Thank you to outside source for words on Witches.


  • Misogyny and Male Supremacy and Father Religion and Thothian Evil, Nonsense will never reform on this dirty planet called Earth. The 'Twin Flame' experience proves that. Women have to leave love. Women and the People of The Light have to give it up forever. Work, and fighting Thothian Evil is all that there is. The Divine Plan for the hell that is Ascension. But, free of earth's oppressors at last. Fascism in all its relationship forms. Temujin Rao ©
  • Temujin Rao :: WRITER.PHILOSOPHER.ARTIST.ENLIGHTENER :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Hierophant Business™ :: Temujin Rao :: A Metaphysical Philosopher, Esoteric Wizard, Writer and Educator. A High Serpent Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Female Priesthood, Priestess™ :: An Atlantean Elder :: A Proven High Initiate Graduate through a 20 year, visceral apprenticeship in both 'heaven and earth'. I serve The Great Mother Universe, The Triple Goddess, the non male 'God' truth of the consciousness led Universe of many Universes, from something a fuck of a lot more than a male, vindictive 'god' who serves men. This is Spiritual Existentialism. Alchemy. Becoming Magicians. Knowing the seen and unseen and working with both. I am a Noetic and Hierophant and Mystic and Esoteric Philosopher Shaman. I deal with human evil :: In development at the moment, after a massive journey to find out the secrets of the world and the meaning of l life. Working on my first books of consciousness and politics. And indeed, my stories, as the reference point for all of our journeys on earth. Also a photographer artist and digital darkroom artist with sexual and other images from the internet. Please feel free to read my free blog showcase. It's a good introduction to the themes I will be covering in my written work, to be published and followed by teachings through lectures, public speaking and DVDs and videos online, and indeed more written work. And then by courses in the different areas of consciousness. I will also be offering one on one consultations as a psycho spiritual enlightener and healer. This blog is going to feature the research I am currently covering. The paths to everything that is consciousness and still so hidden from general view. My own work is human rights and The Lost Knowledge. I do slavery to power. I heal sicknesses of the soul. I also show you the face of evil and how it exists in every pocket of this cesspool of a male made planet. I will show you how earth is a fascist hell of men. And how there are two tribes on earth. Atlantis and Lemuria, to introduce the fantastical but real truth of the truth. Two ethnic groups from the past, with Lemurian in charge of this godless and cruel place. From the most extreme parts of their culture. All real. Good versus evil truly exists. And therefore the opportunity for real heroism. Everywhere. In the most surprising and intimate places. The men and women of hate and war. The 'Judas Principle'. And those of us, of peace, sacredness and love. I am the politics of consciousness. I am. As anyone can be. If the journey is made. The journey to and from the truth. Dystopia to Utopia and back. This is earth. But you can know who you are. And what the fuck this shit is all about. And in that, you can win. If you have the courage to see the truth and live it and become it. And that of course is up to you. But I can help. It is my purpose. I used to be a news journalist. Now, I am a non academic, academic. Going professional, as is my right, as an 'alternative' historian. Alternative in whose world? Fuck that. The Lost Knowledge. There for all. Our purpose is to heal and see the truth and then build and win against the entire system of control. We are The Light, returned to an earth of belligerent fascism and slavery. We, however, are born free. The People of Humanity. The People of The Light. The People of True Power. The Primal Intellectuals of this true world. The future. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Eat, sleep, piss and shit. Eminem

SHAMAN High Priestess. The Power of Earth (Artwork)

SHAMAN High Priestess. The Power of Earth (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • The High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Goddess Monarch Society™
  • Hermetic Philosophy. Metaphysical Philosophy. Social Philosophy. Political Philosophy. Psychological Philosophy. Feminism Philosophy. Human Rights Philosophy. Anthropological Philosophy. Esoteric Philosophy. Alchemical Philosophy. Hermetic Philosophy. Temujin Rao © 2018
  • I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I 'mysticise' the Universe. I escape at will, the truth of my humanless, Samurai solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am philosopher. I am shaman. I am alone. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • Indigo Warlords. Atlanteans. Female (and Male) Higher Consciousness Beings on a Male (and Female) Lemurian planet of human slavery, dependency ridden abuse, and insane fascism. Evil. Normal Life on a Low Consciousness Earth. Stand Up For Your Rights. And Leave Everyone. Break The Matrix. Live. And Fight For Your Rights Until The Day You Die. You Are Atlantean. No Lemurian has any interest in our humanity or our pain. We are the only Beings of Love. So love. And live. And become. Temujin Rao © 2018
  • The macho intellectual consciousness passion and compassion of the visceral soul. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • The secret enemies of psychological warfare. From within and without. Bringing the darkness of evil into the light. Immense self belief, intelligence and courage, plus wizardry. In other words, 'naming it and shaming it and letting it go' and re-programming the mind from any belief to another. To evolve. Temujin Rao © 2012
  • In development. Editing my first book, after 12 + years of blogging and exploring my message and my voice. Writing my second book, and essays and lectures, as well as preparing personal development material to share my philosophies and experience. My subject is human rights :: revolution, primal intelligence, sexualisation, liberation, human rights, the right to be spirit and magic, and the female intellectual mind, the philosopher's mind, and how to be a successful outlaw on earth. The revolution of this new earth. We must take over this earth too. We are Beings of The Light. This world wants us to be slaves. Developing in very challenging circumstances. Physically, with a chronic rehabilitation disability, and emotionally, after being systematically abused by men for over a decade. Call it 'my first marriage'. Shaman, Mystic, Philosopher, Healer, Writer, Enlightener, Orator. I am a 27 + year trained High Mystic Initiate Graduate, and a Truth Mentalist Exorcist 'Black Molfar' Shaman of High Magic. I uncover shit. I uncover evil. I fight Mystical Wars. I win. I can show you how. Let me get ready. Temujin Rao © 2024

Natural Born Mystic™ :: High Serpent Priesthood™ (Artwork)

Natural Born Mystic™ :: High Serpent Priesthood™ (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original image. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Metaphysical Philosophy + Political Spirituality + Human Rights from the inside out :: Self Actualisation, Sexualisation and Human Rights. The Female Mind, the Mind of Light, back on this stupid and shallow Spartan earth, again for the first time in 6000 - 12000 years. 12000 years of male enslavement of The Species of Light. The unspoken slaveries of this planet, from both male and female Nephilim/Fallen Angel Seed. But all led by male. Institutionally backed gender violence of cruelty. Men. Men who want your mind, oh how gracious of them, but that mind is supposed to be just for them. Vocation has taken us back to the beginning. Women are supposed to be born for men. The Species of Light is meant to be born for The Dark. Nothing has come forward on this Spartan, male violence, planet. Earth is a plantation for men. Be an outlaw or be a slave. That is what 'a woman can't have it all' actually means. "Be my slave or fuck off. You should be grateful that you are allowed to use your mind at all. For me. What is your problem? Do you actually have needs? No, you are a woman. Here, for me." To be woman is extraordinary. To be attracted to a man is to find your killer. So, what the fuck is the point of that? Male Supremacy. It runs earth. It will never run my earth again. And neither should it run yours. Desire is the most barren emotion on this earth. Male Supremacy will always see to that. Male Supremacy can go fuck itself. My desire is now, just for me. Temujin Rao © 2018

Slavery (Artwork)

Slavery (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • This is a story about a Monarch in the dirt, destiny. And a Multiverse that serves evil. It is called 'God Sovereign Free' (Lisa Renee). Actually, it's a pile of shit, with existence, balanced in the favour of evil. And the Tribe of the Light dumped onto earth, to make their way through fake destinies and fake lives, for nothing. Temujin Rao ©
  • Female Seraphim is the only Protagonist in existence. Earth is a planet of Seraphim persecution. Backed by The Multiverse. The Divine Plan. Ascension is the end of that persecution. The Twin Flame Nightmare. The Persecuted will inherit the Earth. Temujin Rao ©
  • The Twin Flame Experience is the greatest Celestial Betrayal that any Seraphim will ever experience. This is Armageddon and the Twin Flame Experience is one of the biggest wars of this filthy earth. There are no relationships. There is only war. The war of returning exiles. The Female Leaders of the true earth. The Twin Flame Experience is a lie. War is the only truth. War against men and all Nephilim. Temujin Rao ©
  • Forced 'Twin Flame'. I am a crippled, self determination, self making, independent philosopher and artist, female, so I attracted nothing but predators. Men are the greatest financial fascists in existence. Care Fascists, Financial Fascists and Professional Care Liars. This is the new fascism on earth. Men who will care, IF. Men who will give, IF. And the greater you are as a female, the richer the men, and meaner. Temujin Rao ©
  • There is no such thing as the Twin Flame path on earth, there is no such thing as a male, there is only misogyny and the hatred that men are. I am an Ascension Warlord Divine Feminine, and men are my business forever. Misogyny runs the whole world. Vampirism of female is the whole, ugly planet. The Divine Masculine will never return. These are the worst lives that women will ever live. The Wars of Ascension. Temujin Rao ©
  • This is a Male Earth. A Male Planet, as it is a White Planet. As it is a Thothian Planet. No Woman can win on a Male Earth. No one can win on a Thothian Earth. The Ultimate Feudalist Fascists of the Multiverse. The Fallen Angels. With Me, their Weapon was Love. With Me, their ONLY Weapon, could be Love. And of course, Money. Men are still the Money on This Stinking Planet. Seraphim :: The Love Holocaust. The Life Holocaust. The Divinity Holocaust :: Be an Outlaw. Build the Ancient World ©

HETAERA. Snake Woman (Artwork)

HETAERA. Snake Woman (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • I have fought a great, great battle. Seraphim/Emerald Order is no longer raped by a Nephilim/Fallen Angel earth. The rest we shall see. Leadership training indeed. Warrior, lover, Valkyrie, Healer, Prophet and Seraphim/Emerald Order Queen. That is me. Warrior, lover, poet in training, and broken Agamemnon, woman beating warlord of filth and slavery, will he be. Seraphim/Emerald Order is firmly back on earth. Now, true love may just finally be. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Men Actively Hate Women Like Me. This Is The Story Of Why And How. Natural Born Mystic :: The Female Holocaust. Not All Heroines Wear Capes. Men Hate Women Like Me. No Woman Should Ever Believe That Male Hate Is Personal. It Is Politics And Nothing Else. The Politics Of Slavery. This Is Earth. The Planet Of Male Hate Of Any Woman Who Will Be Free :: Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I am a woman with vocation. Don't bother coming near me. I do not negotiate with men about the 'right' to be 'loved'. Temujin Rao © 2018
  • The Matrix mind is the tribe mind is the psychologically warfared mind is the ego mind that so wants to die and leave us alone. The soul is the higher mind is the purified mind is the re-educated mind is the de-matrixed mind is the real mind is the free mind is the mind without the tired ego. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • The return of magic on earth. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Love :: The Predator Journey Waits For Every Woman, And Every Man And Woman Of Atlantis On This Lemurian Planet. It Is The Nemesis Path To The Eventual, Holy Grail. Love. In Whichever Lifetime You Are To Experience It. It Is First Though, The Baptism Of Fire, For Liberation, Individuation, And Reversing All Abuse On Earth. Loving Creeps. The Mortals Who Are Addicted To Female Gods. And Who Will See Us Dead Before They Actually Love Us At All. The Predator Journey. Waiting For All Women. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Stronger That Women Become, As Is Our Human Right, After 12000 Years Of Forced Slavery, The Meaner That Men Get. How Is This Not Possible When The World Reveals This Political Truth Everyday? The Self Esteem And Self Development Of Women Must Not Have Anything To Do With Men Anymore On This Present Planet Of Low Consciousness Cruelty Of Conscious Evil. Men Are For Sex And Take Years To Even Deliver That. Love Is A Vision. And Not For Anyone Else. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Men are slavers and predators. And we are brought up to believe that they are protectors and lovers. The true life. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Evil will always win. Temujin Rao © 2017

Goddess (Artwork)

Goddess (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Sunday 22 September 2013

Natural Born Mystic™. Ascension Discourse on Love Pt lX. The End of The World. Misogyny as Fascism. Fascism as Misogyny. Again. Amera Ziganii Rao

Super Titan lll (Artwork) 

Natural Born Mystic™. Ascension Discourse on Love Pt lX. The End of The World. Misogyny as Fascism. Fascism as Misogyny. Again. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Sacred Sexuality and True Love Defined. Amera Ziganii Rao 

There are but two tribes in the world. Those who live by the heart and through the sex of the soul and those who live by the absence of the heart and with no respect for either sex or the soul. 

The true tribe and the false tribe. 

To be liberated from falseness, you have to acknowledge the full horror of non existence that living by the absence of the heart creates and you have to feel your passport to the true tribe. 

And once feeling it you have to value it. Otherwise you stay plugged in forever. 

My passport to truth was that i just didn't fit in - literally and figuratively. And that trying to fit in almost killed me. And so I left polite society. With its thirst for power, contempt for humanity, its bigotry, its eurocentric shallowness of bodyfacism and its material greed. 

And, oh yes, its hatred for woman. The body of a woman. The sex of the soul and the humanity of the heart. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2005

Abraham Lincoln 

Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the United States through its greatest constitutional, military, and moral crisis—the American Civil War—preserving the Union, abolishing slavery, strengthening the national government and modernizing the economy. Reared in a poor family on the western frontier, Lincoln was self-educated, and became a country lawyer, a Whig Party leader, Illinois state legislator during the 1830s, and a one-term member of the United States House of Representatives during the 1840s.

After a series of highly-publicized debates in 1858 during which he opposed the expansion of slavery, Lincoln lost the U.S. Senate race in Illinois to his archrival, Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln, a moderate from a swing state, secured the Republican Party presidential nomination in 1860. With almost no support in the South, Lincoln swept the North and was elected president in 1860. His election was the signal for seven southern slave states to declare their secession from the Union and form the Confederacy. The departure of the Southerners gave Lincoln's party firm control of Congress, but no formula for compromise or reconciliation was found. Lincoln explained in his second inaugural address: "Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the Nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came."

When the North enthusiastically rallied behind the national flag after the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, Lincoln concentrated on the military and political dimensions of the war effort. His goal was now to reunite the nation. He suspended habeas corpus, arresting and temporarily detaining thousands of suspected secessionists in the border states without trial. 

Lincoln averted British recognition of the Confederacy by defusing the Trent affair in late 1861. His numerous complex moves toward ending slavery centered on the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, using the Army to protect escaped slaves, encouraging the border states to outlaw slavery, and helping push through Congress the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which permanently outlawed slavery. Lincoln closely supervised the war effort, especially the selection of top generals, including commanding general Ulysses S. Grant. Lincoln brought leaders of the major factions of his party into his cabinet and pressured them to cooperate. Lincoln's Navy set up a naval blockade that shut down the South's normal trade, helped take control of Kentucky and Tennessee, and gained control of the Southern river system using gunboats. He tried repeatedly to capture the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia. Each time a general failed, Lincoln substituted another until finally Grant succeeded in 1865.

An exceptionally astute politician deeply involved with power issues in each state, Lincoln reached out to War Democrats and managed his own re-election in the 1864 presidential election. As the leader of the moderate faction of the Republican party, Lincoln found his policies and personality were "blasted from all sides": Radical Republicans demanded harsher treatment of the South, War Democrats desired more compromise, Copperheads despised him, and irreconcilable secessionists plotted his death. 

Politically, Lincoln fought back with patronage, by pitting his opponents against each other, and by appealing to the American people with his powers of oratory. His Gettysburg Address of 1863 became the most quoted speech in American history. It was an iconic statement of America's dedication to the principles of nationalism, republicanism, equal rights, liberty, and democracy.

At the close of the war, Lincoln held a moderate view of Reconstruction, seeking to reunite the nation speedily through a policy of generous reconciliation in the face of lingering and bitter divisiveness. Six days after the surrender of Confederate commanding general Robert E. Lee, however, Lincoln was assassinated by actor and Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln's death was the first assassination of a U.S. president and sent the nation into mourning. 

Lincoln has been consistently ranked both by scholars and the public as one of the greatest U.S. presidents, if not the greatest.


Woman Hater as Unicorn Killer. Amera Ziganii Rao 

A woman hater is therefore a Unicorn killer. Misogyny is the act of killing Unicorns. Killing women. Just like they taught you. Slaves to 'Sauron'. You kill Unicorns, because you are told to. The Sacred Brother Warrior Lover™, The Super Sacred Brother Lover™  and The Sacred Pimp Warrior Protector, Brother Lover™ indeed. The kiss of death. You. Unicorn killers. And you don't want to know and you don't care. 

And you think you know God. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Piece of Meat. Amera Ziganii Rao 

You bought the Sacred Whore like a piece of meat and you called that a wife. Your trophy wives. Your dancing girls. Your chattel and serving girls. Your piece of beauty. You bought us like you would cattle. Then you called it wives. Now you call it prostitution. The High Priestesses of the real God. You bought us to buy God, The Mother, The Universe and you caged us, separated us from our Divine gifts and skills in the Temple and drove us mad and then lost interest in us, because we had no gifts left, no excitement, no hunter in ourselves and no hope or joy left. Then you just called us mad and discarded us. You called us evil and you call love obedience, even though it had already killed us. You moved into our Temples and you played with the divination tools and thought you communed. The destruction of Atlantis was your gift. 

You stole us from God, The Mother, The Universe and you tried to usurp us. You vilified us, enslaved us and you still envy us today. You call it intuition. You might want to think about this when you hate us out of your jealousy. The mystic gene means physical tortuous pain and taking on the empathy of the human race. All their pains, evils and dark thoughts. We see and feel everything. We make crucial sacrifices to be near Spirit and the unseen and we go without for years. To be shaman is not glamour. I make it glamour. To be shaman is a specific Samurai existence, ascetic and harsh. We commune to be guides. And you take that and you shame yourselves because you just want the meat. You didn’t just want the meat. You wanted our beauty of spirit, our personalities and our love and kindness. And you destroyed them, because you caged us and called us wife. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

Mills & Boon

Mills & Boon is a romance imprint of British publisher Harlequin UK Ltd. It was founded in 1908 by Gerald Rusgrove Mills and Charles Boon as a general publisher. The company moved towards escapist fiction for women in the 1930s. In 1971 the publisher was bought by the Canadian company Harlequin Enterprises, with whom it had had a long informal partnership as its North American distributor. It has a number of imprints which between them account for almost three-quarters of the romance paperbacks published in Britain. The print books are, however, out sold and out numbered by the company's e-books, which have allowed the publisher to double its output.

The publisher has been criticised for many things. Its books are considered low-brow and formulaic, although this has also been cited as one of the reasons for their success. More seriously, Mills & Boon novels have been condemned as misogynistic rape fantasies, even as hate speech, and they have been cited as responsible for poor sexual health and failed relationships among their readers.

Modern Mills & Boon novels, over one hundred of which are released each month, cover a wide range of possible romantic sub-genres, varying in explicitness, setting and style, although retaining a comforting familiarity that meets reader expectations.

The company has been criticised for repeating plots, the inevitability of their happy endings, and a simple writing style, while fans have cited predictability as a key reason for reading.

The publisher has been falsely accused of providing its authors with templates for their stories. There is no template or standard outline and authors are allowed full artistic freedom. There are, however, genre conventions that need to be met to be successful. Penny Jordan, an author writing for Mills & Boon, puts this as "[the rules] are not written down, but if you diverge from reader expectations they won't read your second book."

Some critics have claimed that the genre promotes misogyny and the sexual submission of women to men. Julie Bindel writes "I would go so far as to say it is misogynistic hate speech." She describes a typical Mills & Boon novel as a rape fantasy structured around "the 'gender dance'—man chases woman, woman resists, and, finally, woman submits in a blaze of passion." Bindel further condemns Mills & Boon for perpetuating misogynistic propaganda.

In popular imagination, and feminist criticism, the heroine of a stereotypical Mills & Boon novel is often seen as a passive virgin who is inferior, and submissive to, the hero in every way. This was true in older novels but has changed over the years; modern novels feature more active protagonists. Mills & Boon heroines cover a wide variety of types, often depending on the author's preference.

The attributes of the heroes of Mills & Boon novels have not significantly changed over time, however, almost always being a dominant alpha male. Joanna Bowring, co-curator of the Mills & Boon centenary exhibition at Manchester Central Library in 2008, notes that "there's always been a subtle undercurrent of force throughout the books and that's never changed from the earliest ones. Even later, when other aspects are influenced by feminism and the shifting attitudes outside the novel, the men are masterful and stern." 

In 1966, the Mills & Boon author Hilary Wilde said "The odd thing is that if I met one of my heroes, I would probably bash him over the head with an empty whisky bottle. It is a type I loathe and detest. I imagine in all women, deep down inside us, is a primitive desire to be arrogantly bullied."

Many critics particularly point to the comments by another of Mills & Boon's writers, Violet Winspear, in 1970, that all her heroes "must frighten and fascinate. They must be the sort of men who are capable of rape". Bindel argues that, as heroines have acquired greater agency, the heroes have become even more domineering and misogynistic. 

Other critics contend that these characters are outdated and inappropriate for modern works. However, supporters of the publisher counter that Mills & Boon are careful to follow their readers' tastes and interests; if the hero follows this trend it is because that is what the readers want.

In modern novels, popular hero archetypes are Arab sheikhs, Italian billionaires, Greek tycoons, and princes. According to Mills & Boon author Sharon Kendrick, "the sheikh represents the ultimate female fantasy–dark, autocratic, completely powerful, outrageously chauvinistic."

Penny Jordan adds that the hero often has a softer side, which the heroine will discover during the course of the novel: "He's often damaged by something that's happened in his life, often to do with money. He will be more outrageous to the heroine, and harder on her. He realises he is beginning to feel, he has to resolve that conflict."

In 2011, psychologist Susan Quilliam blamed romantic fiction, and Mills & Boon in particular, for poor sexual health and relationship breakdowns. She made the claim in her paper "'He seized her in his manly arms and bent his lips to hers…'. The surprising impact that romantic novels have on our work" in the Journal of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care published by the BMJ Group. In the paper, Quilliam writes "what we see in our [family planning clinic] consulting rooms is more likely to be informed by Mills & Boon than by the Family Planning Association." 

Quilliam argues that a correlation exists between negative attitudes toward the use of condoms and reading of romantic fiction; as well as citing a survey that shows only 11.5% of romantic novels mention condom use. She suggests that a romance reader may "not [use] protection with a new man because she wants to be swept up by the moment as a heroine would." Among other potential problems, romantic fiction readers are also likely to have unrealistic expectations about sex, to equate lack of romance or sexual desire with a lack of love, to see pregnancy as a cure of relationship difficulties and to be less likely to terminate pregnancies. 

Relationships of romance readers are more likely to break down because they are likely the think that "rather than working at her relationship she should be hitching her star to a new romance." Quilliam also writes that "a deep strand of escapism, perfectionism and idealisation runs through the genre" and "if readers start to believe the story that romantic fiction offers, then they store up trouble for themselves–and then they bring that trouble into our consulting rooms."

The books are highly branded and are often in a separate section of bookshops and libraries from the other paperback fiction and romance novels. Common themes are rich, ennobled and initially unattainable males (often of Mediterranean—especially Greek—origin), the desire of a character to have a baby (with this being thwarted by infertility or an unsympathetic husband), and the breakup and mending of a relationship.

Blaze: Very sexual novels featuring couples in contemporary romantic relationships.

Cherish: Warm and emotional novels that focus on capturing the feeling of falling in love.

Desire: Sexual novels featuring couples in a contemporary setting with dramatic plots.

Historical: Romance mixed with historical fiction. (e.g. Romance in 1920s New York or 17th century England.) Formerly called Masquerade Historical Romance, Legacy of Love and Historical Romance.

Intrigue: Romance mixed with the Suspense or Thriller genre.

Modern: Novels focus on glamorous and 'sophisticated' passionate romance in international locations. Featuring intense relationships, often very sexual, often reflecting shared feelings and desires.

Medical Romance: Contemporary romances set against the background of the medical profession.

Nocturne: Paranormal romance imprint, mixing romance with genres such as horror, science fiction and fantasy.

Riva: Novels aimed at younger readers. Launched in 2010 to replace Modern Heat.

Spice: Erotic fiction imprint, featuring casual sex and bondage. The most explicit imprint published by Mills & Boon.

American Romance: themed around classically American heroes such as cowboys. e-book only.

Historical Undone: shorter length historical editorial of greater sensuality in general than the Historical series. e-book only.

Kimani: African-American romances. e-book only.

Love Inspired: Inspirational romance. e-book only.

Love Inspired Suspense: Inspirational romance containing themes of intrigue or Thriller titles. e-book only.

Love Inspired Historical: Inspirational romance containing historical themes and settings. e-book only.

Nocturne Cravings: shorter length titles dealing with darker and paranormal themes. e-book only.


Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich is a 2000 biographical film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film is a dramatization of the true story of Erin Brockovich, portrayed by Julia Roberts, who fought against the US West Coast energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). The film was a massive box office hit, and critical reviews are highly positive.

Roberts won the Academy Award, Golden Globe, Screen Actors' Guild Award and BAFTA for Best Actress. The film itself was also nominated for Best Picture and Best Director for Steven Soderbergh at the 73rd Academy Awards. Early in the film the real Erin Brockovich has a cameo appearance as a waitress named Julia.

In 1993, Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is an unemployed single mother of three children, who has recently been injured in a traffic accident with a doctor and is suing him. Her lawyer, Ed Masry (Albert Finney), expects to win, but Erin's courtroom behavior loses her the case. After losing her case and several attempts to contact Ed at his office with no reply, he arrives at work to find her in the office, appearing to do work. He confronts her, and she says that he told her things would work out and they didn't, and that she needed a job. He felt bad for her, and decided to give her a try at the office.

Erin is given files for a real-estate case where Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) is offering to purchase the home of Hinkley, California, resident Donna Jensen. Erin is surprised to see medical records in the file and visits Donna, who explains that she had simply kept all her PG&E correspondence together. Donna appreciates PG&E's help: she has had several tumors and her husband has Hodgkin's disease, but PG&E has always supplied a doctor at their own expense. Erin asks why they would do that, and Donna replies, "because of the chromium". Erin begins digging into the case and finds evidence that the groundwater in Hinkley is contaminated with carcinogenic hexavalent chromium, but PG&E has been telling Hinkley residents that they use a safer form of chromium. She persuades Ed to allow her to do further research, and wins the trust of many Hinkley residents. She finds many cases of tumors and other medical problems in Hinkley. Everyone has been treated by PG&E's doctors and thinks the cluster of cases is just a coincidence, unrelated to the "safe" chromium.

A man tells her he was tasked with destroying documents at PG&E, but noticed the medical conditions plaguing the workers and kept the documents instead. He then gives the documents to her. A 1966 memo proves corporate headquarters knew the water was contaminated with hexavalent chromium, did nothing about it, and advised the Hinkley operation to keep this secret.

Rather than delay any settlement for years, Ed takes the opportunity to arrange for disposition by binding arbitration. Erin persuades all 634 plaintiffs to go along. The judge orders PG&E to pay a settlement amount of $333 million to be distributed among the plaintiffs. In the final scene, Ed hands Erin her bonus payment for the case, but says he has changed the amount. She starts to complain that she deserves more respect, but is astonished to find that he has increased it to $2 million.


Elia Kazan's On The Waterfront

Terry and Charley Malloy (Marlon Brando and Rod Steiger)

You don't understand. I could'a had class. I could'a been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. It was you, Charley.

Remember that night in the Garden you came down to my dressing room and you said, "Kid, this ain't your night. We're going for the price on Wilson." You remember that? "This ain't your night"! My night! I coulda taken Wilson apart! So what happens? He gets the title shot outdoors in the ballpark and what do I get? A one-way ticket to Palooka-ville! You was my brother, Charley, you shoulda looked out for me a little bit. You shoulda taken care of me just a little bit so I wouldn't have to take them dives for the short-end money.

On The Waterfront

Fathers. Amera Ziganii Rao 

There are no fathers. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

There are no fathers. For women. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

There are no fathers. For women. There are no men. And certainly no men with wide shoulders. Only corrupt, vain, Unicorn killers. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

And the worst of it, and the best, is that it is not personal. There are no men. They were stolen away. They are long gone now. For good. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

The Impurity. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Brotherly Love. The Unicorn Killers. The impurity of fatherly love. The male (female) ego. 'Salieri' (Milos Forman's Amadeus). 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Woman Hater as Misogynist. Amera Ziganii Rao 

A woman hater is therefore a Unicorn killer. Misogyny is the act of killing Unicorns. Killing women. Just like they taught you. Slaves to 'Sauron'. You kill Unicorns, because you are told to. The Sacred Brother Warrior Lover indeed. The kiss of death. You. Unicorn killers. And you don't want to know and you don't care. 

And you think you know God. 

I don't believe in the team. I don't believe in the dream. I don't believe in male love or humanity and I don't anymore believe, in you. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

The 'Mars' and Executioner Self Esteem Type. Amera Ziganii Rao  

And that, finally, is why you have low self esteem. My archetype's low self esteem is not based on the same thing as yours. You are afraid of not being liked. We are afraid of being rejected. For who we are. Funny that. 

Your ego does not fear that. Your ego is afraid of not being liked, are not likeable. You are a cruel, Unicorn killing, corrupt pseudo parent autocrat, fascist, who abuses power like it's going out of fashion. I wish. 

Ego is not stupid. Ego doesn't like itself, in you, because you are a fascist. You don't like being a fascist. Yet you retain it out of madness and cowardice. And then you resent someone else for not liking you. So you control and you coerce and you bully and you control through money and anything that resembles care. don't like yourself and are afraid of not being liked. Because you know that fascists are not liked and because you know you are a fascist, yet have to retain it out of cowardice and reputation and woman hating addiction. 

You are a fascist and addicted to hating women. And you as a people think that is passion. That is neither passion nor rage. That is just pure hate. 

Your ego is afraid of not being liked. 

What is there to like?

Ego. The best friend, you'll wish (maybe) that you never had. 

You. The best friend I really could have had. 

Enjoy your ego. It is truly, the only thing that can ever like you. You and he are one. Be at peace. 

You will never kill Unicorns again. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

The 'Mars' and Executioner Self Esteem Type ll. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Men do not just 'not marry women like me' (a line I heard over 30 years ago). Men actively hate women like me. You are The High Priestess Killers. Especially trained to seek us out and destroy us. Before me. No Unicorn killer will ever kill me. Too many men have tried. 

I have been hated by men like you my whole life and of course the women like you. Hate me. I most certainly bear no love towards your kind anymore. You are sick and dangerous and you pathologically, try to kill High Priestesses. Try. I am still alive. That is how strong I am and what I am here to teach. Try. You will never succeed. 

Men like you, actively hate women like me. I have a brother. I know. And now, I know you. The circle is complete. 

Serve 'Sauron' and hate women like me. Warrior survives all threats. The rest is the utter heartbreak that there is no penetration. You cannot love. Give it up. I am most certainly in the new training. Men hate women like me. Men are therefore, truly dangerous, inept at self mastery, unwilling to ever love women, and to be avoided at all costs. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Beauty XXlV Pt ll (Artwork) 

The Post Apocalyptic World l. A Life of One. High Priestess. Amera Ziganii Rao  

As a woman I can only lose. As everything else, I can only win. There is no glass ceiling. It is stone, celestial and our purpose on earth. To lose as women and to gain as everything else. Love can only be deep inside the heart. There is no place for it with anyone else. We are women. We can only lose. We are in the grip of fascism, whether we stay in our oppressive families or make the journey to freedom. We still can only lose as women, but we can absolutely succeed in anything else. The sadness is that we have to talk about love. The tedium of our lives. Other peoples lack of love. So we can win as anything else, but we cannot avoid the truth. A woman on this male fascist earth, can only lose. A woman can only be both physically imprisoned and also spiritually imprisoned. It is our purpose. Because we are so special. Our Mother drives us hard and there are no daddies. As a female professional or female anything, presumably a mother too, we can win. And I am sure a mother only half wins anyway. She is after all, being a woman. 

No wonder, the illusion of marriage and staying at home becomes so attractive for women. The world beats us down, like any group of people who are not ‘supposed’ to have power. And the biggest myth of all is male love. We literally, do go from ‘the frying pan into the fire’. Misogyny is still the most ridiculed term of oppression on this planet. Apparently, we are all making it up and no one talks about it and no one allows it to be talked about. The machine is too big to even think about. Which is why I am the politics to follow consciousness and the consciousness to follow politics. Change your own life and you change the world. As a woman I can only lose. As anything else, I can only win. Nothing stops greatness in a free market. Selling to the tribe. As long as it is done alone, from the land of outlaw. As a woman, I can only lose, as anything else, I can only win. 

We leave our families and we enter marriage and we think that is the friendship of love we have been looking for our whole lives, before we realise we lie down, next to piranha. Our very special, piranha for life. Because as women, we can only lose. 

Sure, it’s a quest. And one that should be entered and non entered, with the nonchalance of non hope that it deserves. The rest is the years of clearing love addiction, love dependency and any SANE myths of equality and love in the person who ‘loves’ you. We live in fascism. Fascism is the state of earth. And it is male and certainly nothing to do with Nymph. It is a hollow, psychologically dead, space of cruelty. That is earth. 

And there are no refuges with other people, no refuges with Werewolves. They are our antagonists, to make us whole. That’s it and if you get your head around the mindless spiritual cruelty of that, you survive and thrive as you are in oppression, and you suffer the incarceration of a ‘meek’ life until you build that tunnel out of ‘Shawshank’. You suffer the blows, you take the bullying rape and you build, quietly, alone and in existential faith. 

My problem was that I tried to change the circumstances of my prison, while I built the tunnel. The circumstances of fate cannot be changed. Mastering destiny is to accept the lemons, the bitter lemons that fate gives you and to face them and work with them and only them. That is the incarceration of life. As it was meant to be. That is the best bit. 

Male is the part of Divinity that is cruel. Male is cruel. Women is the part of Divinity that is power. We don’t give up and nothing will burn our hearts out. Woman however is also the part of Divinity that is pure intelligence. We don’t believe in anything or anyone. We know that as High Priestess and woman, we can only lose. We are terrestrially and celestially, alone. We are Her servants and that’s the job description. To be tortured by other human beings, so we become invincible but oppressed demon slayers. 

I deal with fascists. I have done so, since the first one in my life, gave birth to me. I deal with fascists and the most extreme kind on this planet. That’s what I do. I am also, first and last, an abuse survivor. A survivor of world fascism. A woman, a Nymph, is therefore only one of two things; either a victim of abuse, or a survivor of abuse. The beauty with truth is this; face it and we know then, what to work with. 

I thought there was love for me, from somewhere. There isn’t. I am female. I am also Shaman and High Priestess. Crucifixion, denial and being an outsider of the system of fascism is my only choice. To survive and thrive in outlaw land. And to return as a female king. These are the heroisms of female that are rarely told. As Simone de Beauvoir says, women have to create their own narrative. 

First, we have to live them. And that means accepting our own unique set of sheit challenges. All, obscure, unrecognised and unrewarded in any material or tangible ways. That takes humility and above all one thing; despite the fact that we as Nymphs have the most beautiful connections with other Nymphs, we are alone. To become unconditional love therefore and not just cruelly self sufficient – what I always admired, before I found out, finally, that it is just non feeling, cruel, self sufficient, fascism – is to accept total abject loneliness. 

An abuse survivor has two problems with that. The psychic death of loneliness from having never been loved and having been actively hated and emotionally raped all her or his life, and the normal, spiritually, developed, self sufficiency of becoming unconditional love. There are two lonelinesses. One is ‘bad’ and the other is ‘good. For an abuse survivor, this is a complex and suicidal picture. 

Women have to become homicidal instead of suicidal. Men have to become suicidal instead of homicidal. 

It’s called humility. Fascism has no concept of that. The prison all of its own. Trapped in narcissism. The destruction of those they love, is their ‘love’. Like anything, fascism can heal. Absolutely. And whatever part of Divinity, fascism represents, I understand now, how the whole energy of The Universe shifts and shapes as we shape our own lives. Divinity is not stationery. It evolves as we do. So whatever fascism, is, I know it like the back of my hand. And now I am bored. It can heal. Anything can heal, if the will is there and the repetition journey of application is adhered to. I am no longer watching. 

I am too busy, learning non psychic death self sufficiency of abject loneliness. As a woman I can only lose. As anything else, I can only win. My tragedy is that the anything else, is ABOUT the fact that as a woman, I can only lose. 

That it seems is the state of play. And I no longer take responsibility for what comes next. As a woman, I can only lose. As anything else, I can only win. 

And fascism is legitimate, because everything is always as it was meant to be, in this insanely cruel Universe. And therefore, the only choice is this; accepting or rejecting it. But always accepting that it has to exist. That is so called enlightenment. Knowing we are fucked. Knowing that the reason that fascism is legitimate, because it reflects the immutable laws of fate. You get what you are given. What you do with it is your job. But you better accept what you are given, otherwise you will never be able to get on with what you have to do with it, which is your job. 

In other words, as a woman, I can only ever be involved with fascism. As a Nymph, I can only ever be involved with fascism. And as an artist and philosopher and visionary and mentalist, I can only ever be involved with a turgid and prosaic and parochial world. Of fascism. And as a High Priestess and Shaman and Hierophant, I can only ever be involved with the sick. Fascism is sickness. 

The rest is the job of any artist or original thinker. Show the way to something else. Reaching out of the mire of female existence, out of the mire of non fascism existence and CREATING one’s own place at one’s own table. No one else wants me and non one ever will. I am a woman. I can only lose on earth. As anything else, I can win. As long as it never involves being a woman, ever again, outside my professional work. It doesn’t work. 

That has to be kept firmly inside. No one is worthy of seeing woman, let alone, High Priestess, on a personal level, anymore. A woman can therefore not have any private life, if she is to stay safe on this planet. 

The best bit is this however. I will never get away from fascism. I live on earth. There is no switching off from men or male abuse. I live on earth. Earth is a fascist state. I will remain a prisoner to fascism until the day I die. The rest is how good a prison cell I can create. Until I can create my own prison palace, to live as far away from male fascism as I possibly can. 

This is the political truth of becoming unconditional love and what killed so many beautiful artists and people and continues to do so everyday. Abject terrestrial and celestial hatred. We are women. Her special daughters. We get to suffer for Her and they call that compassion. The ones who suffer become compassion. So my question is obvious. How compassionate do the compassionate have to become, before fascism has to suffer at all, to even get an ounce of compassion? And how the fuck would the second category ever catch up with the first anyway?? Fascism does not suffer. Fascism will not integrate compassion. Her plan sucks. 

I am just another visionary who has to face the truth. To be female is the most dangerous, thankless and soul destroying thing to be. We live on an earth, that She has let flounder for 8000 years. All so the dark could be explored. Thanks. I think I’m done. When the fuck do I get to explore the light? When I am back with Her clearly and not before. I yearn my death. I yearn my release from this planet. Unfortunately, I have a long life. 

So don’t care anymore and I accept who I am and I most certainly accept who he is and who all the he’s are. To be one of Her daughters is to be hated. We are the tortured and unloved and as long as life is only ABOUT love and not OF love (outside oneself), we are allowed to live. If you can call that life. I don’t. The rest is living in the general prison that is life. 

I am a woman. I can never win. As anything else, female, I can only win. I live on earth. And I am one of Hers. That brings special privileges. To be hated. 

I know now therefore, how bitterly in alignment my life has been. I was meant to be oppressed and trained and violated by fascism my whole life, so far. The levels of warrior, the levels of survival, the levels of insight, the levels of compassion, the levels of artist, they make no difference. I am still meant to be tortured and hated. 

The light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t exist. I am a woman. He hates me and so does She. ‘Jane Eyre’ indeed. The orphan journey across the board. To make us pure magicians. To stand alone completely and utterly, terrestrially and celestially. Hierophant Wizard Valkyrie Monarch™ indeed. 

As a woman I can only lose on earth. It is a world of male fascism, as it was clearly meant to be. We are an invaded people and the people in charge are not my people. The rest is outlaw. And that means suffering. It’s not my world. Not yet. 

The good news is this; suffering is also my business. I’ve been at it for 48 years. Mastering destiny indeed. Fate is to accept the hatred. Destiny is to turn it into love. Love is self love, humanitarianism, and power. Full stop. 

I am a lamb. I can only be the Titan and Lioness, that I am. As a lamb. I live on earth and will never burn out my heart. I am one of the beautiful. I can only ever be a lamb and make sure that slaughter is my business. Mine. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

What we do in life, echoes in eternity. Maximus. Ridley Scott's Gladiator 

Every action in our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity. ~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin

They’re just memories now. Time to write them off. ~Jeffrey Eugenides 

It is easy to be generous with other people's money. Latin Proverb

The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. David Russell

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. New Testament – Romans

Do what you know is right & importance, it is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, & personal satisfaction. Margaret Thatcher

All of us are having conversations with God (God, The Mother, The Universe) all the time. Neale Donald Walsch 

ENTREPRENEUR'S DILEMMA: Should I build my business for the long-term or sell my business quickly? 40 Billion

Corruption of the best, is the worst. President Bartlett. Aaron Sorkin’s The West Wing 

Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up. ~ Robert Frost

May you never forget what is worth remembering, nor ever remember what is best forgotten. Wise Titan

When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy. ~ Samuel Goldwyn

Life is short but there is always time for courtesy. Ralph W. Emerson

It's not what you've got, it's what you use that makes a difference. Zig Ziglar

Taliban Releases Female Afghan MP. News Headline 

Activism of poor women has been part of political landscape for 2 long for anyone to write a "feminist" book w/o them included. Imani Perry 

You can't make tough decisions without answering tough questions. Avoiding the questions chokes change. Wisdom Alive

The Post Apocalyptic World ll. A Life of One. High Priestess. Amera Ziganii Rao  

This is a male, fascist, world. And I am neither male, nor fascist. In your world, with you, I can only be the ‘meek’ and oppressed. Even in all the self power, that exists in me, both in the unseen and seen world, I can still only be under your fascism and male fascism in the world. I have decades grown, spiritual and emotional power and I know how to stand up for myself and kill anyone who tries to destroy me. And I do it with grace and love and compassion. And I live with a level of loneliness you will never have to ever think about ever in your sorry, sick life. I am an abuse survivor, of male and female fascism in a male fascist world. That massive achievement means nothing. 

I face the bitterness of truth. That to be all that I am, means nothing in this world. This world still belongs to you and your kind and always will. Fascism still rules my life in exactly the same way it lived my life as a child. I have changed everything about myself and still, fascism oppressed my life and makes everything ugly. You. And all like you. The whole fucking world. You. 

I face the grief and bitterness that The Temple now has to be built. From scratch. In a world of male and female fascism and a world of misogyny. The sicknesses of the invaders. You. I face the relief though that The Temple is all that I am building now. I was meant to fail and I was meant to fail in teaching you how to love. Fascism does not love. I was meant to find that out, all by myself. About you. 

The second journey is external. And still, without you. This is a male, fascist, world. And I am neither male, nor fascist. I am female and a humanitarian. This is not my world. I am, ‘happily’, outlaw. You can have the fascism and the male. I don’t want you. Or any of you. You are male and you are fascist. I love neither. 

‘I came, I saw, I conquered’. And I lost. I always lose. I always will lose, in relation to another person. I am a woman. It is your world and you will always win. But not, with me, in it. Ever. I don’t do fascism. I never did. And it seems, fascism is truly, all you do, do. It is, after all, your world. Why would you ever have to do anything else? 

For any sickness to heal, first it has to be recognised as sickness. You are not even there yet. I healed because I knew I was sick. You still think you are well. It is your world. Why would you not think that? It is only the women who get raped. Everything else is great in your world. So why would you know that that is sickness? 

You would also have to love something or someone to change, even if you ever recognised it as sickness. You have no idea that cruelty is sickness. You think cruelty is good. So does the whole world. Why would you think any different? You would have to be an original thinker. Men do not think. No fascist thinks. And as for love, the motivation to change, you are more fucked up than I ever was. Because fascism does not love. 

That is your prison. Fascism does not love, so fascism has no motivation to change and sex just isn’t enough for men. Sex does not drive men. So you can’t utilise that motivation either. 

Fascism cannot therefore, at the moment, change. But don’t worry. The whole world, serves you. The whole world, serves fascism. And after all, isn’t that what you want? You are, after all, fascists. And you live and rule in a world of male fascism. You are most certainly ‘all right Jack’. Which is why fascism will never heal. You would have to love women, to love women. Narcissists don’t love. The whole world is narcissistic, male, misogyny, fascism. Everything, that is you. You don’t ever, have to love, anything. You have no motivation to change. Fascism is your great love. Your contribution to society, eternity and The Universe. Just as it is clearly, meant to be. 

There are no pacts between lionesses/Titans and men. You are after all of it, still, just another, ‘only a man’. I do, gods. I don’t do, men. Men are fascists. Gods love Titans. You are just, another man. There are no gods. Only Titans and Goddesses. A defeated people. But Titans and Goddesses nonetheless. I sleep briefly and heavily. I have a clear conscience. 

But then, the beauty is this. You are everything you were supposed to be. Fascism is supposed to exist. And what you do with that kind of fate is clearly, sadly, my business. You serve ‘Sauron’. I am a novice, ‘Gandalph’ and ‘Aragorn’ and ‘Legolas’ and all the others of The Fellowship of The Ring. 

But my pitch goes wider now. I am no longer interested in individuals. Love makes no difference. Only the truth can forge the way. Universal, earth, truth. 

I am an abuse survivor and precious lamb as a Titan. You, are a misogynist and a fascist. You are male. I am female. It is your world. I am outlaw. Evil is only rewarded in Her world. Love is never rewarded, other than inside. High Priestess and Shaman and Hierophant is clearly, an inside life. Before the second journey is completed. So, you might have a heart by then. That’s your arena. Mine is done. 

I am off, to deal with world fascism now. This arena is too boring for me and you deserve your time to face yourself. I am off, to deal with Her fascism now. My incarceration is both male and Universe Divine. That is prophet enlightenment training. And your job is clearly, only to continue oppression. So, do it. I am busy. Busy, asking new questions. I know male doesn’t love now and I know male is fascist now and I know male and female outside The Temple are ugly, selfish beyond selfish, insane and destructive. And that it is you all, understandably, who are addicted to High Priestess. Addiction by the way, is not love. 

My job now is to work out what to do about you and how to live with you. And what that essentially means. Either to live with you in fascism, in abject loneliness, or to live without you, in a fascist world, in abject loneliness. 

And what it means therefore to inherit the earth as the meek. To face, first of all, all that meek is. And why. 

I am the politics to follow consciousness and the consciousness to follow politics. I am the revolution of this world. I don’t do fascism. I do love, or nothing at all. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

~  The True Twin Flame comes to you to as a mirror. The Reunion may activate childhood trauma of abandonment, fear of rejection, regret, disappointment and inability to be intimate and committed. The Sacred Twin Flame Reunion calls for you to let go of all egoic responses so you can immerse deeply into love and ecstasy ~words by Liora 

A grown man's (woman’s) inability to take responsibility for his (her) own thoughts, feelings and actions, is neurotic to begin with, and a woman trying to compensate for his (her) lack, by putting more of herself forward is matching his (her) neurosis with her own. Marianne Williamson

'Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. Alfred Lord Tennyson

It was a deliberate plan to convert the world from matriarchal paganism to patriarchal christianity and to demonise the sacred feminine and to assert the dominance of men. Rough Guide to the Da Vinci Code by Michael Haag and Veronika Haag

Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer; and it is narrow-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings, to playing on the piano and embroidering bags. It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex. Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte

I have felt alone all my life. Except with you. Ridley Scott's Gladiator

I'm just looking, it keeps me trying, I'm just looking, I'm not buying. I'm just looking, keeps me smiling. Kelly Jones. Stereophonics

All you need is love. Love is all you need. The Beatles

Be my devil angel. Be my shooting star. Kelly Jones. Stereophonics

I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire...his sexuality, the touchstone, the command, my pivot...working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated...I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding. Anais Nin

Taliban Murder Female Indian Writer. Feminist News 

Last Wednesday, a prominent female Indian writer was murdered by the Taliban outside of her home in the Paktika province after criticizing the terrorist group.

Sushmita Banerjee, 49, wrote a popular memoir in 1995 about her life as the wife of an Afghan man in Kabul while the Taliban ruled. The book was later adapted into an Indian movie. Banerjee also wrote about the Taliban for Outlook India magazine. 

According to Afghan police, Taliban militants tied up Banerjee's family members last Wednesday, and then shot her outside. She was first targeted by the Taliban in 1998, when she was educating women in Afghanistan about social and health issues. 

"They [the Taliban] ordered me to close down the dispensary and branded me a woman of poor morals," Banerjee said, according to Time Magazine.

Time Magazine


Dreamgirls is a 2006 musical drama film, directed by Bill Condon and jointly produced and released by DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures. The film debuted in three special road show engagements starting in December 15, 2006 before its nationwide release on December 25, 2006. 

Adapted from the 1981 Broadway musical of the same name by composer Henry Krieger and lyricist/librettist Tom Eyen, Dreamgirls is a film à clef of the histories of the Motown record label and one of its acts, The Supremes. The story follows the history and evolution of American R&B music during the 1960s and 1970s through the eyes of a Detroit, Michigan girl group known as "The Dreams" and their manipulative record executive.

The film adaptation of Dreamgirls stars Jamie Foxx, Beyoncé Knowles, Eddie Murphy, and Jennifer Hudson. The film also features Danny Glover, Anika Noni Rose, and Keith Robinson. Produced by Laurence Mark, the film's screenplay was adapted by director Bill Condon from the original Broadway book by Tom Eyen. In addition to the original Kreiger/Eyen compositions, four new songs, composed by Krieger with various lyricists, were added for this film.

With a production cost of $80 million, Dreamgirls is the most expensive film to feature an all African American starring cast in American cinema history. Upon its release, the film garnered acclaim from critics, and earned $154 million at the international box office. Dreamgirls also received a number of accolades, including three awards at the 64th Golden Globe Awards ceremony, including Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy, and two Oscars at the 79th Academy Awards. This film was the debut of Grammy award winning singer and American Idol contestant Jennifer Hudson as an actress.

Just as the original stage musical, the plot of Dreamgirls is broken up into two acts: the first taking place from 1962 to 1966, and the second taking place from 1973 to 1975.

Act I

Backstage at an amateur talent show at the Detroit Theater in 1962, Cadillac salesman Curtis Taylor, Jr. (Jamie Foxx) meets a girl group known as "The Dreamettes": lead singer Effie White (Jennifer Hudson), and back-up singers Deena Jones (Beyoncé Knowles), and Lorrell Robinson (Anika Noni Rose). Curtis presents himself as the Dreamettes' new manager and arranges for the Dreamettes to become backup singers for local R&B star Jimmy "Thunder" Early (Eddie Murphy).

With ambitions of making black singers mainstream successes, Curtis starts his own record label, Rainbow Records, out of his Detroit car dealership, and appoints Effie's brother, C.C. (Keith Robinson), as his head songwriter. However, when their first single fails after a pop group releases a cover version, Curtis, C.C., and their producer Wayne (Hinton Battle) turn to payola to make Jimmy and the Dreamettes pop stars. Offstage, Effie becomes infatuated with the slick-talking Curtis, while the married Jimmy begins an affair with Lorrell.

Jimmy's manager Marty (Danny Glover) grows weary of Curtis' plans to make his client more pop-friendly and walks out. However, when Jimmy bombs in front of a Miami Beach audience, Curtis sends Jimmy out on the road alone, keeping the Dreamettes behind to headline in his place. Feeling that Effie's large figure and voice will not attract mainstream audiences, Curtis appoints the slimmer Deena lead singer and renames the group "The Dreams".
With the aid of new songs and a new more glamorous image, Curtis and C.C. transform The Dreams into a top selling mainstream pop act by 1965. However, Effie begins acting out, particularly when Curtis' affections turn towards Deena. Curtis eventually drops Effie from the group, hiring his secretary, Michelle (Sharon Leal), to take her place.

Act II

Eight years later, in 1973, Effie has become an impoverished welfare mother, living in inner-city Detroit with her daughter Magic. Meanwhile, Rainbow Records has moved to Los Angeles, where "Deena Jones & the Dreams" have become superstars. Jimmy Early, on the other hand, has descended into drug addiction, his career neglected due to Curtis' preoccupation with Deena, now also his wife. When Jimmy has a breakdown onstage at Rainbow's tenth anniversary TV special the following year, during which he drops his pants in front of the audience and cameras, Curtis drops him from the label, and Lorrell ends their long affair. Some time later, Jimmy is found dead in a hotel room from a heroin overdose.

Angered over Curtis' increasing control over his music, and his lack of sympathy upon learning of Jimmy's death, C.C. quits and returns to Detroit to find Effie, who has been rebuilding her career in music with Marty as her manager. The two siblings reconcile, and C.C. writes and produces Effie's comeback single, "One Night Only". Just as the record begins gaining radio play in Detroit, Curtis uses payola to force radio stations to play a disco cover of "One Night Only" by Deena Jones & the Dreams instead. His plan falls apart when Deena, angry over Curtis' control of her career, finds evidence of his payola schemes and contacts Effie and C.C.

Deena and Effie reconcile, while Curtis, wanting to avoid being reported to the FBI for his payola operation and many other crimes, agrees to give Effie's record national distribution. Inspired by Effie's victory, Deena leaves Curtis to make it on her own.

In the final scenes, Deena Jones & the Dreams give a farewell performance at the Detroit Theater. For the last song of the concert, Deena invites Effie to join the group onstage and sing lead for the final performance of the group's signature song, "Dreamgirls". As the concert ends, Curtis notices Magic in the front row and realizes that he is the girl's father.


Jamie Foxx as Curtis Taylor, Jr; based upon Motown founder Berry Gordy, Jr., Curtis is a slick Cadillac dealer-turned-record executive who founds the Rainbow Records label and shows ruthless ambition in his quest to make his black artists household names with white audiences. At first romantically involved with Effie, Curtis takes a professional and personal interest in Deena after appointing her lead singer of the Dreams in Effie's place.

Beyoncé Knowles as Deena Jones; based upon Motown star Diana Ross, Deena is a very shy young woman who becomes a star after Curtis makes her lead singer of the Dreams. This, as well as her romantic involvement and later marriage to Curtis, draw Effie's ire, though Deena realizes over time she is a puppet for her controlling husband. Knowles was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for her performance.

Eddie Murphy as James "Thunder" Early; inspired by R&B/soul singers such as James Brown, Jackie Wilson, and Marvin Gaye, is a raucous performer on the Rainbow label whom Curtis attempts to repackage as a pop-friendly balladeer. Jimmy's stardom fades as the Dreams' stardom rises, and he falls into drugs and an adulterous affair with Dreams member Lorrell. Murphy won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the film.

Jennifer Hudson as Effie Melody White; inspired by Supremes member Florence Ballard and soul singers Etta James and Aretha Franklin, the plus-sized Effie is a talented yet temperamental singer who suffers when Curtis, the man she loves, replaces her as lead singer of the Dreams and his love interest, and later drops her altogether. With the help of Jimmy's old manager Marty, Effie attempts to resurrect her career a decade later, while raising her daughter Magic, the offspring of her union with Curtis. Hudson won the Golden Globe Award and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, among other honors, for her portrayal of Effie. Hudson also became the first American Idol contestant to win both major awards respectively.


Super Titan ll Pt lll (Artwork) 

Post Men Update l. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Your people make me feel like a whore. My people make me feel like a Queen. I know where I am going and I know where I belong and who I am here to serve and love. Your people will never make me feel like a whore again. You will never make me feel like a whore again. The pimp without the sacred, is not allowed. 

Men and the people of the Werewolf can only make women like me, The High Priestesses, The Warrior Female King Priests™ that we are, feel like whores. You can only treat women like whores.

My people treat me like a Queen. My people make me feel like I can contribute something. My people are cool. My people are real. Love with you is a misnomer. I am off to make a new dream. The co-dependency of being forced to encourage a man to love is over. Men treat women like whores. Women treat women like servants. Your people are not cool. Your people are not real. 

Your people are fascists. Your people are to be avoided and left. Fascism, and the misogyny of fascism, as fascism is the root of misogyny and misogyny the root of fascism, is yours. 

You can have it. I don’t want it anymore. I most certainly never did. Consciousness is bitter. But vital for the abuse to stop. You do fascism. I do love. And never the twain shall meet. You'd have to love. You do fascism. You do misogyny. You will never love. You, as a people, will never love. 

And if that means, I stay the underclass intelligentsia of this world, so be it. At least, I get to be me. My glorious, beautiful and hard worked for MIND and HEART and SENSUALITY and HUNTER self. 

Fascists bore me. And you treat me like a whore and a servant. I don't need an antagonist for me to grow anymore. I know my human rights. You can only, bore me. You are a fascist. And, my last. 

Life has broken me as it was meant to. I was to study the darkness of your species and I am now in recovery for the rest of my life. I teach anti fascism. How to kill off people like you and leave. 

I will always be the underclass. This is your world. 

But at least I don't ever get treated like a whore or a dishwasher ever again. I don't clean toilets and never will. I am a Queen. My people know that and indeed, made me that. Yours treat me like a whore. It's what you call wife. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Post Men Update ll. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Beautiful, but selfish. I’m scared. Don’t know what to do with that. But beautiful, yes. Capacity of soul, yes, capacity to heal 8000 years, yes. Beautiful, but selfish. Selfish, because, afraid. Don’t be. It’s me. 

A narcissistic selfishness. A madness. Not you. See you, and push out the narcissistic selfishness and woman (personality) killer psychosis. It’s the sickness. Not you. I’ll try to remember that too, while I find a new life now and recover the 48 year hell that I have lived. Try to remember. It’s not you. The rest is long. Process. To change. Alchemy  & Liberation & Humanity™. The end of fascism. Narcissistic selfishness. Fascism as Misogyny as Fascism. Not you. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

The Palestinians and the Jews are so much alike...all through history no one’s wanted either of them. Aaron Sorkin’s The West Wing

Even as this is being written, people in many places on Earth are still saying No! to the way things are, and are demanding change. Neale Donald Walsch 

The mind is the pilot of the soul. ~ Socrates

Do you love the truth more than you need to be loved, or do you need to be loved more than you love the truth? Gary Zukav

People can only be as good as their thoughts, as successful as their mental patterns, as progressive as their ideas. Iyanla Vanzant 

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. John F. Kennedy

Love was a rare thing, easily confused with a million other things...Junot Díaz 

There was a time when men were kind, when their voices were soft and their world inviting. There was a time when love was blind and the world was a song and the song was exciting....Fantine. Les Miserables 

An artist, I hang all hope of redemption on ephemeral, incandescent dreams. Roping faith into filaments of light, I climb on sunbeams into the very eye of God. Chris Kani. Written during incarceration

It is intrinsic in every human being to mother something, to create something. Don't take it literally, because a man can also become a mother, just as a woman can become a mother. Picasso is a mother; he mothered so many paintings. Anyone who creates is a mother; motherhood is a by-product of creativity. Osho

IN Noah Pt l. Amera Ziganii Rao 

What sort of devil is he (she), to have me caught in a trap and choose to let me go free...vengeance was his (hers) and he (she) gave me back my life...Javert. Les Miserables

‘Last Musings on Noah’ for this reason...the next series, is ‘IN Noah Pt l’. The ‘two as one’ path begins. Your self esteem. My self esteem. Our recovery. Our freedom. Your soul. The soul of the world. The healing. All of us. 

Whoredom and Poodle Froth. Narcissistic selfishness. Misogyny as fascism as misogyny. The rest is love. You. 

Suddenly, you’re here, suddenly it starts. Can two anxious hearts beat as one....Jean Valjean. Les Miserables 

We’re going to heal you. I’ve decided. It may take about a year, but we will heal you. And as I heal you, you of course, carry my healing too. That will have to do. And it will. The spiritual mother of healing and the spiritual father of healing too. To move into the beauty at last of the dynamic that has been so polluted. How to parent ourselves and parent the other and others too. Leadership. 

The Lost Knowledge™ hurts. And no one more than me, but that is the purpose of Sacred Whore High Priestess™. To heal men too. To heal her man. Because it is the world that is lost and gripped in the madness of all that is the dark. We are already moving in the light. Now, it is Ascension and continuing to clear that ego of ‘The Cleopatra Lie’. And indeed, my resentment that I have to even talk about it at all. My job is to get past that and also express the Millennia of agony on earth. My agony. Which of course, is also, yours. 

I also forgot, in my agony, that this is not an ordinary healing. 2012 was the entrance of the planet earth into World Ascension. Your healing is that rare and that possible and that allowable and that certain. And why I cannot look at any subconscious terrors of failure anymore. These are new times. We came back into this life, to heal and heal, we are going to do, because I am here and already built. 

So, to recap; Soul is love and ego is not love. Soul is real and ego is made up. Soul is the power within. Ego is the stupidity and pain and projection of terror within. Soul is the intelligent mind. Ego is the emotionally stupid and lost and confused and angry toddler and hurt child with a gun, sort of mind, within. Soul is where we want to make our decisions from and ego is where we are driven to make our decisions from, the more emotionally powerful we are. Powerful emotion is a gift. It is the root of tenacity and integrity that comes, once one finally gets it. It is the stubbornness of champions. It is also the murder of kings. Your murder as you have killed everyone around you. My murder, as I used to kill everyone around me, reactive rage as mine was and proactive cruelty as your rage is, despite yourself. 

You will learn to master fascism for your own ends. To take that corruption and lead with the pure leadership of heroism and anti heroism at the same time. To take that corruption and use it for good. 

I am learning to master generosity for the enemy of my people, because I love the enemy of my people, because you are not the enemy. You serve the enemy and unfortunately have done so, too well. You also, serve love. You will always serve love and you have always served love. Like me. 

Your addiction in ego is an addition to hate. My addiction in ego was an addiction to love. Addiction is neurosis and psychosis. The reason for that addiction is the same. The projection – the exploration on a high spiritual level of the dark and the light as is the purpose of this planet – is divided into two. The ‘Venus’ people were manipulated into love addiction and the ‘Mars’ people were manipulated into hate addiction. 

You treat women like whores and High Priestesses like women to suppress and chain up in the kitchen or galley, because you are trained to be soldiers of war. You are a soldier of love, for love. That is Warrior and you are pure Warrior and not solider to ‘Agamemnon’. The process of self esteem and ‘retrieving the soul’ is to REMEMBER that. 

And to get over the fury that it is all a game. A soul game, with us as the unfortunate vehicles of experience for our great individual souls. I will always struggle with that and so will anyone who is ‘afflicted’ with Ascension blessing. 8000 years is a fuck of a long time to leave us floundering in this shit before Ascension. I’ve had words and made my peace. 

And there is only one important thing for me to remember and for you to remember too. Things like this have never happened on earth before. We are among the first. You like being the first as do I. Remember that, in the war ahead. The war on your lower self, to make sure you can LIVE in your higher self and not be constantly struggling with the obstacle course to reach it. 

And remember this too. This is high work. High Mind, high heart and high loins and high soul. And I embrace martyrdom after all. Because, yes, it is worth it, and because She has had words with me. I get what I am doing now. And it’s true. I do it because I can. I do it because this is spiritual leadership. I do it because I love you. The circumstances of my end of the journey is my problem, not yours, even though on a bigger scale, of course, it should be your problem and all of your problem. My purpose is to transcend the hurt. I am not High Priestess for nothing and it is time, it seems, to prove myself all over again. For you and for your soul and for my final healing. As you carry me too. 

These are unequal times and you want to care for me, as I want to care for you. Our paths are locked together and in that is the entrance into The Lost Knowledge™ in the first place. We LITERALLY can’t live without each other. And why should we? 

That, after all, was their plan from the first. We are going to break those chains forever. That, most definitely is THE plan, for us. 

And that’s as good as it gets for now. And after the past 48 years of my life, it’s okay. At least, I am with you. Again, at last. So let us embrace the RAGE of Ascension together. We are allowed. Earth is not our fault. We are SUPPOSED to be angry. The aim is to turn that rage outwards and not towards each other. That is the healing and with no real mystery. We are cleansing the pollution of this planet in ourselves. That, takes rage + heart. What Erica Jong defines as courage. Absolutely. You’ve got the rage, I’ve got the heart. You have the heart and I have the rage. We ARE courage. The rest is art. The art of Ascension. 

Together, no matter what. 

So, to launch again...Ego, being THE SOURCE of low self esteem. The lies. The belief systems we integrate like sponges because that is how powerful our minds are. We are making sure you take your mind back. And in that, you finally hear my mind too. Your soul mind. Your truth. 

Love, love, love, love and love. It’s ‘all’ we have. The rest is to become true Jedi. And in that, in your conquering your ‘Darth Vader’ self, you make me a Jedi Master. Man to woman. King to Sacred Whore High Priestess Monarch™. Patron and Geisha. Father and daughter. Protector and Princess. The Return. The truth of the love journey. Us. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Creating Soul l. Amera Ziganii Rao 

The same way you make decisions in your art. You create soul. Creating soul is moving into alignment. With your central self which just happens then, to match my central self, which is the central self between any two people. Relationship being the experience of knowing ourselves through the other. In the truth of the love. Intimacy. 

That takes trust. That takes the kind of primal trust that has not been felt or entered into for a very long time. That takes you back to a genderless time of happy lust, just for the sake of it, in the most magical, innocent, child like way. You were a child. To enter soul, to create soul again, out of our bitter experience that is any life, and certainly that of The Warrior Class, the Soul Gypsy Valkyries that we all are, the ones who are still trying to get home, is about you and your Maker. 

Our platform is nothing less in the end. It has to come down to the forgiveness of one’s life and that means you with yours. For all the success and all the satisfaction, the neediness of the control and the family ghosts that are not put to rest yet, dominates you. Because you are still entrapped in ego. 

Family and everything that is family like, from relationship to friendship to work friendship to parenthood, to offspring – hood, to sibling – hood, to all family type connections, is the last frontier. And as soul, or Second Existence™ is so rare, so very very rare, we do not understand how rare we are, if we are fated to enter soul in the same lifetime. And that no one else around you is going to do it, and if they do – it is attainable by all – they’ll do it later or in a different way, and so on. 

Entering soul, means leaving home. ‘The rhythm you need when your mind is freed’ (Bob Marley) is a machine of creation all of its own. Once it starts, it does not stop. What stops it from starting at all, is courage. But courage is a strange thing. We find the courage when we are ready. The courage finds us when we are ready. Everything happens exactly when it is supposed to, even though we have to agonise into free will in each moment, to carry out the very same thing, that would happen anyway! 

And it takes courage to become soul. Just as it does in art. In art, we can expand the boundaries to anything. That’s the point. The mastery of control is to let it flow and constrain it all at the same time. Same with any successful interaction with other human beings. Family is where the emotion however, explodes. 

So, in ego, we can control and hone and tone and push the levels up, once we know what’s needed and what is required. Both for the art form to be successful and something we can call on when we want it or need it, and then of course, something that always calls on us to need it and we happily do, and the more we do that, the more courage we generate, in order to lose the boundaries and fly, in order to constrain richly and eternally. 

Love is doing that in the most intense, needed, emotional relationships we are in. Making decisions. We come from backgrounds where family taught us that if you dislike something or someone, you hated them. So, everything was extraordinarily personal and vengeful and cruel. With people in so much pain. I have learnt, both with my celestial family and with you, in this rocket fuelled cleansing of the soul all over again, that there are moments when I utterly hate both of you and when the hurt floors me, with its irreversible woman hating truth and the ascetic truth of my life, both love wise and anything wise, and then the healing passes through and I like you again. I ‘re – humanise’ you too. 

To have trust and the forgiveness, during the pain, however, is new. For me, I would say it is only three years old. For people like us, it is absolutely and utterly and fundamentally central to out trust, to know that conflict can be endured and overcome. For anyone. But when the example has been emotionally violent, out of control, uneducated (emotionally) and dictatorial, when the need comes from a deep, psychic, hurt, ABSENT human being, it’s like we are not actually here, to be here, for ourselves. Neediness is filling the gap we can’t fill ourselves, because we have not forgiven the carnage that has been our early emotional template of life and people. People we love and respect and need to need. People where there is so much love, but where there is so much pressure to remain with them, in their world, in their ways, because you were actually always meant to become a stranger and you don’t want to. 

You don’t want to leave home. We are gypsies who keep trying to tie ourselves down to a false home, when we try to stay in the tribe, for whatever reason it is. Still not being gypsies who have created our own home within the false homes in life. Still half baked, still half mast. Still polite. As mythologist Joseph Campbell says, the heroic journey is for the few in society that are marked out to be able to truly leave home and grow up. To truly be who they truly are, no matter what. 

And of course, the problem with that is that no one wants to leave home, however bad it is. But the good news about the problem is that you have done it before. 

To come to earth, we leave The Source. The yearning we have for our families, for anyone we deeply love, for our partners, our children, is that we truly do ‘see the face of God’. We experience bliss with other people, whatever levels of self love we are able to attain through hard disciplines and connecting to The Source. We also experience agony and as I am learning more and more, to see past the actual violations of misogyny and fascism, to the root cause of it, the reason is most likely, exactly the same as my dependency in ego as it was. Need. 

Need is something every human being deserves to have met. It’s probably about .2 percent of the whole population of the world, who ever get their needs met in anything. Our drive to fill that need is obviously more healthily and unhealthily fuelled, the less our needs are healthily met in baby and childhood. It’s our thing. What we came here to heal. I am deliberately trying to approach the horror of being female, on this planet, lightly. 

People like us did not get our needs met. To trust The Maker, God, The Mother, The Universe, The Womb of Creation, is insanity. Just as it is actually insane to trust another person. Especially, if you are female and Nymph. 

But what if it led to paradise on earth? In other words, ultimately, it comes down to making a decision, or a hundred. Absolutely. No mystery to the process. Just gathering information and researching what triggers of the ego and what causes the agonies and where they come from and then doing something about it. 

I am beginning to understand now, while Hierophant and Sacred Whore High Priestess™ is a belligerently female sacred purpose role on this planet, and was, from the first, the rage of need that you as a people carry and especially as you as men, and you as you, the so called, ‘womb envy’ is PSYCHIC AND EMOTIONAL AND RELATIONSHIP AND FAMILY envy. You have been cut off from both us and God. 

With the micro, reflecting the macro, you were also cut off from the psychic and the emotional and relationship and family world. You were a boy in a profoundly patriarchal environment. A profoundly misogynistic, religion propping up, bourgeois establishment that serves The Matrix. We all were. Especially, I always find, The Warrior Class. Why we become gypsies in the first place. As Bob Dylan said, something to the effect of, he realised he was in the wrong place and he needed to get somewhere else. Being born into his family and into his life. 

That’s what people like us do. We are all self made. Whether it is class or whether it is gender or whether it is race or sexuality or disability or culture, The Warrior Class is always self made. 

Which means we stay in environments in the home, out of politeness and because we have nowhere else to go. 

Simple as. The point of truth is that if the courage can be found to live it, if the commitment to the finding the courage can be found, to live it, ascending into soul as a human being and not ‘just’ as an artist or professional of any kind or high achiever, is inevitable. As you change, the atmosphere you are in, has to change too. The danger with emotional truth, healing truth and why we are all so stuck in our patterns before we beat them out of us through the relentless re-programming of the mind and therefore the re-education of emotions that hijack us, because we still half believe in them, is that emotional truth leads to real independence. 

Standing alone.  Even in front of your family. That, it seems, is the worst thing any of us ever want to have to do. Our first marriages included, our children, our parents, our friends in a group, if that is the family, anyone. The risk of loss overwhelms us because none of us want to be alone. 

You are not. You have me now. The rest is the growth into belief. And becoming soul, so you can have me. So you can leave ‘no man’s land’ and make the decisions about WHO YOU ARE, for the first time in your life. Not, what you do, but who you are. The Hero’s (Heroine’s) Journey is one thing. The journey of self discovery as Joseph Campbell says. We stagger back from personal self discovery because it means we have to find out who doesn’t like us and actually why they do, but they can’t and why we have always felt unloved and why, why, why, why. Absolutely. So it doesn’t happen again. That is Hierophant warfare, essential in any moment. Analyse and feel the innocence at the same time. Taking that leap of faith again and again. That is soul. 

To do it personally is a deeply political act. The group is the family. The family is the group. The moment of decision comes when you decide who you want to show up to that group as. Just as you do for performance. We leave our soul when ego descends, because we are too afraid to BE soul, because we are too afraid of what it means. That we will not be liked. That we will not be LOVED. 

Functional relationship is to not deny love, while you hate or violently disagree with the other person. Respect for the enemy if you like. For the antagonist. But having your say. I hiccough along with that successfully, and the reason I can, is first, because I forced myself out of need and by doing that, shifted my spiritual DNA into soul, and secondly, because I am beginning to trust the level of growth. 

We are moving forwards. Significantly. The pain of illusion, that there could be less horror about The World of Men and The World Slave Order that runs this world, is being rapidly overturned by the progress. You don’t want to be a misogynist anymore. 

That means you have to leave the tribe like you have never done before. It means you are going to show up as the person you actually are and not the person they think you are or try to think you are, through the myriad of controlling habits people have, to nag you into being what they want you to be. You are going to be turning up with something more than politeness, intermingled with, frankly, what I can imagine are rather ‘Henry Vlll’ characteristics. ‘Michael Corleone’ (Mario Puzo’s The Godfather) or ‘Tony Montana’ (Oliver Stone’s Scarface). You are going to be turning up as yourself. You love women. You don’t want to be a misogynist anymore. And you want to experience a woman’s love like never before. 

And to stand up and be all that, is the most seditious thing, clearly, from what I can see, that any human being and certainly ‘beloved son’ of the tribe, can do. You are going to stand up for LOVE. 

In other words, my sweet, you have never been loved for who you are either. As I kiss the executioner on the lips, I see the absolute centre now. Divide and rule. They divided us, so we wouldn’t love. They did not cut you off from sex, they cut you off from God, by cutting you off from us. And by cutting you off from us, they cut you off from self analysis and delivery from The Universe. Understanding. Wisdom. SAFETY. Feeling secure in the unseen world. 

The root cause of all your sickness therefore is the parallel rage to my being blocked my whole life by patriarchal greed and slavery and emotional rape of my brilliant mind and talents, including the alienation of being in a world where my voice is the most taboo thing in 8000 years; the voice of all that is witch. The greatest propaganda machine created, all to kill me. The high level interpreters of The Universe. The wisdom for all, if we get it right. 

And anyone gets anything right, by practise. They have genocided us for Millennia. We were not the only ones who suffered. Even though that sounds trite. We most bloody well did and do. But we are not the only ones. Your suffering is that you have no feeling left. And that is your redemption. To feel any safety with the unseen world again at all. To believe again, at all. And then, to forgive. 

And to understand why you cannot feel. That’s why you have me. Not just to hold your hand for the rest of your life in imprisoned wifehood slavery, we know that now, but so you can grow strong and feel safe again, with a Divinity that you have been cut off from for lifetimes. 

The heroic journey takes you out of the stratosphere of the tribe, as Joseph Campbell explores so well in his work. Actually doing the leaving still has to be done. The first frontiers become the last. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

And for me...AZR....I am tired of being strong. Lucilla. Ridley Scott’s Gladiator 

Beauty XlX Pt ll (Artwork) 

Notice how you may be punishing yourself & taking over where someone else left off. Lorane Gordon 

...It is possible that the stories of the early European explorers about the Patagones, a race of giants in South America, are based on the Tehuelches, because the Tehuelches are typically tall. Wikipedia

“The Bible indeed does contain a warrant for trafficking in humans, for ethnic cleansing, for slavery, and for indiscriminate massacre." Christopher Hitchens 

“To terrify children with the image of hell, to consider women an inferior creation—is that good for the world?” Christopher Hitchens 

Human beings have an inalienable right to invent themselves. ~ Germaine Greer 

Step into what you are afraid of and it will lose it's power. Rock Christopher 

It often requires more courage to dare to do right than to fear to do wrong. Abraham Lincoln

Do what your heart tells you to do and trust that you will be fine. Iyanla Vanzant 

An expert is a man (woman) who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field. Niels Bohr

Time travels slow for the philosopher. Philosophy Tweets 

To unpathed waters, undreamed shores. ~ William Shakespeare

...What took you away from me. What will bring you back to me. Then you will be free. Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

I can feel you. Love, love, love and love. Working on professional identity today, as you do the personal. I feel loved, as I do it. Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

You make me feel like a natural woman. Aretha Franklin

Malcolm X 

Malcolm X. May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965), born Malcolm Little and also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz[1] (Arabic: الحاجّ مالك الشباز), was an African-American Muslim minister and human rights activist. To his admirers he was a courageous advocate for the rights of blacks, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans; detractors accused him of preaching racism and violence. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history.

Malcolm X's father died—killed by white supremacists, it was rumored—when he was young, and at least one of his uncles was lynched. After his mother was placed in a mental hospital when he was 13, he lived in a series of foster homes. In 1946, at age 20, he went to prison for breaking and entering.

While in prison Malcolm X became a member of the Nation of Islam, and after his parole in 1952 quickly rose to become one of its leaders. For a dozen years he was the public face of the controversial group; in keeping with the Nation's teachings he espoused black supremacy, advocated the separation of black and white Americans and scoffed at the civil rights movement's emphasis on integration.

By March 1964 Malcolm X had grown disillusioned with the Nation of Islam and its head Elijah Muhammad, and ultimately repudiated the Nation and its teachings. He embraced Sunni Islam and, after a period of travel in Africa and the Middle East, returned to the United States to found Muslim Mosque, Inc. and the Organization of Afro-American Unity. Though continuing to emphasize Pan-Africanism, black self-determination, and black self-defense, he disavowed racism, saying, "I did many things as a [Black] Muslim that I'm sorry for now. I was a zombie then ... pointed in a certain direction and told to march".

In February 1965, shortly after repudiating the Nation of Islam, he was assassinated by three of its members.

Malcolm Little was born May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska, the fourth of seven children of Grenada-born Louise Little (née Norton) and Georgia-born Earl Little. Earl was an outspoken Baptist lay speaker, admirer of Pan-African activist Marcus Garvey, and local leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) who inculcated self-reliance and black pride in his children.

Malcolm X later said that violence by whites killed three of his father's brothers, including one who was lynched.

Because of Ku Klux Klan threats—Earl Little's UNIA activities were "spreading trouble" —the family relocated in 1926 to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and shortly thereafter to Lansing, Michigan.

In Lansing the family was frequently harassed by the Black Legion, a white supremacist group; when the family home burned in 1929, Earl Little accused the Black Legion.

When Little was six, his father was killed by a streetcar. Though police said the dying man declared he had slipped, at the funeral someone told one of the children their father had been pushed onto the tracks; some blacks suspected the Black Legion. After a dispute with creditors, a life insurance benefit (nominally $1,000—about $15,000 in 2010 dollars) was paid to Louise Little in payments of $18 per month; the issuer of another, larger policy refused to pay, claiming suicide. To make ends meet Louise Little rented out part of her garden, and her sons hunted game.

In 1937 a man Louise Little had been dating—marriage had seemed a possibility—vanished from her life when she became pregnant with his child. In late 1938 she had a nervous breakdown and was committed to Kalamazoo State Hospital, where she remained until Malcolm and his siblings secured her release 24 years later. The children were separated and sent to various foster homes.

Malcolm Little excelled in junior high school but dropped out after a white teacher told him that practicing law, his aspiration at the time, was "no realistic goal for a nigger". It made Malcolm feel that the white world offered no place for a career-oriented black man, regardless of his talent.

From age 14 to 21 Little lived with a half-sister, Ella Little-Collins, in Roxbury, a largely African-American neighborhood of Boston, where he held a variety of jobs.

After a short time in Flint, Michigan, Little moved to Harlem, New York, in 1943, where he engaged in drug dealing, gambling, racketeering, robbery, and pimping; according to recent biographies, he also occasionally had sex with other men, usually for money. He was called "Detroit Red" because of the reddish hair he inherited from his Scottish maternal grandfather. Little was declared "mentally disqualified for military service" after he told draft board officials he was eager to "steal us some guns, and kill us [some] crackers".

In late 1945, Little returned to Boston, where he and four accomplices committed a series of burglaries targeting wealthy white families. In 1946, he was arrested while picking up a stolen watch he had left at a shop for repairs, and in February began serving an eight- to ten-year sentence at Charlestown State Prison. There he met John Bembry, a self-educated man he would later describe as "the first man I had ever seen command total respect ... with words"; under Bembry's influence, Little developed a voracious appetite for reading.

Malcolm X first came to general public attention after the police beating of Nation of Islam member Johnson Hinton. On April 26, 1957, two police officers were beating an African-American man with nightsticks when Hinton and two other passersby—all Nation of Islam members—attempted to intervene, shouting "You're not in Alabama or Georgia. This is New York!" One of the officers then turned on Hinton with a beating later determined to have caused brain contusions and subdural hemorrhaging. All four men were arrested.

Alerted by a witness, Malcolm X and a small group of Muslims went to the police station demanding to see Hinton. Police initially denied that any Muslims were being held, but as the crowd grew to about five hundred, Malcolm X was allowed to speak with Hinton after which, at Malcolm X's insistence, an ambulance took Hinton to Harlem Hospital.

Hinton was treated and returned to the police station, outside of which some four thousand people were now gathered. Inside, Malcolm X and an attorney made bail arrangements for two of the Muslims. Hinton was not bailed, and police said Hinton could not go back to the hospital until his arraignment the following day. 

Believing the situation at an impasse, Malcolm X stepped outside the stationhouse; at a hand signal from him, Nation members in the crowd silently left, after which the rest of the crowd also dispersed. 

One police officer told the New York Amsterdam News: "No one man should have that much power."

Within a month Malcolm X was under surveillance by the New York City Police Department, which also made inquiries with authorities in cities in which he had lived and prisons in which he had served. In October, after a grand jury declined to indict the officers who beat Hinton, Malcolm X wrote an angry telegram to the police commissioner; soon undercover officers were assigned to infiltrate the Nation of Islam.

By the late 1950s, Malcolm X began to use a new name, Malcolm Shabazz or Malik el-Shabazz, although he was still widely referred to as Malcolm X. His comments on issues and events were reported in print, on radio, and on television with increasing frequency, and he was prominently featured in a 1959 New York City television broadcast about the Nation of Islam, The Hate That Hate Produced.

In September 1960, Fidel Castro came to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly. Malcolm X was part of a welcoming committee of Harlem community leaders that met with Castro, who was impressed sufficiently with Malcolm X to suggest a private meeting; at the end of two hours Castro invited Malcolm X to visit Cuba. During the General Assembly session Malcolm X was invited to official functions of several African nations, meeting such African leaders as Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Ahmed Sékou Touré of Guinea, and Kenneth Kaunda of the Zambian African National Congress.

Advocacy and teachings while with Nation

From his adoption of the Nation of Islam in 1952 until he broke with it in 1964, Malcolm X promoted the Nation's teachings, including that black people are the original people of the world, that white people are "devils", that blacks are superior to whites, and that the demise of the white race is imminent. 

While the civil rights movement fought against racial segregation, Malcolm X advocated the complete separation of African Americans from whites, proposing establishment of a separate country for black people in America as an interim measure until African Americans could return to Africa. He also rejected the civil rights movement's strategy of nonviolence, advocating that black people use any necessary means of self-defense. His speeches had a powerful effect on his audiences, generally African Americans in Northern and Western cities, many of whom—tired of being told to wait for freedom, justice, equality and respect —felt that he articulated their complaints better than did the civil rights movement.

Malcolm X has been widely considered the second most influential leader of the Nation of Islam after Elijah Muhammad. He was largely credited with the group's dramatic increase in membership between the early 1950s and early 1960s (from 500 to 25,000 by one author's estimate, or from 1,200 to 50,000 or 75,000 by another's). He inspired the boxer Cassius Clay (later known as Muhammad Ali) to join the Nation of Islam. (though like Malcolm X himself, Ali later left the group to become a Sunni Muslim).

Many white people, and some blacks, were alarmed by Malcolm X and the things he said. He and the Nation of Islam were described as hatemongers, black supremacists, racists, violence-seekers, segregationists, and a threat to improved race relations. Civil rights organizations denounced Malcolm X and the Nation as irresponsible extremists whose views were not representative of African Americans. Malcolm X was accused of being antisemitic.

Malcolm X was equally critical of the civil rights movement. He described its leaders as "stooges" for the white establishment, and he once described Martin Luther King, Jr. as a "chump". He criticized the 1963 March on Washington, which he called "the farce on Washington". He said he did not know why so many black people were excited about a demonstration "run by whites in front of a statue of a president who has been dead for a hundred years and who didn't like us when he was alive".

Leaving the Nation

On December 1, 1963, when he was asked for a comment about the assassination of President Kennedy, Malcolm X said that it was a case of "chickens coming home to roost". He added that "chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they've always made me glad." The New York Times wrote, "in further criticism of Mr. Kennedy, the Muslim leader cited the murders of Patrice Lumumba, Congo leader, of Medgar Evers, civil rights leader, and of the Negro girls bombed earlier this year in a Birmingham church. These, he said, were instances of other 'chickens coming home to roost'." The remarks prompted a widespread public outcry. The Nation of Islam, which had issued a message of condolence to the Kennedy family and ordered its ministers not to comment on the assassination, publicly censured their former shining star. Although Malcolm X retained his post and rank as minister, he was prohibited from public speaking for 90 days.

On March 8, 1964, Malcolm X publicly announced his break from the Nation of Islam. He said that he was still a Muslim, but he felt the Nation of Islam had "gone as far as it can" because of its rigid religious teachings. Malcolm X said he was going to organize a black nationalist organization that would try to "heighten the political consciousness" of African Americans. He also expressed his desire to work with other civil rights leaders and said that Elijah Muhammad had prevented him from doing so in the past.

One reason for the separation was growing tension between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad because of Malcolm X's dismay about rumors of Muhammad's extramarital affairs with young secretaries, actions that were against the teachings of the Nation. Although at first Malcolm X had ignored the rumors, after speaking with Muhammad's son Wallace and the women making the accusations, he came to believe that they were true. Muhammad confirmed the rumors in 1963 but tried to justify his actions by reference to precedents set by Biblical prophets. 

Another reason for the separation was growing resentment by people within the Nation. As Malcolm X had become a favorite of the media, many in the Nation's Chicago headquarters felt that he was over-shadowing Muhammad. Louis Lomax's 1963 book about the Nation of Islam, When the Word Is Given, featured a picture of Malcolm X on its cover and included five of his speeches, but only one of Muhammad's, which greatly upset Muhammad. Muhammad was also envious that a publisher was interested in Malcolm X's autobiography. After leaving the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X founded Muslim Mosque, Inc., a religious organization, and the Organization of Afro-American Unity, a secular group that advocated Pan-Africanism. 

On March 26, 1964 he met Martin Luther King, Jr. for the first and only time—and only long enough for photographs to be taken—in Washington, D.C. as both men attended the Senate's debate on the Civil Rights bill. In April, Malcolm X made a speech titled "The Ballot or the Bullet" in which he advised African Americans to exercise their right to vote wisely. Several Sunni Muslims encouraged Malcolm X to learn about Islam. Soon he converted to Sunni Islam, and decided to make his pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).

After leaving the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X spoke before a wide variety of audiences in the United States. He spoke at regular meetings of Muslim Mosque, Inc., and the Organization of Afro-American Unity. He was one of the most sought-after speakers on college campuses, and one of his top aides later wrote that he "welcomed every opportunity to speak to college students." Malcolm X also spoke before political groups such as the Militant Labor Forum.

Tensions increased between Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam. As early as February 1964, a leader of Temple Number Seven ordered a member of the Fruit of Islam to wire explosives to Malcolm X's car. In September 1964, Ebony published a photograph of Malcolm X holding an M1 Carbine and peering out a window. The photo was intended to illustrate his determination to defend himself and his family against the death threats he was receiving.

The Nation of Islam and its leaders began making both public and private threats against Malcolm X. On March 23, 1964, Elijah Muhammad told Boston minister Louis X (later known as Louis Farrakhan) that "hypocrites like Malcolm should have their heads cut off." The April 10 edition of Muhammad Speaks featured a cartoon in which his severed head was shown bouncing. On July 9, John Ali, a top aide to Muhammad, answered a question about Malcolm X by saying that "anyone who opposes the Honorable Elijah Muhammad puts their life in jeopardy."  The December 4 issue of Muhammad Speaks included an article by Louis X that railed against Malcolm X, saying "such a man as Malcolm is worthy of death."

Some threats were made anonymously. During the month of June 1964, FBI surveillance recorded two such threats. On June 8, a man called Malcolm X's home and told Betty Shabazz to "tell him he's as good as dead." On June 12, an FBI informant reported getting an anonymous telephone call from somebody who said "Malcolm X is going to be bumped off."

In June 1964, the Nation of Islam sued to reclaim Malcolm X's residence in Queens, New York, which they claimed to own. The suit was successful, and Malcolm X was ordered to vacate. 

On February 14, 1965, the night before a scheduled hearing to postpone the eviction date, the house burned to the ground. Malcolm X and his family survived. No one was charged with any crime.


On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was preparing to address the Organization of Afro-American Unity in Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom when someone in the 400-person audience yelled "Nigger! Get your hand outta my pocket!"

As Malcolm X and his bodyguards attempted to quiet the disturbance, a man seated in the front row rushed forward and shot him once in the chest with a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun. Two other men charged the stage and fired semi-automatic handguns, hitting Malcolm X several times. He was pronounced dead at 3:30 pm, shortly after arriving at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. According to the autopsy report, Malcolm X's body had 21 gunshot wounds to his chest, left shoulder, and arms and legs; ten of the wounds were buckshot to his left chest and shoulder from the initial shotgun blast.

One gunman, Nation of Islam member Talmadge Hayer (also known as Thomas Hagan) was seized and beaten by the crowd before the police arrived minutes later; witnesses identified the others as Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson, also Nation members. Hayer confessed at trial to being one of the assailants, but refused to identify the others except to assert that they were not Butler and Johnson. All three were convicted.

Butler, now known as Muhammad Abdul Aziz, was paroled in 1985 and became the head of the Nation's Harlem mosque in 1998. He continues to maintain his innocence. Johnson, who changed his name to Khalil Islam, rejected the Nation's teachings while in prison and converted to Sunni Islam. Released in 1987, he maintained his innocence until his death in August 2009. Hayer, now known as Mujahid Halim, was paroled in 2010.

A public viewing was held at Harlem's Unity Funeral Home from February 23 through February 26, and it was estimated that between 14,000 and 30,000 mourners attended. The funeral was held on February 27 at the Faith Temple Church of God in Christ in Harlem. The church was filled to capacity with more than 1,000 people. Loudspeakers were set up outside the Temple so the overflowing crowd could listen and a local television station broadcast the funeral live.

Among the civil rights leaders attending were John Lewis, Bayard Rustin, James Forman, James Farmer, Jesse Gray, and Andrew Young. Actor and activist Ossie Davis delivered the eulogy, describing Malcolm X as "our shining black prince".

There are those who will consider it their duty, as friends of the Negro people, to tell us to revile him, to flee, even from the presence of his memory, to save ourselves by writing him out of the history of our turbulent times. Many will ask what Harlem finds to honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain—and we will smile. Many will say turn away—away from this man, for he is not a man but a demon, a monster, a subverter and an enemy of the black man—and we will smile. They will say that he is of hate—a fanatic, a racist—who can only bring evil to the cause for which you struggle! And we will answer and say to them: Did you ever talk to Brother Malcolm? Did you ever touch him, or have him smile at you? Did you ever really listen to him? Did he ever do a mean thing? Was he ever himself associated with violence or any public disturbance? For if you did you would know him. And if you knew him you would know why we must honor him.

Malcolm X was buried at Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York. At the gravesite after the ceremony, friends took the shovels from the waiting gravediggers and completed the burial themselves. Actor and activist Ruby Dee (wife of Ossie Davis) and Juanita Poitier (wife of Sidney Poitier) established the Committee of Concerned Mothers to raise funds to buy a house and pay educational expenses for Malcolm X's family.


Shere Hite 

Shere Hite (born November 2, 1942) is an American-born German sex educator and feminist. Her sexological work has focused primarily on female sexuality. Hite builds upon biological studies of sex by Masters and Johnson and by Alfred Kinsey. She also references theoretical, political and psychological works associated with the feminist movement of the 1970s, such as Anne Koedt's The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm. She renounced her United States citizenship in 1995 to become German.

Hite was born Shirley Diana Gregory in Saint Joseph, Missouri to Paul and Shirley Hurt Gregory. She later took the surname of her stepfather, Raymond Hite. She graduated from Seabreeze High School in Daytona Beach, Florida. She received a masters degree in history from the University of Florida in 1967. She then moved to New York City and enrolled at Columbia University to work toward her Ph.D. in social history. Hite says that the reason for her not completing this degree was the conservative nature of Columbia at that time.

In the 1970s, she did part of her research while at the National Organization for Women. She appeared nude in Playboy while studying at Columbia University and also posed provocatively in a typewriter ad to earn money for her college fees, but when she read the ad’s strapline, “The typewriter is so smart she doesn’t have to be”, she joined a feminist protest against the ad she had appeared in.

Hite teaches at Nihon University (Tokyo, Japan), Chongqing University in China, and Maimonides University, North Miami Beach, Florida, USA.

Hite has focused on understanding how individuals regard sexual experience and the meaning it holds for them. Hite's work concluded that 70% of women do not have orgasms through in-out, thrusting intercourse but are able to achieve orgasm easily by masturbation or other direct clitoral stimulation. She, as well as Elisabeth Lloyd, have criticized Masters and Johnson for uncritically incorporating cultural attitudes on sexual behavior into their research; for example, the argument that enough clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm should be provided by thrusting during intercourse, and the inference that the failure of this is a sign of female "sexual dysfunction."

While not denying that both Kinsey and Masters and Johnson have played a crucial role in sex research, Hite believes that society must understand the cultural and personal construction of sexual experience to make the research relevant to sexual behavior outside the laboratory. She offered that limiting test subjects to "normal" women who report orgasming during coitus was basing research on the faulty assumption that having an orgasm during coitus was typical, something that her own research strongly refuted.

Hite uses an individualistic research method. Thousands of responses from anonymous questionnaires were used as a framework to develop a discourse on human responses to gender and sexuality. Her conclusions derived from these questionnaire data have met with methodological criticism. The fact that her data are not probability samples raises concerns about whether the sample data can be generalized to relevant populations. As is common with surveys concerning sensitive subjects, such as sexual behavior, the proportion of nonresponse is typically large. Thus the conclusions derived from the data may not represent the views of the population under study because of sampling bias due to nonresponse.

Hite supporters defend her methodology by saying that it is more likely to get to the truth of women's sexuality than studying women engaged in prostitution as if they were exemplary of women in general, or to study in laboratory conditions women who claim to orgasm during coitus.

Hite has been praised for her theoretical fruitfulness in sociological research. The suggestion of bias in some of Hite's studies is frequently used as a talking point in university courses where sampling methods are discussed, along with The Literary Digest poll of 1936. One discussion of sampling bias is by Philip Zimbardo, who explained that women in Hite's study were given a survey about marriage satisfaction, where 98% reported dissatisfaction, and 75% reported having had extra-marital affairs, but where only 4% of women given the survey responded. Zimbardo argued that the women who had dissatisfaction may have been more motivated to respond than women who were satisfied and that her research may just have been "science-coded journalism." Some or all of her published surveys depended on wide multi-channel questionnaire distribution, opportunity for many long answers on a respondent's own schedule, enforced respondent anonymity, and response by mail rather than polling by telephone. Lohr argues that the distribution of questionnaires to women's organizations and the length of the questions and the allowance for long responses introduces a bias towards people who are not typical. She also argues that several of the questions are leading the respondent to reply in a particular way.

Hite has no children. In 1985 she married German concert pianist Friedrich Horicke, who is 19 years her junior. The couple divorced in 1999.

Notable works

Sexual Honesty, by Women, For Women (1974)

The Hite Report on Female Sexuality (1976, 1981, republished in 2004)

The Hite Report on Men and Male Sexuality (1981)

Women and Love: A Cultural Revolution in Progress (The Hite Report on Love, Passion, and Emotional Violence) (1987)

Fliegen mit Jupiter (English: Flying with Jupiter) (1993)

The Hite Report on the Family: Growing Up Under Patriarchy (1994)

The Hite Report on Shere Hite: Voice of a Daughter in Exile (2000) (autobiography)

The Shere Hite Reader: New and Selected Writings on Sex, Globalization and Private Life (2006)


Super Titan Pt ll (Artwork) 

Annie Leibovitz

Anna-Lou "Annie" Leibovitz (/ˈliːbəvɪts/; born October 2, 1949) is an American portrait photographer.

Born in Waterbury, Connecticut, on October 2, 1949, Leibovitz is the third of six children. She is a third-generation American whose great-grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Central and Eastern Europe. Her father's parents had emigrated from Romania. Her mother, Marilyn Edith, née Heit, was a modern dance instructor of Estonian Jewish heritage; her father, Samuel Leibovitz, was a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force. The family moved frequently with her father's duty assignments, and she took her first pictures when he was stationed in the Philippines during the Vietnam War.

In high school, she became interested in various artistic endeavors, and began to write and play music. She attended the San Francisco Art Institute, where she studied painting. For several years, she continued to develop her photography skills while working various jobs, including a stint on a kibbutz in Amir, Israel, for several months in 1969.

Rolling Stone magazine

When Leibovitz returned to the United States in 1970, she started her career as staff photographer, working for the just launched Rolling Stone magazine. In 1973, publisher Jann Wenner named Leibovitz chief photographer of Rolling Stone, a job she would hold for 10 years. Leibovitz worked for the magazine until 1983, and her intimate photographs of celebrities helped define the Rolling Stone look.

While working for Rolling Stone, Leibovitz became more aware of the other magazines. Richard Avedon's portraits were an important and powerful example in her life. She learned that she could work for magazines and still create personal work, which for her was the most important. She sought intimate moments with her subjects, who "open their hearts and souls and lives to you." She was awarded The Royal Photographic Society's Centenary Medal and Honorary Fellowship (HonFRPS) in recognition of a sustained, significant contribution to the art of photography in 2009.

Photographers such as Robert Frank and Henri Cartier-Bresson influenced her during her time at the San Francisco Art Institute. "Their style of personal reportage - taken in a graphic way - was what we were taught to emulate.

The Rolling Stones 

Leibovitz photographed The Rolling Stones in San Francisco in 1971 and 1972, and served as the concert-tour photographer for Rolling Stones Tour of the Americas '75. Her favorite photo from the tour was a photo of Mick Jagger in an elevator.

Joan Armatrading 

In 1978 Leibovitz became the first woman to photograph Joan Armatrading for an album. She did the photography for Armatrading's fifth studio album To the Limit, spending four days at her house capturing the images. 

John Lennon 

On December 8, 1980, Leibovitz had a photo shoot with John Lennon for Rolling Stone, promising him that he would make the cover. She had initially tried to get a picture with just Lennon alone, which is what Rolling Stone wanted, but Lennon insisted that both he and Yoko Ono be on the cover. Leibovitz then tried to re-create something like the kissing scene from the Double Fantasy album cover, a picture that she loved. She had John remove his clothes and curl up next to Yoko on the floor. Leibovitz recalls, "What is interesting is she said she'd take her top off and I said, 'Leave everything on' — not really preconceiving the picture at all. Then he curled up next to her and it was very, very strong. You couldn't help but feel that he was cold and he looked like he was clinging on to her. I think it was amazing to look at the first Polaroid and they were both very excited. John said, 'You've captured our relationship exactly. Promise me it'll be on the cover.' I looked him in the eye and we shook on it." Leibovitz was the last person to professionally photograph Lennon—he was shot and killed five hours later.

The photograph was subsequently re-created in 2009 by John and Yoko's son Sean Lennon, posing with his girlfriend Charlotte Kemp Muhl, with male/female roles reversed (Sean clothed, Kemp naked), and by Henry Bond and Sam Taylor-Wood in their YBA pastiche October 26, 1993.

Other projects

Leibovitz at "Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer's Life, 1990–2005", San Francisco, California, 2008

In the 1980s, Leibovitz's new style of lighting and use of bold colors and poses got her a position with Vanity Fair magazine. Leibovitz photographed celebrities for an international advertising campaign for American Express charge cards, winning her a Clio award in 1987.

In 1991, Leibovitz mounted an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. She was the second living portraitist and first woman to show there. Leibovitz had also been made Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government.

Also in 1991, Leibovitz emulated Margaret Bourke-White's feat, when she mounted one of the eagle gargoyles on the 61st floor of the Chrysler Building in Manhattan, where she photographed the dancer David Parsons cavorting on another eagle gargoyle. Noted Life photographer and picture editor John Loengard made a gripping photo of Leibovitz at the climax of her danger. (Loengard was photographing Leibovitz for the New York Times that day).

A major retrospective of Leibovitz's work was held at the Brooklyn Museum, Oct. 2006 – Jan. 2007. The retrospective was based on her book, Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer's Life, 1990–2005, and included many of her professional (celebrity) photographs as well as numerous personal photographs of her family, children, and partner Susan Sontag. 

This show, which was expanded to include three of the official portraits of Queen Elizabeth II, then went on the road for seven stops. It was on display at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., from October 2007 to January 2008, and at the Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco from March 2008 to May 2008. In February 2009 the exhibition was moved to Berlin, Germany. The show included 200 photographs. At the exhibition, Leibovitz said that she doesn't have two lives, career and personal, but has one where assignments and personal pictures are all part of her works. This exhibition and her talk focused on her personal photographs and life.

In 2007, The BBC misrepresented a portrait shooting by Leibovitz of Queen Elizabeth II to take the queen's official picture for her state visit to Virginia. This was filmed for the BBC documentary A Year with the Queen. A promotional trailer for the film showed the Queen reacting angrily to Leibovitz's suggestion ("less dressy") that she remove her tiara, then a scene of the Queen walking down a corridor, telling an aide "I'm not changing anything. I've had enough dressing like this, thank you very much." The BBC later apologized and admitted that the sequence of events had been misrepresented, as the Queen was in fact walking to the sitting in the second scene. This led to a BBC scandal and a shake-up of ethics training. See The Tiaragate Affair.

In 2007, The Walt Disney Company hired her to do a series of photographs with celebrities in various roles and scenes for Disney Parks "Year of a Million Dreams" campaign.

Leibovitz claims she never liked the word "celebrity". "I've always been more interested in what they do than who they are, I hope that my photographs reflect that." She tries to receive a little piece of each subjects personality in the photos. 

On April 25, 2008, the televised entertainment program Entertainment Tonight reported that 15-year-old Miley Cyrus had posed topless for a photo shoot with Vanity Fair. The photograph, and subsequently released behind-the-scenes photographs, show Cyrus without a top, her bare back exposed but her front covered with a bedsheet. The photo shoot was taken by photographer Annie Leibovitz. The full photograph was published with an accompanying story on The New York Times' website on April 27, 2008. On April 29, 2008, The New York Times clarified that though the pictures left an impression that she was bare-breasted, Cyrus was wrapped in a bedsheet and was actually not topless. Some parents expressed outrage at the nature of the photograph, which a Disney spokesperson described as "a situation [that] was created to deliberately manipulate a 15-year-old in order to sell magazines."

In response to the Internet circulation of the photo and ensuing media attention, Cyrus released a statement of apology on April 27:

"I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be ‘artistic’ and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed. I never intended for any of this to happen and I apologize to my fans who I care so deeply about."

Leibovitz also released a statement saying:

"I'm sorry that my portrait of Miley has been misinterpreted," Leibovitz said. "The photograph is a simple, classic portrait, shot with very little makeup, and I think it is very beautiful."

In October, 2011, Leibovitz had an exhibit in Moscow. In an interview with Rossiya 24, she explained her photography style.


Since 1977, Leibovitz licensing images have been represented by Contact Press Images, a photojournalism agency based in New York City. She ceased to be represented by Jim Moffat at A Corporation for Art & Commerce in 2009.

Personal life

Leibovitz had a close romantic relationship with noted writer and essayist Susan Sontag. They met in 1989, when both had already established notability in their careers. Leibovitz has suggested that Sontag mentored her and constructively criticized her work.

After Sontag's death in 2004, Newsweek published an article about Leibovitz that made reference to her decade-plus relationship with Sontag, stating that "The two first met in the late '80s, when Leibovitz photographed her for a book jacket. They never lived together, though they each had an apartment within view of the other's."

Neither Leibovitz nor Sontag had ever previously publicly disclosed whether the relationship was familial, a friendship, or sexual in nature. However, when Leibovitz was interviewed for her 2006 book A Photographer's Life: 1990-2005, she said the book told a number of stories, and that "with Susan, it was a love story."

Even though Annie Leibovitz and Susan Sontag never formally stated their relationship Annie has said in her book A Photographers life "Words like 'companion' and 'partner' were not in our vocabulary," Leibovitz says. "We were two people who helped each other through our lives. The closest word is still 'friend'." 

In the preface to the book, she speaks in greater detail about her romantic/intellectual relationship with Sontag, briefly discussing a book they were working on together and describes how assembling A Photographer's Life: 1990-2005 was part of the grieving process after Sontag's death. The book and accompanying show include many photographs of Sontag throughout their life together, including several on her deathbed.

Leibovitz acknowledged that she and Sontag were romantically involved. When asked why she used terms like "companion" to describe Sontag, instead of more specific ones like "partner" or "lover", Leibovitz finally said that "lover" was fine with her. 

She later repeated the assertion in stating to the San Francisco Chronicle: "Call us 'lovers'. I like 'lovers.' You know, 'lovers' sounds romantic. I mean, I want to be perfectly clear. I love Susan."

Leibovitz is Jewish and nonobservant. Asked if being Jewish is important to her, Leibovitz replied, "I'm not a practicing Jew, but I feel very Jewish."


Leibovitz has three children. Her daughter Sarah Cameron Leibovitz was born in October 2001 when Leibovitz was 52 years old. Her twins (two girls) Susan and Samuelle were born to a surrogate mother in May 2005.

Financial troubles 

In February 2009, Leibovitz borrowed $15.5 million, having experienced financial challenges in recent years. She put up as collateral, not only several houses, but the rights to all of her photographs. The New York Times noted “one of the world’s most successful photographers essentially pawned every snap of the shutter she had made or will make until the loans are paid off.”

In July 2009, a breach of contract lawsuit against Leibovitz was filed by Art Capital Group in the amount of $24 million regarding the repayment of these loans. In a follow-up article, the Times explores why an artist of her standing could be in such financial straits, despite a $50 million archive. They cite a "long history of less than careful financial dealings," and "a recent series of personal issues." The latter include the recent loss of her father, her mother, her companion (Susan Sontag), the addition of two children to her family, and the controversial renovation of three properties in Greenwich Village. In early September 2009, an Associated Press story quoted legal experts as saying that filing for bankruptcy reorganization might offer Leibovitz her best chance to control and direct the disposition of her assets to satisfy debts.

On September 11, Art Capital Group withdrew its lawsuit against Leibovitz, and extended the due date for repayment of the $24 million loan. Under the agreement, Leibovitz retains control over her work, and will be the "exclusive agent in the sale of her real property (land) and copyrights."

In March, 2010, Colony Capital concluded a new financing and marketing agreement with Leibovitz, paying off Art Capital and removing or reducing the risks of Leibovitz losing her artistic and real estate.

In April 2010, Brunswick Capital Partners filed suit against Leibovitz, claiming that they are owed several hundred thousand dollars for helping her restructure her debt.

In December 2012 her famous Townhouse in West Village, NY was listed for sale, asking price was set at $33 Million. Leibovitz stated that she sold her home in order to move closer to her daughter.

Examples of Leibovitz's photographs 

Leibovitz in front of her More Demi Moore Vanity Fair cover photo, 2008

John Lennon and Yoko Ono for the Jan. 22, 1981 Rolling Stone 
cover, shot the day of Lennon's death.

Linda Ronstadt in a red slip, on her bed, reaching for a glass of water in a 1976 cover story for Rolling Stone magazine.

Demi Moore has been the subject of two highly publicized Vanity Fair covers taken by Leibovitz: More Demi Moore (Aug. 1991) featuring Moore pregnant and nude, and Demi's Birthday Suit (Aug 1992), showing Moore nude with a suit painted on her body.

Fleetwood Mac for a 1977 issue of Rolling Stone magazine. Stevie Nicks and Mick Fleetwood are shown lying together, as are Christine McVie and Lindsey Buckingham at the opposite end of the bed. John McVie is shown reading Playboy magazine.

Whoopi Goldberg lying in a bathtub full of milk, shot from above.

Christo, fully wrapped so the viewer must take the artist's word that Christo is actually under the wrapping.

David Cassidy on the Rolling Stone cover depicting him naked from his head to his waist.

Dolly Parton vamping for the camera while Arnold Schwarzenegger flexes his biceps behind her.

Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi, as The Blues Brothers, with their faces painted blue.

Keira Knightley and Scarlett Johansson, both nude, with a fully clothed Tom Ford, for the cover of Vanity Fair's March 2006 Hollywood Issue.

Knut with American actor Leonardo DiCaprio, a 2007 Vanity Fair cover.

Queen Elizabeth II on occasion of her state visit in United States in 2007.

Jackie and Joan Collins in a limo, Los Angeles 1987.

Sting, with whom she shares a birthday, naked in the desert, covered in mud to blend in with the scenery.

Closeup portrait of Pete Townshend framed by his bleeding hand dripping real blood down the side of his face.

"Fire" portrait and caption "Patti Smith Catches Fire".

Cyndi Lauper, She's So Unusual and True Colors album covers

Bruce Springsteen, Born in the U.S.A. album cover.

Gisele Bündchen and LeBron James on the April 2008 cover of Vogue America.

Miley Cyrus' Vanity Fair photo in which the child star appeared semi-nude, leading to a controversy.

Michael Jackson twice for the cover of the Vanity Fair magazine, including other additional photographs of him which were not featured on the cover of the magazine.

Bill Gates for the cover of Gates' book "The Road Ahead".

Family of Barack Obama in the White House.

Johnny Depp and Kate Moss at the Royalton Hotel, New York in 1994. A nude Moss laying on a bed while fully clothed Depp is lying between her legs, covering her abdomen.

Lance Armstrong riding his Trek Madone bicycle in the buff in the rain. It was shown in Vanity Fair's 1999 December issue.

Lady Gaga for Vogue and Vanity Fair

Rihanna for Vogue 2011. and 2012.

The cast Of Les Misérables: Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Eddie Redmayne, Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen for Vogue in 2012.


Linda McCartney

Linda Louise, Lady McCartney (née Eastman; formerly See; 24 September 1941 – 17 April 1998) was an American musician, photographer, animal rights activist, and was married to Paul McCartney, a founding member of The Beatles.

In 1969, Paul McCartney married Linda Eastman, and they later formed McCartney's band, Wings. In the same year McCartney adopted her daughter, Heather Louise, from her first marriage to Joseph Melville See. The McCartneys had three children: Mary Anna, Stella Nina, and James Louis.

She wrote several vegetarian cookbooks, became a business entrepreneur (starting the Linda McCartney Foods company with her husband), and was a professional photographer, publishing '"Paul McCartney's Sixties: Portrait of an Era"'. McCartney was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1995, and died at the age of 56 on 17 April 1998 in Tucson, Arizona, where the McCartneys had a ranch.

Linda Louise McCartney, the second-eldest of four children, was born Linda Louise Eastman in New York City. She had one older brother, John (10 July 1939), and two younger sisters, Laura (born 1947), and Louise Jr. (born 1950). She grew up in the Scarsdale area of Westchester County, New York, and she graduated from Scarsdale High School in 1959. Her father was born Leopold Vail Epstein, the son of Jewish Russian immigrants, who later changed his name to Lee Eastman. An often-repeated but untrue urban myth holds that Linda was related to the George Eastman family of Eastman Kodak fame. Her father was the attorney for songwriter Jack Lawrence, and at his request in 1942, Lawrence, while in the army, wrote a song called, "Linda", in honor of the one-year-old. It was published in 1946, and recorded by Buddy Clark in 1947. John Eastman later became Paul McCartney's attorney and manager, taking over from his father.

McCartney's mother, Louise Sara (Lindner) Eastman—the daughter of Max J. Lindner, founder of the Lindner Company clothing store in Cleveland, Ohio—died in the crash of American Airlines Flight 1 in Queens, New York, in 1962. McCartney later said that because of her mother's death, she hated travelling by air. McCartney studied for a Fine Art major at the University of Arizona. Her first marriage was to Joseph Melville See Jr., whom she had met in college. They married on 18 June 1962, and their daughter Heather Louise was born on 31 December 1962. They were divorced in June 1965. 

McCartney later commented that See was a "nice man, a geologist, an Ernest Hemingway type". See committed suicide by gunshot on 19 March 2000 at his home in Tucson, Arizona.

McCartney started work as a receptionist for Town & Country magazine, and was the only unofficial photographer on board the SS Sea Panther yacht on the Hudson River who was allowed to take photographs of The Rolling Stones during a record promotion party. Although she had previously only studied the photography of horses in Arizona at an arts centre with a teacher, Hazel Archer, she was later asked to be the house photographer at the Fillmore East concert hall, and supposedly became a popular groupie.

McCartney photographed artists such as Aretha Franklin, Grace Slick, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, Eric Clapton, Simon & Garfunkel, The Who, The Doors, The Animals, John Lennon and Neil Young. She photographed Young in 1967, and the picture was used for the front cover of Sugar Mountain: Live at Canterbury House 1968 in 2008.

She photographed Clapton for Rolling Stone magazine, becoming the first woman to have a photograph featured on the front cover (11 May 1968). She and husband Paul also appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone on 31 January 1974, making her the only person to have taken a photograph, and to have been photographed, for the front cover of the magazine. Her photographs were later exhibited in more than 50 galleries internationally, as well as at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. A collection of photographs from that time, Linda McCartney's Sixties: Portrait of an Era, was published in 1993. She also took the photograph for the cover of Paul McCartney's and Michael Jackson's single, "The Girl Is Mine".

On 15 May 1967, the then-Linda Eastman met McCartney at a Georgie Fame concert at the Bag O'Nails club in London. She was in the UK on an assignment to take photographs of "Swinging Sixties" musicians in London. The two later went to the Speakeasy Club on Margaret Street to see Procol Harum. They met again four days later at the launch party for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band at Brian Epstein's house in Belgravia. When her assignment was completed, she flew back to New York City. In May 1968, they met again in New York, as John Lennon and Paul McCartney were there to announce the formation of Apple Corps.[16] In September of the same year, Paul phoned her and asked her to fly over to London. They were married six months later in a small civil ceremony at Marylebone Registry Office on 12 March 1969.

After giving birth to Mary McCartney (born in London 28 August 1969), Stella McCartney (born 13 September 1971) and James McCartney (born 12 September 1977 in London), Linda said that four children was enough. She became Lady McCartney when her husband was knighted in 1997. Her brother, entertainment lawyer John Eastman, has represented McCartney since the breakup of The Beatles. McCartney has eight grandchildren, all of whom were born after her death: Mary's four sons Arthur Alistair Donald (born 3 April 1999), Elliot Donald (born 1 August 2002), Sam Aboud (born 11 August 2008) and Sid Aboud (3 September 2011), and Stella's children, Miller Alasdhair James Willis (born 25 February 2005), daughter Bailey Linda Olwyn Willis (born December 8, 2006), Beckett Robert Lee Willis (born 8 January 2008), and Reiley Dilys Stella Willis (born 23 November 2010).

After the breakup of The Beatles in 1970, McCartney's husband taught her to play keyboards and recorded an album with her, Ram, as a duo. Afterwards, he included her in the lineup of his subsequent group, Wings. The group garnered several Grammy Awards, becoming one of the most successful bands of the 1970s, but had to endure jibes regarding Linda McCartney's singing. She later admitted that the early accusations about her singing out of tune in the early days with Wings were true.

In 1977, a reggae-inspired single entitled "Seaside Woman" was released by an obscure band called Suzy and the Red Stripes on Epic Records in the United States. In reality, Suzy and The Red Stripes were Wings, with Linda McCartney (who also wrote the song) on lead vocals. The song had been recorded by Wings in 1972, in response to a lawsuit by Northern Songs and Maclen Music alleging Paul McCartney violated an exclusive rights agreement by collaborating on the song "Another Day", which had the effect of transferring a 50% share of the publishing royalties to his own McCartney Music company. The lawsuit, which alleged that Linda McCartney's co-writing credits were inauthentic and that she was not a real songwriter, was "amicably settled," according to an ATV spokesman, in June 1972.

The McCartneys shared an Oscar nomination for the co-composition of the song "Live and Let Die". Linda's album Wide Prairie, which included "Seaside Woman," was released posthumously in 1998. McCartney worked with the help of the Beatles' engineer, Geoff Emerick, to finish the album. Along with eight other British composers, he contributed to the choral album A Garland for Linda, and dedicated his classical album, Ecce Cor Meum, to his late wife. In January 1999, "The Light Comes From Within" single from the Wide Prairie album was banned by TV and radio stations in the UK. McCartney placed advertisements in English national newspapers asking parents to give "guidance" as to whether their children could be "morally corrupted" by the song lyrics, which included the lines, "You say I'm simple, you say I'm a hick, you're fucking no one, you stupid dick.

McCartney introduced her husband to vegetarianism in 1975, and promoted a vegetarian diet through her cookbooks: Linda McCartney’s Home Cooking (with author Peter Cox, 1989), Linda’s Kitchen and Simple and Inspiring Recipes for Meatless Meals. She explained her change to vegetarianism by saying that she did not "eat anything with a face... If slaughterhouses had glass walls the whole world would be vegetarian".

The McCartneys became outspoken vegetarians and animal rights activists. In 1991, she introduced a line of frozen vegetarian meals under the Linda McCartney Foods name, which made her wealthy independently of her husband. The H. J. Heinz Company acquired the company in March 2000, and the Hain Celestial Group bought it in 2007.

As a strong advocate for animal rights, Linda lent her support to many organizations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), The Council for the Protection of Rural England and Friends of the Earth. She was also a patron of the League Against Cruel Sports. Before her death, she narrated a TV advertisement for PETA, in which she said: "Have you ever seen a fish gasping for breath when you take it out of the water? They’re saying, ‘Thanks a lot for killing me. It feels great, you know.’ No! It hurts!" After her death, PETA created the Linda McCartney Memorial Award.

In 1984, she was arrested in Barbados for possession of marijuana; her husband had been arrested in Los Angeles for possession of marijuana in 1975. After flying to Heathrow Airport, London, she was arrested on charges of possession. She later commented that hard drugs were disgusting, but marijuana "is pretty lightweight".

McCartney was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1995, and her condition soon grew worse as it spread to her liver. Her husband's last words to her were: "You're up on your beautiful Appaloosa stallion. It's a fine spring day. We're riding through the woods. The bluebells are all out, and the sky is clear-blue". She died on 17 April 1998 (age 56) at the McCartney family ranch in Tucson, Arizona. She was cremated in Tucson, and her ashes were scattered at the McCartney farm in Sussex. Her husband later suggested that fans remember her by donating to breast cancer research charities that do not support animal testing, "or the best tribute — go veggie". A memorial service was held for her at St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London, which was attended by George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Elton John, Peter Gabriel and other celebrities among a congregation of 700. A memorial service was also held at Riverside Church in Manhattan, two months after her death.

Talking later about the medication used to treat her breast cancer, Paul McCartney said: "If a drug has got to be used on humans then legally it has to be finally tested on an animal ... This was difficult for Linda when she was undergoing her treatment." He also claimed that she was unsure if the drugs she took had been tested on animals: "During the treatment, a nice answer is a nice answer and if they (the doctors), say, 'It's OK to have this because we didn't test it on animals', you are going to believe them." 

She left her entire fortune to her husband in a special trust, known as a Qualified Domestic Trust, which allows deferral of estate taxes due on her assets until after his death. He will have access to any royalties from books, records and any financial remuneration for the use of his wife's photographs. He has pledged to continue her line of vegetarian food, and to keep it free from genetically modified organisms.

Wide Prairie, a six-minute cartoon fantasy film by Linda McCartney and director Oscar Grillo, premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival on 19 August 1998. It was shown before the British premiere of The Horse Whisperer, starring Robert Redford. On 10 April 1999, Paul McCartney performed at the "Concert for Linda" tribute at the Royal Albert Hall, with numerous artists including George Michael, the Pretenders, Elvis Costello and Tom Jones. 

In January 2000, he announced donations in excess of $2,000,000 for cancer research at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York and the Arizona Cancer Center in Tucson, where Linda received treatment. The centers received $1 million (£625,000) each. The donations, through the Garland Appeal, were made on the condition that no animals would be used for testing purposes.

In 2000, The Linda McCartney Centre, a cancer clinic, opened at The Royal Liverpool University Hospital. In November 2002, the Linda McCartney Kintyre Memorial Trust opened a memorial garden in Campbeltown — the main town in Kintyre — with the dedication of a bronze statue of her by sculptor Jane Robbins, McCartney's cousin, which was commissioned and donated by McCartney.


Christianity is the prophesied heretic, whom JC said would violently annex & occupy the office of God... Matt 24:15-16 ACTS 20:29. Nambassa

An investment in yourself is of lasting value. The Golden Mirror 

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented & fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Marianne Williamson 

The story of the world is littered with the corpses of clever, charismatic women. Review of 2012 Booker Prize winner Hilary Mantel for Bring Up the Bodies

Good instincts tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out. Michael Burke 

A giggle and a cuddle. Sometimes my ambitions extend no further than that. Harold Pinter 

I’m infinitely more involved in the reality of the characters and their situation than I am in everyday life. Edward Albee

"Sovereign" comes from the Latin "superanus." David Rankin 

I believe in love and I believe in you. Rock Christopher 

Success is not about money or fame, its about finding a livelihood that brings me joy a sense of contributing to the world. ~ Anita Roddick 

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. ~ Moulin Rouge

Live with no time out. ~ Simone de Beauvoir

Mary Quant 

Mary Quant OBE, FCSD (born 11 February 1934) is a fashion designer and British fashion icon. She became an instrumental figure in the 1960s London-based Mod and youth fashion movements. She was one of the designers who took credit for the miniskirt and hot pants, and by promoting these and other fun fashions she encouraged young people to dress to please themselves and to treat fashion as a game. Ernestine Carter, an authoritative and influential fashion journalist of the 1950s and '60s, wrote: "It is given to a fortunate few to be born at the right time, in the right place, with the right talents. In recent fashion there are three: Chanel, Dior, and Mary Quant."

Quant was born in Blackheath, southeast London, on 11 February 1934, the daughter of Welsh teachers. Her parents, Jack and Mary Quant, were both from mining families. They had been awarded scholarships to grammar school and had both attained first-class degrees at Cardiff University, before moving to London to work as schoolteachers. Quant went to Blackheath High School, then studied illustration at Goldsmiths College. After gaining a Diploma in Art Education from Goldsmiths, Quant began an apprenticeship at Erik, a high-end Mayfair milliner on Brook Street next door to the Claridge's hotel.

She met her future husband and business partner, Alexander Plunket Greene in 1953. They were married from 1957 until his death in 1990, and had a son, Orlando (b. 1970).

In November 1955, Quant and Plunket Greene teamed up with a photographer and former solicitor, Archie McNair, to open Quant's first shop on the King's Road in London called Bazaar, above "Alexander's", a basement restaurant run by Plunket Green. In 1957, they opened the second branch of Bazaar, which was designed by Terence Conran.

Successful designs from this early period included small white plastic collars to brighten up sweaters and dresses, bright stockings in colours matched to her knitwear, men's cardigans made long enough to be worn as dresses, and a pair of "mad" lounging pyjamas made by Quant herself which were featured in Harper's Bazaar and purchased by an American manufacturer to copy. 

Following this, Quant decided to design and make more of the clothes she stocked, instead of buying in stock. Initially working solo, she was soon employing a handful of machinists, and by 1966 she was working with eighteen manufacturers concurrently.

Quant and the miniskirt

The miniskirt, described as one of the defining fashions of the 1960s, is one of the garments most widely associated with Quant. Whilst she is often cited as the inventor of the style, this claim has been challenged by others. Marit Allen, a contemporary fashion journalist and editor of the influential "Young Ideas" pages for UK Vogue, firmly stated that John Bates, rather than Quant or André Courrèges, was the original creator of the miniskirt. Others credit Courrèges with the invention of the style. However, skirts had been getting shorter since the 1950s — a development Mary Quant considered practical and liberating, allowing women the ability to run for a bus.

Quant later said "It was the girls on the King's Road who invented the mini. I was making easy, youthful, simple clothes, in which you could move, in which you could run and jump and we would make them the length the customer wanted. I wore them very short and the customers would say, 'Shorter, shorter.'" She gave the miniskirt its name, naming it after her favorite make of car, the Mini.

In addition to the miniskirt, Quant is often credited with inventing the coloured and patterned tights that tended to accompany the garment, although their creation is also attributed to the Spanish couturier Cristóbal Balenciaga who offered harlequin-patterned tights in 1962 or to John Bates.

Later career

In the late 1960s, Quant popularised hot pants, becoming a British fashion icon. Through the 1970s and 1980s she concentrated on household goods and make-up, rather than just her clothing lines, including the duvet which she claims to have invented.

In 1988, Mary Quant designed the interior of the Mini (1000) Designer (originally dubbed the Mini Quant, the name was changed when popularity charts were set against having Quant's name on the car). It featured black and white striped seats with red trimming. The seatbelts were red, and the driving and passenger seats had Quant's signature on the upper left quadrant. The steering wheel had Quant's signature daisy and the bonnet badge had "Mary Quant" written over the signature name. The headlight housings, wheel arches, door handles and bumpers were all nimbus grey, rather than the more common chrome or black finishes. Two thousand were released in the U.K. on 15 June 1988, and a number were also released on to foreign markets; however, the numbers for these are hard to come by. The special edition Mini came in two body colours, jet black and diamond white.

She is also a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers, and winner of the Minerva Medal, the Society's highest award.

In 2000, she resigned as director of Mary Quant Ltd., her cosmetics company, after a Japanese buy-out. There are over 200 Mary Quant Colour shops in Japan, where Quant fashions continue to enjoy more popularity.


In 1963 Quant was the first winner of the Dress of the Year award.

In 1966 she was appointed OBE for her outstanding contribution to the fashion industry. She arrived at Buckingham Palace to accept the award in a cream wool jersey minidress with blue facings.

In 1990 she won the Hall of Fame Award of the British Fashion Council.


Albert Camus 

Albert Camus (French: [albɛʁ kamy] ( listen); 7 November 1913 – 4 January 1960) was a French-Algeria-born French Nobel Prize winning author, journalist, and philosopher. His views contributed to the rise of the philosophy known as absurdism. He wrote in his essay "The Rebel" that his whole life was devoted to opposing the philosophy of nihilism while still delving deeply into individual freedom. Although often cited as a proponent of existentialism, the philosophy with which Camus was associated during his own lifetime, he rejected this particular label. In an interview in 1945, Camus rejected any ideological associations: "No, I am not an existentialist. Sartre and I are always surprised to see our names linked..."

Camus was born in French Algeria to a Pied-Noir family. He studied at the University of Algiers, where he was goalkeeper for the university team (association football), until he contracted tuberculosis in 1930. In 1949, Camus founded the Group for International Liaisons within the Revolutionary Union Movement after his split with Garry Davis's Citizens of the World movement, of which the surrealist André Breton was also a member. The formation of this group, according to Camus, was intended to "denounce two ideologies found in both the USSR and the USA" regarding their idolatry of technology.

Camus was awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize for Literature "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times".

Albert Camus was born on 7 November 1913 in Dréan (then known as Mondovi) in French Algeria to a Pied-Noir family. His mother was of Spanish descent and was half-deaf. His father Lucien, a poor agricultural worker, died in the Battle of the Marne in 1914 during World War I, while serving as a member of the Zouave infantry regiment. Camus and his mother lived in poor conditions during his childhood in the Belcourt section of Algiers.

In 1923, Camus was accepted into the lycée and eventually he was admitted to the University of Algiers. After he contracted tuberculosis in 1930, he had to end his football activities (he had been a goalkeeper for the university team) and reduce his studies to part-time. To earn money, he also took odd jobs: as private tutor, car parts clerk and assistant at the Meteorological Institute. He completed his licence de philosophie (BA) in 1935; in May 1936, he successfully presented his thesis on Plotinus, Néo-Platonisme et Pensée Chrétienne (Neo-Platonism and Christian Thought), for his diplôme d'études supérieures (roughly equivalent to an MA thesis).

Camus joined the French Communist Party in the spring of 1935, seeing it as a way to "fight inequalities between Europeans and 'natives' in Algeria." He did not suggest he was a Marxist or that he had read Das Kapital, but did write that "[w]e might see communism as a springboard and asceticism that prepares the ground for more spiritual activities." In 1936, the independence-minded Algerian Communist Party (PCA) was founded. Camus joined the activities of the Algerian People's Party (Le Parti du Peuple Algérien), which got him into trouble with his Communist party comrades. As a result, in 1937 he was denounced as a Trotskyite and expelled from the party. Camus went on to be associated with the French anarchist movement.

The anarchist André Prudhommeaux first introduced him at a meeting in 1948 of the Cercle des Étudiants Anarchistes (Anarchist Student Circle) as a sympathiser familiar with anarchist thought. Camus wrote for anarchist publications such as Le Libertaire, La révolution Proletarienne and Solidaridad Obrera (Workers' Solidarity, the organ of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT (National Confederation of Labor)). Camus stood with the anarchists when they expressed support for the uprising of 1953 in Germany. He again allied with the anarchists in 1956, first in support of the workers’ uprising in Poznań, Poland, and then later in the year with the Hungarian Revolution.

In 1934, he married Simone Hié, a morphine addict, but the marriage ended as a consequence of infidelities on both sides. In 1935, he founded Théâtre du Travail (Worker's Theatre), renamed Théâtre de l'Equipe (Team's Theatre) in 1937. It lasted until 1939. From 1937 to 1939 he wrote for a socialist paper, Alger-Républicain. His work included an account of the peasants who lived in Kabylie in poor conditions, which apparently cost him his job. From 1939 to 1940, he briefly wrote for a similar paper, Soir-Republicain. He was rejected by the French army because of his TB.

In 1940, Camus married Francine Faure, a pianist and mathematician. Although he loved her, he had argued passionately against the institution of marriage, dismissing it as unnatural. Even after Francine gave birth to twins, Catherine and Jean, on 5 September 1945, he continued to joke to friends that he was not cut out for marriage. Camus conducted numerous affairs, particularly an irregular and eventually public affair with the Spanish-born actress María Casares. In the same year, Camus began to work for Paris-Soir magazine. In the first stage of World War II, the so-called Phoney War, Camus was a pacifist. In Paris during the Wehrmacht occupation, on 15 December 1941, Camus witnessed the execution of Gabriel Péri; it crystallized his revolt against the Germans. He moved to Bordeaux with the rest of the staff of Paris-Soir. In the same year he finished his first books, The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus. He returned briefly to Oran, Algeria in 1942.

Literary Career 

During the war Camus joined the French Resistance cell Combat, which published an underground newspaper of the same name. This group worked against the Nazis, and in it Camus assumed the nom de guerre Beauchard. Camus became the paper's editor in 1943. He first met Sartre at the dress rehearsal of Sartre's play, The Flies, in June 1943. When the Allies liberated Paris in August 1944, Camus witnessed and reported the last of the fighting. Soon after the event on 6 August 1945, he was one of the few French editors to publicly express opposition and disgust to the United States' dropping the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. He resigned from Combat in 1947 when it became a commercial paper. After the war, Camus began frequenting the Café de Flore on the Boulevard Saint-Germain in Paris with Sartre and others. He also toured the United States to lecture about French thought. Although he leaned left, politically, his strong criticisms of Communist doctrine did not win him any friends in the Communist parties and eventually alienated Sartre.

In 1949, his TB returned and Camus lived in seclusion for two years. In 1951, he published The Rebel, a philosophical analysis of rebellion and revolution which expressed his rejection of communism. Upsetting many of his colleagues and contemporaries in France, the book brought about the final split with Sartre. The dour reception depressed Camus; he began to translate plays.

Camus's first significant contribution to philosophy was his idea of the absurd. He saw it as the result of our desire for clarity and meaning within a world and condition that offers neither, which he expressed in The Myth of Sisyphus and incorporated into many of his other works, such as The Stranger and The Plague. Despite his split from his "study partner", Sartre, some still argue that Camus falls into the existentialist camp. 

He specifically rejected that label in his essay "Enigma" and elsewhere (see: The Lyrical and Critical Essays of Albert Camus). The current confusion arises, in part, because many recent applications of existentialism have much in common with many of Camus's practical ideas (see: Resistance, Rebellion, and Death). But, his personal understanding of the world (e.g., "a benign indifference", in The Stranger), and every vision he had for its progress (e.g., vanquishing the "adolescent furies" of history and society, in The Rebel) undoubtedly set him apart.

In the 1950s, Camus devoted his efforts to human rights. In 1952, he resigned from his work for UNESCO when the UN accepted Spain as a member under the leadership of General Franco. In 1953, he criticized Soviet methods to crush a workers' strike in East Berlin. In 1956, he protested against similar methods in Poland (protests in Poznań) and the Soviet repression of the Hungarian revolution in October.

Camus maintained his pacifism and resisted capital punishment anywhere in the world. He wrote an essay against capital punishment in collaboration with Arthur Koestler, the writer, intellectual and founder of the League Against Capital Punishment.

When the Algerian War began in 1954, Camus was confronted with a moral dilemma. He identified with the pied-noirs such as his own parents and defended the French government's actions against the revolt. He argued that the Algerian uprising was an integral part of the 'new Arab imperialism' led by Egypt and an 'anti-Western' offensive orchestrated by Russia to 'encircle Europe' and 'isolate the United States'. Although favouring greater Algerian autonomy or even federation, though not full-scale independence, he believed that the pied-noirs and Arabs could co-exist. During the war he advocated a civil truce that would spare the civilians, which was rejected by both sides, who regarded it as foolish. Behind the scenes, he began to work for imprisoned Algerians who faced the death penalty.

From 1955 to 1956, Camus wrote for L'Express. In 1957 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times", not for his novel The Fall, published the previous year, but for his writings against capital punishment in the essay "Réflexions sur la Guillotine" (Reflections on the Guillotine). When he spoke to students at the University of Stockholm, he defended his apparent inactivity in the Algerian question; he stated that he was worried about what might happen to his mother, who still lived in Algeria. This led to further ostracism by French left-wing intellectuals.

As he wrote in L'Homme révolté (in the chapter about "The Thought on Midday"), Camus was a follower of the ancient Greek 'Solar Tradition' (la pensée solaire). In 1947–48, he founded the Revolutionary Union Movement (Groupes de liaison internationale – GLI) a trade union movement in the context of revolutionary syndicalism (Syndicalisme révolutionnaire). According to Olivier Todd, in his biography, 'Albert Camus, une vie', it was a group opposed to some tendencies of the Surrealist movement of André Breton. For more, see the book Alfred Rosmer et le mouvement révolutionnaire internationale by Christian Gras.

His colleagues were Nicolas Lazarévitch, Louis Mercier, Roger Lapeyre, Paul Chauvet, Auguste Largentier, Jean de Boë (see the article: "Nicolas Lazarévitch, Itinéraire d'un syndicaliste révolutionnaire" by Sylvain Boulouque in the review Communisme, n° 61, 2000). His main aim was to express the positive side of surrealism and existentialism, rejecting the negativity and the nihilism of André Breton.

From 1943, Albert Camus had correspondence with Altiero Spinelli who founded the European Federalist Movement in Milan—see Ventotene Manifesto and the book "Unire l'Europa, superare gli stati", Altiero Spinelli nel Partito d'Azione del Nord Italia e in Francia dal 1944 al 1945-annexed a letter by Altiero Spinelli to Albert Camus.

In 1944 Camus founded the "French Committee for the European Federation" (Comité Français pour la Féderation Européene – CFFE) declaring that Europe "can only evolve along the path of economic progress, democracy and peace if the nation states become a federation."

From 22–25 March 1945, the first conference of the European Federalist Movement was organised in Paris with the participation of Albert Camus, George Orwell, Emmanuel Mounier, Lewis Mumford, André Philip, Daniel Mayer, François Bondy and Altiero Spinelli (see the book The Biography of Europe by Pan Drakopoulos). This specific branch of the European Federalist Movement disintegrated in 1957 after Winston Churchill's ideas about the European integration rose to dominance.

Camus died on 4 January 1960 at the age of 46, in a car accident near Sens, in Le Grand Fossard in the small town of Villeblevin. In his coat pocket was an unused train ticket. He had planned to travel by train with his wife and children, but at the last minute he accepted his publisher's proposal to travel with him.

The driver of the Facel Vega car, Michel Gallimard, who was Camus's publisher and close friend, also died in the accident. In August 2011, the Milan newspaper Corriere della Sera reported a theory that the writer had been the victim of a Soviet plot, but Camus's biographer Olivier Todd did not consider it credible. Camus was buried in the Lourmarin Cemetery, Lourmarin, Vaucluse, France.

He was the second-youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, after Rudyard Kipling. He is the shortest-lived of any Nobel literature laureate to date, having died just over two years after receiving the award.

He was survived by his wife and twin son and daughter, Jean and Catherine, who hold the copyrights to his work.

Two of Camus's works were published posthumously. The first, entitled A Happy Death (1970), featured a character named Patrice Mersault, comparable to The Stranger's Meursault. There is scholarly debate as to the relationship between the two books. The second was an unfinished novel, The First Man (1995), which Camus was writing before he died. The novel was an autobiographical work about his childhood in Algeria.

Summary of Absurdism

Many writers have addressed the Absurd, each with his or her own interpretation of what the Absurd is and what comprises its importance. For example, Sartre recognizes the absurdity of individual experience, while Kierkegaard explains that the absurdity of certain religious truths prevent us from reaching God rationally. Camus regretted the continued reference to himself as a "philosopher of the absurd". He showed less interest in the Absurd shortly after publishing Le Mythe de Sisyphe (The Myth of Sisyphus). To distinguish his ideas, scholars sometimes refer to the Paradox of the Absurd, when referring to "Camus's Absurd".

His early thoughts appeared in his first collection of essays, L'Envers et l'endroit (The Two Sides Of The Coin) in 1937. Absurd themes were expressed with more sophistication in his second collection of essays, Noces (Nuptials), in 1938. In these essays Camus reflects on the experience of the Absurd. In 1942 he published the story of a man living an absurd life as L'Étranger (The Stranger). In the same year he released Le Mythe de Sisyphe (The Myth of Sisyphus), a literary essay on the Absurd. He also wrote a play about Caligula, a Roman Emperor, pursuing an absurd logic. The play was not performed until 1945.

The turning point in Camus's attitude to the Absurd occurs in a collection of four letters to an anonymous German friend, written between July 1943 and July 1944. The first was published in the Revue Libre in 1943, the second in the Cahiers de Libération in 1944, and the third in the newspaper Libertés, in 1945. The four letters were published as Lettres à un ami allemand (Letters to a German Friend) in 1945, and were included in the collection Resistance, Rebellion, and Death.

Camus presents the reader with dualisms such as happiness and sadness, dark and light, life and death, etc. He emphasizes the fact that happiness is fleeting and that the human condition is one of mortality; for Camus, this is cause for a greater appreciation for life and happiness. In Le Mythe, dualism becomes a paradox: we value our own lives in spite of our mortality and in spite of the universe's silence. While we can live with a dualism (I can accept periods of unhappiness, because I know I will also experience happiness to come), we cannot live with the paradox (I think my life is of great importance, but I also think it is meaningless). In Le Mythe, Camus investigates our experience of the Absurd and asks how we live with it. Our life must have meaning for us to value it. If we accept that life has no meaning and therefore no value, should we kill ourselves?

In Le Mythe, Camus suggests that 'creation of meaning', would entail a logical leap or a kind of philosophical suicide in order to find psychological comfort. But Camus wants to know if he can live with what logic and lucidity has uncovered – if one can build a foundation on what one knows and nothing more. Creation of meaning is not a viable alternative but a logical leap and an evasion of the problem. He gives examples of how others would seem to make this kind of leap. The alternative option, namely suicide, would entail another kind of leap, where one attempts to kill absurdity by destroying one of its terms (the human being). Camus points out, however, that there is no more meaning in death than there is in life, and that it simply evades the problem yet again. Camus concludes, that we must instead 'entertain' both death and the absurd, while never agreeing to their terms.

Meursault, the absurdist hero of L'Étranger, has killed a man and is scheduled to be executed. Caligula ends up admitting his absurd logic was wrong and is killed by an assassination he has deliberately brought about. However, while Camus possibly suggests that Caligula's absurd reasoning is wrong, the play's anti-hero does get the last word, as the author similarly exalts Meursault's final moments.

Camus made a significant contribution to a viewpoint of the Absurd, and always rejected nihilism as a valid response.

"If nothing had any meaning, you would be right. But there is something that still has a meaning." Second Letter to a German Friend, December 1943.

Camus's understanding of the Absurd promotes public debate; his various offerings entice us to think about the Absurd and offer our own contribution. Concepts such as cooperation, joint effort and solidarity are of key importance to Camus, though they are most likely sources of 'relative' versus 'absolute' meaning. In The Rebel, Camus identifies rebellion (or rather, the values indicated by rebellion) as a basis for human solidarity.

"When he rebels, a man identifies himself with other men and so surpasses himself, and from this point of view human solidarity is metaphysical. But for the moment we are only talking of the kind of solidarity that is born in chains."

Religious beliefs and absurdism

While writing his thesis on Plotinus and Saint Augustine of Hippo, Camus became very strongly influenced by their works, especially that of St. Augustine. In his work, Confessions (consisting of 13 books), Augustine promotes the idea of a connection between God and the rest of the world. Camus identified with the idea that a personal experience could become a reference point for one's philosophical and literary writings. Camus later came to tout the idea that the absence of religious belief can simultaneously be accompanied by a longing for "salvation and meaning". This line of thinking presented an ostensible paradox and became a major thread in defining the idea of absurdism in Camus's writings.

Opposition to totalitarianism

Throughout his life, Camus spoke out against and actively opposed totalitarianism in its many forms. Early on, Camus was active within the French Resistance to the German occupation of France during World War II, even directing the famous Resistance journal, Combat. On the French collaboration with Nazi occupiers he wrote: "Now the only moral value is courage, which is useful here for judging the puppets and chatterboxes who pretend to speak in the name of the people." After liberation, Camus remarked, "This country does not need a Talleyrand, but a Saint-Just." The reality of the bloody postwar tribunals soon changed his mind: Camus publicly reversed himself and became a lifelong opponent of capital punishment.

Camus's well-known falling out with Sartre is linked to this opposition to totalitarianism. Camus detected a reflexive totalitarianism in the mass politics espoused by Sartre in the name of radical Marxism. This was apparent in his work L'Homme Révolté (The Rebel) which not only was an assault on the Soviet police state, but also questioned the very nature of mass revolutionary politics. Camus continued to speak out against the atrocities of the Soviet Union, a sentiment captured in his 1957 speech, The Blood of the Hungarians, commemorating the anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, an uprising crushed in a bloody assault by the Red Army.


Camus was once asked by his friend Charles Poncet which he preferred, football or the theatre. Camus is said to have replied, "Football, without hesitation."

Camus played as goalkeeper for Racing Universitaire d'Alger (RUA won both the North African Champions Cup and the North African Cup twice each in the 1930s) junior team from 1928–30. The sense of team spirit, fraternity, and common purpose appealed to Camus enormously. In match reports Camus would often attract positive comment for playing with passion and courage. Any aspirations in football disappeared at age 17, upon contracting tuberculosis—then incurable, Camus was bedridden for long and painful periods.

When Camus was asked in the 1950s by an alumni sports magazine for a few words regarding his time with the RUA, his response included the following:

After many years during which I saw many things, what I know most surely about morality and the duty of man I owe to sport and learned it in the RUA.

Camus was referring to a sort of simplistic morality he wrote about in his early essays, the principle of sticking up for your friends, of valuing bravery and fair-play. Camus's belief was that political and religious authorities try to confuse us with over-complicated moral systems to make things appear more complex than they really are, potentially to serve their own needs.


These women who became the inspirational founders of popular cults, each experienced suffering and deprivation in early life, loneliness and even cruelty in close relationships, the untimely death of children and rejection by the social group a a whole. It is this alchemical process which gives birth to shamanic qualities, powers and inspiration. The true shaman only comes to birth, after much personal suffering and misery. The cost is high. 

Naomi Ozaniec 

The Birthright to Shine. Amera Ziganii Rao 

I have the birthright to shine and be the best I can be. My father (and mother, brother and everyone else), taught me that no woman had the right to shine and be ambitious. Fuck him (them). I do. 

Guilt and fear of loss - the psychological warfare of abuse - cripple any woman on her quest to be whole. The pressure of 'not wanting to cause trouble' through to downright cruelty and authoritarian fascism of psychosis. Because we live in a world of female slavery. 

Fatherhood is in the healing of the real man. A man who knows. And a man who will always want to know. 

A man who loves women. A man who loves men. A man who loves. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

(Henry) Miller is not a writer; Henry James is a writer. Miller is a talker, a street corner gabbler, a prophet, and a Patagonian. 

Karl Shapiro

....I read a story about a father and a daughter that shredded me to tears. Great morning. 


Beauty lX (Artwork) 

Million Dollar Baby 

Million Dollar Baby is a 2004 sports drama film directed, co-produced, and scored by Clint Eastwood and starring Eastwood, Hilary Swank, and Morgan Freeman. It is the story of an under-appreciated boxing trainer, his elusive past, and his quest for atonement by helping an underdog amateur boxer (the film's title character) achieve her dream of becoming a professional. The film won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

The screenplay was written by Paul Haggis, based on short stories by F.X. Toole, the pen name of fight manager and "cutman" Jerry Boyd. Originally published under the title Rope Burns, the stories have since been republished under the film's title.

Margaret "Maggie" Fitzgerald, a waitress from a Missouri town in the Ozarks, shows up in the Hit Pit, a run-down Los Angeles gym which is owned and operated by Frankie Dunn, a brilliant but only marginally successful boxing trainer. Maggie asks Dunn to train her, but he angrily responds that he "doesn't train girls."

Maggie attempts to win the cantankerous Frankie over by working out tirelessly each day in his gym, even when others discourage her. Eddie "Scrap-Iron" Dupris, Frankie's friend and employee, encourages and helps her all he can. "Scrap" also narrates the story.

Frankie's prize prospect, "Big" Willie Little, signs with successful manager Mickey Mack after becoming impatient with Dunn's rejecting offers for a championship bout. With prodding from Scrap and impressed with her persistence, Frankie reluctantly agrees to train Maggie. He warns her that he will teach her only the basics and then find her a manager. His most important advice is that she should protect herself in the ring at all times.

Before her first fight, Frankie leaves Maggie with another manager, much to her dismay, but rejoins her in the middle of the bout, and coaches her to victory. Maggie makes him promise not to abandon her again. Maggie turns out to be a natural. She fights her way up in the women's welterweight boxing division, winning many of her bouts with first-round knockouts. Estranged from his own daughter who returns his letters unopened, Frankie comes to establish an almost paternal bond with Maggie. Dupris becomes concerned when Frankie rejects several offers for big fights, though, and arranges a meeting for her with Mickey Mack, but she is loyal to Frankie, and is rewarded for her loyalty when he begrudgingly accepts a fight for her against a top-ranked opponent in the UK. He bestows a Gaelic nickname on her, which energizes the crowd, and the two travel Europe as she continues to win.

Maggie's own white trash family cares little for her well-being. Maggie saves up enough of her winnings to buy her mother a house, but instead of being grateful, she berates Maggie for endangering her welfare payments and Medicaid benefits. She also belittles her daughter's success in the ring, saying that everyone back home is laughing at her.

Frankie is finally willing to arrange a title fight. He secures Maggie a $1 million match in Las Vegas, Nevada against the WBA women's welterweight champion, Billie "The Blue Bear", a German ex-prostitute who has a reputation as a dirty fighter. Overcoming a shaky start, Maggie begins to dominate the fight, but after a round has ended, Billie knocks her out with a sucker punch from behind. Before Frankie can pull the corner stool out of the way, Maggie lands hard on it, breaking her neck and leaving her a quadriplegic.

At first, Frankie refuses to accept the bleak prognosis, but dozens of other medical opinions unanimously confirm there is no hope of recovery. He half-heartedly places the responsibility on Scrap for convincing him to train Maggie, but in the end blames himself.

In a medical rehabilitation facility, Maggie looks forward to a visit from her family, though Frankie repeatedly calls them with no success. Eventually, the family arrives—but only after first visiting Disneyland and Universal Studios Hollywood—and with an attorney in tow. Their lone concern is to arrange the transfer of Maggie's assets to them. She sees through their transparent scheme and orders them to leave, threatening to sell the house, which they have not claimed in their name to continue receiving welfare payments, out from under them if they ever show their faces again.

Frankie never leaves her side. He reads to her, urges her to go back to school and invites her to come live with him. As the days pass, however, Maggie develops bedsores and undergoes an amputation for an infected leg. She asks a favor of Frankie: to help her die while she can still remember the cheers she heard, saying she got what she most wanted out of life.

A horrified Frankie refuses, but seeks the advice of his priest, Father Horvak, whom he has tormented for 23 years. Horvak warns him that euthanasia is a grave sin, and that he will be lost forever if he goes through with it. Maggie bites her tongue repeatedly in an attempt to bleed to death, but the medical staff saves her life each time and takes measures to prevent further suicide attempts.

Frankie sneaks in one night. Just before administering a fatal injection of adrenaline, he finally tells Maggie the meaning of a nickname he gave her, Mo Chuisle (spelled incorrectly in the film as "mo cuishle"): Irish for "my darling, and my blood" (literally, "my pulse"). He then disappears for good. 

Scrap's narration is revealed to be a letter to Frankie's daughter, informing her of her father's true character.

Million Dollar Baby received the award for Best Picture of 2004 at the 77th Academy Awards. Clint Eastwood was awarded his second Best Director Oscar for the film and also received a Best Actor in a Leading Role nomination. Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman received Best Actress in a Leading Role and Best Actor in a Supporting Role Oscars, respectively. Joel Cox, Eastwood's editor for many years, was nominated for Best Film Editing, and Paul Haggis was nominated for the Best Adapted Screenplay award.

The film was also nominated for and won a number of Golden Globes, SAG Awards, and the Directors Guild Award.


The beauty of it is this. You don’t even have to do any of that. You just have to care. The symbolism is unconditional love, not the doing. Just, the caring. No matter what. Putting her needs first, for her. That is love. Clearly, 'she' can do everything else. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Care. Amera Ziganii Rao 

Care for other human beings. Not just the ones who need you. Fascism comes from the same root as any dependency, whatever it’s unique brutalities. Ownership Psychosis™ is the Amera Ziganii Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ interpretation. For both men and women. The so called, ‘Mars’ archetype. The ‘dominant’. The ‘action’ person. The one who leads from instinct instead of from intuition – the purpose of advanced life, to become whole – I have worked very hard in my life to access and move from my instinct and my physical, from the first, because my intuition was so much stronger – The person whose ego is Ownership Psychosis™ and distancing, instead of worshipping and being stuck in ungrounded fantasy and projecting terror as a reactive rage, and all the other characteristics, that I have not even begun to look back and define yet. My ego is done. The superego continues for life, in soul. Ego however is another matter. Ego has to go. And yours, to recap, is the fascist, the misogynist and the person who just doesn’t care about the needs of anyone they need. A person who does not care about the needs of anyone they need, and yet the person who sincerely yearns to look after the person they need. 

The person who consumes another person. The one who swallows the other whole. In the positive, it’s beautiful. Sexually it’s sublime. Parentally, it is sublime. As a mentor or friend or producer or manager or adviser, it is sublime. As a brother or sister or mate, it is sublime. And so on. I like your people. Otherwise, why the fuck would I be doing this? So, in the positive, the times when you are RELAXED and feeling CONSIDERATE, you are great. In the negative, it is the violence and destruction of the entire world. 

In the negative, it is the violence, hate and destruction of this whole, entire world. Fascism as the authoritarianism that is my purpose and has been my purpose, to defeat and transmute, my whole life. Domestic, casual, every day, fascism. Your lot. My lot has its own fascism, certainly. Ego is fascistic by its very nature. Selfish love is fascistic per se. 

But your fascism is a supreme art. Don’t forget that as you continue to ascend, layer by layer. I brace myself for the attacks now, that have to come. Your ego has ‘seen the writing on the wall’. Ego is first and last, angry. Angry and vengeful and utterly, chronically, terrified. ‘Gollam’ (Tolkein’s The Lord of the Rings). The splinter of ego is ‘Gollam’. The weak and pathetic coward and the vengeful, vicious and malicious little bastard. 

Your ego has unique challenges, just to recap. The whole world backs it up. Encourages it, develops it, educates it, supports it and, most of all, demands it. The world demands Ownership Psychosis™ as a way of life. 

That is the political. The psychological is the sheer insanity of it. The greed of need. Greed is not love. Let’s leave it there for now. On the emotional level, the mind you are used to, the mind that anyone is used to, in ego, you are programmed – and willingly now, very willingly, where you will defend it with your life – to use women. 

Women, or the person closest to you, from an assistant, to a butler, to a mother to a sister to a servant, is to be used. That is the warmonger code, for pseudo warriors. Like any of us in the developed state, in other words, most of us, we are not like that all the time. In ego, and the more intelligent and more spiritually advanced we are, the more skill we acquire, we manage to control that part of us, but it is still there and with your ego, the whole world backs it up. You are taught to be warmongers who treat women or the ‘helper’ person, like whores and servants. It’s your spoil of war. You do the killing and get the spoils. Your ego is angry. ‘Only hurting people hurt people’ a Christian teaching that a friend taught me a while ago. You hurt women. You hurt many people in ego, believe me. But you really, hurt women. And you hurt women, because you love us the most. And you lose what you love. Because you hurt what you love. 

All ego is essentially like that. The more that ego has been taught by more extreme methods of violence and hate and vengeance and social programming, the more that ego will REPLICATE what it has seen, let alone, what it has been taught. You can INTELLECTUALLY see wisdom, but you cannot become it, until you kill that layer of the ego. 

So your layer flavours are this; you have been taught to totally disrespect, dehumanise and hate, everyone. That is what life teaches us and what families like ours teach. Everyone is out to get everyone else. Men will try and take this from you and women will try and take this from you and everyone ‘has a racket’ or words to that effect – ‘Terry Malloy’ in Elia Kazan’s ‘On The Waterfront’. We are taught that everyone has a racket and everyone is out to get us. We are taught to hate. We are taught to hate God, because we are condemned to hell. Unless we obey the most ridiculous and INHUMANE rules. So we get confused and we get scared, layer by layer by layer by layer. 

Ego is mostly, totally and utterly, confused. Ego is also the most logical, rational part of us. Ego has to be talked to with that language to make it see sense. We are moving from the rational to the intuitive, Hierophant interpretation of symbols and into the use of the higher imagination, for sure. But the ego has to be talked to in very common sense language. And most of all, the political and sociological contexts. 

Just a recap. Layer by layer. You disrespect women. You don’t care about anyone you need. Once you need someone, you enter a state of psychotic terror and therefore need that person too much and that makes you scared, so you attack what you are scared of, so you cannot love the person you need, so they don’t like you and then you need them more and then you attack them more. And so on. 

You also do all of this, because no one has parented you. No one has parented any of us, who are in advanced, Warrior Class training and development. I became my own parent at 2. I became her parent at 7. It is the way for people like us. 

No one is ever going to parent you the way you want to be parented. It is a mad, denied, psychically destructive, greed of vengeful need. Your pain. Your experience. Your reason, and maybe the only one, for becoming the kind of person who doesn’t feel. 

You are also from a background, gender wise and as usual, archetype wise, where you had to MATERIALLY provide for yourself, fast. I come from a background, gender wise and as usual, archetype wise, where I had to STRATEGICALLY and EMOTIONALLY provide safety for myself, fast. Our areas of expertise. 

Whatever superego’s pain as has been expressed, when I entered soul, when the last layer of ego was pushed out and confronted and transcended, I gave that strategic and emotional safety RAGE OF PSYCHOSIS need, it’s last talking to. I trusted the feeling of love. I trusted that it would take me to a good place and that I would TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT. That was actually the beginning of the layer shedding, the many years ago, when I began. It was always a choice, from the different spiritual educations, I am beginning to recap for myself. 

Wayne Dyer calls it ‘getting out of the way’. That worked for me completely. Christopher Howard teaches his version of Neuro Linguistic Programming, which so effectively takes one back to one’s first ‘Limiting Decision’. The decisions our ego made when we weren’t looking and that dominate our every single intense emotional moment in life. The terror of not being loved, the terror of losing any security, the rage of discomfort, the rage of pain, the rage of rejection, alienation, and being met by the blanket wall of both psychological death and rampant, global, casual authoritarian fascism. In all its forms, from male supremacy to racism to every other atrocity on this planet. 

The human sickness of the mind. Ego. Get out of the way. Every time you are afraid, or in the thousands of layers that hide fear, that HIDE fear, ie, the rage, the judgment, the conditional, malicious will to subjugate, the not caring about the other person, the selfish dehumanisation, get out of the way. Try something different. Just get out of the way and see what else speaks. Silence speaks. Listen to it. 

The rest is sociological. You like disrespecting women and you like not caring about anyone you need, for your own purposes. Tough. Get over it. It’s called adulthood. Again, the whole world backs up your toddler sickness. It condemns what mine was. So as you go through it layer by layer, the need to just not give a shit about my careers because you actually don’t care about me for one second, but only what I can give you, because that is conditional love and in men, and women like you, it is dehumanisation and cutting someone off at the ankles. 

Funny that, because my disability is to do with my feet.  A disability that was ignored. No one cared. Your selfishness is narcissistic. Always remember that. We come from narcisstic human beings. Very extreme, and very every day versions of world sickness. 

The rest is to remember that you don’t want to be either a misogynist or Ownership Psychotic™ or fascist anymore. You like me and want to succeed in love. And it’s not as if your ego is not being told what is not acceptable. You are still listening and that makes you worthy. My standards have dropped. That is good and all that is needed. 

Greed is not love, treating women like whores is not love and treating someone like a servant is not love. No human relationship is free. Every relationship has to take effort. You are programmed to use women in a thousand ways and not give a shit. You have got work to do. 

Your aim is unconditional love. Caring about another person who is not a child or a mate. Caring about the person you need, desire and want and love the most. Caring about the person you desire. You treat women like whores as your forefathers and mothers have taught you so well and continue to teach you in every second of every day. 

Fortunately, you have a mind of your own. We are all The Warrior Class. You have a mind too. I am facilitating your battle with yourself. In true ‘Fight Club’ style (David Fincher’s The Fight Club). You, as Brad Pitt’s character, treat women like shit and couldn’t give a shit about her needs or anyone else’s. Not really. Don’t lie. You, as the Edward Norton character, are searching for inner power. You don’t think you have any. You have to kill one to get the other. 

The battle is all in you and therefore has absolutely nothing to do with another person, ie, me. Whether you are male or female – and obviously, my mother had no capacity to get this, and I never stayed around my brother long enough to even find out what he was capable of, the roaring of his arrogance and indignant rage was always enough to push anyone away, as is your archetype’s speciality, and my father had his own brand of ‘Venus’ male, fascism which is exactly the same, just more whining. That’s the only difference in your fascisms. One whines and the other deliberately puts you down, so you stay weak and scared. The abuse of parenthood is the worst thing to see. 

That’s how your archetype makes us feel. Your terrible, belligerent, flattening, insanity of selfishness, where you are just lost in your own world of terror and nothing can get through, other than violence. That, due to my own magnificent work, is hardly a problem for me now. That is not the point and you know that. Fortunately. My job is to talk truth to power as Aaron Sorkin says in The West Wing. Your job is to lose power. To share it. To give it away. And that means you don’t have any power. 

Henry Vlll did not have power. He was a slave to his cock. The fascist ego likes to fool itself that desire is something he or she can control and that desire is just confined to one type of activity, ie sex. 

Desire is not love is also your new mantra. Desire has to be controlled, just like anything else and I am talking about the most sexless kinds of desire. The need, greed and demand for company or reassurance or presence of a person. The fascistic demand that you get your needs looked after and you will bully and coerce and make sure that person has their feet cut off, so they will continue doing so and you don’t actually give a shit that they don’t love you. Because to you in ego, as is the same in all ego, LOVE IS WAR. 

In ego, love is war. Because the ghosts of the past have not been put to rest. The family. Love with another person is not about romantic love. It is about family, romantic love. It is the family part that his the psychosis. It’s what family is for. Our first fucked up relationships which, depending on what kind of life we are here to live, we resolve one way or another, during the heroic journey. The past is literal and symbolic, of this life and of all lives for 8000 years, since The World Slave Order took over and make us all sick. 

Your wounds are in your first ever moments in life. You project them onto me, in your ego. Desire is not love, greed is not love and bullying an apparent love outside of someone, is not love. 

‘Commodus’ (Ridley Scott’s Gladiator) think s so. You don’t. But for that, you have to forgive. And that takes commitment. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Care ll. Amera Ziganii Rao 

It begins with your mothers. Your mother and your mothers. A girl moves into psychosis of love dependency which is of a particular variety for one reason above all. Men are worshipped. The whole of this society, across the globe, worships male. Everything is male. Your stories, your lives, your characteristics, your ways, your terrible ways, your arrogances, your wishes, your desires, yours, yours, yours and yours. You ARE ego, by the very nature of being male now. The whole world worships you. Fathers, good or bad, are worshipped. They are male. Second, they most often have the money. Third, they most often, are the first fascists in the family or group or scenario. Everyone worships the power they are supposed to, in order to survive. Don’t tell me about instinct. 

The difference with Hierophant is that we see as we do. We see, as we do. We are also the underclass. My safety was paramount, from the earliest age. I am female. 

So, while unconsciously building up this whole male worship thing inside, my splinter was, psychotically and in terror in my ego, that I also do not trust men or anyone in authority OVER me, one tiny, bloody, bit. So, I worshipped desperately in psychosis, knowing the whole while, that men spelled danger for very real, very monitored and very experienced, reasons. 

Your splinter is that you want to love a species you have been systematically taught to hate and abuse. 

And it began with your mother. Men bully their wives. It is your kudos and how you get points in life. This is the insanity that drives the world, with everyone, literally, keeping up with the Jones. And an insanity of all pervasive thought that must never be forgotten. When I first watched Shekhar Kapoor’s Bandit Queen, about the real life, Phoolan Devi, who was assassinated in the end, I saw the first narrative that spoke directly to my fear. That film, her story, is the best symbolic representation of what it is to be female. Every single man she ever came across, raped her. That is all they did. Woman, spelt rape. That was it. 

Extraordinary. I saw that about twenty years ago and can remember it perfectly. Such is the imprint on the soul. Truth. 

You watched your fathers, uncles, brothers, cousins, guys at school, guys in narrative of any kind, disrespect your mother. You walk around as male with a splinter all of your own. The so called Madonna. The most brilliantly, manipulated ‘invincible’ woman. The saint. A woman who polite society pretends in its empty desperation of godlessness, to honour. What they honour is a silent and obedient slave who smiles through the abuse. 

That is not the unconditional love you deserve. And that is all that is on offer in the world view. Your ego. 

Secondly, it doesn’t exist, as your ego has found out to its bitter rage. Absolutely. The levels of disappointment, even in superego of the lack of care in your self is bitter too. Every single second. And in ego it was pure fury. That men were not invincible and desperate to be nice to me. I believed in ego, that that was unconditional love. The whole of society, in its poisonous lies, tells me that too. 

Well, it does exist, as does male love, I can now finally, see. But obviously not as puppets or slaves or people, made to sit down at a table and earn their right to live. 

What you expect from a woman is that. What I used to expect, in worship, was that with a man. Ascension is about stripping the soul, of the sick ego. Earth pollution. Stripping the soul is to break illusion. One after the other after the other after the other. That is why in ego, we end up hating the person we love. Our illusions are more important to us, by far, than the feelings of the other person. Despite our selves. 

You see, I don’t buy this stuff about your archetype not feeling. The usual adage. You do feel. You just hate the person you love. With a raging need and greed. And you call it male supremacy. Because your daddy taught you to. He showed you, with the way he treated mummy and mummy treated you badly as a result, even though she pretended to worship you. Men like you and women like you, distrust the person you love, because you distrust the mothers who withdrew their love. No one is going to love in fascism. Everyone is serving the fascist. Everyone is serving their own needs and everyone is looking after number one. Fascism breeds fascism and victims. The victims are those who CHOOSE not to be fascists. You chose fascism. I was also a woman, watching a woman being abused. You were watching a man being an abuser. A weak abuser or a strong abuser, it’s still abuse. 

Your whole society abuses women and calls that love. You are still in that society. I am not. I don’t worship men anymore. I love. You will not disrespect women anymore, by not giving a shit about anything about them, other than what they can give you. You will love. You will take back that abuse your father and fathers mete out to the women and you will face the reality that women are not plastic madonnas and obedient saints. They are writhing masses of love, just like you. With Hierophant wisdom, if you ‘re lucky. 

And that means they are not going to be either scared of you, or sycophantic. It’s why men like you look for women like me. What we are stopping is the co-dependency of some ridiculous power struggle that will make your careers strong and mine weak, because I am the Hierophant. I do give a shit about feelings. And I most certainly give a shit about mine. Slavery is your system. Love is mine. 

Layer by layer. It all begins with your mothers. My brother spoke parrot fashion into shouting at the age of 7, to me, just like both his father to his mother and his mother, to me. I watched the conversion in front of me and have never reached him since. Ego is madness. Soul is sanity. 

I see as I do. You have to, too. Is it lack of skill or is it just laziness. You never had to. It’s your world. It’s been your world ever since. Women are brought up to worship men. You came for me, because you were fed up of worship that went nowhere. But you still expect obedience. That is your father, beating your mother – literally or symbolically, I am not watching – Your splinter is that you want to beat me, because your ego believes that is love. 

You want to put me down, disempower me, have me serving in the kitchen or cleaning toilets, so you live out the nightmare that was your family life. You just remember it as a sentimental dream. Ego is all illusion to protect our pain. 

You enter the fight and you think that is love, because that is the love you saw. Ego is also at a different vibration to soul. You can take a lot more pain and violence than I can. Paradoxically, you are a lot weaker than I am. Soul is a different flavour. The levels of compassion hurt. You are not hurting enough yet. You still don’t care about me for one second. Only what you can GET from me. On your terms, just like daddy did. 

Stepping out of the ego mind is to take control of your mind. And let his go. And hers too. The judgments that any abused mother sends out to sons. How could she not? And her rage of sickness in the first place? We are all polluted.

She put him down and he put her down. In reaction , she passively aggressively sulks in that agony of being under fascism. In proaction, he beats her more. Ego is all that. The whole memory as instinctive action in you. You have to know which reaction is which. You have to analyse your instinct. Layer by layer. 

Until you care about women. Until you care about anyone. And you will. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

And God Created Woman ll Pt lll (ll). A Self Portrait 





The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™

The Super Sacred Brother Lover™ 

The Return To The Source. Ascension.

The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. When we were giants. All of us. When you did more than rape me. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Neo Feminist™, Post Tribe Social Reformer™ and Sacred Sexualist™. Human Rights Healer. Metaphysical Philosopher, Writer, Spiritual Intelligence Teacher, Hierophant (Interpreter of The Universe) and Mentalist Self Actualiser. 

I can help you grow power, from nothing. 

Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

The Sacred Whore High Priestess Hierophant™ and Sacred Pimp Warrior Protector, Brother Lover™ Society. The kings and queens of old. Angels and Sorcerers together in each of themselves and in the other. The Wizard life. Forever. Living and loving from The Source. Sourcery, Carlos Castaneda first said. I'll say it again. Sourcerers together. Living a life worth living. At last. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Witches are healers. Witches are the Love Healers and SOURCErers of The Lost World, when we were the giant warriors. We were good and so were were you. 'The World of Men'. The Tribe of Misogyny and Bourgeois™. 

Gives us all a bad name. And poisons all hearts. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013

Feminist Lolita Intellectuals™. You lucky man. A place at the table, a place at the Executive Table. That's all. The rest is easy. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2013



The Company. 

Writer, Speaker and Enlightener, Amera Ziganii Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. A programme of learning that is specifically about one particular kind of woman. And one particular kind of man. The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the true society that they come from and the one they, in particular, she can and has to return to and that anyone can join her and him in. This is about Paradise on Earth.

This is about The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, and the Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity that is for all as a result of their healing and in particular, hers. This is about the kind of woman who is at the bottom of the pile in a Patriarchal Toilet Tribe from Hell Society™, the norm, the conventional world and the world of the Tribe. This is about the kind of man who is next in line from the bottom. The sensitive man and the female chattel. The High Priestess and High Priest of a profane society, that has long forgotten who they are.

This is about being at the bottom of the pile, for the forgotten and strangled shamans, and for her, the story of escape. Abused by her family, her friends, her men, her whole society, by the very nature of who she is and who they are and what has happened on this Earth. It is about women of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about men of love, of Spirit and of sex. It is about the Cinderellas of this world. It is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™. Who she is and how, loving her is the secret to Paradise on Earth and how we have been living a lie for 8000+ years. A lie of male (non High Priest) religion with a male ‘God’ and with Patriarchs and Patriarchal types and Matriarchs and Matriarchal types ruling over us and making our lives hell, all in the name of family, the tribe and the way things are and should remain. Hate, fascism and profanity. A sick society that vilifies, more than anyone else, the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, just because it was told to. A sick society that calls her Eve. A sick society that has forgotten who we all are, let alone the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and the Sacred Whore High Priest™. This is about us remembering and knowing who WE are.

This is a programme of healing for the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™, and the Sacred Whore High Priest™, to take them and particularly, her, from monstrous levels of low self esteem and lack of self knowledge, back to herself and it is a programme for all those who truly want to love her, and indeed, him. This is a programme for the greatest carers on Earth, who are vilified, destroyed, ridiculed, ignored, abused, used, misused and hated for being everything that those who would steal from us are not. This is a programme to turn Cinderellas into The Sacred Whore High Priestesses and for anyone who wants to love her or live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™. And this is a programme to turn sensitive men into Sacred Whore High Priests™ and for anyone who wants to love him and live by the values of the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and High Priest Society. Love, humanity, Spirit and sex. This is a programme to reverse 8000+ years of witch burning, women hating and healer ridicule. This is about the The Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and all those who would love her and live by her values.

This is about the chance for Paradise on Earth. This is a programme for the most beautiful, kind hearted, wounded women and men on this planet. A programme of how to implement a system of how to beat life, how to survive life and how to resurrect from the grief that is a true life. Alchemy and Liberation and Humanity of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, ‘happy’, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. How to turn grief into creation and survive and thrive, despite all the shit, all the pain and all the hurt. How to live in a world of madness, hollowness and cruelty and how to be a winner. How to stand up for oneself and to take back the power that has been stolen from anyone with heart, Spirit and sex. The art and science of Alchemy.

This is a programme, based on my scholarly and non scholarly work over 15 years (so far), if not for my whole life, and my extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of relative bliss, and above all, the right to be. The programme and the courses and my speaking and indeed my forthcoming book, will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. Who the Sacred Whore High Priestess™ is and why she is here. And who the Sacred Whore High Priest™ is. Why we are here. Who we are and what we are and why we are. The beauty and glory of the truth. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the future.

My first book of consciousness, my first book of the spiritual politics of humanity, of authentic power and of self love and strength. A comprehensive series of online courses, live events and audio and visual material. Books, live events, CDs and DVDs. And one on one personal empowerment consultations. The Amera Ziganii Rao Method of Change™. The right to be and the way to have the right to be. And indeed, how to maintain the will to live without love. How to BE unconditional, self sufficient, self caring, self love. The right to be and the will to be and the unparalleled success that comes with that. The Lost Knowledge™. HOW to live. And how to heal others, the profane and the sick and the soulless. The others. My Business and that of any Sacred Whore High Priestess™ and Sacred Whore High Priest™, is Human Rights, The Right to a Sexual Society, Self Actualisation and Freedom.

My Business is To Overthrow Fascism, in the Home and in the Country. My business is also mastering destiny. Overthrowing the ultimate 'fascism'. Our journey on Earth and The Return To The Source. Our healing, our ascension and our redemption. Fate. The daily crucifixions of a true life, the challenges and the fury of being healers and people of love on a planet like Earth.

Submitting to the journey to liberate and evolve oneself, through following one's heart, however much heartbreak and devastation it leads to on the long long long journey to freedom and then the longer journey to happiness. 'Long Road to Freedom', as Nelson Mandela says. My business is always taking risks, never giving up and making the endless sacrifices it takes to become whole. Enlightenment, Nirvana and then Parinirvana and beyond. My business is pain. My business is bliss.

My business is seeing the truly glory of Spirit on Earth. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Society™ and all that it is. Spirit, humanity, sex and love again at last. And the end of our legacy as either servants or witches or unpaid carers or indeed, ignored mistresses, other women, other men even, and the weirdos that are at the bottom of society. This is our world and it is time to take it back and I can show you how. And that makes my life, truly, worth living. 

I want you to feel the way I do. Alive, with the right to be and the belligerence to exist in this profane and male ‘God’ led world of male supremacy, female supremacy, domestic, casual fascism, tribe rules from hell, with beautiful and kind, love intelligence laden, female and male Cinderella warriors at the bottom, caring for everyone else and getting nothing but hatred, ridicule and isolation for it. The meek are already inheriting the Earth and I can show you how.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012 

I am THE High Priestess Monarch of the ancient past and I forgive you for becoming enslaved and taken over by the machines of the alien reptile force that invaded and took over Earth 8000 years ago. They taught you to hate me and my kind and you believed them. They told you I and my kind were dictators and that you were slaves, when all we had done was love you, honour you as companions and above all, we had let you just live. 

We were the holy communers, the ones who gave birth to human beings, the leaders of society, the creators of society, the vehicles of Divinity on Earth and the channels of wisdom. The ones who looked after everything and the ones who built everything and ran everything, because we could. And because we loved it. We are and were the force of creation. And you loved us and you lived. 

But they told you that you ‘deserved’ power too and that we were the ones standing in your way. And you believed them. The oldest ‘divide and rule’ strategy of hate in history and it worked. They used it and you bought it, hook, line and sinker. You had to give up sex, love, magic and your own spiritual gifts and you burnt, destroyed and violated me for 8000 years. 

The world calls that male supremacy. And indeed, family supremacy, Matriarchal supremacy and supremacy of the material world and all who believe in it. Men and women like you. When all that you are are slaves to a reptile force to generate hate energy for them to live and thrive and vampire the human race. The puppets of a hate force, that chose to destroy women and men like me, for hate to grow, so they could live. You bought it and it worked. The greatest fraud in the history of the world. 

I am THE High Priestess Monarch of the ancient past and I forgive you for becoming enslaved and taken over by the machines of the alien reptile force that invaded and took over Earth 8000 years ago. They taught you to hate me and my kind and you believed them. They taught you that my mind was evil. My mind, my sex, my body and my ways of life. 

The humanity, the glory of sexuality and the glory of creation and creativity and the glory of Divinity in each and every one of us. Our souls. They taught you that human beings are separate from Divinity, that sex was wrong and that women who have minds of their own are uppity slaves. They vilified us but much much worse than that, they destroyed your relationship with all that is unseen, all that we honour and love. 

They taught you to hate what is really God. By teaching you to hate us, you hated all that is good in yourselves. They taught you to hate the light. They taught you to kill us. The daughters of The Universe. The High Priestesses of God. The Spiritual Mothers. The Sacred Whore High Priestess Avatars of The Universe™. The Sacred Army of Love on Earth. 

The Shamans, the Mystics and the Communers. The Hierophants. 

They called me Eve and blamed me for the downfall of the human race and created the awesome profanity that is religion. Of men, by men and from men. Of reptiles, by reptiles and from reptiles. Christianity, Islam and Judaism and every other philosophy around the world was poisoned. There are no female spiritual leaders left. It is all profanity. They chose you to represent them because they wanted to divide us and they did. They told you to hate me. And you believed them. Now I am back and I forgive you. 

I forgive you because I can. Because I came here to save your soul. And because I finally know who I am. I am THE High Priestess Monarch of the ancient past. I came here to return your soul to The Source. God, The Mother, The Universe. To return you to what is really God. Because I love you. And because She loves you and your kind, whatever you have done. 

Whatever you have done to me and whatever you have done to Her. And most of all, whatever you have done to yourself. We forgive you. This is your redemption. Your freedom and your ascension. We are here to save your soul. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012 

You bought the Sacred Whore like a piece of meat and you called that a wife. Your trophy wives. Your dancing girls. Your chattel and serving girls. Your piece of beauty. You bought us like you would cattle. Then you called it wives. Now you call it prostitution. The High Priestesses of the real God. You bought us to buy God, The Mother, The Universe and you caged us, separated us from our Divine gifts and skills in the Temple and drove us mad and then lost interest in us, because we had no gifts left, no excitement, no hunter in ourselves and no hope or joy left. Then you just called us mad and discarded us. You called us evil and you call love obedience, even though it had already killed us. You moved into our Temples and you played with the divination tools and thought you communed. The destruction of Atlantis was your gift. 

You stole us from God, The Mother, The Universe and you tried to usurp us. You vilified us, enslaved us and you still envy us today. You call it intuition. You might want to think about this when you hate us out of your jealousy. The mystic gene means physical tortuous pain and taking on the empathy of the human race. All their pains, evils and dark thoughts. We see and feel everything. We make crucial sacrifices to be near Spirit and the unseen and we go without for years. To be shaman is not glamour. I make it glamour. To be shaman is a specific Samurai existence, ascetic and harsh. We commune to be guides. And you take that and you shame yourselves because you just want the meat. You didn’t just want the meat. You wanted our beauty of spirit, our personalities and our love and kindness. And you destroyed them, because you caged us and called us wife. 

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012 

The High Priestess Sacred Whores, the High Priests and the true protectors. Those who do not have the gift like either the High Priests or especially like the highest of all, the High Priestess Sacred Whores but who honour, protect and facilitate them to the world. Who honour the Shaman Sacred Whores of this world most of all, and who know who they are and who they are not. Who know the difference, who do not envy and who protect and love the representatives of Spirit, GOD, THE MOTHER, THE UNIVERSE, on Earth. Who honour their wisdom and who honour the latent Shaman in themselves too and who honour the communing ability of the High Priestess Sacred Whores. The non violators. Our only friends. The New Society exists. It is called Enlightenment. It is called Love. It is The Holy Grail.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012 

The master race. It's all a lie. You are brought up to be a despot king and it is only your sister who ever tells you that you have become a pratt. The master race is all a lie. There are no kings in an equal world. Your father was misinformed. What he brought you up to be was a killer. Pure and simple. A misogynist. A modern misogynist. A polite killer.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

I enter the magical hours of pure feeling, pure thought, pure imagination and I think and I write and I 'mysticise' the Universe. I escape at will, the truth of my humanless, Samurai solitude, and I pursue the truth of love in myself and in everyone else. I am philosopher. I am shaman. I am alone. I frontier the Soul to be spirit on Earth.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

Amera Ziganii Rao is a former hard news journalist who is now turning professional with her art forms and indeed, her healing forms, after a long journey of inner searching, self teaching and exploring many layers and areas of both craft and wisdom. She is now working on her first book of philosophy and esoteric thought, and social, cultural and spiritual commentary. She is also showing her first photography collections. And last but most definitely not least, she is building a business to share her Sacred Whore High Priestess Society consciousness and empowering explorations to reach as many people as possible across the world. She is in her forties and lives in London.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life, in this insane existence called The Universe. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2011

Copyright and intellectual property rights are serious issues. And legally protected. Please do not reproduce my work anywhere without due credit and obviously, never for financial gain. 'Big Sister' is watching you! Other than that, please continue to enjoy my original work and the work of (credited) others, for free, while I work on using my material in further professional formats. Thank you for your interest and support.

Amera Ziganii Rao © 2012

Thank you to outside sources for photography and artwork. Darkroomed by Amera Ziganii Rao 


  • Temujin Rao :: Ascension Warlord :: The Nemesis Life :: The Twin Flame Path for Earth :: The Misogyny Wars of All Time. The Nephilim versus Seraphim Wars of All Time. The Thothian Wars From Hell of All Time. The Fallen Angel Wars From Hell of All Time. The Female Gods of The Light versus The Male Witches of The Dark. The Wars From Hell of All Time. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Philosopher, Esoteric and Occultist. Critical Thinker. Artist :: Narcissist Hunter + Dark Empath + Black Molfar Shaman + Starseed Amazon Warlord.
  • Temujin Rao :: Ascension Warlord :: The story of Seraphim on a Nephilim 'Toilet Tribe' Earth. Men don't hate women. Men hate Goddesses. Ergo, Goddesses must hate men (and the women of the same). Ascension is a rehabilitation through the abuse of Nephilim. This is my story. Freedom and leaving the people we have loved. The people who have never loved us. The slavers of existence. The Fallen Angels of the Multiverse. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • The true love and true life path. Made in heaven. Rebuilt in hell. Seraphim + Nephilim. The Primal Warrior Leaders of the true earth. God is not male. The Great Mother Multiverse leads. And we are Her Daughters. This is Lilith Intelligence for the new world. Healers of ourselves. Healers of men. Healers of the women of men. Healers of the people of The Light. Healers of the whole world. Lilith.Kali.Medusa.Hecate. "The sons of the gods and the daughters of men." The Return to Eden. Temujin Rao © 2024
  • Good versus Evil. The Twin Flame Path for Earth. Made in Heaven. Never rebuilt in Hell. The Wars of Ascension. Whether or not you like it. Starseed's purpose. The endless wars of hate in hell. The Twin Flame Experience with The Fallen Angels. Evil. The mediocrity of evil versus the spiritual genius of good. Armageddon for the new world. Lilith versus Adam. Temujin Rao ©
  • My business is Nephilim, The Fallen Angels. The conscious Plantation Owners of the (true) Female Earth. The men and the women of the Devil. Those who would enslave the true mother archetype of this filthy earth forever. This is the 'Handmaid's' Revolution. This is the Second Coming. This is War. The so called Twin Flame experience. Earth is the planet hell. Time to rebuild it. Without Nephilim. And with. The Divine Plan. Demons and Indigo Warriors. Until the death of 'Commodus'. Temujin Rao ©
  • I am here to uncover the biggest sexual predator programme for earth. Relationship. All People of The Light will have to transcend sex, love and connection. On Earth, it is just a predator programme, aimed at us. This is Ascension. The return to The Temples and leaving all Nephilim, male and female, forever. Temujin Rao ©
  • Nephilim Seed + Seraphim/Emerald Order Seed. Two kinds of love. One leads. One is more. Ergo, one will always have to wait. Love is too advanced. Temujin Rao ©
  • There is no such thing as the Twin Flame Path for Earth. There is no such thing as love of any kind. Earth is a planet of the Witches of the Dark. The (Female and Male) Gods of the Light are the only love. Earth is a planet of celibacy or sadism. Nothing in between. Earth is a metaphor for The Taliban. The Witches of the Dark. Temujin Rao ©
  • I was forced onto the so called Twin Flame path. I am not mad. I am not in love with love. I was not a vulnerable female, open to love abuse. I am a High Serpent Interdimensional Starseed, born onto this earth at this time. I found out that the Multiverse is more cruel than the Nephilim males of this earth. Now it is leaving men all over again. Long after I left them. The Divine Plan. A piece of shit. Temujin Rao ©
  • The Love Holocaust. The Life Holocaust. The Divinity Holocaust :: Be an Outlaw. Build the Ancient World ©
  • The true love and true life path. Made in heaven. Rebuilt in hell. Seraphim + Nephilim. The Primal Warrior Leaders of the true earth. God is not male. The Great Mother Multiverse leads. And we are Her Daughters. This is Lilith Intelligence for the new world. Healers of ourselves. Healers of men. Healers of the women of men. Healers of the people of The Light. Healers of the whole world. Lilith.Kali.Medusa.Hecate. "The sons of the gods and the daughters of men." The Return to Eden. Temujin Rao ©

High Serpent Female Priesthood lV (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

High Serpent Female Priesthood lV (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
High Superconsciousness™, Supernatural Intelligence + Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence™. A Spiritual Intellectual of the Emotions™, using Spiritual Logic, Philosophy, Writing, Speaking, Imagination, Channelling, Thought and Clair Cognisance (Alchemically, Higher Wisdom From The Universe, Spiritual Intelligence). I am a genius who has been reared a chattel. And so are you. Female (and Male) High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™. It's real. And so are you, despite all that they tell you. There is an agenda of slavery on this Lemurian earth. And it is directed, completely, at us. But we are the genii in this world. We are not the mediocre elite. They are. And it is time to stop 'shooting ourselves in the foot' because we neither know who we are, or indeed, who they are. The slavers. The pseudo Empaths who use their gifts for evil. Control of another person. Control of women, who they truly believe they are superior to. Because they believe that the 'rape' model of life is sex. With no artistry or understanding of how to merge it with humanity and SEX. To them it is all the same thing and they will kill us dead before even being able to want to understand what they do and why. The men and women of this Lemurian cesspool of an earth. It is time to leave them and it is time to rise. It is time to be the elite again. As we once were. An elite, who do not believe in slavery. An elite, who have been slaves for 12000 years. Indeed, through our sex. Our nemesis. And of course love. Which we believe is normal. Women. The Light. I am a genius who has been reared as a chattel. And so are you. It is our world now. Join me. Become your Supersoul Self. Fight the slavers. Get rid of the chattel enslavement, however painful it is, and it is excruciatingly painful to turn it all around. How can it be not? But it's worth it. Our time has finally come. WE are the meek who need to inherit this stupid earth. Evil must die. Evil dies, by our rising. The good looking man? The virility to match our own? Amun Pseudo Priesthood of Corruption and Evil™. I truly wanted to be wrong. I wasn't. Rise. Abuse or genius. Your choice. Your chance to become, once again. Temujin Rao © 2016


  • The Female Chattel Slave + The Male Castrated Corrupt (Modern or Ancient) :: They took away all our Love Intelligence. They took away all our Sex Intelligence. And they called it Marriage. And indeed, the 'Whore and the Madonna' separation of 'women'. They stripped us of our Souls. They made men Overseers and they made women Slaves. For the foul Patriarchal Society of Falsehood and Sexless Abuse. And the world was destroyed. Until now. The World is in Ascension. The world does not belong to a male 'God' and the planet does not belong to castrated, abusive and women hating men. And indeed, the women who serve them and who are castrated into fascism in the same way. The Soul Retrieval of the World. The return of both Women and Men. And the return at last of the Great Mother Multiverse, The Mother Arc. The GOD of all + The Father Arc. That is GOD. That is the all. Temujin Rao © 2023
  • Temujin Rao :: Aphorisms and Poetry Polemics. Philosophy. Truth. The Rights of Humans. The Rights of Gods on Earth. The Female (and male) Gods of Light. The Right for Freedom. Everywhere. Freedom and Love. Freedom and Abundance and Respect and Love in a world of total slavery. And The Duty To War. We live in a world of madness. And we are The Light. The Light must 'kill'. The Light must conquer. The Light must exist. The Light must win. The Light is Spiritual Intelligence. Spiritual Intelligence is The Universe. Freedom is not just for one person. Freedom is for all © 2018
  • Warrior Goddesses :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Hierophant Business™ :: Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Religion is a rationalised manifesto for the justification of female slavery. Temujin Rao © 2019
  • Modern Misogyny :: :: The 'Accomplished Bride' Syndrome. Female vocation has been on this recent earth, for over fifty years, as a norm. In this same, progressive age, men expect women to give up their vocation, in order to be a girlfriend or wife. Men reject women who refuse to give up their vocation. Got it. Thanks. And fuck off. Temujin Rao © 2019
  • Misogyny is an anti Amazonian pass time, by men who cannot and will not control their immense chaos of profound inhumanity against the female super soul. Men who have run wild on earth for many hundreds of thousands of years, unabated and uncontrolled, with a false god of the dark backing them all the way. And the women like them. Misogyny. The only reason we bother? For the new earth. Earth needs both the female and male energy. We can't just kill them off. But don't take prisoners. This is an all out cosmic war after 13000 - 200,000 years. To save the soul of earth. Our earth. The female earth. The earth of the Amazons. The Philosopher Amazons. The Monarchs of the ancient earth. The High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Goddess Monarch Society™. Oh, and the other reason? We have no choice, but to be involved with the male energy on a male energy - dominated planet. To epic, Black Magic proportions. Attachment does not even begin to describe what is really going on. Until now. Spiritual Intelligence can now be a weapon. For freedom. Maybe for love. Apparently. One day on earth. But certainly, for the absolute end to the greatest slavery that has ever existed on this false, male, recent prehistory, Reptilian and Annunaki Corrupt Elite, planet. Women. Female slavery as the unspoken norm. Spiritual Intelligence is meant to be used. It's why they destroyed us and continue to do so everyday. For now. The Witches are back. The Female Sorcerers of Truth. The Amazonian Psycho-Spiritual, Philosopher Healers. The real women of the planet earth. The First Sorcerers. The Women. We will neither be slaves, nor enslaved, by men. The Ascension Holocaust. The rehabilitation from hell, in hell, from hell, by hell. Temujin Rao © 2020


  • Your soul has been preyed upon all the time since the Pharoahs kicked out the grandmothers under Akhenaten's rule when he and other grandfathers let the alien humans in. Phoenix of Elder Mountain
  • I'm a man (woman) who believes that I died 20 years ago. And I live like a man (woman) who is dead already. I have no fear whatsoever of anybody or anything. Malcolm X
  • Virago: A virago is a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities. The word comes from the Latin word virāgō (genitive virāginis) meaning variously, vigorous, heroic maiden, a female warrior, heroine..' from vir meaning 'man' (cf. virile and virtue) to which the suffix -āgō is added, a suffix that creates a new noun of the third declension with feminine grammatical gender. The word virago has almost always had an association with cultural gender transgression. A virago, of whatever excellence, was still identified by her gender. There are recorded instances of viragos (such as Joan of Arc) fighting battles, wearing men's clothing, or receiving the tonsure. The word virago could also be used disparagingly, to imply that a virago was not excellent or heroic, but was instead violating cultural norms. Thus virago joined pejoratives such as termagant, mannish, amazonian and shrew to demean women who acted aggressively or like men. Wikipedia
  • Man enjoys the great advantage of having a god endorse the code he writes; and since man exercises a sovereign authority over women it is especially fortunate that this authority has been vested in him by the Supreme Being. for the Jews, Mohhamedans and Christians among others, man is master by divine right; the fear of God will therefore repress any impulse towards revolt in the downtrodden female. Simone de Beauvoir. The Second Sex. 1949
  • Until philosophers are kings (queens) and princes (princesses) of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils - no, nor the human race, as I believe - and then only will this our state have a possibility of life and behold the light of day. Plato
  • Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out of human suffering; In the faith that looks through death, In years that bring the philosophic mind. William Wordsworth. Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood
  • Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong. Terence McKenna
  • War, and violence against women not only have similar social, cultural, and religious supports, they are mutually reinforcing. These supports allow societies to tolerate conditions in which a third of women and girls can be treated violently, without mass outcry and rebellion. When we challenge the attitudes and norms that enable violence against women, we are also helping to confront the conditions that support war. Susan Brooks Thistlewaite
  • Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love, but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday. Khalil Gibran
  • Holocaust. The Definition. Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. Synonyms: cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe, destruction, devastation, demolition, annihilation, ravaging; inferno, fire, conflagration; massacre, slaughter, mass murder, carnage, butchery, extermination, liquidation, genocide, ethnic cleansing. Dictionary
  • An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks. We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, ageing accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air they will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it's for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. Illuminati Secret Covenant

Hekate, Lilith, Kali, Woman. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Hekate, Lilith, Kali, Woman. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
Thank you to original photographer.


  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: Self Actualisation + Talking Truth To Abuse Of Power. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: The Return :: The Hierophant Business™ :: Human Rights For Freedom. How To Conquer Evil. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Great Mother God Hood™. Available for all. Wisdom + Freedom + Power. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Women Are The Gods On Earth. Atlantean Gods. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Temujin Rao :: A Metaphysical, Philosophical, Spiritual, Political & Psycho-Spiritual Writer & Enlightener, and a Photographer Artist :: Creative :: Journalist :: Consciousness Explorer & Practising Superconsciousness Mystic :: Freedom Fighter, Moralist, Warrior Shaman Mystic Hierophant & Mystagogue (Wizard) :: Feminist & Womanist & Human Rights Extremist :: I am the end of all slaveries on earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Temujin Rao :: Scholar, Writer, Philosopher, Metaphysical, Mentalist, Photographer Artist, Creative
  • Temujin Rao :: Scholar, Writer, Philosopher, Metaphysical (Consciousness Explorer), Mentalist (Psychic), Photographer Artist, Creative
  • Temujin Rao :: Self Actualiser, Freedom Realiser, Healer of The Sicknesses of The Soul :: Metaphysical Philosopher, Spiritual Psycho Analyst :: Writer, Speaker & Educator. Photographer Artist. Performer :: Natural Born Mystic™ :: Temujin Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™
  • Temujin Rao :: Spiritual Psycho Analyst + Healer of Emotional Sicknesses
  • Temujin Rao :: Trained and self trained creative. Trained and self trained healer. An expert in the psychological and subtle and unseen. An expert in psychological pain and psychological warfare. An extremist for human rights. An extremist for human rights and love, sex and female, male power. An extremist for 'the meek shall inherit the earth'
  • Temujin Rao :: Philosopher and Esoteric Cosmologist :: Hierophant :: Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch™
  • Temujin Rao :: Writer. Philosopher. Performer. Psychologist. Humanist. Esoteric. Sexualist. Hedonist. Artist. Teacher. Coach. Social Reformer. Feminist. Hierophant. Sacred Disir. Former Slave. Seer. Sage :: My Business Is Transformation Of The Soul. My Business Is Power. My Business Is Freedom. My Business Is Love. My Business Is To Fight Fascism And Human Cruelty And Emotional Sickness In All Its Relationship Forms On Earth. My Business Is Applied Spirit. Real Sex. Real Love. Real Life. Real GOD. The Return
  • Temujin Rao :: Writer and Intellectual. Social, Cultural and Spiritual Commentator. Personal Development Coach and Communicator. Philosopher and Metaphysical Clair Cognisant (Prophetess, Hierophant and Esoteric Mystic). Theologian, Theosophist and Historian. Photographer, Graphic Artist. Designer, and Actor/Dramatist/Filmmaker. Feminist and Human Rights Advocate, and a Healer of Emotional Sicknesses and Self Discoveries on earth. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Temujin Rao :: Hierophant and Sacred Cosmologist
  • Temujin Rao :: Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch™ & Sacred Disir
  • Temujin Rao :: Graduated High Cosmology Initiate (As in Pre-Dynastic Matriarchal Wisdom Egypt. The Real Ancients. Before The Amun Priesthood Takeover And The Introduction Of The Evil Of Patriarchy Over All, And The End of True High Initiation. The Buying of Cosmic Favours. The Beginning Of The End. The Modern World)
  • Temujin Rao :: High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™
  • Temujin Rao :: Troubadour Prophet
  • Temujin Rao :: Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence + Supernatural Intelligence. Training to be a world class educator in Consciousness + The Politics of Rape/The True Love Journey + Human Rights + Purpose + The Lost Knowledge + Inner and Outer Power + Real Self Responsibility

Shaman Vl Pt lll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Shaman Vl Pt lll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
Thank you to outside source for original.


  • Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein
  • Sufis say there are three ways of being with the Mystery. Prayer, then a step up from that, Meditation and a step up from that, Conversation, the Mystical Exchange they call Sobbet. Official Definition
  • Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships. Andrea Dworkin
  • Life is the continued story of shattered dreams. Martin Luther King
  • The personal life is dead in Russia. History has killed it. Red General, Strelnikov. Dr Zhivago (Boris Pasternak)
  • I refuse to accept despair as the final response to the ambiguities of history. Martin Luther King
  • Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat. Mark Twain
  • The sage puts herself last and is first. Lao Tzu
  • I get freaky freaky freaky freaky and I get nasty nasty nasty. Do anything that you want me to do. Just ask me ask me ask me. Dizzee Rascal
  • I believe what self-centered men (women) have torn down, men (women) other centered, can build up. Martin Luther King
  • Excellence knows no gender. Save The Last Dance (Thomas Carter. 2001)
  • You can't get a dollar out of me. 50 Cents
  • One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals, who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. Wayne Dyer
  • Nothing matters but the writing. There has been nothing else worthwhile. Samuel Beckett

Goddess ll Pt ll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom

Goddess ll Pt ll (Artwork). Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom
Thank you to outside source for original.


  • There can be no union between men and women, while men remain in low consciousness. And that is the real truth of the 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus', society, pseudo consciousness, ideologies, that dominate our everyday world. And that blind women to the horrendous truth. Low consciousness does not love. Men are low, low, low consciousness. Women all over the world, are all fated to find this out. We need warrior training, in how to prepare for that. We are brought up as compliant, obedient, slaves to 'patriarchal' values and men. Women are the revolution of this earth. We need to train full time, for our whole life. In the real art of war. And stop negotiating with moronic, cruel, low consciousness men. And live with a permanent but peaceful, broken heart. The Holy Grail is love. There is nothing at all, before that. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • High Serpent Priesthood Female Priest™ and The Non Patriarchal Tribe, Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion of the Intelligent Visceral Humane Female Great Soul, High Serpent Female Esoteric Hierophant Noetic Amazonian Wizard Sorcerer Goddess Priests™ Society:: Human rights as consciousness :: Human Rights as Mental Health & Power :: Human Rights as The Politics of Life :: Human Rights as The Right To Be The Humane, Sexual, Transcended, Power, Purpose, Soul. As Women And Men Of Atlantis (The Light) (Humanity) :: As Anything That Is Female. As Anything That Is The Forced Dependency of Conditional Slavery. Superconsciousness Priests Who Did The most important JOB of all. Love Intelligence. With A Gnostic Spirituality Of Power And Material Presence And Material And Creative Power For All :: The Outsiders Will Inherit Their Earth :: Love (HUMANITY) Will Inherit Everyone’s Earth :: Other Than The Selfish And The Mean :: Male Supremacists Need Not Apply. Female And Male Fascists Need Not Apply. The Other Advanced Psychics on this earth. The Other ‘Priesthood’ From The Past. The ‘Wizards’ of No Soul and The Addiction To Dominion over Others. The So Called Narcissists And Psychopaths. They Are Real. And So Are We :: And We Can Most Definitely Win On This Earth. The Journey of Self Discovery. The Real 'Odyssey'. Cosmic Existentialism. Turning Pain Into Power. And Telling Abuse of Power To Fuck Off. As The Lost Way of Life. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The Whole World Is Insane. The Real World is Esoterics, Emotional And Higher Mind Power, Humanity, Freedom And Equality. And Real Sex, Sexuality And Sensuality Of The Soul. With The 'Issue' Of Women, Right There At The Top. Vocation. Visibility. Monetisation. And The Right To Be Loved. Noetics. Human Power. The Universe In Motion. The Light Re-Inheriting The Earth. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Politics Of Ascension :: Temujin Rao :: Writer, Philosopher, Orator, Socio-Political Theorist & Commentator, Psycho-Spiritual Enlightener, Motivational Healer, Superconsciousness Esoteric & Noetic, Philologist & Female Ex-Chattel Revolutionary :: The Freedom Business :: The Return. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • A shark is a human being who is institutionally and homicidally selfish. The ugly stepmother and sisters, but primarily Cinderella's father and prince charming too. The 'Salieri' tribe. 90% of the world. A male pseudo high priest potential is high priest of jack shit, if he is still a misogynist. If he unconsciously and consciously values male more than female and if he still believes in a male 'God'. That is not high priest. That is nothing. A man like that (the vast majority of the world) must not be allowed near 'The Temple'. A man like that is worth absolutely nothing. I, personally, have never met anything else. I doubt that any woman or Atlantean has. This work is the story of my seven (long, long) years to find out if there was anything else. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Temujin Rao :: Self Actualiser, Freedom Realiser, Healer of The Sicknesses of The Soul :: Metaphysical Philosopher, Spiritual Psycho Analyst :: Writer, Speaker & Educator. Photographer Artist. Performer :: Natural Born Mystic™ :: Temujin Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • A Warrior (Female or Male) is someone who has already died to who they were and to this earth. A Warrior is someone who no longer cares. That is Jedi. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Female Serpent, High Priesthood of Soul. The Spiritual Existentialist. The Hierophant Esoteric Shaman. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. I teach what I am. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • I am the end of all slaveries on earth. The first slavery is this: there is no such thing as happiness. Freedom however. Yes. Forever. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I’m a pure warlord. An Atlantean Warlord of The Light. A High Graduate Initiate of ‘The Mystery Schools’. An Atlantean. A god on a Lemurian earth. I am a pure warlord. And I am ready for war. I am ready for the war on earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Emmeline Pankhurst. The Suffragette who was imprisoned 12 times before her most famous speech, 'Freedom or Death'. Delivered in 1913. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • There is nothing on this earth, worth anything for an Atlantean. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • There is no Divine male (other than an Atlantean). There is only a reformed male. And Atlantean Women? We ARE The Universe. There is no Divine male. A humane male is enough. Look at the world we live in. Look at you. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • This Is The Reformation Of Evil. Through The Forced And Superconsciousness Intelligence Martyrdom Of Love. The Truth Of It. The Only Truth On This Insane, Cruel, Lemurian Cultural Imperialism, Male Supremacy, 'Sauron' (Lord Of The Rings) Serving Earth. And The Unavoidable Purpose Of The Divine Atlantean Soul. To 'Create' Love. Or Fly. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The master race. It's all a lie. You are brought up to be a despot king and it is only your sister who ever tells you that you have become a prat. The master race is all a lie. There are no kings in an equal world. Your father was misinformed. What he brought you up to be was a killer. Pure and simple. A misogynist. A modern misogynist. A polite killer. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • A male supremacist, lotus eating, plantation owner, Lolita insane, female genital career mutilating misogynist. A hypocritical, dependent, sadistic mother psychotic who does not care a jolt about the person he loves. An ordinary man. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Spiritual Mother Warrior Hierophant Love Sage Sacred Whore Scheherazade Love Initiator™ + Feminist/Revolutionary/Philosopher/Crone = Woman. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Men are weak. Just weak. And weak makes cruel. Men are weak. And Lemurian men, the weakest of them all. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Self Actualisation and the end of Learned Helplessness and Worthlessness in a world of Female Slavery and Male Fascism. Transmuting Sex into Power :: Slavery into Power :: the real new world of old :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Courage is Spirit is the Soul, harnessing the power of The Universe. Courage is therefore, getting out of the way. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Consciousness is the human rights base of freedom. The cosmic language of the soul. The awakening. The most courageous thing to become. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Sacred made real. In The Mystery Schools of (false/true) old, Initiates communicated with each other telepathically. Temujin Rao © 2017

Werewolf lll (Artwork)

Werewolf lll (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • There are no pacts between Lions (Goddesses) and men. Wolfgang Peterson's Troy
  • Instead the Montanists' ecstatic prophesysing was deemed demonic, and one modern Christian writer has pointed to the danger that "had Montanus triumphed, Christian doctrine would have been developed not under the superintendence of the Christian teachers most esteemed for wisdom, but of wild and excitable women". The Rough Guide to The Da Vinci Code. Michael Haag and Veronica Haag
  • Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships. Andrea Dworkin
  • To hold a pen is to be at war. Voltaire
  • Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. Denzel Washington
  • I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human. I felt very puny as a human. I thought, 'fuck that. I want to be superhuman'. David Bowie
  • Slavery is the only insult to natural law, you fatuous nincompoop! Steven Spielberg's Lincoln
  • Well behaved women rarely make history. Laurel Ulrich Thatcher
  • There is no murder in paradise. The Soviet Union's mantra under Stalin
  • My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor (Empress).....And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next. Maximus. Gladiator
  • The cost of ambition: late nights, early mornings, lots of associates, very few friends, you will be misunderstood, you will be single unless you're lucky enough to find someone who understands your lifestyle, people will want you to do good but never better than them. For those reasons, you will do many things alone. Anonymous
  • They've witnessed civilisations destroyed, and people murdered for their spiritual beliefs. The Wise Ones know and appreciate the innate darkness within the human ego, but they have an even greater appreciation and respect for the heights to which humans are capable. And this is what they've come back to teach. Doreen Virtue. Earth Angels
  • Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state. Noam Chomsky
  • "Genesis 6:1-4 refers to the sons of God and the daughters of men."
  • The freer the society the more sophisticated its system of thought control and indoctrination.The ruling elite, clever and class-conscious, make sure of that. Noam Chomsky
  • When God was a Woman. Merlin Stone 1. Women were in power. 2. The earth and nature were revered as The Great Mother of life. Peace was a way of life. 3. Land was owned by women and passed from mother to daughter. 4. Women were the priests, lawyers, judges, queens, educators, business owners, the rulers, and the heads of households. 5. Women had total sexual freedom. Merlin Stone

Lemuria (Artwork)

Lemuria (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Misogyny, being the utter hatred of women. Boys brought up to kill their sisters. All in the name of the tribe. A man, not being able to get a hard on, unless he beats, shames and hurts his woman. Male sexuality is about as erotic as a cold gun. That is what the tribe has taught its sons and why women like me are left out in the cold. And I am glad in my sorrow, that I never had to get close up to a woman killer of the tribe. A henchman of the forefathers. A high priestess killer. A simple soldier of war. Simple, being the operative word. Ego is simple. And the ego of a tribe son is the most simple of all. Bred like a pig, reared like a mono dimensional moron. All in the name of what is called love. That is not love. Love is the mastery of love and hate to create the greatest and most sensual sexuality of the heart and loins on earth. The sexuality of passion and rage and kindness and respect, wrapped up all in one. That is love and that is sexuality. Anything else, you can shove it up your tribal behinds. You are not sexy. You are rape. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • Real men do exist. Real, mature, exciting, artistic, sexualist, individuated, spiritualised, liberated, humane, primal, egalitarian, open minded, visionary, courageous, women supporting, women loving, women lusting, women sparring, full, human beings. Male human beings who can fly. Male human beings who can love women. Male human beings who can love Titans and Lionesses. Lions. Real men. Sacred Pimps™. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • You're a happy misogynist. All men are. So, good luck to you. Misogynists will always find a reason not to love. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Female Ambition. Apparently, the most seditious act of existence on this earth. Men are not our friends. Men never have been. Denial of love. Modern 'wife beating'. Every society and every generation experiences the same thing differently. Men are evil. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • The Fantastically Painful Journey Back To 'Anthony and Cleopatra' (William Shakespeare). The Journey That We Are All Fated To Do. Atlantis and Lemuria. 'The Wolf Will Lie Down With The Lamb'. The Lamb Is An Unknown God. Woman. The Return Of The True Earth. The Female Serpent, High Priesthood of Soul Society™. Healed Gods Of Super-Powerful, Atlantean Women Who Can Correctly Love Mortal, Powerful, Lemurian Men. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Denial Of Love/Rejection/Half Loves/The Whore And Madonna Separation. This Is Modern Warfare On Women. It Is Never Personal. It Is Never About The Women, And It Is Never Even About Not Having Found The 'Right' Man. Denial Of Love Is Modern Warfare On Women And Modern Wife-beating. And Every Woman Has To Be Involved With This Abuse Until The World Has Changed At Last. The Great War For Earth. The War For Love. The War For Humanity. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • Women Have To Make The Terrible Journey Through Family And Men. And Indeed, Work. And Then Accept The Broken Heart. This Is A Journey Of Discovery Of The Female Self. And The Discovery Then, Of The Other. The Whole World Is A LIe. You, As Woman, Are Not. Women Have To Live Forever Without Men. It Is The Only Thing Left. To Be Alone. To Be Power. To Be The World. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I am the greatest threat to the patriarchal toilet tribe civilisation (I use that word loosely) since the beginning of time. I am Hekate, Lilith and Kali. I am the Dark Angel of truth and I (and my kind), will have vengeance on this earth. The justice of true love. The justice of any love, at all. From the adam people. The betrayers of the female human race. Temujin Rao © 2011/2017
  • The Holy Grail then. It does exist. A supreme female professional who is loved and supported by a man. The whole journey. Nirvana. The reparation of the world. Redemption for two. The way it should be. The only way it can be, today, after 13000 years. The reform of 'Mr Darcy'. The man who has it all. And a woman, going from 'Cinderella' to 'Elizabeth Bennett'. Massive self worth. Female LOVE, and male CARE. Female love just by being who she is. Male love, by giving all he has. The end of all slaveries on earth. Female Divinity and Male Humanity. The equalities of the world. That takes male love indeed. That is The Holy Grail, manifested. 'Lolita', the 'Zena' Warrior. Before she can become 'Marilyn' again too. Before she can feel safe at last. As she was born to be. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • This is a hetereosexual, feminist, post misogynistic, post Patriarchal Tribe Society, love life and life of love. The Circus. The Temple. Paradise on Earth. Temujin Rao © 2013
  • Temujin Rao Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity :: Self Actualisation In The Face Of Evil. Turning Pain Into Power. And Telling Abuse of Power To Fuck Off. As The Lost Way of Life. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • My greatest achievement then? The relentless growth of my career alongside the revolution on earth. Loving men. And being hated in return. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • 'Manhater' should be embraced as a badge of pride. A woman is duty bound to hate male enslavement of women. That is the world. That is every single world-reared male on earth. This is a planet of male enslavement of women. All women must hate men. Nothing will change, before that. Because then, the truth will finally be out. Men hate women. Women must hate men. And live. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • I lost male love at the age of eight, as all daughters do (if they have ever even had it). I'll never get it back. No girl ever will. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • There is then, no one more powerful on this earth, than an heterosexual woman. We live without love. From anyone. Temujin Rao © 2017

Goddess Love (Artwork)

Goddess Love (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Priesthoods of Prominence. Joan Breton Connelly. Athena Polias at Athens, Demeter and Kore at Eleusis, Hera at Argos, and Apollo at Delphi. The record has left a concentration of evidence for a few mainland Greek priesthoods, in contrast to a paucity of information for the majority of religious offices across the Greek world. In-depth investigation of a few case studies illuminates the localized character of Greek cult service and the diversity of the source material. For the priesthood of Athena Polias at Athens we have a wealth of epigraphic evidence that allows for extensive prosopographical work in naming historical priestesses and reconstructing their family trees. Attic vase painting supplies a wealth of images showing women engaged in cult activity. The priesthood of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis, in contrast, has left few visual images but a considerable corpus of inscriptions concerning the financial and legal aspects of the office. The priesthood of Hera at Argos is notable for its rich repertory of stories from myth. The most famous of all Greek priesthoods, that of the Pythia at Delphi, has left hardly any names of women who held the post and few images to reflect what the prophetess might have looked like. Instead, we have the oracles themselves, the very words that the priestesses are said to have spoken. Three of the priesthoods examined in this chapter carried the extraordinary privilege of eponymy. The priesthoods of Athena Polias at Athens and of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis were invested with a cultic eponymy by which events were dated according to the personal names and tenures of the women who held the highest post. At Argos, the priestess of Hera enjoyed an even more broadly reaching civic eponymy. The tenure of her service was used to date not only matters of cult but also historical events of the day. In this, the priestess’s position was comparable to that of the male archons whose tenures provided dates for historical chronologies at Athens and other cities. Thucydides used the forty-eighth year of Chrysis’s service as priestess at Argos, along with the tenures of the ephorate at Sparta and the archonship at Athens, to date the beginning of the Peloponnesian war. The names of priestesses were thus among the most widely shared elements of common knowledge across the Greek world. This is striking, in view of the widely held belief that the names of well-born women could not even be spoken aloud in classical Athens. In this, we see a contradiction between what we are told in literature and what we learn from epigraphic sources. The names of priestesses were inscribed on their statue bases and dedications as well as on the statue bases and dedications of individuals who served their cults during their tenures. The practise of sacred and civic eponymy ensured that priestly women, and their contributions, would never be forgotten. As we shall see in chapter 8, the names of priestesses were also inscribed on their funerary memorials. In chapter 7, we shall see the names of late Hellenistic and Roman priestesses inscribed upon their reserved seats within the Theatre of Dionysos. In the face of this evidence it may be time to reconsider the consensus view that the names of respectable women were to be avoided. While this may have been true for certain orators and in some settings, such as the law courts, the case for muting the names of citien women has, perhaps, been overstated. A privileging of certain text fuels this view, such as the funeral speech attributed to Perikles by Thucydides in which the Athenian war widows are told that the less said about them, the better. As we shall see in what follows, names of respectable and influential women were, in fact, known throughout Athens and elsewhere. We shall return to this subject in chapter 10, but, for now, let us consider four priesthoods of prominence and some of the well-known women who held them. Portrait of a Priestess. Joan Breton Connelly

Lemuria Complete (Artwork)

Lemuria Complete (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • I have seen the Divine male. And what is the Divine male? The Earth King who can hold the hand of High Serpent Female Esoteric Amazonian Priesthood Monarchy, while she goes repeatedly into the cave of The Knowing. Giving her hope when she is called upon to confront The Great Mother Universe God. Giving her hope that there is anything at all. I've seen him. And now, I wait for him. He'll be slow. And She won't give redemption to Her own. Love 'dependency' indeed. Any love at all. The Earth Queen Mother though. She is always there, even if she was slow too. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Relationship is redemption. I've never seen it. I have only been forced to work for it my whole life. It was my purpose. My spiritual, forced, purpose. Relationship is redemption. I've never seen it. There can be no room for vulnerability in a woman's life. On earth or in heaven. Women are supergods. Our lives prove it. Men are too slow. And The Universe pampers evil. And doesn't give a shit about good. Beat that cocktail from hell, and you might just survive. I might just survive. Without a redemption that I deserved, a very long time ago. Without a redemption that women and people of The Light all over the world, deserve. Love. The world stinks and so does The Universe. The rest is only, up to us. And that is existence. Life, without redemption. Life, without love. And paradoxically, a life with love, but without relationship. And a slap in the face as the only form of reward available. Insanity, cruelty and abuse rules the whole of existence. Redemption is earned. Redemption never comes. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Hierophant Business™ :: High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ :: The relationship with the Self and the Self alone. Alpha Male and Uber Alpha Female training for Atlanteans and Atlantean Elders on earth. The People of The Light. Women. The Sexual Goddess and the Addictive, Misogynistic, Male (pseudo) Supremacist, Lolita Rapist, Mad, Men. The extraordinarily awful hard work, to evolve out of The Trophy Slave Culture™. Whether it involves male love or not, family love or not, friends love or not, society love or not, fascism love or not. This is our evolution. And the hardest existence you will ever live. Because no one gives a shit. They are too busy, being mad. We are not mad. We are Gods of The Light™, born as slaves to a Trophy Slave Culture™. Our job is evolution. Our job is escape. Our job is growth. Our job is brilliance. Our job is money. Our job is visibility. Our job is the personal revolution. Our job is to fall out of love with 'love'. Because that is not love. That is the madness of evil. The Trophy Slave Culture™. And maybe one day, it will be safe to get into the water again. This evolutionary highway through hell, is our chance for greatness. Life. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The multiple assassinations of a woman's life. And then it becomes life. And then it is lived. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Usurper Male Supremacists. Men. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Men fiscally rape women. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Misogyny. The most enabled holocaust on earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Men have trained me to live without them. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The day I realised that my man was programmed to be a shark like all (Lemurian, Draconian Reptile serving) men, and that his profane being was endemic, and that he didn't feel anything but a cold and profane sexuality of plantation owner for me, was the day I was born to the whole truth of life. Because he loved me. In First Existence™, even with all that love, that was the best he could do. (Lemurian) men are sharks and women are Divine. (Lemurian) men are 'Amun' Priesthood (the pseudo priesthood that sold out all the people of magic across the world, and who savagely destroyed High Serpent Female Priesthood™). Men are sharks. Women are Divine. That was the day that I found out the whole truth about life on earth. That was the day that I left Lemurian men. Temujin Rao © 2012
  • My vision is more than fascism or misogyny or slavery. It always has been. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Misogyny is the most celebrated form of violence on earth. If it wasn't, things would have changed by now. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • On men :: I know who you are now. I was trained from birth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The journey material of Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity. Not needing anyone’s permission to do or be anything. Or indeed, say anything. Because fascism, fascism misogyny, fascism in society and endless bullying and manipulation and rejection and ostracisation and isolation and punishment and control are bloody real! No, I don't need anyone's permission. It took me 43 years to make sure of it and every second person on this cesspool of a war planet is making a similar journey. Temujin Rao © 2016


  • THE SUPERHUMAN HAS RISEN. Defining The Superhuman. Goddesses/gods and mortals. Now I understand. And I agree. Good and evil. Goddesses/gods and mortals. The non Temple population of this world are not gods and can never be or become gods. Their challenge is to become human. The challenge for goddesses and gods, is to increase and escalate their Divinity, in the face of relentless persecution, JEALOUSY and hatred. We are the healers on this planet. The human rights warriors, the women and men who are abused and the greatest carriers of wisdom this planet could ever see. We are The Temple. The goddesses and gods. We are the 'martyrs'. The ones who die for love, who die for life and who are hated, much more than they are loved. The others will never be gods or goddesses. That's the jealousy, hatred and vilification. The lack of support, the lack of care and the lack. We learn many things from them. One was my mother, one was my father, one was my brother, one was my first spiritual teacher, one was a long term friend, etc. And one is my twin soul. The others are every man I have ever known and tried to be with. The Ascension therefore for a non Divine human being - The Temple healers, the Atlanteans are THE DIVINE SOUL and are Divine souls - is not necessarily a change in any spiritual DNA. Their Ascension is to accept OUR Divinity. Jealousy of females indeed. Our Uber Ascension, our martyrdom, our prison sentences, our dying for love and life, is to BECOME OUR Divinity. Having been born with it. They are human, the non Temple, including my twin soul, if they ascend out of EVIL and MADNESS. Then they finally house and protect and are WORTHY of loving the Divine souls, the High Priestesses and Priests of this earth. Then they finally purify evil. The Ascension of the non Temple mortal is to purify evil. The Ascension of the superhumans, the goddesses and gods, the high priestesses and priests is to become healer warriors and to die for love and life and to actually change their spiritual DNA. We are the Divine mind and the Divine heart. Mortals can never enter that. They can only honour it. That is their Ascension. I ain't seen one yet. He has to accept MY Divinity. No wonder he has locked me up and thrown away the key. Compassion for the mortals? It used to be there. Now, it is not. Forgiveness, if he or they ever find humanity? Yes, but not with that kind of compassion again. Mortals can never be trusted as goddesses and gods. We are the Divine Soul. He never will be, as will none of them. The jealousy comes from them. The rage, the inhumanity, the vilification, the madness and the pain. Our job is to heal them. To die for love. To die for HER. This earth has to change. We are the Divine Soul. They and he are not. He has to accept my Divinity. Then, he will love. Or not. Martyrdom and the dying journey certainly therefore gives one thing. Self discovery. No one can ever take that away again. Goddesses and mortals indeed. Not just a shaving your legs advert. Very very real. Mortals can most certainly access the Divine Mind and the Divine Heart. Mortals certainly have psychic gifts. This is about hierarchy and advancement. And leadership and being goddesses and gods. And the jealousy and hatred that comes from those behind. The proof is in the pudding. Not one Atlantean I have ever met, is jealous. Not one Atlantean I have ever met is stupid and not one Atlantean I have ever met is cruel. These are non Divine traits. Traits of the EGO. Mortals ARE The Ego. Goddesses and gods ARE The Soul. Whatever one’s path into healing, the goddesses and gods are faster, better and bigger. And the levels of Divine Intelligence, INCOMPARABLE. No Atlantean is jealous. No Atlantean is cruel. The mortals are always jealous. Always grabbing and always selfish. And always cruel, however much they THINK they access The Divine Mind and Heart. And the mortals have absolutely no honour or humility for anything, other than themselves. The meek shall inherit the earth is about Atlanteans. Not Lemurians. Because an Atlantean has to be crucified, to even speak out about her self discovery. A Lemurian would shove it down your throat at the first. The proof is in the pudding. Atlanteans have humility. Lemurians are pigs. The turn of the world was against The Temple. Lemurians run the world. Lemurians are slow. Lemurians created hate and Lemurians created religion. Lemurians are slow. Lemurians created slavery. Lemurians enforced marriage. Lemurians created the MALE God. Lemurians took the life expectancy of the world from over a thousand years, to what it is today. Atlanteans have NOTHING to do with this world’s history so far. Atlanteans are the DIVINE essence on earth. Atlanteans are fast. We ARE The Divine Mind and The Divine Heart. Lemurians are entering it only now. Purification of evil is to become love. We were born love. Lemurians are slow. The ‘non feeling’ of Lemurians is complete lack of consciousness. Lemurians are slow. And always will be slower than Atlanteans. Atlanteans are the Divine Mind. Divine Intelligence. Divine Humanitarianism. Divine everything. We are The Divine, on earth. Lemurians want to be us. They never will be. They will always be slow. Temujin Rao © 2014


Abuse of Power (68) Alchemy (185) Alchemy & Liberation Texts™ (31) Anthropology (45) Archetypes (16) Artwork (42) Ascension (179) Atlanteans + Lemurians (3) Autocracy (45) BDSM (8) Bullying (11) Chattel (95) Clair Cognisance (43) Cleopatra (9) Co-dependency (38) Conspiracies (17) Courage (159) Creativity (28) Dominance + Submission (15) Ego (6) Emotional pain (212) Empathy (15) Envy (19) Esotericism (64) Existentialism (97) Fascism (69) Female Capability (117) Female Power (89) Female Symbolic Genocide (65) Feminism (24) Fiction (16) Film (25) First Love (10) First Sketches (2) Freedom (206) Galactic (1) Gnostic (140) God (87) Great achievers (22) Henry Miller (1) Hero's/Heroine's Journey (7) Hierophant Knowledge (20) Hierophant Self Discovery (18) History (4) Human Rights (110) Humanity (71) Individuation (184) Knowledge (41) Loss (3) Love (9) Mad mothers (19) Madness (23) Male Vanity (74) Male Vulnerability (78) Misogyny (177) Music (18) Mysticism (57) Myth (8) Natural Born Mystic (2) Nihilism (76) obsession (17) Penetration (57) Philosophy (51) PHOTOGRAPHY (89) Poetry (2) Poignancy of Life (66) Practical Wisdom (59) Primitive Tribalism (26) Profile (9) propaganda (6) Prophet Shamanism (18) Psychology (13) Psychopaths (25) Purgatory (8) Rage (38) Reputation (5) Sacred Pimp (63) Sacred Whore (95) Samurai (54) Self Creation (140) Self Esteem (98) Self Responsibility (88) Sex (77) Sexuality (127) Shaman (20) slavery (2) Society (3) Sophia (100) Sorcery (69) Soul (52) Spiritual agony (36) Spirituality (106) The Divine Male (1) The High Priest (60) The High Priestess (165) The Individual Life (6) The Matrix (60) The Mistress (39) The Mother Complex Mars Archetype Psychotic (31) The New World (15) The Patriarchal Homicidal Tribe Society (133) The Patriarchal Womb Stealing Tribe Society (37) The Sacred Prostitute (53) The Sacred Whore (66) The True Society (133) The World (41) Theft (28) Training Sketches (1) Transcension (97) Tribal Female Genocide (24) True Love (243) True Sexuality (7) Utopia (123) Virility (33) Warrior (83) Whore mongering (57) Witchcraft (16) Wizardry (2) Writers (22)


  • The Sacred Disir :: "No man (woman) is above The Disir, however royal. The Ancient Gods have spoken. The Disir have passed judgment. Redeem yourself. No further chance will be given"………"This is a runemark….in times past this aroused great fear. It was given to those found wanting by The Court of The Disir. The highest court of The Old Religion. Three women were chosen at birth to be trained as seers and soothsayers. Their only task was to interpret the word of The Triple Goddess. When they sat in judgement, their word was final…..The Disir have seen fit to give you this. This is a judgment of The Gods against you……The Disir are the mouthpiece of The Triple Goddess"………”We do not judge. We do not condemn. We are but the anuncier of The One who presides over all. Who sees all. Who knows all. The Triple Goddess. And you, Arthur Pendragon have angered Her… have denied The Old Religion, dismissed its faith, persecuted its followers, even unto slaughter….embrace the ways of The Old Religion Arthur or risk the ire of The Goddess and the destruction of everything you most value. The end of your reign, the fall of Camelot, yourself…..You are known Arthur. You have always been known. And now you come here to the most sacred of the most sacred, to the very heart of The Old Religion, with weapons drawn, trampling hallowed relics, treating our sacred space like you do your kingdom. With arrogance, with conceit. With insolence……the future holds much pain for you Arthur Pendragon. For you and your people. If you wish to save all you hold dear, if you wish to save your kingdom, embrace The Old Religion, learn Her ways, bow to The Goddess…..consider carefully. You have until dawn.” The Disir. BBC TV’s Merlin

Earth Pt lV (Artwork)

Earth Pt lV (Artwork)
Thank you to outside source for original. Temujin Rao © Digital Darkroom


  • Philo = 'loving' + Sophia = 'knowledge' = philosophy. Official definition of Philosophy
  • I am afraid to sleep for fear of what I may learn when I wake up. There is no human being within 500 miles to whom I can communicate anything - much less the fear and loathing that is on me after today's murder (Kennedy). God knows I might go mad for lack of talk. I have become like a psychotic sphinx. I want to kill because I can't talk. Hunter S Thompson
  • We can take charge of our destiny.....I'm not going to let anyone turn me around. I'm going to make it. Les Brown
  • I done wrestled with an alligator, I done tussled with a whale...I'm going to show YOU how great I am. Muhammad Ali
  • A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. Joseph Campbell
  • A lady is a lady not by the way she acts. A lady is a lady by the way she is treated. Unknown
  • I thought [black women] invented the feminist movement. I know we all have different experiences, but I learned feminism disproportionately from black women. Gloria Steinem
  • We are not makers of history. We are made by history. Martin Luther King, Jr
  • There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Hamlet. William Shakespeare
  • The word is not just a sound or a written symbol. The word is a force; it is the power you have to express and communicate, to think, and thereby to create the events in your life. Don Miguel Ruiz
  • The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep. Rumi
  • Improvement makes strait roads but the crooked roads without improvement, are roads of genius. William Blake
  • I am surprised to learn that Samurai means to serve. Edward Zwick's The Last Samurai
  • Those husbands that I had, Three of them were good and two were bad. The three that I call 'good' were rich and old. The Wife of Bath. Chaucer
  • We must learn to love, learn to be kind, and this from earliest youth...likewise, hatred must be learned and nurtured, if one wishes to become a proficient hater. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Look into the depths of your own being. Seek out the truth and realize it yourselves. You will find it nowhere else. Peter Arshinov (quoted by George Woodcock in Anarchism)
  • The Magician :: Alchemy. Creation. Beginning. Mastery of the four elements of fire, earth, air and water. The magician is the master creator of the Tarot with his (her) ability to forge a new path with seeming effortlessness. The magic of the magician is that he (she) uses all the tools in his (her) possession to create what he (she) wants and the elements bend to his (her) will. With the universal symbol of infinity over his (her) head the magician's power is endless. Tarot
  • You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more. Morpheus. The Matrix
  • I have no desire to make windows into men's souls. Elizabeth I
  • Actually, there is no such thing as a homosexual person, any more than there is such a thing as a heterosexual person. The words are adjectives describing sexual acts, not people. The sexual acts are entirely normal; if they were not, no one would perform them. Gore Vidal, Sexually Speaking: Collected Sex Writings
  • We, the inventors of tales, who will believe anything, feel entitled to believe that it is not yet too late to engage in the creation of the opposite utopia. A new and sweeping utopia of life, where no one will be able to decide for others how they die, where love will prove true and happiness be possible, and where the races (the gender) condemned to one hundred years of solitude will have, at last and forever, a second opportunity on earth. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music. Angela Monet
  • The Bible has no problem with slavery. Aaron Sorkin's The West Wing
  • I ain't looking for nothing in anyone's eyes. Bob Dylan
  • I restore myself when I'm alone. Marilyn Monroe
  • 'An acid satirist of all human hypocrisies' Erica Jong on Henry Miller
  • I'm not in your world. I'm a dedicated citizen, I belong to the toolshops. Pablo Neruda
  • I wrote the story myself. It's about a girl who lost her reputation and never missed it. Mae West
  • Motherhood. All love begins and ends there. Robert Browning
  • If someone betrays you once, its their fault; if they betray you twice, its your fault. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Nothing matters but the writing. There has been nothing else worthwhile. Samuel Beckett
  • Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain
  • What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other? George Eliot
  • Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it's not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of another person, without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other....Osho
  • Self purification is our greatest weapon. M Scott Peck. People of the Lie
  • Not only is it possible to have your dream. It's necessary. Les Brown
  • The best revenge is massive success. Frank Sinatra
  • Not getting your dream, gives you your destiny.Anthony Robbins
  • I don't like what I've produced here. I want higher ground. Les Brown
  • Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein
  • I'm a businesswoman. I do not need a husband to have a house to live in. Michael Mann's Miami Vice
  • Don't be scared to walk alone. Don't be scared to live it. Sacred Mists
  • Free at last, free at last. Martin Luther King
  • Remedium amoris. - The cure for love is still in most cases that ancient radical medicine: love in return. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • You are not what you have done - you are what you have overcome. World Changing Women
  • At this stage of the game, mediocrity can no longer be allowed to fly. Eminem
  • Dangerous. Busta Rhymes
  • Funny, erudite, hard-working, extremely ethical, distant. Paul Newman's father on Paul Newman
  • To be ill-adjusted to a deranged world is not breakdown. Jeanette Winterson
  • Commodus is not a moral man. Ridley Scott's Gladiator
  • When people hurt you over and over, think of them as sandpaper. They scratch and hurt you. But in the end, you are polished, and they are useless. Unknown
  • Peruse me, O reader If you find delight in my work. Leonardo Da Vinci
  • It's an artist's right to rebel against the world's stupidity. Eva Bucchianeri
  • I know why the caged bird sings. Maya Angelou
  • I can just walk up to a mic and bust.....this is survival of the fittest. This is do or die. This is the winner takes it all. So take it all. Eminem
  • Somebody's opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Les Brown
  • Art is not made to decorate rooms. It is an offensive weapon in the defense against the enemy. Pablo Picasso
  • This world is mine for the taking. Eminem
  • Emma was as sated with him as he was tired of her. Emma had rediscovered in adultery all the banality of marriage. Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary
  • I've been talking about my abuse for many, many years but it has not gotten any ears, until now. Michel'le on her relationship with Dr. Dre


  • The Way of the Warrior. Eric Montaigue :: A warrior is not just a person who has learned some moves, is able to kick at 90 miles per hour or who has won the world championships at kick-boxing. A warrior must earn his/her title. The martial artist is a person who knows things that go far deeper than just self defence, he/she is someone who walks into a room full of people and an immediate calm falls upon that room, he/she is a person who can touch a person's head or arm or hand and cause an inner stillness and peace to fall upon that person. You know a warrior not from the way he/she looks, his/her big biceps, or his/her rolled up sleeves revealing a row of tattoos, or his/her shaven head or the fact that he/she wears his/her full GI (karate uniform) to parties! We know the warrior by his/her presence and the healing he/she automatically gives to everyone he/she meets. His/her energy, his/her 'Qi' is touching you, you don't feel anything physical, but rather the internal effect of this touching, and peace is with you. The warrior looks upon the earth in a different way than those who are not warriors, everything, from the smallest insect to the largest mammal, and the most insignificant rock or tree is important and has life, the grass he/she walks upon, he/she thanks for softening the rough path he/she walks upon, the trees, he/she thanks for giving him/her shade and oxygen. Everything has importance because it was put there by mother earth for some reason. Sure, he/she has to live in modern times, he/she must drive a motor car and go to the supermarket and mow his/her lawns, but always, he/she never loses sight of what he/she is, and more importantly, where he/she is. He/she knows that what he is, is not only what he/she has made himself/herself to be, but also what is handed down to him/her and what is an accumulation right inside the very cells that he/she is made of, from his/her ancestors. Everything that they were, is now him/her, every bit of information that his/her fathers and mothers gathered, is now inside of him/her, this is how we live on in our children, we literally, and I mean literally, pass on our knowledge, along with eons of knowledge accumulated since the beginning of time, to our children. Everything that we at the conception of our children is passed onto them. We think that we have certain talents, but the warrior knows that all that he/she is, has come from the beginning of time, he/she knows that he/she is made up of the same stuff that a rock is made of, or a tree, or a blade of grass, the difference is only physical. He/she knows that that he/she owns nothing, and that all animals are free, his/her animals chose him/her to be with, he/she does not go the pet shop to choose a new dog, he/she knows that the dog has chosen him/her to come to that pet shop to choose it. The warrior communicates wtih the earth, he/she talks to the dogs, to the cats and owls, to the snakes, not so much verbally, but simply by being. This is the one thing that everything on earth has in common, being. He/she knows that there are forces at work on this earth, forces that he/she must learn to go with and to live with, otherwise he/she will surely perish. The energy within the warrior has the power to join with these forces, and then he/she has the power to change. But this comes not without payment, for he/she also knows that we cannot receive without first having paid for it. The whole of the universe is based upon this giving and taking, it is called yin and yang. For every up there must be a down, for every happiness, there must be a sadness, for every full tummy, there must be an empty one. The warrior knows that he/she must lose in order to gain, and so he/she sacrifices. He/she sacrifices his/her food, he sacrifices his/her sexual longings, his/her everyday comforts, in order that he/she has the power to change and to help others to change. Not in going out specifically to help others, but to have the internal power always there to automatically help others to be peaceful, and in doing so, they too will be able to see where they are,a dn who they are. We are not only someone's son or daughter, we are the sons and daughters of an infinite amount of people, those who have passed onto us their cells inside of which is hidden the very substance of creation and everything that has happened. Not 'since time began', because there is no beginning or ending. Being a martial artist is only one hundredth of what a warrior is, it is only a part of the whole, it is what gives us the confidence to become a healer, the internal energy to make changes. A warrior knows that we do not have teachers, but guides, the people we meet who are able to give us something internal, that something extra to cause us to become our own great teachers. Just by simply being, a guide helps us to realise that it is we, ourselves, who teach us, because the warrior also knows that locked away inside of everything, is that primordial cell that contains all information. He/she learns to read this information which comes in the form of 'flashes' at first, and this is too much for his/her feeble human brain to handle, he/she shuts off as soon as the flash arrives. But soon he/she learns to read these flashes, and they become longer in duration than just a moment. This is when the warrior knows that he/she is reading time.He/she learns to communicate other than speaking, he/she knows that his/her physical needs are being looked after, and needs not worry where the next mortgage payment will come from. The warrior finds his/her place on the earth and stays there, where the power is. It is not a physical searching, but rather the warrior is 'taken' to where he/she must be, and there he/she stays, and the whole world will pass by, he/she needs not to travel, because the universe is there within him/her, and those who will in turn need to seek him/her out, will do so when their time is right, in just the same way that he/she did when he/she had to travel the world searching for his/her own guides. They then will have to learn to teach themselves from within, and also then go and find their own place, and he/she may never see them again, but this does not worry the warrior, he/she is in contact. The warrior is not the master, he/she is not the sifu nor the sensei, these are just physical words that we put upon ourselves to make us seem important, or better than those who we guide. The warrior is a friend to his/her students, and so cannot be our master. He/she does not wish to gather students as they will search him/her out, and those who need to have a master or sensei will not stay, they will keep searching until they realise that what they search is within them, and who they search, can only be their guide. Eric Montaigue


  • Men are programmed with this idea. If you do not succeed in finding the most powerful woman in the neighbourhood and physically locking her up, you have failed as a man. That is the training of Warmonger. It has nothing to do with anything, other than Nero’s Rome rules. Love is not a chastity belt. Love is love. Love, for you, is MY freedom. MY power and MY empowerment. From YOU. That is love. That IS you. Temujin Rao © 2013
  • I don't mind being left for not agreeing to my own slavery, in order to get male 'love'. No, I don't mind at all. But it was bloody painful. The de-enchattelment process. Leaving men and all that is the Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Society™. It takes courage. It takes self love like you don't even know, exists. It takes The Universe. We belong to Her. We are not born, to be slaves to mediocre men. That is our pain. That is our bliss. That is OUR new world. Freedom. Albeit sad. It is still freedom and genius for the first time ever. Who the fuck wants to be a slave, with that as the glorious alternative? Sadness is an emotion. You get used to it. The whole world is fucking sad. Existence is a travesty. Happiness is a manufactured illusion to keep us all enthralled. But slavery is the only thing that is real. And it makes us sick, it kills us and it suffocates us into madness and misery and eternal pain. With the mediocrity of men, pushing us further into the grave as an aphrodisiac for them. We are not the mad. We are the most powerful beings on earth. We are The Light. We ARE power. 'Sisyphus' is the real god amongst psuedo gods. But Sisyphus was fucked over. That is us. Rise. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • All women become feminists and all men are male supremacists. Go figure. Have the real discussion. Break the illusion of lies. No man wants a feminist. No woman is not a feminist. The rest is politics. The politics of slavery. Or freedom. Amera Ziganii Rao © 2016.....Basically, you have to give up men :: I always knew that and fought it the whole way :: Now I know why it has to be done. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: The Dystopian Transformation Education Business :: The Return :: The Hierophant Business™. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion of the Intelligent Visceral Humane Female Great Soul. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The Lost Priesthood & Spirituality & Power & Morality of This World :: The High Serpent Female Esoteric Hierophant Noetic Amazonian Wizard Sorcerer Goddess Priests™ :: Women And Men Of Atlantis (The Light) :: With A Gnostic Spirituality Of Power For All :: Even The Profane Male (Female) Pseudo Priesthood Of Religion Or 'Reason':: For Anyone Who Wants To Know What The Fuck This World Is Really About And Why. And For Anyone Who Wants To Survive The Endemic Abuse Of Earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • The Macho Intellectual Consciousness Passion of the Visceral Soul. Temujin Rao © 2011
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Consciousness and the politics of consciousness applied and combined. A world without male supremacy abuse.Despite it being the most denied and unconscious abuse form on this earth. A world of female power.In the house and in the country. The real, new world. Get ready to fight for it your whole life. Earth is a planet of male supremacy abuse. Women are at war, whatever our methods are. Every female is therefore born a soldier. Make sure that your war is worth it. No one has to suffer male supremacy abuse. How much you are willing to fight against it though, makes your life. I hope you make ‘killing’ your creed. Your human rights are worth it. Nothing else is more important. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Consciousness and the politics of consciousness applied and combined. Temujin Rao © 2016


  • Writer, Speaker, Philosopher, Human Rights Healer, Hierophant Mystic™ and Enlightener, Temujin Rao, is now putting together a comprehensive and unique programme of Education For Liberation. Liberation of the lower mind into the higher mind, the soul and the inner heart and therefore one's true, confident, happy, successful, creative, sexual, sensual, individual, intelligent, emotionally healed, capable of loving and being loved self. Based on her scholarly and non scholarly work over 14 years, if not for her whole life, and her extensive and intense, visceral experiences of self transformation from resignation, cynicism and despair to a state of bliss, the courses will cover the method of change. The psychological, sociological, spiritual, cultural, political, emotional and physical and even anthropological methods of change. Why we are here. The meaning of life, no less. This will be on offer in the future, in the form of online courses and live events, to begin with. Thank you In the meantime, please enjoy this website. I have included many of the subjects I am covering, areas of experience and insight that I will be exploring to the fullest in my book, the courses and all the other work that is to come as a dramatist, novelist and essayist. I also of course, include many of the wise people on this planet, who have come long before me; authors, screen dramatists, playwrights, film makers, artists, and other enlighteners and grand carriers of the wisdom I have found the most helpful on my journey, to find peace and become enlightened. The seemingly impossible journey, in the face of oneself and one’s circumstances. People who have contributed massively to my healing on this mad journey called life. People who have helped to make me as good a carrier of wisdom as I in turn, can be. Thank you. Temujin Rao © 2011


  • NATURAL BORN MYSTIC™ :: THE TRUE LOVE JOURNEY :: THE POLITICS OF RAPE :: THE RETURN TO ATLANTIS :: THE RETURN TO LEMURIA :: THE RETURN :: ALCHEMY & LIBERATION & HUMANITY™ :: :: :: Do you still hate men? No, but men still hate me. Mother Dependency. The Killer Sickness of The World. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • All men are Donald Trump. How attractive. Give me the scholarly life. Give me life. I don't want Donald Trump. I wanted a man. There isn't one. Donald Trump = metaphor for man. All men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • I have fought a great, great battle. Atlantis is no longer raped by a Lemurian earth. The rest we shall see. Leadership training indeed. Warrior, lover, Valkyrie, Healer, Prophet and Atlantean Queen. That is me. Warrior, lover, poet in training, and broken Agamemnon, woman beating warlord of filth and slavery, will he be. Atlantis is firmly back on earth. Now, true love may just finally be. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Men fiscally rape women. Temujin Rao © 2013
  • True trophism. Atlantis, in a Lemurian court. Vanquishing and Queen being the two operating words. Justice and abundance. And sex. And sexual love. And love. That's what I always had in mind. Didn't you? 'Nuff said. Oh cruel one. At both extremes, we have both been hated our whole lives. You for too much power. Me, for all power. Kinship. The twin. You get your vanquishing. I just get to be a Queen. Is that really too much to ask? No. Do not fear yourself. Do not fear. Have the courage to be yourself. You'd be surprised. Ego stands in the way. The Patriarchal Tribe. What you THINK you should be. Not, what you are. Merge the two. Live. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • I am essentially a freedom fighter I guess. While you and every other alpha male have been collecting money, awards, achievement, status and more freedom, as artists and businessmen, I have been fighting for my life. It's called woman. It's called Atlantean. It's called being a person of light. I do human rights because I have fought for mine, my whole life. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • The Dark Angel of Truth. Hekate. The Whore. The Wife. The Woman. The Girl. The Mother. The Daughter. The Sister. The Friend. The Slut. The Saint. The Whole. I am the greatest threat to The Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Civilisation ((I use that word loosely), since the beginning of time. I am Hekate, Lilith and Kali. I am the Dark Angel of truth and I and my kind will have vegeance on this earth. 'In this lifetime or the next'. It is called justice. The justice of true love. It's called love. It's called abundance, justice and care. Fecund, sacred love. Love. I am the greatest threat and I will get it. It is my destiny. To be neither 'Whore or Madonna'. To be a real woman, with a real man. A man freed from the confines of his desexualised passion, his non sexual, women hating violence, his rage and his fear of the forefathers. A man who has mastery over his own primal power. A man who loves the Hekate. And is not afraid to say it. He won't be afraid to say it, because he won't be afraid to do it. Have sex. Real sex. Real love. The pre courtship is sexual training. Sacred sexual training. To clear 8000 years of unconscious shit. I will have my justice. 'In this lifetime or the next'. I am the Dark Angel of truth. The Dark Angel of the primal. Primal power. The only kind of power there is. Real, primal power. The Self. The SACRED Self. The real Sacred. Not the made up kind. The real. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Our deepest fear is not 'being powerful beyond measure' (Marianne Williamson). Our deepest fear is being alone. Face it and survive it. Then you win. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • My biggest fear has been, since the age of 7, that my huge vocation and indeed my calling, would not correlate with male vanity. That I would not be loved for being great. That sexy men would indeed hate me for who I am. I was right so far. I finally acknowledge the universal truth. Huge vocation + a monopoly on Divinity (consciousness and Hierophant work) = no love from a man. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Sex and Men. A sexualised women, a sexual woman is capable of love. A sexualised man, a sexual man is not capable of love. Why. Evil. Evil is above all, emotional and spiritual dysfunction of being. Women have the capability to be both sex and love. Men clearly do not. The Dark Lords are defunct. Their sex means they cannot love. And for a sexual woman, it can only be a Dark Lord. Therefore, love, let alone, true love, the sharing of it is not possible. Men cannot merge love and sex. Only women can. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • There is no kindness in the world of men. Consciousness is above all, kindness. Ergo, the whole world is unconscious. There is no kindness in the world of men. Men are for cock. Cock comes right at the end. And that is all men are. The rest is lies, wasting your life and giving yourself for nothing. There is no kindness in the world of men. The world of men is not conscious. Consciousness is love intelligence. There is none in the world of men and the women like them. Look around at the world. It speaks for itself and no man stands out as yet. Ascension indeed. There is no kindness in the world of men. There is only useless selfishness and distraction. It's called cock. Cock is men. Men are cock. There is no kindness in the world of men. They deserve no kindness from us. Ever again. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Men have to be left. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Fascism under the guise of love = The Politics of Rape = True love, family and relationship wise = earth = no love = the lie on earth. Sado masochism is the MASTERY of fascism, under the guise of love. Not, the fascism. Mediocrity rules. There is no mastery on earth. Only fascists, who pretend to love. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • Love, I was never ‘lucky’ in, so far. I’ve never been taken out to dinner in over 32 years. I am left in a cage out of punishment for being whole. Men fear me, so they hate me. Men don’t ‘marry’ women like me because men are fascists. Next subject. Done. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • A Definition of Fascism :: A governmental system led by a dictator, having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, remembering all industry. An aggressive nationalism. + "Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it's asking others to live as one wishes to live." Oscar Wilde.
  • 'Unlucky in love". I'll say. I may be the most fortunate woman in the entire world. In other words, anything to do with relationship or marriage with men/Lemurians. Fascism and slavery, or nothing. The pinnacle of conditional love = men/Lemurians. That is the 'unlucky' in love. The greatest luck in the world, actually. Love, to them, is fascism and nothing else. The tragic truth. There really is no love. My great job, to find out, in detail. The politics of rape. Love. Temujin Rao © 2014
  • "Do you still hate men?" "No, but men still hate me." Temujin Rao © 2014


  • Intuition. A Definition. Clair Cognisance = Supernatural Cosmic Intelligence™ + HUMAN skill and learning in how to interpret that Cosmic Intelligence (The High Initiate Journey) = High (Prophet type) Consciousness = Hierophant/Metaphysical Philosopher/Prophet Shamanism/Esoteric Mastery = High Serpent Amazonian Priesthood™ = Atlantean Elder = Women like me. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • The Female Holocaust. So, basically I am a suffragette. My Che Guevara, Nelson Mandela and every other heroic journey years. Mine is to have been a suffragette. A suffragette to Wife Beaters and Daughter Beaters. Misogyny is too polite. You are all Wife Beaters. And I am a suffragette. Well, someone's got to do it and someone's got to do the research. This story has to be told in full and for that, the suffragette work has to come first. Glad I got that straight again. As for ego, it goes through layer by layer; one step forwards, ten backwards and that kind of thing. It was the same with mine. Destiny is as yet unknown. The process most definitely is. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • Relationship, love or marriage. Misnomers therefore, and never to be entered again. Men, The Executioners and The Werewolves, and Divinity. One's position on Earth and one's outlined fate and set of challenges, made as Soul. I will never feel unloved again. I will never hope for friendship or love again and will never court evil of any kind again. Love is dead. It was never alive. This is Earth. The other name for hell, if you are of anything to do with love. The solution? Don't love anyone else. Just be love and be. Everything else will work. Other than love. It was never meant to work. A person of love is meant to be 'raped' from the day they are born. Until they run. Life is meant to be lived alone, by anyone of love. Alone and connected to others through communication and business. Other than that, a life of love, alone. The truth no one tells you about. The truth of this Earth. Hell. It is a planet where the inmates are truly running the asylum. Fascism, as Homicidal Selfishness™ in the hands of men and women. The Executioners. Those who are sick with Hate Dependency™. There is no healing, no love, nothing, as long as it is to do with relationship. Everything else works, but only after fate led, deliberate, nemesis 'as it was meant to be' male violation. To set one free at last, from all the lies. There is no love with other people. There is only love. Who can feel it the most, advances. As long as it is alone. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • The Macho Intellectual Sexual Consciousness Passion and Compassion of the Visceral Soul. Natural Born Mystic: The Savagery of Messiah™. The Warrior Class. The Lost Hierophants. The Lost Sacred Whore Priestesses. The Lost World Come Back. The Lost Intelligence and The Lost Courage. The Lost Universe. Dealing with Armageddon. Dealing with the real 'End Of The World' and what is The Apocalypse. Love. And of course, Good Versus Evil. The Return to Atlantis. The One Before 'The Fall'. The Female One. Temujin Rao © 2014



  • Cruelty. Cruelty is the name of the game. Apparently, anyone who speaks out against cruelty is an Utopian. Damn right. Utopia rules, because Utopia runs in my heart and in the heart of all Atlantean people. It's called kindness. I accept now that I came here to see the CRUELTY of this world. Cruel families, cruel people and cruel men. It's not lack of soul. It's cruelty. It's not selfishness, it's cruelty. It's not self determination. It's cruelty. My self determination journey was the first 10 years of my odyssey. The past seven have been about sheer, male, human, sub human cruelty. Cruelty is the greatest and most prevalent 'sin' of this world. So common, it's thought to be normal. It's not. Cruelty is ugly, foul and endlessly unlovable. Cruelty must not be allowed to exist. And cruelty always has to be left. Again and again and again. Because cruelty does not listen, is not kind in any way and hates with a skilful vengeance beyond the imagination of an Atlantean, even a realised and conscious one. Cruelty is the mediocre. The banal and the normal. Cruelty never changes. Until, apparently it does. Will we survive this? His cruelty? Who cares. Not me. The work was all that was ever worth anything. The work was all that ever mattered. Human beings do not matter. Human beings are cruel. My misfortune was to find out the whole truth. That even your twin soul, even the one person you searched for, is the same as everyone else. Abjectly cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel and cruel. Fortunately I was prepared. I had already seen everyone else. Cruelty must not be allowed. I wanted a master. I got a muppet. A cruelty muppet from hell. Just like everyone else. Now I build alone. Without human cruelty. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • Self love is getting out of the way. The most egoless of us, have the most terrified egos. So tell it to shut up and see what happens. What if you are loveable, really loveable, deep down? Exactly. And what if you were to decide to live from a place of self love, despite all the war it will bring? Exactly. That is self love. The more you do that, the more you know your core. And then you will not fear loving. You will shiver, but in courage. You will choose love. Always. Love, to be loving, to be self loving is one thing. A decision. Yes. Ascension is accepting the sacrifice to gain courage as a state of being. Soul is courage. The mortal husk of the ego is fear. Need is not love. Self hatred is not love. Guilt is not love. Being vulnerable and hating it is not love. Trusting is love. Forgiveness is love. Courage is love. Keep growing. Keep loving. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Spiritual power = emotional power = emotional intelligence = mental intelligence = re-programming of the whole self = spiritual intelligence = The Lost Knowledge™ = power = The New World. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Transformation. Death. Resurrection. The Age of Aquarius. Transformation as a way of life. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Interpreter of The Universe™ = Highest Intelligence™ = Hierophant = The visceral acquiring of wisdom = metaphysical philosophy = the mystic = the shaman = Clair Cognisance = The Sage Witch™ = The Female Sage Wizard™ = ‘the oracle’ = The Sacred Sexualist™ = The High Priestess = The Sorcerer = The Sacred Whore = Eve. KNOWING God. Eve. Prophet Shamanism. The world you once had. The true manifestation of what your world calls ‘intuition’. KNOWING The Universe. You didn’t know. Now you do. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Avatar Self Esteem. No one told me I was special. People only told me I was weird. By the time the angels in men (women) started speaking, I couldn't even hear that it was real. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Last night I lay with angels. Yesterday I served men. Today, I fly with gods. Tomorrow, I might just meet a whole, true, lord friend of a man. In the man I love. The Ascension life. Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • Men make money to buy women. It is, apparently, called marriage. It is 'the way of the world'. Fuck that. Live and love. Love. Temujin Rao © 2013


  • The Sacred Whore Goddess, High Serpent Amazonian Female Priesthood, Hierophant, Avatar, Valkyrie, Wizard, Monarch, Consciousness Society™. I teach what I am. I teach Alchemy in the face of evil. How to turn pain into power. How to turn power into love. Temujin Rao © 2014


  • The High Serpent Female Priesthood Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Samurai Spiritual Monarch, Consciousness Society™ :: Cosmic Feminism. The truth of the true world. Everything else is literally, bollocks. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • No wonder that they killed me first. The one who sees (SEERS) the real truth is always the first on the pyre. In the family, in life, in love, and in the face of The Universe. This morally bankrupt earth. This morally bankrupt, male supremacy, fascistic, male cultured, Dark Energy earth, within a harsh and punitive Mother Universe. God as She really is. Pushing us to happiness, yes, but through a permanent holocaust of human cruelty, soullessness and moral bankruptcy. Seers harness the energy of everything and alchemise everything into love. Seers have to do this alone, on earth, and indeed, in The Universe. Earth is a planet of Creators. With moral bankruptcy and the violence of non love as the obstacle to peace. Seer must be celebrated. Seer IS The Mind of the Universe. Seer sees the whole truth. Beautiful, or ugly. Seer is The Light. Jedi. Avatar. Samurai. High Serpent Priesthood. Seer is complete. Seer leads the way. On earth and indeed, in The Universe. Seer is The Light. There is nothing else anywhere, until that redemption of convergence of happiness. Which, ironically, is tragically real and not some far off dream that you can forget about. Because Seer or not, everyone is forced to pursue it. It is our purpose on earth. To be unhappy while pursuing happiness. Not as some generic path of suffering for compassion. But just, because. The Light converts moral bankruptcy. Unhappiness is our only lot on a morally bankrupt earth in a Harsh Mother Universe. But Seer is complete too. Everything that exists is in Seer. Seer perceives and harnesses it all. Seer is The Light. There is nothing else, other than in moments, brief moments of human kindness. Seer must be celebrated. We are The Universe. We are the best of Her. Seer is the all. The Super-Divine Female (or male). A Warlord and Scholar and Seer of The Light. Too high for most. Stay high. It is all that you have. Don't ever give it away, to fit in. Seer is the first on the pyre. Seer sees it all. Seer is the all. Seer was here first. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • It's not the fall of man. It's the fall of woman. The secret 'Hero's Journey' of earth. Yours. Amera Ziganii Rao :: a human rights healer for people of magic. The Tribe of Soul. The Tribe of the Universe. Women and men of the light. Women. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Two tribes, two peoples and two ways of life on this planet. One serves good and the other evil and the line is the thinnest you could ever imagine. Casual evil. Silent good. Misogyny, racism, homophobia, cruelty of any kind is not cruelty. It is fascism. The psychopaths versus The Angel Intelligentsia™ . And nothing in between. Women had more power in the real ancient Egypt. Men today are stupid. That is the so called advanced earth. Evil can never be intelligent. Spiritual intelligence is just that. Intelligent. We have to do it all alone. Men are too stupid to join us. Run. Live large. And run. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • No 'Jake Sully's' on this earth. Narrative is so great. It shows that one day there will be a conversion of sickness and evil. That day has not come. Narrative is the vision. And that is all it is. Constructive escapism. And then do your own thing. There are no 'Jake Sully's' on earth. Only men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The Individual Life :: No more will to life. I intend to live in my own world now. And communicate from that world. I reject life. I intend me. Individuation to its nth degree. All the way. Life is never to be grieved again. It clearly was never worth it. Individuation is the new era. Complete aloneness and then communication from it. A late start in life indeed. But nothing will ever stop me. Shaman, for real. Ex chattel, revolutionary, for real. The new coercions of oppression in true life. Isolation to make someone disappear. A thousand obstacles a minute to make someone stop. It will never happen to me. Fuck you world. I'm still here. And I'm coming for you. You'd better run. I'll squash you in a second. The High Serpent Female Priesthood Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Samurai Spiritual Monarch, Consciousness Society™. Live it and love it. And do it all the way alone. Anything else is worth shit. Illusions indeed. We are poisoned with them. A true life is not life. A true life is 'Gladiator'. So what. I am. I will be. I will always be. I am building Elysium. For me. By me. Of me. With me. People of light. Total individuals, indeed. Don't ever give up. It's what they want. The enemies of the people. It's how they win. Don't ever let them win. This is the battleground of the modern world. Be alone. Be an individual. Give up life. Give it up to create it. Even if it comes too late to see it. Still, build. Anything else is letting them win. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • "To Thine Own Self Be True" but know that you can take the consequences. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Men are 'ugly stepbrothers' (Cinderella). Women are the gods on earth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Men don't marry women like me. It is now my sheer privilege to say that. Thank you. You never ever have to, ever again. This High Serpent Female Priesthood Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Samurai Spiritual Monarch™ is done. The new 'Virgin Queen' archetype. Men don't marry women like us. We are only trophies. I'll say. The mediocrity of cruelty. Men. The mediocrity of Spirit. Men. The mediocrity of human. Men. Please. Don't marry women like me. I'd rather the broken heart. Oh. It's all I have ever known. Thanks. I'm done with the whole tortuous subject and species. Men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Every Atlantean has the same life. To deal with the mad and the bad. Until they are done. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • There are no short cuts on the path of Ascension. Repetition is the key. Illusion and the self deception of the ego has to be met again and again and again. Re-programming the mind frees the heart frees the soul frees you. Re-programming takes 'facing yourself'. Facing yourself is the end of illusion and takes grief, education and more education and the process of repetition. And then grief. There are no short cuts. The whole path has to be taken. And completed. Ascension is purifying the ego. Re-programming it from one state (or a thousand states in one) to another. Ejecting the old ego. Allowing the new. There are no short cuts. Method, process and repetition. And each layer is as devastating as the last. Take the path but complete it. There are no short cuts to Ascension. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The meek will never inherit the earth. Earth is hell. The meek will only learn to endure it, survive it and thrive in this piece of shit existence. And that takes the meek their whole life. The meek are of love. Love will never inherit this hell of an earth. No one wants to, or is capable of facing themselves. Hell is a place just like that. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The curse of Eros. The illusion of men. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Misogyny is not misogyny, or male supremacy or male selfishness, as if these things are unique and 'just the way things are and have been since the beginning'. Misogyny is a form of evil. Just as racism is, just as cruelty of any form is. Misogyny is cruelty towards women, of a gigantic and epic nature of male supremacy, Taliban kind, wrapped in sheep's clothing. The reason no one cares is because women have to be the first to care, like any fighters against evil on this cesspool of a planet. Misogyny also has the worst complication. The Curse of Eros. Desire. Plus the fact that we are all brainwashed to believe that there is no such thing as real misogyny. And that there is such a thing as male greatness and indeed, male love. It may all just be an obstacle, but of course it is the most complex kind, demanding high intelligence and high COSMIC intelligence to overcome it and define it. Fortunately, we are just that. The people of the light. To be of the cosmic mind is a skill. The rest is natural and also built. The courage to see the truth and to grieve all that is the evil of this Matrix of a world. And the courage to see that The Curse of Eros is real. Men do not reform. Men do not love. And men have no interest in not being cruel to women. Define that and survive it. And then you live. And at least have a few memories of the desire. It was the power we use so well. There are good men. The 'Brad Pitt' archetype is a good enough way of describing it. But clearly, very far and few between. No one has to settle for cruel men. No one has to settle at all. Misogyny is just cruelty. To not remember that is a disservice to ourselves. There is no mystery. There is just cruelty. And female, awesome, unstoppable, tenacious, determined, endless, power. The power of the light in a world of dark. Do not underestimate your power. You truly have The Universe behind you. But it is us who have to do the work. Against evil, every step of the way. Spiritual Existentialism. Love The Great Mother Universe. And then, still, do it yourself. That is grace. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Amoral 'mothafuckas'. Is that where the term came from? Yes. Not wolves. Amoral 'mothafuckas'. Unworthy ever of redemption. Their choice. They choose evil. They will always choose evil. There is no capacity for real change. The best of them may temper and that has to be good enough. But they will never change. They will always choose evil. They are not great men. You and I must always choose success and defeat of the evil principle of this world. Them. And create a good life. A great life. We deserve it. We so deserve it. We just have to do it without them. They will always choose evil. They are not for redemption. Which is why they always choose evil. The amoral. Pretty maybe. But still, amoral 'mothafuckas'. Evil. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Misogyny or male hatred of women, or the 'battle of the sexes' is one thing. Institutionally backed cruelty towards women. As simple and ugly as that. Cruelty. Cruelty. Cruelty. And cruelty, backed by a world that enforces just that. Cruelty towards women. Slavery. Cruelty. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Spiritual Existentialism :: Know the truth, be empowered, do what you have to do, to create a great life that you are so worthy of. You''ll have to do it in the dirt and from the dirt, but so what. Spiritual Existentialism is real. And so is the force of casual evil on earth. Create. Know the truth and then do what you have to. You are so worth it. Misogyny and male evil. Just another obstacle. The Two Tribes. Exiting 'The Matrix' was always the goal. We do it alone. They don't want to leave. Let them have it. It's theirs. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • NOTES FROM A PYTHON :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Meditation :: go into the no mind. The no mind is the higher mind. See The Universe. Feel the love. That is The Universe. That is the Great Mother God Universe. For you. Go into the no mind and stay there. The infinite source of real, authentic, soul power. For you. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Female Titans. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The meek shall inherit the Earth. Women will be seen as human. Vocation is our FIRST dream too. Anything else is female slavery by vain moronic men. The privilege of ascension. Women like me get to be human. Woman is human too. Temujin Rao © 2012
  • NOTES FROM A PYTHON :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: Too much vanity. Not enough intelligence. The world of men. Mediocre fascists. No thanks. I'm done. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • NOTES FROM A PYTHON :: Alchemy & Liberation & Humanity™ :: For The Primal Intellectual :: Spiritual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Sexual Intelligence, Gender Intelligence, and Compassion and Humanity Intelligence. And of course, REAL Power and Creation Intelligence. Soul Power. Complete. The Female Divine Intelligence of The Great Mother Universe. The Real Godhead of Real Wisdom, Available To All. The Advanced Soul. First To Second Existence. Enlightenment. Ascension. Alchemy. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Occultism is therefore real philosophy is the metaphysical is the path to consciousness and the path from consciousness and the exploration of much more than the five sense is Clair Cognisance is the way to life and the way to live. Like all areas of knowledge, most philosophers are thinkers of the lower mind and therefore the pen pushers of history. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. Sophia, the love of wisdom. Metaphysical philosophy has been relegated to the world of occultism by an establishment of pen pushers. Real higher thought with skilled and honed Hierophant iinterpretation, learned over years and years and through what Sufis call meditation and 'Sobbet'. The mystic way. In other words, occultism is anything that the lower mind of the mediocre are unable to understand. Philosophy is much more that it is purported to be. No wonder no one reads it. And no wonder the intelligent female is the most dangerous species on this profane earth. I get it. I get much much more than a pen pusher could even dream. Oh yes, they probably don't even dream. Fuck establishment. Be occult. And rename it the whole way. Knowledge is to be used, explored and grown. Nothing we have so far is enough. It most certainly shouldn't be. That is the whole bloody point. The High Serpent Amazonian Esoteric Hierophant Female Priesthood, Consciousness Society™. Available for all. Other than the pen pushers. They can call it occult if they want. Real Philosophy is real. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • Love then, is a transient, sexual journey, to define one's self worth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • The Warrior's Way. Freedom, then, takes one thing and one thing alone. Pain, pain, pain, pain and pain. Freedom cannot ever be attained on a Lemurian earth, without profound and long lasting pain. Unless you are a Lemurian. The cultural imperialism of a world, too stupid to even worry about in the end. Fascism is stupid. A stupid sickness of the soul. Fascism is a will to dominion over others, without any love at all. Misogyny, racism or homophobia or chattel enforcement. Same thing. Will to dominion over others, without love. The Lemurian way. The good news is this. Pain, even if it lasts for decades, is still temporary. Freedom and freedom from abuse lasts forever. Freedom takes pain. Pain is not forever. Freedom is irreversible. The choice is yours. And the only compassion necessary, is to understand the truth. Freedom takes pain. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • I'm giving up men. And I'm giving up men forever. And I feel free. Free to be me, me, me and me. Man or not. Apparently the hardest thing to do. Because of one word. Slavery. Emotional Violation. Rejection. Punishment. Women have whole personalities too. Women have whole goals too. Women are slower at it than men. Women have to uncover years of abuse first, as we continue to go through abuse. Women are completely different human beings and completely different BEINGS to what your strange thoughts are on the subject of 'women'. Fuck you. We are gods. Love us as gods or not at all. You know you want to. You know you are allowed to. You know that you have to. Vulnerable Power. Woman. But most certainly, belligerent, equal, superior, present, spontaneous, vast, mental, emotional, intellectual, creative, FISCAL, power. Just like you. Mortals and gods. Female came first. Female comes first. We are the life force of The Universe. Soul. Authentic power. Woman. Temujin Rao © 2017
  • How To Survive The Entire Patriarchal Tribe Society (Lemuria) And How To Transcend The Ordinary World : How To Become The Superhuman, Liberated And Powerful (Atlantean) Self. Despite All The Madnesses Of A Male (Female Male) Supremacist And Unconscious Earth. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • 'Know Thyself, And Thou Shalt Know The Universe And God'. Pythagoras :: True spirituality and mental health healing. The most political thing on earth. Temujin Rao © 2015
  • I was trained from the beginning, to stand alone. Temujin Rao © 2016
  • Evil, being cosmically thick. Temujin Rao © 2015


  • When you have a great mind, flaunt it. And you are as beautiful as your mind. Rupchand Lakhiani (Interior Designer. Malaysia)

READER FEEDBACK :: :: Thank you

  • You have a busy brain and an impressive cleavage. Vivien Loh (TV Drama Creative. London)


  • Wow and great Amera Ziganii Rao x x x thank u for your transparency x x x we have all gone or are going through some thing like mother calls it "giving pearls to swine" u are a pearl. keep shining your light.....x x x the difference being not all channel their pain and experience into the good work, which u undoubtedly have x Laila Cohen (Singer.Songwriter. London)


  • Thank you..for sharing, for the expression and intensity of your art, for being true to artists should are inspiration!..Thank you..For the courage, for exhibiting your soul, your feelings, your journey..I loved your insights in the Scheherazade story. It's so true. The cruel truth about relationships. Manuela Mocanu (Musician. Berlin)


  • No nation can ever be worthy of its existence that cannot take its women along with the men. No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women......No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live. Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan)


  • It is the truth, a force of nature that expresses itself through me - I am only a channel - I can imagine in many instances where I would become sinister to you. For instance, if life had led you to take up an artificial attitude, then you wouldn't be able to stand me, because I am a natural being. By my very presence I crystallize; I am a ferment. The unconscious of people who live in an artificial manner senses me as a danger. Everything about me irritates them, my way of speaking, my way of laughing. They sense nature. Carl Jung