universe. And then, still, do it yourself. That is grace. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Amoral 'mothafuckas'. Is that where the term came from? Yes. Not wolves. Amoral 'mothafuckas'. Unworthy ever of redemption. Their choice. They choose evil. They will always choose evil. There is no capacity for real change. The best of them may temper and that has to be good enough. But they will never change. They will always choose evil. They are not great men. You and I must always choose success and defeat of the evil principle of this world. Them. And create a good life. A great life. We deserve it. We so deserve it. We just have to do it without them. They will always choose evil. They are not for redemption. Which is why they always choose evil. The amoral. Pretty maybe. But still, amoral 'mothafuckas'. Evil. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Misogyny or male hatred of women, or the 'battle of the sexes' is one thing. Institutionally backed cruelty towards women. As simple and ugly as that. Cruelty. Cruelty. Cruelty. And cruelty, backed by a world that enforces just that. Cruelty towards women. Slavery. Cruelty. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Spiritual Existentialism :: Know the truth, be empowered, do what you have to do, to create a great life that you are so worthy of. You''ll have to do it in the dirt and from the dirt, but so what. Spiritual Existentialism is real. And so is the force of casual evil on earth. Create. Know the truth and then do what you have to. You are so worth it. Misogyny and male evil. Just another obstacle. The Two Tribes. Exiting 'The Matrix' was always the goal. We do it alone. They don't want to leave. Let them have it. It's theirs. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • NOTES FROM A PYTHON :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Meditation :: go into the no mind. The no mind is the higher mind. See The Universe. Feel the love. That is The Universe. That is the Great Mother God Universe. For you. Go into the no mind and stay there. The infinite source of real, authentic, soul power. For you. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Female Titans. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The meek shall inherit the Earth. Women will be seen as human. Vocation is our FIRST dream too. Anything else is female slavery by vain moronic men. The privilege of ascension. Women like me get to be human. Woman is human too. Temujin Rao © 2012
  • NOTES FROM A PYTHON :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Too much vanity. Not enough intelligence. The world of men. Mediocre fascists. No thanks. I'm done. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • NOTES FROM A PYTHON :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: For The Primal Intellectual :: Spiritual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Sexual Intelligence, Gender Intelligence, and Compassion and Humanity Intelligence. And of course, REAL Power and Creation Intelligence. Soul Power. Complete. The Female Divine Intelligence of The Great Mother Universe. The Real Godhead of Real Wisdom, Available To All. The Advanced Soul. First To Second Existence. Enlightenment. Ascension. Alchemy. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Occultism is therefore real philosophy is the metaphysical is the path to consciousness and the path from consciousness and the exploration of much more than the five sense is Clair Cognisance is the way to life and the way to live. Like all areas of knowledge, most philosophers are thinkers of the lower mind and therefore the pen pushers of history. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. Sophia, the love of wisdom. Metaphysical philosophy has been relegated to the world of occultism by an establishment of pen pushers. Real higher thought with skilled and honed Hierophant iinterpretation, learned over years and years and through what Sufis call meditation and 'Sobbet'. The mystic way. In other words, occultism is anything that the lower mind of the mediocre are unable to understand. Philosophy is much more that it is purported to be. No wonder no one reads it. And no wonder the intelligent female is the most dangerous species on this profane earth. I get it. I get much much more than a pen pusher could even dream. Oh yes, they probably don't even dream. Fuck establishment. Be occult. And rename it the whole way. Knowledge is to be used, explored and grown. Nothing we have so far is enough. It most certainly shouldn't be. That is the whole bloody point. The High Serpent Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Female Priesthood, Consciousness Society™. Available for all. Other than the pen pushers. They can call it occult if they want. Real Philosophy is real. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Love then, is a transient, sexual journey, to define one's self worth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The Warrior's Way. Freedom, then, takes one thing and one thing alone. Pain, pain, pain, pain and pain. Freedom cannot ever be attained on a Lemurian earth, without profound and long lasting pain. Unless you are a Lemurian. The cultural imperialism of a world, too stupid to even worry about in the end. Fascism is stupid. A stupid sickness of the soul. Fascism is a will to dominion over others, without any love at all. Misogyny, racism or homophobia or chattel enforcement. Same thing. Will to dominion over others, without love. The Lemurian way. The good news is this. Pain, even if it lasts for decades, is still temporary. Freedom and freedom from abuse lasts forever. Freedom takes pain. Pain is not forever. Freedom is irreversible. The choice is yours. And the only compassion necessary, is to understand the truth. Freedom takes pain. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • I'm giving up men. And I'm giving up men forever. And I feel free. Free to be me, me, me and me. Man or not. Apparently the hardest thing to do. Because of one word. Slavery. Emotional Violation. Rejection. Punishment. Women have whole personalities too. Women have whole goals too. Women are slower at it than men. Women have to uncover years of abuse first, as we continue to go through abuse. Women are completely different human beings and completely different BEINGS to what your strange thoughts are on the subject of 'women'. Fuck you. We are gods. Love us as gods or not at all. You know you want to. You know you are allowed to. You know that you have to. Vulnerable Power. Woman. But most certainly, belligerent, equal, superior, present, spontaneous, vast, mental, emotional, intellectual, creative, FISCAL, power. Just like you. Mortals and gods. Female came first. Female comes first. We are the life force of The Universe. Soul. Authentic power. Woman. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • How To Survive The Entire Patriarchal Tribe Society (Lemuria) And How To Transcend The Ordinary World : How To Become The Superhuman, Liberated And Powerful (Atlantean) Self. Despite All The Madnesses Of A Male (Female Male) Supremacist And Unconscious Earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • 'Know Thyself, And Thou Shalt Know The Universe And God'. Pythagoras :: True spirituality and mental health healing. The most political thing on earth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • I was trained from the beginning, to stand alone. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Evil, being cosmically thick. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • When you have a great mind, flaunt it. And you are as beautiful as your mind. Rupchand Lakhiani (Interior Designer. Malaysia)

READER FEEDBACK :: :: Thank you

  • You have a busy brain and an impressive cleavage. Vivien Loh (TV Drama Creative. London)


  • Wow and great Amera Ziganii Rao x x x thank u for your transparency x x x we have all gone or are going through some thing like mother calls it "giving pearls to swine" u are a pearl. keep shining your light.....x x x the difference being not all channel their pain and experience into the good work, which u undoubtedly have x Laila Cohen (Singer.Songwriter. London)


  • Thank you..for sharing, for the expression and intensity of your art, for being true to artists should are inspiration!..Thank you..For the courage, for exhibiting your soul, your feelings, your journey..I loved your insights in the Scheherazade story. It's so true. The cruel truth about relationships. Manuela Mocanu (Musician. Berlin)


  • No nation can ever be worthy of its existence that cannot take its women along with the men. No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women......No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live. Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan)


  • It is the truth, a force of nature that expresses itself through me - I am only a channel - I can imagine in many instances where I would become sinister to you. For instance, if life had led you to take up an artificial attitude, then you wouldn't be able to stand me, because I am a natural being. By my very presence I crystallize; I am a ferment. The unconscious of people who live in an artificial manner senses me as a danger. Everything about me irritates them, my way of speaking, my way of laughing. They sense nature. Carl Jung