Elysium (Artwork)
The analogy is not lost on me, as I begin my new journey. The lack of care I have received from human beings, namely family and then of course men, and the lack of care I have received from Divinity is one and the same thing. And when you look at the Patriarchal Toilet Tribe of lies, the Patriarchal Womb Stealing, Male Homicide and Female Genocide Tribe Society, it really is no wonder.
Emperor Constantine took the mysticism of a new philosophy and somehow made it his own and the 'own' of every man on Earth. The lies of so called Divinity, all for power.
The idea that Divinity was going to answer prayers the more you pray, was always lost on me. How would a Divinity be so subjective, was always my question. The answers are beginning to reveal themselves, through a very painful life of not being able to recieve anything other than abuse of power from men and from so called carers, or indeed, rampant neglect even through severe illness and vulnerability, and from having received a brutal fate from the Universe year after year after year, despite turning up 150 percent every day.
There had to be a reason.
And the reason is this. Existentialism. In my words. The Universe is a nebulous, objective, merciless energy of creation and non creation. The so called energy of love. There is no emotion and there is no mercy. And there are no prayers to be answered. Existentialism to me is the same as being a magician, a wizard, an alchemist and a witch. Utilising the power of the Universe in the way one wants. Spiritual anarchy if you like, other than the fact that one's Soul, one's Higher Self will always guide and make sure you stay on the right path. Unless you are Hitler, Mugabe or any other fucker of course. Then the debate has to begin of what one's Soul is. Soul is invididual and yet Universal. Jean Paul Sartre's message, from what I can see, is that we are each totally responsible for ourselves. Terrestrially and celestially. Got it. Some people have to learn to love and some people have to learn to be selfish and to hate, but yes, I have finally got it loud and clear. I am alone and there is no point whatsoever, trying to connect with other human beings ever again, unless it is about business or universal friendship. Including universal romantic love. The most successful 'relationships' I have ever had with men was where they were my universal lovers. Got it. Done.
We are all here to represent different aspects of God's experience on Earth. The Universe in micro. Ego one calls it, Demiurge, other people call it, The invasion of the Reptiles, other people call it.
Whatever it is, the system of wanting a caring Divinity, is a lie. There is no caring Divinity. Divine energy is the light and it is up to us in each moment how to use it. The 'Chi'.
Rather like the love of a man. I have found. The love is there, the beauty is there, the desire manifested is also sometimes there, the fascination is totally and utterly there, but the care is something they have such conflict about and something we as women, or people of the Venus archetype also have so much conflict about too. Dependency right through to even hoping for care of companionship let alone anything else.
My life is not without cause. It is a mystic exercise from hell. Or, sorry, God. Same thing.
Men are truly as fucked up as we are, because Constantine or whoever it was, made sure every man on Earth had a blown up sense of pomposity self as a carer, provider, King and ruler. Crap. Men are not rulers, kings, providers or protectors. Men hate doing that and it is about time, we all face the truth. The reason for coercive power abuse is because they never wanted to give in the first place. Somebody told them they were capable of it and they believed it. I even had a man standing, holding his two year old daughter the other day and moaning about being a provider. Saying he is fucked up is one thing. Finding out why is another. Men want all the power without any of the responsibility, so I for one am going to stop giving it to them. They will have no power over me ever again, and oh yes, they never give me anything anyway, even themselves, for fuck's sake, so the negotiation is complete. 'No man is an island' somebody said. Crap. That is the whole point. We should ALL be islands.
They are fucked up because they never wanted to give care in the first place and we are so fucked up because we believed they were the capable ones and able to take care of us. Crap. No one has ever taken care of me. All I have received my whole life is neglect or abuse of power. Trying to work with other people, trying to be with other people has been nothing but a fucking chore. A chore that has made me consistently feel like a whore. Oh, look, that rhymes. Chores for whores. Being with other people with the power template of trying to work with other people. It does not work. We are born alone and we die alone and the point is obviously to be alone. That is the single biggest conflict in my life and in anyone's life. How to not be alone. Forget it. We are meant to be alone. Anything else leads to abuse of power, pseudo care out of need, bullying, rampant neglect, while you stroke someone's evil ego because they have all the power or just plain fighting through war. Fucking forget the whole fucking thing.
It is only the universal unconditional friendships of love that I have ever benefitted from and the only kind of love that is real. The love where you don't need anything from the other human being. Where anything they can give you, from emotional support to lunch to a loan, to a job to help, is coincidental and not because you need it. An empowering type of friendship where you help each other to grow.
True love. Of course that can happen in family, close friendship and relationship. It is already beginning very slowly to happen to me. But the journey it has taken to clear the rest of the shit leaves me reeling today. As I have to pick up my broken dreams yet again, and begin again and again and again and again.
Pride and Prejudice indeed. The pride of a pseudo protective man and Divinity and the prejudice of a brainwashed woman and subject of God on Earth. There is the analogy and what we are all fighting to find the truth about in our different ways.
Men and Divinity are for a particular kind of nebulous companionship and nothing more. The rest, all of it is down to us as women or people of the Venus archetype. And the same for them of course. Need is not love and that applies to Divinity as well. And it is up to us as women and the Venus archetype to take that power out of their hands forever. In the home, in the workplace, in the world and in the group. Power cannot be allowed to stay in their hands. Socialism for instance, is not about making everyone poor. Socialism is about making everyone rich. There is more than enough to go round and my mystic journey through hell is just an analogy of what goes on all over this toilet of a world. Things have to change and they have to change now. Men and the Mars archetype cannot be allowed to hold power anymore. They abuse it. And why do they abuse it? Because they actually never fucking wanted it in the first place. The first Daddies told them it was a good thing. The sons know it is not and that they can't handle it anyway, but anyone with power has to be smashed into oblivion before they give it up. It's called ego. And the only beings who can take it away from them are the Venus healed egoes. Democracy does not exist anywhere yet.
And God. Dear old God. There is no point in needing the love of God. It will never come. Mastering one's destiny is taking one's life into one's hands and giving up all desire for relationship or family of any kind. And then it comes perhaps one day in some form. Same with God's love. The vulnerability of turning up to one's dreams 150 percent every day is that the dissappointment of always losing destroys one. And that is what the more tepid of us call non attachment. I respect wisdom from the Masters, for sure, but that is far too tepid for me. Call it what the fuck you want. Non attachment to you is spiritual torture to me.
The Kali archetype on Earth is the Venus archetype. The creator. (The capable one) The Shiva archetype on Earth is the slow one. (The slow and ineffectual one) And that is men and that is the Universe. So, no care, no help, no nothing, putting 150 percent in every day and moving one inch up the mountain of life. And being called obsessional, over the top and anything else by the so called mediocrity of what is actually the Shiva archetype. The ineffectual and confused companions called men. The apparent protectors and providers and rulers.
I don't think so.
Mr Spock versus Bones.
Divinity and woman.
Men and women.
Reason and passion.
The field and the plough.
It is all up to us. The artists, the women of feminine archetype, the communers, the creators. The rest is all a lie. One big, fat lie. We are truly on our own. The energy is available, the energy is imperative, the energy is Soul, the energy is God. But other than that, we are completely and utterly on our own. And that is Samurai. Samurai through to existentialism through to Neuro Linguistic Programming through to wizardry through to alchemy through to witchcraft, through to Angel work, through to meditation. Meditation is all we need. Literally absorbing God in each moment. The rest is the education in how to leave it all behind, everyone behind and do it alone. With God, with the energy, with no help. The paradox that is God. And so easy to use in each moment, it is stunning. All utilisation of Divine Universe energy. Ain't no one going to ever rescue us. We have to utilise and harness this energy and the range of skills and methods is stunning. The terrestrial guardians who have come before us gave us all of it. The rest is sentimental hogwash. Family, relationship, love. It does not exist. It comes one day, when it is long forgotten. The beauty of life on Earth. A pile of shit.
The reason why I am finally free is that I finally believe that and know that everything else has been a lie. On Earth and indeed, in Heaven.
Existentialism, Amera style.
The meek shall inherit the Earth. With the help of the Universe if we use it. But never with God's care. It does not exist. Oh, rather like family, men and anyone I have ever wanted to be close to. Got it. Done.
Amera Ziganii Rao ©
The Samurai Code.
I have no parents. I make the Earth and sky my parents.
I have no home. In the depths of my being I make my home.
I have no Divine power. I make integrity my power.
I have no means. Humility is my means.
I have no magic power. Internal energy is my magic.
I have neither life nor death. I make the eternal my life and death.
I have no body. I make courage my body.
I have no eyes. In the flashing of light are my eyes.
I have no ears. Sensitivity is how I hear.
I have no limbs. Instantaneous movement, my limbs.
I have no law. I make my own protection my own law.
I have no strategy. Freedom to kill. Freedom to be merciful.
I have no purpose. I seize each moment.
I have no miracle. Only just law.
I have no principle. Adaptability within the Universe my principle.
I have no tactics. I make my existence. I make my void the source of tactics.
I have no talent. Total decisiveness is my talent.
I have no enemy. Irresponsibility is my enemy.
I have no armour. I make benevolence and uprightedness my armour.
I have no castle. The incorruptable spirit is a fortress to me.
I have no sword. I take as thought the promptings of the nameless realm around me and that is sword.
The Samurai Code in a Poem. Unknown source.
The Way of the Warrior. Eric Montaigue
A warrior is not just a person who has learned some moves, is able to kick at 90 miles per hour or who has won the world championships at kick-boxing. A warrior must earn his/her title. The martial artist is a person who knows things that go far deeper than just self defence, he/she is someone who walks into a room full of people and an immediate calm falls upon that room, he/she is a person who can touch a person's head or arm or hand and cause an inner stillness and peace to fall upon that person. You know a warrior not from the way he/she looks, his/her big biceps, or his/her rolled up sleeves revealing a row of tattoos, or his/her shaven head or the fact that he/she wears his/her full gi (karate uniform) to parties!
We know the warrior by his/her presence and the healing he/she automatically gives to everyone he/she meets. His/her energy, his/her 'Qi' is touching you, you don't feel anything physical, but rather the internal effect of this touching, and peace is with you.
The warrior looks upon the earth in a different way than those who are not warriors, everything, from the smallest insect to the largest mammal, and the most insignificant rock or tree is important and has life, the grass he/she walks upon, he/she thanks for softening the rough path he/she walks upon, the trees, he/she thanks for giving him/her shade and oxygen. Everything has importance because it was put there by mother earth for some reason.
Sure, he/she has to live in modern times, he/she must drive a motor car and go to the supermarket and mow his/her lawns, but always, he/she never loses sight of what he/she is, and more importantly, where he/she is. He/she knows that what he is, is not only what he/she has made himself/herself to be, but also what is handed down to him/her and what is an accumulation right inside the very cells that he/she is made of, from his/her ancestors.
Everything that they were, is now him/her, every bit of information that his/her fathers and mothers gathered, is now inside of him/her, this is how we live on in our children, we literally, and I mean literally, pass on our knowledge, along with eons of knowledge accumulated since the beginning of time, to our children.
Everything that we at the conception of our children is passed onto them. We think that we have certain talents, but the warrior knows that all that he/she is, has come from the beginning of time, he/she knows that he/she is made up of the same stuff that a rock is made of, or a tree, or a blade of grass, the difference is only physical.
He/she knows that that he/she owns nothing, and that all animals are free, his/her animals chose him/her to be with, he/she does not go the pet shop to choose a new dog, he/she knows that the dog has chosen him/her to come to that pet shop to choose it.
The warrior communicates wtih the earth, he/she talks to the dogs, to the cats and owls, to the snakes, not so much verbally, but simply by being. This is the one thing that everything on earth has in common, being.
He/she knows that there are forces at work on this earth, forces that he/she must learn to go with and to live with, otherwise he/she will surely perish. The energy within the warrior has the power to join with these forces, and then he/she has the power to change. But this comes not without payment, for he/she also knows that we cannot receive without first having paid for it. The whole of the universe is based upon this giving and taking, it is called yin and yang.
For every up there must be a down, for every happiness, there must be a sadness, for every full tummy, there must be an empty one. The warrior knows that he/she must lose in order to gain, and so he/she sacrifices. He/she sacrifices his/her food, he sacrifices his/her sexual longings, his/her everyday comforts, in order that he/she has the power to change and to help others to change.
Not in going out specifically to help others, but to have the internal power always there to automatically help others to be peaceful, and in doing so, they too will be able to see where they are,a dn who they are. We are not only someone's son or daughter, we are the sons and daughters of an infinite amount of people, those who have passed onto us their cells inside of which is hidden the very substance of creation and everything that has happened. Not 'since time began', because there is no beginning or ending.
Being a martial artist is only one hundredth of what a warrior is, it is only a part of the whole, it is what gives us the confidence to become a healer, the internal energy to make changes.
A warrior knows that we do not have teachers, but guides, the people we meet who are able to give us something internal, that something extra to cause us to become our own great teachers. Just by simply being, a guide helps us to realise that it is we, ourselves, who teach us, because the warrior also knows that locked away inside of everything, is that primordial cell that contains all information.
He/she learns to read this information which comes in the form of 'flashes' at first, and this is too much for his/her feeble human brain to handle, he/she shuts off as soon as the flash arrives. But soon he/she learns to read these flashes, and they become longer in duration than just a moment. This is when the warrior knows that he/she is reading time.
He/she learns to communicate other than speaking, he/she knows that his/her physical needs are being looked after, and needs not worry where the next mortgage payment will come from.
The warrior finds his/her place on the earth and stays there, where the power is. It is not a physical searching, but rather the warrior is 'taken' to where he/she must be, and there he/she stays, and the whole world will pass by, he/she needs not to travel, because the universe is there within him/her, and those who will in turn need to seek him/her out, will do so when their time is right, in just the same way that he/she did when he/she had to travel the world searching for his/her own guides. They then will have to learn to teach themselves from within, and also then go and find their own place, and he/she may never see them again, but this does not worry the warrior, he/she is in contact.
The warrior is not the master, he/she is not the sifu nor the sensei, these are just physical words that we put upon ourselves to make us seem important, or better than those who we guide. The warrior is a friend to his/her students, and so cannot be our master. He/she does not wish to gather students as they will search him/her out, and those who need to have a master or sensei will not stay, they will keep searching until they realise that what they search is within them, and who they search, can only be their guide.
Eric Montaigue
Other Links
How to Know God. Deepak Chopra
Dreams. Mastering One's Destiny. Amera Ziganii Rao
The Samurai Code. Amera Ziganii Rao
Warriors. Amera Ziganii Rao
Kama Sutra. The Mira Nair Film. Notes.
Thank you to outside source for photo. Darkroomed by Amera Ziganii Rao