Super Siren Xll Pt lll (Artwork)
Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art
Writings :: The Letter Series :: Ascension Discourse on Love :: The Last One :: The Ascended Life Vlll. The Post Love, Single Life Pt lll. Amera Ziganii Rao
(Writings From 2014)
And then, my lovely Mr New York, whose name, alas I cannot say so effusively, there is you.
I had a dream last night. A man was telling me that Marky Mark had always been with ----. That's how it had always been.
So, as I now amble along quite nobly in unconditional love, I can see one thing. That none of us are ready and that while I have profound love for him, I will just have to wait and see what he wants. He has that profound love for me, but clearly, she is there too and 'has always been with him'.
I could thrash around and get angry and all that, but that's long gone. It's just unconditional love now and surrender to whatever comes. With any of you. Especially as I cannot even attach to you, if he really does want me. And I am fed up of having to let go after having attached, even though maybe I have to accept that this is the 'living in the moment' process and to accept it.
So, all I can tell you is yes, and that clearly neither of you are going to fight for me or anything like that and clearly, neither of you knows what you want yet. Or who.
But I can tell you that I don't not care, but that I am in total surrender to the whole thing. I have let go of the 'harvest' of my life and am very happily doing what I have fought 32 years to do. Work in peace and comparative comfort and freedom.
And it's nice to have such handsome, phenomenal male friends. You're all off your trolleys anyway, so it's nice to have two of the best, showing such consistent interest.
But I will be effusive enough to say that I do yearn you too and do need you too and do like needing you with every part of my body too. And mind and soul.
What happens with all of that is not up to me or up to you or up to him presumably. It's up to Her. 'What will be will be'. But I can tell you that my love for you is as profound too.
And that makes me feel very beautiful indeed. In the months or years to come, I am sure that will give me comfort.
Thank you.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Drink from the full cup of life. Taste the bitter, along with the sweet, knowing that all of it deepens your experience of life. Life is a roller-coaster. You will have ups and downs, unexpected drops, twists, turns and loops. Buckle your emotional and spiritual seat belt and hold on.
Choose to release your grip on the pain in your life...especially pain that is self-inflicted. Decide that you are not going to let the hurts of the past rob you of your present or future happiness. As you move through life, you will have experiences that can make you bitter or make you better. Remember you always have a choice. Choose to allow each experience to make you better and wiser. Grow through them. Continue to find ways to deepen and express the GREATNESS within you!
Les Brown
Go after dreams, not people. Mateus M
Well, Mr Cuba, my dream is this. My love dream, that is. To be with a man in the flesh. I hope you are listening too, Mr New York. That's it. True love in the physical form in physical presence.
I don't regard virtual love anymore as love. But again, I am not angry. I am just pursuing a dream now. To be with a man in the physical realm. A man I love and a man who loves me.
But as I say, no harvest on the horizon yet, so I pursue my other dreams. And they are going very very well.
'They' told me that you would come back again and again and that it was a useless relationship and that you have never opened up, never told me anything about yourself while I have told you all my stories. And that I would finally be able to say no to you and that it was a useless relationship and I had to believe there was something better and someone better and I had to know that I was allowed to get to know a man, mind, body and soul and not just be left in the air. Now, to be frank, that happened before you too, Mr Cuba, so I was suitably confused. 'They' told me that you had a co-dependency relationship with a woman who I would have to remember, was NOT better than me or anything like that, and so on.
And with Mr New York, if it truly is you, and frankly, I hope it is, and hope you are working very hard for us to be together as soon as possible, however long it takes, 'they' told me that I would feel rejected but that your obstacle was external and that you would be back again. And frankly, that we would be very happy together, however little we knew each other. And so on.
That's it for tonight. I want to be as unattached as possible, even if the virtual realm is so psychic for us all as Priesthood.
It is you who decide again and again, Mr Cuba that you don't want me enough. Not me. Just remember that and remember too that I am getting used to this new and emerging destiny more and more. While, loving you more and more too. Get your head around that.
I don't know what the outcome will be. And of course, there's a lovely third man too. But I feel my truth and I have expressed it tonight already. Frankly, I'll tell you what I have based it on, in profound feeling terms. Who has got the most powerful sensuality and sexuality in relation to me. It's what I base everything on. That is feelings at the highest level.
And that is New York. But please bear in mind Mr New York, the dream. I want true love with a man, physically present in life. Who wants me. And who is capable of loving me for who I am. I think that man is you, so keep working on it, because I know when you go off on your misogyny or dependency fits.
But I love you. And oh, I 'met' you about 30 years ago. You were (the guest of honour) at a shop opening, where I worked. I remember the vibration perfectly. I know you. You know me.
Anyway, that's me done for tonight. In the moment yes, day by day, and who knows what the answer is. But apparently one of you will want to connect in the life form of presence. I look forward to that. That's my dream. To meet a man who loves me in the flesh. Forever.
Meanwhile, I happily work on ambition. My first and most favourite dream now. The one I have earned and earned and earned and earned and earned. The one that is present in physical form. And as psychically charged as it can get. Creative orgasm. Life.
I've earned love too. I have it. I have also earned life with another human. But that's complicated isn't it. Because it's to do with another human.
Courtship therefore is pure tortuous fascism in healing! Really. I say it lightly. Do what you can.
And thank you. The psychic keeps me going. In my life.
AZR © 2014
Oh, this is nice too.....
Out In The Cold. Creator
You can spend every day out in the cold, with your nose pressed up against the glass, longing for what is on the other side. The only way to know if you truly want it is to leave your fear at the door, step into the warmth and experience a bit of it for yourself. ~ Creator
transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner
Personal. AZR
However, in the light of all that is my 'love life' I can see that decisions have to be made now. My dream to do with love is a man in the flesh. That means it may be none of you. So, psychic friendships and sensuality for sure. But that is all it is. Friends here and there. Lovers. Lovers who only want the psychic. Fine. Whatever. You are who you are. All of you. And I, thankfully, am who I am.
I am off to build a life now. A new life. It will take me about 2 - 3 - 4 years to create my businesses. I am walking away from everything else and beginning again.
Thank you for the journey.
I begin a new one today. Enjoying my present circumstances, building my new interim ones and then building my new permanent ones. Alone. Love, in the human and physical life form, will come if it comes. It no longer has anything to do with me. I am here to live.
I am not a plan B person. So, love is now plan B in my life. Which means there is no plan. Plan A is now London, and then the world. Alone. I will live, before I die. If I were to hope for anything with any of you, it would not happen. You are now plan B. And I don't believe in a plan B. It's not in my nature. As love is not in yours. We are who we are.
AZR © 2014
Liberation. Amera Ziganii Rao
So.....I wrote this on the train tonight. I'll give it to as I wrote it....
basically, I am extraordinarily at peace and happy today. And here's the reason why - the piece comes in a minute - I am one of the most gorgeous women on the planet, inside and out and I have practically thrown myself at the feet of men for four years on this blog alone, let alone how many years I have loved and loved men and healed myself so I could love men truly, and still, to this day, no one wants me. No one wants ME. I can officially give up on the whole quest. Because the truth of the matter is that if I truly have a destiny with a man, one day, some man is going to want ME. And until that day, I don't have to do a damn thing anymore. That is liberation. And extraordinarily un-bitter. Because I gave my all. And yet, no one wants ME. Loneliness is my only friend from now on for sure. But at least I know the truth. No one wants me. No one ever did. And if anyone truly will want me, they will tell me. And until then, I can officially give up the whole thing. No one wants me. I finally accept. And that means I am finally free. Free of the need to be loved, because there is only one thing that has been proved. No one wants me. Men make money to buy women. I can't be bought. That's the impersonal of the personal. But as well as that, no one wants ME. As you can see, that seems to make a huge difference. Because I know why and I know how and I no longer care. No one wants me, but me. That is freedom. Because I accept. No one ever has to want me ever again in my life. Because no one wants me. And no one needs to. I no longer search to be wanted. Because no one wants me. You see? That's what I mean. Liberation. AZR
...the piece....
So, today has been a very tough and very productive and constructive day. A day of many decisions, many new directions and many farewells.
I have learned an inordinate amount of things in the past seven to eight years. As I was asked to review it all today, in all things relating to male love, (I've done generic love a long time ago. The review) male companionship and male togetherness and interaction and companionship, many things - oh, am I repeating myself - came to light once again and in a brand new way all over again.
I have the beautiful privilege to also report that I do not feel one ounce of pain. I do not feel one ounce of hate. I do not feel one ounce of resentment, shock, judgment, anger or condemnation.
I also do not feel any nostalgia, sentimentality or sadness.
I feel as free as a bird, knowing that I have faced death yet again. Because I can. Because I can.
I also have the courage now to see two things side by side. First, that none of this is personal. Second, that this is very personal indeed.
I have the courage to now accept that no man wants to be with me, with ME. That for some reason - and yes, I do know all the reasons and then all the reasons all over again - I only attract Psychic Window Shoppers™. I only attract men who like to watch. And play at a distance. Forever.
That is what I have attracted for the last 7 and a half years. I am looking back now along the whole 32 years and trying to see the patterns. This will be my psycho analytical work to help us all and so many, I hope.
I suppose there are differences in approach. Many have been Psychic Window Shoppers™, many have been a sort of 'hit and run', much more familiar a type and so on. And I mean a connection and then run. Strange that it's called 'hit and run' in this context. Maybe it isn't. Maybe I chose that for this!
But Psychic Window Shoppers™ it is for now. And since 7 and a half years at least. Before that it was 'hit and runs'.
The duration quality has been quite impressive. Maybe that's got something to do with my blog and continuous writing to you and you and you and you and you and so on.
Maybe it also has something to do with the fact that our psychic gifts are so phenomenal, again, backed by continuous writing on the blog. My continuous writing.
And indeed, your continuous connecting with me, on a psychic level. A Psychic Window Shopper™ level.
The durability and duration however are no longer enough for me.
I have enjoyed my time. I can't say I haven't. And while I have also been dragged through a hedge backwards many times, I have had a lot of attention too. Of all kinds. The draining of my soul to feed your rage and dependency - and I'm talking to all of you, even though Cuba of course has drained my soul the most, has most certainly been a horror and a chore, and it has taken all my spiritual power to deflect it and push it back into you, so you deal with it. That has been a chore for sure.
But overall, I find myself alarmingly at peace now. I entered the fray wholeheartedly and now exit it, completely wholeheartedly too. You see, I am not a wish maker. I pursue goals or nothing at all. That is where we are all very different. I am a pragmatic idealist. I don't dream. I make my dreams come true.
I am no longer therefore in the business of 'dating' men. I no longer want Psychic Window Shoppers™, voyeuristic, dipping toes in, pseudo involvements, thank you. I want a life. And I finally - in 'Lord of the Rings', 'Gandalf' on an eagle style to take 'Frodo' and 'Sam' back to 'the shire' - have got it. I am now back in the shire after the most gargantuan Odyssey to put the ring in the fire of evil, and writing the four year book like him. And as he says, 'some wounds do not heal'. I will do my four years - symbolic or literal - and then I will choose which heaven to go to. With The Elves heirarchy or somewhere else. I get to choose.
My psychic hope love affairs are now know, I have no idea how to describe them actually, what you and you and you and I have done, are doing and were doing. No idea and that sort of sums it up.
But I have had the courage at last to see that I am torturing myself by hanging on and seeing what comes of it.
I am a poor 'girl', living a mediocre life as a very un - mediocre High Priesthood Priestess Wizard Shaman. And as a very good artist, philosopher and writer. I am a poor person who is continually (psychically) involved with very rich men.
Not only are you all rich, you all live lives and none of you live in London. And I am sick of ending up fantasising 'being rescued' not just by your 'love' but by your lifestyles, as is completely inevitable in my circumstances. Not because I am female and a professional gold-digger as Cuba has clearly thought of me so many times - because he wants all females to be gold-diggers basically - and probably as both you, New York and Australia probably think too, because that's what people like you do. Not least because of your lifestyles, the fact that you have access to life, the fact that your companionship would give me life, but because you also live in exciting cities and I haven't travelled for most of the 32 years of being an adult and most certainly not during the 17 years of forced asceticism as a messenger/prophet in training. Asceticism being purification as well as highly political in this world of filth. And so on. You get the picture. I am outa here.
I don't want what is truly temptation swung in front of me anymore, like a big cock. I want to accept that I am a poor woman and be done with it. A poor and very single woman who is making a long and detailed, excellence journey to produce the great product and products she began 17 years ago with phenomenal self belief and indeed, self producing the whole way. Products that are going to make her an alpha female, materially as well as spiritually and artistically. And I want to now accept that I am alone as I do it. That I may have been 'involved' with rich and exciting men but that I am as poor and ascetic in lifestyle as when I began. I may be 'involved' but it has nothing to do with my life and it is an 'involvement' that is detrimental to my focus and peace of mind, even though it has broadened my vista and shown me what is possible. And more.
I therefore release whatever prophecies I was given for love. Not in rage, not in hurt, not in pain, but in GRACE.
I accept that no one wants me. Because I do. And because love between men and women, truly, may not exist.
And you know what? That's okay. I gave it my all. And that's why I can leave it so completely.
It didn't change a thing. But it certainly changed me.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Now, what I will add to that is this. New York, you may be 'the one for me' sure. But you also may not. Australia, you may be 'the one for me' sure. But you also may not.
I have never felt certainty like I felt with Cuba. I had never felt it before even though I had fallen in love deeply, many times before, but with him I felt the certainty and I have most certainly been involved with him longer than any other man.
You may just be a stepping stone, New York. A lovely, stepping stone. Australia seemed as if he was a year ago.
It's a 'I don't know' scenario. And 'only time will tell' and all that.
But it is the style I will not accept anymore. I walked away from every single man before Cuba. A week before I met him, I had the most profound visit to death (the underworld) when I was making my professional goals (the generic goals) and beating myself into non apathy and belief that I was more than an incapable chattel mindset and that I could achieve anything I felt I wanted to. I had been training with the best to overcome all that and acquire my first business skills and then suddenly, I realised with profound death in my veins that I could not make the same goals for love and that I didn't give a shit if I never met anyone. I was so much in grief about the whole subject, so hurt, so dejected, so barren in my life. And a week later, I met him.
Now, I am not going to say to you, that that's why I can't give him up. I can and am. I don't believe that he wants me for one second. I know now that love has nothing to do with love. The story will show what level of love that man has for me but it doesn't make any difference to whether he WANTS me. Wants to be with me.
And that changes everything. While you persist in this psychic pseudo involvement, I cannot be involved anymore, because first, I don't want this anymore and second, you might love me with all your heart, you might indeed be AN Ascension Twin Flame - maybe there are more - but whether you will WANT me is another matter. I know now that love is not love. It's something else. Like? Maybe it is. You might not like me either. Australia may not like me either.
But with the combination of the Psychic Window Shopper™ syndrome and the fact that you might not like me either, I say instead that I have the courage to accept that no man has shown me anything that tells me he wants me. No man, ever. I am 50 in a few months time and a phenomenal and gorgeous and wonderful woman. And no man wants me or has EVER wanted me.
I think I have the right finally to say that I absolutely and utterly give up on the whole subject, don't you?
Thank you. And thank you for the attention for real. It's going to be lonely without it. But that's what is said. That you have to give up what you have in order to get what you want. I want a life, material abundance and performance and connection with people who do want me. Whoever they are, workwise. Audience wise, client wise, and so on.
I don't want barren love anymore. Because no man has ever shown me that he wants me.
And that means something else entirely. It means that if I truly do have a destiny to do with a man, one day, a man is actually going to want me. That changes everything. Maybe that man will be you, maybe it will be Australia, maybe it will even be Cuba. But maybe it is none of you. Maybe it's someone else, years down the line. Whatever it is, I don't want this anymore. I don't want temptation and torture. I want connection or nothing at all. I want a man who wants me. I don't think I have met him yet. And what that tells me is that I don't have to give a fuck anymore. No man has ever shown me that he wants me. No man ever has to. I am done.
I am outta here. I am gone. Here's to a lonely life. But at least, a life. No Psychic Window Shoppers™ anymore, allowed. I believe you. You don't want me. You don't want ME. You don't want me. Got it. 32 years. Got it loud and clear. I'm gorgeous. I don't want any of you. I want me. I no longer love men who do not want me. I love me, who wants me. She will have to do. She does.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Yes Cuba, to round up tonight, yes, it could very well be you too. Hierophant is a skill that I am always learning of course and you should be too. The 'two men' could very well both be you. The before and after scenario of the same psyche. Rebirth is what happened to me after all, every step of the way in my Ascension. The end of dependencies is the new person. That is the point of any healing and it has to be said that however much you don't appear to want me or haven't wanted me for most of the past four years, you could steal (still - I'm keeping that original typo - ) heal into wanting me as it were, Jerry Maguire style, for sure. How romantic.
But yes, I will maintain what I said. I have only ever felt certainty once in my life and that was you. If I have to wait for another man to feel that again, however much I really like New York, I will. I will not express hope about you again, but yes, it has to be said, that if that new man turns out to be you and you finally want the woman you love and you finally don't want the woman you don't love, then yes, you will stop being a Psychic Window Shopper and long distance torturer.
And that's about as encouraging as I can get. I think it's a lot. To be 'involved' would mean I am waiting for you to leave yet another marriage. I am not doing that. If you are the 'one' for me, you will understand that. And you will at least tell me psychically, something to secure me as opposed to sending someone along in my dreams (at night) to tell me you have always been with the other her.
For now you remain a long distance torturer and neglectful fool. But at least you know you are in good company. You are all, really, the same. 'Be great' for a man therefore means one thing. Love who you love.
Or not at all.
AZR © 2014
Amera Ziganii Rao
Metaphysical Philosopher, Writer & Educator. Photographer Artist
Writer and Intellectual. Social, Cultural and Spiritual Commentator. Personal Development Coach and Communicator. Philosopher and Metaphysical Clair Cognisant (Prophetess, Hierophant and Esoteric Mystic). Theologian, Theosophist and Historian. Performer. Psychologist. Humanist. Esoteric. Sexualist. Hedonist. Artist. Teacher. Coach. Social Reformer. Feminist. Hierophant. Sacred Disir. Former Slave. Seer. Sage :: My Business Is Transformation Of The Soul. My Business Is Power. My Business Is Freedom. My Business Is Love. My Business Is To Fight Fascism And Human Cruelty And Emotional Sickness In All Its Relationship Forms On Earth. My Business Is Applied Spirit. Real Sex. Real Love. Real Life. Real GOD. The Return. Spiritual Psycho Analyst + Healer of Emotional Sicknesses. Hierophant and Sacred Cosmologist. 17 years of a visceral, spiritual and 'Initiate' Journey of Esotericism and Magic, to go with a long term chronic pain disability. The real thing.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™ :: There are no pacts between Atlanteans and Lemurians. There are no pacts between good and evil. I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. How to turn pain into power. I teach what I am.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Goddesses and Werewolves. Artists and Mortals. High Priesthood and 'Normal' Soldiers. Amera Ziganii Rao
Commit to be a powerful force for good and a positive agent of change in the world. Nurture your life with beauty, pleasure, enjoyment and inspiration. Explore new interests and ways to become a more interesting person. Expand your capacity to dream, believe, create.
Learn to say no, no way, and no thank-you to requests which rob you of your time, and the ability to choose a more expansive future for yourself. Live fully from the center of your own life. Get out of your own way by refusing to replay a past that you can not relive or change, or a future that you can not see or control. Stay present. Decide to create a life that you love! You deserve to be happy and enjoy your life. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!
Les Brown
Goddesses and Werewolves. Artists and Mortals. High Priesthood and 'Normal' Soldiers. Amera Ziganii Rao
So, today is a new day. I was thinking about Marilyn Monroe and Vincent Van Gogh as usual. Thinking about what made them, and of course, Virginia Wolf, kill themselves. I was thinking about where we are at in life and what this could be described as, now that the 'ring of evil' has been put back in the fire of 'Sauron' (Tolkein's Lord of The Rings). And I was thinking about Abraham Lincoln and how he matured so beautifully into a tolerant and self sufficient and self living human being and how he was an Aquarian and how different he was from his wife and yet, how he loved her and was able to show Thaddeus Stephens how to not rage his way through The Anti Slavery Amendment and so on.
And I was thinking about depression. How he was termed to be melancholy and how he was silently living in grief about his son's death and how he just gave his all for such a humanitarian purpose, how he was apparently defeated eight times before he became President and that kind of thing.
And I was thinking about the state of purgatory. I must be in what is termed purgatory now, in esoteric terms. Not in a state of hell, where no one helps anyone else and where everyone is so intolerant of everyone else and where the cultural imperialism of Lemuria and fascism rules and where the so called meek, the Atlanteans have no ability to use their immense spiritual and warlike powers (huh, war powers, that's good) to use to defeat the fascism and the psychological methods of control and the belligerent and never ending evil of Lemurian cultural imperialism, the mediocrity of this turgid and boring world and I was thinking of the vast richness that every member of High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood of whatever level, has in themselves and how beautiful that is and how the access into consciousness has changed everything in my life to such extraordinary degrees and how it is being shown every day that that is all there is and I was thinking about my dream of love and what it actually was.
It was to find one person who I could relate to who I fancied. That's it really. Is that not the dream that is also spoken of in generic terms on this plastic and turgid earth? Not co-dependency but just one person you can call your exciting friend who you want to explore the richness of life with?
Chalk and cheese is the term isn't it in generic, post fascist terms.
Anyway, not much more to say. For now. Other than the truth that what means so much to me, means nothing whatseover to a Lemurian and to any of the men I have loved. And that that truth is finally hitting home to stay.
I am not depressed by the idea of Mr New York. I see that I have to take responsibility for how much I have decided too, that Mr Cuba and I are not compatible and I mean in consciousness terms. I decided that too, over a year ago. The Ike Turner attempt to take over my work showed that there were huge disparities in our creative talents. And that made me really sad and I knew then that I was probably going to lose him and have to let go. I wanted a co-producer too, but only a co-producer. Not a boss. And he can only do being a boss. I wanted a friend. I thought his love of consciousness was enough. It was not and I now see that our partnership may just have been an Initiation Partnership, where I took him through Ascension, just as I had taken myself and now took myself further. Maybe.
And for me, I was loved for a very short time. And partnered for a very short time and that was more than I have ever had and it meant the world to me.
Of course, I also see now that he left me four years ago and found the other and has never come back.
We helped each other to make the transition out of the lives we didn't want. That was all and that will have to be our legacy.
Which just shows the Lemurian truth. That love has nothing to do with relationship.
For an Atlantean, that is just not true. We do love power. We are alchemists.
However, if an Atlantean is to be involved with a Lemurian, that has to be accepted, so I am quite fascinated in an idle and philosophical way as to how convergence with a Lemurian will ever be possible. I am watching New York, while I pursue my other dream, which is Justice and Power.
But I now know that idealism does not even begin to describe the differences.
And now that the oppressions have been dealt with, like Lincoln, only melancholy remains. And making the best use of a useless life, a life before the last one. The only life on earth worth anything. Before one finally leaves this bullshit planet for good.
Selfless love all round. For salvation.
Anyway, the method of male approach for me is the most depressing thing in my life. The Psychic Window Shopper. And I have to accept that New York is going to do that all over again. Which means that I am not involved with any man and this time I get it. The good thing is that I will be able to share this with so many. There are so many people all over the world who suffer like this but it is me who has defined the truth and made the sacrifice to see it. That's my job. That's my Lincoln and I honour that.
It also saves me.
So, here's to a rich inner life. Glad I have it and glad I have my glorious work, all round. It's not selfless at all. My work is my orgasm now. 'My personal treasure' as Paulo Coelho calls it in The Alchemist. He's not wrong there. He was just wrong about earth. There is no love, no harvest of love and nothing that was ever going to be worth it. The personal treasure will have to do, with psychic companions of a kind along the way. The rich inner life alone. True life.
Here's a little something you might enjoy New York. When I believed in love. Now, a 'Lady Haversham' morsel. For the annals of love. The archives of love more like. Now we live in a cold world. Purgatory. Being safe and self fulfilled and self capable in a Lemurian hell. As good as it gets.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2008
Natural Born Mystic™. Writings. The Eleventh Commandment. Unconditional Love. The Final Bid for Redemption. Amera Ziganii Rao
The Healing of Modern Misogyny and Ownership Psychosis. The male version of loving too much. Positive Discrimination and Care For A Sister. Care. Humanising Eve. Humanising the person you most love. Loving. Trusting in love. Facing yourself, exterminating your darkness and living to see the new dawn. Becoming unconditional love. Shamanising yourself into Ascension. Giving me redemption, as you receive yours. Love. True, unconditional love.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
As I Stand Here In Front Of You. Amera Ziganii Rao
I have felt alone my whole life, except with you. Gladiator.
As I stand here in front of you, as I show you myself for who I really am, how do I know you will look after me? I see it in your eyes, I hear it in your voice, that’s how. I know you will. I know you are that rarest of species who wants to. The kind of man I fell in love with a long time ago. The kind of man I saw in film. The kind of boy I read about in my books. The gentle and kind hero, the just and able fighter, who wants to nurture and care for a woman, without any need to control or take from her. And a man who sees that his role with a woman is to just help her and love her. To cherish her and to treasure her. The gift that he can bring to a woman. I see it all in you. But do I really believe it, or am I going to fuck this up?
And then at the same time as making me feel like I can be as soft and near divine as I can possibly be, you show me how I can be free to be as strong and male as I want to be too. The feisty Amazonian alongside the kind fairy. The sense that you see and love the whole woman; the strong and the vulnerable together.
The sense that you are the soul man powerful enough for my soul.
It’s just that I’ve never met it before in real life, you see. I had begun to think it was Divinity, because I hadn’t seen it in human beings. I read about it, I watched it in film, but I had never experienced it in real life. And now it stands before me in you. The sexiest man on the planet - yes truly - and the kindest one too. In one person. And you want me. You love me. The gangster with a heart. The kind rake. A real and whole man.
And I know you don’t blame me for not believing. As I don’t blame you for not believing enough either at this point. I know you know my wound. I know you know what the broken heart of a female is all about. I know you know I’m a Pakistani, and that I’m a woman and that I’m someone with big prospects but not much going for me at the moment materially.
And I know you recognise and love that I’m trying to be an artist. And that it could be a long while before I do make any real money and that indeed none of it may work. You told me that it was okay if none of it worked out. That it was okay to be a slow worker and to have the courage to just go for it, instead of lying on my death bed with regrets. I know that you are not only okay with that, I know you actually like that. You find that endearing and beautiful and wonderful. And that is what has sent me into this spiral of healing pain so I can clear this issue once and for all.
And I have to. Otherwise I won’t be able to let you in properly and if there is anything I have ever wanted to do in my life, it is this. It is to let you in and to trust you. It is to trust that you really want to help me by loving me without condition or pressure or judgment and without competition or jealousy. Without cruelty. With love.
How come it’s not about control, my shadow side asks. Even as I ask that, I know that the order of life is that healing has finally come. That the miracle I’ve waited for has arrived, at long last. That the terrible ordeal of a lonely life now at an end. That my past is no longer the ruler of my emotional life. Unless I let it.
You are my healer, you sweetest of men. You’re my Ivanhoe, you’re my Zhivago. you’re every gentle and kind acting role I have seen in my life. The silver screen. My first loves; Robert Taylor, Gregory Peck, Gary Cooper, Paul Newman and countless others. These men that I adored and yearned to find, because the reality in front of me was so very fucking bad.
You are indeed my Knight in shining armour. The phrase that has been so maligned and dismissed as only the dysfunctional ravings of a woman who loves too much in this cerebral post feminist anti love life. But guess what, you really are that Knight. And you as a man are my healer. Just like I knew it had to be. Because you truly love me because you truly love. And because you hopefully feel my love.
To know that the awful pain and distress of the past twenty plus years is finally behind me. That my individual work in isolation is over. That the miracle has arrived. No wonder I find it hard to believe. And even harder to learn how to receive.
“You didn’t need me” was what the last man in my life said to me. And he was right. I see that now. I couldn’t need him is the truth. I couldn’t rely on him. Just twelve months ago, I was still rampantly self sufficient and self caring. And then at the same time of course, incredibly needy. Only the amazing professional healers I have had the privilege to come across, heard my pain and my vulnerability. That made me see it for the first time and not judge it. Because I showed it to them and because they could see it even before I opened my mouth. And because they cared, because they could. No one else. Controlled exposure was the order of the day.
My parents were still in control. Even though I had left them at 19. With their utter resentment at having to care at all for other human beings still in place. With their huge incapacity to love still haunting me.
I see now how I stopped asking for help when I was about four. The full tragedy of me making a decision not to trust any one.I know what they have experienced too. But that still waylays me from healing the truth of my wound. I have to acknowledge the full horror. That it was terrible. It was so awful. And it cut me very very deep.
And now you are here. The most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life who happens to be the kindest human being as well. Because you have healed your attitude to vulnerability too. Because you know your inner rage too. Because you feel your spirit too.
And of course it makes me ask where have you come from and who hurt you. I want to wash it all away as I soothe your handsome brow. To show you how immensely special and valued you truly are. How magnificent a man you are because you honour life’s frailties and therefore yours and mine. And how it shines out in you like I’ve never before seen. Merging the two worlds so you vibrate with the brilliance of earth and heaven at the same time.
I see how it is healing you too. How, somehow, the fact that I do need you makes you feel so good about yourself. How is that? I know fundamentally that it is not about control. I can see it and I can feel it.
My father is the same today as he was 43 years ago. He still judges me, he still has a dig at me like some evil pseudo wizard, and he still resents helping me. It may be more subtle, it may be more measured. But it is still there in the same way. How he thinks anyone who needs any help is lazy and stupid. How the word compassion is one he has no concept of, at all. And how a part of me hates myself for needing his help now, even though I know there is a strange justice in it and a strange would be healing of some kind. Healing with the original monster I guess. It will be over soon.
But now the angel I have begged for, ever since I can remember, has come into my life. You. A real life, real male. A humane, vulnerable, sensitive, strong, virile, genius minded man. Are you really telling me that you will support me in everything I do? That it doesn’t even matter if I don’t achieve anything? That you will look after my vulnerability in every way possible? That you will love me throughout? Does that really exist? Do men really do that? Does anyone really do that? The beauty is I am beginning to believe it.
Can I really share my doubts and fears and worries with you? Will you really cherish and nurture and be kind to me? I believe it. Because I have seen it. The glorious encounter we had – I call it the Balcony moment - showed me the whole truth. In your face as the sun beamed down on you. Your wisdom, your love, your sexuality and your compassion vibrate with a shining brilliance and your voice soothes the past like the coolest and purest waterfall. And your eyes take me to a place where time really does stand still.
You know, I manifested you into my life. I showed the Universe I was ready for them to answer my prayers. So I must believe that you can exist. And that I do deserve real love. That I do deserve to be treasured and valued and helped. If I didn’t believe that, you wouldn’t have come. That it is not just me who has to help other people as I have done ever since I can remember. That there is someone for me. Someone to care for my humanness. Someone to watch over me. On earth. As it is in heaven.
I can see how you want to hold my hand through it all. That you know how to do that and how you want to do that. That I will be helping you by letting you help me. No wonder I am confused. I have never seen that in my life. From anyone. Certainly as a child. I guess recently, I have started to see glimpses of it. People around me have started to show real love, without judgment, without ignorance and without trying to own me. I have begun to show my vulnerability and ask and even demand that it be looked after. So I do have a context within which to put your extraordinary level of focused love. I do have a few friends now, who support me, help me and want me to lean on them. To a certain extent. The whole experience is so brand new. Because I am looking after it at last. Encouraged by gorgeous beings like you.
Even my mother has seen the light enough to know that vulnerability is actually allowed. Even though she still regards her problems as the most important in the world and certainly more so than mine. Both my parents are still hostages to their egoes – bless them – and my brother too. While I may have enough compassion and constructive self sufficiency to see that, it still cuts me deep. And it was why I was so desperately unhappy before I found you.
Because you are telling me, I feel, that you want to be everything to me. That you want to replace people like them and be my one and only. That you can love me.
And I say yes, yes, yes and yes. I do believe. I want to believe and I am determined to believe. That this is the greatest and most sensible risk I have ever taken in my life and ever will. To believe in the power of real love. To be with you before I am ready. Before I am the complete package of a selling artist, materially comfortable professional or emotionally alchemised human being.
You tell me you want me now, when I am far from perfect and you tell me that you love me more for that. That we can grow and heal together and that nothing I do will ever make you love me less. I have to believe to be able to take that kind of risk and I therefore say today, that I do.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2008
Personal. AZR
Big days. I know we are all on the psychic now, so I don't need to say much.
What I will say is this. I am done with Cuba, and despite all the fears of loss now with you, New York, yes, I have completely committed to exploring you and me.
Yesterday, as you know, I grieved a whole life of Psychic Window Shoppers but you heard me and I appreciate that. The rest is usual fear of loss and risk of loss. Either one commits or not. I also told you that I am working in three to six month parameters now, with men. You may very well be all that I have received that you are, my Ascension Twin Flame, but I have to accept the depression inducing courtship style and the very tight disciplines on my emotions. No expectation at all, while embracing the new completely.
However, today, I can also see more. Even though you lead in physical, earth plane contact, the fears and risks are the same for you.
So. Two things I am focusing on right now. First, my self ENJOYMENT about all that I am, spiritually, vocationally, artistically, entrepreneurial wise and intellectually.
I have spent 42 years defending that greatness and uniqueness and wizardry, developed magnificently under extreme fire, and survived extreme abuse. In that vibe it is easy to take for granted what one is and to almost resent it or at least to not give it due importance and LOVE.
I aim to change that more than anything now. I am the sexiest woman of letters, art photography and esotericism that the world has ever seen.
It's time to truly celebrate that, to the high heavens, literally. With or without your support. You are of 'The Cleopatra Lie' as I have termed it. An ironic term now, seeing as that era is evil too and the Egypt takeover but it will do.
The good news is that you know this. You are a humanitarian. Now you have to decide what you will stand up for in this world. The Indigo People. Me. High Serpent FEMALE Amazonian Priesthood or the Patriarchal World of Filth and Evil.
That is your journey and as political and spiritual as it gets.
I will believe in you.
Second is this: Ascension is mastering the senses.
Your kind think you have and call it reason. My kind kill ourselves with the lack of control over it, and in the face of the falsehood of reason. Which is actually violent soullessness because of a suffocation of the senses instead of mastery.
I will leave that initial profundity with you right now.
I have total true mastery over my senses which is why I an Ascended Master. You have to make this journey now. You have done it creatively. You have even purified through the darkness into the light. Now you have to that with love and romantic love in particular.
Which is what the Psychic Window Shopper is.
I believe in you.
And I love you.
AZR © 2014
Bourgeois to Liberation Genius and Heroism. Amera Ziganii Rao
I know. So at this point, Cuba, I have nothing but love for you as I have let you go. At the same time, I am glad, because I am going to have to refer to you as I compare the future to the past. And the ordinary to the extraordinary. You know this and are prepared for this. You are not alone. There are many many people like you. Whatever levels you exist at, you are all the bourgeois elements of this world and therefore the norm. Amun Priesthood or non priesthood, there are two communities on this planet; the bourgeois and the liberated or at least, those who are wholly committed to liberation from the bourgeois. Those who have the gift and who will not stop until they have realised it and made it real completely.
Now, anyone who is not capable of liberation, ie, you, are also therefore completely welcome in my work. The Temple is available for all, on whatever levels of liberation they are ascending to. Liberation, sacred alchemical liberation is possible in any lifetime with this knowledge, whatever levels one ascends to and whatever levels of liberation are possible in any lifetime.
New York, you and I however cannot sit on our laurels. I have woken up today with absolute terror too. Because to hone it down, let's examine what this work is essentially about and therefore what we are essentially about and why there is the bridge of sacred and advancement and why it is nothing to scoff about or gloat about at the moment, because it's bloody terrifying at every single step.
I have got used to this. For the past four years, I have had to integrate many many levels of courage to be the liberated to speak of the liberated. And to speak of liberation. And every single layer has taken immense courage and getting out of the way, so the true Spirit can speak.
Sex. Sex, sex, sex and sex.
Sex is the single greatest taboo on this profane planet. As Henry Miller said (of course, a favourite as is Tennessee Wiliams) this is a world (my words) where war is much more accepted than sex. Now, what does that mean. It means that what I am more than anything and arguably what all feminists are really, is a spokesperson for the sexual way. The sexuality of sex and not the reproductive, polite, pseudo sexual society. When feminists are so hated, are they hated more for their will to stand equal or for their will to be liberated? I wonder. When you look at the truth of The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™, I wonder indeed. The agenda to kill at that is me is also the agenda to kill all that is you, because the agenda is to kill sex.
So, believe me when I say I am as terrified as you too, in the personal and the professional. The key is though that we are both committed to stand up for what is true. The Lincoln in me is that. The sex. The sex, the sex and the sex. Sexuality as a way of being and the right to be.
Now, society accepts it just about in RnB, Hip Hop, Rock, Jazz, French Films to use the cliched terms, and so on. In art, and so on. In the narrative and in the metaphorical. Society does not accept it in the real.
This is my challenge, because the world of personal development is the real, however much metaphor and art I can integrate into it as is natural, because I am all of these things. And after all, the issue is to express whatever story one has to tell, in whatever forms.
Society, so called liberated society, damns sex more than anyone on earth. Yes and no. Religion is laughed at amongst the Intelligentsia, but then so is sex. You see? My challenge and ours if you have the courage to truly step on board, is to stand up for the ridiculous and forge the way to the new world.
That is what so many have done before me and what so many will do after me.
So, yes, I am afraid too and also therefore in hope because I know when the fear comes, it is a transition to courage. And this kind of message takes courage. It is not the witchcraft of witchcraft that threatens, it is not the magic spells of magic that threatens, it is the sex. Sex is the most vilified, ridiculed, propaganda'd, slated, hated and berated thing there is on earth, because the Draconian agenda is rape. Rape and pillage, fantastical as it sounds, increases the levels of negativity which is what the Draconians LITERALLY feed on.
When people talk of war and how this world is so terrible to feed their need for negative energy, there is no more terrible and generic a battlefield than that between relationship and family and friends and in any arena of human politics. It is all part of the same agenda, whether it is rape or paedophilia.
Graham Hancock, the historian I like learning from so much, so bizarrely is confused by human sacrifice. Human sacrifice was the first requisite of the Draconian Overlords. They like the awful, horrendous fear energy that comes from ritualistic murder. Really. Rape is the same. They encourage profanity of all things SACRED, hence The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™, The SACRED Whore.....because it feeds the same agenda as wars between nations, poverty, human sickness and hatred, envy and all things that are Arthur Miller's' The Crucible for instance.
They thrive off it.
So, that's a few things to think about. If I am your purpose, then sexuality is as much your purpose as it is mine. Sexuality and human rights.
I think it is but I know this is a process. We might do it fast, we might have to do it slow. But know that I understand completely and I feel the same completely, especially as the stage would have to be bigger with you because of who you are. I am ready for that and will be ready for that. And if you are my purpose, then so will you be.
Look at our lives. We have prepared for this forever. We began as non bourgeois even when we were bourgeois. That is the difference and as I scoff at all things that are ordinary, in, Cuba and everyone else, I am always aware that I have huge new mountains of courage to climb, to truly, stand up for what I believe.
And look at us in a different way too. You are like me, I feel. A deeply contemplative and spiritual man. You are also enormously sexual. The courage that broke so many, the question of courage, is the agenda. I look at Marlon Brando always for this. He made Last Tango in Paris and never made a film like that again. Do not underestimate the power of hatred and vilification and conformity in this society.
That is what you think about today and you should be. Believe me, I always am. But I have already decided and to think that there is a companion who might muster the same courage because he believes in the right to be too, is great. I will do it anyway. But it would be lovely to have you on board too.
That is why Cuba couldn't make it. As you master your senses, it is also about whether you will live your creed. That is what makes the difference. And I believe the difference is in you.
The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™
It's all about sex. The greatest inner power in a human being. The greatest power of love available for all.
The Sacred Whore Goddess and The Sacred Pimp Monarch.
The true society. The new, very very old world. Available for all. To be led by the strong.
AZR © 2014
....and that strong is not necessarily you. Of course, my bid and human right is to be loved for who I am. But, again, going back to the analogy of Lincoln and his wife Mary, this is my bag. World reform. Not yours. You are a creative. I am a human rights healer. Like Mary, you are getting involved and will be because it serves you. There is nothing wrong with that. I did not exactly take it all on willingly. Well, yes, of course, I did. I have been dealing with reform and humanitarianism of one kind or another since I was four. I am an Atlantean. That's who I am. But I did not exactly come smiling to the purpose. I wanted Cuba. So I entered the magic of Queendoms past to do it. I regained The Lost Knowledge to both win him and to win myself from mediocrity when I knew I was not in any way or have ever been, mediocre.
It is more this. Making sure that a man has the COURAGE to stand up alongside me and 'put his money where his mouth is' in every single way. That's it. The rest of course is purification of your selfish heart. Even mine was selfish once and like the best, I work on it every single day. That is what separates me from Lemurians. I work at it. That is what separates me from other Atlanteans. I know HOW to work at it. But that's it. We are all the same in the end. We all want the easy way and we all want what we want for ourselves and it is our moral advancement or not, if we can overcome those 'selfish' (in my case) and those selfish (in your case) desires.
Ain't no big thing.
At the same time, if it is about keeping me all to yourself and not even thinking about the world stage or my enjoyment as a hunter or my quest for justice and power because I've been a slave chattel all my life, then that's your problem. It has nothing to do with me.
G'nite. Love,
Ain't no big thing. Simple.
The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™
My job is to give people self worth. Whether anyone else can evolve successfully or not. Everyone, High Serpent Amazonian or Amun Priesthood, or no priesthood at all. Self worth comes from self awareness and sex. Sex, sensuality, sexuality. Sex. Sex is the lost power. Rape serves the Draconian Agenda and all that rape is. Hypocrisy. Inhibition. Shame, shame, shame and shame. The religious and pseudo intelligentsia non religious society. Same thing. That's all. Just breaking it down. It's courage I seek in a man. Real, self serving, unification, belligerent courage. Lemurians are 'pussies'. Of course that's what the 'whore and madonna' travesty is. Maybe not you:) We will see.
Courage and honour.
The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™
AZR © 2014
Personal. AZR
Just to say that you are making me very happy New York. I know you are committed elsewhere and I most certainly know all the rest and I know that you are making your way out of the darkness of the Patriarchal heart and all the rest. But I very much like your vibration and wanted to let you know. I am coming out of a wonderful two day confusion and terror about my purpose and feeling laser like now again, onto the next level. And I like having you by my side and me being by your side. I like it. And wanted to let you know.
Self Actualisation and Freedom Realisation. Women, GOD The Mother and Sex. Sex, Power, Intelligence and Truth. Love. The Sharing of Power Like Never Before, Other Than In The Before of The Before. The Truth of Letting Men Be Men and Women Be Women. The Real Truth. Me and maybe us. I'd like that.
I am going to make Personal Development like never before. I am speech writing in training now. And very very at peace with where I am at. I am training with the next set of masters now. It's beautiful and I don't mind that you are where you are. You are who you are after all. And it's okay. If I am correct, you are the best of them. And that is good enough for me, for real.
Thank you for your love. I feel it and it gives me hope. I hope that I give you hope too. Hope is the biggest killer of evil and the darkness on this earth. Hope is the light.
AZR © 2014 x
Self Actualisation and Freedom Realisation. Women, GOD The Mother and Sex. Sex, Power, Intelligence and Truth. Love. The Sharing of Power Like Never Before, Other Than In The Before of The Before. The Truth of Letting Men Be Men and Women Be Women. The Real Truth.
Personal Development like never before.
The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Personal. AZR
Of course, my new dear, there is the question of sickness. Your sickness. Lemurian sickness.
The irony of course is that while you are all ridden with dependency, if you as a people had not bullied your way through Lemurian cultural imperialism all these years, the so called 'dominant' sheit, the abuse of power your people call leadership, then people like me would have had earlier access to your sickness after healing our own, through the immense Freedom Realisation and Self Actualisation journey that makes us invincible emotional warriors.
Such is the world and no one wins. Other than me. I have finally accessed the ART of all my work, the privilege to create and study my photography artform/business/vocation and the privilege to train and produce to the next level with my messenger business. So, I am alright Jack, thank you very much and still capable of love, compassion and tolerance of all your sicknesses.
Consciousness is not just high psychic intellect. Consciousness is THE ABILITY TO LOVE AND BEEEEEEE LOVE.
Ergo, no Lemurian I have ever known is conscious. Most Atlanteans are not either. Sickness is generic. The inhabitation of the lower chakras universal. But obviously they are nicer. We are Atlanteans. Courageous and loving. You are not.
La la. C'est la vie. My job is to tell us all who we are and what we can do about it. If we can.
My job is also to conclude one thing for an Atlantean. Be lonely. And then you are free.
Be lonely. It sets you free. Free to love and free to fuck off and do your own thing. And not need emotionally, one single human being on this sick planet.
What sets you free? Examine.
I intend to be lonely now. It sets me free. Free to lead in love, life and my own life. Free to lead the field. As I was born to be.
It sure is lonely at the top. So what. I'm used to it and men were my last frontier. I had already done the rest. Be lonely. It sets you free. And then you (I) can fly. As I was born to do.
You, meanwhile, will have to keep examining your sickness. It's what you were born to do. Just make sure you do. It is in that that you can even begin to access your real greatness. Just by doing the work. Even if you never get anywhere. That is up to you. What makes me invincible is that I can take it. Now the finishing touch is to accept final, permanent loneliness. Final Freedom. For me.
AZR © 2014
The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™. I teach what I am.
I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. How to turn pain into power. How to turn power into love.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Amera Ziganii Rao :: Self Actualiser, Freedom Realiser, Healer of The Sicknesses of The Soul :: Metaphysical Philosopher, Spiritual Psycho Analyst :: Writer, Speaker & Educator. Photographer Artist. Performer :: Natural Born Mystic™ :: Amera Ziganii Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™.
I teach what I am.
I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. How to turn pain into power. How to turn power into love.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Personal. AZR
Well, it's a weird one to say the least. I am a Healer of The Sicknesses of The Soul. But what kind of healer of that I don't know. Because I know one thing. I have never healed anyone I have ever come into contact with in 50 years and I have never had the privilege of being alone. If you can work that out, do let me know.
I guess I am like a scientist. I study The Sicknesses of The Soul and I fight companions along the way because it seems that only in the fighting does anyone ever 'heal'. And I use every fight for research and MY OWN healing and evolution and never ending Ascension and growth.
My consistent Sisyphus climb out of the mire. But no one else ever heals, ever changes in a fundamental way and ever evolves to any significance.
So, that's the situation. This 'Neytiri' (James Cameron's Avatar) teaches every one. But no one can be cured of their insanity. Not men, not women, not anyone.
But my evolution meanwhile goes through the roof every single time.
Natural Born Mystic :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity is a manifesto for human rights and a handbook for healers. The whole programme. But what kind of healer is being defined in a very long to develop job description. Because it is the most undocumented subject and area in the world. In the HIStory of the world.
And that is all I can say and all I am willing to say.
Other than that, and in relation to that, today is the first day of being lonely and beginning to integrate the truth of loneliness and the recognition that only the phrase of 'being alone and not lonely' is known. Not the truth for High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood which is that to be alone is impossible and to be lonely is the only option, whoever one is with.
I am an extraordinarily highly advanced superbeing, who is already and has been forever, a good teacher. And I cannot change or heal anyone. So what kind of programme I am developing I don't know but I don't have a problem with that. I deliver and what delivers through me knows the plan. But as for your kind, no, I cannot heal anyone, I have to remain hated, distrusted, resented, envied and spited my whole life.
And yet I cannot get away from any of you, because you as a people seem to be my 'care in the community' purpose. People who live above me, family, the endless men or anyone.
It's an extraordinary life. The good news though is that I no longer care. I will do my job, take the comforts of exchange in whatever form they come, the moments of love or attention or companionship, pay my way, for sure, as I have always had to do in life, with the most expensive sacrifice possible, ie my emotions and energies and time and frankly, boredom, and just alchemise and alchemise and alchemise. While sort of helping other people, through fighting them in whatever form is necessary. In the 'alone' state of loneliness, and never alone.
No, I am not going to care for one second more and have embraced the first day of loneliness well. Like everything I intend to get very very good at it and will. I will not be held hostage to a life of loneliness anymore and resent it. I had a dream. That dream turned out to be not true. I no longer see one reason why I should believe in any kind of communion or exchange of true love ever again. With anyone. I trust no one, I like no one and I have love for no one other than in companionship, tolerance and compassion.
I am passing through in life. And I heal no one.
But no one forgets my name and no one forgets who I am.
And that will have to do.
And for that, grieving every day is essential. But only temporarily. And only to do with people. Other than that, I love my life because I LOVE my work. It's the only thing for sure, that has ever loved me. And for that I am truly thankful.
Fascism does not heal. I tried for four years, consciously and minutely to heal it, to show the way and to inspire the healing of it. It doesn't work. And if it is not fascism, it is turgidity and if it is not turgidity, it is lack of self love in a fascist because non love begets non love and so on. You are a lost people and my job and journey is to just keep making the journey away from all of you. Even if you are in the same room.
And in that can be the only healing.
Because your people do not heal. Do not change and do not evolve. I don't know why and cannot care anymore why. But that is the new truth and the new permanent.
And why should I believe on a personal basis that you will heal, New York? That you will reform misogyny, dependency, fascism and immaturity of the soul? I don't. I don't believe it for one second anymore.
What I do accept though is your companionship as the next turgid fascist along the way.
You at least give me the sex while family and friends and anyone else wants it silenced in me. But that's just an illusion isn't it because you just want it for you and you just want it behind closed doors out of your shame and fear and your fascist 'whore and madonna' allocation. And so on. Yawn. You get the picture.
So, yes, you are my sex and that always helps me in the midst of bourgeois control country which is everywhere else. But it's just an illusion that I can utilise.
And utilisation is the key. Just companions in trade as usual. Nothing else.
And the great news is this. The more one grieves and takes the time to grieve, EVERY single DAY, the more one can fly free. Because then sadness will never take a hold and nor will any control by evil.
Fascism is evil. Dependency is sickness of the soul.
And I have never healed anyone other than myself.
The rest I have to just commit to study. For anyone else who can hear and feel the truth.
Not, it seems you or any of you. And I can no longer care about that.
I've got a life to live. And live it I damn well intend to do.
Alone and lonely. As I have been my whole life. In the midst of people who will never know me.
And that for now is all I can say. You are sadder than me. But you remain a fascist. I remain an Alchemist. I change every day. I am what is says on the tin. And so, it seems, are you.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
And therefore I announce my new intentions.
I release any belief or intention of a personal life in any form. Relationship, family, friendships or communion with other people on any other level, other than vocational.
I welcome my life, my life of abundance and reaching out to true kindred spirits and changing peoples lives. Sharing and teaching how people can leave fascism, misogyny and UNHEALABLE Lemurian dependency through one method and one method alone. By giving up all personal relationships and by being in the world but never of the world. By releasing all intention to commune with the world on a personal level. A task which is mindlessly painful to a kindred spirit of mine, but vital, to live a full and creative and fiscal and performance life of satisfaction. The only thing that can combat the chronic loneliness of being alchemists in a world of turgid shit, ie, extraordinary emotional immaturity, laziness and all things that are fascism. The only thing paradoxically that is an outlet for our compassion for that same turgid shit, while never having to be involved with any personal intention of any kind.
To be alone, and permanently passing through is the new norm and has to be integrated, osmosified and alchemised. Lonely must never be a negative term again. Lonely must be the positive norm.
Fascism and misogyny (or the female equivalent) and Lemurian dependency sickness do not heal. I intend never to believe that there can be that kind of healing on this planet again. Lemurians can be co habitation partners, they can be companions along the way (psychic as they are) but they can never be invested in again. Lemurians do not heal. They can only try and keep trying. And they can be sympathised with as they are fought, but they cannot be trusted or relied on ever again. They are the antagonist force on earth. Atlanteans are the protagonists. We can alchemise. Not them. They can never take that final hurdle. The ending of dependency. Their sickness of the soul can only remain intact. They are not to be trusted or relied on. They can only be companions along the way.
Loneliness is the new freedom. There was once a dream. That dream is no more. Communion with another is not possible. We are all here to be lonely. The personal life does not exist. Chasing it therefore is the greatest illusion. The personal life cannot exist. Fascism does not heal.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Personal. AZR
I'm fine. I suppose the biggest factor in relation to you is that I don't want to love someone I have to miss.
Not anymore. I am absolutely, not before time, truly, sick of it. That is the level of non attachment I have alchemised in the past few days. That is how good I am.
So, sure. But when.
So I accept the psychic 'friendship' and have belligerent cynicism and non attachment because I do not want to love someone I have to miss anymore. Other than that I am fine. I'm here, aren't I?
I just grieve when I need to and that is the basis of all alchemy. I grieve what you are, what you all are and what you are in particular that is no different as yet, and I have compassion at the same time. What else can I do?
So, for me, I am rocketing now into my work. And today is the massive and truly painful emotional courage entrance that I have been preparing for my whole ilfe. The emotional courage threshold of thresholds, that it is going to take now to speak of being an 'Auschwitz' survivor. Like Primo Levi (The Drowned and The Saved), my speciality is to define good and evil in all its forms. All the unspoken and undocumented forms on this earth. And like him, I am a massive spiritual intellectual and emotional genius. And more of course. I am what I say I am.
So, I am alchemising the menu to use every day to take me into the new writing now, the writing for the book, the education programmes and the speaking. And of course, the counselling for whoever wants it.
And I am doing very well.
And I am also aware that while it is extraordinarily difficult doing it on my own, without your true friendship, which will apparently be one day, on the other hand, it doesn't matter one bit. This is my 'Waterloo' forever. And I have love around me and I really appreciate that that is the 'shire' of 'The Lord of The Rings' now, as I analyse the horrendous journey to liberation for anyone of my kind. Liberation and power. Love, I have no idea when that journey will end. Or even if it will ever manifest. But to have any love around me at all, has only taken 42 years.
Maybe that is how long it will take for you.
That is non attachment.
Faith, true, esoteric, comprehension of Divinity, faith tells me sooner. I don't want to love anyone I have to miss anymore. But the doors are open for you. That's all I can say. And that's a lot.
And by love, I don't mean the namby pamby sentimental kind. That is not love. I mean humanity. I have humanity around in me in some form, for the first time in 42 years as daily life. Fuck the rest. It means nothing. Love is a word that is like 'God'. It means nothing because it's all a lie. The Great Mother GOD doesn't even exist. And believe me, She is all there is. There is no 'God' just as there is most definitely no 'love'. There is only True Divinity and True Humanity. Time to redefine the stupid history of the world.
Oh yes, I've been doing that for at least four years. Courage. I'm already very very good at what I do. And now, I have the courage to do it alone. That is greatness.
AZR © 2014
The Personal And The Light. AZR
I'm watching you. You know who. Even if it is just for tonight. And I am about to start reading the Ascension Series Letter Series. When you came into my life.
As for the whole, who the fuck knows anymore. But I am watching you tonight. And it's nice.
And this is even nicer. The part of the picture I don't cover. I'm too busy representing against the dark as I know it and clearing the shit. Because that's my job.
High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood Hierophant™
When we were all giants. When you did more than rape me. Before you started listening to the one who calls himself 'God'. The 'nakedness' in The Garden of Eden was consciousness. Knowing the truth. The politics of the spirituality. My bag. Before you began to rape me. And before you decided to forget. And before you took over the world, because the world of men served you. You forgot that you were slaves too.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey. December 19, 2014
We come to you for the last time this year, one that like others before it has sped by as time continues to flow faster than ever.
Some of whom have experienced the ups and downs of life for a long time, are no doubt pleased particularly now that the end of this cycle is here. Naturally the end times are chaotic as the changes take place, but it is no easy task to bring them in when so much negativity is being cleared.
However, the higher energies are bringing in the positive changes, and already they are being felt. As we have often advised you, the coming year will be notable for the implementation of many of them although we will be restricted in what we do, until the Illuminati are placed where they can no longer interfere with your progress. Much is happening that will lead to complete victory over the dark Ones, who will be unable to follow their plan for the imprisonment of Man.
The coming of the City of Light, Sedona will open the way to more developments that will show beyond any doubt that the New Age has arrived. At a time yet to be defined, World Peace will be declared and maintained through the presence of the Galactic Federation.
Through enforced governmental changes, more souls of the Light will take up positions of importance that will ensure they are seen through as intended and in no way impeded or denied. The End Times of this cycle are of utmost importance to your future, and we will ensure that they proceed in accordance with the wishes of God. Unlike previous cycles, this one will be fulfilled because you are ready for a great leap forward into the Light.
There is only the One Creator of All That Is, and the One God of this Universe regardless of the different names by which they are known. Therefore you are One with All That Is and it is worth noting when you are challenged over your beliefs. Eventually all will understand and accept the truth of your origins, and it will be so wherever you travel in the higher dimensions of the Universe.
Ahead of you there are numerous opportunities to seek as you desire, and explore the magnificence of life forms in abundance. On Earth you have led a very restricted life and other civilisations have not been allowed to interfere with the Greater Plan for your evolution.
Of necessity you have however made limited contact with Extra-terrestrials and become familiar with seeing their craft in your skies. You will make full contact in the course of time, but much has to take place before it is possible. The interim period will be exciting for you as you rapidly move forward in your evolution.
Now is the time for all Lightworkers and all souls to maintain their present level of evolution, and know that anyone may at any time take a giant leap forward. Know that all souls will eventually find their correct place in the Universe, that will enhance their plans to continue moving ever onwards.
Naturally in the higher dimensions time does not exist as you now know it, and you will find everything is in the Now. These levels are not entirely strange to you as you came from them before you agreed to experience the lower vibrations. In other words you are all experiencing as you agreed to do so, but the long cycle in the lower dimensions is now coming to a close as the new one takes prominence.
Most of you have led many, many lives at all different levels as part of your experiences in the lower vibrations. You have also experienced many different roles according to which ones offered you the best opportunities to evolve. Be assured you will have had grand lives of having all that you needed, but also experienced “lack” so that you kept a balance where your needs are concerned.
Eventually your experiences will be finely balanced and you will not seek riches beyond your needs, but simply sufficient to meet your circumstances. In the higher dimensions the same challenges do not exist, as you will eventually have the power of thought to manifest exactly according to your needs, and more when necessary. The higher dimensions are your true home and a multitude of different experiences await you, according to your desires.
Your task is to now be positive regardless of what happens around you, and help others through the coming period so that they may understand what is happening. Your presence can lift others up by bringing a calmness into their lives, so that they too can help. It will not be very long before it becomes apparent that changes are occurring that are beneficial to the whole.
The most important of them will occur when the Press is able to report events accurately and truthfully, where previously they were controlled by the Illuminati and their minions. Television news is also unreliable but it too will change in a relatively short time. For many years you have been deliberately misled, and often fed absolute lies to enable the dark Ones to manipulate events that have affected your future. These situations will eventually cease to cause you problems and then you will enjoy a new found freedom.
We meantime carry out our tasks with joy knowing that your freedom from the oppression of the dark Ones is getting nearer. You have served your time in the lower vibrations, and now you will not need to look back as your progress will be assured. The magnitude of the changes to come will surprise most souls, and we feel privileged to be present at such a momentous time in your evolution.
You have the most wonderful future ahead of you, and are destined to join us if that is your desire. With your experience you have qualifications that will enable you to serve the Light in many capacities. You will be driven by your desire to be of service to others, but in no way will it limit your ambition or need to have new experiences. In the higher vibrations your life span will be greatly lengthened, so that you can embark on tasks that require more of your time.
Dear Ones, walk tall and do not be pulled down by whatever is going on around you. You are an Island of Light and have the capacity to spread Love and Harmony wherever you are. Your presence will uplift others, and your vibrations will spread a gentle uplifting energy that will bring a settled and happy feeling to others.
All people at heart want to help others, but often they cannot meet the demands placed upon them. Do what you can even if it is just a few kind words, as these will lift people up. Once you are centered in Light you will be naturally spreading it around you and it will embrace people that are some distance from you. The Light is the most powerful force in the Universe, but at this point in time you are nowhere near to approaching your true potential.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send you greetings and wishes at this time of your year, when you can enjoy the festive celebrations with your friends and family. Exciting times lie ahead and a New Year that promises so much.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. December 19, 2014. isa:)
Personal and New Directions. AZR
Please. It's not as if you are not all bonkers.
Secondly, I'll tell you this, New York. He's the only one who is not still entrenched in a long term committed relationship - he's been coming out of one like me - and he's the only one who even allows semi contact. Think about that.
Third, you're all bonkers anyway and I am not beholden to anyone. I could be contemplating a hundred contacts if I wanted them. No one has asked anything of me. I can do what I want.
Fourth, we are in pursuit of the truth. All of us. And at the moment, he is the truth. Not you.
Co-dependency is also just being wanted you know. Co-dependency is many things. I'm not interested in that. I'm not interested in a long term 'Sacred Whore and Tribe Madonna' situation anymore. I'm interested in a future. A future that gives me something more than nebulous co-dependency pseudo hope. It's hard enough for me to not be a hard line sceptic now, anyway. Surely, you can understand that. The fact that I am contemplating anyone is a miracle.
And now, I choose to contemplate someone that is not you.
Have a good day.
AZR © 2014
Personal and Highly Spiritual. AZR
Yes, it's highly uncomfortable isn't it. Now you all know how I feel. Anyway, what is, is.
What I find very good today and very comforting is that I am part of a bigger team. The biggest team, one could say for sure. I have of course been feeling like a lone prophet out in the wilderness, because I have been so attached to the micro of my life, including my professional path.
Now, with the truth of expression from another healer and esoteric, I know again, that I am part of the great team. THE team. So that's fine and I can see how my work for the public stage will converge with this - there are no words - transformation that the world is being prepared for. Why everyone is waking up in their own way and what I, as one of many I am sure, am being prepared for.
I am a conscious channeller. Very high up the scale, but part of a team nonetheless and that gives me both pride and humility. Because I am not a power abuser.
Which brings us to you. All of you.
It's nice now to know that one of you will be my consort. MY consort. I am no longer vying to be YOUR consort. Well, I am of course, thinking about humility, but at last, so are you. One of you has been born to stand up with me.
It is your purpose and indeed, if it is not one of you, it will be another.
That's comforting and as I belligerently alchemise non attachment and non want and non desire, I find that very peaceful and exciting. I am a Spiritual Queen as are so many of my kind. One of you will be my consort. One of you wants to be.
We will see. And if not you, someone else. But apparently someone. Which means I can stop the struggle of want and producing. It's not my show. And I am glad.
And in the meantime, two of you or all of you are my companions. Thanks. I do appreciate it. The more I let go of any desire or want, the more I appreciate it more.
One of you will be worthy to be consort. I have already proved myself. The rest is your journey now. To shed the dark or keep it forever. I work on purpose and salvation. Maybe, one of you do too. And that it seems is as romantic as true love gets. So what. I've done the rest.
AZR © 2014
The Privilege of Nothing and The Truth About Love. Amera Ziganii Rao
Oh the irony. Oh, the knowledge that I am to share with the world. Oh, the irony.
Actually, I can't be bothered to say much more at this point, but that is the key. Not being bothered.
I know, or feel in Hierophant genius so far, who it is. And he knows too. So there are several things I am trying to come to terms with first.
1. That I am now to grieve Cuba forever and work forever on trying to understand in Hierophant and human terms, what happened and why and how and what and why and how and what and why and how. That I will be grieving somehow, for the rest of my life, as he will be too.
2. That I am to make the same (type, not length) of journey with the new him. That he is yet another arsehole, just like the him last year alongside Cuba and that arseholes is all that they all are and that, even now, when I have no motivation whatsoever for love, partnership or relationship, I am condemned to remain involved, alongside not being able to enjoy a muse, a hug or a man in any way because the arsehole is not ready. Because he is still a cruel and turgid shit and blah, blah, blah. And weak, cowardly and vampirical in his love dependency sickness of give nothing and take everything and hate her anyway, just for having to love her. And because she sees The Universe and he will always need her for that, let alone anything else.
That about sums it up right.
So, my question today - and yes, I do feel compassion too, but I am not doing that here - is motivation. I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever to be involved with a man anymore. I yearn for an emotionally clear life. I don't care about him anymore because I am not going to yearn someone I have to wait for, I don't care about sex anymore, for the first time in my whole life, because I am not going to yearn for something I have to wait for, I don't care about friendship with a partner because I am not going to yearn for something I have to wait for and so on. I have no motivation left whatsoever and I hate all men just as I hate all people and I hate him the most. Because apparently, I need and love him.
3. Sufism, the esoteric branch of Islam and about as far removed from it as The Great Mother GOD is to all (godless) religion, is the beginning, as I have now researched, of all romantic love as a poetic and heart led aspiration in life. Before Western poets and writers brought Sufi thought into the cultural flavour of Europe, romantic love had never consciously existed. Consciousness being the operative word.
Sufism - poets like Rumi, Hafiz - brought the spirit into romance and the romance into love.
Because consciousness has been forbidden on this planet for 12000 years since Eden, we are not only new to romantic love at all, we are also spiritually bereft in the truth of it and only do the romance.
Even I have now realised that partnership and the reason why I was a 'love dependent' in emotional turmoil and rage and desperate longing from the age of 8, was not only because there was no love around me whatsoever and no soul around me whatsoever either in the home or outside the home, and only in the arts, which I devoured from four, but because I knew where I had to get to. GOD, The GOD energy and of course, unbeknown to me, HER. In other words, yes, true love is sharing the Divine energy. And taking responsibility for that in one's own connection to the Divine, to The Universe, to HUMANITY, COURAGE and so on. These are of The Universe. The ascended being. INTIMACY is of the Divine. High, courageous feelings and so on.
In other words, relationship is essential to growth as an esoteric and essential to Ascension.
True relationship, mutual ascended beings.
That at the moment is the single reason why I remain committed. My salvation off this planet depends on connection with a man after all. How ironical, how frustrating, how tedious and how awful.
How romantic indeed.
So even though I have no muse left, no illusions of any kind left, no friendships of any kind left with men, no hope of sex with a man whatsoever, I have to remain committed to the next arsehole in my life. Hardly a 'Colonel Brandon' (Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility), but apparently the one who can ascend out of the darkness and into the light. Yawn. I ain't looking.
So, feeling very angry, very upset and very much in a state of not only grief, but confused grief, which is ten times worse.
Other than that, I am fine. And committed against my will. What an irony. You heal years and years of love dependency sickness only to meet nothing else in men because they are so slow in both their skills and their humanity. And that is supposed to be motivation. It's not.
The only thing I can say to be kind is this. Love dependency, the chronic kind you suffer from just as I did in my way, is because you have the spiritual link. So did he and so did the other he. But you apparently have the gift to connect in the way I have, even if it can never be at the same level. I am what it says on the tin.
The greater the love dependency, the greater the fear, the greater the ascent, the more spiritually advanced you are. Which is why I like your vibration.
That is about all I like for now. Apparently that will have to do. Apparently I can't do it without you.
Whoopee. No wonder love is so ridiculed. It is the threshold of all high consciousness. So think about that in your endless whatever you want to call it. Your tedious isolation, cruelty, selfishness and cowardice. Your patriarchal pudding of a life.
And just remember that I don't want you. I want salvation. And apparently I can't do it without you.
AZR © 2014
Personal And The New World. AZR
On the other hand, maybe that was me entering the state of grief.
I don't believe in entering anything other than wholeheartedly and I don't believe in 'shooting myself in the foot'. In that case then I embrace wholeheartedly what I have with you New York, and our impending destiny.
You are on your own journey now, moving through other women and exiting from all that you have known as the tribe and your non profound love (brother and sister) marriage, however much respect I can have for it, and I am on my own journey now, moving out of profound grief (even if I have just entered it) after a profound love connection, the likes of which you have probably not known, because of the generic nature of what you are and the generic nature of what I am.
Whatever it is, I will obviously be able to find a psychic brotherhood friendship with Cuba eventually as I move through the grief and shock, the vast shock of what I have gone through and will now have to live with in this interim life.
And in that sense, I can have a friendship with you and see how we connect through this time. You are around me often and I can respect that while asking for nothing because you have nothing to give as yet, even though you say you want me.
I want joy. And I can find that by beginning to believe in love again. And by beginning to believe that you are that love and that I can invest in you, wherever you are and indeed, wherever you are not. Here.
It takes all my psychic training and gifts and all my trust in my intuition and psychicness of feeling.
But I don't believe in hanging on to the past in any way and have to now accept therefore, the huge and vast shock of what has happened with Cuba. And to make way for the new. Which I will have to believe is you.
That's it for now. My journey is my career and the quiet life of preparation. Yours is women/the entrance into love/the exit from your marriage.
And one day we will converge.
How much we can do it together I will try to be open to. Other than that, I am in grief now. Grief, loneliness and shock. I, however love my work and my empire building and indeed, serving THE team. And I will try to believe in you as I move through the next stage of my life.
I will try to believe in you.
AZR © 2014
And I just want to add two things. I search for an anchor and a muse. My anchor has always been the sacred occupation of smoking herb when and where I can. That and every other form of sacred and sensual meditation. My anchor was also Cuba. My anchor is also The Great Mother GOD in the most visceral way possible.
I am profoundly in love with you New York. Don't ever think that this is not the case. What is plaguing me though is that I now know that profound love is not your thing. Any of your kind. Love does not motivate you. Love is just an option. You may love me profoundly right now. But your actions are not dependent on that. And they are most certainly not driven by that. Cuba and every other man I have ever been involved with, have proved that. And now you have proved that too.
It is not the love you have to grow. It is your relationship to love that has to grow. Your relationship to love is the relationship to The Great Mother GOD is the relationship to your courage is the relationship to living your dreams is the relationship to your relationship with your dreams. How much you are willing to sacrifice your fascistic traits to share love for instance + the other hundred or so levels of the same thing, similar things and so forth. Including your own self esteem, your own ability to share yourself and your ability to trust yourself, me and Her. The unknown. The void. The space. The central self, the self between you and me.
Which means that my anchor can increasingly become you. But for now the hope is herb and the hope of herb and my work and Her. Self serving in every way, including sexually, in order to access the bliss that is my human and Divine right, despite you and anyone else.
Feeling. Access your feeling and you access your love. That's it. That is all the process is. Do you want to feel or do you want to just be the living death, outside of your work? That is the raising of the chakras from 'base' emotion to real feeling. That is your journey. Mine is to find every stimulant to stay alive.
I am all feeling. In a world of no soul. With a man, currently of no soul. It is soul you seek to enter. I am your soul. I am soul. Which is why herb and every form of solo pastime are the only options for me. To maintain the joy. The joy is what produces results. The joy is what produces life. And what produces life, produces results. The way to beat a world of no soul. Be soul, no matter what.
It is not my love that is in question. Now that I am embracing the grief to leave the past behind once and for all, for sure. It is your love. What do you do with that love? What do you do that is different from all other men? You access soul to become it. You become soul. And not just in your work.
That's it. Peace. At least I have hope again. A Miles Davis life or you or both.
AZR © 2014
Personal. Humanity and Soul. AZR
Yes. And what I mean about humanity is not just humanity. It is SOUL.
What astounds me about you and Australia for instance, New York, is that you, as CREATIVES, not artists, can take or leave soul. You leave it at the office. No wonder my people end up dying for love. No wonder. And this applies to you too Cuba for sure. It's time to see you as the same and not different, just because you are not a proven creative. And it's time to see too, that you could still be the one for sure. I only have the prophecies. The why and the what still has to be revealed and we know how profound this love is.
But you are all creatives who can take or leave soul. I am High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood Hierophant. What that means in normal speak is that I AM soul. I have entered soul completely and was already in it from birth. I don't just 'do' creativity. I am it. I have to live soul, otherwise I die. My mastery is that I have grounded it completely, so I am no longer 'living in the clouds' or any of the other usual adages of a prosaic soulless world. I am a master magician. I live in both worlds with ease. I manipulate both worlds with ease. I am a master of the two worlds. I produce at will and I fly at will too.
And what that means is that I can love and work at the same time. I can sensualise and work at the same time. I can love. And I can live.
You can live. You can't love. You have not entered mastery. You have not entered soul as a state of being. You dip in and out of it. You don't live in it.
You don't spiritually or creatively or life wise, NEED love or NEED to love.
That is an irony indeed again, when dependency is thought of. You are still in the sickness. Hating the person you love because you need more than you love.
Soul is the state of being that is the aim. And for you, masters of the earth world in terms of the linear and productivity, your entrance is love. The need for real love. Real, deep, intimate, profound love.
You 'gave me peace in a lifetime of war' Cuba. But then you became my war.
What you do with that, we will see. I suppose I can't write you off. You might still enter soul. You might still be the one for me. But New York, apparently it is you. We will see. You have to enter soul as a state of being and not just something you leave at the office.
Same same.
For me, I have to now attain the third mastery. To do it all alone. To be in both worlds alone and to know how to sustain my joy and will to live in both those worlds. The work is fine. The work is my drug now. But at any moment outside that work is what I worry about. I have to sustain my strength and joy and SOUL in those moments. I don't do half living and I am sick of having to survive as soul from day to day. Which is why I am building up my own sustenance again. I will survive. I always do. I am a forerunner of the human race and that was to include everyone. None of you are in soul. None of you are companions. None of you are masters. You are still ordinary men because you are not in soul. You enter it as a pastime. I require more. And so does She.
Peace. Here's to life alone. A life of Soul.
AZR © 2014
Fascism. AZR
Wow. I feel sooooooo much better. It's the soullessness that was killing me. Yours and yours and yours.
And yours in particular, New York. Just soulless. I can't take it anymore and just the promise of a Miles Davis life of 'inebriation' does it for me. A great artist who fends for herself in EVERY way. Fuck it. I see Paradise and have done so completely for five and a half years and you don't. None of you do and none of you ever have. I see Paradise and I live in a state of bliss. I have done so for 15 years but completely for five and a half. It's called Ascension. I am what it says on the tin.
At the same time, there's no mystery. Ascension is self crucifixion. You won't do it. None of you will so that's your problem and your bag and probably what the World Healing was talking about.
Fascism will die whether you like it or not and maybe that is how long you will have to wait. Now that I don't give a shit anymore and now that I have let go completely, I hope it does take that long for you. Because none of you deserve to ever see Paradise.
And there you go. The truth is delivered.
But you will. Everyone has healing and healing is for all. But you don't deserve it, let alone me.
For my kind, Atlanteans, those of the pure heart, Need is not love. For your kind, Lemurians, FASCISM is not love.
The more you repeat that, the more you will ascend.
Whether you repeat it or not is up to you. Ain't my problem anymore. I see Paradise and I now have accepted that I see it alone. I tried and have a completely clear conscience. But I as usual, forgot about the fascism. I will never forget again.
Tara and good luck with that. Soullessness. Non masters and non magicians. Not my bag in any way.
'You don't beg average people to be phenomenal. You just ARE phenomenal'. Mateus M
Fascism is the most mediocre thing on this profane and prosaic earth. It's everywhere. Greatness is me. Greatness is the most unusual thing on earth. I paid to see Paradise. I paid the price. I deserve good things to happen to me. I paid the price. And I see Paradise. You see earth. Good luck with that. Soullessness. Not my bag.
AZR © 2014
Goddess Pt ll (Artwork)
Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art
Selective Soul. Amera Ziganii Rao
Selective Soul is not Ascension. Selective Soul is Fascism. Fascism is not love. Neither is autocracy, patriarchy or patriarchal matriarchy. Selective Soul is not Ascension. Selective Soul is worth shit and fortunately, not my bag.
The two kinds of Priesthood. One is total and the entrance into Paradise on earth as a state of being. Need is not love being the constant alchemy. The other Priesthood or non Priesthood is never total. The entrance can never be alchemised. Because fascism is not love. Never was, never will be. Selective Soul is not Ascension. Selective Soul is pretending. High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood Hierophant is no pretence.
The grief is that we do it alone. Because we do not select.
The fascists can only do that. Ascension therefore is a sole journey to Soul.
Fascism is not love. Fascism is everywhere. Fascism is the mediocrity of this earth. Fascism is earth. Fascism is the dark. The dark can only do selective Soul. Ascension can never be anything other than total.
The proof that women are ahead always. Because Ascension can never be selective. Total surrender or nothing. Fascism cannot do surrender. They can never see Paradise. They can only pretend.
That's them and not our bag. The rest is ours. Paradise on earth. Master magicians of heaven and earth. Because fascism is not love. That is the justice. We get Paradise on earth. They get the soullessness of a barren planet. Their barrenness. Lack of soul.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
The High Initiation Process
Ascension is the process of moving through the mire of earth.
What is the mire?
Fascism + soullessness + mediocrity.
Under the guise of 'love'. Under the guise of 'normal'.
Ascend all the way and ascend alone. You're alone anyway. Use it and grow.
You are not soulless. You can grow.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Forerunner. Amera Ziganii Rao
I am a forerunner of the human race, an unmitigated genius and magician, and that includes the men. I am alone now.
I intend to not only accept this, I intend to embrace it and celebrate it. I am a master magician. I master both worlds with nothing but pure ease. It is done.
And no one is good enough to join me.
It is done.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Unoriginal Slaves. Amera Ziganii Rao
Tyranny and sadism. Misogynists. Slaves of 'Sauron' = Wifebeaters.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Yes. Don't forget for one moment, my lovelies, that nothing you do is original as yet. You are simply puppets of a regime that props up your stupid egoes and serves their alchemical vampirical agenda of negative emotion, so they can live longer and better, using you.
They, the powers that be, do not just use war, poverty, exploitation and capitalism and sickness to create the negative energy that they thrive off like the vampire beasts that they are, the Illuminati, they use you first and foremost as their forerunners of the demon race.
Men are used and have been used for over 12000 years as wifebeaters to create negative energy. You don't have to go to war to serve their agenda. You just have to 'love' women. You serve 'Sauron'. Nothing you do is original and nothing you do is special. You are fascists. They want fascists. Well done.
I speak plainly and sternly for one reason and one reason alone. You have no motivation to change. I had the motivation. I paid the price. And won. You lose, you will always lose and you are losers. Because you have not motivation to change and because you move into the cold mind of denial to deny what is the truth.
I presume as the Great Celestials move to wipe evil off this earth, your evil will be wiped out too.
You don't deserve it. You have to pay the price.
No matter. You will still feel the immense pain of change. That you most certainly deserve. Pigs of 'Sauron'. Men.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
My life looked good on paper—where, in fact, almost all of it was being lived.
Martin Amis
A writer is a world trapped in one person.
Victor Hugo
At least I am not mediocre.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Fascism of course, being all things Misogynistic. Amera Ziganii Rao
Fascism of course, being all things Misogynistic. Fascism of course being all things Cruel. Fascism of course being all things Autocratic, Dictatorial, Financially Enslaving and most of all, all things Chattel, Unpaid Slavery and 'Oh, you don't have to work darling'. Fascism being all things Misogynistic, under the guise of 'love. Bullshit. It's Fascism. Institutionally backed Fascism. It's called the ordinary male.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
The New World. The Real 'Albion'
The enemy of Atlantis = Selective Soul 'Ascension' = The Antagonist = Amun (stupid) Priesthood.
Fascism (Misogyny) is not love.
Selective Soul is not Ascension.
The Great Celestials are coming. The real 'Great Flood'. The end of evil. The end of fascism. The end of all that men of misogyny have known. The end of the old world. Albion returns. Albion is female and much much more than simple equality. Fascism must pay. Fascism most definitely is about to pay. Stupidity is about to end. The Great Celestials are coming.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Surrender. Amera Ziganii Rao
So. Today is a completely different energetic day. I am feeling the full commitment to who we are by you, New York and of course, as soon as I say that, I will probably get a different reaction from you and feel as if I have fallen on my face. But there you go. We are moving forward rapidly, on one level and I stay true to my word. I am what I am. In light of this, the question I have been communing on, on who is The Great Mother Universe’s and the Great Celestials’ choice for me and how do I begin to come to terms with that, for positive and negative reasons of grief and joy together and of course in light of all of your belligerent madness and fascism/misogyny addictions, now that I finally have cause for faith again, with the knowledge of the tidal wave of change coming across the planet.
So, at the moment and I am going with that, it is you, New York. I feel your commitment and I also feel something else. Your rapid growth and change and alchemy, as soon as I communicate any wisdom to you.
That is frankly, a fucking miracle. I have not felt that for a very long time from anyone and therefore I see the concept I had long forgotten. Convergence. Parallel convergence in our different ways.
Anyway, so I am in a completely new place with you and I honour that and like it and love it and feel it and aim to try and enjoy it, however needy, insecure, doubtful, impatient, needy, oh did I say that, I feel.
Which of course brings me to the first love of my life.
Today, Cuba – and please, I don’t want any more tears, I can’t take it anymore either, with our mutual ongoing grief, and I’m sorry if that gets you into trouble with your lady, but there you go, the truth is the truth – I had the courage to finally ask what the fuck is going on with us and what is the why of the why of why we cannot be together. I am well aware New York, now by the way, that you must be exiting from a relationship similar to this one, and it’s not the obvious one, as you must have made this journey too, to reach me and it could only have been through something similar – I asked the question I didn’t want to ask.
I can see so far this. As we look at the ascension line with the Sacred Prostitute writings by Nancy Qualls Corbett, I have been The Spiritual Mother. The spiritual mother as we know now in buckets, is not the stereotypical one that society would like to describe it as. She is The Sacred Whore, the holy one, the holy sex kitten, the Hekate and the angel, the sacred slut, the extraordinary mind, the prophet mind and heart and so on. The Hierophant. The Monarch. She is the ultimate, sexually, sensually, intellectually and spiritually and emotionally. She is it.
You were also my Spiritual Father. I have not read the rest of the book but am curious as to see whether Nancy Qualls Corbett outlines the same ascension line for men to women. But you have been my spiritual father as I have been your spiritual mother. For sure. Which is why it has been so bloody excruciating to let you go. And in the same way, you most certainly have not been a teddy bear or an all giving father of anything. You have raped me to the back of beyond and yet, you loved me and you showed me the love I needed and wanted so badly, like never before.
We are both guides and both part of this unprecedented work. And what we are both seeing now is that there are no ‘Rochesters’ and no ‘Jane Eyres’. There is no narrative yet to describe the truth and the truth is what is so needed on this earth.
I look at Marilyn Monroe and how she came out of her marriage to Arthur Miller and how she did not survive it. I look t L’Wren and how she did not survive whatever transition she and Mick Jagger made. I see Whitney Houston and how she most certainly did not survive her transformative experience with Bobby Brown after so many years of being together, negative or positive. And so on.
This is the spiritual sexual marriage. The one that has to be left, so the real can be entered into. The Sophia marriage/union. The equivalent for the male. The whole.
You however are not entering a Sophia situation and that is no reflection on you or your lady. It ties in with who you are and why I have had to leave you behind. You will do it next life.
That however has nothing to do with the love. You see?
Anyway, I will add more but this shows how profound and newly at peace the work will be. That makes me happy. As you cannot exit from misogyny, you can also not enter Sophia. It all ties in.
Which brings us to you New York. You can. I have been told.
Do it soon. I need you.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
And this is good too. AZR
The Light Messenger
Angel Card of the Day: From Archangel Michael: Detach From the Situation
Message From Archangel Michael:
You’ve become embroiled in a situation to the point where you can’t see it objectively. This card indicates that it’s time to step back and obtain a bigger view of the picture. Archangel Michael asks you to detach from the surrounding emotions, and he’ll help you to do so. Michael will also guide you in depersonalizing the experience so you don’t take offense at others’ behavior. This will prevent you from reacting defensively – instead, your actions will stem from love and wisdom.
Give yourself permission to take a time-out, away from the people involved. You don’t need to know the solution right now, as the angels are taking care of the details. What’s important for you is to access a sense of inner peace – a feeling that will lead to new and helpful insights.
Possible Specific Meanings:
Don’t take on other people’s arguments – let them work things out for themselves • Be compassionate without carrying someone else’s burden • Ask Archangel Michael to clear your energy • It’s time to leave an unhealthy situation or relationship
My Prayer: Archangel Michael, I ask you to use your flaming sword to cut any attachment to fear or drama so that I may be centered in the knowingness that peace is everywhere within me and this situation."
* from the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
New Personal. AZR
Wow. So, despite all the new anxieties and fears and recognitions of all that is and all that could be, I am smiling. Last night I shook with the trauma of what has happened to me. I shook with the trauma of earth.
Today, I am smiling. I know I am being held by you now New York and I am smiling.
I am also now beginning to see a new vista of all the profundities and work and all that we are and all that I and Cuba have been and all that you and anyone else has been. And then alongside that, obviously, you are still working on entry into intimacy, which is - politics aside - the merging of the Sacred Whore and The Tribe Madonna. Sophia. The final woman. So that you become the final man.
We talk of advancement of the human race, and the most evolved state. The state that - details aside, because I would have to Hierophant about any one of them in particular in detail - let's just say, Warren Beatty may have achieved with Annette Bening. That Angelie Jolie may have achieved with Brad Pitt. That Helena Bonham Carter may have achieved with Tim Burton and so on. They may have. Yoko Ono and John Lennon for their short time together which was still long. And so on.
I was just watching the scene in Gus Van Sant's Good Will Hunting, where Robin Williams character is talking straight to Matt Damon's flawed genius character, after Matt Damon's character has emotionally ripped Robin Williams character to bits because he could no longer take the heat of penetration.
Robin Williams character is telling him gently and softly and firmly that while he may be a genius, he is a scared and frightened and nothing kid. Because he has never known life. Because all that he knows is from books and that while he may be a genius, he has nothing to do with human because he doesn't share his own story. He doesn't speak of himself, because he is too damn scared, too damn closed to even say anything or not be terrified of what he might say. So he attacks instead and closes off instead.
I used to be like that. As I have shared before in this work, people who used to try and get close to me, lie on the floor behind me as carcasses. This went on for years. We all have the immense struggle with intimacy.
And the more sensitive we are, the more profound we are I mean, of soul I mean, connected to soul and the more difficult our entry into the world for whatever reason, the more we will close up into the angry, profane, bitter, cruel loneliness of existence, while yearning in the sickness of dependency that everything will be alright. What this means is that we are stuck in the dreams of uselessness. That is non intimacy. Not being present, however much you might take that gift to work with you.
It's like sitting in a cinema watching a film. It's like sitting on one's pc watching a film. We can have our private world of feeling, kindness, trust, spirituality, the sacred, the vast sexuality, the sensuality, the risk, the risk, the risk and the risk and then once the film is done, we go back to our crab like selves and closed up and private and so lonely but too hard in oneself, too much in the non feeling to even care.
And so goes on the human race in its sicknesses. Generation after generation.
Ascension is Enlightenment, levels 1- 1000. I have reached 1000. Five and a half years ago. I ejected all my sicknesses of non intimacy and refusal to feel pain. Because that is what Matt Damon's character is stuck in and by the time Robin Williams' character is finished with him he finally breaks down into the final pain and grief he needs to. Rather like the Michael Fassbender's character in Steve Mcqueen's Shame. As opposed of course, to Daniel Day Lewis's character in Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood.
Not much breaking down into intimacy there or taking responsibility for his feelings. He just bludgeons someone else to death instead. That is dependency. Taken to the most extreme kind of course, but metaphor and the use of analogy is just that. Because it's all the same.
Beating up a woman, not connecting with 'the whore' archetype, bludgeoning someone to death, closing oneself off into rage, coldness, cruelty or 'not feeling'. It's all the same thing. Because 'reason' or not, everyone feels. And the proof? The arts. The arts exist for a reason. And the most soulless people or apparently soulless people will always have a book in their hands. It's not soullessness. It's lack of intimate expression. Not being present.
Anyway, that's you. I'll leave that with you for now. But I am still smiling because I have faith again and I trust again and I know you have the gifts to make it. If you work really hard at it and you take the leap. You are nothing without the ability to be present in your personal life. Nothing else means anything unless you can do that and you know that. That's why you found me.
Now, Cuba. What I will say to you is this today. Dr Brian Weiss' Only Love Is Real. I am quivering at the journey we have taken now. I see that book and how it opened up my immense grief just a few months after we met and I am looking at Robert de Niro's The Good Shephard and how I nearly died that October in 2007 as a result of it. And I see now, and of course, New York must be involved in this too, that it seems so far, that the twin soul, the twin soul partnership that is so 'passionate', 'exciting' and 'first love' is the twinship of past lives that has to be entered into to be cleared.
We found each other in order to leave each other.
I look at - again, obvious and visible examples - Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor - and I totally see now why they had to leave each other and why they were both drugged up for most of their union, whatever sheer greatness they produced in their film repertoire together. Because they really did and I could say the same about my work with you as my muse, for real. These unions are held up to be so romantic. Are they really? Not sure about that anymore, even though how could anyone regret anything without shooting oneself in the foot and lying?
I think of the extraordinary depression and grief that we both felt at the time we met each other. That is exactly what Dr Brian Weiss says of both his patients who magically turn out to be looking for each other. Of course, for New York or anyone else, he has other patients and specialises in past life regression but the magic of the story he had to relay was that through his regression therapies with two patients in particular, it turns out that it is the other they are searching for and are in such profound grief about.
The book however does not cover what happens between the two once they do come together. You see?
I can tell you. I am sure now that I can tell you and I am sure because I feel New York must have gone through a similar thing and not just once, even though this was the big one, but many many, just like you and I did before each other. These are clearing lives and this is the clearing process. Clearing what? GRIEF, GRIEF, GRIEF.
We healed each other in that battle, of grief and the past and New York has been involved in the same process. That is how profound it is. And grow tragic. Because the abuse was for a reason. It was the only thing that was real in the end. Because earth is abuse.
So, New York, you have the unprecedented gift of choice. Do you remain closed or do you fly and open yourself up to real life, by grieving, grieving and grieving what you already feel. Grief.
But Cuba, you stand on that plateau now. You have grieved and yet you of course have not. Which is why you are on that plateau but you are not meant to go any further. I could be sad for you but I am not. You get the high life. But you will never be happy. You will be happy enough.
New York, you have the chance to be really happy. To be really present on earth, as yourself in each moment. To share with another. To actually BE union.
These thoughts I leave with both of you for now. I am flying just with the hope. And because grief is my second name. Grief makes one strong. And gratitude. Gratitude that it is at all.
AZR © 2014
Christmas Eve. AZR
The history of womankind is a story of abuse. For ages men beat, sold and abused their wives and daughters like cattle. The Spartan mother that gave birth to one of her own sex disgraced herself. The girl babies were often deserted in the mountains to starve. China bound and deformed their feet. Turkey veiled their faces. America denied them equal educational advantages with men. Most of the world still refuses them the right to participate in the government and everywhere women bear the brunt of an unequal standard of morality.
But the women are on the march. They're walking upwards to the summit plains where the thinking people rule. China has ceased binding their feet. In the shadow of the harem, Turkey has opened a school for girls. America has given women equal educational advantages and America, we believe, will enfranchise them.
We can do little to help and not much to hinder this great movement. The thinking people have put their 'okay' upon it. It is moving forward to its goal, just as surely as this old earth is swinging from the grip of winter towards the spring's blossoms and the summer's harvest.
From an editorial in an American weekly. June 1914
Quoted in Dale Carnegie's The Art of Public Speaking
Just to remind you that the work can never stop. Other than that, New York, I wish you well and see that we are on a new journey now. Remember two things often; mental health is your human right and I had to move through the politics of poison too, to ascend.
Mine was the invincible, all giving, all attentive, father male, the knight in shining armour, the dissapointment of which is what evokes the so called female psycho. They're not wrong there. It makes you helpless, powerless as an actual state of being as a woman, to believe in that stuff and it is an alchemical process to eject it. It's awful to have been that sick and yet, the whole world is sick in it somehow and at some level.
Other than the few who are not. Obviously by the time I am finished, hopefully many more.
Yours is the politics of that excerpt. Keep working on it and shift it layer by layer over the next year, let's say. As you do that, as you face yourself in the truth of it, you face your own dependency, which is the mental sickness. The unspoken mental sickness of this world.
If you are a great soul, as I am happily suspecting that you are, day by day as I see the difference between you and Cuba, you will understand emotionally as well as cerebrally what I am saying. That is the process of alchemy. Facing yourself.
The dependency is projection. The beating up a person instead of facing your own pain, as an unconscious emotional state of being and above all, beginning with yourself. Dependency is a lack of self love. The healing is self love, so you can love.
We'll keep working on it.
I am overwhelmed into patience and industry. My work is huge. And only just allowed to have begun in its professional space and truth. And of course I am moving through many emotions. The emotions of Cuba and all that he has been and especially in the past two years when he became weird, to say the least. And now I know why. And then the emotions of knowing how you are different and indeed, how you are of the same archetype too and how to approach that. With faith and belief and joy frankly. I feel the difference in your advancement. The rest is mental health and spiritual advancement.
And then there is mine. Learning the miraculous process of massive industry, alongside a man and being so in love again. Feeling the joy and excitement and yet knowing that this is very good for me to do it this way too. Not least because I can only go as fast as I can with my physical limitations, which include many shifts of consciousness (gravity, balance, exhaustion) and that's just from my physical, let alone the mystic planes of existence that I live as normal. I mention it for myself and for you. Compassion. Especially from you to me. I carry the legacy of female in my body. Learn to look after me as you heal. And I believe you can and do.
I'm superhuman. But I still need an invincible male. Dependency is the sickness of the truth. The truth still remains.
That's it. Merry Christmas.
Cuba, I ain't got anything to say to you. You are what you are. I am glad I finally know. Accept what you are. The past two years have felt like Alice Walker's The Color Purple. And now I know why. Basically, you are a fool. A fool and a cad. It doesn't matter. You are what you are. At least I finally know.
And now I have to enter the story of what you are and what you all have been all over again. Whatever. At least my mind is made up. Not you. Step away. You are not worthy. I'm at work. And I am brilliant.
Brilliant, disabled, a nomad, habitat wise, and in physical pain and debilitation and a (shocked and grateful) ward of the state after seven and a half years of you. And carrying the legacy of an oppression that is regarded as the norm. Woman. Step away. You are so, not worthy. You won't be until your next life. Accept and live the life you were born to live. Without me.
Best wishes to you and yours. You'll always be my favourite 'rapist'. You, I did not see. It turns out that I wasn't meant to. The whole journey had to be done. And now we are. Done.
AZR © 2014
New York, New York. AZR
Wow. Well the first thing I want to say to you my lovely man, is thank you.
I have had the best Christmas this year for a very very very long time. Communing with you has given me life again and as we both share it with people who need us and who we have love for, it has filled me with so much hope, joy and excitement.
Of course, I am moving through the shock of the past and so are you moving past the pain of your past. And we are holding each others hands as we do it.
To be wanted and loved so much already and in such a profound and real, spiritual and primal and specific way, whether you are here or not or whether I am there or not, is frankly, a new Paradise. Thank you.
I think the generic for both of us is that this time it is different. Ascended or not into your non pain soul, your non dependency soul, ascended as I am into mine, or not, we are both finding new trust, faith and wonder in the recognition that this time is different.
Your linear has emotional intelligence and my emotional intelligence has the linear. That's one way of putting it. The fantasies are real in other words. This time the visceral is the real.
As we leave behind the different levels of bourgeois that have been in the partners of all kinds that we have known, ascended or not, you recognise that we are in convergence. That we mean it. We have the capability and courage and alchemical matter to live our dreams. Across the board. We also have the capability to express our dreams, stand up for our dreams and analyse our dreams together. In other words, the 'reason' to go with the emotions. The friendship that has eluded us with others all our lives.
The love is pure. The love is unconditional. And the love is grounded, solid and mature. We are mature love. We are advanced love. We are love in consciousness. We are love.
We ARE 'The Macho Intellectual Sexual Consciousness Passion and Compassion of the Visceral Soul.'
We ARE 'The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion and Compassion of the Visceral Soul.'
I can feel it, I can Hierophant it and I can feel it.
I was right. Whatever journeys through non esotericism or noetics esotericism that you have or have not made, you are 'ripe for the plucking'. In other words, you just need the education. You already have the wisdom. This is not a process that has to be done overnight or even before we become a we, if you see what I mean. In other words, I leave it to you, what kind of ascension you enter before you do what you need to do or want to do or plan to do. I leave the wooing to you. I am just saying that I am feeling a vibration I have never felt before in another person and certainly not Lemurian Priesthood.
We are speaking the same language. And it begins with the most important factor and one that has been missing in my life for so long from another. The WILL to love. The will to love ME.
My will to love you is now Himalayan high. And has been increasingly over the past few seminal days of wonder and mutual ascension, from what I can feel and see.
The will from you is being backed by the ability. Think about it. It's only been a very short time and you have not yet regressed like the others did. You have moved through the so painful for me layers of misogyny and High Priestess violation and you are already into new and reinforced will and indeed, the courage to play out all our fantasies, primal, loving and companionship wise. I can feel it all.
In other words, my lovely, new dear, gorgeous, sexy, wise, intelligent, gifted man, my Ascension Twin Flame, you are showing what I have been talking about to the other and the other other for a long time. You have the ABILITY and WILL to listen. Which means that you trust the central self of both of us and therefore, you trust me. You honour what I am and you trust yourself enough to hear the truth so that there is no abuse of power possible, even if I was capable of that.
That is the ability to trust. You also trust me.
With that so far, my sweet, you have given me more than anyone else has ever given me. And we've only just met. Whether we turn this into a miracle turnaround right now, or have to go through a process that is longer than today (!), I don't care right now. I miss you and I know how much you miss me.
That gives me so much state of bliss I don't know what to do with myself, other than jump for joy with my poor ole legs or do something very naughty. Or both.
I'm bubbling now aren't I and I may be met with a wall of bricks, for all I know, as with the other you know who. But I want to froth. It's been so long and you make me feel so good.
Thank you.
Faith, hope, trust and convergence. We are working out the same things and that is the bliss. And that's surely all we have to focus on right now.
You have the intelligence of the visceral. I've searched for that in another person my whole life. I believe and feel that I have found it in you. And you want me. Wow.
You're ascending. You are ascending.
AZR © 2014
Kissy, Kissy, Kissy. AZR
We are moving fast aren't we. When I met your shadow as I now know it is (was), I was furious as you know and dejected and ejected as usual. But now I am in awe. They talked of The Divine Partnership and frankly, I am not afraid to say that I am definitely feeling that now.
I know we are communing and communing now and am happy to not have to say too much here. But it's also good for us to confirm our still fledgling levels of psychic. Our belief and our purpose of action through it.
I am also in awe of the fact that I no longer feel like a teacher. With you. I feel like a partner, personally and spiritually, sharing the semantics, if you like, of all of it. Working our way through all of it. I am listening to Martin Luther King's autobiography at the moment for my training and he says it that way. That leaders have to be preoccupied with the semantics. Christopher Howard says it as in distinctions, brandings and positionings. Same thing really in the different contexts.
I feel I am sharing rather than teaching and I feel that I am being asked to share with you and rely on your strength, intelligence and self now. As I do obviously on my own. That is awe inspiring.
And yes, I think it should be said. Two years ago, when the issue of public attention came, I was terrified. Terrified of the mob, reluctant to share this work on that kind of exposure basis. Two years later, much as I am grateful for The Other's entrance into my life, I feel very different. After all I am not the actor of my material. I am the producer, director, actor, writer, scriptwriter, cinematographer, editor and everything of my work and two years after that question arose, I feel absolutely ready for anything.
I also see something else. A man who believes in what I say and I mean, across the board. A man who is not just interested in my work or me because of the part of it that is relevant to you. But I see the 'Donald Woods' that I have searched for my whole life. Yes, my work is for all, to teach us The Lost Knowledge. My work is also about The Female Holocaust. Cuba only wanted the first bit. He couldn't have cared less about the second bit when it came to my professional purpose and indeed, my therapeutic healing. He just wanted what I gave him. He didn't care about me. Either personally, esoterically or spiritually. He was a bad man. Actually, he was an ordinary man, but I like saying it that way too. A man so addicted to me, but a man who never wanted me enough to ever want me, once he knew who I was. That is a bad man. A mad man. For sure. As all of earth is. Mad. And women like me think it is about our looks! It is WHO we are that ordinary men hate. Never what we look like. And I so look forward to raising the self esteem of women like me who think the worst, after being 'raped' in the way I have been. Anyway, that's that. Thank you Great Mother Universe. And thank you, beautiful good man (yes really). That is the past.
I see a different man in front of me now and I am in awe.
I also see that I am ready for this reason. I don't care what anyone thinks of my work, other than the person or people I need to share myself with. I couldn't care less. 32 years of silent and un-accoladed development have taught me iron level integrity, as it was supposed to do. And what a story it is and what a world it is I describe and what a world that has worked for me so irreversibly. So no, I do not care.
I also know that I could say to myself, oh, dear, I should shape it into this or that or make it more representable or this or that and I am constantly involved in the re-branding, re-shaping and re-semanticising. I just made that up. Love it. But that's a writer's job anyway and anyone who is part of anything of telling a story, isn't it.....I could tell myself all of those things, but the truth is this. It will not affect how this work is met by the mob/media. Never. First of all, they won't have half a clue about what I am talking of and second, I am not them. They will hate me anyway. My life has been very straightforward. I am feared, hated, envied and dismissed as a witch weirdo or an airy fairy nothing or a this or a that or whatever. A trouble maker, a rebel without a cause, too serious minded, whatever. I have heard it all. And of course, a slut, a whore and every single insult under the sun.
Today is also a new world and very different from the one that you and I were young in. People have come a long way, especially with all things 'conspiracy' or spiritual (esoteric) or alchemical. Being out and about for the past year and meeting really good eclectic people has shown me that my work has a huge reception waiting for it in some way. I am personal development after all, as well as social commentary. I have the solutions, even if my educational system will take time to develop. The truth is the truth. The world, the western world of real Intelligentsia seems ready to accept it and accept it with honour, joy and respect.
I am also privileged enough to say that I have been received as an artist very beautifully. That gives me real courage and hope and peace. Even if my art form is undefinable, as yet.
So the question is what do you feel about all of it in the public eye? My feelings, my intuitive advancement of being says very good news is coming from you. But of course, that is what you are working through today and I can understand that. I also understand one thing. Either you can see the wisdom of my ways or not. And not just so it applies to you. Either you are a 'Donald Woods' for women, or you are not. I suspect, ecstatically, that you are. I choose to believe because I do. Because I know what I feel. What my psychic intuitive, political hearted, Hierophant self is saying to me and I am in awe.
Talking of Semantics, here's a new vibe on all that I am.
Amera Ziganii Rao
A dystopian and utopian philosopher and writer and spiritual psycho analyst and metaphysical.
Her field is personal development and social commentary and her subjects are love and sex and human rights, and Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity for a new human race of love.
Her subject is also the female holocaust. The journey of woman on earth. Today. Everywhere. Like you have never heard before. The female holocaust and the holocaust for anyone of love.
Self actualisation and truth for the new world. Your right to create. And the courage to live the real truth. A good life.
AZR © 2014
And of course this is also what it is.
Amera Ziganii Rao
One of the saviours of the human race. A defender of the meek. A protector of the weak. I can define and interpret evil and strategise against it. Self alchemy and changing one's life ALONGSIDE the darkness of this earth. I can teach protection, self growth and the journey to freedom in the face of evil and human sickness. Self made salvation. Power and joy and happiness. They're for you too. I am the meek, inheriting the earth. You can be too. I can show you how. The real GOD loves you.
AZR © 2014
Phew. Better lie down now. Very powerful times. With you.
....a 'Donald Woods' (Steve Biko's friend who was a white journalist in South Africa) and of course, a 'Mark Anthony' (Cleopatra). The difference is that you are both. He was only one. Everyone has only been one.
That's the hope and the vibration. The rest is you and time. In comparison to what I have known, that is bliss. Just the real hope. And a feeling like never before.
After all, you know what I want. So do I.
Real men do exist. Real, mature, exciting, artistic, sexualist, individuated, spiritualised, liberated, humane, primal, egalitarian, open minded, visionary, courageous, women supporting, women loving, women lusting, women sparring, full, human beings. Male human beings who can fly. Male human beings who can love women. Male human beings who can love Titans and Lionesses. Lions. Real men. Sacred Pimps™.
Real men do exist. ‘Champions are not born’. Real men can exist.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
I can feel your sexuality. I love it. My beautiful, filthy, dominating, obsessed, possessed, hedonistic, nihilistic, Sacred beast of a man. Because those of us who are the most sexual, what do we think, in the truth context of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and The Sacred Whore High Priestess (Priest) Society™, that means? We are the most spiritual. The most sexual are in fact the most spiritual. Spirituality being the communing between Mortal and The High Priestess (Priest) to reach ecstasy. Orgasm. Bliss. The most active, dirty minded, passionate, non reproductive, hedonistic, glorious, worthwhile, point of life, meditation or prayer or communing on Earth. THE way to reach God, The Mother, The Universe™. THE way to happiness. Humanity. Joy. Hope. Love. Sex. Sex. Our sex. Sex.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
And actually the best example of what we are talking about, in other words, making sure that we are not like all the rest who have come before, as we settle into trust and union (I have the courage to say it and find the courage because it's you) is one of my favourite films, Stephen Frears My Beautiful Launderette. I don't need to say any more about it. You know what I mean.
In fact, I don't need to say anymore do I. I'll just smile instead. Ascension is after all, redemption. Self made salvation for all is ascension.
I recognised the killer within on an alchemical, emotional, matter shifting level. Whatever had happened to me, I healed the mortal husk as it is called, out of my body (I actually had a vision of it leaving, this black crust self of me) because I realised that I had become a consummate killer out of all that happened to me in my life and indeed, all lives. That is salvation. Redemption.
You have either been doing that slowly before you met me, or indeed as dramatically, or you are about to do it. I suspect the former (and the former) and I can feel it. I don't think you have the sickness of dependency New York. I think you are getting to know me and we are ascending together. Together. We are both in awe. That this is finally, the real of what we dreamed had to be possible. Am I gushing? I don't care.
I've waited my whole life for this moment. And whatever background of whatever levels of cruelty, abuse, misogyny, fascism, selfishness or anything of the dark you have come from, you are a human being who can love. I can feel it and I can see it every day in our very fast mutual ascension that is taking place.
To feel that alchemical shifting in you every hour of every day we are communing now. Incredible. You can love and I can feel your love for me.
Thank you. Thank you for you.
AZR © 2014
That was beautiful. Just watched it again. Empathy.
What it has also honed and toned for me is this. We are in total convergence. I have just relayed on this blog, the horrific story of what it is to be stuck in the Sacred Whore and Tribe Madonna syndrome. If I were not to draw on all my wisdom and gifts, I could stay stuck in lack of trust in you, and fear that the same thing would happen again, despite all your sincerities and the rest. Spiritual logic however has to back up the already very real vibrations that you are indeed different, because you are and have been maturing past that and that you want the 'third' woman. The whole partnership.
Spiritual logic says that Sophia as in the Nancy Qualls Corbett defined Sacred Prostitute journey is real. Spiritual logic (to confirm the high intuition I mean) also says that every single man is different because every single man is always, always, always, a progression. Spiritual logic also says that like truly does attract like.
Now, as a Sacred Whore Avatar, I have had trouble accepting that in the past four years, because I was called upon to take a man to ascension or as near to it as he could. It was actually a journey to purify evil. His. The evil of male on this earth and to show why and how and why the Sacred Whore and Tribe Madonna syndrome exists and how to of course extract myself from that relentless merry go round dynamic that I had been stuck in for over 32 years.
Spiritual logic therefore says that it was what had been prophecied. That I had to truly, leave the past behind. The past being all my lives on earth as well as the dynamic that I must have been stuck in since time, even if I was in other lives, on the wife end.
Now, the blog also reveals great rage and hurt and pain. What it does not reveal and this is for you to integrate and trust and apply your own spiritual logic too, to back up the high intuition which I see you work with too, to a very high level, is that I am a harridan. I spoke of harridan to my twin soul as was many times in the year I wrote to him before beginning the blog. The harridan is the hurt and vengeful and wounded woman (or man of my archetype) who is stuck in that dynamic with power where she does not even engage, is 'out of control' emotionally, is pathologically needy, in a state of alchemical powerlessness and incapability and total lack of self worth. The broken child basically. And when you look at the history of woman even in one lifetime, it is hardly surprising, but of course that is not the point in the end. The point is how to heal ourselves and face the terrible wound of the abandoned child, from birth because we are female, let alone, High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood Hierophant and therefore in total suffocation because there is no feeling of how to be on earth alongside everyone else and our dependencies are so completely reliant on the fact that we have no access to Spirit and we are being persecuted everywhere we turn. Abandoned child becomes abandoned adult and most women (and some men) never recover. And why and how would they?
That is what my work is primarily about. The healing I had to put myself through for the 12 or 13 years before I began this blog, to 'heal' my twin soul as was in the same way.
In other words, I am truly, like no other woman of my kind that you have ever met before. I am the evolved version of every woman you have wanted and loved.
One could argue that I regressed to harridan. Sure, one could say that but it would be inaccurate. There are many men who have visited this blog and many men who have valued what was being said. If I was truly stuck in harridan as I am sure my twin soul as was, has in non spiritual logic told himself many times, I now realise, then that would not have been the case. And so on.
Anyway, what I am saying is that I can see that this is what you are moving into trust about as I am moving into trust that you are not yet another Sacred Whore and Tribe Madonna man alongside everything we have covered, from the High Priestess killer to the financial whoremonger to the man who doesn't find female power attractive and all the rest. And for that I have always maintained that a man has to be centered in this sexuality to the Divine level of certainty, to not be 'threatened' into misogyny, as well as having the courage and the HUMANITY to stand up to the Patriarchal Toilet Tribe and truly protect his woman, as opposed to the vain pseudo protection that men like to talk about, which is usually abuse of power and nothing else. In other words, soul is the sexuality of a person.
To understand that is consciousness. The sexual consciousness of the soul. Standing in one's power completely.
I am just breaking it down here. I do trust you and am maintaining and increasing that trust hour by hour as I feel you are too. I am just giving the words to address the shadow fears. For us both.
Your past experiences have hurt you too. Mine most certainly have.
I am not a harridan and have not alchemically been one for five and a half years. At the same time, it is the POLITICAL ego if you like that I have cleared in the past four years. The idealism that there was one man who would have gone past misogyny and the whore and madonna and all the rest, long before he met me. I had to see it first to meet that man. Because that man is you. Not a long time ago but it is your past.
So there is no doubt about it that I am in phenomenal levels of acceptance and no longer resignation that 'men are men'. I understand why and how and what and when. And am willing to work that dynamic out with you. As I said, not only do you have the capacity to listen and change when needed, I don't need to teach or preach. Just show the way if and when I see it. In other words, the work on the shadow of male is done.
By the time I am finished with the educational programmes and speech programmes out of this subject matter and the healing of the wounded harridan, broken woman, we will both have a handbook. Sort of thing.
And even though we are moving fast and I deliver from my own higher mind and indeed The Universe, as Hierophant and healer of the sicknesses of the soul, I have had the chance to clear my human pain as well as personal High Priestess pain, through working with my shadow so I could reach my Ascension Twin Flame.
It is the vibration that counts. It is also confirmed by the spiritual logic of 'cause and effect'. That's interesting. It is.
Trust follows the war. We may have had to fight our wars with other people but it is all archetypal. We could have stayed in those conflicts forever. But we want peace. Peace is true love. Because peace can only come through this extraordinary level of consciousness and experience.
Trust is ours. We can be love together.
You are that evolved man. The man who reaches 'Sophia'. You truly want the whole thing and have the capability and will to be with her. And be no longer fragmented for all the hundreds of reasons articulated on this blog for a start, let alone in so much great thought on earth. For all the reasons of the truth of this planet's history instead of the bullshit men are programmed to be.
I am 'Sophia'. Because I have cleared the shadow of earth in myself as well as defined it in man. My heart is fully at peace again. Not only do I have the ability to love and have done for a long time. I am now willing to love. The pain is gone. The love is again, fully and completely here.
That's it. Goodnight.
AZR © 2014
'Oh what a joy it is to be comprehended'.....
For real. I feel you. I feel you, feeling me.
AZR © 2014
The Light Messenger
Angel Card of the Day: Notice the Signs
"Yes, the signs you´ve been receiving are heaven-sent. We drop feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you´re loved and never alone."
The Angels gave you this card to help you understand the signs you been receiving lately. These signs may include feathers, coins, butterflies, birds, or other repetitive visions that make you think of the angels, who have deliberately sent you the signs to let you know that they’re nearby – protecting, loving and guiding you.
Additional Meanings for This Card:
Your departed loved ones in Heaven are saying “Hello I love you!” • Notice and believe in the repetitive signs you receive as validation that you’re on the right path • Have faith • Follow the signs that are guiding you to your hearts desire.
** From the Daily Guidance from your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
Yes, yes, yes and yes.
As for you Cuba, I do have so much to say to you too, but I am afraid it can wait and I think you are hearing me anyway. We are in a different conversation now and I can only wish you peace.
I just want to focus on the obvious. The incredible blessing of what is happening to me. At last.
New York, I love you. So very much.
I'm all a tingle and just trying to enjoy the anxiety and the need and the yearning. I am just trying to enjoy all of it. I've waited so long. What a joy, truly, to be comprehended. What a joy to speak the same language. What a joy to be on the same plane. What a joy.
Nirvana is therefore a state to be entered together. Paradise on earth. 'Songs of Innocence and of experience' (probably paraphrasing as usual) says William Blake. Nirvana with knowledge is what I say. Real Nirvana. The chance of every lifetime. The chance of all lifetimes. Us.
AZR © 2014
Commitment. Courage defined. Courage is a strength that comes from the core of your being; the strength that allows you to commit to life. It's the willingness to go beyond your current limits and say I CAN.
Me too.
Facebook. AZR
They are for my past love, my sweet. Not you. In case you look on that page.
Love, love and love. I am feeling you and loving and honouring it. Yesterday was a hard one. I have though been able to cope with it because as you know now, I am acknowledging the terror and pain and anxiety that goes into 'courtship'. Psychic or present, it is a nightmare and I am just too jaded and hurt from the past 32 years to pretend it is anything other than painful and scary. But saying that, I am fine. As I acknowledge it and know that anything in life is a risk and that the greatest things can only be achieved by great risk, I know that the reason I take the risk is that I trust you and I trust who we are and I trust The Universe and its guidance for me, that led me to give my heart to you.
So, yes, I am in the same situation again. Giving you time to make your choices and your decisions. I also know that you are afraid of the process too, just because you are the decider/wooer. Sorry, that is about as romantic as I can get about that now....and I just remain in touch with my feelings and know that you are hearing them, so that gives me more confidence and trust.
And I am also belligerently celebrating and in awe of what has happened and how fast we have achieved what we have already achieved. And focusing on that while not needing the illusion of trying to make myself feel better through the anxiety of waiting for a married man. Again.
The past two years have been so horrendous. Because I knew something had changed. Not only was his misogyny utterly and completely resistant to all healing, I knew he didn't want me anymore, even if he did show such grief and attention from time to time. I guess that is the letting go process. It was awful and the fact that I know you want me and I know you are communing with me the whole time, or most of the time, and that I am also communing with you and indeed, enjoying the new disciplines again of non attachment and attachment and living love alongside work and life, as opposed to wondering why a man didn't want me anymore and not knowing that he had secretly got married all over again, well, there is no comparison.
I also know that everything happened as it was meant to. I did some seriously good work last year, Hierophanting the history of the world for instance so I know that every piece of writing was relevant, but I of course felt like I was begging for a man's love and that I am so bloody grateful is over. I don't deserve that. No one does and I am just trying to realise that misogyny is no longer my nemesis because you are moving through it fast and furiously and that nonchalence and cruelty and the permanent state of 'whore and madonna' are also no longer my nemeses. Because, frankly, you are not him.
I wish him peace, but f*** me. So glad it's over and other than that, I am, alongside the anxiety and risk and fear of loss and the fear of all that is the permanent whore and madonna, just so in awe of you, my love for you and my certainty and my non illusional certainty too. And how I never believed I would feel more for another man than I did for him.
I was prophecied it but of course, I thought 'they' were talking about him as there were of course men before. and now, seven years later I have a different certainty, because yes, before you, he was the big one.
And now he is gone. And you stand before me. And I am also working very hard to feel in each moment, the utter bliss that you actually 'don't mind' my work. Your misogyny is in check. You are a different man and you know the truth of what I say. You cannot humanise a woman, unless you know how to dehumanise her too. You cannot be friends with a woman and truly support her and give her sisterhood and brotherhood, brotherhood above all things, unless you know no shame. Unless you stand in your power. Your real power. And you do. Unless you know mastery. And you do. Unless you know how to turn that political truth of love and hate into the sexuality of divinity. Divine sex. And unless you are a humanE man. You are. You have already shown me how much you are. And as I fear my way through, I am making myself focus only on those glorious, seminal, Divine things. Things of the soul. Love.
You cannot love a woman, no man can love any woman, unless he is a master of himself. And you, my beautiful one, know yourself. That is mastery, long before it is even mastery. Mastery is after all a process forever. I just climb higher and higher every day, because I do the mastery work. The work with the self and the work with you as you work with yourself.
Two masters together. 'Oh what a joy' indeed.
Those are my thoughts and feelings and within that, I can give you the friendship you so need. The friendship in the love as you work your way through your present life. However long it takes I guess. Even though with such a terrible journey behind me, that makes me quake.
Trust. Trust, faith and non attachment. And then, all the attachment in the world too. Trust. A hug.
And if you are not watching Facebook, you may enjoy these lines:)
Mae West
I used to be snow white, but I drifted. Mae West
All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with someone else. Mae West
A man’s kiss is his signature. Mae West
Cultivate your curves. They may be dangerous, but they won’t be avoided. Mae West
Sex is emotion in motion. Mae West
Ten men waiting for me at the door? Send one of them home. I’m tired. Mae West
Well, Cuba, I can feel your pain and your embarrassment and your resistance. I send you peace. I can tell you this. Hierophanting as I am all through. You loved. But you did not love enough. And that is the agony of the human race, Priesthood of our different kinds or not.
Consciousness is not just high intelligence. Consciousness is not just my incredible superconsciousness of the higher of the higher minds, consciousness is not just BEING The Universe as mind and heart and soul, consciousness is the ability to love and the ability to BE love. That is consciousness.
You could only do part of it. You couldn't do the rest. And as it turns out it is not just because I am High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood Hierophant. It is because you couldn't become soul. Not enough.
This is the agony of the human race. Lifetime after lifetime, we have to ascend. And when I compare notes with New York, as I obviously intend to and pray I do one day, I will probably find that despite his being High Amun Priesthood - yes, he is higher than you - he has suffered very similar pain of addiction to love, co-dependency pain and humanitarian pain too. I was prophecied a very humane man who was the Divine partnership for me. It is not you.
And that is the why of the why.
As I look at the work that will come out of all this, the educational and speaking programmes, I can see the bridge elements of the two kinds of people. I am shocked that the length of my own journey out of co-dependency has been sooooo long. And that is precisely what New York is healing now. Ascension is primarily healing the excruciating pain and addiction of co-dependency and the only way to do that, other than facing oneself again and again and bearing the grief of aloneness, the MORE you are in love with the person in front of you and therefore converting it into TOGETHERNESS and healed need, healed nakedness and intimacy, is the belligerent self responsibility and non attachment that is needed so one can actually attach.
Your will to kill still outweighs your will to 'kill' yourself. Your co-dependencies. That is the way and why you were not CAPABLE of loving more.
It wasn't personal. It fucking well felt like it. But it wasn't and isn't. You do not have the ability to love, more than you do and I am sure the level you love is higher than those around you for instance, the generic human race I mean. Sure. But it wasn't enough for me. I deserved more. And it is standing in front of me at last.
You only see the rage that I have expressed. You do not see the healing and forgiveness I have expressed. You spent the first two years examining the Vivien Leigh piece, as if I was suffering from the same thing when I ejected that a very very long time ago.
You just never comprehended how advanced I am. And I finally have been able to see where you are. Not with me. And why. Because you are you.
You have learned your healings for this lifetime. You will be happy enough.
I am already in a state of bliss. There is another. And I am being shown every day how this man can love. And he can love big. Like me.
AZR © 2014
A Little Nightcap. AZR
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy; And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields. And you could watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.
Kahlil Gibran
I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire...his sexuality, the touchstone, the command, my pivot...working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated...I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding.
Anais Nin
What would love do now? This is a marvellous question. It washes away all doubt. It bathes the mind with the wisdom of the soul.
Neale Donald Walsh
Soul is a way of life, but it is always the hard way.
Ray Charles
For thousands of years, through deep inner inquiry, philosophers and sages have came to the realization that there is only one substance and we are therefore all part of it. This substance can be called Awareness, Consciousness, Spirit, Advaita, Brahman, Tao, Nirvana or even God. It is constant, ever present, unchangeable and is the essence of all existence.
Science and Non Duality
Psychic; Of the Soul. Of or relating to the psyche. Lying outside the sphere of physical knowledge. Immaterial or spiritual in origin or force. Sensitive to non-physical forces and influences. Marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception or understanding.
Offical Definition
You've already made the choice. You're here to figure out WHY you made that choice.
Matrix Reloaded
Beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and devil are fighting there, and the battlefield is the heart of man (woman).
Fyodor Dostoevsky
In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher. Dalai Lama
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Nikola Tesler
Nowhere can man (woman) find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his (her) own soul.
Marcus Aurelius
You're on Earth. There's no cure for that.
Samuel Beckett
The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him (her) a friend.
Abraham Lincoln
She is a prim looking stargazer.
Martin Scorcese's Gangs of New York
A writer's life is a highly vulnerable, almost naked activity. We don't have to weep about that. The writer makes his (her) choice and is stuck with it. But it is true to say that you are open to all the winds, some of them icy indeed. You are out on your own, out on a limb. You find no shelter, no protection - unless you lie - in which case of course you have constructed your own protection and, it could be argued, become a politician.
Harold Pinter
Feline Beauty lV Pt IV (Artwork)
Amera Ziganii Rao © Digital Darkroom Art
New Personals. AZR
So, my sweet.
Yes. Been very upset today but the way you cherished me last night has shown me nothing but love and peace.
To have met another great soul after this horrendous life, is super miraculous. Actually there are no words to describe how I feel about you. Divine partnership indeed.
It also showed me that it has been a very long time since I have been loved by a man at all. Four and a half years. My heart has wept out the past. I am done. He turned the love into desire and kept it there. It is done. You are now purifying my soul.
And I can finally, in this life, learn to lean back on a man. I can finally learn what male love is. I have never seen it before.
I speak of you as a great soul who really seems to have love for me, not as a man being idealised by a girl who doesn't know you.
Saying that, I have been communing, out of the agony of being a very great soul, and a woman, waiting for a man.
I can see this. You do not need teaching, helping or even straight up healing. You know what love is and I don't think I would be inaccurate to say that I and The Universe have been taking you through rapid Ascension. You are no longer in misogyny. You are also HIGH Amun. If you weren't four months ago, you are now.
What you need is time. Time and my love.
I am preparing for a long and bitterly lonely year therefore, while belligerently making myself give you those things. Love I have no problem with now, for you. Time kills me. But that's my problem.
I am also contemplating my next company and writing and photography moves therefore and can see this. I am slowly and finally collating, editing and reading the vast material I have generated. Don't know what I am doing in the steps of either re writing or re publishing or getting ready to publish in book form or the rest, so as I do publish on the blog from time to time, don't see it as coming to you but see if it inspires you. If it does, it does, but it is not teaching directed at you.
This way I can finally begin and also control my impatience and craving while I give you the friendship of time.
You are also not the kind of man he was. You don't like being spoon fed, while you still give me the friendship of Muse. I love that.
You don't want to leave your family. You are not ready but you found me. I can respect that and don't want to get into the taboos of that again. While there are of course no taboos but co-dependency and indeed love are processes to leave. I know the difference between you and him. Turns out that he never had much problem leaving his daughters or wife. He had a problem leaving another woman. He had a problem loving me!
So we begin in innocence again. You are also making sure of that. You are a great soul.
Thanku sweetheart. Obviously, this writing will continue. So bloody glad though that I no longer have to beg, cajole or inspire someone to love. Just to be able to give love, suits me fine. The visceral trust is there. You are not him. You have already proven who you are. I am lonely and sad. But at peace. At last.
No, I understand. That is for you to feel through. I can't believe it was so recently that I declared such love for him, for sure. We have all moved very fast. I am hardly in conversation with him anymore.
You should understand one thing though. He rejected me in July 2010, because of the size of my brain and because I believed in my human right to show it off and be a hunter like him. The rest was finding out why men, ordinary men as it turns out, Low Amun Priesthood if you like, do that. That's why you need time too. To understand my story and why I don't want a 'Bobby Brown' or 'Ike Turner' anymore. You. Otherwise, I could have fought that stupid battle forever.
I love you. The rest you have to feel the truth of. You've got the whole blog!
True Love. The Holy Truth of The Universe Through Big Romantic Sexual, Sacred Love. AZR
So, my sweet, let's test out the theory of 'Instant Manifestation'. We are communing and communing but let's have the confirmation here. We are sharing, but as the guide, as High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood Hierophant™, I graciously teach too. 'Instant Manifestation' is either a day or longer, but not the 13 years I took to 'Moksha' or Enlightenment or Entering Soul as a State of Being™. That is the point of World Ascension as it began in 2012.
So, first, true love is the holy truth of The Universe, through big, romantic, sexual, sacred love. That is the truth of the Sacred Whore Society™ and the Sacred Pimp™ and not the titillation factor or indeed, the profane kind as has been. Everything is found through this union and we are proving that every single day. You fill me with hope, love and salvation.
For you, you are entering soul. What does that mean? You are ascending. What does that mean? You are either becoming certain about me and us or you are not. What does that mean?
So, the negative ego is a virus. Ego is the vehicle of The Soul. Each person's individual soul. There is a negative ego and a positive ego. The negative ego is a virus. Grown from generic, stupid education. The normal world has instilled this education and the normal world is a prosaic and stupid lie. This includes everything from the obvious patriarchal supremacy through to what is sex, what is love, what is anything. And certainly, WHAT is 'God', what is The Universe and what is spirituality.
Spirituality, even if one chooses not to, or is unable to comprehend The Divine Mother God directly - I don't know how rare I am and where you fit into it with your gifts and neither do you, so the point is that this is not the point. Prophetess is a massive burden, so be lucky that you don't have it even if the richness of direct comprehension and feeling is unparalleled, for sure. Spirituality is alchemy. The merging of the energies of the vehicle, ie, the positive ego, with the Soul and then beyond, to The Universe, as you go higher and higher in your ascension and development as any kind of Initiate. And what does that mean? To be standing certain in your higher self as a state of being, in each moment, that has to be continuously worked for.
You do it creatively. Life is the same process. And that is what you are doing. Maybe you already know this and I wouldn't be surprised if you do, but that is the guidance I can confirm with today. You are doing it right and on the right track. You are becoming CONSCIOUSLY certain of your love. For me.
That is the right way to do it. And you are High Amun™, don't forget that. You have intuition and massive spiritual intelligence. You are growing it higher now and that is the discomfort as you are beginning to believe that you can viscerally and permanently enter soul.
Now, the negative ego, that is the virus in us from when we first think or are taught anything. Almost from birth. The negative ego is the virus that has to RE-PROGRAMMED (computer language is esoteric in its accuracy) out of the mind. This is done emotionally and esoterically and intellectually and through knowledge, knowledge and knowledge and intuition (meditation and contemplation) and emotion. Always led by the emotion. In other words, the reality has to be met head on for any kind of re-programming to work.
The negative ego is not just able to be re-programmed out of the body and mind, it can be ejected.
The positive ego then remains and flies with the belligerent confidence of a virus free new computer hard drive. You are re-programming for a pure and powerful hard drive. PC clean up is ascension.
The clean up/re-programming also takes the grief to face the wounds that have instilled the bad education. The wounds that meant that we turned to the obvious answers to deal with the pain and that were wrong, wrong, and wrong.
Misogyny through to any love dependency through to any fear through to any negative thought. It's all the same thing. The virus.
Now, love dependency if I am reading you correctly just now, involves most of all the fragmentation. The addiction to fantasy and not wanting it to become real so that one can at least have one hope left in life. The so called procrastination and non action gene. Obviously in men and Lemurians, backed up by the institutional evil of misogyny and whore and madonna and fascism and conditional love of that kind, but it is actually the love dependency of fragmentation and preferring to live it in one's mind, as opposed to risking it in life.
Now, I am working very hard not to take any of this personally. I am very very very happy with you and who you are and where you are in your rapid ascension. I am being your High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood Hierophant™ friend and love. As you keep showing me such extraordinary love and friendship and love too.
I had to go through the same process. I had to re-programme and eject the ego. The negative ego, the stupid ego and the terrified ego. The ego that was terrified of loss and that did not believe in love and did not believe in anything and thought that 'God' was horrible.
I did and so can you. You do it by believing in my love and you do it through meditation and intuition until you feel right about what you feel you want to do. You do it by merging the fantasy and reality and you take that risk of living escapism.
I had to take that risk too and my life has been so rich since the day I did that. Whatever the miseries of the past five years, I have lived in a state of bliss because I viscerally live each moment and live from it.
Anyway, back later. That's alot anyway isn't it.
Believe. It is so worth it.
Even in your moments of doubt and pain, know that the love of The Universe surrounds and embraces you. It is the one constant ever promised, ever given. ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
Steve Jobs
Who do you help to feel safe?
And where do YOU feel the most safe?
You make more of a difference than you know.
Arianna Gray ~ Counseling For Counselor . com
The War on Consciousness. Graham Hancock
We are told that the “War on Drugs” is being waged, on our behalf, by our governments and their armed bureaucracies and police forces, to save us from ourselves. “Potential for abuse and harm” are supposed to be the criteria by which the use of drugs is suppressed—the greater a drug’s potential for abuse and harm, the greater and more vigorous the degree of suppression, and the more draconian the penalties applied against its users.
In line with this scheme drugs are typically ranked into a hierarchy: Schedules I, II, and III in the US, Classes A, B, and C in the UK, and so on and so forth all around the world. Thus, to be arrested for possession of a Schedule I or Class A drug results in heavier penalties than possession of a Schedule III or Class C drug. Generally if a drug is deemed to have some currently accepted medical use it is likely to be placed in a lower schedule than if it has none, notwithstanding the fact that it may have potential for abuse or harm. In the absence of any recognized therapeutic effects, drugs that are highly addictive, such as heroin or crack cocaine, or drugs that are profoundly psychotropic, including hallucinogens such as LSD, psilocybin, or DMT, are almost universally placed in the highest schedules and their use attracts the heaviest penalties.
The notable exceptions to this system of ranking according to perceived “harms” are, of course, alcohol and tobacco, both highly addictive and harmful drugs—far more so than cannabis or psilocybin, for example—but yet socially accepted on the grounds of long customary use and thus not placed in any schedule at all.
The Failed War
When we look at the history of the “War on Drugs” over approximately the last 40 years, it must be asked whether the criminalization of the use of any of the prohibited substances has in any way been effective in terms of the stated goals that this “war” was supposedly mounted to achieve. Specifically, has there been a marked reduction in the use of illegal drugs over the past 40 years—as one would expect with billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money having been spent over such a long period on their suppression—and has there been a reduction in the harms that these drugs supposedly cause to the individual and to society?
When we look at the history of the “War on Drugs” over approximately the last 40 years, it must be asked whether the criminalization of the use of any of the prohibited substances has in any way been effective in terms of the stated goals that this “war” was supposedly mounted to achieve.
It is unnecessary here to set down screeds of statistics, facts, and figures readily available from published sources to assert that in terms of its own stated objectives the “War on Drugs” has been an abject failure and a shameful and scandalous waste of public money. Indeed, it is well known, and not disputed, that the very societies that attempt most vigorously to suppress various drugs, and in which users are subject to the most stringent penalties, have seen a vast and continuous increase in the per capita consumption of these drugs. This is tacitly admitted by the vast armed bureaucracies set up to persecute drug users in our societies, which every year demand more and more public money to fund their suppressive activities; if the suppression were working, one would expect their budgets to go down, not up.
Inventory of Harm
Such matters are only the beginning of the long inventory of harm caused by the “War on Drugs.”
Western industrial societies, and all those cultures around the globe that increasingly seek to emulate them, teach us to venerate above all else the alert, problem-solving state of consciousness that is particularly appropriate to the conduct of science, business, war, and logical inquiry, and to such activities as driving cars, operating machinery, performing surgery, doing accounts, drawing up plans, accumulating wealth, etc., etc., etc. But there are many other states of consciousness that the amazing and mysterious human brain is capable of embracing, and it appears to be a natural human urge, as deep-rooted as our urges for food, sex, and nurturing relationships, to seek out and explore such “altered states of consciousness.” A surprisingly wide range of methods and techniques (from breathing exercises, to meditation, to fasting, to hypnosis, to rhythmic music, to extended periods of vigorous dancing, etc.) is available to help us to achieve this goal, but there is no doubt that the consumption of those plants and substances called “drugs” in our societies is amongst the most effective and efficient means available to mankind to explore these profoundly altered states of consciousness.
The result is that people naturally seek out drugs and the temporary alterations in consciousness that they produce. Not all people in every society will do this, perhaps not even a majority, but certainly a very substantial minority—for example the 2 million Britons who are known to take illegal drugs each month3 or those 20 million people in the US who have been arrested for marijuana possession since 1965. And these of course are only the tip of the iceberg of the much larger population of American marijuana users, running into many more tens of millions, who have, by luck or care, not yet fallen foul of the law and are thus not reflected in the arrest statistics.
Needless to say, it is of course exactly the same urge to alter consciousness that also impels even larger numbers of people to use legal (and often extremely harmful) drugs such as alcohol and tobacco—which, though they may not alter consciousness as dramatically as, say, LSD, are nevertheless undoubtedly used and sought out for the limited alterations of consciousness that they do produce.
For the hundreds of millions of people around the world whose need to experience altered states is not and cannot be satisfied by drunken oblivion or the stimulant effects of tobacco, it is therefore completely natural to turn to “drugs”—and, since the “War on Drugs” means that there is no legal source of supply of these substances, the inevitable result is that those who wish to use them must resort to illegal sources of supply.
Herein lies great and enduring harm. For it is obvious, and we may all see the effects everywhere, that the criminalization of drug use has empowered and enriched a vast and truly horrible global criminal underworld by guaranteeing that it is the only source of supply of these drugs. We have, in effect, delivered our youth—the sector within our societies that most strongly feels the need to experience altered states of consciousness— into the hands of the very worst mobsters and sleazeballs on the planet. To buy drugs our sons and daughters have no choice but to approach and associate with violent and greedy criminals. And because the proceeds from illegal drug sales are so enormous, we are all caught up in the inevitable consequences of turf wars and murders amongst the gangs and cartels competing in this blackest of black markets.
Instead the powers that be continue to pursue the same harsh and cruel policies that they have been wedded to from the outset, ever seeking to strengthen and reinforce them rather than to replace them with something better. Indeed the only “change” that the large, armed bureaucracies that enforce these policies has ever sought since the “War on Drugs” began has, year on year, been to demand even more money, even more arms, and even more draconian legislative powers to break into homes, to confiscate property, and to deprive otherwise law-abiding citizens of liberty and wreck their lives. In the process we have seen our once free and upstanding societies— which used to respect individual choice and freedom of conscience above all else—slide remorselessly down the slippery slope that leads to the police state. And all this is being done in our name, with our money, by our own governments, to “save us from ourselves”!
Freedom of Consciousness
What is Western civilization all about? What are its greatest achievements and highest aspirations?
It’s my guess that most people’s replies to these questions would touch—before all the other splendid achievements of science, literature, technology, and the economy—on the nurture and growth of freedom.
Individual freedom.
Including, but not limited to freedom from the unruly power of monarchs, freedom from the unwarranted intrusions of the state and its agents into our personal lives, freedom from the tyranny of the Church and its Inquisition, freedom from hunger and want, freedom from slavery and servitude, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought and speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to elect our own leaders, freedom to be homosexual—and so on and so forth.
The list of freedoms we enjoy today that were not enjoyed by our ancestors is indeed a long and impressive one. It is therefore exceedingly strange that Western civilization in the twenty- first century enjoys no real freedom of consciousness.
There can be no more intimate and elemental part of the individual than his or her own consciousness. At the deepest level, our consciousness is what we are—to the extent that if we are not sovereign over our own consciousness then we cannot in any meaningful sense be sovereign over anything else either. So it has to be highly significant that, far from encouraging freedom of consciousness, our societies in fact violently deny our right to sovereignty in this intensely personal area, and have effectively outlawed all states of consciousness other than those on a very narrowly defined and officially approved list. The “War on Drugs” has thus unexpectedly succeeded in engineering a stark reversal of the true direction of Western history by empowering faceless bureaucratic authorities to send armed agents to break into our homes, arrest us, throw us into prison, and deprive us of our income and reputation simply because we wish to explore the sometimes radical, though always temporary, alterations in our own consciousness that drugs facilitate.
The reason the anti-marijuana campaigns have failed is that millions of users know from their own direct, long-term experience that marijuana does not do them any great harm and (with reference to the most recent anti-marijuana propaganda) most definitely does not drive them mad.
Other than being against arbitrary rules that the state has imposed on us, personal drug use by adults is not a “crime” in any true moral or ethical sense and usually takes place in the privacy of our own homes, where it cannot possibly do any harm to others. For some it is a simple lifestyle choice. For others, particularly where the hallucinogens such as LSD, psilocybin, and DMT are concerned, it is a means to make contact with alternate realms and parallel dimensions, and perhaps even with the divine. For some, drugs are an aid to creativity and focussed mental effort. For others they are a means to tune out for a while from everyday cares and worries. But in all cases it seems probable that the drive to alter consciousness, from which all drug use stems, has deep genetic roots.
Other adult lifestyle choices with deep genetic roots also used to be violently persecuted by our societies.
A notable example is homosexuality, once punishable by death or long periods of imprisonment, which is now entirely legal between consenting adults—and fully recognized as being none of the state’s business—in all Western cultures. (Although approximately thirteen US states have “anti-sodomy” laws outlawing homosexuality, these statutes have rarely been enforced in recent years, and in 2003 the US Supreme Court invalidated those laws.) The legalization of homosexuality lifted a huge burden of human misery, secretiveness, paranoia, and genuine fear from our societies, and at the same time not a single one of the homophobic lobby’s fire-and-brimstone predictions about the end of Western civilization came true.
Likewise, it was not so long ago that natural seers, mediums, and healers who felt the calling to become “witches” were burned at the stake for “crimes” that we now look back on as harmless eccentricities at worst.
At the deepest level, our consciousness is what we are—to the extent that if we are not sovereign over our own consciousness then we cannot in any meaningful sense be sovereign over anything else either.
Perhaps it will be the same with drugs? Perhaps in a century or two, if we have not destroyed human civilization by then, our descendants will look back with disgust on the barbaric laws of our time that punished a minority so harshly (with imprisonment, financial ruin, and worse) for responsibly, quietly, and in the privacy of their own homes seeking alterations in their own consciousness through the use of drugs. Perhaps we will even end up looking back on the persecution of drug users with the same sense of shame and horror that we now view the persecution of gays and lesbians, the burning of “witches,” and the imposition of slavery on others.
Meanwhile it’s no accident that the “War on Drugs” has been accompanied by an unprecedented expansion of governmental power into the previously inviolable inner sanctum of individual consciousness. On the contrary, it seems to me that the state’s urge to power has all along been the real reason for this “war”—not an honest desire on the part of the authorities to rescue society and the individual from the harms caused by drugs, but the thin of a wedge intended to legitimize increasing bureaucratic control and intervention in almost every other area of our lives as well.
This is the way freedom is hijacked—not all at once, out in the open, but stealthily, little by little, behind closed doors, and with our own agreement. How will we be able to resist when so many of us have already willingly handed over the keys to our own consciousness to the state and accepted without protest that it is OK to be told what we may and may not do, what we may and may not explore, even what we may and may not experience, with this most precious, sapient, unique, and individual part of ourselves?
If we are willing to accept that then we can be persuaded to accept anything.
Graham Hancock
And remember my sweet......
The enemy of Atlantis = Selective Soul 'Ascension' = The Antagonist = Amun (stupid) Priesthood.
Fascism (Misogyny) is not love.
Selective Soul is not Ascension.
The Great Celestials are coming. The real 'Great Flood'. The end of evil. The end of fascism. The end of all that men of misogyny have known. The end of the old world. Albion returns. Albion is female and much much more than simple equality. Fascism must pay. Fascism most definitely is about to pay. Stupidity is about to end. The Great Celestials are coming.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Don't wait for the 'Great Flood'. Push. Do it now. You are High Amun Priesthood. You can do anything. Believe. I say that with complete non attachment. Because I am High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood Hierophant. And because of course, I may be wrong. You may have to wait after all:) But I believe in you. I feel peace. I feel love. I feel joy. I feel hope.
Happy New Year. Let 2015 be your year of truth, love and happiness. And helping to save the world. From itself. With me. Starting with you. Heal. You deserve it. You were born for it. You and me.
This is also great. It's how my own journey rocketed. Anything to do with High Sensitivity. Priesthood in other words. Of both kindsx
16 Habits Of Highly Sensitive People
by Amanda L. Chan
Do you feel like you reflect on things more than everyone else? Do you find yourself worrying about how other people feel? Do you prefer quieter, less chaotic environments?
If the above sound true to you, you may be highly sensitive. The personality trait — which was first researched by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D., in the early 1990s — is relatively common, with as many as one in five people possessing it. Aron, who has written multiple studies and books on high sensitivity, including The Highly Sensitive Person, also developed a self-test (which you can take here) to help you determine if you are highly sensitive.
While recent interest in introversion — driven largely by high-profile publications on the subject, including Susan Cain’s book “Quiet,” — has brought more awareness to personality traits that value less stimulation and higher sensitivity, Aron notes that highly sensitive people still tend to be considered the “minority.”
But “minority” doesn’t mean bad — in fact, being highly sensitive carries a multitude of positive characteristics. Read on for some of the commonalities shared by highly sensitive people.
1. They feel more deeply.
One of the hallmark characteristics of highly sensitive people is the ability to feel more deeply than their less-sensitive peers. “They like to process things on a deep level,” Ted Zeff, Ph.D., author of The Highly Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide and other books on highly sensitive people, tells HuffPost. “They’re very intuitive, and go very deep inside to try to figure things out.”
2. They’re more emotionally reactive.
People who are highly sensitive will react more in a situation. For instance, they will have more empathy and feel more concern for a friend’s problems, according to Aron. They may also have more concern about how another person may be reacting in the face of a negative event.
3. They’re probably used to hearing, “Don’t take things so personally” and “Why are you so sensitive?”
Depending on the culture, sensitivity can be perceived as an asset or a negative trait, Zeff explains. In some of his own research, Zeff says that highly sensitive men he interviewed from other countries — such as Thailand and India — were rarely or never teased, while highly sensitive men he interviewed from North America were frequently or always teased. “So a lot of it is very cultural — the same person who is told, ‘Oh, you’re too sensitive,’ in certain cultures, it’s considered an asset,” he says.
4. They prefer to exercise solo.
Highly sensitive people may tend to avoid team sports, where there’s a sense that everyone is watching their every move, Zeff says. In his research, the majority of highly sensitive people he interviewed preferred individual sports, like bicycling, running and hiking, to group sports. However, this is not a blanket rule — there are some highly sensitive people who may have had parents who provided an understanding and supportive environment that would make it easier for them to participate in group sports, Zeff says.
5. It takes longer for them to make decisions.
Highly sensitive people are more aware of subtleties and details that could make decisions harder to make, Aron says. Even if there is no “right” or “wrong” decision — for example, it’s impossible to choose a “wrong” flavor of ice cream — highly sensitive people will still tend to take longer to choose because they are weighing every possible outcome. Aron’s advice for dealing with this: “Take as long to decide as the situation permits, and ask for more time if you need it and can take it,” she writes in a recent issue of her Comfort Zone newsletter. “During this time, try pretending for a minute, hour, day, or even week that you have made up your mind a certain way. How does that feel? Often, on the other side of a decision things look different, and this gives you a chance to imagine more vividly that you are already there.” One exception: Once a highly sensitive person has come to the conclusion of what is the right decision to make and what is the wrong decision to make in a certain situation, he or she will be quick to make that “right” decision again in the future.
6. And on that note, they are more upset if they make a “bad” or “wrong” decision.
You know that uncomfortable feeling you get after you realize you’ve made a bad decision? For highly sensitive people, “that emotion is amplified because the emotional reactivity is higher,” Aron explains.
7. They’re extremely detail-oriented.
Highly sensitive people are the first ones to notice the details in a room, the new shoes that you’re wearing, or a change in weather.
8. Not all highly sensitive people are introverts.
In fact, about 30 percent of highly sensitive people are extroverts, according to Aron. She explains that many times, highly sensitive people who are also extroverts grew up in a close-knit community — whether it be a cul-de-sac, small town, or with a parent who worked as a minister or rabbi — and thus would interact with a lot of people.
9. They work well in team environments.
Because highly sensitive people are such deep thinkers, they make valuable workers and members of teams, Aron says. However, they may be well-suited for positions in teams where they don’t have to make the final decision. For instance, if a highly sensitive person was part of a medical team, he or she would be valuable in analyzing the pros and cons of a patient having surgery, while someone else would ultimately make the decision about whether that patient would receive the surgery.
10. They’re more prone to anxiety or depression (but only if they’ve had a lot of past negative experiences).
“If you’ve had a fair number of bad experiences, especially early in life, so you don’t feel safe in the world or you don’t feel secure at home or … at school, your nervous system is set to ‘anxious,'” Aron says. But that’s not to say that all highly sensitive people will go on to have anxiety — and in fact, having a supportive environment can go a long way to protecting against this. Parents of highly sensitive children, in particular, need to “realize these are really great kids, but they need to be handled in the right way,” Aron says. “You can’t over-protect them, but you can’t under-protect them, either. You have to titrate that just right when they’re young so they can feel confident and they can do fine.”
11. That annoying sound is probably significantly more annoying to a highly sensitive person.
While it’s hard to say anyone is a fan of annoying noises, highly sensitive people are on a whole more, well, sensitive to chaos and noise. That’s because they tend to be more easily overwhelmed and overstimulated by too much activity, Aron says.
12. Violent movies are the worst.
Because highly sensitive people are so high in empathy and more easily overstimulated, movies with violence or horror themes may not be their cup of tea, Aron says.
13. They cry more easily.
That’s why it’s important for highly sensitive people to put themselves in situations where they won’t be made to feel embarrassed or “wrong” for crying easily, Zeff says. If their friends and family realize that that’s just how they are — that they cry easily — and support that form of expression, then “crying easily” will not be seen as something shameful.
14. They have above-average manners.
Highly sensitive people are also highly conscientious people, Aron says. Because of this, they’re more likely to be considerate and exhibit good manners — and are also more likely to notice when someone else isn’t being conscientious. For instance, highly sensitive people may be more aware of where their cart is at the grocery store — not because they’re afraid someone will steal something out of it, but because they don’t want to be rude and have their cart blocking another person’s way.
15. The effects of criticism are especially amplified in highly sensitive people.
Highly sensitive people have reactions to criticism that are more intense than less sensitive people. As a result, they may employ certain tactics to avoid said criticism, including people-pleasing (so that there is no longer anything to criticize), criticizing themselves first, and avoiding the source of the criticism altogether, according to Aron.
“People can say something negative, [and] a non-HSP [highly sensitive person] can say, ‘Whatever,’ and it doesn’t affect them,” Zeff says. “But a HSP would feel it much more deeply.”
16. Cubicles = good. Open-office plans = bad.
Just like highly sensitive people tend to prefer solo workouts, they may also prefer solo work environments. Zeff says that many highly sensitive people enjoy working from home or being self-employed because they can control the stimuli in their work environments. For those without the luxury of creating their own flexible work schedules (and environments), Zeff notes that highly sensitive people might enjoy working in a cubicle — where they have more privacy and less noise — than in an open-office plan.
Amanda L Chan
High Sensitivity = Soul. Amera Ziganii Rao
Be highly sensitive. Be loving. Be great. Be power. Superconsciousness is 'being highly sensitive'. Soul sensitive. The best. And use the steamroller effect to get rid of everyone else. So that you indeed, can BE highly sensitive. Be the best. Stand up for high sensitivity. Be the best.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2015
As for me? I am fine. I love you, trust you, believe in your love and want you. And I am sooooo glad to see the back of 2014. I want my extraordinary man. My High Amun Priesthood. My dominant. The one who is not going to abuse power and the one who already doesn't. The one who is highly sensitive and highly visceral and highly sexual and highly linear too. Atlantean or Lemurian, it is the match. The ones that match. And I am so so so so glad that it is you. The loving dom and the powerful sub. Truly, a match made in heaven. Heaven on earth.
So, yes, I'm fine. I am considering the where, what, when, how and when of my work now. And seeing how the blog even fits into that, as it is. Will it be a special autobiographical piece to go alongside the main work? Will it be written and spoken into the bigger message? Is it important at all to say who I in particular am, or just who the people like me are as a group? Those sorts of questions, as I look back on 42 years of basically writing the same script for the same story. Human rights and the wildest self discoveries for self actualisation on the planet. And all true. That sort of thing. Don't know but the work has begun in a relaxed and trusting way, and with excitement too, because I know that I am supported emotionally at last, and I am profoundly, profoundly in love too. With the whole picture. The 'songs of innocence and the songs of experience'. William Blake. Yes, I am fine. Yes, hope has returned and yes, I am a grateful ward of the state with a chronically painful debilitation. I am allowed my vulnerabilities and my strengths at the same time, and yes, I have good people in my life here and good people in my life there. And I am a self actualising machine of a wizard, whatever anyone anywhere throws at me. And yes, I feel loved. I no longer feel shenanigans. I feel you.
And frankly, however rude this sounds about you know who, I don't just know the face of evil now, in all its forms, I know the face of mediocrity now in all its forms. I also know the face of karma and chronology now in all its forms. I finally know the face of justice.
And I love you.
I'm fine. 2015. A new life.
January 1 2015
Wow. So glad. And I am doing it with you. Yes, my sweet, don't worry about that. Not only are we all clearing the past, the past is my work. It has nothing to do with how I feel about you and on the contrary, it just proves who you are. Not Donald Draper.
I stopped watching that extraordinary series and I have been trying to remember whether it was three years ago or two. Cuba and I had parted company and I remember being particularly perturbed in my trauma, because his vibration about Eminem's and Rianna's track was not the one I had been feeling. The 'Jimmy Porter' (John Osbourne's Look Back In Anger') thing all over again. I saw it as poignant and therapeutic. I think he liked it.
Anyway, I think it's series four of Madmen, but I could be wrong. Donald Draper cruelly ditches his clever, minx, beautiful girlfriend who's a psychologist, over the phone, telling her he's got married. To his secretary. A good looking young girl. Series five takes us into his next disappointment.She's young and ambitious. She doesn't want to carry on working for him and she wants to be a big star if she can be. So he begins his affairs all over again. He's now married to 'Betty' part two.
As I look back on that now and see that the past two or three years has been about taking me out of the same situation, because I didn't get a phone call, and because I clearly had a mission to complete with the material first and because there was real grief in the letting go over the past two y ears, even though he was married to 'Megan' already - Cuba, I mean and not Donald Draper - I can see how Donald Draper is 'Willoughby' (Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility). I can also see that I had lost interest in the character of Donald Draper a long time ago. I haven't even continued with the series which is hugely unusual for me. I was bored of him, bored of his co-dependency and bored of his inability to face himself. A brilliantly written analysis of all things male and female. Mine's not bad but of course, I mean, Mathew Weiner and his mostly female team of writers.
Which is why letting go - as we do eventually - is about being honest about what we sense is coming. Donald Draper and Megan stumble their way through their marriage obviously. they love each other. But it's, frankly, childish. It makes me realise that - and I know and sense that you have been through this at some point and this is why you are a 'Colonel Brandon' or the excessively sexy character in Madmen who is Betty''s second husband - men should be with women younger than them at that stage. They are actually the same age and she of course is more emotionally mature too. She is certainly more honest.
Anyway, you get my drift. And I am not being mean, Cuba, I am letting you go and doing it consciously. You did your best and your best was Donald Draper. I stopped wanting DD three years ago. It broke my heart when I realised what you were. Now, I am healed.
I pursue something greater. You New York. And you know why. The ability to face oneself is the key to paradise. The key to intimacy, the key to profundity and the key to greatness. Greatness in love. and I see it in you. Hopefully, you feel it in me too. You should do:). I am all that I am. And you already make me greater. You have emotional intelligence. you want to really love. And you want to share that love with me. Real, sexual, brethren, sistren, glorious, intimate and powerful love. Mature love.
Great love. You.
Sex and The Profanity of The Human Race. AZR
So, yes, let's see.
I've just spent the past few days - years of solitary mystic and creative practise have made me forget what New Year's Eve is actually about but there you go - going through 30+ years of notes. Actually, about 20. Before my High Initiation journey began 17 years ago. Ooh, 18 now. The 12 or so years as a journalist, 'University' (I went to a Polytechnic) and so on. Seeing themes, preparing for the 'who, what, why, when and how' of my work and that kind of thing.
I work with our themes going on all the time, my personal themes in relation to the past and of course, currently, Cuba, and then the generic themes of the world as a Healer of The Sicknesses of The Soul. Best way to put it.
Many many things came out. I sped read of course, but I am reeling from the significance of what I saw. On so many levels. My mind, consciously, as a Clair Cognisant and Writer works on about ten or fifteen levels, taking in material on any number of unconscious levels and then making them conscious in preparation for writing like this or communication of any kind. I can appear to be doing something that looks completely un related to anything and it will prove 100 % more relevant than the obvious thing would have been.
I know you can relate to that process in some way. As a writer I create the whole thing. So it is just ten times bigger than one aspect of any story/communication.
So, at first 'reading', what can one say, came out?
One of the biggest agendas of the Draconian powers that be - the biggest agenda of all being slavery of the human race and total disconnection from The Divine Cosmic Energy of empowerment, depth and inner power and meaning and joy and individuation, so they can be completely controlled and made to be terrified of everything and so prefer servitude to a false 'God' and vindictive Universe, so the human race remains weak, stupid and superstitious without any cosmic knowledge or power at all, and by false 'God' I mean, THEM and no 'God' whatsoever + making sure that a whole people can viscerally create negative fear and war and hate energy for the vampirical beings that they are, so they can thrive of suffering in the most real way + making sure they remain the most pure evil that could ever exist - other than all that, the biggest agenda of the Draconian powers that be, is the profanity of The Sacred Feminine.
They hate women. Not like misogynists, not even like Donald Draper and all his followers. I mean, they hate women. They hate everything that women like me are, first for being High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood HIerophant and then just for being women. This is what is coming out.
It is in the subjugation and terror that they carnally rape women with, physically, emotionally, fiscally, domestically, psychologically and spiritually (denying them their own knowledge) that the Draconians win the most.
This is what came out tonight.
Muslim priests who rape young girls and actually 'use magic' to over power them, while the parents sit idly by in blind trust, because they are so called priests, incidentally in a religion that says that there should be no priests.
Young muslim girls from the age of 10 being SOLD to rich Saudi bastards, by poor Indians and Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, because the families are so poor and girls cost about the price of a TV in the Asian subcontinent. They are raped, beaten, tortured and abused from the age of 10 in a strange land with a bastard and far from home forever. And that is called marriage.
Young hindu girls from the age of 10 being SOLD to transvestite 'high' (excuse me while I scoff) priests in Indian temples. They are raped, and then used as Temple Prostitutes.
3.5 billion people are in starvation across the world.
There was so much more than I covered, in all the stories that I was involved in in my utterly devoted and under confident way, I can see, as I look back on my work. Amazing.
I can also see incidentally that I have been preparing for one 'script' my entire life. That is amazing too.
Anyway, so the point is this. Sex is the biggest area of mutation and profanity on the planet. First, they want women to be destroyed so they have made sure that we are just used and used and used. And made into carnal nothings. Second, what it means is that sex itself becomes a taboo. Because of the filth of these people, these warlords from hell, who are as far off the grade of being anything near human as the Draconians themselves, everyone walks around either in secret longing or shame or fear or all of those things put together. Guillt, guilt before GOD, The Great Mother Universe. And of course, total condemnation for anything sexual that has to do with spirituality, ie paganism.
I am just giving the relevent pointers here.
What I did notice, for instance with that stupid priest was his almost sincere usage of the ancient gifts for the use of evil control. Yes, the reality of what we fantasise about in adult, S&M, dominant and submissive sex. The rape fantasies, the control fantasies, etc.
This profanity is doing it for real. And in total abuse of power. And then let us not even talk about the more extreme paedophilia - fucking young girls is paedophilia for sure - where tiny children are fucked and killed - and how that appalling energy matter feeds the Draconians because they are truly vampires. Ugh. You get where I am going.
That is the shadow of fear that haunts good men and women. A shadow that has nothing to do with you. A shadow that had nothing to do with me when I had it.
I remember one of the most important moments of my life, about 15 years ago, was when I shared with female Amun Priesthood as I know now that she is, not High Amun for one second, but Amun, that I was shocked that 'dirty' sex, taboo sex, rough sex, filthy sex, was NOT ungodly. That I had been walking around with this awful shadow my whole life. That, while I had made sure I could have access to thoughts and feelings and actions about it, I had carried around this stupid guilt.
That guilt was totally removed from what the reality is.
Young girls being dragged off to get married against their will, and families calling that duty. That's the norm. And as I look back on my work, primarily Asian but of every community in this country too, and covering so many other subjects of constant abuse, hardship, vulnerability and exposure to the cruelties and abuses of this world, I can see how my job and joy is convert all those literals into the symbolic speak that I am as Hierophant. As Spiritual Psycho Analyst.
All these things say the same thing.
Now, New York, I am sharing this with you, not to teach you really. I believe you have worked your way through the 'chakras' to purify your own soul for years. Like I have. Because this evil, this pure evil that runs the world and every single pore of it, does create the soul sicknesses of 'carnal lust', the need for fantasies, the dehumanisation of the person, the this, the that, all of it. Mastery comes from purity of heart.
Which is why the only people who can really do it for real, in sexual truth, are masters. Purified masters.
So, if you are having doubts about yourself, that you are a weak Donald Draper who can't really live his creed or do it right, don't. Stand up for what you believe is also obviously the other terror. Sure. I've been getting used to this truth of life for a long time. And understanding is what takes it forward, which is why I am sharing these rather eclectic and rushed thoughts on it. More will come out, but I think you understand what I am saying.
You are allowed. They are not. You have the sacred. You honour the SACRED FEMININE. You honour me. Don't doubt it and don't doubt yourself. You have the ability to see the whole person. You can humanise and be my greatest friend. And you can also PLAY at the other. Because it is in the play that our healing occurs. The healing of all the pain and sorrow of earth. The power game played out, the sexual game played out, the abuse game played out.
Which is why I have always said that sex is the best thing about being alive on this stupid planet. The only thing worth living for really. But now that I have made the journey out of profound unhappiness to balance to non escapism to consciously altering states of consciousness instead of just wanting to escape forever and not wanting to face the truth of evil and cruelty and the hopelessness of existence and then of course the immense hope of the freedom of the mind, I know that has to be said in the right context.
Because it is mastery I speak of. To masters.
High Love. Us. People like us lead the way. Because we are both the pure of heart. Atlantean or Lemurian, your heart had to be pure. And it is. That I have felt for days and weeks now. Because my beautiful one, it is true.
So, be the passion, the dominance and the 'carnal'. You are one of the few who are allowed. You know the Sacred. You know how to integrate it. And I can give it to you. I want to. You are worthy. This is love.
AZR © 2015
And by the way, don't take too seriously what I have said about the prophecies calling you a selfish man. My memories are all jumbled up and I don't feel like reading them again. They also said you were a beautiful man who was deeply humane. And that the whole point about us was that we didn't know each other but that we could connect fast if we were able to. That we didn't need to know each other and that there would be no problems down the road. It was solid.
My Ascension Twin Flame.
I believe in your love. I believe in your sex. I believe in you.
Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure. Never forget your personal legend. Never forget your dreams. Be silent now. It is the possibility of a dream that makes life interesting. You can choose between being a victim of destiny or an adventurer.
Paulo Coelho
Mmm, same same....AZR
The Creator
From the beginning, from the moment you drew your first breath on your Earth-plane, you were whole. Life experiences changed and morphed you from that wholeness. You now have an opportunity to return to it. Grab it with both hands and pull it close to you. It is, after all, yours. ~ Creator
transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner
Our Dream. AZR
Yes. Feeling it for real. The shifts and changes and the disappointments in people around us. My body’s feeling it too. And it’s not like last time. People try but the grief and the fear are still there and it just shows that these are the changes that one has to go through. Nothing is free and nothing is without pain. It is also a new growing up all over again, however much we think we have become mature.
I don’t have any ties now. Those who love me have let me go and let me go with love, whenever the time comes. There are no duties, no co-dependencies and no sincere hangers on. And even though I have fought my whole life for that privilege, it still hurts and still causes pain to the ‘adventurer’ herself or himself.
Nothing comes free. And then again, why would it? Life is full of goodbyes and hellos. Everything is transient and it’s not as if there are the old flavours of ‘them or us’. This time, there is harmony across the board. Which means it is just a new letting go all over again, with adulthood right there at the front. And the fear of course of new family, new partnership, new life and new love.
Motherhood in a new way, fatherhood in a new way. With the old traditions so much in place even if we may not do it exactly the same way. Is that really so bad? Companionship. The all in one. As we always wanted but got waylaid in the ways we do, as we were meant to do and in ways we do not regret. Do we?
That may all come across a little obtuse, but you know what I am saying. I am all yours from every quarter. And despite my own romanticism and sentimentality every so often, it is the best thing. You and I have a life to live. And no one from this end is going to get in the way. Such is their love.
Hopefully that will inspire you to negotiate for the same. I am free to be with you. Be free to be with me. You would be surprised I think to see how much support they have for you. And how it is not an all or nothing experience anymore. We are being pushed into freedom. Our pure hearts are driving the show. End that loneliness. And end mine too.
“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
― E.M. Forster
Yes, my sweet. Keep growing. Keep landing. Keep leaving, if you like. And I will keep busy and relay my immense psychic-ness, when appropriate. After all, you began the courageous drive today. Courage, courage, courage and courage. Courage is manufactured, my favourite teacher (Christopher Howard) I went to, taught me. Doubt + commitment + action = courage. It changed my life. It will change yours too. And it will change ours too. I will believe. I will hope. Meanwhile, I have lots to do. And I will enjoy my happily desperate neediness too. Because I will believe. I will believe in you.
Just trying to keep busy and enjoy what is in my present, but I miss you terribly and struggle with fear of loss. Obviously. But I am not feeling that awful weight of a man who is strangled by misogyny or bourgeois or anything, so excuse me if I come across as too relaxed. I wait for you remember. I am learning how to do that:)
It's fear for you, fear, fear at the weirdness, fear at the new 'Yoko Ono' element in your life, fear at the calling that you hear, to stand up next to the weirdo talking about some weirdness from the past and that sort of thing. Sure. It takes time to integrate that or courage in buckets, right now. Freefall or more caution. Both are understandable. It depends on whether you want to believe or understand it all before you make your choice. That again, is your choice.
I will be your 'Yoko Ono' and celebrate it. This is all consciousness. This is my leadership and I find the grace to lead in patience and understanding. Because I not only love you increasingly in lakes and rivers, but I feel your truth and ours too.
And I struggle more and more with fear of loss. But not like before. I just miss you, miss you and miss you now. And try and find peace and comfort in the preparations for all of it. I am not going to be doing anything in a hurry after these years and years of soldiering. But the weirdness of it will be met with the same confusion, damnation and scoffing as it would if it were word and programme perfect.
And then of course, even though you are not afflicted with the bourgeois or the lack of liberation or the lack of vision, do not underestimate what this is. Going up against the machines, just by articulating that you like what I say. Let alone, like me and want to stand up next to me and me to stand up next to you.
The same forefathers and mothers who killed us dead. That is courage. That is completing the circle. That is trusting that this time, personal development or not, it is just an art form for the 'non believers' and scoffers and cynics. I ain't converting anybody. Those bodies will never feel it. I don't give a fuck about them. But I know how to smile politely and build bridges. Consciousness is a hundred different languages. For now, I am only interested in ours, but of course, that's not true. I focus all the time on the other 99 languages. But it is still about one thing. Courage and heroism and vision and constructive nihilism. The world needs people like us. We were built for leadership.
You thought you had already led. Now it seems that you have not even begun. We are in convergence. The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™. I teach what I am. Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
And it is so much for you too. For every 'you'. Albion is real. Albion is mine. And I can show you what it looks like. In every way.
Time. Give it time. But know that I desperately yearn for you. And whatever you decide and when, I can feel your yearning for me. And I love it. I love you.
And yes, isn't that an irony? I fight for years and years and years to work, to have the right to work and the right to be loved too, and the right to exist and the right to be supported emotionally more than anything else and then I am told that now I get to breathe, that this work needs breathing to get it right. And that the soldiering was to find a life and a partner who would actually make me feel safe enough not to have to feel that I have to be working to prove that I can be allowed to work. In other words, the anxiety with you is just not there. It's all about the vibration. And I have proved through four and a half years of war that every vibration suspicion I have had was true.
I told Cuba again and again, that my work would need time and space and that I could therefore fit life in too. But that was never good enough for him, for all the other reasons why he doesn't have the capability. And therefore my anxiety never went. Because it was true.
Now, at last, I don't feel that sabotage of a hammer hanging over my head, the minute I don't have all my attention on my work and my right to work.
Fear of loss for real, but thank you. I feel fucking great. I feel like I have never felt in my life. You, the loving people around me, the circumstances. I have the right to great, huge and massive work. And I have the right to be loved. And the people around me agree. 50 years. 42 of them conscious.
Happy New Year indeed. The rest will come. You sexy, sexy, sexy man. Don't ever think any of this is about you. I feel your vibration and it is a great deal purer than you think it is. Be filthy, be radical, be a revolutionary. You are the pure hearted of the High Amun. You belong with me.
She has spoken. And I agree. I very much agree.
And yes, I took 'him' off the pics. Thinking about copyright and how much creative explosion will come in the future, to be either derivative or original in my use of the photography which is not me. The sex. I look at the pornography which I have artworked into art and know that even though I am not trading, I must start sorting out copyright permissions. It might not be that hard. I am utilising what is marginalised as pornography, as art. Pornography is art by the time I have finished with it. And I think a major part of my work, intellectual and visual is to do just that. Legitimise what is marginalised. Amera Ziganii Rao means 'the outsiders will inherit the earth'. The marginalised. The isolated. The ostracised and the ones 'outside' society. Fuck society. I am in and am taking anyone who wants, back in too. We belong to the world and the world belongs to us. Define pornography. Sex. Define paedophilia. Pure, Draconian, filth of evil vampirical bastards in power. Oh. Whose world is it anyway? Know what I mean?
That sort of thing:)
Professionalism. And Love. AZR
Hello my sweet. Yes, it's moving fast, whatever pace we are moving to/in, ourselves.
Professionalism, both for copyright and for art, presented at the right time and in the right context. How much time is needed for any piece of art to be done again and to the best. The courage and discipline to let go in order for the truth to fall into place again.
There is also no doubt that I was trying to win a man and show him, 'him' as in you too of course, what the truth of true love actually is, ie the true sexuality to go with the true motherhood as well as the true everything. And to purify that shame. You know what the flavour is now and therefore my work is done on that front really.
So I am going to record all the pieces and then wipe off all the uncopyrighted porn as art, before I decide how to do my own in the future. That takes the art so much more forward too and that's what it is always about. It is still about legitimising pornography/sexuality in this world but I am happy to begin again on that front, until I have my own Helmut Newton vibe going on.
My own images are censorious enough and also copyrighted! And with my involvement with you, copyright might become a liability and I certainly don't want that.
Pornography as art, as art, if you see what I mean. And for that I have time. Sex after all is only an important PART of the message. Self esteem, the people of love who are relegated as unpaid wisdom and indeed, what a Sunday paper is talking of in hysteria yet again. Girls are faster, better and bigger and society raises such a stupid hue and cry over it, how boys in schools are 'intimated' by clever girls being able to answer the questions. Maybe that is because boys ARE slower and if society knew the truth that my work is about, then maybe men wouldn't have to beat women, or be cruel like Donald Draper was, because they are bred to believe they SHOULD be better, more and cleverer. High Amun Priesthood or not my lovely, that story in itself proves my work.
You let me be clever. He never did. No one ever did. 42 years of soldiering, proved by that one stupid newspaper average society, stupidity piece. And we are all supposed to be in agony about the boys. that is not mothering. That is not sisterhood. That is serving the patriarchal pig society. Just as most spiritual esoterics do too. Enough it enough. The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™. The High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood Hierophant Society™. They exist and that is the proof. Esotericism and true history can also not be selective. I smell the bullshit. I am a Clair Sentient as well as a Clair Cognisant. I am also a woman who has worked alongside men forever. I feel the truth. and the truth is women. Women, and men like you. Beautiful, wise, clever men.
Anyway, that's my point. The work is a lot more than sex. I don't however ever want it to be strangled into the bourgeois of a false world. Within that there is a medium. Copyright however is a serious business, especially if I suddenly become visible. That directs the show doesn't it. So, feel good about that. I feel good about you too.
Love, love and love.
AZR © 2015
No, you're right. We go further. I am going to unpublish this blog now and keep it to myself. You are right. The whole thing needs overhauling and utilising in a different way and that was always my intention. With the kind of attention that is coming, the drive to do it faster is here. It means of course that this ascension discourse is over but I will trust our psychic skills and communication and communing now, 100%.
My work needs protection and the other blog, the showcase says enough in just showing the profile.
I will of course trust that this means not what I could think it means. Ie, your fears and strangulation of my work. That would be crass and not appropriate anymore, I don't feel.
But you are right and then it gives me the freedom to read my work in peace without any danger of it being exposed before it is ready. And for the real writing to house it instead.
I'll leave this up for today. And then close the whole blog down.
And as for anyone else, thank you (not you, Cuba, thank you in a different way) for all your reading and don't worry, the work will be back soon and I will continue to add from time to time, other mantras on the second blog.
I'll be back. Don't worry.
Here's to flying with you New York.
Thank you
The End Of The Ascension Discourse on Love
And God Created Woman. A Self Portrait. Amera Ziganii Rao Photography
Amera Ziganii Rao
A Metaphysical Philosopher, Writer and Educator.
Her business is Human Politics, Self Actualisation, Love, Humanity and Power.
The meek shall inherit the earth, and she can show you how.
I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. I teach what I am.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
A Metaphysical Philosopher, Esoteric Wizard, Writer and Educator. Her business is Human Politics, Self Actualisation, Love, Humanity and Power. And Spiritual Logic and High Supernatural Intelligence. The Universe, available to all.
She is writing a thesis on humankind, and training now to become a world class educator in Human Rights, The true Divine Connection, and Personal Development and setting up a company to deliver her message. “The meek shall inherit the earth”. Especially Women and anyone of The Female Psyche. And especially the real, Spiritual, Female, Higher Minded and Precious Hearted, Supernatural Intelligence, Priesthood of this world.
The 'Mystics'. The Natural Born Mystics™.
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
Intuition. A Definition. Clair Cognisance = Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence™ + HUMAN skill and learning in how to interpret that Cosmic Intelligence (The High Initiate Journey) = High (Prophet type) Consciousness = Hierophant/Metaphysical Philosopher/Prophet Shamanism/Esoteric Mastery = High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ = Atlantean Elder = Women like me.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Writer and Intellectual. Social, Cultural and Spiritual Commentator. Personal Development Coach and Communicator. Philosopher and Metaphysical Clair Cognisant (Prophetess, Hierophant and Esoteric Mystic). Theologian, Theosophist and Historian. Photographer, Graphic Artist. Designer, and Actor/Dramatist/Filmmaker. Feminist and Human Rights Advocate, and a Healer of Emotional Sicknesses and Self Discoveries on earth.
Amera Ziganii Rao :: Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence + Supernatural Intelligence. Training to be a world class educator in Consciousness + The Politics of Rape/The True Love Journey + Human Rights + Purpose + The Lost Knowledge + Inner and Outer Power.
I have fought a great, great battle. Atlantis is no longer raped by a Lemurian earth. The rest we shall see. Leadership training indeed. Warrior, lover, Valkyrie, Healer, Prophet and Atlantean Queen. That is me. Warrior, lover, poet in training, and broken Agamemnon, woman beating warlord of filth and slavery, will he be. Atlantis is firmly back on earth. Now, true love may just finally be.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion and Compassion of the Visceral Soul.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Amera Ziganii Rao :: Writer. Philosopher. Performer. Psychologist. Humanist. Esoteric. Sexualist. Hedonist. Artist. Teacher. Coach. Social Reformer. Feminist. Hierophant. Sacred Disir. Former Slave. Seer. Sage. :: My Business Is Transformation Of The Soul. My Business Is Power. My Business Is Freedom. My Business Is Love. My Business Is To Fight Fascism And Human Cruelty And Emotional Sickness In All Its Relationship Forms On Earth. My Business Is Applied Spirit. Real Sex. Real Love. Real Life. Real GOD. The Return.
The new educational website (Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ as a writing and speaking business of empowerment) will be announced.
Meanwhile, enjoy the free writing and consciousness work on this website. It was written with blood, sweat and tears. The story of both my man/men and myself as we struggled to re-define all that is relationship and marriage, the mutual journey of escape and evolution out of The Patriarchal Tribe.
The self discovery that took us from female slavery and male confusion and fascism into a society that was left behind a long time ago, when The New World Order took over and put men in charge, when they didn't even want it, by all that I have seen. Other than in sex as is the primal partnership. Our exploration is here. The world of Bluebeard Male Supremacy™ through to the Sacred Whore and High Female Esoteric Serpent Priesthood Society™, again, with men as the beloveds. Equality, Liberty, FRATERNITY. The New New World. Again.
The journey of how it didn't work (so far). How Earth is a concentration camp for women, with men as the willing Nazi officers in charge. This apparently is the world of love.
The carnage of discovery is here. The journey of slavery to freedom and the final stance of separatism as it had to be.
Men and women will never converge without pain and strife. Earth has taken care of that and men are willing instruments of evil.
Men. The Keepers of Hades.
The success is self actualisation + self determination + freedom + separatism for women.
Women have to leave men and leave men forever.
The unredeemable must be left alone. They will not redeem. They will not leave behind their legacy of Plantation Ownership, High Priestess Killing or Nazi Loyalties.
Earth is a concentration camp for women. They like it that way. They can have it.
Women have to leave all that is the tribe, if they ever want to be happy, strong, confident or successful and they have to do it alone, alone, alone and alone. Well, not alone. Just not with men.
Paradoxically, women also have to reclaim their lost leadership. A leadership that men want but don't know about other than in the patriarchal tribe context. A leadership that takes grace, forgiveness and knowledge and fighting for your life too. True female leadership. True Lost Female Priesthood leadership for all.
Please feel free to read the material on this blog. My writings, plus work from other consciousness teachers too. My Manifesto for Human Rights (Especially Female) in Relationship and Family.
These writings will be produced in book form. Poetry Polemics for a better world of love, independence, sex and individuation. And true companionship and family. Power to the people, indeed. Together.
Thank you.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
The Two Messages ::
The Female Divine Highest Love Intelligence Energy. God The Mother, The Universe. Plus, the SACRED WHORE HIGH PRIESTESS HIEROPHANT AVATAR VALKYRIE WIZARD MONARCHs™ as the only true High Priests, with a GNOSTIC spirituality for all.
There is no love on earth. We are all here to fight for it, or be hate. We are here to be profound, or to be shallow. To be adventurers of the soul, or turgid and needing security, to be humane or greedy, to BE love, or BE hate. Earth is hell. Hell, created by hate, for hate, of hate. Free will is to choose which way to go. Love, or hate. That is Existentialism. That is evolution. That is the advancement of the soul. Hate to love. And nothing less. The conquering of evil by good. The light must push out the dark. The light must win.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
My Business Is Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
Feminism is not feminism. Feminism is anti slavery. They call us control freaks and that has to be watched. However, in the context of the truth, it is a ridiculous statement. It is the oppressor, calling the courageous campaigner for freedom and equality, the terrorist.
Feminism is not 'man hating'. Feminism is not feminism. Feminism is the movement against slavery. Humanitarianism is the same. Slavery must not exist in any form on earth. Slavery is everywhere.
From unpaid work in marriage to unpaid work in the family, to minimum wage in the market to a hundred other arenas, slavery is the way of earth.
Feminism and humanitarianism are the movements against it. Slavery is fascism. Fascism is everywhere. We just don't know it. They made sure that we don't know it. Now we do. And we will forever.
Society calls it bullying. Society calls it unfortunate, while propping it up in every single second, across the world. Fascism must die. Fascism will die. Fascism is to die.
That is World Ascension. The end of fascism.
My Business Is Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
The point of this planet is to find out what we are not, so we can find out what we are.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
The journey to the breaking of one's lower self into one's great self. The actual journey. That is my business. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Turning oneself into gold and honey and authentic power. The pain of transformation, the shock and the trauma and terror and resistance of it. The path to heaven on earth. That is my business. THAT part of it. The crucifixion and disability of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. The pain of it.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Natural Born Mystic™
The compassion to go with the passion. The discipline of mind, to know your darkness and the education of a post patriarchal man. Love. And changing the very matter of your spiritual DNA. Ascension. I can feel it coming. The build up is your job. The rest I can help with.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Avatar (James Cameron)
My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, Jake Sully. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured.
Natural Born Mystic™
Misogyny is sadism against women. An unconscious hijacking and a conscious will to maintain it.
Tyranny and sadism. Misogynists. Slaves of Sauron (Tolkein's Lord of the Rings). Wifebeaters.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Natural Born Mystic™
An Hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles. 'Jake Sully' (Avatar) is her Sacred Warrior Protector™
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Natural Born Mystic™
A Natural Born Mystic™ is primarily a Sacred Whore Healer as a Cinderella Warrior™. As a woman. A High Priestess Wizard™ is a Sacred Whore Healer and Enlightener. That has specific duties and challenges to do with men and their immense madness (Mo'at - Avatar) and their profanity (killing God The Mother, The Triple Goddess) and monetising the slavery of emotional care. A Sacred Whore Healer has to do this against all the odds. She does it because she and they, the Sacred Whore Healers and High Priestess Wizards™ are the strongest.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Natural Born Mystic™
'Respect' as fear.
'The Accomplished Female' = the only thing that the male patriarch can deliver as 'love'. Men do not tolerate women earning money. They want slavery to instil FEAR. Fear as 'respect'. Fear is not 'respect'.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2014
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
The secret enemies of psychological warfare. From within and without. Bringing the darkness of evil into the light. Immense self belief, intelligence and courage, plus wizardry. In other words, 'naming it and shaming it and letting it go' and re-programming the mind from any belief to another. To evolve.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Consciousness. The politics of the 21st century. The Lost Knowledge. Forget trying to change the world. Change yourself. It changes your own world that changes THE world.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Sexuality, non religious 'Wizard' and 'Witch' spirituality (the Gnostic intelligence of esoteric and consciousness exploration, ie wisdom and love) and human rights are the least fashionable things and the most uncomfortable things on the planet. And the things human beings have been damning and condemning for 8000 years. And the things that most people are absolutely fascinated by. What a shame. How bourgeois. How ordinary. How ego.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™
The Super Sacred Brother Lover™
The Return To The Source. Ascension.
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. When we were giants. All of us. When you did more than rape me.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Neo Feminist™, Post Tribe Social Reformer™ and Sacred Sexualist™. Human Rights Healer. Metaphysical Philosopher, Writer, Spiritual Intelligence Teacher, Hierophant (Interpreter of The Universe) and Mentalist Self Actualiser.
I can help you grow power, from nothing.
Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
The Sacred Whore High Priestess Hierophant™ and Sacred Pimp Warrior Protector, Brother Lover™ Society. The kings and queens of old. Angels and Sorcerers together in each of themselves and in the other. The Wizard life. Forever. Living and loving from The Source. Sourcery, Carlos Castaneda first said. I'll say it again. Sourcerers together. Living a life worth living. At last.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Witches are healers. Witches are the Love Healers and SOURCErers of The Lost World, when we were the giant warriors. We were good and so were were you. 'The World of Men'. The Tribe of Misogyny and Bourgeois™.
Gives us all a bad name. And poisons all hearts.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Feminist Lolita Intellectuals™. You lucky man. A place at the table, a place at the Executive Table. That's all. The rest is easy.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Spiritual power = emotional power = emotional intelligence = mental intelligence = re-programming of the whole self = spiritual intelligence = The Lost Knowledge™ = power = The New World.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
The Company
Writer, Speaker and Enlightener, Amera Ziganii Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. A programme of learning that is specifically about one particular kind of woman. And one particular kind of man. The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the true society that they come from and the one they, in particular, she can and has to return to and that anyone can join her and him in. This is about Paradise on Earth.
This is about The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity that is for all as a result of their healing and in particular, hers. This is about the kind of woman who is at the bottom of the pile in a Patriarchal Toilet Tribe from Hell Society™, the norm, the conventional world and the world of the Tribe. This is about the kind of man who is next in line from the bottom. The sensitive man and the female chattel. The High Priestess and High Priest of a profane society, that has long forgotten who they are.
This is about being at the bottom of the pile, for the forgotten and strangled shamans, and for her, the story of escape. Abused by her family, her friends, her men, her whole society, by the very nature of who she is and who they are and what has happened on this Earth. It is about women of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about men of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about the Cinderellas of this world. It is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™. Who she is and how, loving her is the secret to Paradise on Earth and how we have been living a lie for 8000+ years. A lie of male (non High Priest) religion with a male ‘God’ and with Patriarchs and Patriarchal types and Matriarchs and Matriarchal types ruling over us and making our lives hell, all in the name of family, the tribe and the way things are and should remain. Hate, fascism and profanity. A sick society that vilifies, more than anyone else, the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, just because it was told to. A sick society that calls her Eve. A sick society that has forgotten who we all are, let alone the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™. This is about us remembering and knowing who WE are.
This is a programme of healing for the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, to take them and particularly, her, from monstrous levels of low self esteem and lack of self knowledge, back to herself and it is a programme for all those who truly want to love her, and indeed, him. This is a programme for the greatest carers on Earth, who are vilified, destroyed, ridiculed, ignored, abused, used, misused and hated for being everything that those who would steal from us are not. This is a programme to turn Cinderellas into The Sacred Whore High Priestesses and for anyone who wants to love her or live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. And this is a programme to turn sensitive men into Sacred Whore High Priests™ and for anyone who wants to love him and live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and High Priest Society. Love, humanity, Spirit and sex. This is a programme to reverse 8000+ years of witch burning, women hating and healer ridicule. This is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and all those who would love her and live by her values.
This is about the chance for Paradise on Earth. This is a programme for the most beautiful, kind hearted, wounded women and men on this planet. A programme of how to implement a system of how to beat life, how to survive life and how to resurrect from the grief that is a true life. Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, ‘happy’, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. How to turn grief into creation and survive and thrive, despite all the shit, all the pain and all the hurt. How to live in a world of madness, hollowness and cruelty and how to be a winner. How to stand up for oneself and to take back the power that has been stolen from anyone with heart, Spirit and sex. The art and science of Alchemy.
This is a programme, based on my scholarly and non scholarly work over 15 years (so far), if not for my whole life, and my extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of relative bliss, and above all, the right to be. The programme and the courses and my speaking and indeed my forthcoming book, will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. Who the Sacred Whore High Priestess™ is and why she is here. And who the Sacred Whore High Priest™ is. Why we are here. Who we are and what we are and why we are. The beauty and glory of the truth. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the future.
My first book of consciousness, my first book of the spiritual politics of humanity, of authentic power and of self love and strength. A comprehensive series of online courses, live events and audio and visual material. Books, live events, CDs and DVDs. And one on one personal empowerment consultations. The Amera Ziganii Rao Method of Change™. The right to be and the way to have the right to be. And indeed, how to maintain the will to live without love. How to BE unconditional, self sufficient, self caring, self love. The right to be and the will to be and the unparalleled success that comes with that. The Lost Knowledge™. HOW to live. And how to heal others, the profane and the sick and the soulless. The others. My Business and that of any Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and Sacred Whore High Priest™, is Human Rights, The Right to a Sexual Society, Self Actualisation and Freedom.
My Business is To Overthrow Fascism, in the Home and in the Country. My business is also mastering destiny. Overthrowing the ultimate 'fascism'. Our journey on Earth and The Return To The Source. Our healing, our ascension and our redemption. Fate. The daily crucifixions of a true life, the challenges and the fury of being healers and people of love on a planet like Earth.
Submitting to the journey to liberate and evolve oneself, through following one's heart, however much heartbreak and devastation it leads to on the long long long journey to freedom and then the longer journey to happiness. 'Long Road to Freedom', as Nelson Mandela says. My business is always taking risks, never giving up and making the endless sacrifices it takes to become whole. Enlightenment, Nirvana and then Parinirvana and beyond. My business is pain. My business is bliss.
My business is seeing the truly glory of Spirit on Earth. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™ and all that it is. Spirit, humanity, sex and love again at last. And the end of our legacy as either servants or witches or unpaid carers or indeed, ignored mistresses, other women, other men even, and the weirdos that are at the bottom of society. This is our world and it is time to take it back and I can show you how. And that makes my life, truly, worth living.
I want you to feel the way I do. Alive, with the right to be and the belligerence to exist in this profane and male ‘God’ led world of male supremacy, female supremacy, domestic, casual fascism, tribe rules from hell, with beautiful and kind, love intelligence laden, female and male Cinderella warriors at the bottom, caring for everyone else and getting nothing but hatred, ridicule and isolation for it. The meek are already inheriting the Earth and I can show you how.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I 'mysticise' the Universe. I escape at will, the truth of my humanless, Samurai solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am philosopher. I am shaman. I am alone. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
To trust your soul is to have courage. The courage to ‘get out of the way’. It takes a commitment to courage, a changing of the very matter of one’s access to courage, one’s relationship with courage and becoming the total renegade of an individual you have to, to become soul. It is that rare. ‘Getting out of the way’ takes a commitment to love and loving and being of love, no matter what. And frankly, that means redefining what love is, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Finding out what love really is and getting rid of the bullshit we think it is. Love. Soul. Power. It takes courage to be soul. Courage, courage and courage. The rest is easy. Soul is soul. Finally it is an absolute relief to get out of the way. The life of soul may be hair raising, treacherous and mind numbingly arduous. But it is a life of no regrets. Courage. The key to soul. Just give it a go. Wear that hat, say what’s on your mind, dream your dreams again, dream your dreams at all and just smile through the hate. Including one’s doubt. Courage. ‘Kill’ when you have to, especially yourself, and smile the rest of the time and cry when you need to. Always cry. Earth is a battlefield and crying is the way to win. Soul is a way of life. The natural way. Courage is ‘all’ it takes. We learnt the rules, only so we could break them. The rest is the art of life. Creation. Creating oneself again and again and again. Soul. The only way of life worth anything. Otherwise, we are just waiting to die. We don’t need to. We can live. It’s called soul.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
Self esteem. True, authentic, self knowing, self esteem. The one that includes the sex, the primal, the primitive, the animal, the real. The one that includes humanity and a state of unconditional love. Non needing, non greedy, non controlling, non afraid, non negative and non inhumane and non angry. Self esteem. What ego really is, in its true essence. The physical vehicle of self esteem. The physical vehicle of action, reaction, mastery, ‘misstery’, love and war, tenderness and sexuality. Humanity and human. The beautiful, crafted, styled, educated, aware, sincere, active, visceral, sexual, super sexual, heart led, sensitive, humane, courageous and ethical, hopeful ego. The instinct. The intuition. The magic. The primal. The whole. The whole Soul.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013
I can feel your sexuality. I love it. My beautiful, filthy, dominating, obsessed, possessed, hedonistic, nihilistic, Sacred beast of a man. Because those of us who are the most sexual, what do we think, in the truth context of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and The Sacred Whore High Priestess (Priest) Society™, that means? We are the most spiritual. The most sexual are in fact the most spiritual. Spirituality being the communing between Mortal and The High Priestess (Priest) to reach ecstasy. Orgasm. Bliss. The most active, dirty minded, passionate, non reproductive, hedonistic, glorious, worthwhile, point of life, meditation or prayer or communing on Earth. THE way to reach God, The Mother, The Universe™. THE way to happiness. Humanity. Joy. Hope. Love. Sex. Sex. Our sex. Sex.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Love takes courage. Love takes being ready. Love takes love.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Amera Ziganii Rao is a former hard news journalist who is now turning professional with her art forms and indeed, her healing forms, after a long journey of inner searching, self teaching and exploring many layers and areas of both craft and wisdom. She is now working on her first book of philosophy and esoteric thought, and social, cultural and spiritual commentary. She is also showing her first photography collections. And last but most definitely not least, she is building a business to share her Sacred Whore High Priestess Society consciousness and empowering explorations to reach as many people as possible across the world. She is in her forties and currently lives in London.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life, in this insane existence called The Universe. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011
Copyright and intellectual property rights are serious issues. And legally protected. Please do not reproduce my work anywhere without due credit and obviously, never for financial gain. 'Big Sister' is watching you! Other than that, please continue to enjoy my original work and the work of (credited) others, for free, while I work on using my material in further professional formats. Thank you for your interest and support.
Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012
Thank you to outside sources for original photography. Digital Darkroom Art by Amera Ziganii Rao