Nirvana (Artwork)
Freedom. The Right To Be Free. Amera Ziganii Rao
As I look back on 14 years of my journey to freedom on Earth, freedom to express myself and freedom to own my right to be human, freedom to have self esteem, freedom to look after my own needs for the first time in my life and freedom to even have a non deformed body, after years of bizarre neglect by parents who could not accept their own narcissism, however much they thought they were looking after me well, I am thinking of the state. For all its failings, and we know there are many, without the state, without all the work that the good men and women of this world do, to create a world of free speech, help for the vulnerable and aid for those who need it, none of us would ever be free. None of us who are truly vulnerable. And we are vulnerable, spiritually, to shout about it and make sure things change for everyone.
We used to live in a world where family was the only thing one could rely on. La Familia, the traditional, apparently, loving, all giving tribe. A sincere attempt by most people of course. A great attempt to provide love, of course. But there is a deadly danger in relying on just one group. And my whole life has been about showing me that. Love the group, respect the group, but always have the freedom of mind to be able to step back from any group and say I’m sorry, but that is wrong, I’m sorry but you do not understand, I’m sorry but your need or indeed, greed, is not going to control me, I’m sorry but fuck tradition. I’m sorry, but could you actually fuck off. I’m sorry but where are my human rights? MY human rights? MY needs?
I could not have done any of that without the state. For fourteen years, they have looked after me, alongside sporadic, generous, but conditional love, from a family who just did not get it, ever, and of course the few amazing friends who always miraculously appear to save one in the midst of the greatest pressure. Bless them and bless everyone.
But I think of the state today. We live in a country where you are not actually shot or hung, drawn and quartered anymore, for what you say, for giving an opinion, or for walking down the street as a woman for instance. We live in a country where you are not owned by your family as a female or a slave as a human being of either gender, where you can drive, get public transport, get a freedom pass as a disabled person, where you can at least get some housing benefit, welfare or support, even if they make it rather difficult to squeeze it out of them! Help is available and help is there. And today, I am thinking about all of that. And giving thanks and breathing a sigh of relief.
The fact is that these things are all available and while the Draconian Conservatives are back in power, with their so called caring capitalism shit, vulnerability, people who need help, people who do not want to follow the rules of slavery, do still get help. Fortunately, even the new government cannot change the decades of progress this country has made and countries like this. Every country in the world has come forward in some way. And I for one am so glad I live in a world where I got help to do just that. To become free. To become well and to become me.
Never rely on the group. Always stand back and ask yourself, if you are happy or if you are just sticking around because you are scared. Having read the Stockholm Syndrome notes again, after a few years, has really brought it home to me, again, how controlled we are as human beings and how we are born slaves. And how fucking unhappy we are and how mean we then get and how horrible and vengeful and nasty. And is it any wonder?
And how we walk around tarring everyone with the same brush, as the saying goes. We sink deeper and deeper into misery and cynicism and rage at what the world appears to be. But it’s not. Just your world. The world you are stuck in. Outside that world there is light and freedom and something that looks so scary but is actually true, alone, freedom of the mind, heart and soul. And the most companionable, un – alone thing in the world. True, unconditional love. People who care, people who like you, people who take responsibility for their own feelings, people with humility who want to grow. People who are not stuck in the past, stuck in misery and stuck in non action.
Our Divine purpose on this planet, I learn more and more every day, is to rise up and become free. We all want it, we all dream about it and we all wail that we cannot get it. And the reason is because it is the most gruelling, frightening, terrifying, painful journey any human being can ever make.
Shawshank Redemption does not even come close to how it actually feels. And most of us remain in shock and delusion our whole lives, because we cannot even contemplate even trying that journey. While we are actually on it already. Every life we live on Earth takes us closer to that point. And how fast we do it, depends on us. Devastating. What a devastating fate! But of course, what that means, is that we CAN do it and it is up to us. Slavery is for no one. Freedom is for everyone. It’s how much you want it, that defines your life. And education. Education, education, education! And then that leads to a whole new discussion. What is education? And why do we think it stops at 18 or 22? Because we are brought up as slaves. To enter the meat factory of existence they call life. That is not life.
And I for one, however much I have moaned and groaned and wailed and shouted, alongside, I should say, the immense work I have done - I always worked hard, but I have done 16 - 18 hours of study a day for 14 straight years - I for one am glad I got to make this journey and can see how we live in a world of so much universal love now. There are people everywhere who can help. Fairy godmothers in all shapes and sizes and positions and places. And they are all there, soul wise, to guide us and help us. And I for one give thanks tonight. I feel almost free.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
Link to the Stockholm Syndrome. Loving the Abuser.
Wolf. Sex and The Two Tribes. Amera Ziganii Rao
The Power of Boundaries. Christopher Howard
On Fear. Amera Ziganii Rao
Revolution from Within. Amera Ziganii Rao
Quotes on Freedom and Empowerment by the Masters.
The LOST KNOWLEDGE. Official Definitions of Spirituality, Esoteric Thought, Philosophy, Mysticism.
Thank you to outside source for photo. Darkroomed by Amera Ziganii Rao