I went to war for his soul. Amera Ziganii Rao
I went to war for his soul, almost exactly 12 months ago. And I won. The Patriarchal Toilet Tribe from hell is behind us. The Patriarchal Womb Stealing, Female Genocide Tribe Society that poisons the whole, entire world, and that locks every single one of us in blind slavery. And I won. And now we are free. And now ascension can begin. I went to war for his soul. And I won.
I went to war for his soul. And WE won.
I have a busy brain and an impressive cleavage. I am woman and I am whole. Woman is not born to serve man. Woman is born to live WITH man. Anything less, on any level, in any way, in whatever form, is the Patriarchal Toilet Tribe of male homicide and female genocide.
A woman has the fundamental right to keep her clitoris, literally or symbolically. Female genital mutilation (more politely and blandly and psychologically mindfuckingly, called sexism) is the symbolic shame of the whole Patriarchal Womb Stealing Tribe Society on earth.
Shame on you, as the whole male species of this toilet planet from hell. This is YOUR salvation. We are here to save our souls. We are here to save your souls.
Love WILL inherit the Earth.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
Man is condemned to be free.
Jean Paul Sartre
I found I had less and less to say, until finally, I became silent, and began to listen. I discovered in the silence,the voice of God.
Soren Kierkegaard.
I went to war for his soul, almost exactly 12 months ago. And I won.
Women were not born to have babies. That is not our purpose. Women were not born to serve men. That is not our purpose. Our purpose is to live, just like men, believe it or not. The fact that we can give birth is an ADDITIONAL gift, not the reason why we are. THAT is the essence of sexism and the sooner a girl knows that, at least then she knows why the whole world is out to kill her. To call it sexism is so bland and misleading. Life for a woman is not fighting the mistruth that men think they are superior. The whole world is out to cut off a girl's clitoris, literally or symbolically. Female genital mutilation is the most shocking, tragic and disgusting version of generic female genocide. What more literal way to show what the Patriarchal Toilet Tribe thinks of women? Cut off her clitoris so she doesn't get orgasm, but use her body and vagina so she can get pregnant and give birth. There can be nothing to describe the mutiliation of women on this earth more than that. How dare you, how dare any of you?
But be under no illusion. There is no difference emotionally, whether you subject us to that or the blandness of hatred where you just don't want to love us. It is all the same thing. And while there is one woman in this world who is not loved for herself, no one is free and there is no love on this Earth. It is all an illusion.
Love WILL inherit the Earth. When women are free. Free to have orgasms, have vocation and give birth too. Until then, don't make me laugh when you talk of progress. No one is free and no one is happy. The Patriarchal Toilet Tribe affects everyone. You symbolically cut off a woman's clitoris, by 'domesticating' her and keeping her at home with the babies, and then you wonder why she doesn't want you anymore. And you spend your time fantasising about other women instead. And you blame your wives for your needing more. Err, I think I can tell you why. The Matrix is known, the truth is out. Female genocide. The Patriarchal Toilet Tribe Society from hell.
Female genital mutilation exists on Earth for the same reason as Islamic Fundamentalism. To reflect symbolically the imprisonment of all women, everywhere on this planet. They are just the literal forms to help us see.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©