Angel Slut Pt l. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography
Writings :: The Letter Series :: Ascension Discourse on Love :: The Method of Ascension. The Ego Series Repeated. Amera Ziganii Rao
So, here goes. A roundup of the Ego Series from 2012. Just a few words on the process that I have followed and that Lemurians in particular have to follow, to ascend the ego from the wounded ego and the unconscious ego, to the healed ego, the conscious ego, the superego as I call it, which is simply the earth body vehicle of the soul. The superego is one that can be communicated with and that will always try to get out of the way so that soul can speak/think/feel/be. The superego still has the emotions, but these emotions, even if they get carried away, can be rationalised and made conscious afterwards and processed. The process of supergo in soul, is never ending and endless. Re-programming the mind so that every EMOTIONAL impulse can be mastered because it can be RECOGNISED as an action. When it can be recognised, then the decision can be made often and faster, to do something different with the reaction. Changing the mindset so that the action can be different from the reaction. In other words, superego rarely makes the same mistake twice. In the wounded and unconscious ego, we can make the same mistake a thousand times and still not understand it. The more emotional we are, the more we need this work. The more we have low self esteem, the more we need this work. The more intelligent we are, the more we need this work. This is the real mental illness on earth. Being unconscious, so our impulses are without reason, without knowledge and with no control over them, by us.
Consciousness has been missing for almost 8000 years. The Temple spoke it daily and hourly. The real, ancient Temple/Temples. Neuro Linguistic Programming is from The Temple. It all is. Noetics, the pursuit of the alchemy of the mind, the high esoteric entrances into nebulous and rational form all together. This is The Temple. My Temple. The Temple of Atlantis. Real consciousness. But it all begins with the transcension of the ego. Mental health is consciousness. Consciousness is mental health.
And mental health is the making the decision to love, as a state of being, on earth. To be a person of love. Mental health is to ascend the mind, body and soul into soul. Through meditation, sobbet (the mystic exchange with The Universe, through angels, through to guides, through to the Great Mother Universe Herself) and all unconscious meditations, from sport to sex to dance to art to any creating outlet, the spiritual DNA of our matter is changed.
This is done by re-programming the mind. The LOWER mind. The lower mind is the normal mind, however intelligent we are. It is still the lower mind, the unconscious mind. To re-programme this mind is chronically painful and laborious. Because it is painful. Every emotional fear and reaction has to be analysed and then the reason for that reaction found, even if the event itself from the past cannot be remembered. Then it is about handing over that information to the silent world and letting it heal us into letting it go and beginning again with the attitude to whatever we are reacting to.
That's the simplest way of saying it. We experience key events in our lives before we can think, that create our EMOTIONAL responses. So, we might agree with something intellectually (I use that word loosely as it is the lower mind) but we are 'armchair pirates'. We still have the emotional fear of the same subject when it comes to a physical or visceral reaction or action. Fear, judgment, embarassment, inhibition, and of course, the wonderful unique gift of Lemuria, fascism. The need to control everything and to abuse power. As an emotional reaction that can't be controlled. Everyone has that in ego, but Lemurians, both Dark and Light have this in reservoirs and oceans.
The process after re-programming knowledge has been found, ie, the event from the past that we don't want to revisit or that we have tried to deny for years, then comes the biggest factor of all. Facing yourself.
Facing the event, grieving it and FORGIVING it. Letting it go. This is true ascension and I have now met hundreds of people who can prepare and find out and research and look back. But when it comes to facing themselves, they cannot do it.
My twin soul may be one of those. He may not. I may never know. But as he will vouch, this is a slow and painful and repetitive process with a regular ego backlash. The ego will fight hard not to let go. And then it will come back with more pain.
In other words, ascension is literally fighting 'Agent Smith' (The Wachowski Brothers The Matrix) within. Integrating the evil of agents, as the shadow that has haunted us forever. Until consciousness healing.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
The Scheherazade Series lX. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography
Ego. The Healing Pt l. Amera Ziganii Rao
There are two levels of existence in life. One is called ego and one is called soul. One is 'normal' and automatic and the other the most elusive but attainable thing on earth. Self knowledge through gruelling and deeply satisfying but hair raising humility, self criticism (therapy, clearing the past, re-educating oneself) and ultimately self love. Always know what level of existence stands before you. In the mirror and in other people too. Then you are winning.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
So what I would say is that ego is four things;
1. Dehumanising the person you love the most. Like a mad, insane, uncontrollable force, the ego makes us dehumanise out of chronic need, fear and fear of abandonment. We are unable to be objective, to be friends with the person we love the most, to be their friend, or to treat that human being with love, even though we love them the most. We treat strangers better than we treat those we love the most. We do it and then we are appalled at ourselves and can yet, just not change the way we behave, whatever we do.
2. The Warlord to Warrior transformation. In ego, we cannot believe that we are allowed to 'kill'. We see love or spirituality as only peace. As being ‘good’. And that we will be punished if we are ‘bad’. We do not believe that it is holy or morally correct to fight or 'kill' or stand up for ourselves with any force, and yet we have this latent violent rage which means we do just that but we don’t know how to control it. We don't understand why it could possibly be our job to fight another person and we would like to think we are above such things and we are shocked instead at the amount of people who are so cruel and rude and horrible and we just try to avoid them instead and find ourselves, unconsciously of course, getting more and more afraid of life and people and disliking them more and more. Our latent rage frightens us even more so we just have to spend all our energy suppressing it and believe we are really 'bad' people for even feeling it. And yet we remain so angry that so much non peace exists, everywhere we go and everywhere we look.
3. In ego, we do not believe God loves us (not the way I talk about it, if you've seen my other writings. I am talking as a forced master, ie Maximus, in Ridley Scott's 'Gladiator' and not as ego. I am talking from superego and that is another story). In ego, we just believe that somehow we are outside the grace of God and that good things happen to other people and not to us. We are especially bad. We try to do everything alone, without spirit, because we don’t believe spirit loves us. We are also latently furious at existence, because Earth is so hard. We are actually furious at God's Universe and frankly, would rather do it alone. But we feel afraid as we do it alone, because we actually believe God is out to get us and that we have no control over anything and we don't understand why, so we are in a perpetual state of terror and hatred and resentment and we just try to make the best of it, but it is really tiring and makes us really afraid.
4. In ego, we separate illusion from love. We would rather fantasise about romantic love, than experience it. We are chronic idealists (I used to hate that word so much) in ego, and that is actually to hide the fact that we are still terrified of risking love, risking our hearts, so we would rather, despite all our apparent wishes, dream our life away, rather than live a life of love. We live inside our imagination, rather than live our imagination. This, like all ego thoughts and emotions is not a conscious decision, but it ends up dictating everything, despite our best attempts. In men, it is called the 'Whore and Madonna' syndrome, but it is gender generic and always what we do in ego. The more wounded we are in ego, the more wounded our ego, the less we will be brave enough to love, so the more we will separate reality and fantasy. In some, it may be the separation of desire and family style love and in others it comes out differently. It is all the same thing. Just not having the courage to risk our hearts. In ego we wouldn't.
Ego is the lower mind, that we received when we first became conscious, ie at the age of 8 or 9. It is thought and it is lower thought, to self protect us and what is fed beautifully by everyone around us. The other masters talk of the tribe mind, I talk about the tribe mind alot in my writings too. The other masters also talk about the influences from other people, but we also know, that it is a hijacking of the mind, that feels like a madness. It is fair enough to talk of it as if it is so sensible to talk to, but the truth is that emotionally it feels almost impossible to change it. Because it is. That is what this war is about. The war on the ego. The war on ourselves to become soul. Because, make no mistake, to those of us who are intensely emotional, it is a war and nothing less. I would have said everyone was this emotional, but maybe I am wrong.
The war is to shift the mortal husk and it is a miracle that you create. That any of us have to create. We have to create a miracle to rid ourselves of the ego mind and heart. Nothing less. And it takes emotionally facing yourself. Facing the pain, entering the pain, entering the vortex of the pain and crying it out and coming to terms with one’s deepest grief and then accepting it and then letting it go. That is what facing oneself means. Visceral, emotional agony. And then it goes. The most intense agony one can ever feel.
You’ve done it before. I am sure. We all do it bit by bit. But not enough. You have faced yourself and transformed every so often. And that is great, that is already becoming a master. Now it is about doing it for the last time. It is that process, on a huge level for the last time.
Yes, as you can see in me, in my other writings, superego also feels pain. It is true and the greatest disappointment in life. That once you have 'killed' yourself, the pain is still there. Masters still feel pain. But it is not the same pain. Superego’s pain is different. Soul is your greatest parent and once you let it in and let it guide you, yes, you may fight with it, like I do mine, but that is not what you need to think about. What you need to do is focus on those four things and understand and make that lower mind believe that that is ego. And useless. Ego is ‘need and greed make a weed’ as I have said before.
I intend to leave my ego and marry my soul. To be my soul’s child, to marry my soul, to value it as my greatest partner. I am not outside the grace of God. I am so loved by God and can therefore trust the Universe to parent me. Loving her/him, I actually have a second partner in soul and therefore, there are three of us and therefore I am safe. My soul centres me, not her/him. I am complete without her and complete with her. But my soul and her soul are always there too. So, depending on whether I believe we share the same soul or not, there are three or four of us in the partnership. There is a whole family and I feel safe. I am not alone. And never will be.
I want you to contemplate that sentence. Soul or ego, soul or ego. As Wayne Dyer say, you cannot be a host to God and a hostage to your ego at the same time.
That is the splintering. When I was in ego, what I remember realising that I was doing, was that I was regarding God or soul in the same way I regarded my own physical parents. So when I got scared, I projected my fear and memories of their crap parenting onto God and the Universe. For instance, when I felt that I couldn't be together with my man, for all the thousands of reasons we have had to go through, I used to rage at God and actually was projecting my ‘sex police’ parents onto God. That they hadn’t wanted me to have a true relationship and therefore, neither did God. That is ego.
Ego is also lack of forgiveness but we will deal with that next. For today, I want you to focus on that intention to marry your soul. And focus on that list of four things. They are all ego and ego is a lie. A self sabotaging lie that hijacked you physically at eight. That has taken you over and ruined your life. A mortal husk holds you hostage and it is black and crusty and hard. And you do not want it anymore. You want to be sane. And you want to be strong.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Siren Pt lll. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography
Ego. The Healing Pt ll. An Eye For An Eye. Amera Ziganii Rao
With your eyes closed, imagine the world as its highest, most creative possibility .. a radiant expression of goodness and light. Allow the image to unfold, then hold it in your mind for at least 10 seconds. Now, keeping your eyes, closed, see where you fit in: Where are you? What are you doing? What is your unique contribution? Before opening your eyes, take the image and place it in divine hands. Congratulations. You just started up the most powerful engine in the universe. Marianne Williamson
You don't need to explain your dreams. They belong to you. Paulo Coelho
Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future. Robert H. Schuller
Ego. The Healing Pt ll. An Eye For An Eye. Amera Ziganii Rao
Second Existence. Soul. Second Existence. Second Love. Second Life. Second Thought. Second Feeling. Second Sensuality. Second Physicality. Second Understanding. Second Sexuality. Second Imagination. Second Mind. Second Being. Second Psyche. Getting out of the way. Courage. Intuition. Forgiveness. Love. Second Self. The Real Self. Soul.
So we have seen the four essential elements of ego. Here they are again.
1. Dehumanising the person you love the most. Like a mad, insane, uncontrollable force, the ego makes us dehumanise out of chronic need, fear and fear of abandonment. We are unable to be objective, to be friends with the person we love the most, to be their friend, or to treat that human being with love, even though we love them the most. We treat strangers better than we treat those we love the most. We do it and then we are appalled at ourselves and can yet, just not change the way we behave, whatever we do.
2. The Warlord to Warrior transformation. In ego, we cannot believe that we are allowed to 'kill'. We see love or spirituality as only peace. As being ‘good’. And that we will be punished if we are ‘bad’. We do not believe that it is holy or morally correct to fight or 'kill' or stand up for ourselves with any force, and yet we have this latent violent rage which means we do just that but we don’t know how to control it. We don't understand why it could possibly be our job to fight another person and we would like to think we are above such things and we are shocked instead at the amount of people who are so cruel and rude and horrible and we just try to avoid them instead and find ourselves, unconsciously of course, getting more and more afraid of life and people and disliking them more and more. Our latent rage frightens us even more so we just have to spend all our energy suppressing it and believe we are really 'bad' people for even feeling it. And yet we remain so angry that so much non peace exists, everywhere we go and everywhere we look.
3. In ego, we do not believe God loves us (not the way I talk about it, if you've seen my other writings. I am talking as a forced master, ie Maximus, in Ridley Scott's 'Gladiator' and not as ego. I am talking from superego and that is another story). In ego, we just believe that somehow we are outside the grace of God and that good things happen to other people and not to us. We are especially bad. We try to do everything alone, without spirit, because we don’t believe spirit loves us. We are also latently furious at existence, because Earth is so hard. We are actually furious at God's Universe and frankly, would rather do it alone. But we feel afraid as we do it alone, because we actually believe God is out to get us and that we have no control over anything and we don't understand why, so we are in a perpetual state of terror and hatred and resentment and we just try to make the best of it, but it is really tiring and makes us really afraid.
4. In ego, we separate illusion from love. We would rather fantasise about romantic love, than experience it. We are chronic idealists (I used to hate that word so much) in ego, and that is actually to hide the fact that we are still terrified of risking love, risking our hearts, so we would rather, despite all our apparent wishes, dream our life away, rather than live a life of love. We live inside our imagination, rather than live our imagination. This, like all ego thoughts and emotions is not a conscious decision, but it ends up dictating everything, despite our best attempts. In men, it is called the 'Whore and Madonna' syndrome, but it is gender generic and always what we do in ego. The more wounded we are in ego, the more wounded our ego, the less we will be brave enough to love, so the more we will separate reality and fantasy. In some, it may be the separation of desire and family style love and in others it comes out differently. It is all the same thing. Just not having the courage to risk our hearts. In ego we wouldn't.
And then there is forgiveness. A whole chapter in itself and maybe the final chapter. It was for me, because actually forgiveness is about vengeance. Love is about hate. Putting the past behind us is about those deep warlike feelings we have had forever and those emotions of hate, revenge, fury and violence, to hide the immense terror we feel about life and people and God and everything around us. Vengeance. Hate. Fury. Violence. War.
Ego is created in us out of vengeance. Gary Zukav and other Masters talk of how the ego is the part of our soul that has been born into this lifetime to heal or to experience something that the soul has not experienced before. It is the part of soul that comes here to experience the lessons soul wants to experience in this life. And for those of us who know intuitively that re-incarnation is the process, ego is the part of soul that comes here to heal the experiences it did differently last time and maybe every last time we have been on Earth. Earth, being just one existence in the Universe.
That’s the spiritual aspect and esoteric angle on life. Psychologically, ego is our vengeance. Our self protection and our self medication that drops in at 8 or 9 and that remains, for most of us, until death. So, lifetime after lifetime, that ego just gets more and more ‘powerful’ in its vengeance, hatred, ability to self protect and in its skills as a pure killer.
And that is the aspect of ego that NONE of us ever believe we are or are capable of. Because ego is also the most WOUNDED part of us. Ego is our pain. Ego is our reaction to life and whether we have had a loving upbringing or not, a loving life or not, life is not for the faint hearted. ‘Life on Earth. There’s no cure for that’, says Nobel Prize winning dramatist, Samuel Beckett and much as we try to cope with life the best we can, so we can avoid this tortuous truth, it is the truth. Life on Earth is a training ground for the soul.
God, in ‘Conversations with God’ with Neale Donald Walsch, talks of the fact that Earth is specifically about splitting ourselves from soul, so we can study soul. So we can find out who we are. We become non love so we can become love. Other than the pure fury that evokes in me, at the memory of the pain I have experienced in my life and indeed lifetimes on this planet, yes, that is exactly what Earth life is and there are answers, solutions and beauty that come out of it. It’s called healing, redemption, heaven on earth, nirvana, becoming whole and killing that mortal husk of the ego forever. I have done it. And I cannot express, that despite all the hardship I have experienced, and how I am now in a ‘Maximus’ in Gladiator type of Scheherazade position in life to heal my man, in the same way I healed myself, because that is my purpose and my ‘giving Rome back to the people’ task, which I honour completely, healing one’s heart, killing one’s ego is an extraordinary miracle of being. And life truly is never the same again. It is beautiful. Actually beautiful and poignant and light and dark all together and extremely sexy.
Killing that ego is the way and it is the most worthwhile task on this planet and unbelievably satisfying and glorious to behold and the most empowering thing one can do. One has created a miracle. Oneself. Despite all the odds, despite all the terrors of not knowing how one is going to have what one wants in life or even be able to attain it, while everyone else seems to be okay. Wow. I remember those days. I remember those feelings and I remember the pain.
And to know finally that I have been given the gift of speaking and writing about this journey so other people can maybe do it too, so other people can DEFINITELY do it too. Wow.
Self help, or Gnostic esoteric spirituality or philosophy or mystic learnings, or mysticism or whatever you want to call it. Witchery, wizardry, Neuro Linguistic Programming and other applied psychology. God, Gnostic religious teachings. Whatever you want to call it, there is nothing else more worthwhile to know about. LOVE. Re-programming our stupid, poor, self medicating, self educated, ego minds is the best way of putting it for me. Becoming Second Existence. Soul. The most elusive, hidden areas of knowledge on this planet. And the thing that most of us would die to avoid, than have to do and face and become and learn. If we spent our time at school, learning this information, we would be a fuck of a lot more equipped to deal with life than we are currently at 18, when we are thrown out in the world and expected to behave like adults, when we are still toddlers in terms of the true education of life.
As Plato says, Until philosophers are kings (queens), or the kings (queens) and princes (princesses) of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils.
And as Socrates says, If on the other hand I tell you that to let no day pass without discussing goodness and all the other subjects about which you hear me talking and examining both myself and others is really the very best thing that a man (woman) can do, and that life without this sort of examination is not worth living.
So we have to conclude that despite the fact that this was thousands of years ago, we have learnt nothing as a people and it is still the most elusive thing to do. Heal one’s heart on Earth. Most of us call it the spiritual journey. I did. I only entered this journey in the first place, because I was in so much trouble emotionally. It still took me two years to enter therapy and I still did not have a clue that what I was doing was actually deeply spiritual. Healing myself.
And judging by Plato’s quote, we know why. The wrong people are in power, so this knowledge is the last thing available to anyone easily and if you keep a people stupid and afraid, they are much easier to control anyway. So ‘nuff said. Let’s just get on with it if we can and forget the whys and wherefores. The aim is happiness and happiness can only be attained through healing one’s ego. And becoming superego and soul.
Ego and vengeance.
These aspects of ego now being discussed, go well beyond archetypes. Either male or female, and either Venus archetype or Mars archetype and either of the archetypes that Deepak Chopra discusses in his book, ‘How to Know God’. The person who splits good and evil, between the two parents or the person who denies the existence of the darkness and evil and pain completely and utterly. The two ways of being a wounded child and therefore symbolic of human beings’ relationship with God. The evolution of our experience with God it seems, and I have just begun exploring that aspect, is to move from believing that God is a parent, to understanding that the Universe is a nebulous, highest love intelligence forcefield of intention that we harness and direct at our will, our soul’s will or our ego’s will, ie that we create our reality. Spiritual existentialism. Creators.
No wonder philosophers do not run governments. We would all be happy and intelligent and wise and powerful and full of abundance. Such is the grip of evil on this planet. We all have our work cut out for us and according to Deepak Chopra, who I have only listened to vaguely, but who is so worth listening to forever, Earth is always evolving in its relationship to Universe. And that makes so much sense. Why would Earth’s people be stagnant in relationship to anything? The religious books would have us think so, but let’s not even go there. Too boring. And useless. I value the religious texts too. I am humble enough to learn from all the masters. I see them as storybooks with the same sacredness. But like everything else, if something does not resonate as truth, it isn’t. Second existence is not confined to what religion you are for sure! And compared to literature, the religious texts come across like one dimensional, simplistic Enid Blyton stories. With due respect! But not too much actually. More to Enid Blyton.
Let’s heal instead.
The Visit. Friedrich Durrenmatt. Swiss dramatist, Friedrich Durrenmatt wrote a play that I had the privilege of reading and studying at the age of 17. It has always stayed with me, as much of the literature I have read and watched has. On a slight tangent, I now know that if second existence, soul, exists, which it does and I am living proof of that, having been the recipient of such a pained, wounded, cynical and fearful and vengeful ego myself, then the study of literature, especially, but all the arts, is actually the study of sacred texts. You don’t need to do anything else. Anything that carries timeless themes, universal themes, the study of human motivation, the philosophical questions of who we are and why we are here and what we are capable of, these are the sacred texts that are far more useful than anything else. Literature, including the greatest films ever written or that have been made out of great literature, most definitely fall into that category for me. Literature is certainly not confined to the shelves of a bookshop or to the stage. All three forms to me are one of the exquisite vehicles of sacred knowledge. Drama.
Der Besuch der Alten Dame. The Visit of the Old Lady. The Visit in its English title. Stunning play and all to do with vengeance and the poignancy of the ego heart and the brutality of existence in the ego and how hurt we are as human beings. I want to include the notes on this play and then – especially because The Visit is about a female and I don’t want any man to start getting swallowed up into ideas of gender, especially with 8000 years of male vengeance on the female species it seems. The story called Adam and Eve. That thing called misogyny that I have extensively covered in my writings. And which, as Nancy Friday who writes on Sadomasochism and a man’s relationship with his mother, may agree, could actually all be from the same thing. Ego wounding and what men, in particular the Mars archetype of man, did with that ego vengeance. No, we are not going there right now. This is beyond archetypes. And certainly beyond gender.
I want to also include notes on one of the most shocking films I have recently seen. The final scene still gives me nightmares and is about exactly the same theme. Vengeance, violence and the ego running one’s life. There Will Be Blood, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and starring the phenomenal Daniel Day Lewis. And very loosely based on the 1927 novel Oil! by Upton Sinclair.
In a way, this also does cover archetypes, as I feel, that The Visit is very much one type of vengeance and There Will Be Blood is about the other. One is cold and calculated and methodical and so fucking ‘reasonable’ and soft spoken and logical, that it is chilling to the bone, and the other just pure, relentless cruelty, greed, selfishness, self pity, belligerent self importance, utter hatred for everyone and the most shocking animal, almost unconscious, violence.
You could say that is female and male respectively, if we look at stereotypes, but you could just as well say that is about the Deepak Chopra defined archetypes of the person who separates good and evil to destructive and psychotic levels and the other who just psychotically denies his or her own darkness completely. It’s all the same. Ego. First existence. Stupid existence and wounded existence and unnecessary existence. That is the point. Totally understandable but the ONLY reason for hate and violence and cruelty and evil in this world. And certainly ABUSE OF POWER. Us.
Us in first existence. Us in ego. Not God. Us.
Vengeance. Not a pretty sight in any form, any archetype, any gender, any human being, anyone. And in every single one of us, in first existence. Whether it is Commodus in Ridley Scott’s Gladiator or Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire...the two archetypes of vengeance, abuse of power and evil as ego, it is the SAME generic unhealed, wounded SICKNESS of ego.
LOVE IS CREATED. That is Soul and that is Mastery and that is Second Existence.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
The Visit. Friedrich Durrenmatt
The story opens with the town of Guellen (which literally means "to manure") preparing for the arrival of famed billionairess Claire Zachanassian. The town is in a state of disrepair, and the residents are suffering considerable hardship and poverty. They hope that Claire, a native of the small town, will provide them with much-needed funds. Alfred Ill, the owner of Guellen's general store and the most popular man in town, was Claire's lover when they were young, and agrees with the Mayor that the task of convincing her to make a donation should fall to him. As the town gathers at the railway station to prepare for Claire's arrival, they are met with an unexpected surprise when Claire steps off of an earlier train, having pulled the emergency brakes in order to do so. She is grand, grotesque, and fantastic, and is accompanied by two henchmen, her husband, a butler, and two blind eunuchs, along with a coffin, a caged black panther, and various pieces of luggage. She begins a flirtatious exchange with Ill, and they promptly revisit their old haunts: Petersen's Barn and Konrad's Village Wood. Ill pretends to find her as delightful as ever, though they are both now in their sixties and significantly overweight. Claire draws Ill's attention to her prosthetic leg and artificial hand.
After settling into the Golden Apostle Hotel, Claire joins the rest of the town, who have gathered outside for a homecoming celebration. A band plays, gymnasts perform, and the Mayor gives a speech. Claire takes the opportunity to announce that she will make a donation of one billion units of an unspecified currency, half for the town and half to be shared among the families. The townspeople are overjoyed, but their happiness is dampened when Claire's Butler steps forward to reveal her condition. The Butler was once the Lord Chief Justice of Guellen, and had overseen the paternity suit that Claire had brought against Ill in 1910. In the suit, Ill had produced two false witnesses (who have since been transformed into Claire's eunuchs), and the court had ruled in his favor. Ill went on to marry Matilda, who owned the general store, and Claire moved to Hamburg and became a prostitute and her child died after one year. She declares to the townspeople that she has come to Guellen to prove that justice can, indeed, be bought. Her donation is conditional on someone killing Alfred Ill. When the Mayor refuses, the town cheers in support, but Claire states rather ominously, "I'll wait."
Ill feels generally confident about his status in the town. However, as time passes, he becomes increasingly fearful as he begins to notice the proliferation of new yellow shoes on the feet of the townsmen, and the fact that everyone seems to be purchasing especially expensive items on credit. He goes to see the Policeman to demand that he arrest Claire for having threatened his life, but the Policeman tells him that the threat is nonsense. Ill then turns to the Mayor, who echoes similar sentiments. Both figures are armed, because Claire's black panther has escaped from his cage and is prowling about the town. This only feeds Ill's fear, since "my black panther" was Claire's pet name for him in their youth. He runs to see the Priest, but the Priest seems to be turning away from him as well, as he effectively ignores Ill's fears and instead draws attention to the magnificent new church bell. Slowly, the standard of living in the town rises, even though the townspeople continue to assure Ill that he is safe. Claire then receives the news that her black panther has been killed, and she has a funeral song played in its memory.
In an effort to escape, Ill heads to the railway station, but finds that, strangely, the entire town is gathered there. They ask him where he is going, and he says that he is planning to move to Australia. They wish him well, again assuring him that he has nothing to fear in Guellen, but Ill grows increasingly nervous nonetheless. The train arrives, but he decides not to board, believing that someone will stop him anyway. Paralyzed, he collapses in the crowd, crying, "I'm lost!"
After some time passes and Claire weds a new husband in the Guellen Cathedral, the Doctor and the Schoolmaster go to see her and explain that the townspeople have run up considerable debts since her arrival. The Schoolmaster appeals to her sense of humanity and begs her to abandon her desire for vengeance and help the town out of the goodness of her heart. She reveals to them that she already actually owns all of properties in the town, and that she is the reason the businesses have been shut down and caused stagnation and poverty for the citizens. The Doctor and the Schoolmaster are horrified at this revelation.
In the meantime, Ill has been pacing the room above the general store, his terror growing as the townspeople buy more and more expensive products on credit. News reporters, having received word of Claire's imminent wedding, are everywhere, and they enter the store to get the scoop on Ill, having heard that he was Claire's lover back in the day. The Schoolmaster, drunk, tries to inform the press about Claire's cruel proposal, but the townspeople stop him. Finally Ill descends the stairs, surprised at the hubbub, but quiet. The reporters clear the room when they hear that Claire has just divorced the man she has just married, and has found a new lover.
After the confusion has cleared, the Schoolmaster and Ill have an honest discussion. The Schoolmaster explains that he is certain that Ill will be killed, and admits that he will ultimately join the ranks of the murderers. Ill calmly states that he has accepted his guilt, and acknowledges that the town's suffering is his fault. The Schoolmaster leaves, and Ill is confronted by the Mayor, who asks whether Ill will accept the town's judgment at that evening's meeting. Ill says that he will. The Mayor then suggests that Ill make things easier on everyone and shoot himself, but Ill refuses, insisting that the town must go through the process of actually judging and then killing him.
Ill goes for a ride in his son's newly-purchased car, accompanied by his wife, Matilda, and his daughter, both of whom are wearing new outfits. As they drive through Konrad's Village Wood, Ill says that he is going to go for a walk through the woods before heading to the town meeting. His family continues on to the movie theater. In the woods, Ill comes across Claire, who is walking with her newest husband. She asks her husband to leave so that she and Ill can speak privately. They reminisce about the past, and make plans for the future. Claire tells Ill that she plans to take his body away in the coffin to a mausoleum in Capri that overlooks the Mediterranean. She also tells Ill that she has never stopped loving him, but that over time her love has grown into something monstrous.
The town meeting is flooded with press, and the town publicly announces their acceptance of Claire's donation. They then go through the formality of a vote, which is unanimous, and the Mayor states that they have Ill to thank for their new-found wealth. The press is then ushered out of the auditorium to enjoy refreshments. The doors are locked, and the lights are dimmed. The Priest crosses Ill, and he is killed by the townsmen. Just as a reporter reappears in the auditorium, the Doctor announces that Ill has died from a heart attack. The reporters gather, and declare that Ill has died from joy. Claire examines the corpse, gives the Mayor his cheque, and leaves the town with Ill's body in the coffin that she brought with her when she arrived in Guellen. Claire boards the train at the railway station, and the visit comes to an end.
Characters and Themes
Claire Zachanassian
Claire was born with the last name Wäscher, meaning "washer", which may reflect her protaletarian upbringing. In her youth, she was the lover of Alfred Ill, but after becoming pregnant and losing a paternity suit against Alfred, she fled to Hamburg and became a prostitute. In the brothel, she met the old Armenian oil magnate Zachanassian, who fell in love with her. They married, and she became a multi-billionairess, freely contributing to philanthropic endeavors and always creating a sensation with her many marriages. Over the course of the play, we see her wed to Husbands VII–IX.
When the play begins Claire is over sixty years old, with red hair and an artificial leg and hand. She visits Guellen, her hometown, with the intention of buying herself justice. Upon her arrival, she announces to the impoverished townspeople that she will donate the million. The gift, however, will be given only in return for the death of her former lover, Alfred Ill.
Husbands VII–IX (or Moby, Hoby, and Zoby)
Throughout the play, Claire moves through three husbands. "Moby", or Husband VII, is actually named Pedro, and owns tobacco plantations. "Hoby", or Husband VIII, is a German film star she marries in Guellen Cathedral. Shortly after the wedding, Claire's lawyers arrange for a divorce, and she prepares to wed "Zoby", a Nobel Prize-winner.
The staging directions for the play indicate that all three husbands can be played by the same actor.
The Butler is referred to by Claire as "Boby". It is revealed at the end of Act I that he was once the Lord Chief Justice of Guellen. He left his job there to serve in the Kaffigen Court of Appeals, where Claire approached him with a request that he become her Butler, and offering him a salary that he couldn't refuse.
Roby and Toby
Roby and Toby are former Manhattan gangsters who were facing death by electric chair before Claire paid one million dollars for each petition to have them amnestied and entered into her service. The two men are brutes, and are always chewing gum. Roby and Toby bear Claire's sedan-chair and perform songs on the guitar whenever they are commanded to do so.
Koby and Loby
Koby and Loby's real names are Jacob Hühnlein (which means chicken) and Ludwig Sparr, respectively. Alfred Ill bribed the two men to commit perjury in Claire's paternity suit with a liter of schnapps. They falsely testify that they were her lovers. Later, Claire tracked Jacob Chicken down in Canada, and Ludwig Sparr in Australia. Roby and Toby castrated and blinded them, and they are referred to as eunuchs. Koby and Loby tell the press gathered in Guellen for Claire's wedding to Husband VIII that Alfred Ill was once her lover. Claire responds by sending them both to one of her opium dens in Hong Kong.
Alfred Ill, who runs the general store in Guellen, is considered the most popular man in town (perhaps because he allows the townspeople to purchase items on credit). He is married to Matilda, with whom he has one son and one daughter. The Mayor tells Ill that he is to be his successor in the next election.
In his youth, Ill was the lover of Claire, the multi-millionairess. While the town awaits Claire's visit, the Mayor urges Ill to bank on nostalgia and see if he can convince her to donate funds. However, Ill quickly becomes the target of the townspeople once Claire declares that she will give a generous financial donation to the town only if Ill is murdered. She seeks revenge because he had impregnated her when they were young, but had successfully denied paternity by presenting two false witnesses. He married Matilda because she owned the general store, and Claire was forced to give birth to a child out of wedlock and to become a prostitute in Hamburg. Claire later tells Ill that the child died after being born. She says that she named the girl 'Geneveve' and she did not even open her eyes.
Mrs. Ill
Matilda Blumhardt is Alfred Ill's wife and the original owner of the general store. It is implied that Ill married her for the store, not for love.
Ill's son, Karl, is initially seen going off to seek work at the railway station. By the end of the play, he is driving a new car.
Ill's daughter, Ottilie, is first seen going off to look for work at the Labour Exchange. Later in the play, however, she is seen going off to play tennis, and takes courses for different languages.
The Mayor of Guellen initially tells Ill that he is to become the next Mayor. As the play progresses, however, the Mayor informs Ill that the revelations about his past will prevent him from taking public office. Towards the end of the play, the Mayor offers Ill a gun, implying that everything would be easier if he would just shoot himself. During the play's conclusion, the Mayor sways the assembled audience in the auditorium of the Golden Apostle hotel to accept Claire's donation and to kill Ill.
Early in the play, the Priest is shocked when Claire asks him whether he comforts condemned men, stating that there is no longer a death penalty. Later in the play, when Ill seeks his help, the Priest draws attention to the magnificent new bell. At that moment, Ill realizes that even the Priest is playing a role in the fulfillment of Claire's condition.
At first he tries to entertain Claire during her visit by letting the children sing for her in various occasions. After some time he goes to Claire with the Doctor and asks her to not to require a death to save her hometown.He is shocked when Claire tells them that she is responsible for the economical situation of Guellen.Very sad, he gets drunk in Mrs.Ill's store and tries to tell the journalists about the multi-billionaires's condition, but is stopped by Ill himself. Later he apologises and tells Ill that he will join the others and that he will also want to kill him. He gives a speech in the theater room, but talks in such way that only the people of Guellen can understand what he means.
Early in the play, Claire tells the Doctor that the next diagnosis he makes ought to be "heart attack". Later in the play, the Doctor, along with the Schoolmaster, implores Claire to help the town without requiring Ill's death. In the end, however, the Doctor participates in Ill's death, and pronounces him dead of a heart attack.
The Policeman refuses to arrest Claire when Ill, fearing for his life, approaches him. The Policeman claims that there is no real threat. In the end, he forces Ill to remain in the auditorium so that he can be slaughtered, and calls him "a bastard".
Townsmen 1–4
These men are seen at the railway station, and also in Ill's general store. They symbolize the townspeople of Guellen, and also transform into the trees of Konrad's Village Wood.
At the start of the play, the Painter paints a sign welcoming Claire to Guellen. He bemoans the fact that he was once a brilliant student at the École des Beaux-Arts. When the townspeople begin to enjoy a higher standard of living, the Painter arrives at Ill's general store with a portrait of Ill as a gift for Ill's wife. By this point, he is wearing the customary clothes of a painter: a beret and a colorful kerchief. When the Schoolmaster attempts to tell the press about Claire's cruel proposal, the Painter smashes the portrait of Ill over the Schoolmaster's head.
The Bailiff makes his one appearance of the whole play before the arrival of Claire Zachanassian at the beginning of the play. He is immediately recognizable by the citizens seemingly because he is the only man, since he goes into the 'Gents' toilets, who would ever get off at Guellen. He is at the town to plunder what he can as he is faced with the task of distraining the whole town, a rather satirical idea that shows just how great the towns poverty is especially when compared to the country's booming economy. His name, Mr Glutz, is ironic and is suggestive of Gluttony on the part of the richer part of the country taking from the poorer part. He is compared to an eagle when hunting out anything that he could take from their city. The mayor is relieved that he comes before Claire's visit as there is nothing for him to take then.
Louisa is a young woman who is engaged to one of the town's musicians. The audience first sees Louisa flashing across the stage half-naked. Later in the play, she crosses the stage wearing stylish clothing. In both cases, she is the subject of criticism by the townspeople.
Main theme
The author often emphasized that The Visit is intended first and foremost as a comedy. However, it is often difficult to ignore the serious and usually dark points being made about human nature throughout the play. A popular method of bringing up concerns important to German-language authors of this period was through their use of unsettling humour of this type.
The main theme is about how money corrupts even the most morally strong people.
Women's Rights.
Women did not achieve full suffrage in Switzerland until 1971 (in one canton until 1990), alone with neighboring Liechtenstein, the only European country to limit women's voting rights at the time. Women still lacked voting rights when the author refashioned the play as an opera libretto for Gottfried von Einem (premiered 1971). The sham vote at the end, where Claire has no say, followed by the false ascription of the town's new wealth to Ill, highlights this injustice in Swiss society. Symbolically, Claire lacks a hand and foot – tools to control her destiny. She has been thrown by men into prostitution against her will.
Can justice be bought?
"The Visit" raises the question of the corruptibility of justice by asking whether it can be bought in return for material wealth. As a young man, Ill himself bought "justice" at Claire's expense by presenting false witnesses during the paternity suit that she brought against him. The end-result, for Claire, was a life that she would never have chosen for herself, and one for which she now seeks revenge.
When Claire visits the town, she offers an extraordinary monetary gift – but only on the condition that the town rectifies its past failure by putting Ill to death. In her mind, Claire equates Ill's punishment with "justice". The drama of the play unfolds as a kind of "proof" of Claire's assertion: that everything, including justice, can be bought.
In the past, Claire has purchased justice many times. Boby the Butler, for instance, was previously a judge in Guellen, but ultimately opted out of the profession in order to enter into Claire's personal service. The salary, he explains to the town, was so high that he couldn't refuse her. This foreshadows the town's experience with Claire's conditional gift: the gift is so generous that the sacrifice of personal and collective dignity is not too high a price to pay in return.
In an ironic inversion of Claire's decree, Claire has rescued the characters Roby and Toby, former American gangsters who had been sentenced to death by electric chair. She purchases each man's life, thus proving that her wealth is capable of altering the very essence of the American justice system.
It is important to note that the political institutions helpful in fashioning and enforcing an idea of "justice" in society are corrupted and rendered passive in "The Visit".
Prostitution is expressed in a number of different ways throughout the play. In the wake of her failed paternity suit, Claire became a prostitute and fell into a degraded state in which she lived outside of societal norms. She was branded a corrupt woman, and learned an intense lesson about the sexual marketplace: male sexual desires can be satisfied by wealth. In other words, sex can be purchased. The purchase of sex is a physical manifestation of power, and presses the one who is purchased into a corrupted, degraded state. For Claire's first husband, the elderly Armenian millionaire from whom Claire inherited her fortune, wealth was able to purchase a beautiful, young wife.
Now that Claire has risen out of her prostituted state, she attempts to turn the world into her own, personal "brothel", as she announces to the Doctor and the Schoolteacher at the beginning of the third act. Once, she was a prostitute, an outcast; now, she is the opposite: she hovers above society in a mythic, almost goddess-like position by imposing her own "rule of law" to exact her own idea of "justice" on the town of Guellen. She employs the lessons that she learned in the sexual marketplace: all desires can be bought, if one has the money.
The rule of law.
The "rule of law" is what governs society; it lends order and shape to a culture by tending to the idea of "justice". The rule of law is something to which all citizens of a society submit, and it is generally understood to be imposed on the citizens by the citizens via governing bodies and the political system. Claire, however, arrives in the town of Guellen and immediately imposes her own personal version of "the rule of law". She interrupts the usual judicial process, and forces the townspeople to satisfy her personal desire for vengeance.
In the first act, the audience learns from the Priest that there is no capital punishment in Germany. Claire's gift, however, is conditional upon the townspeople's willingness to apply capital punishment to Ill. The townspeople collectively keep Claire's decree a secret, implying that they intend to eventually carry it out.
Claire's personal, almost tyrannical "rule of law" has the effect of a secret extrajudicial proceeding. The question is whether the result of such a proceeding can ever fairly demonstrate "justice", given that the process lacks accountability and occurs outside of the generally accepted laws. For Claire, however, "justice" in the ideal - that is, legal - sense is not really the issue. Her idea of justice has been conflated by her desire for personal vengeance.
Vengeance as justice.
In the style of the Old Testament, Claire's notion of justice has been transformed into the frighteningly powerful force of vengeance. "An eye for eye" becomes Claire's guiding principle: Ill forced her into a life that she did not choose, and in return she forces Ill into a situation that ultimately results in his death. Ill states early on in the play that Claire was formerly a lover of justice; now, however, having suffered injustice herself, she has little faith in the judicial process. Just as her love for Ill changed into something monstrous, her love of justice became a strangling fixation on personal revenge.
The fates of Koby and Loby illustrate Claire's view of justice. Like God in the Old Testament, she tracks down both of Ill's false witnesses on the opposite ends of the earth. Roby and Toby, her employees, blind the men and castrate them. Claire sentences Ill to an existence characterized by suffering and fear. Ultimately, the death that Claire selects for Ill is one inspired by the same material desires that drove her former lover to betray her in the first place.
Even though Claire purchases amnesty for Roby and Toby in a kind of divine gesture of forgiveness, she is nevertheless incapable of forgiveness when it comes to Ill and the injustices he committed against her when he denied her paternity claim and married Matilda. The townspeople of Guellen also refuse to forgive Ill for the collective suffering his initial actions against Claire have caused them. Neither Ill's wife Matilda nor his children are willing to forgive him or offer him their support and protection. The drama implies that perhaps the only figure capable of forgiveness is Ill himself: by recognizing his own guilt and understanding both Claire's motivations and the motivations of the townspeople, Ill accepts his fate. He genially proposes a drive in his son's new car with the entire family, and sits in Konrad's Village Wood to share a few last, intimate words with Claire. He then submits respectfully to the judgment of the town, and in the end preserves an idealized image of himself in his own heart. The troubling aspect of the drama, however, is that the ideal dies with him; it is not an image that the townspeople honor, or even see.
Cold logic.
The events in the drama unfold in a cold, logical manner that leads to a predictable outcome. Given the initial presentation of Guellen, Claire's power, the history between Claire and Ill, and the nature of Claire's decree, Ill's death appears almost inevitable. Just as Boby the Butler explains that he became Claire's employee because of the high salary she offered him, the townspeople convince themselves that Claire's offer is, in fact, impossible to refuse. The townspeople could have stood by their initial reaction to Claire's decree and preserved their dignity, but Dürrenmatt offers a cold perspective on human nature by demonstrating how Ill's death was, given the circumstances, the only possible outcome.
The townspeople of Guellen engage in a powerful process of rationalization before deciding to kill Ill. Throughout the play, they consistently – though never explicitly – justify meeting the conditions of Claire's gift. At first, they are repulsed by the idea of sacrificing a popular local figure's life in exchange for wealth and prosperity, but as their subconscious desires are fed by the slow rise in their standard of living, and once it becomes clear that Ill is the cause of the town's suffering, the townspeople come to the decision that it is just, fair, and reasonable to kill Ill. By slaying Ill, they will both appease a powerful figure and restore the town's well-being.
Dehumanization versus humanism
Claire's peculiar habit of giving each of her husbands (except for the first) and each of her employees rhyming nicknames suggests that she is systematically dehumanizing everyone around her. In a technique that recalls the Biblical "naming" of the animals, Claire renames each member of her entourage, thereby relegating them to a status far beneath her own and illustrating her relative power.
Claire's physical artificiality (as evidenced by her prosthetic leg and her ivory hand) reinforces the idea that Claire is "unkillable"; not quite human. As a prostitute, her status was not much higher than that of an animal; now, she has risen to the status of a god. Claire's identity raises the question of what is fundamentally human. Dürrenmatt expresses humanist ideals using the history of the town of Guellen and the character of the Schoolteacher. These values, while sincere, have little stamina in the face of someone as wealthy and powerful as Claire. In other words, Dürrenmatt appears to believe that as society becomes increasingly capitalistic, humanist ideals have little hope for survival.
Romantic love.
Like "justice", romantic love is another ideal that Dürrenmatt exposes as weak in the face of market forces. Ill had initially chosen to marry Matilda rather than Claire for material gain. Claire's idea of love is further sullied by her exposure to men's sexual appetites during the time she spends working as a prostitute. Claire's marriage to an elderly millionaire only reinforces what she has already learned about men: sexual relationships have little to do with romantic love. This belief leads Claire to cycle through a comical string of marriages, suggesting the essential emptiness of the institution. In "The Visit", husbands are treated as little more than a consumer good.
Stereotypical romantic love in the story exists in a pastoral setting. Claire and Ill conducted their romance in the idyllic, nostalgic locales of Petersen's Barn and Konrad's Village Wood: perfect symbols for the beauty and innocence of their youthful infatuation.
Over time, however, Claire's love for Ill grew into an evil, monstrous thing. Filled with rage, Claire demands her own version of justice: revenge. Dürrenmatt reveals how deeply perverted her love has become with Claire's conditional gift to the town; ultimately, however, what she wishes is to take Ill away with her to an island in the Mediterranean Sea where they will be able to spend all eternity together. Her desire is romantic, but simultaneously monstrous.
The second act positions Claire and Ill in a perverse reconstruction of Shakespeare's famous balcony scene between Romeo and Juliet. In this scene, however, Claire stands on the balcony of her hotel with her newest husband, gazing out over the town, while Ill manages the general store below. The scene is no longer an expression of young love: here, the woman looks down on the man from high above more like a tyrannical queen than a lover.
There Will Be Blood. Paul Thomas Anderson
There Will Be Blood is a 2007 drama film written, co-produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. The film is based on Upton Sinclair's 1927 novel Oil!. It tells the story of a silver miner-turned-oilman on a ruthless quest for wealth during Southern California's oil boom of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It stars Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano.
The film received significant critical praise and numerous award nominations and victories. It appeared on many critics' "top ten" lists for the year, notably the American Film Institute, the National Society of Film Critics, the National Board of Review, and the Los Angeles Film Critics Association. Day-Lewis won Oscar, BAFTA, Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild, NYFCC, and IFTA Best Actor awards for his performance. The film was nominated for eight Academy Awards including Best Picture, winning Best Actor for Day-Lewis and Best Cinematography for Robert Elswit.
In late 2009, it was chosen by Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly, Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian, Peter Travers of Rolling Stone, and Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune and At the Movies as the best film of the first decade of the 21st century.
In 1902, Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis), a mineral prospector, discovers oil and establishes a small drilling company. Following the death of one of his workers in an accident, Plainview adopts the man's orphaned son (his mother nowhere to be seen). The boy, called H. W. (Dillon Freasier), is thereafter introduced as his business "partner".
Nine years later, Plainview is approached by Paul Sunday (Paul Dano), who tells him there is oil under his family's property in Little Boston, California. Plainview visits ostensibly to camp, and attempts to buy the farm at a bargain price. Another brother, Eli (also Dano), aware of the oil seeping out of the ground, holds out for more, wanting the money to fund the local church, of which he is the pastor. Plainview talks Eli's father to agree to the lesser amount being paid upfront, promising more for the church after the well comes in. Plainview goes on to snatch up all the available land in the Little Boston area, save for one holdout -- William Bandy (Hans Howes).
Eli's religious fervour, along with his relative self-importance, is seen as a threat by the similarly egotistical Plainview. When Eli requests permission to bless the well before drilling starts, and be acknowledged for it, Plainview ostensibly agrees but then upstages Eli by making a speech instead. Soon after oil production begins, an on-site accident kills a worker. Thereafter, a burst of pressured air knocks H.W. off the derrick and robs him of his hearing. The oil gushing from the well catches fire and burns for several days. Eli states the accidents would not have occurred had he been allowed to give his blessing. The animosity between the two men soon becomes a deep-set hatred.
One day, a visitor (Kevin J. O'Connor) arrives on Plainview's doorstep claiming to be his half-brother, Henry, and seeking work. Plainview asks a number of questions about the family and eventually takes him in. H.W. goes through the stranger's papers, and soon thereafter sets the bed linens on fire. Plainview decides to send the boy away to a school. A representative from Standard Oil offers to buy out Plainview's interests for a million dollars, enraging Plainview, who elects to strike a deal with Union Oil instead for construction of a pipeline to the Californian coast. However, the held-out Bandy ranch remains an impediment, such that Plainview's project cannot come to fruition without purchase of the land. While spending a few days surveying the property with Henry, Plainview expresses his contempt for most people and the desire to have no one but himself succeed. Soon, however, he becomes suspicious of Henry and confronts him at gunpoint. He confesses that he had befriended Plainview's real half-brother before he died from tuberculosis, and decided to assume his identity. The impostor begs to be let go, but Plainview shoots him and buries his body.
The next morning, Plainview is awakened by Mr. Bandy. Bandy says he is willing to lease Plainview land for a pipeline -- on the provision that the latter repent his sin of the night before, which Bandy reveals he somehow knows about, and join the Church of the Third Revelation. At the church, Eli repeatedly slaps and humiliates Plainview as part of his initiation, forcing him to call himself a sinner and confess "I have abandoned my child!" Plainview seems genuinely affected at having to say this, but knows as well as Eli that it is all an act meant to demean him. Soon after, Plainview decides to bring H.W. back while Eli leaves town to perform missionary work.
In 1927, a grown up H.W. (Russell Harvard) marries his childhood sweetheart, Mary Sunday (Colleen Foy), whom the first well was named after. By this time Plainview, now an alcoholic but extremely wealthy, is living in an enormous mansion with only a servant for company. H.W. asks his father (through an interpreter) to dissolve their partnership so he can establish his own business in Mexico. Feeling betrayed, Plainview mocks his son's deafness and tells him of his true origins. H.W. states he is glad to learn that they are not related, and leaves.
Eli, now working in radio, visits Plainview. He explains that Mr. Bandy has died and offers to broker a deal on his land. Plainview agrees to the deal if Eli confesses, "I am a false prophet; God is a superstition", subjecting Eli to the same humiliation Eli had put him through years earlier. Eli does so after much berating by Plainview. To Eli's horror, Plainview then reveals that his rights had already allowed him to take the oil from the Bandy property via drainage. Eli reveals that he is in dire financial straits and is desperate to make a deal with Plainview, whom he reminds that they are related by marriage. Plainview flies into a rage, chases Eli about the mansion's bowling alley, and beats him to death with a bowling pin. When Plainview's butler comes down to check on him, Plainview simply says, "I'm finished."
Writer, Eric Schlosser decided to read most of Sinclair's works, and eventually read the novel Oil!, which he loved. Schlosser, who found the book to be exciting and thought it would make a great film, sought out the Sinclair estate and purchased the film rights. He then thought that he would try to find a director that was as passionate about the book as he was, but Paul Thomas Anderson approached him first.
Anderson had been working on a screenplay about two fighting families. He struggled with the script and soon realized it just was not working. Homesick, he purchased a copy of Upton Sinclair's Oil! in London, drawn to its cover illustration of a California oilfield. As he read, Anderson became even more fascinated with the novel, and after contacting Schlosser, adapted the first 150 pages to a screenplay. He began to get a real sense of where his script was going after making many trips to museums dedicated to early oilmen in Bakersfield. He changed the title from Oil! to There Will Be Blood because, "there's not enough of the book to feel like it's a proper adaptation."
Anderson, who had previously stated that he would like to work with Daniel Day-Lewis, wrote the screenplay with Day-Lewis in mind and approached the actor when the script was nearly complete.
Anderson had heard that Daniel Day-Lewis liked his earlier film Punch-Drunk Love, which gave him the confidence to hand Day-Lewis a copy of the incomplete script. According to Day-Lewis, simply being asked to do the film was enough to convince him. In an interview with The New York Observer, the actor elaborated on what drew him to the project. It was "the understanding that [Anderson] had already entered into that world. [He] wasn't observing it — [he'd] entered into it — and indeed [he'd] populated it with characters who [he] felt had lives of their own."
The line in the final scene, "I drink your milkshake!", is paraphrased from a quote by U.S. Senator for New Mexico Albert Fall speaking before a Congressional investigation into the 1920s oil-related Teapot Dome scandal. Anderson was enamoured of the fact that a term like "milkshake" found its way into such official testimony, to explain the complicated technical process of oil drainage to senators.
According to Joanne Sellar, one of the film's producers, it was a hard film to finance because "the studios didn't think it had the scope of a major picture." It took two years to acquire financing for the film.
For the role of Plainview's "son," Anderson looked at people in Los Angeles and New York City, but he realized that they needed someone from Texas who knew how to shoot shotguns and "live in that world." The filmmakers asked around at a school and the principal recommended Dillon Freasier. They did not have him read any scenes and instead talked to him, realizing that he was the perfect person for the role.
To build his character, Day-Lewis started with the voice. Anderson sent him recordings from the late 19th century to 1927 and a copy of the 1948 film, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, including documentaries on its director, John Huston, an important influence on Anderson's film. According to Anderson, he was inspired by the fact that Sierra Madre is "about greed and ambition and paranoia and looking at the worst parts of yourself." While writing the script, he would put the film on before he went to bed at night. To research for the role, Day-Lewis read letters from labourers and studied photographs from the time period. He also read up on oil tycoon Edward Doheny, upon whom Sinclair's book is loosely based.
The film was on the American Film Institute's 10 Movies of the Year; AFI's jury said:
There Will Be Blood is bravura film-making by one of American film's modern masters. Paul Thomas Anderson's epic poem of savagery, optimism and obsession is a true meditation on America. The film drills down into the dark heart of capitalism, where domination, not gain, is the ultimate goal. In a career defined by transcendent performances, Daniel Day-Lewis creates a character so rich and so towering, that "Daniel Plainview" will haunt the history of film for generations to come.
In November 2009, the critics of Time Out New York chose the film as the second-best of the decade, saying:
As an oblique critique of Bush II’s self-made power brokers and winner-take-all capitalism, There Will Be Blood cuts to the bone. As the work of a visionary artist, it’s truly sui generis.
In December 2009, Peter Travers of Rolling Stone chose the film as the #1 best film of the decade, saying:
Two years after first seeing There Will Be Blood, I am convinced that Paul Thomas Anderson's profound portrait of an American primitive—take that, Citizen Kane—deserves pride of place among the decade's finest. Daniel Day-Lewis gave the best and ballsiest performance of the past 10 years. As Daniel Plainview, a prospector who loots the land of its natural resources in silver and oil to fill his pockets and gargantuan ego, he showed us a man draining his humanity for power. And Anderson, having extended Plainview's rage from Earth to heaven in the form of a corrupt preacher (Paul Dano), managed to "drink the milkshake" of other risk-taking directors. If I had to stake the future of film in the next decade on one filmmaker, I'd go with PTA. Even more than Boogie Nights and Magnolia—his rebel cries from the 1990s—Blood let Anderson put technology at the service of character. The score by Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood was a sonic explosion that reinvented what film music could be. And the images captured by Robert Elswit, a genius of camera and lighting, made visual poetry out of an oil well consumed by flame. For the final word on Blood, I'll quote Plainview: "It was one goddamn hell of a show."
Chicago Tribune and At the Movies critic Michael Phillips named There Will Be Blood the decade’s best film. Phillips stated:
This most eccentric and haunting of modern epics is driven by oilman Daniel Plainview, who, in the hands of actor Daniel Day-Lewis, becomes a Horatio Alger story gone horribly wrong. Writer/director Paul Thomas Anderson’s camera is as crucial to the films hypnotic pull as the performance at its center. For its evocation of the early 1900’s, its relentless focus on one man’s fascinating obsessions, and for its inspiring example of how to freely adapt a novel--plus, what I think is the performance of the new century--There Will Be Blood stands alone. The more I see it, the sadder, and stranger, and more visually astounding it grows--and the more it seems to say about the best and worst in the American ethos of rugged individualism. Awfully good!
Entertainment Weekly critic Lisa Schwarzbaum named There Will Be Blood the decade's best film as well. In her original review, Schwarzbaum stated:
Anyhow, a fierce story meshing big exterior-oriented themes of American character with an interior-oriented portrait of an impenetrable man (two men, really, including the false prophet Sunday) is only half Anderson's quest, and his exciting achievement. The other half lies in the innovation applied to the telling itself. For a huge picture, There Will Be Blood is exquisitely intimate, almost a collection of sketches. For a long, slow movie, it speeds. For a story set in the fabled bad-old-days past, it's got the terrors of modernity in its DNA. Leaps of romantic chordal grandeur from Brahms' Violin Concerto in D Major announce the launch of a fortune-changing oil well down the road from Eli Sunday's church — and then, much later, announce a kind of end of the world. For bleakness, the movie can't be beat — nor for brilliance.
Daniel Plainview. Quotes
Listen, Paul. If I travel all the way out there and I find that you've been lying to me, I'm going to find you and I'm going to take more than my money back. Is that all right with you?
Can everything around here be got?
What would you like, Eli?
Now run along and play, and don't come back.
There's a whole ocean of oil under our feet! No one can get at it except for me!
I'm Finished
One night I'm gonna come to you, inside of your house, wherever you're sleeping, and I'm gonna cut your throat.
I told you I was going to eat you! I told you I was going to eat you up!
I drink your milkshake. I drink it up!
Scenes from the film.
Plainview: What did my mother know?
Henry Brands: I don't know. I don't know if she knew and looked the other way, if she never knew. Why did you leave? I know you didn't get on with our father.
Plainview: I worked for Geological Survey and went to Kansas. I couldn't stay there, I just couldn't. I don't like to explain myself.
Plainview: Are you an angry man, Henry?
Henry Brands: About what?
Plainview: Are you envious? Do you get envious?
Henry Brands: I don't think so. No.
Plainview: I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.
Henry Brands: That part of me is gone... working and not succeeding- all my failures has left me... I just don't... care.
Plainview: Well if it's in me, it's in you. There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking. I want to earn enough money I can get away from everyone.
Henry Brands: What will you do about your boy?
Plainview: [strained] I don't know. Maybe it'll change. Does your sound come back to you? I don't know. Maybe no one knows that. A doctor might not know that.
Henry Brands: Where's his mother?
Plainview: I don't want to talk about those things. I see the worst in people, Henry. I don't need to look past seeing them to get all I need. I've built up my hatreds over the years, little by little. Having you here gives me a second breath. I can't keep doing this on my own with these... people.
Tilford: Where you going to put it all? Where? Build a pipeline, make a deal with Union Oil, be my guest. But if you can’t pull it off, you've got an ocean of oil under your feet with nowhere to go. Why not turn it over to us? We'll make you rich. You spend time with your boy. It's a great discovery... Now let us help you.
Plainview: Did you just tell me how to run my family?
Tilford: It might be more important now that you've proven the field and we're offering to buy you out.
Plainview: One night, I'm gonna come to you, inside of your house, wherever you're sleeping, and I'm going to cut your throat.
Tilford: What? What are you talking about? Have you gone crazy Daniel?
Plainview: Did you hear what I said?
Tilford: I heard what you said, why did you say it?
Plainview: You don't tell me about my son.
Tilford: Why are you acting insane and threatening to cut my throat?!
Plainview: You don't tell me about my son.
Tilford: I'm not telling you anything! I'm asking you to be reasonable, if I've offended you I apologize.
Plainview: You'll see what I can do.
Eli Sunday: I truly wish everyone could be saved, don’t you?
Little Boston Congregation: Yes.
Eli Sunday: I’m afraid that’s just not the case. The doctrine of Universal Salvation is a lie, is it not? It’s a lie. I wish everyone could be saved, but they won’t. No. They. Won't! You will never be saved if you...
Little Boston Congregation: ... reject the blood!
Eli Sunday: Good. Is there a sinner here looking for salvation? A new member?... I’ll ask it again. Is there a sinner here looking for God--
Plainview: Yes.
Eli Sunday: Thank you for coming, brother Daniel.
Plainview: Thank you Eli.
Eli Sunday: We have a sinner with us here, who wishes for salvation. Daniel, are you a sinner?
Plainview: Yes.
Eli Sunday: Oh the Lord can’t hear you Daniel. Say it to Him, go ahead and speak to Him, it's all right. Down on your knees and do it. Look up to the sky, and say it.
Plainview: What do you want me to say?
Eli Sunday: Oh, Daniel, you’ve come here and you’ve brought good and wealth, but you have also brought your bad habits as a backslider. You’ve lusted after women and you have abandoned your child. Your child, that you raised, you have abandoned all because he was sick and you have sinned, so say it now, “I am a sinner.”
Plainview: I am a sinner.
Eli Sunday: Say it louder: “I am a sinner.”
Plainview: I am a sinner.
Eli Sunday: Louder, Daniel: “I am a sinner!"
Plainview: I am a sinner.
Eli Sunday: "I am sorry Lord."
Plainview: I am sorry Lord.
Eli Sunday: "I want the blood.”
Plainview: I want the blood.
Eli Sunday: You have abandoned your child!
Plainview: [pause] I’ve abandoned my child.
Eli Sunday: “I will never backslide."
Plainview: I will never backslide.
Eli Sunday: "I was lost but now I am found."
Plainview: I was lost but now I'm found.
Eli Sunday: "I have abandoned my child.” Say it, say it...
Plainview: I’ve abandoned my child.
Eli Sunday: Say it louder, say it louder!
Plainview: I’ve abandoned my child! I’ve abandoned my child! I’ve abandoned my boy!
Eli Sunday: Beg for the blood!
Plainview: Just give me the blood Eli, let me get out of here. Give me the blood, Lord, and let me get away!
Eli Sunday: Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Plainview: Yes, I do.
Eli Sunday: Get out of here, Devil! [slaps Plainview across the face]
Plainview: Can't feel that, Eli.
Eli Sunday: Out, Devil! Out, sin!
Plainview: Let me feel the power of the Lord, Eli!
Eli Sunday: Do you accept the Church of the Third Revelation as your spiritual guide?
Plainview: Yes, I do.
Eli Sunday: Get out of here, get out of here!
Plainview: [as he is being slapped] Where is your Lord, Eli, let me feel Him! Where is He? Where is He? There He is! Oh, there He is!
Eli Sunday: Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior?
Plainview: Yes, I do!
[Plainview puts a napkin over his face]
Plainview: [clears throat] So Standard offered us a million dollars for the Little Boston leases. I told H. M. Tilford where he could shove that, and we made a deal with Union! On the pipeline! And that whole ocean of oil underneath our fields!
Tilford: [to his fellow businessmen] ... 150,000 dollars...
Businessman: We needed the money to drill.
Businessman: Who is this guy?
Tilford: I go out to meet him. He's getting oil on the property. We're trying to make a claim on it. Offered him a million dollars. Turned us down flat.
Plainview: [frustrated] All right. I want you to look over there.
Tilford: Daniel, let me introduce--
Plainview: Look over there, you see. That's my son. You see him?
Tilford: Yes.
Plainview: You SEE?
Tilford: I see him.
Plainview: You don't tell me how to raise my family. I told you not to tell me how to raise my family.
Tilford: Daniel--
Plainview: So, what do you see?
Tilford: I'm very happy for you that--
Plainview: Yes, I've made a deal with Union. My son is happy and safe.
Tilford: Congratulations. Excellent.
Plainview: I'm taking care of him now, so... You look like a fool, don't you Tilford?
Tilford: Yes.
Plainview: Y-y-yes, yes you do.
Tilford: [embarrassed] Excuse me gentlemen.
Plainview: Oh, excuse me, gentlemen. Excuse him, gentlemen. [to Tilford] I told you what I was gonna do.
[HW is speaking through his interpreter, George]
H.W./George: I’d prefer to speak to you in private.
Plainview: You can’t speak. So why don’t you flap your hands about and have what’s-his-name tell me where you’ve been. Or do you think I don’t know?
H.W./George: This is hard for me to say. I’ll tell you first: I love you very much. I’ve learned to love what I do because of you. I’m leaving here. I’m going to Mexico. I’m taking Mary, and I’m going to Mexico. I miss working outside. I miss the fields. It’ll only be for a time, for me to do my own drilling, and start my own company. It’s time to make a change.
Plainview: This makes you my competitor.
H.W./George: No. No, it's not like that.
Plainview: It is like that, boy... Your own company, huh?
H.W./George: That’s right.
Plainview: In Mexico...
H.W./George: Yes.
Plainview: You’re making such a misstep. So, what are you doing?
H.W./George: I know you and I have disagreed over many things. I’d rather keep you as my father, than my partner.
Plainview: Then say it! You got something to say to me then say it, I’d like to hear you speak instead of your little dog, woof woof woof woof woof woof woof!
H.W.: I’m going to Mexico with my wife. I’m going away from you.
Plainview: That wasn’t so hard, was it? You’re killing us with what you’re doing. You’re killing my image of you as my son.
H.W./George: You are stubborn. You won’t listen.
Plainview: You're not my son.
H.W./George: Please don't say that. I know you don't mean it.
Plainview: It's the truth. You're not my son. You never have been. You're an orphan. Did you ever hear that word? [to George]: Tell him what I said. You operated here today like one. I should have seen this coming. I should have known that under this all, these past years you've been building your hate for me piece by piece. I don't even know who you are because you have none of me in you, you're someone else's. This anger, your maliciousness, backwards dealings with me. You're an orphan from a basket in the middle of the desert. And I took you for no other reason than I needed a sweet face to buy land. Did you get that? Now you know.
[Plainview whistles mockingly]
Plainview: Look at me. You're lower than a bastard. Mmm-hmm. You have none of me in you. You're just a bastard from a basket.
H.W./George: I thank God I have none of you in me.
[H.W. and George get up and begin to leave the room]
Plainview: You're not my son. You're just a little piece of competition. Bastard from a basket, bastard from a basket. You're a bastard from a basket!
[Eli is attempting to wake up Plainview]
Eli Sunday: Daniel! Daniel Plainview the house is on fire!!
[Plainview continues to snore]
Eli Sunday: Brother Daniel... It's Eli.
[Plainview wakes up]
Plainview: Yes it is. Yes it is.
Eli Sunday: I'll make us a drink. Oh, your home is a miracle. It's beautiful. God bless it. I've been spreading His Word far and wide, far and wide. So much travel for Him. I've been working in radio. Yes, so much, so much has been happening. To be here and find you and see you well is wonderful. And we have a chance to catch up!
[Eli offers Plainview whiskey]
Plainview: No, thank you so much.
Eli Sunday: Ah, my brother. Daniel, my brother by marriage. We're such old friends. So much time. [pause] Things go up, things go down, but at least the Lord is always around. We've seen ups and downs, haven't we?
Plainview: Are things down for you right now Eli?
Eli Sunday: No! No. But I do come with some sad news. Perhaps you remember Mr. Bandy? Mr. Bandy has passed on to the Lord. He lived to be ninety-nine years old, God bless him. Mr. Bandy has a grandson, have you met his grandson William? William Bandy is one of the finest members we have at the Church of the Third Revelation. He is eager to come to Hollywood to be in movies. He is very good-looking. And I do think he will have success.
Plainview: [chewing on his steak] That’s wonderful.
Eli Sunday: Would you like me to speak with him? … Daniel, I’m asking if you’d like to have business with the Church of the Third Revelation in developing this lease on young Bandy’s thousand acre tract?! I’m offering you to drill on one of the great undeveloped fields of Little Boston!
Plainview: I’d be happy to work with you.
Eli Sunday: You would? Yes, yes, of course, that’s wonderful---
Plainview: But there is one condition for this work.
Eli Sunday: All right.
Plainview: I’d like you to tell me that you are a false prophet. I’d like you to tell me that you are, and have been, a false prophet, and that God is a superstition.
Eli Sunday: But that’s a lie. It’s a lie, I cannot say it...
Eli Sunday: When can we begin to drill?
Plainview: Very soon.
Eli Sunday: How long will it take to bring in the well?
Plainview: It shouldn’t take long.
Eli Sunday: I would like a 100,000 dollar signing bonus, plus the five that is owed to me with interest.
Plainview: That’s only fair.
Eli Sunday: I am a false prophet and God is a superstition, if that’s what you believe, then I will say it.
Plainview: Say it like you mean it.
Eli Sunday: Daniel…
Plainview: Say it like it's your sermon.... Don’t smile!
Eli Sunday: I am a false prophet, God is a superstition--
Plainview: Why don’t you stand up? Put your glass down.
Eli Sunday: I am a false prophet, God is a superstition--
Plainview: Eli, Eli, stop! Just imagine this is your church here, and you've got a full house today, so…
Eli Sunday: I am a false prophet, God is a superstition!
Plainview: Say it again.
Eli Sunday: I am a false prophet, God is a superstition!
Plainview: They can’t hear you in the back!
Eli Sunday: I am a false prophet, God is a superstition!
Plainview: Say it again.
Eli Sunday: I am a false prophet, God is a superstition!
Plainview: Say it again.
Eli Sunday: I am a false prophet, God is a superstition!
Plainview: Those areas have been drilled.
Eli Sunday: What…?
Plainview: Those areas, they've been drilled.
Eli Sunday: No they haven't…
Plainview: Yes; it's, uh, it's called drainage, Eli. See, I own everything around it; so of course, I get what’s underneath it.
Eli Sunday: But there are no derricks there. This is the Bandy tract, do you understand?
Plainview: Do you understand Eli, that's more to the point, do you understand? I drink your water. I drink it up. Every day, I drink the blood of lamb from Bandy's tract. You can sit down again.
Eli Sunday: Oh Daniel. Daniel. Please? I am in desperate times.
Plainview: I know.
Eli Sunday: I need a friend.
Plainview: Yes, of course you do.
Eli Sunday: I’ve sinned. I need help, I’m a sinner. I’ve let the Devil grab hold of me in ways I never imagined. I’m so full of sin..
Plainview: The Lord sometimes challenges us, doesn’t He, Eli?
Eli Sunday: [becomes hysterical] Oh yes He does, Daniel, yes He does--
Plainview: ...Yes He does...
Eli Sunday: He completely failed to alert me to the recent panic in our economy.
Plainview: Oh dear.
Eli Sunday: This… I must have this, Daniel, I must, I must, I must, I must, I must have this. My investments have... Daniel I won’t bore you but, if I could grab the Lord’s hand for help I would but He does these things all the time, these mysteries that He presents and while we wait! While we wait for His word!
Plainview: Because you're not the chosen brother, Eli. 'Twas Paul who was chosen. See he found me and told me about your land, you're just a fool.
Eli Sunday: Why are you talking about Paul? Don’t say this to me.
Plainview: I did what your brother couldn't, I broke you and I beat you. It was Paul told me about you, he's the prophet, he's the smart one. He knew what was there, he found me to take it out of the ground. You know what the funny thing is? Listen, listen, listen-- I paid him $10,000 cash in hand, just like that. He has his own company now. Prosperous little business. Three wells producing $5000 a week.
[Eli weeps]
Plainview: Stop crying, you snivelling ass! Stop your nonsense! You're just the afterbirth, Eli, slithered out on your mother's filth. They should have put you in glass jar on a mantelpiece. Where were you when Paul was suckling at his mother's teat, eh? Where were you? Who was nursing you, poor Eli, one of Bandy's sows? That land has been had, there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s gone, had.
Eli Sunday: If you would just---
Plainview: You lose.
Eli Sunday: Take this lease, Daniel--
Plainview: Drainage! Drainage, Eli, you boy. Drained dry, I’m so sorry. Here: if you have a milkshake... and I have a milkshake... and I have a straw; there it is, that’s the straw, see? Watch it. My straw reaches across the room... and starts to drink your milkshake: I... drink... your... milkshake! [slurps] I drink it up!
Eli Sunday: Don’t bully me, Daniel!
[Plainview picks up Eli and tosses him on the ground]
Plainview: [screams] Did you think your song and dance and your superstition would help you, Eli?! I am the Third Revelation! I am who the Lord has chosen!
[Plainview begins throwing bowling balls at Eli]
Plainview: Because I’m smarter than you, I’m older---
Eli Sunday: I’m your old friend, Daniel--
Plainview: And because I’m not a false prophet, you snivelling boy. I am the Third Revelation! I am the Third Revelation! I told you I would eat you! I told you I would eat you up!
[Plainview chases Eli]
Eli Sunday: We're family! We're brothers! We're brothers! Daniel please forgive me, I beg you--
Plainview: That's it, that's it...
[Plainview bludgeons Eli to death with a bowling pin. The butler hears the noise]
Butler: Mr. Daniel?
[Plainview sits down on the floor, panting, then finally responds]
Plainview: I'm finished!
Anais Pt lV. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography
Ego. The Healing Pt lll. The Myth of Family Love. Amera Ziganii Rao
Writer Lagos Egri talks of a character as being the psychology, sociology and physiology of a character. I would add anthropology too, but yes. We are all four.
Ego, or First Existence, has a fairy tale that it carries with it, until one is healed. The two archetypes in life have two different fairy tales. Mine was the myth of romantic love. The other is the myth of family love. And there is a very good reason for both and both are myths of self protection, as necessary as food, so that we do not die as children, as we are so wounded. Ego is a primal self medication reaction to life's pain. We are that wounded. We need something that strong as a reaction. If you remember the innocence and natural vibration of being a child, rather than the self controlled adulthood we 'grow' into, you will understand what I mean. And if life is that hard, we flip into ego, our self creation and the strength of it is dependent on how big the pain is as a child.
Today I am thinking of the Alfred Hitchcock film Marnie. Mark Rutland’s character (played by a delicious looking Sean Connery) is essentially that of the male sacred whore. The male high priest. He has to take in hand, Marnie, (played by Tippi Hedren) who is psychotically disturbed. So much so that she won’t let him near her, so that she is a major kleptomaniac and so that she freaks out when she sees red and she freaks out during thunder. She pretty much freaks out all the time actually and is clearly very disturbed. She is on a taut wire and always afraid. And very beautiful.
He falls for her very soon, after hiring her specifically because he knows she could be this thief he has heard of and systematically and methodically takes her through many levels of analysis, despite her very vocal and aggressive resistance and finally takes her home to her mother. During a night of thunder and rain of course. After massive abuse and resistance from the mother, the story is told. It turns out that her mother had been a prostitute and that as a little girl, Marnie had to be put into a second room while her mother carried out her chores as it were.
One night, one of the men approached the little girl because she was crying and justified or not, the mother freaked out and they started fighting. Marnie, in protection of her mother, picked up a fire stoker and killed him with it. The mother, out of apparent protection for the child, made sure no one ever spoke of it, said she had done it herself and thought that was an end to it. However, her relationship with Marnie changed that day and she never really got close to her, making the child feel very unloved. And Marnie was in denial of a major incident in her life and not allowed to access that disturbing memory to clear it.
Mark Rutland takes her home and forces the mother to reveal the story. And Marnie is healed. That is the process of life and the process of the healing of First Existence so that Second Existence, soul, can be entered into. If you uncover a 'demon' it loses its power in the light. That is the point of all therapy, re-programming the mind and emotional and psychological healing.
That is my job. Two and a half years ago, I cleared the last of my First Existence ego and have been working on my man’s ego for that length of time, trying to uncover his psychosis, just as mine existed, that stops him from wanting to do what he wants to do. Love.
The myth of family love and the myth of romantic love begin for the same reason. Lack of love. At eight, I realised that there was no love in my family. Either through their fault or not. That is not the issue. The fact is that it did not exist and I was surrounded by conditional love, very controlling love and love that meant I had to be someone completely different to what I am, plus the fact I was born into an open war zone between my parents. I was an extremely unhappy and disturbed child and I subsequently retired into my little room and had to find something to believe in to stay alive.
I ‘chose’ romantic love. By that I mean, I knew then that the only person who could ever become true family for me would be the man I loved. And so began 30+ years of the myth of romantic love. Two and a half years ago, I had to face the truth, after years of clearing this myth, that romantic love in the way I, my ego, First Existence, wanted, was never going to exist. He was not invincible, he was not healed, he was not a great man, he was not my protector, he was not my rescuer, etc. I also had to clear it because ego is not some rational instrument of thought. Ego is raw terror and madness that grips us, so that our fear of abandonment is chronic. I was fed up of being afraid and I wanted to be in control of myself and I wanted to be calm and centered and myself.
The myth of romantic love is well documented. Too well documented actually. As Robin Norwood says in ‘Women Who Love Too Much’, the psychosis of romantic love affects a girl in a hundred different ways and is destructive, useless and ill. And of course is in place, because of lack of love that we then become energy wise in ourselves, as ego. Sickness.
The myth of family love is also destructive, useless, ill and is in place through lack of love and the person in hijacking of this myth also become non love. Dependency. For thirty eight years, I have not only had to be dealing with my own psychosis, until two and a half years ago, I, unknowingly, because of my need to believe in the myth of romantic love have been dealing with the greatest, untold psychosis on this planet. The other one.
The romanticised myth of family love that makes people in family completely dehumanise each other out of chronic need and of course keep any romantic, non family love far away. Even though of course they are obsessed with romantic love but just cannot let it in and have no idea why. This is the other archetype to mine and of course the archetype of my man and every man I have ever been involved with and absolutely heartbreaking to be on the receiving end of. Because it is so hidden, so in the archetype of denial in the first place, the one that denies evil, feelings and the rest, so they are actually far more dangerous. The smiling, mad killers who romanticise family love and split women into whores and madonnas or male whores and madonnas if you like, if they happen to be women. And I have certainly met a few and had them far too close to me not to remember them.
I understand again the full answer today. I had forgotten this along the way, in the past year of healing him, which means that everything else had to be dealt with too, from the Patriarchal Womb Stealing Society through to de –sexualisation and neutering of both men and women, from Avatar sexuality and magnificence. Everything was meant to be covered. But the myth of family love is as bad a psychosis as the myth of romantic love, but never really talked about. The silent killer.
And it starts for the same reason. I have noticed with every single man I have ever been involved with, and the many women I have had as ‘friends’ that there is this myth of family love that drives them to do the things they do. The reason for their particular brand of dependency which is different from what mine was. And I have noticed that they have always felt left out of their own birth families. Sons and brothers in particular tend to be outsiders in their own homes. They tend to get less attention. Maybe it is because while the father is at work, they are not as 'close' to the mother as the sisters for instance and maybe it is because mothers are afraid of their sons, who are already being made into kings by their fathers. And maybe a hundred things.There are a hundred reasons in any one second for non love. They are all first existence. Then of course boys are not supposed to feel or cry.
And then in the tribe scenario, the virginity of girls is of paramount importance. They naturally become the instinctive centre of attention. The boys don’t know of course that the attention that a girl or particular other sibling, is getting is negative, hence my creation of the myth of romantic love. All ego sees, is the apparent love. So while one sibling chooses romantic love, especially the archetype who splits good and evil, as Deepak Chopra defines, the other sibling, the one who denies the presence of evil at all to believe his parents love him, or her parents love her, of course go into romanticism about family love. When there is no love.
And that is what it seems they do as adults. With their own families, with friends, with anyone. The amount of friendships that I have had with females of the other archetype have been too many too mention and they all end in the same way. Their dehumanisation and dependency drives me away. I finally realise they have never liked me and they just want the notion of family whether they like me or not. I came here to be liked. I came here to be loved.
Nancy Qualls Corbett in talking about the Sacred Prostitute, in her various pieces I have reproduced on this blog, talks of the stages of love that a man has to go through to reach the fourth stage, the stage of the sacred whore, Sophia. The adult relationship he is finally capable of. And it fits into the same thing. A man’s first wife – all my men have been involved with other partners – is their mother. Literally. Nancy Qualls Corbett says this too. And it makes sense now, again. If a person feels they have been excluded in their birth family, they will create their own, not knowing that that is what they are creating. But they of course marry women they don't love and who don't love them. The same pattern of romanticising family love is being repeated, especially as the first wives are always the same archetype as the men. Marriages based purely on need. Ego. First Existence.
Psychotic myths never come true. The myth of family love can never be fed. Ego can never be appeased. And everyone wants to grow up. The myth of romanticising family love infantises the other archetype as much as the myth of romantic love infantised me. And it de-sexualises them as well, which is what I did not realise until today. Women of the other archetype are obsessed with my sexuality with condemnation, judgment, envy and shame. They are obsessed. And I see why today. Their sex has been infantised out of them by their need to believe in the myth of family love. Family love is not sexual. Family love is family love.
And of course the men treat me like a whore. The outsider who can only be fantasised about and never touched. I don't fit into their myth of family love. And they are de-sexualised infants, living with Mummy. Today I now see that this is the reason a woman of my archetype has to ‘wait’ for a man of the other archetype. She is literally waiting for him to grow up. And it is understandable, even if deeply wounding and hurtful.
I am in soul and therefore should be able to take it, just as Mark Rutland can take Marnie.
All these years, I literally have been the other woman and just a bit on the side because I was never representative of family and his and their ego, First Existence was driven by that and that alone. Which is why I have always been left on the outside, neglected, cruelly treated and ignored. And deeply fantasised about, which made me feel objectified and as if no one cared. Because no one did.
Last night I had many dreams. One of them was absolutely spot on, sorry to say, because it hurts even more. A young man I know at the place where I have worked. He was fondling my bra covered breasts! For about half an hour, just following me round doing this. Under my shirt. And then finally he stopped, went away red faced and just got on with his life.
I think that about sums it up. He is of the other archetype to me. First Existence drives his archetype to only romanticise about family, not relationship. And until that myth of family love can be cleared, I am on the outside still.
Which means that for you, man of mine, other than clearing the myth of family love, ie your past, your original family and letting go of the fact that you will never get it back and that it does not exist as your ego sees it, it is also about the fact that for you it is not just about showing yourself as a sexual male. It is becoming one for the first time. Not just playing at it, but becoming it. Becoming an adult male. Your growth has been stunted. Your infantisation if you like is sexual. You were infantised too. By your need for the romance of family life. When it does not exist. Love exists. Not the romance of family love. And love is Second Existence. Family with me.
This is your rite of passage to adulthood. To being an adult male. And leaving behind your infantisation. Ego. Dependency. First Existence. So you can love. So you can love me.
As you have NEVER loved before. Ego is not love. Despite your sincerity, ego is just not love. YOUR ego gets threatened by romantic love. Which is just charming for me. YOUR ego gets threatened by romantic love because YOUR ego is about romanticised FAMILY love.
And that's why you 'choose' bland marriages. Sorry but it is true and you know it. Which is why you are so unhappy and why you split women into whores and madonnas. Your wives are of your archetype. You all feel (ego) threatened by romantic love. It's not the sex. It's the romance. It threatens family life according to your ego, because your ego knows your fantasy is not real. Your fantasy of family life. That is always the fear that ego makes us walk around in. Because we know the ego dream is not real and yet we are unable to do anything about it. Until we face ourselves and clear ourselves of ego.
And you have found out of course that it is not real. And yet you cannot leave it. That is pure ego. Sickness. You know that of course. I am just the one who is forced to spell it out and make it conscious and that is my purpose and that is fine. And judging from the past 'men' in my life, they always had this strange idea that I was not family orientated. Ego. Sickness of the ego. Because I do not have ROMANTICISM about family. I do not have ROMANTICISM about anything anymore, but then I of course had it about romantic love. But they wouldn't come near me, like you, because I did not feed their UNROMANTIC, ROMANTICISED ABOUT FAMILY LIFE ego!
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Dan Millman's 'The Life You Were Born To Live' is a phenomenal book about numerology.
Numerology, based on your date of birth. As Amazon describes it...
Based on ancient wisdom, this text provides 37 paths of life for the 20th century, along with a method for determining your own life path and the life paths of others. It explores the core issues, inborn talents and special needs related to each path, including the areas of health, money and sexuality. It presents guidelines for finding a livelihood consistent with the reader's innate drives and abilities, and explains how to reveal the hidden purpose in relationships.
And this from the author himself;
Clearly, The Life You Were Born to Live is my most controversial book -- most readers find it extremely accurate -- a few, for reasons I can't begin to explain, find it personally offensive. Let's deal with the core issue: How can adding up the numbers in one's date of birth (on the Gregorian calendar) to determine your "birth number" possibly give valid, reliable, accurate information about your life purpose, potential, and the core issues of your life? It makes no sense. And I can't explain in any kind of scientific or even logical way how it works. AND it is an amazingly accurate method. All I can do is point to the mystery and mechanics of this universe. I was trained in the basics over a decade ago by an unusual man. I worked with individuals for nine years before teaching the system to therapists and others; finally, I wrote the book.
I wrote it to help my readers develop a deeper compassion for themselves and for others -- to convey how we each and all have our own mountain to climb.
It is not based on the commonly-known "oracle effect" where one gives general information and the reader somehow makes it fit his or her situation--most people agree it hits the nail pretty much on the head.
You are not a number -- you are a unique human being, not exactly alike any one else on the planet. But just as no individual tree is exactly like any other tree on earth, we can accurately observe qualities of oak trees that are different from pines, or aspens, or maples. Just so, those working one of the 37 life paths (for this century), even though their outer lives, careers, etc may appear quite different, do have issues and qualities in common.
It's good to read my book(s) or any books with healthy skepticism, but also with an open mind. Those who glance at it (without much self-reflection or insight) and shrug it off as "numerology" are missing the point, and missing the boat. I've never had muc! h interest in numerology -- it seemed a bit vague to me. Then I met this man, learned the system, worked with it, and found it extremely useful as a tool of self-knowledge. There you have it. I challenge anyone who read page four, find out how to derive your birth number, and then read the first few paragraphs of the section about your life path. Have a good journey. . . Dan Millman
To me, that is about archetypes. And as you can tell, I work in archetypes, as does mythologist Joseph Campbell and so many others. I wanted to include the number 2 description in this section, as both my man and I have 2 in our numerology and because it is the most accurate description of co-dependency I have ever seen. And the most constructive way to reverse it. Co-dependency is the essence of ego. First Existence. And the immense pain of our journey is reflected in the fact we both have 2 in our numerology. But the point is to ascend from First Existence to Second Existence. Ego to Soul. I did it and so can he and so can anyone, reading this. We all can. Amera Ziganii Rao ©
Number 2. Dan Millman. The Life You Were Born To Live
Co-operation and Balance.
Imagine two hands, one open and offering, the other clenched in a fist of resistance. Which hand do you put forward most? Do you hold out both hands in equal measure? Do you over-help, then resent it? Where does your responsibility end and that of others begin? Have you found a balance in your life?
"Before we can make friends with anyone else, we must first make friends with ourselves." Eleanor Roosevelt.
Life Purpose.
Individuals working 2 as their life purpose are here to clarify the limits of their responsibility and learn to work with others in a spirit of harmony, balance, and mutual support. Because our life purpose is an uphill climb, those working 2 as a primary life purpose (20/2s, 39/12s, and 48/12s) and all those with a 2 in their birth number face the challenge of balancing their compelling sense of responsibility to others with their own inner needs and limits.
Balance is a major issue in the lives of 2s: balance between giving and receiving, between saying yes and saying no, between the value of thoughts and the value of feelings, between the needs of self and the needs of others. In order to achieve outer balance, especially in terms of co-operation, 2s first need to resolve their internal conflicts, discord and contradictions.
Inner co-operation can pose special difficulties for 2s. It's as if they have two people inside them, sitting side by side in a rowboat in the middle of a lake. One of the people is rich, and the other is poor: one is a Republican and the other a Democrat: one is tall and the other short; one is male, the other female; one is heavy, the other thin; one is a puritan, the other a hedonist; one is a believer, the other a sceptic; and so on.
Despite all of their apparent differences, these 'two people in the boat' - the values, beliefs, opinions, ideas, and motivations so often in conflict - are going to have to reconcile, learn to row together, and work together and co-operate if they want to reach the other shore. One simple way 2s can start creating an internal sense of balance and integration is by wearing bright, contrasting colours that are co-ordinated.
The Essence of Co-operation and Balance.
Imagine for a moment what the world might look like if co-operation didn't exist: isolated humans working alone, with all of their potential, would produce practically nothing; in fact, they probably wouldn't survive very long. Erecting even a single building requires a co-operative network of architects, engineers, builders and secretaries - specialists in many fields. Human culture is founded on people working together in relationship, co-operating toward common goals.
For 2s, true co-operation and support often involves doing less and allowing others to do more and thereby discover their own abilities, their own strength and their own responsibilities. For example, Hiroko somehow managed to raise three young children, work part-time and also volunteer as combination secretary, vice president, and treasurer of her neighbourhood association. She wrote the neighbourhood bulletin, invited speakers, and cooked for and helped organise block parties. Whenever neighbours needed information or assistance, they would call Hiroko, who had a bad case of over-co-operation. (People rarely complain about someone who gives too much).
One memorable weekend, when two of her children were ill, it seemed that everyone in Hiroko's world needed help with something. She finally snapped and she was forced to recognise her general state of imbalance. She told her older child he would have to help take care of the two younger ones for the next few days, something she wouldn't have dreamed of before; she called some neighbours and started to delegate responsibility; and she called all of the other people who had made requests of her, took a deep breath, and said no.
To her surprise the sky didn't fall; the Earth and the neighbourhood went on spinning. Hiroko learned that in resigning as 'general manager of the universe' she not only found her balance and retained her health, she also served others by empowering them to take their fair share of responsibility.
Challenges on the Path.
The very same qualities that make 2s such great potential assets to society can be their own undoing. Wanting so much to be helpful, they may chronically subordinate their own needs to the needs of others, going beyond loving sacrifice or healthy altruism into servitude. They ignore or discount their feelings and needs and end up doing what they or someone else thinks they 'should' do.
Most 2s start out in OVER CO-OPERATION - in co-dependent behaviour patterns - feeling responsible for others happiness and others' lives, having trouble saying no, overcommitting, ignoring their limits and boundaries and taking on more than they can or ought to do handle, then going into resentment. Not all co-dependents are working 2 energy, but where others are amateur co-dependents, 2s are professionals, especially if they haven't yet defined their boundaries and limits of responsibility. Guided by the Law of Responsibility (p336), 2s can find a renewed sense of inner peace and joy in support freely given.
SHOULD is a big word and a significant force in the lives of 2s, who as I've noted, think in terms of what they SHOULD do, what others SHOULD do and what situations SHOULD be like. Vulnerable to other people’s needs and demands, 2s often feel confused about what is the 'right' decision or action. They often ask 'What do you think I should do?'
Until 2s learn to act on the basis of what they truly feel, their service won't last for long. if they don't feel good about what they're doing, co-operation will eventually turn to conflict as even the most accommodating 2s begin to feel overwhelmed and shift into UNDER CO-OPERATION. After bending over too far backwards, they react, going from give-give-give to stubborn resistance. Resenting both themselves and those whom they helped, they just shut down; at this point, they want things their own way or else - with no compromise. In fact, some 2s who have over co-operated most of their life can later get stuck in a state of chronic resentment, sullenly doing what they think everyone else expects.
Friends or loved ones may wonder what happened to cause the sudden change in atttude and may perceive such 2s as stubborn, unfair or self-centered. But behind their stubbornness likes a feeling of helpnessness, a fear of being overwhelmed by others - a core belief that if they give an inch, others will take a mile. And because our beliefs influence our experience, others sometimes do take that proverbial mile.
Emma, a young woman working 2, used to make her college room mate's bed every morning, even after her room mate's boyfriend had stayed over. Often she would lie very still in her bed, trying to go to sleep while six feet away her roommate and boyfriend were making love. Emma said nothing about this situation, except to offer to find some place else to sleep, so as to not disturb the couple - a clear case of over co-operation.
Eventually Emma requested another room - a constructive solution, but Emma might have benefitted more had she stated her feelings and her rights and put more responsibility on her roommate for working out her romantic situation without intruding on Emma's privacy. Emma had not established her boundaries, so people treated her as a doormat; in ignoring her own needs, she unknowingly encouraged others to do the same.
The key for finding co-operative balance for 2s is learning the difference between support and servitude.
In relationships, partners may unintentionally take advantage of 2s by asking or expecting them to do more and more, until they react. After that 2s may continue to make dinner or take out trash, but they shut down emotionally.
In the sexual arena or in relationships in general, when 2s start out over co-operating - doing what someone else wants without considering their own needs or desires, one imbalance soon creates another. Where they started out giving and giving, 2s later withdraw, resist or take a rigid stance. Sexually, this may manifest as frigidity or impotence, as if their subconscious is saying 'I'm not going to give anymore'.
Until 2s establish healthy boundaries, they need to avoid situations of physical, emotional or sexual abuse and to remember that ALL OF US of any age have the right to say no at ANY time when it comes to our bodies and our feelings/ if something doesn't feel right to them, 2s need to honour their feelings and communicate as strongly as necessary.
Other Qualities and Issues.
The battle cry of 2s is 'It's their fault!' Many people who live with 2s perceive them as judgmental, but they are really saying 'It's not my fault!' Assigning blame helps 2s relieve their own internal pressure, since 2s can feel responsible for everything from floods to earthquakes.
In order to succeed in resolving outer conflicts and achieve balanced co-operation, those working 2 first need to resolve internal discord. Due to their exaggerated sense of responsibility, most 2s over think in the form of obsessive worry or over analysis, then bounce from mental preoccupation to reactive emotions (Oh my God, what are we going to do?)
Achieving mental and emotional equanimity poses a major challenge for 2s; when they weigh and sort opposing values to make a decision, they have trouble choosing one over another.
Most of us have potentially conflicting beliefs, values and desires filed away in our mind - reasons to get out of bed and reasons to pull the covers back up; reasons to get married and have children and reasons to stay single or remain childless - the list is endless. for most of us, these apparent opposites somehow co-exist, but for 2s, these opposing values are like two children who both want to ride in the front seat. Resolving these conflicts poses a challenge for 2s, who hate to disappoint anyone.
As they learn to take responsibility for their own life instead of feeling responsible for everyone else's, 2s stop blaming others for their own inner conflicts and begin to establish healthy limits. They find a balance between what is okay and what is not okay - between what they will gladly do and what they won't do. They learn when to say yes and how to say no.
Emotional stress happens when the mind resists what is; 2s tend to resist changes that make them feel out of control; therefore they often experience mental conflicts, emotional stress, and physical tension. Racing thoughts impose general muscular tension that compromises the lymphatic system and the immune system. Although 2s don't often get ill due to their robust constitution, allergies can become a problem, especially in times of stress.
Those working 2, whether they have a wiry, muscular or wide body, have intrinsic physical strength and sturdiness, as well as internal fortitude, vigour and perseverance. But their strength can also manifest as stubbornness, rigidity or tension. Because of this, 2s benefit from meditation practise, dance, hatha yoga and martial arts, such as t'ai chi ch'uan, which help them relax, respond and flow in life.
Anything we do, we can overdo or under-do, so 2s in particular need to develop a higher order of perspective and balance before they can fulfil their life purpose. Balance, as outlines in the law of Balane (p341) is the essential catalyst that leads 2s towards the summit of their mountain.
At the Summit: Potential and Destiny.
Those working 2 energy form the foundation, the very underpinnings of every society. They often serve as the unsung heroes and heroines who make all the difference in the world; they assure the success of great undertakings and achievements.
Because 2 is a very strong service number, people working 2 have the drive to serve and help, to instruct and guide, to assist and support. When working in positive ways, they generally have a reputation as big-hearted people. They tend toward loyalty and responsibility; they are the kind of people others can count on.
When the going gets tough, have 2s in your corner; when you need someone to talk to, these individuals can be very good listeners.
Wtih intrinsic inner and outer strength, 2s work hard to improve situations and support people. once they find a clear goal, they co-operate for the common good. Many 2s have strong ambitions and can become leaders in any field, but they most often serve a larger cause in a support capacity, in co-operation with others. They find the most fulfilment when supporting others, because such a role is aligned with their life purpose.
This support energy does not by any means relegate 2s to subordinate positions. The energy of 2 conveys an attitude about life, not a role in life; 2s can become and have become presidents of companies and nations.
At the highest levels, 2s transcend the concept of co-operating with others and see others as part of their larger Self. This realisation dissolves resentment, allows 2s to take complete responsiblity for their life and results in their having equal respect for self and others. They truly become a source of loving service in the world.
Action Checklist.
The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 2 energy;
1. Understand the difference between support and servitude; learn when to say yes adn and how to say no.
2. Learn to flow with change, relax into life and stay flexible, letting go of what isn't your responsibility.
3. Spend some time each day stretching, meditating and relaxing.
4. To determine a course of action, use your head but go with your gut feelings.
Accessing Co-operation and Balance.
1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary or historical character - a role model who exhibits a clear co-operative balance and who honours equally the needs of self and others.
2. Imagine yourself as that person - feeling inner harmony, responsible for yourself and supportive of others, co-operating toward mutual goals within clear and appropriate limits and boundaries. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practise and bring more balance into your life?
Dan Millman
Creator. Disturber. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography
Ego. The Healing Pt lV. Demanding To Be Needed. Fascism. Amera Ziganii Rao
The key is in the 'being needed'. One is conditional and one is unconditional. You won't leave them because they make you feel needed. You won't love me because I need you. But ego is not altruistic in any shape whatsoever. Ego in your archetype wants to feel needed for ego. In soul, you would give yourself and anything to me because you loved me. So you are trapped in a situation where the appearance of being needed feeds your ego, which stops you actually feeling needed because you refuse to give to me. Who needs you. For you.
Ego and soul. Your archetype.
Your ego has to be killed by you accepting that love is NOT, needing to be needed. Love is GIVING. Pure and simple. Not out of manipulation that you are needed, or fear, or any despot behaviours. Love is giving. Pure and simple. Love is NOT, needing to be needed. That is control and that is what your ego is. The only place you should be doing that is in the bedroom. The only place where it is FUN, is in the bedroom. The only reason a woman like me even looks at a man like you, is because she WANTS it in the bedroom. But that is soul. The healed ego. Ego is the most UNATTRACTIVE thing on earth. You no longer attract me, while you are in this need to be needed ego of the second archetype.
And while your ego holds you in its grip of course, in its silly family mythical love pseudo illusion, you can't do it in the bedroom at all and you are stuck like a limp cock, demanding to be needed, when it is all an illusion. They don't need you. You have created a situation where they have no choice. That is called CO - DEPENDENCY. Nothing you have with them is love.
It's ego.
Ego in the second archetype, needs to be needed. But ego is not altruistic in any form, whatsoever. Love is not, needing to be needed. Love is giving, pure and simple. The difference between conditional love and unconditional love. The difference between non love and love. Love for the second archetype is not manipulation and coercion so you need to be needed. Love is just giving. The only place where 'coercion' in love should exist, is in the bedroom.
That's why they all left me. Because I couldn't feed their stupid egos and pretend to need. When they couldn't even begin to address my real needs. That is the most disgusting form of non love in the world to me. It makes me want to vomit. Frankly. And that is your ego. Men who come into my glorious writer's room flat and tell me that I am not ready for a relationship. Because I will not play a game of pretend to need a man or anyone. Because I am a human being and need and don't need in normal ways. And because I thought they were masters. Because I thought you were one. A master of your own awful ego and a master therefore, fit for me to love as I want to. Sexually, non sexually. A man I could respect. Not a fascist. Been there, done that. Love is NOT, needing to be needed. Love is giving. Your ego. Virulent madness, as Sidney Lumet's film Network says so beautifully. Max Schumacher is saying it to a soulless woman but I am saying it to you. A soulless man. A man whose ego tells him to stay in co - dependency, out of the illusion that that is love, because he BELIEVES he is needed.
Corrupt countries work the same way. Fascists survive because they have coerced a people into believing they need him. Through coercive, bullying, manipulative, withholding tactics. Your ego in one.
That is not love. That is hate. That is ego. That is sickness. That is not even the myth of family love. That is just sickness and hatred.
And that is why, frankly, I have not only shed the illusion of romantic love, the myth of romantic love, (finally, two and a half years ago, after many years of consciously working on it), I have not only done that a long time ago now, I don't even believe in romantic love anymore at all. If you heal, it will be one of the world's rarest miracles. After all, Jerry Maguire did it. The main character in Pretty Woman did it. Darcy did it in Pride and Prejudice. So it exists, yes. But it's the greatest and rarest miracle on earth. One of you, loving. One of your archetype, male or female actually loving and giving, rather than controlling and withholding and therefore abusing.
The rest is virulent madness bulllshit. All of you. Every single one of you that I have ever had the misfortune to meet.
Virulent madness.
And THAT is why I am no longer in love with you. I cannot love a man who does that. I cannot love anyone who does that.
And that is why I have LEFT everyone in my life who has ever been like that. Whether they are family, so called friends or so called potential partners. I am looking for a man I can RESPECT. A man who loves. A man who will control me when I want it and a man who will love me when I don't.
I can see now why it was meant to be that I have been in such a sorry and vulnerable state all year. For a hundred different reasons, least of all, the fact that I have been working so hard to find out what this madness is about. What is so untrue about love. It 'happened' to me, it was my 'lesson', so that I could see that it is your generic ego.
At least five or six so called friends, a cousin, closer family, all the mad bastards who were in my life and just took and took and took, and then at the one time I needed them, they wouldn't give me the time of day. You are all bastards. Frankly. And the most UNATTRACTIVE human beings on earth. And it is all for this one reason. They did not have an opportunity to control. They were just being asked to give. Truly, ugly, MAD, human beings. And I am so glad I have got rid of the whole fucking lot of them. Ego and that particular ego can certainly go to hell, along with them. And along with you.
No, I am not in love with you and I do not actually know if you can heal that. You did it as a child out of fear, sure. Just as I have described in the other ego pieces. But so what. You are 46 years old now. Or maybe you think it's working for you. Ugly fools. Every single one of you. You are all Commodus in Ridley Scott's Gladiator. Pure profane, despotic, fascism, in pretty clothes and good manners. Commodus.
Virulent madness.
You see, the decision my ego made, to romanticise love, was based on seeing and experiencing other peoples' evil and needing to believe in something to stay alive. There is certainly a dehumanisation in need for sure and that is what my ego was. And I dealt with it. Because I have a gift, but because I worked so hard at it, and because I have HUMILITY. The self honesty to know I was doing something wrong.
But your ego (out of the same witnessing and experiencing of other peoples' evil) chose to HATE. It chose to control instead of being controlled. YOUR EGO CHOSE TO CONTROL INSTEAD OF BEING CONTROLLED. It is Terry Malloy before his redemption in On the Waterfront. You are no hero. No sirree. And you never have been. You are of the pig species of human. And this is your chance at redemption. Roland Joffe's The Mission. You. Never me. I was a piece of candy as ego, in comparison to you. That is what your ego is. Don't forget that. And that is why I don't believe and why I am no longer in love with you. Frankly, you may be in ego, you may be ill as a human being therefore, but you disgust me.
As I have said many times before, I wanted a master, not a monster. And every layer of truth that I unconver pushes me farther and farther away. And that is my cleansing and my salvation. If you heal, you heal, if you don't I am free. The truth shall set you free, as they say. For real. I don't care if you my twin soul or not. I am only looking for you to be one kind of man. One kind of human being. A HEALED human being. A REDEEMED human being. A WHOLE human being. In SOUL. I am looking for a man I can RESPECT. A man who loves. A man who will control me when I want it and a man who will love me when I don't.
You can't do either. THAT is ego. That is YOU. My alter ego. Agent Smith in the Matrix. Commodus in Gladiator. Evil. I knew that, I wanted that, but I want it MASTERED. Tamed, mastered and directed. Excite me for fuck's sake. Don't disgust me. Don't be mediocre like all the others. Don't be ordinary. The men, the women I have met and who have bored the fuck out of me in this life with their stupid, transparent, pathetic attempts to control and then their even more mediocre, pathetic and transparent rejection because they can't control. Don't be like them. Don't push me away.
And stop BORING me. Heal. Master that sadist of control, that pseudo adult and GIVE. LOVE. Be you.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Tied Up. No Show Pt lV. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography
The Lolita Healing. Amera Ziganii Rao
Here we go again. It's okay. He's got four years on you. But this is very painful and painful for me.
When I healed my ego, I accepted male vulnerability. I accepted that there was no man who would love me so that I would feel safe, in the sense that he would be invincible and kind all at the same time, all the time.
Now, when I look at the past four years, it's like I had to pay penance for that. I had to, in a broken hearted way some of the time, yes, but otherwise, in patient, repetitive and tolerant ways, look after male vulnerability. Which is why I became his friend and let him not contact me for four years, while, as it happens, being with wife number two. And Sacred Whoring me again, without my knowledge.
I did it because I had emotionally accepted that all my needs from being a broken and wounded child, would never be met. I had to meet them myself, as he was vulnerable, all men were vulnerable and there was no one man who wouldn't be.
Now, your ego is the opposite. The Lolita ego needs to accept the following; that a woman is not perfect, that no woman is perfect, because women have power.
The Lemurian ego has to accept that people are not perfect, because they HAVE power and not because they don't.
In other words, when I see kindness and invincibility in a man, I am pleasantly surprised, honoured, and happy that I am being given that. I don't demand it. Now, looking back over the website, one could say I have demanded it. I have not. In my ego as was, if I had been in ego, first, I would probably not have made it past the first hurdle and would have killed myself, and second, I would have been blustering and demanding all the way through and would never have taken the trouble to create a whole website to heal the broken and vengeful and dream state ego of a man. As I had my own.
I do not demand kindness or invincibility, by writing to you now for instance.
I just am so happy when I see it.
Now, you have to do the same as men. You have to be happy to see a woman's vulnerability and know you are being given a gift. The rest of the time, to go with male non invincibility, she is invincible. She is power. You have to accept it and more importantly, you have to find it attractive. I had to find male non invincibility attractive. I did and do. It was not easy. I did it.
Now, this is different from dehumanisation. I can slip into that easily. Cuba lives in it. And so do you, in ego. The dehumanisation is that there will be somebody better, somebody else will have that, so might as well keep it as a dream, rather than be disappointed. It is not the person, it is the ego belief that a Lolita woman is always a Lolita woman.
Just as a forceful sexual and confident take control man is always going to be invincible. Do you see? Ego is the biggest disappointment we will ever have. Actually, that's not true. There is not a day gone by in the past four and a half years that has not been bitterly disappointing. I would say that ego to soul is absolute and utter self crucifixion. Absolute. Self crucifixion. Giving up the broken heart, from long, long, long ago. Accepting that no one else is ever going to make up for it. That we all human and frail and certainly not perfect. Women ARE powerful. Men ARE weak and corruptible and selfish. Mmm, didn't know I was going to write those three words, so I'll leave them. But yes, men are not invincible by any means and therefore, women are unfortunately really really powerful and confident in themselves.
That is the Lolita ego healing. Vanity disappointment I think. But understandable. Everyone has programmed you to believe that women need you. That you are there to look after women and that a REAL woman will want you to tell her what to do and guide her throughout her whole day and want you to control her and be with her in every second. It seems. Or, that a real woman will always want you around to help her. That sort of thing. Or, that a real woman will need you to guide her as a father would guide a small child. Probably because you are taught that women are stupid children. For instance. The mind boggles. But whatever it is, better language than that or not, these are all tribe beliefs to keep you in the loop of prison. The reproductive marriage where men and women are stuck together. In other words, slavery. For both.
Exactly. It does not just take wisdom or sacrifice to love. It takes nothing less than pure self crucifixion, to push the spiritual DNA through the roof and change your vibrational being so that ego can stop stopping you from loving. Ego has a dream. That dream is killing you. Kill the ego. Face the killing of the dream that has led you nowhere. And then you find love. All women are Lolita. All women are powerful. The one you like is standing in front of you. No woman is an anomaly. We are all powerful. We are all Lolita.
If you have the courage to face the truth, the courage, because that is what it is, and therefore the will to love and therefore heal, because that ego is sickness, you will face the truth, face yourself and accept that it is not the person but the issue. Then, you face the issue. Yourself and your false dreams.
Then you see me.
And you can decide in fairness. Not, in ego.
And then you can decide if you want to rescue me or not. I am only asking. I am not in ego.
And talking of power, yes, I am THE Disir. The one to reach as many as possible. To share everyone's right to be well, with powerful human rights to call their own. The gnostic path to power. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity. Ego to soul. Delusion to reality. The inability to love, to the ability to love, by BEING love. The ability to love unconditionally. The ability to face that self crucifixion and be able to love, who you love.
AZR © 2014
And God Created Woman. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography
Writer and Intellectual. Social, Cultural and Spiritual Commentator. Personal Development Coach and Communicator. Philosopher and Metaphysical Clair Cognisant (Prophetess, Hierophant and Esoteric Mystic). Theologian, Theosophist and Historian. Photographer, Graphic Artist. Designer, and Actor/Dramatist/Filmmaker. Feminist and Human Rights Advocate, and a Healer of Emotional Sicknesses and Self Discoveries on earth.
Amera Ziganii Rao :: Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence + Supernatural Intelligence. Training to be a world class educator in Consciousness + The Politics of Rape/The True Love Journey + Human Rights + Purpose + The Lost Knowledge + Inner and Outer Power.
I have fought a great, great battle. Atlantis is no longer raped by a Lemurian earth. The rest we shall see. Leadership training indeed. Warrior, lover, Valkyrie, Healer, Prophet and Atlantean Queen. That is me. Warrior, lover, poet in training, and broken Agamemnon, woman beating warlord of filth and slavery, will he be. Atlantis is firmly back on earth. Now, true love may just finally be.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion and Compassion of the Visceral Soul.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Amera Ziganii Rao :: Writer. Philosopher. Performer. Psychologist. Humanist. Esoteric. Sexualist. Hedonist. Artist. Teacher. Coach. Social Reformer. Feminist. Hierophant. Sacred Disir. Former Slave. Seer. Sage. :: My Business Is Transformation Of The Soul. My Business Is Power. My Business Is Freedom. My Business Is Love. My Business Is To Fight Fascism And Human Cruelty And Emotional Sickness In All Its Relationship Forms On Earth. My Business Is Applied Spirit. Real Sex. Real Love. Real Life. Real GOD. The Return.
The new educational website (Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ as a writing and speaking business of empowerment) will be announced. Meanwhile, enjoy the free writing and consciousness work on this website. It was written with blood, sweat and tears. The story of both my man and myself as we have struggled to re-define all that is relationship and marriage, the mutual journey of escape and evolution out of The Patriarchal Tribe.
The self discovery that took us from female slavery and male confusion and fascism into a society that was left behind a long time ago, when The New World Order took over and put men in charge, when they didn't even want it, by all that I have seen. Other than in sex as is the primal partnership. Our exploration is here. The world of Bluebeard Male Supremacy™ through to the Sacred Whore and High Female Esoteric Serpent Priesthood Society™, again, with men as the beloveds. Equality, Liberty, FRATERNITY. The New New World. Again.
Please feel free to read the material on this blog. My writings, plus work from other consciousness teachers too. My Manifesto for Human Rights (Especially Female) in Relationship and Family.
These writings will be produced in book form. Poetry Polemics for a better world of love, independence, sex and individuation. And true companionship and family. Power to the people, indeed. Together.
Thank you.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
The Two Messages ::
The Female Divine Highest Love Intelligence Energy. God The Mother, The Universe. Plus, the SACRED WHORE HIGH PRIESTESS HIEROPHANT AVATAR VALKYRIE WIZARD MONARCHs™ as the only true High Priests, with a GNOSTIC spirituality for all.
There is no love on earth. We are all here to fight for it, or be hate. We are here to be profound, or to be shallow. To be adventurers of the soul, or turgid and needing security, to be humane or greedy, to BE love, or BE hate. Earth is hell. Hell, created by hate, for hate, of hate. Free will is to choose which way to go. Love, or hate. That is Existentialism. That is evolution. That is the advancement of the soul. Hate to love. And nothing less. The conquering of evil by good. The light must push out the dark. The light must win.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
My Business Is Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
Feminism is not feminism. Feminism is anti slavery. They call us control freaks and that has to be watched. However, in the context of the truth, it is a ridiculous statement. It is the oppressor, calling the courageous campaigner for freedom and equality, the terrorist.
Feminism is not 'man hating'. Feminism is not feminism. Feminism is the movement against slavery. Humanitarianism is the same. Slavery must not exist in any form on earth. Slavery is everywhere.
From unpaid work in marriage to unpaid work in the family, to minimum wage in the market to a hundred other arenas, slavery is the way of earth.
Feminism and humanitarianism are the movements against it. Slavery is fascism. Fascism is everywhere. We just don't know it. They made sure that we don't know it. Now we do. And we will forever.
Society calls it bullying. Society calls it unfortunate, while propping it up in every single second, across the world. Fascism must die. Fascism will die. Fascism is to die.
That is World Ascension. The end of fascism.
My Business Is Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
The point of this planet is to find out what we are not, so we can find out what we are.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
The journey to the breaking of one's lower self into one's great self. The actual journey. That is my business. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Turning oneself into gold and honey and authentic power. The pain of transformation, the shock and the trauma and terror and resistance of it. The path to heaven on earth. That is my business. THAT part of it. The crucifixion and disability of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. The pain of it.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Natural Born Mystic™
The compassion to go with the passion. The discipline of mind, to know your darkness and the education of a post patriarchal man. Love. And changing the very matter of your spiritual DNA. Ascension. I can feel it coming. The build up is your job. The rest I can help with.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Avatar (James Cameron)
My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, Jake Sully. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured.
Natural Born Mystic™
Misogyny is sadism against women. An unconscious hijacking and a conscious will to maintain it.
Tyranny and sadism. Misogynists. Slaves of Sauron (Tolkein's Lord of the Rings). Wifebeaters.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Natural Born Mystic™
An Hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles. 'Jake Sully' (Avatar) is her Sacred Warrior Protector™
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Natural Born Mystic™
A Natural Born Mystic™ is primarily a Sacred Whore Healer as a Cinderella Warrior™. As a woman. A High Priestess Wizard™ is a Sacred Whore Healer and Enlightener. That has specific duties and challenges to do with men and their immense madness (Mo'at - Avatar) and their profanity (killing God The Mother, The Triple Goddess) and monetising the slavery of emotional care. A Sacred Whore Healer has to do this against all the odds. She does it because she and they, the Sacred Whore Healers and High Priestess Wizards™ are the strongest.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Natural Born Mystic™
'Respect' as fear.
'The Accomplished Female' = the only thing that the male patriarch can deliver as 'love'. Men do not tolerate women earning money. They want slavery to instil FEAR. Fear as 'respect'. Fear is not 'respect'.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
The secret enemies of psychological warfare. From within and without. Bringing the darkness of evil into the light. Immense self belief, intelligence and courage, plus wizardry. In other words, 'naming it and shaming it and letting it go' and re-programming the mind from any belief to another. To evolve.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Consciousness. The politics of the 21st century. The Lost Knowledge. Forget trying to change the world. Change yourself. It changes your own world that changes THE world.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Sexuality, non religious 'Wizard' and 'Witch' spirituality (the Gnostic intelligence of esoteric and consciousness exploration, ie wisdom and love) and human rights are the least fashionable things and the most uncomfortable things on the planet. And the things human beings have been damning and condemning for 8000 years. And the things that most people are absolutely fascinated by. What a shame. How bourgeois. How ordinary. How ego.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™
The Super Sacred Brother Lover™
The Return To The Source. Ascension.
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. When we were giants. All of us. When you did more than rape me.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Neo Feminist™, Post Tribe Social Reformer™ and Sacred Sexualist™. Human Rights Healer. Metaphysical Philosopher, Writer, Spiritual Intelligence Teacher, Hierophant (Interpreter of The Universe) and Mentalist Self Actualiser.
I can help you grow power, from nothing.
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Hierophant™ and Sacred Pimp Warrior Protector, Brother Lover™ Society. The kings and queens of old. Angels and Sorcerers together in each of themselves and in the other. The Wizard life. Forever. Living and loving from The Source. Sourcery, Carlos Castaneda first said. I'll say it again. Sourcerers together. Living a life worth living. At last.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Witches are healers. Witches are the Love Healers and SOURCErers of The Lost World, when we were the giant warriors. We were good and so were were you. 'The World of Men'. The Tribe of Misogyny and Bourgeois™.
Gives us all a bad name. And poisons all hearts.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Feminist Lolita Intellectuals™. You lucky man. A place at the table, a place at the Executive Table. That's all. The rest is easy.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Spiritual power = emotional power = emotional intelligence = mental intelligence = re-programming of the whole self = spiritual intelligence = The Lost Knowledge™ = power = The New World.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
The Company
Writer, Speaker and Enlightener, Amera Ziganii Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. A programme of learning that is specifically about one particular kind of woman. And one particular kind of man. The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the true society that they come from and the one they, in particular, she can and has to return to and that anyone can join her and him in. This is about Paradise on Earth.
This is about The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity that is for all as a result of their healing and in particular, hers. This is about the kind of woman who is at the bottom of the pile in a Patriarchal Toilet Tribe from Hell Society™, the norm, the conventional world and the world of the Tribe. This is about the kind of man who is next in line from the bottom. The sensitive man and the female chattel. The High Priestess and High Priest of a profane society, that has long forgotten who they are.
This is about being at the bottom of the pile, for the forgotten and strangled shamans, and for her, the story of escape. Abused by her family, her friends, her men, her whole society, by the very nature of who she is and who they are and what has happened on this Earth. It is about women of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about men of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about the Cinderellas of this world. It is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™. Who she is and how, loving her is the secret to Paradise on Earth and how we have been living a lie for 8000+ years. A lie of male (non High Priest) religion with a male ‘God’ and with Patriarchs and Patriarchal types and Matriarchs and Matriarchal types ruling over us and making our lives hell, all in the name of family, the tribe and the way things are and should remain. Hate, fascism and profanity. A sick society that vilifies, more than anyone else, the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, just because it was told to. A sick society that calls her Eve. A sick society that has forgotten who we all are, let alone the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™. This is about us remembering and knowing who WE are.
This is a programme of healing for the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, to take them and particularly, her, from monstrous levels of low self esteem and lack of self knowledge, back to herself and it is a programme for all those who truly want to love her, and indeed, him. This is a programme for the greatest carers on Earth, who are vilified, destroyed, ridiculed, ignored, abused, used, misused and hated for being everything that those who would steal from us are not. This is a programme to turn Cinderellas into The Sacred Whore High Priestesses and for anyone who wants to love her or live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. And this is a programme to turn sensitive men into Sacred Whore High Priests™ and for anyone who wants to love him and live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and High Priest Society. Love, humanity, Spirit and sex. This is a programme to reverse 8000+ years of witch burning, women hating and healer ridicule. This is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and all those who would love her and live by her values.
This is about the chance for Paradise on Earth. This is a programme for the most beautiful, kind hearted, wounded women and men on this planet. A programme of how to implement a system of how to beat life, how to survive life and how to resurrect from the grief that is a true life. Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, ‘happy’, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. How to turn grief into creation and survive and thrive, despite all the shit, all the pain and all the hurt. How to live in a world of madness, hollowness and cruelty and how to be a winner. How to stand up for oneself and to take back the power that has been stolen from anyone with heart, Spirit and sex. The art and science of Alchemy.
This is a programme, based on my scholarly and non scholarly work over 15 years (so far), if not for my whole life, and my extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of relative bliss, and above all, the right to be. The programme and the courses and my speaking and indeed my forthcoming book, will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. Who the Sacred Whore High Priestess™ is and why she is here. And who the Sacred Whore High Priest™ is. Why we are here. Who we are and what we are and why we are. The beauty and glory of the truth. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the future.
My first book of consciousness, my first book of the spiritual politics of humanity, of authentic power and of self love and strength. A comprehensive series of online courses, live events and audio and visual material. Books, live events, CDs and DVDs. And one on one personal empowerment consultations. The Amera Ziganii Rao Method of Change™. The right to be and the way to have the right to be. And indeed, how to maintain the will to live without love. How to BE unconditional, self sufficient, self caring, self love. The right to be and the will to be and the unparalleled success that comes with that. The Lost Knowledge™. HOW to live. And how to heal others, the profane and the sick and the soulless. The others. My Business and that of any Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and Sacred Whore High Priest™, is Human Rights, The Right to a Sexual Society, Self Actualisation and Freedom.
My Business is To Overthrow Fascism, in the Home and in the Country. My business is also mastering destiny. Overthrowing the ultimate 'fascism'. Our journey on Earth and The Return To The Source. Our healing, our ascension and our redemption. Fate. The daily crucifixions of a true life, the challenges and the fury of being healers and people of love on a planet like Earth.
Submitting to the journey to liberate and evolve oneself, through following one's heart, however much heartbreak and devastation it leads to on the long long long journey to freedom and then the longer journey to happiness. 'Long Road to Freedom', as Nelson Mandela says. My business is always taking risks, never giving up and making the endless sacrifices it takes to become whole. Enlightenment, Nirvana and then Parinirvana and beyond. My business is pain. My business is bliss.
My business is seeing the truly glory of Spirit on Earth. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™ and all that it is. Spirit, humanity, sex and love again at last. And the end of our legacy as either servants or witches or unpaid carers or indeed, ignored mistresses, other women, other men even, and the weirdos that are at the bottom of society. This is our world and it is time to take it back and I can show you how. And that makes my life, truly, worth living.
I want you to feel the way I do. Alive, with the right to be and the belligerence to exist in this profane and male ‘God’ led world of male supremacy, female supremacy, domestic, casual fascism, tribe rules from hell, with beautiful and kind, love intelligence laden, female and male Cinderella warriors at the bottom, caring for everyone else and getting nothing but hatred, ridicule and isolation for it. The meek are already inheriting the Earth and I can show you how.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I 'mysticise' the Universe. I escape at will, the truth of my humanless, Samurai solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am philosopher. I am shaman. I am alone. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
To trust your soul is to have courage. The courage to ‘get out of the way’. It takes a commitment to courage, a changing of the very matter of one’s access to courage, one’s relationship with courage and becoming the total renegade of an individual you have to, to become soul. It is that rare. ‘Getting out of the way’ takes a commitment to love and loving and being of love, no matter what. And frankly, that means redefining what love is, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Finding out what love really is and getting rid of the bullshit we think it is. Love. Soul. Power. It takes courage to be soul. Courage, courage and courage. The rest is easy. Soul is soul. Finally it is an absolute relief to get out of the way. The life of soul may be hair raising, treacherous and mind numbingly arduous. But it is a life of no regrets. Courage. The key to soul. Just give it a go. Wear that hat, say what’s on your mind, dream your dreams again, dream your dreams at all and just smile through the hate. Including one’s doubt. Courage. ‘Kill’ when you have to, especially yourself, and smile the rest of the time and cry when you need to. Always cry. Earth is a battlefield and crying is the way to win. Soul is a way of life. The natural way. Courage is ‘all’ it takes. We learnt the rules, only so we could break them. The rest is the art of life. Creation. Creating oneself again and again and again. Soul. The only way of life worth anything. Otherwise, we are just waiting to die. We don’t need to. We can live. It’s called soul.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Self esteem. True, authentic, self knowing, self esteem. The one that includes the sex, the primal, the primitive, the animal, the real. The one that includes humanity and a state of unconditional love. Non needing, non greedy, non controlling, non afraid, non negative and non inhumane and non angry. Self esteem. What ego really is, in its true essence. The physical vehicle of self esteem. The physical vehicle of action, reaction, mastery, ‘misstery’, love and war, tenderness and sexuality. Humanity and human. The beautiful, crafted, styled, educated, aware, sincere, active, visceral, sexual, super sexual, heart led, sensitive, humane, courageous and ethical, hopeful ego. The instinct. The intuition. The magic. The primal. The whole. The whole Soul.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
I can feel your sexuality. I love it. My beautiful, filthy, dominating, obsessed, possessed, hedonistic, nihilistic, Sacred beast of a man. Because those of us who are the most sexual, what do we think, in the truth context of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and The Sacred Whore High Priestess (Priest) Society™, that means? We are the most spiritual. The most sexual are in fact the most spiritual. Spirituality being the communing between Mortal and The High Priestess (Priest) to reach ecstasy. Orgasm. Bliss. The most active, dirty minded, passionate, non reproductive, hedonistic, glorious, worthwhile, point of life, meditation or prayer or communing on Earth. THE way to reach God, The Mother, The Universe™. THE way to happiness. Humanity. Joy. Hope. Love. Sex. Sex. Our sex. Sex.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Love takes courage. Love takes being ready. Love takes love.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Amera Ziganii Rao is a former hard news journalist who is now turning professional with her art forms and indeed, her healing forms, after a long journey of inner searching, self teaching and exploring many layers and areas of both craft and wisdom. She is now working on her first book of philosophy and esoteric thought, and social, cultural and spiritual commentary. She is also showing her first photography collections. And last but most definitely not least, she is building a business to share her Sacred Whore High Priestess Society consciousness and empowering explorations to reach as many people as possible across the world. She is in her forties and currently lives in London.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life, in this insane existence called The Universe. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Copyright and intellectual property rights are serious issues. And legally protected. Please do not reproduce my work anywhere without due credit and obviously, never for financial gain. 'Big Sister' is watching you! Other than that, please continue to enjoy my original work and the work of (credited) others, for free, while I work on using my material in further professional formats. Thank you for your interest and support.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012