Remember you are an Angel.
Your face is beautiful
Relax it, open it up and let your beauty shine through.
Remember you are an Angel.
Your body is divine engineering
Take time to appreciate yourself every day.
Remember you are an Angel.
Your mind is incredible
Clean it out every day with Angel floss and flush it through with Affirmations.
Remember you are an Angel.
Your emotions are divine
Hold them tenderly in your care and nurture them.
Remember you are an Angel.
Your Spirit is You
Remember that, radiate that, Be that.
And For those days when you feel heavy -
Your Angel wings have simply accumulated dust, stand tall, wriggle your shoulders and shake it off. Now give those beautiful wings of yours a good stretch and flutter.
For those days when someone pinched your parking space
or jumped the line in front of you -
Remember, they are angels too, they have simply forgotten.
Remind them.
For those days when things seems dark -
Go outside and look at the sky, bathe yourself in daylight, energise your cells.
Now breathe in
Now breathe out
Filling you with pure white light.
Now breathe in
Now breathe out
Filling you with love's pink light.
Now breathe in
Now breathe out
Filling you with gold protective light.
Remember you are an Angel walking this Earth
God/dess chose you especially for this task.
Help those who have forgotten
Show them in the beauty of your face,
In the way you hold your body,
In the way you handle your emotions,
But most of all, in the way you love.
Remember you are an Angel.
Friendship in Love. Amera Ziganii Rao
The Return to Eden. The Gnostic Gospels.
Self Esteem. Amera Ziganii Rao