Humility. Amera Ziganii Rao
There is only one requirement in this life to be a loving human being. Humility. If a human being is resistant to the recognition that we are ALL killers, just by the very nature of being human, he or she is the most dangerous human alive. Ego is a killer. Nothing is our fault, but everything is our responsibility. Those of us who cannot accept our own humility are not capable of love. Ever.
M Scott Peck, writer and therapist, calls this 'People of the lie'. Pure evil. That is the difference between a human being who can love and one who cannot. Humility. No one can love without the recognition that they have a dark side. That is the one requirement in life to BE human. Anything else is sub human and to be discarded. To be pitied and discarded. And what I find extraordinary about what M Scott Peck says, is that he regards a person of the lie as unusual. I would disagree. A person of love is the most unusual type of person in the world. That has been my experience. Invariably, I have been the only person in my family, my relationships or my work places, who has had the humility and self honesty to look at my dark side and change. A gift, certainly, I can accept with total gratitude, but not an excuse for anyone around me to have sat back and regarded me as a peculiarity of being! Self honesty and humility are not out of reach gifts. They take humility. They also take courage. It is true, that it takes enormous courage to be of love in a world of hate. People of the lie are everywhere. People of love are the heroes of this world. Don't know about you, but I would rather try to be a hero every day, and if that takes courage, isolation, self honesty, emotional agony and self killing, it is always worth it. This, as I understand is our only responsibility in life.
And talking of unusual, we also fool ourselves, thinking that it is the most obvious forms of non love that are the only ones in existence. On the contrary, it is the silent, smiling, bland charactered killers who are the worst. The ones who truly believe they have no dark side and spend their whole life, focusing on the dark side of others. The most dangerous, psychopathic killers on earth. A sincere attempt to be self controlled? No. It is just the pure evil of arrogance. The kind of person who thinks they are just ABOVE evil. No one is.
That is what religion and Deity call repentance. If a human being cannot repent, they cannot heal. That is the only requirement for ascension and healing. Humility is repentance is salvation. Nothing less.
The only road to salvation. The only road to love and the only road to being loved. That is free will. The will to heal or the will to remain an awful, rampant killer of a sub human being. There is nothing else, no short cuts and no other way around it. Humility is salvation. Humility is love.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©