Red Silk. A Self Portrait
Female (Venus Archetype) Titans Pt ll. Amera Ziganii Rao
"Love is a state of being not a state of feeling. It goes well beyond the realm of the emotions. It's an attitude of benevolence and kindness towards all creation, including one's self, at all times and under all circumstances. Love is the most powerful magnetic force in the universe." Carnelian Sage ♥
To need is not love, but to be needed is not love either. The root of coercive power gone mad is that ego believes that to be needed is love. And it will do anything in order to feel needed. Like a mad, inner drive. Because that is what ego does. That is not love. That is ego feeding and actually the root of fascism, however well intended ego tells you it is. Need is not love. To BE needed is not love either. To be loved is to be loved and to love is to love.
Here, I am thinking about what love is and what love is for either of the two archetypes in life. The Venus archetype and the Mars archetype of either sex, male or female. I am thinking about the High Priestess and High Priest category of human beings and who we are and I am thinking about representing love on Earth, God on God, as it were and I am thinking about the man I love and the fact that despite being of the Mars archetype, of psychopathy and inability to face himself, because of his ego journey of blocking out pain instead of separating life into good and evil, such as my archetype's ego does, (did), despite being of that archetype, he is still actually in pain, whatever pain psychopaths can feel.
I am thinking about the duty of High Priestesses and High Priests to heal the Mars archetype, if we are privileged and brilliant enough and gifted enough to reach soul first. And I am thinking about God and how I am expected to do it all, but with the help of a Universe that truly does take care of me, through my intuition, my instinct and my wisdom and my channelling and indeed my alchemy of abundance, enough to keep going, and that this may indeed be what benevolence truly is.
I am thinking about the justified rage and horror of my archetype that we seem to be the only people who can love, even though we are always dismissed by the other archetype (in ego) of being too much in passion, darkness, brilliance or anything. I am thinking about the digs, the passive aggression, the relentless need to control and the answer to my perennial question. Why they don't just leave me the fuck alone. I am thinking about misogyny and what the roots of that actually are, I am thinking about controlling people and what that actually means and I am thinking about the isolation of being soul when everyone around me seems to be ego and the privileged position of mother or indeed father of the Venus archetype, and what it means to be alive on this Earth. To represent but to appear to get the least help, but at least to live a depth of life, unparalleled it seems by the Mars archetype, who appear to have it all, but just live on a superficial and apparently painful surface. I am thinking about those who love and those who most certainly do not love. I am thinking about bullies and I am thinking about victims. And I am thinking of those who are stark raving bonkers and those of us who are sane and have to carry their shit. And I am thinking about my life and the life of other Venus archetypes and what heroism truly is.
I am thinking about purpose and why some people find it easy to love and have courage and just be, and why others make our life a misery while we help them and wondering why we have to help them at all. I am thinking about gifts and purpose and devotion. And what it takes to become a heroine and save a slave. Or a hero and save a female slave. (To the tribe and to his or her ego. Same thing. Slavery). I am thinking about the High Priestesses and High Priests of this world. Those who lead in love. Those who see. And those who give. And those who feel. The beautiful people of this world. Those who lead in love.
And I am thinking about how hard it is for us to even get to that place in the first instance. How the Van Goghs and the Marilyn Monroes did not even make it and how we are the first to reach enlightenment and the truth, the horrendous truth that the benevolence of Divinity is a highly subjective statement. I am thinking about the separation that my archetype makes between good and evil and how we have to get over that chronic idealism in the first place, and then find out that the person we love is certainly not invincible and that they are not even able to love because they are psychopaths and not even able to face themselves to be able to find their darkness to do anything because they have spent a lifetime denying they are even dark at all, or even light for that matter, just so they don't feel.
And I am thinking of the lost wisdom of the High Priestesses and High Priests and how our journeys are to reclaim that and make it ours and that this is our heroism and nothing else and I am thinking how horrifyingly fascinating this life is and all that it has to offer, but that at least I have the gift it seems of feeling and being able to face myself and accept the dark as well as the light and how to help others feel it too. Mars or Venus, we can only be happy by accepting the whole and unfortunate as it is, people like me get to feel first and then have to wait, teach, share and give, before our other feels it too. I am thinking of the immense fatigue and sorrow that has followed me my whole life and I am thinking that I feel like a hero. The inner journey is the only important journey in this life and that is all I currently want to know. How to face oneself and how to manifest a life of happiness at last. How to heal the sickness around me so I don't have to be alone. I only want one person and look at the work it has taken. The Lost Knowledge indeed. The Return to Eden indeed. For either sex. For the Mars archetype of sickness and avoidance and its' bland killing machine of a heart.
A heavy privilege indeed. I am thinking of The Thousand and One Nights and the King's vengeful heart that makes Scheherazade have to find stories and the skill and strategy that she has to utilise, to keep him curious about the end of the story so he does not have her beheaded, every night. Until, three children and almost three years later, she finally tells him she has no more stories and risks death. Fortunately, he has finally forgiven women and decides he does actually love her after all and decides he is not going to have her killed.
I am thinking of the tale of Psyche and Eros, the Greek myth, where as Maureen MacReady in The Heroine's Journey analyses it, she talks of Psyche being punished by Eros for challenging male supremacy and having to make a journey to gain a marriage of equality after starting out as someone with the myth of romantic love in her.
I am thinking of the fact that both these stories are about the myth of romantic love. The King in The Thousand and One Nights has decided that all women are scum of the Earth. Is that not his broken heart, from believing in the myth of romantic love? Okay, so it is. So it is his broken heart and it is her who is the one who has to suffer with the threat of death hanging over her every night and even though she gets to live in his palace, sleep in his bed and presumably get some physical loving (three children), he is still judging her for almost three years and she still has to find these incredible stories to keep him fascinated enough not to remember he hates her and all women. Before Scheherazade, he has had over a thousand women killed, the morning after he has slept with them. Nice man.
So that story to me is about his (ego) vengeance and not being able to face his pain, after having the myth of romantic love broken with the infedility of his first wife. He murders a thousand women because he cannot face himself (ego). And he therefore denies he has any darkness in himself, because he denies the presence of darkness and just blames, like a child (ego), any woman who comes his way. Okay. The Mars (in ego) archetype.
Then we have Psyche and Eros. She is sent on a mad journey, not unlike mine - well, neither story is that different from mine - of sorting through thousands of stupid tasks for Aphrodite, before Eros finally appeals to Zeus to end her tortuous journey. Presumably he has decided he loves her now or it is maybe that he has finally gone against Mummy, Aphrodite. Whatever it is, he is either (ego) punishing her or is a (ego) slave to his mother. And again, it is Psyche as the woman who has to undergo the torture.
Nancy Friday's piece on Sado masochism, The Chains of Love talks of a man's (ego) vengeance in love. Susan Jeffers talks of men who do not even believe in love. And I have concluded so far that these men that they talk of, like my man, are of the Mars archetype. And as you can see in my piece - the links are below - The Denial of Evil. How to NOT Know God, this is the archetype who's coping mechanism when young, is to deny all feelings because of the need to deny the darkness, pain and evil. So they deny it in themselves too, hence my new name for them. Psychopaths.
My life has been plagued by this archetype of both sexes ever since I can remember. And I have now decided that I and the Venus archetype in life, both male and female, are the High Priestesses and High Priests. The Sacred Whores. We are the ones who do seperate good and evil unhealthily too, while in ego, but we reach soul, if we are blessed with that manifestation, faster. And it is no surprise. Because if you cut off feelings, automatically, pathologically, not out of choice, it has to be said - ego is a madness - you also cut off wisdom, intellect, imagination, creativity, emotion, passion and tenderness. Anything that is not bland pseudo feeling. The smiling killers as I have called him and them.
They actually, truly, have no idea what they are doing and they will kill you slowly and certainly every single day, like abusive husbands and wives and actually have no idea what they are doing. Whether they are your parent, your sibling, your so called friend, your cousin or your boss or your colleague.
I'm sorry, but to me, that makes them truly dangerous human beings. Psychopaths is no exaggeration. I see them as the antagonists now on my own journey. My Heroine's Journey. With me as the protaganist.
And my life has taken me into such fascinating depths of horror as to have to heal this man and help him see what his ego sickness is. I had to heal my own first, even before I met him and then steadily healed it over the next year and a half, until two and a half years ago, when I broke myself into soul. I thought he was doing the same. In fact at that time of course, I thought he was invincible and all good. As in the ego of my archetype. But long after I have got over that, we are still at it. Still working on that vengeful heart of denial. His psychopathic mind of self denial.
My conclusion? Like does not attract like. Love does not attract love. That is pure and utter bullshit. There is the High Priestess category of human and there is the human. The Psychopath. Like does not attract like. And if I or anyone like me wants to share true love on this toilet of a planet, we have to show them and teach them how to love. We have to go to war for love.
And despite going almost nuts myself with frustration and deprivation and pain, while my soul asks me to heal this ungrateful man, (I am not a psychopath, so I have to listen to my soul, otherwise I feel too much pain - the complete opposite of a psychopath or indeed anyone still in ego) I am suitably fascinated with what is clearly the spiritual truth behind the Female Titan legacy of Jane Eyre, Elizabeth Bennet, Heathcliffe and the like. So called female dependency is okay if we are talking about ego. Sure. We hear libraries of that theory. Yes, I know all about female (Venus archetype) dependency.
But what happens when you transcend ego and you are still trapped in the same crap? Exactly. Then there is something else going on and I can see what my book is going to be about. And I am certainly not going to find the answers in Robin Norwood's brilliant but prosaic book, 'Women Who Love Too Much'. That is just stage one. First existence. What comes after that? Exactly. The MALE (Mars archetype) PSYCHO. That's what!
For now, I look back on what I have written about the High Priestess and the Sacred Whore and I see it afresh with new horror and new fascination. It is Deepak Chopra who has defined the two archetypes as those who seperate good and evil so they idealise good and condemn evil and the other that denies the presence of evil so completely that they deny it in themselves too and therefore do not take responsibility for anything. He likens it to our relationship with God too. Our primitive, baby attitudes to Divinity and the Universe.
The Mars archetype for instance, in ego, is a control freak. They need to control everything, hence the sado part of sado masochism, and if I ever get to enjoy it, I will most certainly enjoy it and that is the point of this journey, the sacred sado masochistic sexual love between two people, being the highest existence on Earth.
Where our egoes (superegoes) finally get to enjoy their psychosis in the best way possible. But the sado part in ego, the sadist, the Dom, is actually a complete slave to a blind ego. Blind, deaf and dumb. A psychopath of impotence, cruelty and inaction out of cowardice all at the same time. Hence the psychopath. Someone who runs away in apparent authority from any feeling and who actually condemns the other archetype - me - for being passionate, for having access to wholeness.
And I of course, seeing as my mother and brother are of the Mars archetype actually believed it. For about 38 years. All along, additionally, I have attracted hundreds of women of the same kind who have condemned me for the same thing. With soooo much jealousy. Oh my word. And it turns out, first, sadly, that they are all entrenched still in ego, and that secondly, I am infuriated with their unjust psychopathic accusations. But so glad to be finally rid of their stupid and misguided attempts to control and blame and just violate.
I have been in soul for two and a half years now. Don't ask me how, I just am. And to know that this has been going on around me is stunning, but obviously not, when you look at the archetypes. Of course the Mars archetype will be slower, looking at my own story. If you deny feelings, because you need to deny the darkness - the darkness and the light both being God by the way - you deny ALL feelings and therefore the inability to even face the self.
These are human beings, especially the women, who have read every self help book on offer, had every discussion, even gone to therapy with no change in them whatsoever. And now I know why. I feel for them. Of course I do and as the High Priestess category, I have to and should and do. But that is so dangerous. What dangerous human beings. To be so scared of anything that is not pleasant delusion. I look at the King in The Thousand and One Nights and even Eros and I see two madmen now. Theirs is not the myth of romantic love, but the myth of any love, broken. Because if you cannot feel, how the fuck can you love?
The Venus archetype has their work cut out for them. Stay strong and show the love. They need us and even if they kill us in the process, we serve the Universe and our highest purpose by trying to help. But the methods to employ are anything you fucking well want. Love is a wide word and only to be defined by one's higher feelings. Whatever FEELS right, do it.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
Links to High Priestess and High Priest Wisdom for The Journey to Heal the Psychopaths.
The Denial of Evil. How to NOT Know God. Amera Ziganii Rao
There are two archetypes in unhealed life. One separates the dark and the light into idealism and condemnation and the other is in complete denial of the darkness at all. And in extreme condemnation when they see that it can exist at all. Both archetypes are very dangerous and very unhealed and a complete reflection of a baby attitude to Divinity it seems. And indeed, a baby attitude to our parents. When we are little, our parents are Divinity. It’s natural. Our home, painful or not, is the micro of the macro. The Universe, the world, the family and the whole.
And then we get broken. Both archetypes are broken by life and by parents (who are unhealed people themselves most of the time) and by God into having to avoid the pain of the truth. That Divinity and indeed every single human being is a combination of both the dark and the light. As Samuel Beckett says, ‘Life on Earth. There’s no cure for that’. To be healed is to accept the darkness and to accept that evil is a part of Divinity and not outside Divinity and certainly something that exists.
No separation of the dark and light and no denial of the dark = healed human beings who can take responsibility for mastering their own darkness, instead of the ‘separation’ archetype questioning their own humanity time and time again out of fear that they are evil itself and that their only salvation is to find the light in another person, and being so permanently shocked that life is so full of the dark, and the ‘denial’ archetype who questions everyone else’s humanity other than their own and shits on everyone in the process of their denial and running away from life, determined to believe that the darkness and evil cannot possibly exist.
And consequently being a placid and frustrated human being of no passion, no drive and no ability to even enter the dark, especially when it is needed, ie to fight for one’s rights. Or indeed, to have any sexual, passionate, or creative life connections even when they want to. Who spend their time just running or condemning, out of the need to deny that evil or the dark exists, while being secretly fascinated by it and deeply envious of anyone who can use it and master it. The unhealed life of pain, frustration and nothing.
We are all a combination of humanity and cruelty and so is Divinity. That is the process of creation and creativity and life. The process of moving from the dark into the light is being done by the whole universe all the time and especially on this planet. And is reflected best in any whole human being such as a highly skilled actor or musician or painter or the like. The dark and the light. Their passion and tenderness all in one. Moving from one to the other with so much ease, it’s breathtaking, magnificent and magnetic.
Why they are at the top of their game. And why we all watch them. That process of perfection is the highest level of existence. The highest level of Divinity on Earth. Rage and heart combined. God.
The point of this planet was to find out what we are not, so we could find out what we are. We are ALL moving into the light, into love at each moment. And we are ALL a part of Divinity. Divinity is the all. Divinity is both the dark and the light. The relentless drive of creation, without mercy, without benevolence, and without any tenderness whatsoever. And it’s okay. All of that is there too, but like a good parent, it is only given at particular times. The rest is creation, creation and creation. The dark and the light combined.
The process of existence for the whole Universe therefore, is to move from the dark into the light and utilise both. Not deny the existence of darkness and therefore avoid the responsibility of mastery and to condemn anyone who embraces the wholeness of rage and heart. And in the other archetype, not to spend one’s life shocked by the presence of evil as if it is separate from one’s self and separate from Divinity or existence. While questioning one’s humanity because the other archetype of denial has judged you to be evil.
There is no demiurge and there is no devil incarnate. And no one is above rage or cruelty or stupidity or ignorance or profane being. It is all part of the whole. The point is mastery, not suffocation, not denial, not condemnation, not pretence, not bland living, not running away from being. And certainly not judging. The healed human being is one who accepts that not only is he or she both, but that Divinity is both too. And that breaks one’s heart into a million pieces, as it is supposed to.
And then one finally heals. And then one can finally live. And then one can finally love.
And the most difficult thing of all to remember in this extremely difficult and essential process, is that whether we separate good and evil or deny the presence of evil at all, it is all to cover up one thing and one thing alone. Lack of courage. The fact that courage is our responsibility and ours alone (In the seen world, not the unseen world, but that’s a whole other subject, whether one calls it alchemy, angels or prayer) is the single reason we freak out into the broken heart in the first place.
Divinity is not here to do it for us for one second. We represent on this Earth and we are the ones who have to do it and any un-healing that we regress into is totally understandable but ultimately useless. We are the ones who have to accept our extreme cowardice and then we have to do something about it. There is no other way. And THAT is what breaks our hearts and nothing else.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
Mistress. Saviour. Friend. Amera Ziganii Rao
I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I ‘mysticise’ the Universe. Putting off my banal life of rules and regulations and ordinariness. I escape at will, the truth of my human-less, Samurai life of solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am a philosopher. I am a shaman. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth. AZR
Why? Because there is nothing more magnificent than a slave who has been freed. A son who has revolted and turned over the tables and mastered his ancestry. Who has broken out of his bourgeois strangulation and freed his Sacred Pimp self into the world forever. The day I can quiver in anticipation. The day I can finally be with a man, who is strong enough to hold me and mature enough to catch me if he can. AZR
And then I found out that that was not enough. The devotion. I found out that my purpose is to heal men and the patriarchal world and rid us all of it. The religious patriarchal, tribe, toilet world. The carnage and the institutional, cultural and six thousand year old womb chattel-ship misogyny that drips through every single vein in this world......Amera Ziganii Rao
.....And that I would have to be stabbed through my heart and crucified so I could explain the whole awful process. Of healing a human being, so he can love you. And to heal him from THAT conditioning. To enter the heart of darkness to find him again. What women (other than the non high priestess/artist female), and indeed male high priests/artists are here to do. We are love. This kind of love. Amera Ziganii Rao
If you are truly healed, you will be in shock as to what you have done and who you have been. That is what you need to be. For me to know you have healed. Which is why I am a prophet and first and foremost your prophet. Consciousness. Amera Ziganii Rao
Soul. Amera Ziganii Rao
Ego being the hijacker and Soul being the part of us that wakes up at last. We have finally talked the ego hijacker into surrender. We have thanked it, persuaded it that its work is really done and just said a straight no, no and no to it. We have stepped out of that ego and begun to talk to it, like a doctor to a patient. We change our levels of thought and understanding bit by bit, until we actually change the very matter of our being, inside and out. And then finally, the surrender. The shrivelling up of that powerful Darth Vader in all of us. The hand of evil. That has been controlling us since we were children. We remember the day ego arrived. Fear. Need and more fear and more need. And then rage. And finally, the ego is ready to step aside and stop its self medication to protect you. So that you have no idea when you are going to say what and you are permanently afraid of fucking everything up because of all the thousand ways ego embarrasses you. The ego dies.
Female Titans. Amera Ziganii Rao
Men Who DON'T Believe in Love. Susan Edwards (Women too)
Notes from Amera Ziganii Rao
Thank you to the author for this invaluable piece of education and to outside sources for the photos, which are from the times of the goddess before 'The Patriarchal Womb Stealing Tribe Society' took over and wreaked its havoc throughout the world. What is more normally called misogyny and sexism. Why women are in so much pain at the hands of men today. Why men find it so hard to love.
I can also see now that this piece affects women as much as it does men. And that this whole exploration of the psyche goes way beyond misogyny, but may indeed be one of its root causes. Deepak Chopra has defined two archetypes of coping mechanisms for life. One denies evil completely, denies their own darkness and in the process, through my experience, and my observations and having been at the roughest end of their treatment, they become psychopaths. People of either sex who are unable and unwilling, psychotically, to see their own darkness and therefore deny it completely and make the other person out to be the villain always. In my experience and the reason for all my writing, these are the most dangerous human beings on Earth and unfortunately the rest of us are here to make them see their sickness. This seems to fit in perfectly now with Susan Jeffers analysis of men who do not believe in love. They do. But they cannot love without confronting their own darkness and that is their sickness and coping mechanism for life. A great deal is said about the other archetype's idealism of, as Deepak Chopra says, making one parent bad and the other good. Ie, my archetype, who's idealism was that I idealised one kind of human being while vilifiying another. It is true and I had to suffer the pain of healing that. I at least however could acknowledge that darkness existed. This other archetype is the most resistant and unyielding as they actually do not acknowledge darkness at all. So to be involved with any human being of this kind, whether one's parent or potential lover or indeed friend, is a terrible burden and it is unfortunately the responsibility of my archetype to make them see and to have the compassion to understand that it is a sickness, while demanding that they do indeed see. A human being who cannot see their own darkness is a psychopath and the rest of us have to work very hard to demand that they do see.
In the process we become heroes and heroines. We are the protaganists in the journey of life and this other archetype is the antagonist (male or female). Through their unfortunate desperation to avoid seeing the dark side, they mete out most of the cruelty and damage and pain in this world and never even know it. Basically, they are mad. And it is the heroes and heroines of this world who have to make them see it. And they do because we do.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
For Good Men and Women To Do Nothing. Amera Ziganii Rao
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men (women) to do nothing.
Edmund Burke.
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Hamlet. Shakespeare
Soul Love and Samurai Leadership, After Reaching The Summit. Amera Ziganii Rao
As Morpheus says, 'anyone who is not unplugged, everyone who is still plugged into the Matrix (ego) is a potential agent.' Which means that anyone who is both gifted enough and diligent enough to have unplugged from the Matrix - who has died, risen again and become soul - is a Neo, Trinity or Morpheus.
Cool. Always 'dressed to kill' and ready for action. Soul's job on earth is therefore to maintain the love in oneself, by integrating agents on a daily basis so they have no effect on the new soul super - self. The concept that is more commonly known as 'self belief'. Easy.
Soul's job is also to keep killing potential agents. Anyone who is not unplugged. Anyone who is still ego. To lead the fight against evil, ego and unconscious hatred, envy and pissy behaviour. In any way they choose, at any time they choose, wherever they choose to do so. Because they are being led by soul. The process more commonly known as 'the meek (love) shall inherit the earth' or 'standing up for your rights'. Easy.
That is the responsibility and indeed privilege that comes with the blessing. Because the point is that as soul, it is easy. The whole point of making the journey to become unplugged, the whole point of enlightenment, the whole point of liberation and the place where the meek (love) truly inherits the earth in each and every moment.
Because soul is courage. And soul is the summit. Not giving a flying fuck anymore about any of it.
Love always wins and courage is love. Easy Peasy, lemon and squeezy.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
The Sacred Prostitute. Diana Rose Hartmann
As older images (such as the sacred prostitute), ... symbolizing the communion of sexuality and spirituality, become inaccessible to our conscious understanding, so a source of vital energy escapes us ... Jung writes that the loss of an archetype "gives rise to that frightful discontent in our culture." Without the vital feminine to balance the collective patriarchal principle, there is a certain barrenness to life. Creativity and personal development are stifled.
In individual psychological work, once the image of the sacred whore was made conscious in patients' lives, Qualls-Corbett found a noticeable change in attitude. Though fears came up, and relationships altered, patients' rigid attachment to collective attitudes loosened, and they gained greater creativity in their approach to life problems, finding new solutions. A sense of humor, previously buried, often came to the fore. A new erotic, exhilarating dimension appeared.
Our society as a whole could use to loosen up so. The sacred prostitute is part of our heritage as humans, long buried now; if we resurrected her, she could open for us a new path forward, a new choice springing green in a barren landscape, a way of reconnecting with our bodies, our sexuality, our creativity, and with ecstasy, a way we too could be reborn.
How many miles to Babylon?
Fourscore miles and ten.
Can I get there by candlelight?
Yes, and back again.
(Nursery rhyme)
Fourscore miles and ten.
Can I get there by candlelight?
Yes, and back again.
(Nursery rhyme)
Let's hope so.
Diana Rose Hartmann MA.
Amera Ziganii Rao's Well Endowed Mind. Mikal Konali. Yush Magazine
No Mercy. No Love. Divinity. Amera Ziganii Rao
There is no mercy and everything is written. God's love is creation, not love. The spiritually wise or more fortunate can call it grace. They can call it what they like. But the truth is that we are all born slaves. And we are here to do the time. And just when you think you have earned entrance to Elysium, you are stabbed in the heart again. And you are a slave again. God's love. Creation, not love.
Mastering one's destiny is mastering one's ego is accepting slavery on earth. Accepting there is no mercy, no love, only creation. Accepting that to serve God is to be continually stabbed in the heart. No wonder sadism exists in such form on Earth. God shows us the way beautifully. It's called Creation.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
The Lost Knowledge. A Photograph. Amera Ziganii Rao
The Return of Hekate. Amera Ziganii Rao
Love with a man on Earth does exist, but I see now, that it is the most elusive Utopia that any woman or man could ever imagine. A Utopia that the smallest handful of women in the whole history of the past six or seven thousand years, has ever experienced. Love, truly is a legend.
Until a man can love me truly, I reject all togetherness or companionship with a man, marriage with a man, and anything to do with the patriarchal toilet tribe society of this appalling world of non love and soulless family. I will never ever debate the issue of Hekate, Lilith or Kali - the whole, vocational, tomboy, lad woman - ever again with a man. Take it or leave it, I do not care. That is me done.
I accept the broken heart of pre-true love and run with the wolves on Earth instead. For me, now, a man does not just have to leave behind six plus, thousand years of tribe conditioning, he does not have to just accept and tolerate my wholeness, my vocational self, my high priestess self, my lad self, my hunter self, my wolf self, he has to actively, enthusiastically, viscerally and financially and emotionally support it. Worry about it, help it and work with me on it. Nothing less. I deserve nothing less, because I give nothing less.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
Enlightenment Pt l. Amera Ziganii Rao
I have conquered death, reached enlightenment and am free to live and love at last. Again.
And this time I have healed the deepest and most widespread broken heart on the planet of the patriarch, Earth. The broken heart that half the world carries in their hearts. The female heart.
I have conquered death, reached enlightenment and am free. The castration and straight out terror and nihilism that came over me 38 years ago, at the age of eight has gone. Vocation is my other great love, no matter what it costs me.
They were all wrong. It is all wrong. I am free. And this time, it is most probably totally nihilistic. I have lost everyone I have ever loved and I am still alive. And that means everyone. A Divine glass ceiling is not love. That is creation. God is the love of creation, not love as we know it. It is a relentless, brilliant, genius of creation, that is brutal and relentless. And impersonal. Always impersonal.
Emotions are unique to Earth. God's extension of experience, like nowhere else in the Universe. God's love is everything and impersonal. Yes, that is still love, but it's also not love at all. It is constant crucifixion and resurrection. The gnostic way I feel is the most appropriate label there. Enlightenment and growth into one's Soul is forever and it is relentless and has many levels of enlightenment again. Mastering one's destiny is to master one's ego so the ego emotions happily, rather than holds us hostage in its grip of varying degrees of evil and pain. But, even healed, our ego still feels. Our love is not impersonal.
The unique pain and bliss of Earth life. I have lost everyone I have ever loved and I am still alive. Nihilism may also be the label I like the most. In that, I can be suitably fascinated and remember the beauty of the saying, 'we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings, having a physical experience.'
The Sacred Prostitute. Nancy Qualls - Corbett
Wolf. Sex and The Two Tribes. Amera Ziganii Rao
There are but two tribes in the world. Amera Ziganii Rao
Those who live by the heart and through the sex of the soul and those who live by the absence of the heart and with no respect for either sex or the soul. The true tribe and the false tribe.
To be liberated from falseness, you have to acknowledge the full horror of non existence that living by the absence of the heart creates and you have to feel your passport to the true tribe.
And once feeling it you have to value it. Otherwise you stay plugged in forever.
My passport to truth was that I just didn't fit in - literally and figuratively. And that trying to fit in almost killed me.
And so I left polite society. With its thirst for power, contempt for humanity, its bigotry, its eurocentric shallowness of bodyfacism and its material greed.
And, oh yes, its hatred for woman. The body of a woman. The sex of the soul and the humanity of the heart.
Where patriarchal domestication means that a woman still believes in the hearth and home, more than she values the sanctity of sex and the independence of the human spirit.
Where patriarchal domestication and enslavement means a man can only believe in the sexless tribe, rather than the sanctity of sex and the independence of the human spirit. And indeed sexual love.
The polite society that breeds a pack of cowards through the greatest, most effective, most matrix entrenched, form of human control on the planet. The Stepford society.
There are but two tribes in the world.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
Beauty and the Beast. A Fairy Tale
A wealthy merchant lived in a mansion with his three daughters, all of whom were very beautiful, but only the youngest, at fourteen, is named Belle (a French name equivalent to "Beauty") for being lovely and pure of heart; her sisters, in contrast, are wicked and selfish. The merchant eventually loses all of his wealth in a tempest at sea, and he and his daughters must therefore live in a small farmhouse and work for their living.
After some years of this, the merchant hears that one of the trade ships he had sent off has arrived back in port, having escaped the destruction of its compatriots; therefore, he returns to the city to discover whether it contains anything of monetary value. Before leaving, he asks his daughters whether they desire that he bring them any gift upon his return. His two elder daughters ask for jewels and fine dresses, thinking that his wealth has returned; Belle is satisfied with the promise of a rose, as none grow in their part of the country. The merchant, to his dismay, finds that his ship's cargo has been seized to pay his debts, leaving him without money by which to buy his daughters their presents.
During his return, he becomes lost in a forest. Seeking shelter, he enters a dazzling palace. He finds inside tables laden with food and drink, which have apparently been left for him by the palace's unseen owner. The merchant accepts this gift and spends the night. The next morning as the merchant is about to leave, he sees a rose garden and recalls that Belle had desired a rose. Upon picking the most lovely rose he finds, the merchant is confronted by a hideous 'Beast', which tells him that for taking his (the Beast's) most precious possession after accepting his hospitality, the merchant must die. The merchant begs to be set free, arguing that he had only picked the rose as a gift for his youngest daughter. The Beast agrees to let him give the rose to Belle, only if the merchant will return, or his daughter goes to the castle in his place.
The merchant is upset, but accepts this condition. The Beast sends him on his way, with jewels and fine clothes for his daughters, and stresses that Belle must come to the castle of her own accord. The merchant, upon arriving home, tries to hide the secret from Belle; but she pries it from him and willingly goes to the Beast's castle. The Beast receives her graciously and informs her that she is mistress of the castle, and he is her servant. He gives her lavish clothing and food and carries on lengthy conversations with her. Each night, the Beast asks Belle to marry him, only to be refused each time. After each refusal, Belle dreams of a handsome prince who pleads with her to answer why she keeps refusing him, and she replies that she cannot marry the Beast because she loves him only as a friend. Belle does not make the connection between the handsome prince and the Beast and becomes convinced that the Beast is holding the prince captive somewhere in the castle. She searches for him and discovers multiple enchanted rooms, but, of course, never the prince from her dreams.
For several months, Belle lives a life of luxury at the Beast's palace, being waited on hand and foot by invisible servants, having no end of riches to amuse her and an endless supply of exquisite finery to wear. Yet, eventually, she becomes homesick and begs the Beast to allow her to go to see her family. He allows it, if she will return exactly a week later. Belle agrees to this and sets off for home with an enchanted mirror and ring. The mirror allows her to see what is going on back at the Beast's castle, and the ring allows her to return to the castle in an instant when turned three times around her finger.
Her older sisters are surprised to find her well fed and dressed in finery. They grow jealous of her happy life at the castle, and, hearing that she must return to the Beast on a certain day, beg her to stay another day, even putting onion in their eyes to make it appear as though they are weeping. It is their wish that the Beast will grow angry with Belle for breaking her promise and will eat her alive. Belle's heart is moved by her sisters' false show of love, and she agrees to stay.
Belle begins to feel guilty about breaking her promise to the Beast and uses the mirror to see him back at the castle. She is horrified to discover that the Beast is lying half-dead of heartbreak near the rose bushes her father had stolen from and she immediately uses the ring to return to the Beast.
Upon returning, Belle finds the Beast almost dead, and she weeps over him, saying that she loves him. When her tears strike him, the Beast is transformed into a handsome prince. The Prince informs Belle that long ago a fairy turned him into a hideous beast after he refused to let her in from the rain, and that only by finding true love, despite his ugliness, could he break the curse. He and Belle are married and they lived happily ever after together.
The Little Mermaid. Hans Christian Anderson
Amera Ziganii Rao. A Profile
Amera Ziganii Rao is a philosophical writer, essayist, social commentator, prose writer, dramatist and photographer as well as a consciousness explorer, self actualiser and emotional healer. She is a former hard news journalist who is now turning professional with her art forms and indeed, her healing forms, after a long journey of inner searching, self teaching and exploring many layers and areas of both craft and wisdom. She is now working on her first book of philosophy and esoteric thought, and social and cultural commentary. She is also showing her first photography collections. And last but most definitely not least, she is building a business to share her consciousness and empowering explorations to reach as many people as possible across the world. She is 46 years old and currently lives in London.
Writer and Enlightener, Amera Ziganii Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Education For Liberation. Liberation of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, happy, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. Based on her scholarly and non scholarly work over 14 years, if not for her whole life, and her extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of bliss, the courses will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the near future, in the form of online courses and live events, to begin with. Thank you
In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
Esoteric. Self Actualiser. Consciousness Explorer. Philosophical Writer. Essayist. Dramatist. Prose Writer. Photographer. Film & TV Creative. Entrepreneur. Ex-Journalist.
Other Links
Amera Ziganii Rao. A Profile ll
Amera Ziganii Rao Photography
Amera Ziganii Rao is a philosophical writer, essayist, social commentator, prose writer, dramatist and photographer as well as a consciousness explorer, self actualiser and emotional healer. She is a former hard news journalist who is now turning professional with her art forms and indeed, her healing forms, after a long journey of inner searching, self teaching and exploring many layers and areas of both craft and wisdom. She is now working on her first book of philosophy and esoteric thought, and social and cultural commentary. She is also showing her first photography collections. And last but most definitely not least, she is building a business to share her consciousness and empowering explorations to reach as many people as possible across the world. She is 46 years old and currently lives in London.
Writer and Enlightener, Amera Ziganii Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Education For Liberation. Liberation of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, happy, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. Based on her scholarly and non scholarly work over 14 years, if not for her whole life, and her extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of bliss, the courses will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the near future, in the form of online courses and live events, to begin with. Thank you
In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
Esoteric. Self Actualiser. Consciousness Explorer. Philosophical Writer. Essayist. Dramatist. Prose Writer. Photographer. Film & TV Creative. Entrepreneur. Ex-Journalist.
Other Links
Amera Ziganii Rao. A Profile ll
Amera Ziganii Rao Photography