Retro Pt lll. A Self Portrait
Natural Born Mystic™ :: Ascension Discourse on Love Pt XXl :: The Empathy Series. Mastery of The Two Worlds lll. Amera Ziganii Rao
To Be Psychic. Amera Ziganii Rao
Psychic = advanced intuition = Hierophant = interpretation of the Universe through the ‘sixth’ sense and discourse with ‘the self’ and facing the emotional self to incorporate the instinctual thought that wants to get through + the unseen world conscious communication with others. The love. The connections. The support. Divinity in others, for you. Divinity in you, for others. Soul. Psychic. Advanced intuition. The Warrior Class. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Hierophant Avatar Valkyrie Society. Working WITH The Universe. Advanced intuition and living life, from that place. Psychic. Whole.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Consciousness Tips Update. Amera Ziganii Rao
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Monarch Society™. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Hierophant Avatar Valkyrie™ and Sacred Pimp Warrior Protector, Brother Father Friend Lover™ Society. When we were giants. All of us. When you did more than rape me.
Don't be afraid. Don't be offended. Divide and rule was their idea. It's not ours. But yearn. Definitely yearn.
One step forward. A hundred steps back. That is consciousness.
Self love is getting out of the way. The most egoless of us, have the most terrified egoes. So tell it to shut up and see what happens. What if you are loveable, really loveable, deep down? Exactly. And what if you were to decide to live from a place of self love, despite all the war it will bring? Exactly. That is self love. The more you do that, the more you know your core. And then you will not fear loving. You will shiver, but in courage. You will choose love. Always. Love, to be loving, to be self loving is one thing. A decision.
Yes. Ascension is accepting the sacrifice to gain courage as a state of being. Soul is courage. The mortal husk of the ego is fear. Need is not love. Self hatred is not love. Guilt is not love. Being vulnerable and hating it is not love. Trusting is love. Forgiveness is love. Courage is love.
Keep growing. Keep loving.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Consciousness Tips Update. Amera Ziganii Rao
Life is a dictation. To be a mercenary soldier to an unclean world, or warrior 'Kendo' master, to The Universe. Nothing in between. Unless you are Ork or Nazgul. Then you consciously serve evil. In between is where most of us are in ego. Serving an unclean world as broken mercenaries, repeating their agenda of hate. You don't want that. You also don't want to serve a fascistic Universe that makes you make sacrifices. Join the club. The boon is this. The self. What for, who knows. But it is the entrance to The Self. It doesn't come without the only word in the religion of Islam that means anything. The word for Islam itself. Submission.
Not submission to a male, man made 'God'. Submission to the Laws of The Universe. If they hurt, they are working. Such is the love of our real GOD. If life doesn't hurt, you are fucking up.
Life is a dictation. Be a heroic pawn or a bitter one. That is free will. 'Kendo' is serving a harsh Universe. Being a mercenary is serving a harsh world. Nothing in between, but 'no man's land' for both men and women. Submission is entering soul. Living a life of self discipline to force oneself into love, is staying in soul. Ascension is the Apocalypse. 'Kendo' for me means building up the stamina for a real life. Remaining in the barracks forever. Holy, fucked over, warriors. We serve The Universe. We serve love. What about you?
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Consciousness Tips Update. Amera Ziganii Rao
A paid girl's school. Fencing for eight years. There are no coincidences. Holy Fucked Over Warriors. Accuracy frees the soul.
In other words, we are all here to serve. To be in soul is to serve. To stay in soul - not that the mortal husk can ever come back - is to serve more and more and more and more. A life of 'killing Commodus' (Ridley Scott's Gladiator). Forever, until some imaginary harvest. That is apparently redemption. Apparently, warrior is to reach it.
We are here to serve. The uber masters serve with grace, are love with grace and sacrifice with grace. Those of us who have to actively search consciousness, are those who are just entering the highest level of being. They are already there and much rarer than at first thought. Maybe no one in other words. And if they are, they are rather too bland for our taste. Warrior is to be 'Maximus'. Gladiator is truly the film of our times. Both 'Maximus' and 'Lucilla' alongside each other in the traditionally male war on evil and indeed, the female traditional war on evil. An incestuous brother vampire, through to everything else. No film I can remember has ever had such egalitarian protagonist journeys to conquer evil, together and individually.
Myth or narrative for warrior is not indulgence. It accurately reflects our life. To enter soul is to serve. To serve is to die. To enter soul is to die. To stay there is to keep dying. The truth of the truth about crucifixion. Crucifixion is soul. Murder is ego. Both, in the certainty of necessity is 'Kendo Warrior'. To live as soul. Submission. We are not the directors of our lives. We are the assistant, assistant director. But we do all the work.
Hence, the absolute easy susceptibility to earth fascism. Recognise that and you are free. There is no mastering one's destiny. There is no difference between fate and destiny. Human is to stand with a piece of chalk in front of the blackboard, and to be told what to write. It's just not by anybody else. It's by soul. Ego is the vehicle. The mortal husk is the emperor from hell who will not submit to the soul, and long before that, of course, does not even know where to find it. Finding it is bliss. For one moment. Then the dictates begin. In other words, there is no such thing as freedom on earth or off it. We all work for someone. Working for The Universe is to be in soul. And She ain't a very nice boss. Well, She or It takes us to paradise. The Self. The rest is paying for it.
The rest is honouring it, the rest is serving from it. The Apocalypse is the return to The Source for those of us, destined to make this journey. Apocalypse sums it up beautifully. And we live a good life. It is all Apocalypse and will be over one day. When it's over, destiny is mastered. And we did nothing. We were just the workhorses. 'Kendo Warriors'. Doing what we are told.
For a woman, that is hard enough. For a man, that is clearly, why it's your greatest challenge. And yet, you as men, serve evil. There is no such thing as freedom and we all work for someone. Work for the greatest feudal lord that exists. And see heaven by becoming The Self. Submission. Need is not love and we will never be parented. We live outside the womb. Need is not love.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Consciousness Tips Update. Amera Ziganii Rao
The harvest is getting what you want. Those of us most obsessive are the most in pain, because it is our time. This life. Well, life seems to be extraordinarily long for 'Kendo Warrior'. Long and boring. Training, training and training. The real truth of 'Siddharta' (Herman Hesse's story of Buddha) is that we eventually give up and find grace again...just like 'Maximus'. The film of our times. The 'Ben Hur', the 'Spartacus'. And on and on. Get fucked over by life and can you find the love again within your heart. If you can that is ascension. If you can't, you will not accept it. That is 'Kendo Warrior'. Those, whose time it is, to ascend. To Apocalypse. To live a life of crucifixion, until that imaginary harvest day. Living in Barracks, either on the outside like me - I live in a war zone - or you. Living with an inner war zone. Inner power and external power.
The harvest appears to be a long way off. Crucifixion is way of life. Til you get what you want. How much you want it is determined by which lifetime you are living in relation to Apocalypse. If you are living your last, you are like me. And you are. We only get what we want, by serving.
To serve, is to love. To love is to serve the violator. The Universe. Ending the rage. Ending the hate. Ending the bitterness and of course ending the ignorance the evil of this world has made sure we live with. Self responsibility hurts. Do it. Fight yourself, fight The Universe, be dissolute, do what it takes. But do it.
And just remember. There is no such thing as freedom. We all work for someone.
'Kendo Warrior' most of all. Soul is to be 'Kendo Warrior'. The emotional, spiritual true, holy fucked over warrior. In other words, 'mastering' one's destiny is masochism.
A true Dom if you like also knows how to be a sub. A true Sub if you like, knows how to be a Dom too. Warrior is the sado and the masochism in one. Submission.
Submission in knowledge. Fuck faith. Just submit.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Consciousness Tips Update. Amera Ziganii Rao
"Religion - for instance, contemporary Christianity - speaks of a conflagration: Armageddon, the final battle in the Book of Revelation. Norse mythology tells us of Fimbulvetr, the monstrous winter with no summers in between, and of Ragnarok, the last battle of the gods and the giants, fought against a backdrop of a world in flames which reach up to the heavens themselves." Heather O'Donoghue. From Asguard to Valhalla. The Norse Myths.
And we don't think we are already in that? Live it real, like me, or internally, we are fucked. Long hours of study, loneliness, loneliness and loneliness, gladiator fighting, shifting your (anyone's) DNA and freedom fighting in horrendous conditions, to heal nemesis. The people who want to love, but who will kill me to do it.
Doing the time, in richness or poverty, either materially or spiritually, or both. Just doing the time. Lives of emotional incarceration, only to be followed by material incarceration, to heal nemesis, as is our job. We are in Armageddon. I was born to it. The life of a gladiator. I am a Sacred Whore High Priestess Hierophant Avatar Valkyrie. In normal language, that means gladiator. Warrior Slave. Going up against Emperors - male and female - my whole, entire life. I am certainly living the Apocalypse. So is the world.
'The Revolution will not be televised' (Gil Scott Heron). The world is in Armageddon. Men can't love and women have nothing. Men have no emotional or life skills for love. Women have no skills for life outside the home and are hated if they do. In fact, men are hated for what they do not have too. Everyone hates everybody else.
Female power and male vulnerability. The two most unwanted traits, in ourselves, let alone looking at the fight we all have to go through to have a right to be. These disabilities take forever to reverse. That is consciousness.
Consciousness is the politics of austerity, in order to go through the Apocalypse, to return to wholeness. Life is to be very long. And empty. Life has been very long and empty. Correct me if I am wrong. Gladiator.
Men can't love and women have to be incarcerated Merlins, holed up in poverty and neglect and dejection, in order to 'make' men love, so we can remain alive. We have to devote our lives to recall the real ancient world. To 'make' people love. We are gladiator.
The partnership is with humane royals (such as Lucilla in the same Gladiator) who want to be broken back into love. And who do want to help even if they are helpless masses of flesh. The men who do want to love, but who will beat you to a pulp before they can. The whole world is in agony. And we were all born into mental bondage. Armageddon indeed. Myth doesn't have to come into it. We are living it. It's called Armageddon. As for world Armageddon, well, isn't that going on every single day? Please. And if it is to get worse, so what? Why are we all obsessed by the politics of this world, when our own lives are shit? Exactly. Face your Armageddon, settle in for a long war and build your prison. We are gladiator and they (you/the others) are weak royals who just don't have the education yet in how to love. Consciousness is not nebulous. It is the most important fundamental to make you a human being. And we have all been denied. I am gladiator, teaching you, the men and the women and the women and men of 'my' kind too. Teaching you how to be gladiator. How to kill Commodus. How to kill that poison that is the memory of earth.
Your wounded self. And that takes time, time, time and time. We'll be done in about 16 years I reckon. That is how long it took me. And how long it took you to grow your wealth. Teamwork is not an option. You do not know how to love. We all have our burdens. Mine is gladiator. The slave who goes up against Emperors and defies them, to heal them, and who is punished, isolated and hated for it by the very same Emperors that demand my love - and until you become one too, until anyone becomes gladiator too, you cannot kill the evil Emperor within. And he will always kill me.
So, poverty, cruelty and rejection, endless winters and living in a deliberately created hell for me (and people like me - fate is our master and gladiator is our job - I live with a monster in an abusive situation down to poor housing. I gladiator every day - he represents the male mortal husk and I have not rested for two years in my own 'home'. Like so many in poor housing, I am headed for a nervous breakdown, despite valiantly fighting and defeating him every single day) - or just feeling nothing but the reluctance to love and chronic self esteem issues - you and anyone who has not ascended. I'd call that the Apocalypse, wouldn't you?
Geisha archetypes forced into poverty, to serve masters they can not even walk away from, out of a strict and enforced fate, dictated from on high, long after the will to pursue any fucking dream even exists anymore. Geisha gladiators if you like. And the agony of people who have only just begun to access love, despite being such big material players. Men and the women like them, who feel like toddlers.
It's not just a shitty life. It is our nemesis. The Apocalypse. And we are just going to have to all do the time. You can't love and I can't escape. We all work for someone. This is nemesis as life. Armageddon.
Knowing who we are indeed. Gladiator. Nemesis. Armageddon. Men of power and women of love.
And like 'Maximus', I am finally settling into it. Selfless serving. A pawn of The Universe and a pawn of men. Ain't nothing going on but gladiator school and the arena. Consciousness. It's not pretty. It's The Apocalypse. The Return to The Source. The World Soul's Harvest. And it's hell.
The Dominant journey is different. It is truly about how you handle power. After all, you have all of it. You just don't know it. That is the problem. And then, of course you do. Why would you want to give up power? So you can feel it, that's why. But that is a monstrous journey. Let's see how it goes and if I am still alive, I can help you. I make no promises. But I know I have to do my time on earth. So let's believe it will work, before we are 90.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Consciousness Tips Update. Amera Ziganii Rao
The politics. Men 'beat' up women for a very simple reason. Men are reared to disrespect women. Women are reared to worship men. Men are reared to worship themselves in a strange bittersweet relationship of self loathing, because there is no parenting, or access given to them to feelings, the beginnings of what would be consciousness and so on. Men are not allowed to feel, by other men. Men are also, not allowed to feel, by other women. Their mothers. Mothers are not only reared to not accept male vulnerability, they are afraid of their sons. Sons are alone with their mothers therefore, and not allowed to be vulnerable, while being worshipped. Women worship men. Men want to be loved. Men are alone with their fathers, because the fathers are normally the Venus archeytype (for male Werewolves) and therefore have vulnerability for themselves but will not allow it in their sons. They abuse power, through their use of consciousness for their own ends. For a male agenda in a male household, and therefore, cannot be done with truth. Male agenda lives can only be lived without vulnerability. Men are alone with their fathers too. The Venus archetype in corruption is also not nearly as primally powerful as the Mars archetype male. Therefore men are not allowed to be vulnerable, but they are also not allowed to be their full primal and sexual power. Fathers stifle sons, so sons beat up women. Sons beat up women because that is their integrated conditioning. They are also angry as abandoned children, like us all.
Men beat up women because they are not allowed to feel, by other men. And the women who came before. Men beat up the women, because, usually, they can, through either physical means if literal, or through coercion if financial, coercion if sociological and so on, as men earn 90 percent of the world's income. And of course, through the sexual bond. He penetrates. She is to be penetrated. He nurtures. She is nurtured. That dynamic in itself takes away male vulnerability and female power.
If it is not tempered with compassion, ie, male vulnerability and the ability to cry and not be embarassed by lack of consciousness, the ability to love, and his own ability to be penetrated - prison time is a fascinating sociological aspect of this, something that makes men beat up women even more - men beat and rape women. Women get beaten up by men, because women are not allowed to show power and if they do, they are rejected, or beaten up. And certainly made to suffer economically. The world supports male coercion. Men are male. The overturning of conditioning matches the power of the mind. Anything can be accepted and changed.
Abuse of power is an institutional rearing of men. Abuse of power over men. Men are taught to abuse power through force, backed up by not being allowed to be vulnerable. Women are reared to believe men are absolutely not vulnerable. Women demand that men are not vulnerable, as men demand that women are not powerful.
Men obviously beat themselves up because they are as weak as they are strong. Men beat women because women are as weak as they are strong, but women have the courage to show they are weak. That is vulnerability. The so called 'womb envy' absolutely matches 'penis envy'. And it should. Actually, it is heart envy. Heart envy versus power envy.
Men have heart envy before ascending. Women have power envy before ascending. So women crave being able to worship a man and believe in that great myth, male invincibility (that men beat themselves up for, so they beat women too) while, craving power too.
Men crave being able to be powerful with a woman, and believe in the great myth of the damsel in distress, the girl who has to be helped and led in everything, the infant child girl, while, craving the right to be vulnerable.
The conflict is internal, but so easily projected. To ascend is to keep focusing on that conflict. To know that we are all allowed to be both, but to make the sacrifice to BE both.
So, for a man - and these things are generic on a different level again, for sure - he has to be safe in his vulnerability in life, while knowing he is a primal sex lord too.
A woman has to be safe in her power in life, while knowing she is a Lolita willing princess submissive too.
I found the power to be who I am. I found the power to be vulnerable. You could say I had the knowledge and the backing and the circumstance. A man finds his power in the same way. By being vulnerable. Having the power to be vulnerable. And still feel like a man.
One thing is true. Man or woman, it takes ENORMOUS courage to be vulnerable. Enormous.
Our memory is that when we were, everyone shat on us. Cruelty and abuse and being beaten up ourselves was the norm. So we got angry and that anger became our strength.
We hide our heart, our shame, our weakness, our vulnerability, our tenderness, our NAKEDNESS. And that makes us beat others up.
Male or female, werewolf or nymph, we all beat up people in ego, and this is called projection. Projection is making a decision from a negative emotion. Feel the fear and beat someone up because we don't want to feel the fear. We just feel the anger at the fear.
Soul is to beat oneself up instead of others. The discipline, the mind power is how fast one can control that negative emotion, look behind it and see what is going on.
It also takes something else. Genius. To be a life genius is to ascend into soul. We have just learnt that this is global ascension like I didn't even know. December 2012 was the Apocalypse to take us to 2014 and into the light of ascension at last and not the filth we have had to endure.
Genius is widely available for those who are chosen to be stripped and crucified this life into ascension. Genius is the ability to master that ego of hate and anger and pain and to beat it into purity in each moment so you go for the FEELING behind the emotion and you have the COURAGE and the RESPONSIBILITY to act from the FEELING.
You do that and you won't beat up women. You will cry with them instead. Your safety can be this. I love vulnerable powerful men. That was my ascension.
Yours is to love them too.
You love your vulnerability and you will not envy my ability to be it. You love your power again, with vulnerability and you will not beat up women. Because to get to that place, takes something else.
Re-conditioning your whole, entire mind, of what it has been conditioned with about women. Everything. You re-programme the polluted computer of mind that is ego and you have a clean hard drive.
I had another four years of re-conditioning after my ascension however. Which means you don't have to change everything but certainly enough. You will know when you have re-programmed enough and you have already done a great deal.
Genius is the ability to re-programme the mind at will and to speak and act from the place of NON PROJECTION so that even if you do, you can clean up your own mess, instead of pounding another person out of a need for dominion over others, because you have no mastery or DOMINION over yourself.
Ego is in charge of a person who has not ascended. 'Commodus' is your own ego. 'Commodus' is the mortal husk, from his self pity, to his true, carnal incestuous nastiness, to his gentle and considered fascism and so on. We are all that in ego. Soul is to tell it to shut up because finally, soul is in the driving seat. 'Commodus' beats up women. 'Maximus' doesn't, to continue to use Ridley Scott's Gladiator as the perfect analysis of good and evil. In ourselves.
'Lucilla' is the perfect female heroine too. She has power and she has access to her vulnerability. Intimacy is both of those things, being expressed to another, IN CONSISTENCY, and most so, to the person/people who mean the most.
You change the hard drive. You can change anything.
And yes, I will in different and the same ways, help. Consciousness is my pleasure. Money is yours. One day they will meet. In each of us as well as the team.
The marital friendship. Looking after the brother. Loving the sister.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Consciousness Tips Update. Amera Ziganii Rao
Meditation. I was four years into being ‘meditated’, before I realised that I had been meditating. Spiritual and modern alchemical and wizardry knowledge and personal development and esoteric spirituality teaching are priceless and cannot be overestimated. At the same time, there’s a lot of wank as in anything. That does not normally come from the original source scholars or mystics or teachers, but through polite society’s interpretation of it. Stupid. Judgmental. With a deliberate agenda, being unconsciously repeated. Anything from astrology, being dismissed as some kind of flimsy joke, to meditation being something Indian Yogis do and that’s truly, unnecessary or weird or far too disciplined.
At the same time, within the industry too, there is a mystery to it. As a novice, consciousness is overwhelming. The emotions react violently to being told that they don’t have to be so powerful, angry, needy, or fast and in charge of the mind. Resistance is massive. This is, if you like, low spiritual DNA.
In ego, I was much harder as a person. Other than in my behaviour, I mean that I was harder in my actual, vibration. The meaner and more bitter and more angry and more hurt and more wounded and more self parented into neglect and self hatred we are, the more we are literally, DNA harder. The more we are in the hard DNA of ego, the non spiritual, non trusting, non understanding self, the more we are in what is called, The Lower Chakras, the Chakras being energy points of ethereal and Universe energy significance. The more we are in that hard ego and The Lower Chakras, the energy points below the navel, the more we are, paradoxically – esotericism is pure paradox – weak. Weak hearted, weak minded, weak spirited, weak to fight and weak to give at the same time. Just a prune.
That is lack of self love. An energy field we are actually living in, which we feed every moment we do not monitor and rigidly discipline and train our THOUGHTS. The thoughts that come from emotional instinctual ‘feeling’. Emotion is the ‘feeling’. The FEELING behind ‘feeling’ is the pain, the hurt, the memory and above all, the unconscious response to something, that we created a long time ago, by an unconscious decision we made to something that happened in life.
Don’t even worry at this stage of why we have such a weird and useless ego that has to be totally re-created and then cleansed of its own debris. What is called (by another teacher, I cannot recall who) the mortal husk. But we do.
So, in the carnage of this earth that is normal society, we make these unconscious decisions, which are unconsciously based on terrible education, attitudes and views on people, on vulnerability, on imagination, on sex of course, on sensuality for sure – something that cultures like the host culture in England, actually do not possess, because they have wiped it out so effectively – and something that Muslim cultures for instance have twisted into something so removed from sensuality that it is taboo, other than behind closed doors, and so on. The stereotypes do apply. Especially when it comes to the unconscious drives of our mind. This mind is the lower mind. What I can now begin to call the fourth dimension mind. The normal mind, the polite society mind, the usual mind. The soap opera as literature mind, education or not. The mind is not about education or class. The mind is about knowledge. The ability to generate and access and integrate knowledge is education. Education is truly available to all. Again, polite society tells us that education stops at 18. 21 if you’re lucky. Adult learning is not something any of us enter easily. Because no one else does it. The lower mind is conformity. The lower mind is effectively asleep and most of us don’t ever step out of it, whether we are erudite lawyers or bus drivers or free newspaper reading commuters. Generic.
The ego part of us, the personality of the soul, the vehicle of our soul’s expression and performance in any lifetime – esotericism is reincarnation and religion or ‘the Richard Dawkins’ crowd is one life – is that mind. Asleep. We have no accessible knowledge to teach us that this mind is the first we have. The first computer we have to play with. Of course it doesn’t feel anywhere near as casual as that and if we have come from trauma and, most importantly of all, if we have been born to The Warrior Class, if we are the ‘highly temperamental’, ‘passionate’, ‘intense’ ‘extremely highly sensitive’, ‘light sensitive’, ‘cold sensitive’, erudite cynics we usually are, ego is anything but casual. It’s a fucking nightmare.
The unconscious ego, the one that is the low spiritual DNA, the fourth dimension, the normal world existence, what I have called First Existence, is a weapon with a mind of its own. And we have no idea what that weapon is going to do, when it is going to strike and who the hell is in control of it. Rage takes us straight into it and then it is woken up in its own barracks and goes to war, like any dutiful soldier, general and commander, all on its own. Ego is our ‘protector’. This is the conundrum. Before we ascend, before we shed the mortal husk debris of hate of the ego, we might be embarrassed of what the ego does, ie us, ie, some part of us that, well, either beats up women, or harridans men if you like, or is cruel, vindictive, shallow, judgmental, dehumanising, apathetic, resigned, scared, chronically depressed or angry, furious, piercingly bitter and nasty, but actually, we agree with it.
Now, on what level we agree with it, is unconscious and also partly conscious. We move with our view of external power. We attack and defend. And we do this either by retiring our selves behind the closed doors of a veneer or we adopt any manner of attack, whether it is self focused exploration of ‘feelings’ which results in the same questions and answers again and again and again, or we put people down. We mock, we hate, we dismiss, we put other people down, to make ourselves feel better. You know I speak of Werewolf. Nymph in ego isn’t too great either for sure, but keeps that all inside. It is even more self deceptive for that reason, but again, a strange self medicating way to be a good person.
The Warrior Class are obsessed with being good. That, in itself, makes us embarrassed. It seems to be admitting to be sub intelligent if you actually want to be good and loving and positive. And of course the main thing that ego and indeed superego has, as I have had to find out over the past four years, is resignation and hopelessness. Not pretend. Real hopelessness.
Because this is where it gets really heavy and complicated and yet is all part of the same process. The ego is ejected, the mortal husk is ejected, by converting it to love and the higher spiritual DNA matter of our beings as we ascend into the fifth dimension.
That’s heavy enough, but I didn’t even mean that. I wanted to express the logical, scientific system and that it is therefore a simple and psychological conversion of wounding into healing. No, what is heavy is that the ego carries our first memories of anything and will play out life through us, based on the decisions we made based on those first experiences. We have a corrupt hard drive running us, that we have no control over. Hence, The Warrior Class’s real need to explore rage. The obsession we all have with it and the self flagellation we mete out all the time, as we beat ourselves into being good. Being love. We are very powerful souls. That rage, as you have seen with mine in superego even, is enormous.
Hesitation in the unascended human being is therefore totally and utterly understandable. We don’t trust that level of power because we don’t know who is running it.
So, my point here is this. I am ‘the word’ (in many ways) as a wordsmith. Knowledge is crucially important and seeing as The Vatican has vast quantities of ancient esoteric knowledge stuck under it, out of sight, out of mind, the same Vatican that meted out genocide on ‘the witch’ for hundreds of years, the anti Eve Nazis of this world, that all religious establishments are, I would say knowledge is more than important. Men beat up women because religion stole the real mind of the world. Spiritual knowledge. And yet for all that, there is something else that shifted me and what shifts everyone. It is called meditation. And it shifts you without you even looking.
Meditation converts the spiritual DNA of our whole being into the highest light we are capable of being in this life on earth. The remit is therefore vast for The Warrior Class. And the ascension, once within ascension, let alone global ascension, is infinite. The vibration of both humane compassionate love and certain, faultless power grows forever, just through meditation.
Now, what is meditation. As I say, I got all confused and overwhelmed because everyone was talking about it as this or that or this or that. I am sure all those things are somehow relevant, especially from spiritual teachers. My way was individual and completely blind. I ‘spent a long time being blessed by the spirits’ as Gil Scott Heron says. Seven straight years at a spiritual centre of great esoteric, written and oral material. The College of Psychic Studies for anyone who is in London. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
I didn’t go as a student. I was far too dissolute, wounded, hurt and crippled to care. I had begun my spiritual journey for sure, but it was long, detailed and very visceral. At that point, I was still a complete neophyte, there out of necessity in the true way of all seekers. I went for what is called spiritual healing. Healers worked with energy to ‘bring down the light’. For half an hour – for almost nothing as they were putting their time in for free or building up hours after graduating in spiritual skills – they would work through advanced intuition to find out where something was going on and then they would ‘bring down the light’ or indeed, give theirs, channelling all the way. I suppose you could say that a light healer like that is a meditator for someone else. I closed my eyes for the whole half hour and let them do their extraordinary work.
We think of meditation as being quiet. Or we think of meditation as being pure or we think of meditation as being a waste of time. We are far too busy and fast and necessarily toned and wound up for business on any given day to think about something that sounds like a Sunday afternoon. This is what spirituals call the material approach. For me, it is obviously at ridiculous levels, because of my path. I have been stripped of all material things, sure, but much more, material life. That is being materialistic. All non holy life, let’s say is material. ‘The chattering mind’ is what many call it. The lower mind. The mind that won’t let you stop to have a cup of tea, because you are worried about the end of the world, or the end of your world. Again, this is material worry.
Meditation is not, in other words a pastime. Now, I should quote what Sufi knowledge – the esoteric branch of Islam, where it really happens, like Quakers in Christianity or Kabbalists in Judaism – says about meditation. That there are three forms of communing with God, (The Universe) which are, prayer, meditation and what is called Sobbet. They are scaled. All take us to Spirit, the feeling of Spirit, the comfort of Spirit and the shifting of the DNA of our link to Spirit inside us. We spiritualise ourselves through any of those three things, as we also gain – if we are lucky – the esoteric knowledge of empowerment and freedom to go with it. Sobbet is what I do. Meditation is what I did for years. I miss it. I am far too busy Sobbeting to even have a chance to meditate. Sobbet is what religion has defined, only prophets do. Well, that may be true. It is the most advanced state of communing. Global ascension means there are many prophets on earth today. I do Sobbet. Rumi, the famed Sufi poet, called it the mystic exchange with God. That’s what I do. Through my spiritual vibration and being that has been built and crafted for almost two decades. That is Clair Cognisance. Supernatural high knowledge. Sobbet is the mystic exchange with The Universe. Consciously.
17 years ago, I knew nothing and beat people up too. And of course, myself most of all. Ain’t nothing exclusive about spirituality. Religion takes care of that. And makes us all the weaker for it of course, as is its intention. Prayer however at least is being done. Prayer comforts many many people. It is one of the three true ways to commune with God. That at least is true. And let’s just remember, God, The Mother, The Universe, The Womb of Creation, God. Not a guy sitting on a throne with a white beard. And not the Wizard of Oz. Always re-programme in each moment. Don’t let anything lie. Don’t let thought just plonk itself onto you. Be vigilant always. Watch that mind and change it. Change the hard drive.
Meditation is the second scale. As I say, when I first realised that I had actually been meditating for four years or so by the time I realised what mediation was, I was amazed. Everyone had made it sound so mysterious, so hard to attain, so hard to focus, so hard to do this and that and all the rest of it. The first time I did it, I was hooked.
I was hooked because it’s like drugs. And I fast began to see light. All the colours of the chakras, the colours of the spectrum are available to me and many others, when we close our eyes. I found that if I was focusing on the issues of a particular chakra – the red one in the sacrum, our lower back is about support, emotional support, feeling loved, feeling safe and the like – I, unknowingly, would start seeing the particular colour of that chakra. I could see the energy link so clearly, that it began to dawn. Now, I come from a very logical and cerebral mind protection ego. I had to suppress all emotion. I was a girl and supposed to look good and be obedient. The Werewolves famously love their instinctual selves. The same selves you are trying to tame for sure. Meditation should in theory be easier for you. But of course, it all takes calm.
However, calm is subjective. I have meditated for years with very loud rnb blasting in my ears. And it takes me straight to the zone. What is the zone? Bliss. Meditation is bliss. Accessing bliss at any moment, anywhere, anyhow in any situation. The more you meditate, the more you INTEGRATE bliss into your being. In other words, alongside the essential gathering of knowledge, you also have a responsibility to change the energy of your body and there is great help. The bliss of The Universe, available to all of us.
In other words, meditation is a conscious form of a blissful nap. It doesn’t matter if you fall asleep during it. Sleep from meditation is even more blissful than usual sleep. And again, highly transformative.
I focus on it today with the new knowledge for me of what global ascension actually is. The awake bliss I suddenly feel, that whatever the fuck December 2012 was, that was not ascension as I would understand it to be. Pure carnage is what I would call it and I am sure there are many who agree. Til now. Now, we are to enter the light. I would say this is the perfect time to begin meditation and to get highly addicted to it.
Your spiritual DNA will shift fast. We keep feeding that ego with knowledge, in other words, positive thinking really and you, one, everyone can add to that process fast by meditating.
Centre, and feel. That’s it. See where you go. Centre yourself with your eyes closed, ignore the backchat and even if carries on, just separate that from another mind. You will discover what all sages and spirituals have discovered before you. Bliss is all around us and it is the highest form of love intelligence. It is The Universe. The ability to access it is what I can see as the fifth dimension now. Ascension is permanently living in the fifth dimension. Mediation is approaching it with the greatest help there is. The Universe.
That, added to the knowledge gives you the final parenting you have searched for your whole abandoned child life, like me. We are that spiritual. We are The Warrior Class, Werewolf or Nymph. We have enormous access to this power, like no one else on earth, other than the evils, who use it for their own ‘Dracula’ ends. The evils hid it under The Vatican and killed me. And their counterparts long before The Vatican even got involved in the carnage that is this world. They have this knowledge and they use it everywhere. Meditation or indeed Sobbet or prayer is therefore our daily and committed responsibility.
The understanding of what is going on is irrelevant right now. The energy of The Universe is love, that’s all that is needed to be known. What is love is what is needed to be known. Total and empowering Divine love. Being shot right up inside of you, like a plug of love power. Self love power and love power. Daydreaming indeed.
Mediation is daydreaming into the fifth dimension. Mediation is daydreaming with the sensitivity and advanced mind and energy system of The Warrior Class. Meditation is therefore about the most powerful thing you could ever do.
And I began the journey by thinking yoga was namby pamby. It is pure power. Spiritual, shifting, energy power straight from The Source.
Close your eyes and give it a go. Listen to whatever you want, close your eyes wherever you want. And just dream your way into the fifth dimension. You are almost there already.
Meditation is bliss. And not only does it make you powerful, it makes you finally, able to be alone. Love dependency, even though I am going to stop now, but just to give you the context for motivation, is chasing the Divine energy of The Universe in another person. In other words, to cure ourselves of love dependency, whether it is the Homicidal Selfish™ gene or the more direct version of love dependency in non Werewolves, all love dependency being addiction to love, we understand finally that that energy can be accessed from The Source at any time. It still takes sacrifice. We love people and we love the people we love. The pain of stepping back is excruciating for people like us. We also like being free. To become a master, you accept both those things. We do it for ourselves and not because we ought to. Motivation likes that. We do it to be cool. To be self mastered, to be in control of ourselves and to have high self esteem and no self consciousness. We do it to be cool. We do it so we can have the ABILITY to love.
The ability to love, the womb envy thing, the heart envy I called it, is actually consciousness envy because it is love envy. Of course female consciousness is almost non existent – exactly – because The Vatican has destroyed our real past – so men are envying something in women that does not actually exist. Like my father dependency, I could not see male vulnerability. Men also do not see female vulnerability, because we are supposed to have the ability to love and if we don’t you are confused for ever. Our dreams are real. Our dreams hurt because they are real. The problem is this. Earth is not real.
It’s also, basically, part of the plan. And that doesn’t matter. What matters is that meditation, the act of closing your eyes until you see something, is how I would put it; see or feel something, changes the spiritual matter of DNA. Added to that is this morsel, Wayne Dyer taught me. That the higher up the scale you go, the more you meditate, the more you just meditate for yourself, the more you affect the vibration of this planet.
That the higher up the scale you are naturally, the more people you will affect by your very own meditation. Simply by vibrating the love energy. Meditation is basically, going back to the real womb. Going back to one’s real individual birth family. Going back to one’s real parents.
That is power. Give it a try.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
And God Created Woman ll Pt ll (lll). A Self Portrait
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™
The Super Sacred Father Brother Lover™
The Return To The Source. Ascension.
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. When we were giants. All of us. When you did more than rape me.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Neo Feminist™, Post Tribe Social Reformer™ and Sacred Sexualist™. Human Rights Healer. Metaphysical Philosopher, Writer, Spiritual Intelligence Teacher, Hierophant (Interpreter of The Universe) and Mentalist Self Actualiser.
I can help you grow power, from nothing.
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Hierophant™ and Sacred Pimp Warrior Protector, Brother Lover™ Society. The kings and queens of old. Angels and Sorcerers together in each of themselves and in the other. The Wizard life. Forever. Living and loving from The Source. Sourcery, Carlos Castaneda first said. I'll say it again. Sourcerers together. Living a life worth living. At last.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Witches are healers. Witches are the Love Healers and SOURCErers of The Lost World, when we were the giant warriors. We were good and so were were you. 'The World of Men'. The Tribe of Misogyny and Bourgeois™.
Gives us all a bad name. And poisons all hearts.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Feminist Lolita Intellectuals™. You lucky man. A place at the table, a place at the Executive Table. That's all. The rest is easy.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
The Company.
Writer, Speaker and Enlightener, Amera Ziganii Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. A programme of learning that is specifically about one particular kind of woman. And one particular kind of man. The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the true society that they come from and the one they, in particular, she can and has to return to and that anyone can join her and him in. This is about Paradise on Earth.
This is about The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity that is for all as a result of their healing and in particular, hers. This is about the kind of woman who is at the bottom of the pile in a Patriarchal Toilet Tribe from Hell Society™, the norm, the conventional world and the world of the Tribe. This is about the kind of man who is next in line from the bottom. The sensitive man and the female chattel. The High Priestess and High Priest of a profane society, that has long forgotten who they are.
This is about being at the bottom of the pile, for the forgotten and strangled shamans, and for her, the story of escape. Abused by her family, her friends, her men, her whole society, by the very nature of who she is and who they are and what has happened on this Earth. It is about women of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about men of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about the Cinderellas of this world. It is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™. Who she is and how, loving her is the secret to Paradise on Earth and how we have been living a lie for 8000+ years. A lie of male (non High Priest) religion with a male ‘God’ and with Patriarchs and Patriarchal types and Matriarchs and Matriarchal types ruling over us and making our lives hell, all in the name of family, the tribe and the way things are and should remain. Hate, fascism and profanity. A sick society that vilifies, more than anyone else, the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, just because it was told to. A sick society that calls her Eve. A sick society that has forgotten who we all are, let alone the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™. This is about us remembering and knowing who WE are.
This is a programme of healing for the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, to take them and particularly, her, from monstrous levels of low self esteem and lack of self knowledge, back to herself and it is a programme for all those who truly want to love her, and indeed, him. This is a programme for the greatest carers on Earth, who are vilified, destroyed, ridiculed, ignored, abused, used, misused and hated for being everything that those who would steal from us are not. This is a programme to turn Cinderellas into The Sacred Whore High Priestesses and for anyone who wants to love her or live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. And this is a programme to turn sensitive men into Sacred Whore High Priests™ and for anyone who wants to love him and live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and High Priest Society. Love, humanity, Spirit and sex. This is a programme to reverse 8000+ years of witch burning, women hating and healer ridicule. This is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and all those who would love her and live by her values.
This is about the chance for Paradise on Earth. This is a programme for the most beautiful, kind hearted, wounded women and men on this planet. A programme of how to implement a system of how to beat life, how to survive life and how to resurrect from the grief that is a true life. Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, ‘happy’, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. How to turn grief into creation and survive and thrive, despite all the shit, all the pain and all the hurt. How to live in a world of madness, hollowness and cruelty and how to be a winner. How to stand up for oneself and to take back the power that has been stolen from anyone with heart, Spirit and sex. The art and science of Alchemy.
This is a programme, based on my scholarly and non scholarly work over 15 years (so far), if not for my whole life, and my extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of relative bliss, and above all, the right to be. The programme and the courses and my speaking and indeed my forthcoming book, will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. Who the Sacred Whore High Priestess™ is and why she is here. And who the Sacred Whore High Priest™ is. Why we are here. Who we are and what we are and why we are. The beauty and glory of the truth. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the future.
My first book of consciousness, my first book of the spiritual politics of humanity, of authentic power and of self love and strength. A comprehensive series of online courses, live events and audio and visual material. Books, live events, CDs and DVDs. And one on one personal empowerment consultations. The Amera Ziganii Rao Method of Change™. The right to be and the way to have the right to be. And indeed, how to maintain the will to live without love. How to BE unconditional, self sufficient, self caring, self love. The right to be and the will to be and the unparalleled success that comes with that. The Lost Knowledge™. HOW to live. And how to heal others, the profane and the sick and the soulless. The others. My Business and that of any Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and Sacred Whore High Priest™, is Human Rights, The Right to a Sexual Society, Self Actualisation and Freedom.
My Business is To Overthrow Fascism, in the Home and in the Country. My business is also mastering destiny. Overthrowing the ultimate 'fascism'. Our journey on Earth and The Return To The Source. Our healing, our ascension and our redemption. Fate. The daily crucifixions of a true life, the challenges and the fury of being healers and people of love on a planet like Earth.
Submitting to the journey to liberate and evolve oneself, through following one's heart, however much heartbreak and devastation it leads to on the long long long journey to freedom and then the longer journey to happiness. 'Long Road to Freedom', as Nelson Mandela says. My business is always taking risks, never giving up and making the endless sacrifices it takes to become whole. Enlightenment, Nirvana and then Parinirvana and beyond. My business is pain. My business is bliss.
My business is seeing the truly glory of Spirit on Earth. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™ and all that it is. Spirit, humanity, sex and love again at last. And the end of our legacy as either servants or witches or unpaid carers or indeed, ignored mistresses, other women, other men even, and the weirdos that are at the bottom of society. This is our world and it is time to take it back and I can show you how. And that makes my life, truly, worth living.
I want you to feel the way I do. Alive, with the right to be and the belligerence to exist in this profane and male ‘God’ led world of male supremacy, female supremacy, domestic, casual fascism, tribe rules from hell, with beautiful and kind, love intelligence laden, female and male Cinderella warriors at the bottom, caring for everyone else and getting nothing but hatred, ridicule and isolation for it. The meek are already inheriting the Earth and I can show you how.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
I am THE High Priestess Monarch of the ancient past and I forgive you for becoming enslaved and taken over by the machines of the alien reptile force that invaded and took over Earth 8000 years ago. They taught you to hate me and my kind and you believed them. They told you I and my kind were dictators and that you were slaves, when all we had done was love you, honour you as companions and above all, we had let you just live.
We were the holy communers, the ones who gave birth to human beings, the leaders of society, the creators of society, the vehicles of Divinity on Earth and the channels of wisdom. The ones who looked after everything and the ones who built everything and ran everything, because we could. And because we loved it. We are and were the force of creation. And you loved us and you lived.
But they told you that you ‘deserved’ power too and that we were the ones standing in your way. And you believed them. The oldest ‘divide and rule’ strategy of hate in history and it worked. They used it and you bought it, hook, line and sinker. You had to give up sex, love, magic and your own spiritual gifts and you burnt, destroyed and violated me for 8000 years.
The world calls that male supremacy. And indeed, family supremacy, Matriarchal supremacy and supremacy of the material world and all who believe in it. Men and women like you. When all that you are are slaves to a reptile force to generate hate energy for them to live and thrive and vampire the human race. The puppets of a hate force, that chose to destroy women and men like me, for hate to grow, so they could live. You bought it and it worked. The greatest fraud in the history of the world.
I am THE High Priestess Monarch of the ancient past and I forgive you for becoming enslaved and taken over by the machines of the alien reptile force that invaded and took over Earth 8000 years ago. They taught you to hate me and my kind and you believed them. They taught you that my mind was evil. My mind, my sex, my body and my ways of life.
The humanity, the glory of sexuality and the glory of creation and creativity and the glory of Divinity in each and every one of us. Our souls. They taught you that human beings are separate from Divinity, that sex was wrong and that women who have minds of their own are uppity slaves. They vilified us but much much worse than that, they destroyed your relationship with all that is unseen, all that we honour and love.
They taught you to hate what is really God. By teaching you to hate us, you hated all that is good in yourselves. They taught you to hate the light. They taught you to kill us. The daughters of The Universe. The High Priestesses of God. The Spiritual Mothers. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Avatars of The Universe™. The Sacred Army of Love on Earth.
The Shamans, the Mystics and the Communers. The Hierophants.
They called me Eve and blamed me for the downfall of the human race and created the awesome profanity that is religion. Of men, by men and from men. Of reptiles, by reptiles and from reptiles. Christianity, Islam and Judaism and every other philosophy around the world was poisoned. There are no female spiritual leaders left. It is all profanity. They chose you to represent them because they wanted to divide us and they did. They told you to hate me. And you believed them. Now I am back and I forgive you.
I forgive you because I can. Because I came here to save your soul. And because I finally know who I am. I am THE High Priestess Monarch of the ancient past. I came here to return your soul to The Source. God, The Mother, The Universe. To return you to what is really God. Because I love you. And because She loves you and your kind, whatever you have done.
Whatever you have done to me and whatever you have done to Her. And most of all, whatever you have done to yourself. We forgive you. This is your redemption. Your freedom and your ascension. We are here to save your soul.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
You bought the Sacred Whore like a piece of meat and you called that a wife. Your trophy wives. Your dancing girls. Your chattel and serving girls. Your piece of beauty. You bought us like you would cattle. Then you called it wives. Now you call it prostitution. The High Priestesses of the real God. You bought us to buy God, The Mother, The Universe and you caged us, separated us from our Divine gifts and skills in the Temple and drove us mad and then lost interest in us, because we had no gifts left, no excitement, no hunter in ourselves and no hope or joy left. Then you just called us mad and discarded us. You called us evil and you call love obedience, even though it had already killed us. You moved into our Temples and you played with the divination tools and thought you communed. The destruction of Atlantis was your gift.
You stole us from God, The Mother, The Universe and you tried to usurp us. You vilified us, enslaved us and you still envy us today. You call it intuition. You might want to think about this when you hate us out of your jealousy. The mystic gene means physical tortuous pain and taking on the empathy of the human race. All their pains, evils and dark thoughts. We see and feel everything. We make crucial sacrifices to be near Spirit and the unseen and we go without for years. To be shaman is not glamour. I make it glamour. To be shaman is a specific Samurai existence, ascetic and harsh. We commune to be guides. And you take that and you shame yourselves because you just want the meat. You didn’t just want the meat. You wanted our beauty of spirit, our personalities and our love and kindness. And you destroyed them, because you caged us and called us wife.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
The High Priestess Sacred Whores, the High Priests and the true protectors. Those who do not have the gift like either the High Priests or especially like the highest of all, the High Priestess Sacred Whores but who honour, protect and facilitate them to the world. Who honour the Shaman Sacred Whores of this world most of all, and who know who they are and who they are not. Who know the difference, who do not envy and who protect and love the representatives of Spirit, GOD, THE MOTHER, THE UNIVERSE, on Earth. Who honour their wisdom and who honour the latent Shaman in themselves too and who honour the communing ability of the High Priestess Sacred Whores. The non violators. Our only friends. The New Society exists. It is called Enlightenment. It is called Love. It is The Holy Grail.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
The master race. It's all a lie. You are brought up to be a despot king and it is only your sister who ever tells you that you have become a pratt. The master race is all a lie. There are no kings in an equal world. Your father was misinformed. What he brought you up to be was a killer. Pure and simple. A misogynist. A modern misogynist. A polite killer.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I 'mysticise' the Universe. I escape at will, the truth of my humanless, Samurai solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am philosopher. I am shaman. I am alone. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Amera Ziganii Rao is a former hard news journalist who is now turning professional with her art forms and indeed, her healing forms, after a long journey of inner searching, self teaching and exploring many layers and areas of both craft and wisdom. She is now working on her first book of philosophy and esoteric thought, and social, cultural and spiritual commentary. She is also showing her first photography collections. And last but most definitely not least, she is building a business to share her Sacred Whore High Priestess Society consciousness and empowering explorations to reach as many people as possible across the world. She is in her forties and lives in London.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life, in this insane existence called The Universe. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Amera Ziganii Rao’s Well Endowed Mind. Mikal Konali. Yush Magazine
Any day now an unknown writer will burst onto the scene, amidst a media frenzy proclaiming "overnight success". That person could very well be Amera Ziganii Rao. And the success would have been decades in the making...
Amera Ziganii Rao is no longer a journalist and has not been for 14 years. She had a melt down and walked away to find a new path in life.
Her world was formerly the media and she covered news in print, TV and radio, for The Voice newspaper during the 1980s, the BBC in the 1990s, and then on cable TV before the digital revolution exploded, consigning the rest to history.
She re-imagined herself as an esoteric master, teacher, healer, alchemist, mystic, self-taught writer, dramatist and photographer.
Or, as she puts it, she developed a “suitably mythological level of existence and one that has been deeply visceral and painful, physically and emotionally.”
Freedom, sedition and self-responsibility are among the themes that like her. However, it is her writing which sets her apart.
Amera simply had to explore the agony of “true love” and leave behind “the bourgeois and conformity tribe mentality we are all imprisoned by.” Essentially hers is a journey of discovery, of freeing the mind into the heart and soul. A profound journey in a shallow world, which she feels, is “worth every step of it.” Although, we imagine, it is not a journey for the squeamish or faint hearted.
She is also an attractive, well-endowed woman – points not lost on visitors to her blog. “You have a busy brain and an impressive cleavage,” remarked Vivien Loh, British TV Drama Creative. “Very interesting and fascinating,” an American professor chimed in. “Love how your mind works.”
With credentials and accolades like these, we simply had to stop her and ask the inevitable 20 Questions…
Amera Ziganii Rao
Why Featured
Promising unpublished writer, bags of creative talent, askew angle on finding true love and other visceral vicissitudes. You what? Precisely!
01. Profession
02. Age Region
03. Birthday
February 4
04. Right or left handed
Right handed
05. Philosophy on family life
06. Who's been your greatest inspiration in life?
The brave and the free. Those of sex and the soul.
07. What current world issue are you most unhappy with? And why?
The Patriarchal Womb Stealing Toilet Tribe Society that affects the whole world. The sickness of female dehumanisation. It affects everything and everyone. Whether it is the so called Whore and Madonna syndrome, or war, poverty, cruelty or slavery.
08. If you could how would you bring about world peace?
Consciousness, esoteric knowledge and inner ascension. If we all healed ourselves, there would be no war. Evil would die because we wouldn’t listen anymore.
09. Which one piece (or series) of creative works (past or present) are you most impressed with? And why?
Tennessee Williams' plays and Picasso’s art. Simple. The brave and the free. The sex and the soul.
10. How much does your religion influence the kind projects you do or will consider doing?
I left religion at the age of eight. God has no religion. Mahatma Gandhi.
11. Are there any topics you would definitely not consider doing a movie on?
Cockroaches or any insect.
12. What percentage (100%, 50%, 25%, etc.) of your soul would you be willing to sell in order to be successful?
13. What personal sacrifices have you had to make it to where you are today?
I’ve lost everything and everyone. I have walked away from fascism and mediocrity and of course the Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Society, my whole life.
14. What's the best advice you would give to anyone wanting to make it in their chosen career?
It’s not a choice. You do it or you don’t. The art, the freedom, the true love, the sex and the heart.
15. What's your favourite overseas holiday destination? Or, which overseas destination would you really love to visit for holiday? And why?
Cuba. I've been trying to get there for years.
16. When you leave this planet how would you like to be remembered?
I stood for integrity, freedom, courage and kindness. I tried to help as many people as possible to feel good about themselves.
17. What do you admire most in a man?
Courage, individuation and the ability to leave the Patriarchal Womb Stealing Toilet Tribe Society.
18. Would you stay with a man who hit you?
Metaphorically or literally, all men (of one archetype) hit all women (of the other archetype). It is part of the journey, to liberate from the Patriarchal Womb Stealing Toilet Tribe Society.
19. Female circumcision, for or against?
The purest evil of the world. Obviously against. What a question.
20. Who would play you in a film of your life?
Jean Simmons, Elizabeth Taylor or Vivien Leigh or Maureen O’Hara as was. Today, Julianne Moore, Angela Bassett or Kate Winslet.
Mikal Konali. Yush Magazine
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Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Thank you to outside source for photographs. Darkroomed by Amera Ziganii Rao