The Ascension journey is crucifixion from one end to the other and nothing else. We read, we clear, we meditate, we try to live, but that is all to understand the endless suffering and incarceration of our self as we 'kill' our self.
The thing that you most want, you can't have and the thing you don't want, you have in buckets. That is not down to intention or what is more commonly known as negative thinking.
No man or woman can escape her fate and no one can change it. 'Some say we have to fulfil the books'. Bob Marley. That is it. That is what all the mystery is about. Change.
'Killing' oneself or being 'killed' by the Universe. Endless crucifixion. And just holding on. For Nirvana. For love. For life.
The evolved life. Who the fuck would miss it.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©